The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, May 25, 1899, Page 2, Image 2

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ComplMo Progrnm of Orrornklnn llnr Kx
rrrlir n Outlined lly Mntltowium
Tout Nn 100 I A It
From Momlivrn Dnllir
All niomboMof Mnthowsou O A H
post mid Womans Rellof Corps will
moot at tho post rooms nt i n in on
Tucwilny Miiy M 18H1 nnd proceed
from thence In conveyances nt 10 n in
to Prospect Hill conulery whom tho
graven of old soldiers nnil sntlorrt will lo
Htmwn with tloworrt hy delegations of
children from tho city hoIiooIh under tho
illroctlon of commit toos from Mnthow
hoii post mid WotnniiH Relief Corps
HIh respectfully suggested that tho
Huporlntondont of our city schools
arrange for n ropiosontntlon of two girls
from each room to roport nt G A H
hnll nt II M u in whoro convoynncos
will ho furnished
All old soldiers nud sailors nnd ox
coldiors of tho SpiutlRh war aro invited
to accompany MnthowHou post nnd
Womnns Relief Corps to tho comotory
ut 10 u m
Tho tiro doparlinont othor organlzn
tions and tho citizens gouorally wishing
to wit new tho oxorclHOB in tho comotory
or plneo llowors on tho graves of deceased
rolutivos nnd friends aro invited to do ho
Flowers should ho brought to O A II
hnll not lntor than I -5 n m
Patriotic oxorolsos will ho hold in tho
afternoon nt Pasowalks grovo
Procession will form at 2 p in under
tho direction of Marshal of tho Dny
lloriunu Oerecko on Socond streot with
head of column resting on Norfolk uvo
inio in tho following order
Marshal nud assistants
Speaker in carrlago
Muynr city council and hoard of edu
cation in carriages
Company L Second regimout N N
O as escort
Mnthowsou G A It post old soldiors
and sailors and ox soldiors of tho Span
iBh war
Woinans Relief Corps
Norfolk city schools
Norfolk tiro dopurtmout
Civic societies
Oitiznns on foot
Citizens in carriagOH
The procession will move nt 330 p m
sharp marching wost ou Norfolk nvouuo
to Fifth streot thonco south to Pnso
walks grovo
Order of oxorcisos
Music hy tho baud
Singing by tho school children
Invocation by Rov Q II Main
Singing by ohoir
Rending of ordors and roll of the dead
by the adjutant of Mnthowsou post
Dirgo by tho band
Singing by ohoir
Memorial day address by Hon W M
Hyniu Amorioa lod by choir
Commit teo of arrangomonts Com
rades Roberts Mntrnu Widnuiau Light
Mills Powell Hirscu and Raiubolt
Committee ou music H 0 Mntrnu
Committeo on conveyances Light
Dudloy and Davonport
It is resieotfully suggested that it
would be appropriate to closo places of
business duriug tho exercises iu tho
nftornoou Dy order
Adjutant Post Commander
Memorial flumliiy
Monitors of Mathewsou G A R post
nud old soldiers aud sailors nnd
Womans Roliof Corps will meet nt G
A R nail on Sunday May 23 ut 10 a
m aud procood from thonco to tho
Second Congregational church whoro
patriotic sorvices will bo hold aud a ser
mon preached by tho pastor of that
church tho Rev John Jollrlos All ex
soldiers of tho Spanish war aro invited
to participate with tho post and tho
Wonmus Relief Corps in these exercises
Conveyances will bo furnihhed for tho
ladies of tho Womnus Relief Corps
13y order II M Koukkts
W H Widaman Post Commander
Have you honrdjof the famous Hot
Springs Arkansas Hundreds of poo
pie are being cured there daily of tho
j If you re gray j
before forty theres
S something wrong s
S You need J
Hair Vigor j
J M Sohlokloy of Gouoa spent last
night in tho city
Jnnios P Clark of Battlo Crook was
iu tho city this morning
Thoro will ho n meeting of tho board
of education this evening
Tho noon trnln from Omnha was nn
hour nnd n lml f Into today
Tho Business Mens mooting tonight
promises to ho nn interesting sossiou
Miss Mabel Collnmor entortninod n
pnrty of young friends nt her homo last
Mrs G lvolpor ontortnlnod n party of
friouds from tho city nt tho hospital Inst
