k fc 1 n i r 4 Y f t BVTHE M LV8r Sff and fflPl Kidney Diseases are manifested by Backache Rheumatism Lobs of Appetite Foul Tongue and Weakness DrJHMcLEANS LIVER and KIDNEY BALM Is the remedy you need bf equal service in mild or chronic cases IOO PER BOTTLE FOB BALE DT KOENIGSTEINS PHARMACY Free Reclining Chair Gars on all Trains QUICK SERVICE CLOSE CONNECTIONS TWO DAILY FAST TRAINS EACH WAY HETWEKN 1 OMAHA AND Atchison Kansas City and St Louis With direct connections to all South ern and Eastern points Unexcelled time and accommodations to the Famous Hot Serines of Arkansas BE SURE TO SECURE TICKETS VA THIS LINE For more complete information descriptive pamphlets etc address J 0 PHILLIilI W C BARNES AGF and P A TPA Southeast Cor Hth and Douglas Sts OMAHA NEBRASKA HUMPHREYS WITCH HAZEL OIL Piles or Hemorrhoids C Fissures Fistulas Burns Scalds II Wounds Bruises Cuts Sores Boils Tumors Eczema Eruptions Salt Rheum Tetters Chapped Hands E Fever Blisters Sore Lips Nostrils O Corns Bunions Stings Bites of Insects Three Sizes 25c 50c and 100 Sold by druggists or scat post paid on receipt of prloe IIIBHIUEISHKDCO Ill Jc til HNUimflL PATENTS U S AND FOREION PROCURED EUGENE W JOHNSON Solicitor and Attorney In Patent Causes 1729 New York Ac WASHINGTON D C IllcoestablishodlSoS Charges moderate Cor respondenco reiiuestod FIRST and THIRD TUESDAYS EACH MONTH CHEAP TRIPS SOUTH Louisville Nashville Railroad Write for Information to C P ATMORE C P A - - LOUISVILLE KY -- t1 A MILLION DOLLAR RAIN Norfolk Drenched by Another Downpour this Morning HOUBE BTRUOK BY LIGHTNING Itcsldonts of the West Ilnd Deluged Iiy Another Ororflow From Corporation lulch Gcnernl Hesults or tlte Slorin llcnefleliil diprrredentcd ltnliifnll Dnr liiK May Crops Looking lltio From Fridays Dull Boforo day break this morning thero woro goutlo showors but it was ovlilont to all at broakfaat timo that thoro wero heavier rains just ahoad During tho foronoon it raluod tho larger part of tho timo Much of tho timo it poured At hood it mado an attompt to clear but tho clouds gathered up again and thoro is ovory prospoctof another heavy down pour before tho weathor lots up Tho stroots were turned into rivers during tho progress of tho storm this morning and tho people living in tho west part of town for tho socoud timo thiB spring saw thoir beautiful lawns and tidy yards covered with tho debris and garbago that floats down through Corporation gulch Tho thunder was very heavy at timos and tho lightning vivid aud sharp During tho storm tho lightning struck a house bolonging to M 13 Cox located near tho round house at tho Junction Tho southeast comer of tho building was torn out and tho iusido badly do moralized A family by tho name of Marshall who have been living in tho dwelling during the winter and spring fortunately for themselves moved out yesterday Tho raiu fall this mouth already equals that of any mouth for a number of years past Last Juuo hold tho record previously as tho banner month of re cent years tho rain fall being six inches This mouth of May has already exceeded that figure and is liable to go one or two inches higher before it closes If A wet May makes hay thero will bo an immense hay crop this season Crops of all kinds under tho influence of the abundant rains that are falling are pushing forward rapidly This storm will hinder tho working of some low lands but its general results will bo highly beneficial to Northeastern Ne braska and still further insure tho era cf prosperity which it is enjoying Special Council Meeting A special meeting of tho city council held at the council chamber May 22 1899 Present Mayor Simpson and Goun cilmen Brummond Bncholz Bullock Degner Dexter Uhle and Vielo Ab sent Hecknian It was moved to appropriate 20 to Mathewson Post No 109 G A R to help defray expenses on Memorial Day Roll call Ayes Brummond Bnch olz Bullock Degner Dexter Viele Uhle Nays none Carried The application and bond of George W Jackson for a saloon was read and it was moved to