The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, May 25, 1899, Page 3, Image 3

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The four the World
Best aiSI m for fheMonS
All Wool
in Black
Blut and Brawn
Ulster I Overcoat
Irlih I 9ofHoraJlWVol
r Black in BlacK
Brown Kd Mated
EMutand Brown
iUmUJZ r ZtjimtMtitrflim
Genuine Carney
in Black Brown
Gold end Oxford MXd
Nearly every wide awake merchant In America handle
thaw Coats It your dealer does not wrtta to us tod
we will sat that you are rppned4
Come in and See
The Druggist
and inspect the Latest Line of Medicines Put on
the Market
talons Female Rigillatnr and Tonic
Natures Great Emmenagogue Every lady suffering with
Female Troubles should try a bottle
Newtons Sarsaparilla and
Celery Compound
is one of the finest Blood Kidney and Liver Preparations
on the market If in need be sure and try the latest
HuCon Hair Tonic
If your Hair is falling out or you have Dandruff or any kind
of Scalp Disease be sure and try HU CAN strictly
guaranteed One bottle will show a difference if used
regularly on any bald head
Leibigs Beef
Iron and Wine
is too well known for a Tonic Each fluid ounce con
tains the strength of two ounces of fresh lean beef
Four grains Cetrate of Iron dissolved in Sherry Wine
the best tonic for Dyspepsia Joss of Appetite Nerv
ous Debility and General Prostration
Try a box of
Irenes Cottonroot
Tansy and Pennyroyal Pills
Safe and Sure
We ean save you 50 pr et on Pneseruptions
t Mail Orders Promptly Filled
Crcoh His subject will bo Tho Philos
ophy of Wit nml Uninor
Tho Misses Kntio nntl Alny Hook of
Osmond hnvo boon visiting with thoir
friend Miss Annio Llornimnn
Tho circus pnrnilo which pnssod
through tho strcots this noon was wit-
uossod by lnrgo crowds of people
Kobert Utter mid family will rcmovo
from Wnyuo boou nnil will occupy tho
west sido of tho Powcro residence
A loiter from Medicino How Wyom
ing tinted May i0 snys Wo tiro hav
iug n very sovrro blizzard hero today
Hoy Garter returned homo today from
Minneapolis Minn whoro ho has been
attending a school of phnnnncy tho
post year
Tho sidewalks nro full of people from
tho country todnyin to attend tho show
and tho town presents unite an ani
mated npponrnnce
Mitcholl Sharp of LJoomer who un-
dor tho Clovelnnd administration wroto
postmaster after his nnmo was
Sugar City visitor today
Sands Astloys circus arrived in tho
city this morning and is giving its first
oxhibitiou this afternoon to a good Bized
nudionco They will givo a Becond ox
hibitiou this evening
E F Schlocht of tho Norfolk
Foundry has Just returned from an ex
tended trip in South Dakota Ho re
ports u very pleasant and successful
journey and thinks tho outlook for all
kinds of business iu that scctlou flatter
Tho meeting held by Co L last ovon
iug to fill tho vacancy created by tho
resignation of Capt J W McClary re
sulted in tho choice of Alfred Gorecko as
captain Chns Pilger ns first nontenant
and Dowitt O Emeriue second lieuten
By tho invitation of tho G A K post
nt that place Mayor Simpson will de
liver tho oration Memorial day at Battle
Creek Tho people of that city aro to
bo congratulated upon tho felicitous
selection uiado by tho post in tho orator
of tho day
A draft for 2100 was received yester
day by S It McFarlnnd scribo of tho
North Nebraska Court Tribo of Bon Hur
in settlement of tho claim of Emnm V
McArthur and forwarded to Geo A
McArthuradministrator of tho estate at
Evanston Wyoming
Tho little daughter of Mr nud Mrs
W S Edens aged 7 months and 2 days
died at their homo in Verdigro May 23
and was buried at that place this
morning Mrs Edens formerly lived
here and will bo remembered ns Miss
Bertha Washburu Many friends will
sympathize with the bereaved in their
Ou complaint of Sylvester W Sped
man living about a mile cast of town
warrants were sworn out this morning
against John McAJlister et al alleging
that the latter while camping near his
place allowed their horses to trespass on
cultivated ground ot his causing dam
ago to tho amount of 2fl The case was
brought before Judge Hayes and John
McKiver for tho plaintiff and Geo
Schweuk for defendants were appointed
arbitrators to appraise tho damages
After looking over tho promises they
ngreed ou a report stating that no dam
ago was done and the case was diF
Tho day has brought tho same brand
of weather that has been enjoyed by
north eastern Nebraska for more than a
week It is true that it hasnt rained