Miss Helon Clark nnd Miss Clarn
Fuhrnmu of Stanton wore In tho city
W iT Roeil and James Nichols tho
Madison nttornoys were In town yostor
dny afternoon
Mnjor 15 II Trnoy Is now on tho
road In tho employ of tho Tolerton
Stetson Co of Sioux City
An artesian woll has just been struck
at Lynch Boyd county Tho How was
tnppod ut a dopth of It feet
J G Trout man loft for Sioux City
today and will roturn tomorrow noon on
the special train of farm innchiuory
from tho east
15 Malouo or Omnha D S O of tho
Mnccabees rot timed homo this morning
nfter a fow dnys spent in tho city in tho
interest of tho order
15 J Carpoutor manager of tho San
ford Dodgo company is iu tho city todny
arranging to bring his company to
15iseloys hall on Monday oveuhig May
Tho Episcopal council now in sossiou
at Omaha will elect a bishop coadjutor
to assist Hishop Worthiugton who bo
causo of ill health is obliged to givo up
tho notlvo work of tho dioceso Rov
J 13 Van Fleet is at Omaha nttouding
tho council
Rov F P Wigton rccolvod a tolegrnm
yesterday from Osmond stnting that tho
Presbyterian pooplo of that placo by a
unanimous vote oxtouded him a call to
boconio pastor of their church Mr
Wigton will accept tho call and with his
family will romovo to Osmond uoxt
week His many frionds horo will wish
him success iu his chosen work
Judgo aud Mrs Powors returned from
Omnha last ovouing Thoy went down
to seo their sou Fraukwho has boon Buf
fering from a rhoumatio nttock but
wore disappointed iu not seeing him
That train that took them down passed
tho west bound train on which Frank
had taken passage for Hot Springs S D
Thoy did not loam this until they
reaohod Omaha
Atl210 p m tomorrow a special
train of Champion bmdors and mowers
will nrrivo at tho M O depot This
train of 20 enrs left Warder Bushnoll
Glossuor companys fnotory at Spring
Hold Ohio on May 13th and has been
hauled direct to Norfolk as a solid special
train Tho train will be bnnnored and
decorated aud will make a fiuo appear
nuco and worth your while to see No
such shipment of form machinery has
ever been made hero boforo
Tho annual party of tho class of 1900
Norfolk High sohool was given at tho
homo of Clyde Patterson on West Nor
folk avenue last ovoniug Tho rooms
woro prettily decorated in tho class col
ors old gold aud cream and tho sur
roundings all conduced to a very pleas
ant evonlng Besides tho momhere of
tho class there wero present Superinten
dent nud Mrs OConnor Messrs Barnes
and Whaloy Misses Wood aud Hartley
teachers The evening was deyoted to
games with delicious refreshments at
tho propor time
Dakota City Eaclo John B Barnes
eldest sou of Judge John B Bnrues n
graduato of tho stato uuiversity nnd for
throe years n teacher in tho Norfolk
public sohools was solectod lust week as
the principal of the schools of that city
for tho coming year This is a high
compliment for a young man John bo
ing but 21 years of ago nnd the promo
tiou will bo gratifying to his hosts of
friouds in these parts who know him
wheu he was a youug wild f rollicking
kid not many years ngo Ho always
was nn nuibitious youngster comes by
it honestly you know aud ho will bo
heard from in years to como nwny up iu
educatioual work
Sheriff Losey was iu town today
Tho street spriukler is taking a rest
There wero a good runny farmers in
Peace reigns supreme at the police
F Metschko was in from Pierce yes
Chester A Fuller went to Madison
this morning
Rainmakers ore uot iu domaud in this
neck o the woods
G A Luikart went to Omaha this nf
ternoon on a business trip
Mrs L T Nelson of Missouri Valley
isvistiug friends in the city
The final examinations of the public
schools will bo held next Tuesday
Rov A Hoflusof Pierce was in tho
city yesterday on his way to Ssward
Rev G Streicher leaves forOakdale
this ovoniug whoro ho prenchos tomor
row morning
Tho Bnslnoss Mons mooting was not
hold lost ovoniug owing to tho storm