approve bond and issue license Roll call Ayes Brummond Buch olz Bullock Dexter Degner Uhle Viele Nays nono Carried Adjourned J O Stitt City Clerk Ileal Ksinte Transfers The following transfers of real estate are reported by Chester A Fuller man ager or the Madison county aostraot office at Norfolk 0 B Q R R Co to Hiram Curtis wd neK 9-23-1 332 00 J R Snyder and wife to T T McDonald se4 block 0 Mc Combs suburban lots Burnett 100 00 N F Linderholm to Esther Linderholm and A Sophia Linderholm wd n uw seii wi and ncj f bwK 8-21-4 1 00 Frank M Leach and wife to P E MoKillip wd sejtf 21-21-1 6000 CO Omaha Loan aud Trust Co to Francis M Sutloy wd e ne 14 and pt swK 21 6250 00 Madison Couutv B L associ ation to John F Newball wd lot 17 block 0 Kimball Blairs addition to Burnet 2050 00 Does Co flee Agree With You If not drink Graiu O mado from pure grains A lady writes The first timo I mado Grain 0 I did not like it but after using it for one week nothing would induce mo to go back to coffee It nourishes and feeds the system The children can drink it freely with great benefit It is tho strengthening sub stance of pure grains Get a package today from your grocer follow the directions in making it and you will have a delicious and healthful table beverage for old and young 15 and 2oc Letter List List of letters remaining uncalled for at the postofflco May 22 1899 A O Anderson R H Cavanaugh R II Cotton J P Crewman J S Eiten miller E C Estey Goo Kirk Clarence Shroyer A S Speuce Henry Stitt O Williams If not called for in 30 days will be sent to the dead letter office Parties calllug for any of the above please say advertised P F Sprecher P M Active solicitors wanted everywhere for Tho Story of tho Philippines by Marat Halstead commissioned by the government as official historian to the war dopartmont Tho book was written in army camps at San Francisco on the Poclfio with General Morritt iu tho hos pitals at Honolulu in Hong Kong in tho American trenches at Manllo iu the iusurgont camps with Aguinaldo on tho deck of tho Olympla with Dewoy and in tho roar of battloatthofallof Manila Bonanza for agents Brimful of orig inal pictures takon by government pho tographers on tho spot Largo book Low pricos Big profits Freight paid Credit given Drop all trashy utiolllolal war books Outfit free Address II h Barber Gen Mngr Hill Doarboru strcot Chicago THE CITY FATHERS Thoy Trnnsiictcd Considerable lttislncss of Importance Iiist Night full port of tho 1rot eedlngN From Fridays Dnlly Regular mooting of city council hold May 18 1899 Present Mayor Simpson aud Council men Brummond Buoholz Degner Dox tor Uockman Uhle Vielo and Bullock Tho minutes of regular meetings of April 29 May 4 and adjourned regular meeting May 1 aud alho special meetings of May 1 2 U G 0 aud 11 woro read aud approved Mr Shaw presouted two claims 0110 of 175 for 000 to 700 feet and ono for 18750 for 700 to feOO feet Moved to allow both claims loss 150 assigned to Norfolk National bank Roll call Ayes Brummond Bucholz Bullock Dexter Dognor Hcckman Vielo and Uhlo Carried Thero not being sufficient cash iu water fund to pay same it was movod to draw certificates of indebtedness on water fund Motion carried Tho treasurers statomont for April 1819 polico judge for March and April aud water commissioners for six mouths ending May 1 1S99 wero reported back by auditing committee as correct Tho following resolution was offered and its adoption moved Resolved That any person or persons residing on streets provided with water mains and desiring to put in city water may lay service pipe under supervision of water commissioner to nearest water main not further than 850 feet nntl tho amount of cost of bringing tho water to the premises of said party in oxcess of tho 8 now charged to bring tho water main to curb lino shall bo credited npon water rent Provided that such rebate shall be at the rate of not less than 12 per year until such oxcess shall have been fully credited Provided further that tho city shall in