it is true that tho sun has made several
successful efforts to shine but neverthe
less it has been tho larger port of the
time cloudy ami threateiingwith every
indication that Jupiter Pluvius was
planning to deluge tho earth again
What id needed now more than any
thing else 1b a spell of clear sunny
weather with a temperature that shall
bo warm enough to make vegetation
hustle Tho outlook at this timo is flat
tering for abundant crops iu this section
if the cold weather is scon supplanted
by warmer and there is every reason to
anticipate it
Hoard of Education Metn
Special meetinK of the board of educa
tion was held on May 19 1809 at call of
tho president to consider the resignation
of Miss E Villo Mason as teacher for
tho ensuing year and such other business
as might come before the board
Present Brueggemann Luikart
chard Salter and Matron
Board was called to order by President
Miss E Villa Mason through Mr
OConnor tendered her resignation of
tho position of teacher to which she had
lately been elected by the board of edu
cation on account of circumstances ren
dering it impracticable for her to per
form the duties of teacher
The following resolution was passed
by tho unanimous vote of nil members
Resolved That the board accepts Miss
Masons resignation but regrets exceed
ingly that circumstances nro such as to
render it impossible for her to accept tho
position of teacher for the ensuing year
to which sho has recently been elected
On motion a ballot was taken for tho
position of teacher for tho ensuing year
iu place of Miss Mason resigned which
resulted iu the election of Miss Anna S
Gayhurt of Iloldredgo Neb
On motion Mies Gayharts salary was
fixed at f 50 per month
On motion the board adjourned
H 0 Matbau Secretary
i a
Tim ConnpMiilorY of Mtiftlo lives i tn
llghtCul lmcriiin nt tho Mntlimtlut
Church lunt Kvnnlni
Kill 111 IKilnyd Dully
Tho Methodist ohurch was crowdid
last evening with an audionco which
listened iu wrapt attention and undis
gnisnd ploasuro and gratification to tho
pupils of Mrs Corn A Heels at tho third
annual couuniuceniunt of tho Norfolk
branch of tho Western Conservatory of
Music Tho program was executod in
ovory part with au oxcollouco and spirit
which speaks volumes for tho ability of
tho teaohcr and tho onorgy and applica
tion of thoso who have bo fortunntoly
hnd such instruction Prof K II Bcott
of Knnsas City who is president of tho
system of schools of music of which
this is ouo of f7 presented Miss Ella
Mason tho grodunto of Oil with her
diploma in a very grnceful manner and
with appropriate words At tho closo of
tho exorcises a reception was hold iu
honor of Miss Mnson
Tho program rendered was as followH
Trio Husaronritt Splndlor
Ella Mbboh Mary Tawnoy Hlair Ooff
Olook In tho Forest llciu
Helen Bridge
Itovo Apres lo Bal F Broustot
Louise Hen
Reverio Prentico
Josephine Bntterlleld
ltoso Bohin
Grnco Spear
Duot William Tell Rossini
Florence Gaylord Clara Bonier
Frlsches Lobon Hplndler
Glockonspielon Biohl
Ruth Shaw
Roudino Geibel
Florcuco Gaylord
Duot Tan Unter tier Llndo Hlller
Jessie Drebort Jessio Sturgeon
Elfin Danco Rathbun
Ethel Ohilvers
Spanish Danco Morz
Grace Craig
LaFontaino Bohin
Katherino Shaw
Motion Song Tho Moon Straub
Florence Gaylord Ruth ShawEdith
Goodrich Clara Bcrnor Olivo
Sailors Boys Dream LoIIaebo
Fay Hutton
Littlo Red Rose Oestcn
Alnblo Iuskcep
Dnnse Urkraiuo Kirchnor
Grace Craig Miuette Couffor
Faust Waltz Lange
Lota Blakely
The Streamlet Pnchcr
Ncllio Morrow
Flag Drill Josephine ButterlloldLoulse
lies Grace Spear Helen BridgeJessie
Drebert Ruth Shaw Jessio Sturgeou
Florence Gaylord Clara Berner Olivo
Polacca Brillianto Bohin
Agnes Thompson
j Schmetterling Merkel
Flying Clouds Kradul
Ella Mason
Duet Fest Polonaise Low
Fay Hutton Ethel Chilvers
Recollections of Home Mills
Ella Mason
Presentation of diploma President E
H Scott Knnsas City Mo
Trio Tancredi Rossini
Ella Mason Eva Mohrman Blair
The police court is devoid of businoss
M C Hazen goes to Stanton tomor
F II Free went to Madison this
Mrs F J Hoyder is visiting friends
at Wakefield
Z K Doane the broker has retired
from business
W O Toliver of Laurel was in the
city yesterday
C M Carpenter of York spent
day in the city
It A Stowart was a passenger
Sioux City this morning
The final examinations of the public
schools are taking placo this week
Father Walsh and Father MacNam
ara went to Sioux City this ufternoon
It Stitt with Mr Whippermau of