whtoh prevailed
MIbh Victoria Nollson loavoa for Fre
mont tomorrow morning whoro she will
attend tho normal sohool
Tho hospital orohostra will furnish
tho music for tho High school commonco
mont oxorcisos on the ovoniug of Juno 2
Trinity Church Protcstnnt Episcopal
WhltBtindny Morning Sorvlco 1015
Sunday school li15 Evening sorvico
Tho coadjutor bishop choson at
Omahn by tho Episcopal council for this
dioceso Is Rov A L Williams of
Dr Holdou has rcntod tho Romo Mil
ler rosldonco property and his family
will occupy it as soon as it is vacated hy
Dr P II Saltor
At a mooting of tho fire department
held last ovouing Messrs Fasownlk
Olomonts and Hartford wero appointed
a committeo to solioit funds from tho
business men for n Fourth of July cele
Last ovoniug about 8 oclock in tho
hoavy shower whloh was in progress
tho lightning struck tho houso of George
Good on North First street badly shat
tering tho northwest cornor of tho build
ing Tho family woro fortunntoly not
Tho very honvy rnin of tho past two
days has prevented tho public from at
tending tho snmplo salo which tho Pros
bytorlan ladies havo been holding Ow
ing to this fact the Indies will coutinuo
thoir solo next wook bogluniug Monday
nftornoou May 22nd
Win Warnoko camo dowu from
Wakefield this morning and will visit
friouds hero Mr Wnruoke has boon in
chargo of tho Wakefield Republican tho
past winter He is sutlormg from an
attack of rheumatism nud coutomplntes
a trip to Hot Springs
Ames tho now boot sugar factory
town uonr Fromout is to have oight
nrtesinu wells Tho third hns already
boeu completed nnd Uows nbout -10 gal
lons por miuuto It is of tho some vol
ume and depth ns tho other two a little
Iobs than two huudred and fifty feet
Tho spocial train of binders nud mow
ers which camo in over tho M O this
noon direct from tho Champion factories
iu Ohio was tho object of much atten
tion Thoro woro 20 cars filled with
farming machinery to bo distributed at
this and adjacent points J G Trout
man roturnod on the train from Sioux
Ono of the notable evouts for tho com
ing week is thocommoucomeut exercises
of tho Norfolk branch of tho Western
Conservatory of Muslo at tho M E
church on Monday ovouing nt 8 oclock
Prof E H Scott president of the con
servatory will bo present Tho small
admission foe of fivo cents will bo
charged to defray extra expenses
Cards have boon received by friends
in this city announcing tho coming
marriage of Mr J W Rose to Mabel
daughtor of Mr and Mrs William S
Shirley nt the home of the brides par
ents Martinsville Indiana Mr and
Mrs Roso will bo at home after June
15 at Chiuo California where Mr Rose
has accepted a position with Mr W S
Tho storm which began yestorday
morning has coutluued today A large
amount of rain fell this forenoon and
although the clouds are struggling to
break away this afternoon the indica
tions aro not favorable to thoir success
The ground is thoroughly water soaked
and some warm 6unny days would be
appreciated by the growiug crops and
their owuers
West Point is to observe Memorial
day Tho Republican says The G
A R is taking hold of tho matter in a
vory systematic manuer nud the vnrious
committees will seo that all arrange
ments aro mado for the occasion Hou
Johu R Hays of Norfolk will be the
orator of the day Oar people are to bo
congratulated upon obtaining so eml
uout nn orator for this great holiday
Charles Henry Young troop M Eighth
U S cavnlry was iu tho city this morn
ou his way home from Cuba to Tildeu
Mr Youug spout six months iu the
proviuco of Port uu Prince nud his im
proFsiou of tho Cubans is anything but
J favorable Ho 6ays they would rather
forage and fight than anything elso and
that a stable government on the island
will only bo brought about by ignoring
Qunrterly meeting at the Methodist
church tomorrow Dr Hodgettspresid
ing elder will preach in the morning
