The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, May 25, 1899, Image 1

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examination confirms tho main points
of Estorhazys various rovelations Ho
denies that ho wrote or dictated tho
letters which Estorhazy sent to M
Faure Ho also denies that ho or any
member of tho general staff wrote or
dictated tho Dixi article but ho ad
mits that he corrected some of the sen
tences Tho veiled lady was he as
serts his wife whom he usodos an in
termediary when forbidden toseo Ester
Schley Triumphal Journey
Lincoln Mi 23 Biar Admiral
Schley was tendered an ovation at the
Burlington depot here last night by a
crowd of about 3000 enthusiastic ad
mirers The train bearing the famous
naval officer and the balance of General
Mandersons party arrived in the city at
645 and left at C oclock During the
wait in the city people crowded around
tho rear platform of the train where
tho admiral appeared with Mrs Schley
Admiral Schloy was able to shake hands
with a fow people with his left hand
He was called upon for a speech but
he declined with thanks for the respect
shown him At Hastings the town
turned out en masse to greet him At
the depot tho crowd was so compact that
several people fainted
Want Regiment Ilrought Home Intact
Topeka May 25 General dissatis
faction is expressed in Kansas over the
determination to muster out the Twen
tieth Kansas with other regiments at
San Francisco Elaborate preparations
to welcome home General Frederick
Funston and his gallant Kausaus have
been making and it is felt that if mus
tered out on the coast the soldiers will
not reach Kansas in a body Governor
Stauley has decided to petition the war
department to change tho order and
a council of the G A R here adopted
resolutions inviting posts throughout
the state to help in au effort to havo tho
regiment brought home intact
Dlaohargod Itnllaus Illoiv Up u Mine
Salt Lake May 25 A report comes
from Moab Utah that four Italians
havo beeu arrested for alleged partici
pation in the dostructiou of tho Lasal
miuo in Colorado six miles from tho
state lino Two hundred pounds of
giant powder was exploded near tho
mouth of tho mine Tho mine is owned
by u Michigan syndicato Tho men had
boon workiug on tho mine but were
recently discharged
Nulirushu Would Honor Stntseuberg
Linclon May 25 Governor Poyuter
sent u telographio request u the secre
tary of war to have the remains of Col
ouel John M Stotseuberg of the First
Nebraska which arrived on the trans
port Sheridan sent to Liucolu to lio iu
state for a day aud that a guard of
honor be permitted to accompany tho
dead to the Stotsenberg home at New
Albauy Ind
Total Dentin In the Army
New Yoiik May 25 A special to
the Herald from Washington says that
Adjutant General Corbln has prepared
this btatement of the number of deaths
which havo occurred iu the army siuce
the beginning of tho war with Spain
Iu Cuba ltfcO in Porto Rico 287 at
Honolulu 45 in the Philippines 006 in
the United States 3872 Total 0209
Tahiti Gets Now Trial
Sioux Falls S D May 25 Judge
Garland in the federal oourt yesterday
afternoon grunted a now trial in tho
caso of Richard A Tnbbs mayor of
Alcester convioted on tho charge of
sending obsceuo literature through tho
- VirinS
V -
Itoval Arciinuiii Kloct OMloors
Washington May 25 Tho nuuual
election of olllcors of the supromo coun
cil of tho Royal Arcauum now in ses
sion here resulted as follows W Holt
Apgar of Now Jersey supromo regent
Joseph Langfltt of Pittsburg supremo
vice regout A S Robiusou of Missouri
supremo orator W O Robson of Mas
sachusetts supreme socretary E A
Skinner of Now York supreme treas
urer E A Dow of Wisconsin supromo
chaplain H S Burkhart of Illiuois mi
promo guide I W Caulflold of Now
York supremo wardou Carl Moohlor
of Missouri supremo hentry
lilcyclo Itocorrts Iiroken
Washington May 25 Three rec
ords were smashed at tho Park Bicycle
track races hold yesterday iu connec
tion with tho peace jublloo Henri
Fournier tho French ridor gave an ex
hibition of his infernal machino cover
ing tho mile iu 131 3 5 tho fastest time
made by a two wheeled vehicle In tho
first heat of the two milo event Floyd
McFarland made tho distance iu 408 3 5
beatiug Balds record ot Minneapolis of
Chicago unil Alton Iteachlng Out
Chicago Jilay 25 Uuaer its new
management tho Chicago and Alton
promises to become ono of tho most im
portant railroad systems in tho west
The acquisition of tho St Louis Peoria
and Northern by tho Alton already has
been announced aud the indications aro
that the Kansas City Pittsburg and