no case bo liable for breakago or repairs on said servico pipe All claims for credit on water rent under the provisions of this resolution shall be audited and approved by tbo water commissioner as a just and reas onable charge for material furnished and labor performed in tho layiug of of said service pipe Motion carried On motion The Daily News and the Daily Times Tribune were mado the official papers of tho city for the year ending April HO 1000 F P Wigton called attention to the fact that the fire hydrant corner of Ninth and Koenigstein avenue stood in the sidewalk and asked its removal out to a proper place so that a permanent sidewalk could be constructed On motion the water commissioner was directed to replace the said hydrant The matter of telephones was referred back to committee It was moved that the exclusive street privileges for a celebration of July 4 lg99 bo granted to tho city fire de partment provided they conduct Buch a celebration The motion carried Adjourned J C Stitt City Clerk WHO IS TO BLAME Women as well as men are made miserable by kidney and bladder trou ble Dr Kilmers Swamp Root tho great kiduoy remedy promptly cures At druggists in fifty cent and dollar sizes You may have a sample bottlo by mail free also pamphlet telling all about it Address Dr Kilmer A Co Biughamton N Y A Magnificent Irocliit tlon A Cuban war play founded upon our late war with Spain should be an attrac tion above all others to win the hearts of our citiens Tho Prisoner of Spain is said to contain somo well knowu actors The unfailing success of this play is in part owing to tho splendid and pictur esque scenery with which the piece is dressed the stage settings tire accurate in detail as they are beautiful in effect Tho comedy is first class and the dram atic element is singularly fascinating possessing as it does a btirriug and ro mantic martial spirit tempered with the qualities of a refined and high class drama The play is in every way de serving of the remarkable success which has attended it To be at Marquardts hall next Tuesday evening May 30 II J Newman ladles tailor 010 013 Paxton Blosk Omaha Neb 15 years combined European aud American ex perience Samples of goods aud prices for tailor made suits and gowns made to order ouly submitted on application Special feature the non repetition of any style when so desired an established rule Sturgeon iu the piano man WJJ vnh THE NORFOLK NEWS THURSDAY MAY 25 1890 GO OVER PEACE TERMS Filipino Envoys Seem to Like American Plan HAVE NO AUTHORITY TO RATIFY IT Army Olllcers of the Opinion It Wilt lie Clamper mid More niTnotltn to Whip rtiein Thoroughly While They Are nt It Adutlrnl Downy Arrive at Untie Kong Itunnlng Fight Willi Insurgent Manila May 24 Tho Filipino com missioners spent the day at tho rosl rlenco of tho American commlsnlouors They dlsouHSOl ovory point of the Gohemo of government and the ionoo proclamation details asking for Infor mation as to what personal rights would bo guaranteed them Colonel Denby of tho Atnoriran com mission explained that thoy would bo the same as under tho United States constitution Tho Filipinos also do sired information as to the school sys tem to bo established and approved of tho American policy of the separation of tho church and state Thoy chiefly objected to tho schomo on tho ground that it gave them personal liberty which they know thoy would have but did not give thorn political llborty Finally tho Filipinos Bald they woro personally pleased with tho plan but could not oudorso It olficlally Thero is much comment hero 011 tho outing the Filipino envoys are having Thoy aro the centers of continual levees at Filipino housoH whoro thoy lrnvo boon eutertaluud aud have had every opportunity to advance the Interests of the insurrection Military sentiment disapproves of tho Filipinos being lion ized by thoir civilian olemont General OtiH from antebellum exper ience and owing to tho Filipinos loud ness of discussion has maintained tho attitude ho assumed