Tho usual sacramental service will fol
low the Eermou The love feast will bo
held at 7 p m In placo of the usual
evening sermon the Epworth league will
observe its tenth anniversary Short
addresses will bo given by different
members of the league The public is
cordially iuvited
Judgo W V Allen is holding court
this week at Niobrara The Pioneer of
that town thus alludes to him and his
proceeduro as judge Judge Allen
the former United States senator of Ne
braska who made meaning to the name
of populism in this country opened court
Tuesday The judge has softened con
siderably since he presided in the same
capacity six years ago whloh was broken
by his olection to tho upper houso of
congross The Judgo takes up too much
ttmo in his lectures to tho bar and
jnry but as thoy aro all of a pleasant
nnd pointed naturo porhaps it is tho
only tlmo many of thorn havo to listen
to a fow truths Knox county ought
not to bo mndo to pay for thoso looturca
however Tho term othorwlso Is going
nlong smoothly and promptly but not
with that nnduo haste characteristic
with Judgo Robinson who soemed al
ways to rush mattors ns Sunday ap
proached that ho might bo homo with
wifonnd babies a vory commondablo
deslro but not always satisfactory viith
tho public
A J Durland is arranging to fit up
tho Marouardt hall as a placo of public
entertainment and for that purposo
workmen will begin at once to put in n
Btago scenery and hnvo tho room prop
orly sonted Tho public will welcomo
tho outorpriso of Mr Durland in thus
providing what tho town has so long
needed Tho now hall will bo formally
opened on Monday oveniug May 20 by
tho Sanford Dodgo company who pro
duced Richard III in this city last year
boforo a critical nudlonco and gave good
satisfaction Tho company will nppcnr
In tho how hall two nights Monday tho
2lth aud Tuesday tho aoth Tho first
night that strong Shakesporeau play
Othello will bo given aud tho
secoud night a now play
outitled Tho Prisoner of Spain
will bo produced Mr Durland an
nounces that if his offorts to givo tho
peoplo a plnco of nmusomont aro met
with n substantial rosponso in tho wny
of patronage that ho will socn make
further improvomeuts in tho hall by
mining tho coiling puttiug in a perma
nent stage and new scenery nud roar
ranging the whole interior so that it
will bo a crcditablo nmusomont hall It
is certainly to bo hoped that the opening
nights will show such a desire for a
placo of entertainment that Mr Dur
land will fool warranted iu going on
with his contemplated improvements
Dr Hngoys sou Charles is back from
Luto Sims of Noligh is a Norfolk
Will Palmor of Battle Creek was in
tho city yestorday
Editor Donovan of the Madison Star
is in the city today
Two cases of diphtheria are reported
about six miles east
Frank Hoydar went to Emerson this
morning on business
Carl T Seoley and A E Campbell of
Madison were in town today
Dr and Mrs Bear with Alexander
Jr left for Omaha this noon
John R Maunlng and A J Moyer of
Battle Creok were in the city today
A K P lodge was instituted at Tilden
Friday night with 27 charter members
Miss Mamie Crawford of Madison
spent Sunday at tho homo of Oscar
Tho hole in the ground belonging to
tho city has reached a depth of more
than 800 feet
Mrs George Mason of Chicago is
visiting Mrs C J Somors She is en
route to Ohadron
Mr nud Mrs William Huse Sr who
have been visiting their son left on the
noon train for Wakefield
Sam Woodland of St Louis special
agent of the American Central Insur
ance company is in the city
H E Harding is having tho scales on
North Fourth street changed so that
they will be directly in front of his coal
Mrs Gillette a sister of R A Stew
art who has been visiting in the city
soveral days returned to her Sioux City
home today
During tho storm Saturday night the
strong east wind blow over tho empty
corn crib at tho corner of Norfolk avo