Gulf road will become when it gets
out of tho hands of tho receivers a part
of tho Alton railroad system
Well Known Stockman Drowned
Haukison Neb May 25 Elliot O
Brown manager of tho National Sheep
and Cattlo company one of the best
known stockmen of Nebraska and Wy
oming was drowned in Indian creek
yesterday whilo attempting to ford it
on horseback Mr Brown was one of
the Wyoming rough riders under Col
onel Torroy and distinguished himself
in the Mississippi wreck last summer
when he saved many lives
Cedar Rapids Gets Next Convention
Des Moines May 25 Cedar Rapids
gets tho next years convention of tho
Hahnomann Medical society of Iowa
Tho new officers elected wore Presi
dent A M Linn Des Moines vice
president F A Remington Sioux City
second vico president Dr Lucy Busen
bark Des Moines secretary E R
Amos Rolfe treasurer George Royal
Des Moinos necrologist J E King
The Toledo Seamless Tube company
has gone iuto the bicycle trust
Tho National Association of Wagon
Manufacturers has decided to raise
The treasurers report at the western
Unitarian conference Chicago shows a
deficit for the year of 190
Tho 41st general assembly of tho
United Presbytorian church began its
sossions at Philadelphia Wednesday
Archbishop Tonti of Port an Prince
Hayti will be appoiuted secretary of
tho congregation of tho propaganda
A number of factories which make
bicycles rivets castings and tubiugs
are now bidding on ordnance supplies
John Burkholdor and L W Frau
houser havo been arrested at Laucastor
Pa charged with counterfeiting tho
Cigarmakers union label
Captain Slovor who was pilot of the
Monitor during its fight with tho Merri
mao in Hampton Roads died Wednes
day at Eaaton Md aged 82 years
Governor Stephens of Missouri Wed
nesday signed tlio bill which requires
foreign coporutions to be licensod by
the secretory of state before they can do
business iu the state
The largest stamp mill in tho world
was started up on May 13 by D O Mills
at the Treadwell mine on Douglas
igland Alaska The new mill contains
GO batteries of five stamps each with a
crushing capacity of four tons to each
stamp every 24 hours
Tho Russian minister at Pekin has
notified the Chinese foreign office that
Russia is uuablo to accept tho Chinese
refusal of a railroad concession and that
it will send eugiueors forthwith to nur
vey a line to counect tho Russian Man
churiu railroad with Pokiu
Day Is Observed In Othor Cities nnd In
Inrnwny Colonies Great Crowds nt St
lmils Cathedral Uniiiiint nnd Iteuep
ttons Given at nil Kiiropenu Capitals
Sort tecs nt Hluttn
London May 25 Torronts of rain
nshored in Quoon Victorias 80th birthday
yostorday At Windsor tho town was
decorated with flags and tho church
bells wero rung at 1 1 oclock in tho
morning Tho wcathor cleared at
about 1 1 oclock and a soronade by tho
Windsor nnd Eton Amatour Choral so
cieties was glvon iu tho grand quadran
gle of Windsor castlo Tho sun then
shone brilliantly Tho sorenado was
listened to by tho qucon who looked
to bo m excellent health ami tho mem
bers of tho royal family
A great congregation assembled in St
Pauls cathedral whoro thanksgiving
services wero hold nnd huge crowds of
people unablo to obtain admittance
grouped themselves in the spaces about
the building
Tho birthday colobrations occurred
throughout tho provinces tho ships in
tho different portB wero dressed for
tho occasion aud tho warships wero
covored with hunting
A telegram from Simla tho summer
capital of British India records that im
pressive queens birthday servicea thoro
were attended by tho viceroy of India
Lord Curzou and tho Iudiun and mili
tary officials in full dress Royal sa
lutes wero fired
Banquets and rocoptious wero given
by the British ambassadors and min
isters at all tho leadiug capitals in
Europe in honor of tho day A
An interesting featuro of the celobra
tion here was tho attendance of the
boys of tho naval and military schools
at a matiuoe givon by Herbert Beer
bohui Treos company at Her Majestys
theater at which tho entire audience
sang the national anthem to which the
queen listened by electrophono at Wind
sor Hor majesty telegraphed an ex
pression of hor pleasure
Dispatches from tho continent report
the printing of eulogistic articles on tho
queeus reign in tho European press
The birthday banquet givon at tho
Hotel Cecil last night was attonded by
many members of tho American society
iu London Lord Rosobory who pro
sided referred to tho American guests
as representing a great common wealth
of states once a part of tho British em
pire but now nearer than any other