with the first com mission He has had no offer to make the Filipinos savo that thoy lay down thoir arms without tonus Tho army believes that if we iutoud to remain in the Philippine inlands it will bo cheaper in tho long run to whip tho insurgents so thoroughly that thoy will be glad of tho opportunity to surrouder rathor than parloy with thorn and mako terms which thoy would construe us a com promise Tho army is also of tho opin ion that while tho first courso may cost more men and moro monoy iu tho bo ginning than tho latter it will prove an effectual damper upon future insurrec tions whereas if the war is ended by a compromise tho professional revolution ists among tho Tagals may be oncour aged to try it aguin in a few years Professor Schurmau speaking of tho commissions policy said I boliovo forco was necossary because they thought us weaklings and cowards but I boliovo also that conciliation should accompany forco My oudoavor has been over slnco I came hore to exorcise conciliation Major Bell with two companies of tho Fourth cavalry has been recou noitoring in the direction of Santa Arita Ho found 100 Filipinos thero and was driving thorn away when arge reinforcements of robola arrived ana ho was obliged to withdraw with four men wounded Tho wot season has finally begun and another weoks rain will make the rico fields thick with mud Message Iruui Schnrman Washington May 24 Socrotary Hay has received from Prosidont Schur man of the Philippine commission a long message giving tho results of the meotlngs thus far held with tho natlvo Filipino commission sent by Aguinaldo to treat with tho Americans Tho mes sage was laid bofore the president Ho was very much gratified with its con tents which wore said to bo very en couraging for the outlook that some thing definite may bo accomplished President Schnrman reports that the nativo commissioners will tako back to their people tho proposition for a form of government etc suggested by the American commission Korul Family ut Windsor London May 24 The gathering of the royal family at Windsor castlo today to celebrate tho 80th birthday of Quoeu Victoria will bo the largest with tho ox ception of the jubilee gathering that has assembled thoro in many years Not only will four generations iu succession be present but there will be a great gatheriug of children aud grandchild ren of her majesty Everything points to u gorgeous pageant of military knights Scots guards choral societies and holiday makors Ill oiMi I r lurk Conspirtttors Itole tsed Dljilin May 24 Tho lord liouteiiant of Ireland Earl Cadogan has releasod Ollaulou Mullotuud James Fitzharris the last throo Irish political prisoners who were sentenced to imprisonment for life for coaspiriug to murder Lord Frederick Cavoudish chiof secretary for Irolaud and T H Burke under secretary who woro assassinated by stabbing in Phoeuix park Dublin May 0 1882 Iu a Itunulug Fight Manila May 24 Tho Twenty-second and Twenty third infantry escort ing tho signal corps which is at work betweeu San Miguol and Balinag have had a severe running fight all the way with tho insurgents of that vicinity The Americans lost one man killed and inflicted considerable loss upon the enemy The insurgents ore coming in back of Lawtous advance Queen Mutt Undergo Operation London May 21 Truth in spite of senii olfleial statements to the contrary uuistb tuat un operation for cataract oa the queens eyes is luovitablo It says The queen his just consulted Pro fessor Pasentteckor of Wiesbadeu who guarantees tho success of tho operation aud opmos tho queen will entirely re gain tho excellent sight she possessed until recently THE GLASS OF 99 Us Membership IroKrntit of Com mencement Kicrrlsos to U Hold Frlriny ICvenlng June Tho commencement oxoroisos of tho graduating class of 99 of tho Norfolk High school will tako plnco on Friday ovonlng Juno 3 at tho Methodist church Tho oxoroisos will begin at 8 oclock The class consists of twelve niomboM Laura Durlatid ICtlna Margaret Stafford