and Ninth street
Under tho new time table the St
Paul passenger on the M O leaves
for Sioux City at 7 0Ti a in iustoad of
1 16 as formerly
James Cossairt of Platte Center was
in tho city this afternoon and in com
pany with Editor Montross of Battle
mado The News a pleasant call
Lieutenant Arthur J Koeuigstein is
groetiug old acqunintnuces about tow n
today He returned homo Saturday
oveniug He reports excellent health
during his stay in Cuba as a member of
Co G Third Nebraska
J Beck arrived home from New Or
leans last evening Ho did uot fall iu
love with the Crescent City Neither the
climate the manners of tho peoplo nor
tho sluggish way they have of doing
business had any attraction for him He
is glad to get back to Nebraska
The Harding separator station six
miles south of this city which was de
stroyed by fire a few days ago was in
sured iu tho German Mutual Insurance
compauy of Omaha for fSOO There
was an additional loss of 700 The
station will be rebuilt immediately
Mrs F D Graham left for Omaha
yesterday where she will visit a few
days She will then proceed to Prince
ton Ind whioh place she will make
her home Her son Frank who gradu
ated at the Northwestern Dental college
Doctor what is free alkali
The alkali used in the manufacture of soap is a strong chemical
and is destructive of animal and vegetable tissue
Pure soap is harmless but when the soap is carelessly or dis
honestly made alkali is left in it and it is then said to be free Soap
containing free alkali should not be used where it may do damage
In the medical profession in sickness in surgery and in the
hospitals we use Ivory Soap because it is pure and contains no
free alkali
conrniOHT logo or thc pnocTtn i oMQit co Cincinnati
Chicago this spring has located at
Princeton where ho will pursue his pro
At tho annual meeting of tho Nebraska
grand council of tho United Commer
cial Travelers hold at Hastings Satur
day it was decided to hold the next an
nual meeting at Norfolk Among the
officers elected C E Green of Norfolk
was made grand councilor and Theo
dore F Kind grnnd senior councilor
Both of thee gentlemen make their
homo at the Oxnard hotel
Captain J H Brown of Co G Third
Nebraska and wile spent Sunday in the
city tho guests of Rev J J Pawr
They returned to their Wakefield home
on the noon train Captain Brown gave
a very inteiesting account of his ttay id
Cuba Inst evening before the Endeavor
society and very clearly demonstrated
some of tho difficulties iu the way of
civilizing und christianizing the island
Yesterday was a full day at the
Methodist church In the morning the
quarterly meeting was held Rev A
Hodgetts P E conducting the services
In the evening the Epworth League had
oharge of the services it being the tenth
anniversary of the local sooiety Five
minute papers given on bible topics
by different members of the leagurwt re
listened too with interest by the goodly
number present
W H Bridge returned from the wett
Saturduy He has been absent for some
weeks iu the interest of Wheathug
and other products of the Sugar City
Cereal mills and reports unexpected suc
cess He visited Denver Pueblo Crip
ple Creek and numerous other cities and
was met at all sides with evidences of a
splendid prosperity He says that in
the Cripplo Creek district the gold out
put this year will largely exceed that of
last year and that business everywhere
in Colorado is just humping
O F Montross of tho Battle Creek
Republican wns iu the city toduy billing
the town for Eli Perkins lecture which
takes place at Battle Creek tomorrow
evening It is a credit to tho people of
that town to secure so eminent a lec
turer The occasion is the commence
ment exercises of the high school gradu
ating class composed of eight members
Quito a largo number of tickets have al
ready been sold to Norfolk people who
will go up on the train tomorrow even