Wakefield took a drive to Emerick to
F S Holmes of Omaha special agent
of the Etna Insurance Co is in the city
The attendance at the circus lost even
ing was largo and tho show itself fairly
G Harrigfeld a prominent farmer
liviug near Hoskins was in tho city on
business yesterday
It is rumored that the Nebraska and
Iowa telephone Co will push their Hue
from Wiuside to this city
0 J Stockwell is enjoying a visit
from his mother who arrived in tho city
from Yankton last evening
County Attorney Tyler was at Madi
son today in attendance upon a mooting
of the board of county commissioners
This is the first sunny day for tho past
week and tho temperature is precept lbly
warmer Tho mud is dryiug up rapidly
J W Harris of Omaha supreme
chaplain of the Bankers Union of the
World and assistant deputy is iu tho
The Ladie3 Missionary society of the
y 4 ViTT
Baptist church will
Sohwoun Thursday
inecit with Mrs
afternoon at II
Tho rosldont portion of tho city with
Its wealth of groon ltn lawns and trees
and shrubs begins to present n beautiful
Tho Methodist Ladies Aid society will
moot with Mrs L M Heeler Thursday
afternoon at 1 111 Please bring thimbles
and como promptly
W E Powers of tho Pierce lAader
wns in town this morning beforo most
people hnd had their breakfasts Ho
camo down on the early train
G A Luikart and wife returned this
noon from Omaha They had tho pleas
uro of listening to Mansllold in Cy
rano and or greeting Admiral Schley
W A Wan on of Gordon was In the
city this morning Mr Warren reports
tho westorn part of tho statu hh highly
prosperous Evorybody is doing well
and idle men nro scarce
The plans for tho enlargement of the
Congregationnl church hnvo not yet been
fully decided upon Another meeting
of tho society will soon bo held at which
It is expected a decision will bo reaehod
Tho Third Annual meeting of the
Klkhorn Valley Editorial association
will bo held at Aiusworth Juno lrd A
lino program has beon planned and a
very profitable and pleasant session may
bo expected
Tomorrow night at Its regular meeting
will tnko place tho soml nnnual election
of olficerH in Norfolk lodge No HI
I O O F A good attendance of mem
bers is desired Visiting brothers are
cordially welcome
Dr and Mrs Frank Salterontertained
a few friends in a delightful manner last
evening nt thoir homo ou Norfolk av
enue Dupliento whist occupied tho at
tention of the guests uutil a late hour
whon delicious reiroshmontHwero served
Two cars brought into the stnto by
tho Hands it ABtloy Co from Missouri
wore left horo this morning tho F E
M V It R refusing to haul them
becauso the couplers used wero not in
accordance with tho state law As soon
as proper now couplers can bo obtained
they will bo sent forward
Tho improvements on tho new opera
hall aro being pushed as rapidly as pos
sible AJ Durlaud has ton men cur
pentors plasterers and others at work
today at tho Mnnmardt building und it
is to bo ready for occupancy next week
by tho Sanford Dodgo company Re
served seats will bo for sale at Leonards
for tho Monday and Tuesday evening
entertainments Thursday afternoon cr
Friday morning
Tho weekly weuther and crop report
ending this morning from this and
neighboring counties is us follows
Dixon Pastures and grain good too
cool for corn somo replanted Madison
Too cold for corn but littlo up small
grain doing well sunshine needed too
wet to plant corn Pierce Small grain
outlook splendid corn planting delayed
by wet Stanton Small grain doing
uicoly but weather Iiub interfered some
what with corn planting and work in
beet fields Wayne Cold and rain re
tarded com planting oats and grass
Tho sample sale being held by tho
Presbyterian ladies will continue several
days Owing to tho very unpropitious
weather which has prevailed tho larger
part of tho timo tho past week tho goods
have not been disposed of as rnpidly as
waB anticipated Many of the ladies
hayo not been able to get iu from tho
country Nevertheless tho sales yester
day reached 30 and will probably ex
ceed that figure today Everybody
should visit this uniime exposition of
varied wares They will find samples
of groceries and other necessary articles
for sale at a lower figure than they ure
usually purchnsed Next door east of
tho postoillce Open this evening uud
all day tomorrow
The Omnha Trade Exhibit thus ex
poses some of tho true inwardness of tho
announcements of tho Greater America
exposition Tho title that has been
conferred upon tho proposed exposition