Agnes May Thompson Julia Winifred Joffories Anna Gertrude Law Anna Vail Mollrido holla Winifred Thomas Hvn Mihllls William Meredith Darling ton Ernest Bridge Edward Goorgo Hyde Frank Adolbort Masters IMUNIIIAM March Orchestra Invocation Hov John JetTorles Overture -Orchestra Salutatory The Ideal Country Frank A Masters Serenade Orchcst ra Uctur Tho Waiting Nicho Dr S Wright Butlor Overture Orchestra Valedictory Anna G Law Address tot iraduntosD O OCon nor Hupt Presentation of Diplomas II G Hruggomauu Selection Orchestra Oiinliit SnjlugH It is inteiestiiig and instructive to read bright mid well const met ed advoi tisomentH Messrs OI Hood A Co of Sarsaparilla lame must have been at a Meat feast and taken evorthing homo with them They mo ustig n blight selection of qtnuit old sayings nud pioverbs as the Mailers In ascites oi clover advert laments wherein the proveibs are neatly turned end pain phrased to lit the subject mutter Tho public like this breey advertising as it reminds of other provorbs aud opens up disoussion Klondike hotel Sixteenth A Webster St Host medium priced hotel in Omaha Try It Cramp colic aud all paniB cured by Sloans Liniment Sold by John Koen igstein Thoro comes a timo in life to all of us when wo feel mean and out of sorts and in a condition to invito disease It is then wo need such a remedy as Dr 1 II McLeans Strengthening Cordial and Blood Purifier To porsoiiH exhausted by sickncsB or ovorwork its invigorating iufluonco is surprising promptly restor ing health energy and choeiful spirits Istru Notice Strayed from tho promises of tho un dersigned on or iilxmt May 13 a young cow branded W IlKNItV GllSSMAN Norfolk Nob Heller In Hlx Mouth Distressing kidney and bladder disease relieved In six hours by New Great South Aineiican Kidney Cure It Is a great surprise on account of its uxceedlni promptne s n Tetievintr pain in bladder kidneys ana bac in male or female Relieve retention of water almost immediately If you want quick relief ntid euro this In tho remedy Sold by Koenigstein Phar macy Norfolk Neb Mrs G W Childfl whom It wan ro jwrtod Gon Too Wheeler was Boon to marry says there is no truth in tho story Mra Childfl ought to know Cnnr iUAnTiitMA8Tins oinci Omnlis Noli Mny ir IKllll Honied pro posnlii In triplicate will Im rcceUed hern ittul tolllrs of iimitcrinnilntH nt station nniiiml tniMI 2oclonk p in conl ml llninJtiiin l1HUU ntiil tin a opntinl for furnishing onts lirnn hay ntid utrnu iIuiIiik thnfificil loir rmmniiirlnic July 1 1 MM nt Forts Crook Nlolirnrn ntid lloli Insoii Neli iOnuilin Depot Nelij Jrirorson flnr rncks Mo Knrts licntenwnrlli n ml Hllnj Knii sn Iffii II Knots Ark j Itnno mid Hill Ikln Iroponnl for ilnlltir nt oilier point will Imeiiterliiiiiixl U H inrervcN tlht to rn ject ornccept nnj iirnlliroMiniils nr mi purl thereof Information fnriilnliiMl on nppllcntlnti hetoorto UiiilnrinnnterH nt stations nnmnd envelopes contnltiliiir prnpossls should Un innrknil Iroiiosnls for Knriin nml nddrnisnd totiiidgrilHtinilnrgnnrtnriiinstnrs of stnllons nliciTBiinmad V II HATHA WAY U ij M Notice to Mnrirnrntt Ann Wnlher wlfn of Oeorge M I Wnlker ill ensnd mid In his minor lind tiiiktioun heirs of such deceased person lleorHiiWnllor Hnrlsoii II Wnlker Mnreretl Ann Wnlker Hint In tho nmtler of thn Honor the plnlnllir for n permanent receiver for lots U Ill ntid II of block 11 KneniKloliiH 1h rdinlilltlnii to Norfolk Nebraska thai the indue of thiullslrlclrniirt of MiiiIIhiiii rniinti Nebrnskn linn IIxpiI Ititinll I SOU nitho timo nl unirii son nreto Hliou cniiHit ulij n imrinatieiit rereher flioulil nut n appoliileil to succeed tjeoiHii W liOHCi liorlir an Ininiiornrj receiver thai nnleHH iiimiiI ami miiHcleiit cmiHii Ih shown a permanent reccivur ulll be iippolntiil fur said prom lues Additional nllldnWIn or Alum leore t1 W Ianiiml et nl will ImmiIIiicmI in Hiippori of such iiliiiiiriiiiiiii nir leceuer ANNA I il otliilc Dated April I IHft My li o A Imii llalntiir Ml li Atlornij Iu Mm District Court of Madison