It has been tho custom of her children
for mauy years to spend her birthday
with Mrs S A Mills This year was
no exception to the rule Tho anniver
sary of her birth fell ou yesterday and
there sat down to dinner with her nil of
her sous and daughters save one Tho
compauy comprised Mrs S A Mills S
J Mills of Chicago S K Huntsiuger
aud wife aud W O Mills of Lincoln
Miss Alice P Mills of Missouri Valley
Miss Margaret Mills aud Mr nnd Mrs
Johu R Hays of Norfolk nt whoso
pleasant homo the party spent the dav
The different members of the family
who live elsewhere roturned to their sev
eral homes today
A New Iunl or Ilia Sky llooklet
The Laud of the Sky the popular
designation for the Asheville Plateau
Western North Carolina has been large
ly advertised by the Southern Railway
for a number of years on account of the
health and pleasure resorts and the beau
tiful scenery of that 6ection where the
Southern Railway orosses the Blue
Ridge mountains
oThe Southern Railway has just issued
a new and most attractive booklet with
appropriate half tone cuts and reading
mattor and thoy are being sent out free
to any address by Mr J C Beam Jr
N W P A Southern Railway 80
Adams street Chicago
Why not shako the grip Go to Hot
Spiings Arkansas aud lose it
The ronds are still vory muddy
W P Byrum and wife wero in from
R O Milligan left for Sioux City this
Wm Moore of Stanton was in the
city last night
Wakefield is to have a new 12000
school building
Miss Rena Dawson of Stanton spent
tho dny in the city
W W Roberts nnd Alvin Lowe went
to Sioux City today
Tom Chilvers of Pierce wns iu town
today to see tho show
Miss Lizzie Sommler went to Bloom
field on the early train
G W Brooks of Bazile Mills was in
Norfolk this morning
The Sands Astley Co occupy fivo
cars with their circus outfit
The coal man mil soon retire and let
the ice man have his innings
A E Barnes of Pouca fS in the city
today the guest of his brother J B
Mrs George N and Mrs Frank Beels
made a trip to Winside this morning
There will be a session of the county
commissioners at Madison tomorrow
Senator M L Hayward will deliver
the Memorial day address at Kearney
R B Weller will soon begiu the erec
tion of a residence on Eleventh street
E H Evans of Minneapolis Minn
was interviewing his friends in tho city
Mrs Chas Harding went to Omaha
this morning nnd will visit her mother
for some days
Mrs Atlee Hart of Dakota City will
arrive this evening and will visit with
Mrs Isaac Powers
There was a dance at Railway hall
South Norfolk last evening and a plens
ant time is reported
Among those connected with the
Sands Astleys show is Charles Reno
a former Norfolk boy
Mr and Mrs D D Bruuson rejoice
over the arrival of a little daughter at
their home Inst evening
M F Cook of Schuyler D S 0 of
tho Tribe of Ben Hur is in the city in
tho interests of that order
Remember the entcrtainniout nt tho
Congregational church Thursday even
ing Admission 15 cents
James Christy of Scribner who hns
been visiting in tho city several dnys
returned homo yesterdny
Eli Perkins lectures tonight at Bnttle
No Eye Like the
Masters Eye
You are master of your
health and if you do not
attend to duty the blame is
easily located If your blood
is out of order Hoods Sar
saparilla will purify it
It is the specific remedy for troubled
of the blood kidneys bowels or liver
Kidneys -Mr klnnuys troubled inc
ftml on advice took Hoods Sarsaparllln
which gave prompt roller better appetlto
My sleep is refreshing It cured my wlfo
also Michael Boyle 3473 Denny Street
1lttsbure Pa
8crofulOU8 Humor- I was In terrlhln
condition from the Itchlnp and burning of
scrofulous humor Grew worse under
treatment of several doctors Took Hoods
Sarsaparllla and Hoods IMIIs These cured
me thoroughly JJ IrmEFulton N Y
filTJ JfTfTrMmv
Uoodi Mill curt lln r IIU tlit nun IrrlUtluK nd
only olUrtlc to take with Mood SariMVfllU
r v