country except tho colonies
Great Day at Fort Tnoipn
Ponx Tamp a Fla May 25 The
greatest day in the history of Port
Tampa that of tho celebration of Quoon
Victorias 80th birthday opened bright
and warm At snnriso salutes wore
fired from tho British and American
war vossels lying in tho harbor Brit
ish and American flags wore floated
from every point of vantage Tho most
striking featuro of tho decorations was
a triumphal arch displaying the British
lion and tho Amorican eagle Two
hundred marines from tho Intropid and
tho Pearl the two British cruisers sent
to take part in the celebration woro
escorted up to tho dock by tho Port
Tampa division of tho Florida naval re
serves tho Englishmen playing the
American national airs and tho Ameri
cans responding with tho British an
thems Tho most dramatic incident of
the day was tho unveiling of a largo
portrait of Queen ictona Tho por
trait draped iu tho flags of tho two
cuuutries stood upon a small balcony
of tho Inn aud boforo it stood a crowd
of expectaut watchors At noon pre
cisoly in tho capital at Albany N Y
Governor Theodore Roosevelt touched
an electric button tho covering fell
from the face aud two marlnos En
glish aud American standing on either
sido of tho portrait clasped each others
hands in token of tho amity of the two
natious The people cheered wildly
and off in tho harbor was heard the
heavy guns of the warships firing the
queens salute
Americans Participate at Kingston
Kingston Out May 25 Some 000
United States militia naval reserves
nnd collogo cadets yostorday joined tho
Kingston military iu honoring Queen
Victorias birthday Tho visitors rep
resented tho Third Now York battalion
under tho command of Major A II
I loll of Oswego Mayor Ryan pre
sented tho visitors with a silk union
jack which was givon tho plaoo of
honor iu their ranks Later iu tlio day
a roviow witnessed by some 20000 poo
plo was hold ou the exposition grounds
ltnllwny Operators Name Olllrers
Pkouia May 25 Tho convention of
tho Order of Hallway Tolographors will
adjourn today and tho next mooting
place will most likely lw Pooria Tho
following ofilcors wero eloctod Pres
ident Walter V Powell secretary and
treasurer II B Perham chairman of
executivo commltteu E L Daniels
Considerable Hum or Work In South
Itnlseil by rresbjierlnns
Minneapolis May 2fi Rev Mood
Holmes of Rockford Ills aged and
bent climbed upou tho tribune in tho
Presbytorian gonoral ussombly this af
ternoon and extracted from a worn llttlo
pockotbooka draft for 1000 on tho
Chemical Nntionnl bank of Now York
Routs woro terribly low ho said and
money was hard to got but for tho
Freedmens cause ho would give that
draft piovidod all Btood by tholr pledges
and promises and tho moro than 10000
promised was actually delivered Thou
whilo tho assembly applauded loudly
tho gray beard painfully olnmbered
I want to ask a question said Dr
Birch tho heresy hunter while
Judgo Willsou was talking about tho
work ol tho publication and Sabbath
school board Dr Birch said ho had
seou in a publishing house tho othur
day a book which declared Daniel
countersigned by our Ijord Jesus Chriht
to bo a fable Dr Birch wanted no
such books from tho board Judge
Willsou assured him that ho would not
got any
DUruril Aniline Wlrtt Ftuii n Men
Chicago May 25 Mauufacturors of
wire fencing nud machines for tho man
ufacture of wire fencing mot at the
Great Northern hotel yostorday E F
Shollabargor of DoKalb presidod over
tho meeting About 30 representatives
of iih many firms covering tho states
of Illinois Iowa Kansas Nebraska and
Indiana woro admitted to tho confer
ence Erom tho start tho delegates
found discord iu their meeting Tho
men who manufactured only tho wiro
did not want to allow tho mou who
manufactured tho machines for manu
facturing the wiro to bo taken into their
confidence Tho machine mauufact
urors adjourned in a delegation but
finally returned and woro accorded seats
in tho room
Gets 25 Yeurs Fur Assault
Clinton Li May 25 Frank Poter
son convicted lust week of criminally
assaulting Mary B Lock November 29
1898 was sentenced by Judge Bollinger
to 25 years in tho penitentiary at hard
Physicians of Judgo Grosscup say h
will recover
The gunboat Vicksburg has gono out
of commission
Squire Burt of Owouton Ky isdoad
aged 103 years
Grover Clovoland haa returned to his
homo at Princeton N J
The volksraad at Pretoria adjourned
Wednesday iu honor of tho quoon a
General Bermudoz Roina formor min
ister of war and military governor of
Madrid is dead
Joel Till a prosperous farmer near