County Ne brnskn 1 In Stnlnnf Nebrnskn J HM MiiiliniiiiCnnnli Aniiii leorue HiiliHtltiiii d plnlnllir for dairies II lliernut vn Mnrunrolt Ann Wnlker wlfenf leiirgo M I Wnlker iIkcimihi iI mid Irotito Wnlker llnrl suii II Wnlker Mnrunrelt Ann Walker an I tin kiioun heirs and minor heirs I lieilereniliilitH nlimo limned will tekn liothn Mini on tint JUIi tlar ir Alii Irtll hetwnmi the liouiHof Kin clock a in and 0 oclock p m at thiMilllceof I CNIrliolNoti ill lloiuil of Initio in thciiilj of CobiinhiiH nntyof Kr an kiln mid Htiitnof Ohio the plnlntiir nboio natneil will tnkethiiilepoHltloii of Anna tlioiun nml Dr InorKii her IiIikIiiiiiiI ultiicHsoH In ths nrlloii In heiihoillnoUdi in eon the trlnlof thiwihiivoon t It li drniiHii in li half of lliepliilntlll with an thorltj tniiiljoiirn I mm day to din until nil or Hiirh deposltloiiH shall have been taken Dated prll SI IHWl Anva iKomiK llj lico liA innit Atlornej Ilnltitiir LOW RATES TO Christian Endeavor Convention Delroit Mich July 5 11 Thu IllinoiH Cuiiti il RuilroiwI will sell tlclts fiom nl pointH on Kb Wmtern Dim h to Detroit Mlchiuen account of the In tornntlimiil Convention otiuu loopleH Society of Christian Knduavor nt n rate of ONE FAKE PLUS HOO Ticket son Hale July Snl tofith inclusive lim ited for return to Inl lull with prhilcuo of oxtension iitiM AiiiibI 11 lJ by dopiwititiK ticket with Joint Annul nt Detroit on or beforo July lith and payment of deposit fee of fifty cents Ior printed matter desTiptho of the beinli fill city of Detroit which is one of thn hi st con vention cities iu the United States and infor mation roiicornitiK excursion rules for sidetiipH from Detroit to various points in the vicinity etc etc address the umlersiKUeil J MKKHY A i A III Cent It It Dtihuijuo Iowa EVER TOO OLD TO BE CURED S S S is a Great Blessing to Ago does not necessarily mean feebleness and ill health aud nearlv all of tho sickness amonir Mir POfinlo It RiUQC Thom older people can bo uvotded Most elderly UlU rCUUIUi II UIICO 1 11 C I II people are very susceptible to illness but it is wholly unnecessary By keep KQUf Rlfinrl antl I ifQ their blood pure they can fortify themselves lion UlUUU UIIU LIICi so as to escape three fourths of tho ailments from winch they suffer so generally S S S is tho remedy which will keep their syitenin young by purifying tho blood fill Mi J W pen years I my skin r I thoroughly leuiovitig nil waste accumulations una impart ing new htrengtli and life to the whole body It increases tho appetite builds up the energies and smds now lifo giving blood throughout the entire ey tern Mrs Sarah Ille 477 Broadway South Boston writes I am seventy jears old and hud not enjoyed good health for twentv VetirB I was sick in different ways and iu addition had Icema terribly on one of my legs Tho doctor wild that on aeeount ol my age I well again I took a tlwen kittles of S S S completely and I am happy to say that I feel as well as I ever did in my life Loving of Colquitt Gu says For eight suffered tortures from a fiery eruption on tried almost every known remedy but they failed ono by one and I was told that my aire which fa sixty six was against mo and that I could never hope to be well again I finally took S S li and it cleansed my blood thoroughly aud now I am in perfect health S S S FOR THE BLOOD is tho only remedy which can build up nnd strengthen old people localise it is tho only ono which is guaranteed woufel never Ihj and it cured me eias srVwBtJ 1IK Ireo from jsotasn mercury arsenio ana oiner damaging minerals It is made from roots and herbs and has no chemicals whatever in it S S 8 cures the wor6t cases of Scrofula Cancer Eczema Rheumatism Tetter Open Sores Chronic Ulcers Boils or ony other disease of tho blood Books on these diseases will bo sent free by Swift Specific Co Atlanta Ga H C TRUMAN SWALL PAPER From ioc a Double Roll up Window Shades Room Mouldings Paints Oils Glass 04 n ijst Brushes Etc Etc Painting Paper Hanging and Decorative Work at Fair Prices t