for the coming summer the Greater
America is an intimation that the pro
moters aro apostles of expansion Like
wise the announcement that a major
part of the display would include exhi
bitions from the new colonial dependen
cies of this country was iu pursuance of
this idea But from some of tho recent
printed matter of tho exposition we are
led to deduce the conclusion that Uncle
Sam has annexed some districts that uro
not popularly supposed to belong to him
Wo noto that tho renowned Indian Chief
Red Cloud is to be a star attraction and
as this venerable old liair raiser passod
to his eternal reward some time ago it is
evident that if ho attends the exposition
he will have to come u long way may
wo not say a h 1 of a way
There is jnst a heap of energy and ar
der beiug mauifested these days iu dis
- r
twr itl
cussing tho expansion of tho natlo
Not only nro men discussing the iiiuh
lion but brave souls over nt Manila aro
giving up their lives in loyalty and de
votion to tho flng This is commendable
und pralso worthy But along with this
love for Oeater America which Is so
manifest them is need for a more in-
tense pride in local allnirs The citizen
of Norfolk who is alive to the highest
welfare of this community will have n
very deep practical active regird Tor
everything which ellects Its prosperity
Cities and towns aro but the outgrowth
and rotlection of tho character of Did
peoplo who live iu them There is not
a place on tho footstool which is of so
much value or importance to Norfolk
peoplo as Norfolk itself It behooves
each one to do whatever lies in Jiulr
power to ninko It the tidiest most busi
ness like intelligent piogressivo and
best advertised city in northeastern Ne
braska Stand up for Norfolk
I rum Otiiln O
after you have concluded that you ought
not to chink collco It is not n medicino
but doctors order it because it Ih
healthful invigorating audi nppetiiug
It is made from pure grains and has
that rich seal brown color and Instes
like tho finest grades of eoiree and costs
about ns much Children like it and
thrive on it because it is a genuine food
drink containing nothing but nourish
ment Aslt your grocer for Grain O
tho new food chink If and 2r cents
Does the i
Baby Thrive I
If not something must be
t wrong with its food If the r
I mothers milk doesnt
ish it she needs SCOTTS s
EMULSION It supplies the
elements of fat required for A
the baby If baby is not
nourished by its artificial
food then it requires
Scotts Emulsion
Half a tcaspoonful three
or four times a day in its
bottle will have the desired
efFerl II seems in have a
magical effect upon babies
I and children A fifty cent t
bottle will prove the truth
Should he taken In summer as
well as winter y
S OT1 A II IVVNI lirmins Ntw Yotk
Frazer Axle Greas
mib b JirirX
I I rvsiL
k rSui
m BrTO
KrAmv i
Not affected by Heat or Cold
Highest Awards at Centennial
Paris and Worlds Fair
lectured pRAZER LUBRCAT0R Q0ij
Factories Chclago St Louli New York
For the Discover ol
Bach of the Follow Ini Persons
For tlin cum ot all chrio ami
acute u life KivinK prin
ciple frno from all ilrnKO AhUhiih
Hroncliitlelntiirrh Contiumption
Headache Netiraltoa UlieumaUtm
Nervous rriwtratlon anil icmcral
Debility curixl Uj inhaling
Our homo treatment which con
tniiw two moutliH1 Hupply of Com
onod Oxypuu iuiialhis appiro
ratua fall iliroctiont tent to auy
part of the conutry Ttiia iuclixtna
medical adviro tiarluK treatment
Pamphlet with advice to the nick
homo treatment and testimonials
ma Glrard St
Philadelphia Pa
YOUNd HAN HotweeulSawlSO Is lUtlcta in maimer tlmiil tushfnl face lUtignnl with
hlackheuls and pimple dark circlet under mm blurring of bight Ilnatiiiir tiHcii oaMlr tired
rMiv8 JJL iUU10 tHiT imor amhitlon or energy in afraid to piuh ahead in bntiuuts
ttudy or marriage tired iu tho
m morning feeln like anold man bluMie when ion refer to the
turePilc WeaUurti ofCbnb unnutural lottex May havo Varicocele Hydrocele
MIDULU AOD MAN30to50 who ays he feeh like a manof 80 would hae weiV aching
back no manly viKorno jKwer to enjpj himself lias drain tmarting nrinatlon troubled at
nijiht Hh hittory of indiscreet youth and overiudulHPuc later on May have had Blood 1 loi
ton with tore throat blotcheH on skin bono palus hiir falling out cannot tleepat nishtjjtayV
ilirthrliht Aal We CaaXUve m Bnck that are the
of Ever Ma
All Ifittaro Btiwisutal In ulatn 1 - V a I
plainly uupe no tcoumomaia putmsnM Write your ejmptom