Belvidoro N J shot his wife and him
self Wednesday
Senator Piatt in an interview sup
ports McKinley and Hobart for tho
coming campaign
Anson R Flower has been elected a
director of the International Papor com
paiiy vice tho lato Roswoll P Flower
Colonel E W Colo of Nashville diod
suddenly Wednesday night in tho cor
ridor of tho Fifth Avouuo hotel Now
Another 2 cont ndvauco iu tho price
of Lima O crude oil Wednesday has
put tho producers to wondering whoro
it will stop
Rev Dr W II P Faunce pastor of
tho Fitth Aveuuo Baptist church New
York is said to bo the man chohon for
president of Brown university
The queens birthday was outhusias
tically celebrated throughout British
Columbia Wednesday Tho stars and
stripes were eutwiued with tho uuiou
jack iu many places
Judgo Trout of San Francisco Weduos
day denied tho right of Mrs Nettio R
Craveu Fair to intervene in tho coutest
of the will of the lato James G Fair
filed by his son Charles
Representative Gillotto of Massachu
setts lias invited President McKinley to
visit Springfield Mass whilo attend
ing graduating exercises at Mt Holyoko
Mobs from which tho presidents neico
In a fierce fight between Deputy Sher
iffs Carpenter and Runues and a num
ber of desperadoes at Guthrie O T
Wednesday Bill Martiu an outlaw was
killed aud Iub brother Sam Martiu
fatally wouuded Over 25 shots woro
nVAl Baking
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
4 -
lj Tv
The Norfolk Weekly News
Generals MacArthur and Fun
ston Move Against Enemy
Jllnrcheil 120 Miles In Twenty Days nu
Took Twcnty BlRlit Towns Knur Hun
clrril lelets Hltlml nud Twloo Thnt
Niunltor Wounded Willi Lost of Six
Manila May 25 Generals MaoAr
thnr and Fuuatpu with the Kansas and
Montana rcgimouta nud the Utah bat
tery havo dispersed 800 insurgents who
wore iutreuchod on tbo railroad beyond
iinn Fernando near Santa Aritn The
American scouts were flred upou from
tho trenches unexpectedly and with
drew The firing was heard at San
Fernando and Gonoral MacArthur as
sembled his troops and ninrchod quickly
nfter tho scouts Tho Montana regi
ment flanked tho tronches on tho loft
and tho Kansas rogiment attacked tho
enemys right flank General Fuuston
leadiug the charge at tho double quick
Tho iusurgout loss was largo many
prisoners were captmed and it is re
ported that 20 Americans were wouudod
Goncral Lawtou with most of his
troops has arrived at Malolos His ex
pedition niarchod 120 miles in 20 days
had 22 fights captured 28 towns de
stroyed UOOOOO bushels of rico and only
lost six men killed and 31 wounded
On the other hand General Lawtou es
timates that Ids troops killed 400 insur
gents and wounded doublo that number
It dovoloped that five men instead of
one wero drowned by tho sinking of a
raft loaded with soldiers of tho Four
teenth regiment at the Pasig ferry
Iroyfiis FiicU Are Coming Out
Pakis May 25 The Figaro continu
ing its analysis and publication of tho
evidence offered in and bearing upon
the proceedings before tho court of cas
sation gives tho minutes of the investi
gation by General Reuouard into tho
conduct of Lieutenant Colonel Du Paty
de Clam on Sept 0 1898 Tho latters
Important Data on Irrluntlrm In tlio West
Hnttmltteit by the Geologic Survey
Washington May 25 Tho United
Statos geological survey has just issued
an importaut volumo propared by F
II Nowoll relating to tho uso of wator
for power irrigation and othor indus
trial purposes being tho product of 10
years oxporiouco and systematic moas
nromout It gives facts concerning
rivers in various localities from Maine
to California and shows tho greatest
least and avorago How by months
Tho greater part of tho volumo is
given to facts concerning tho rivers of
tho west particularly those usod in ir
rigation The Missouri rlvor and its
tributaries in Montana and Wyoming
aro describod and flguros of availnblo
wator inserted A largo numbor of
meaBuromonts of tho hoadwators of tho
Platto river in Colorado aro also given
and the importance of this stream to
tho dovolopmout of Nobraska is shown
TrnrklnyliiK Is Ilogun
Omaha May 25 Tracklaylug was
boguu on tho Illiuois Coutrals exten
sion to Omaha yesterday By building
130 mllos of road botweon Tara In and
Council Bluffs and without any material
increaso in oporutlng expenses tho Illi
uois Central will bo in a position to do
maud a sharo of transcontinental traflio
passing through tho Omaha gatoway
Tho lino will also gaiu a heavy local
traflio The total cost of tho road will
bo fl000000 nnd it will bo opou for
trafllc about Nov 1
Impressive Demonstrations on
Occasion of Her Birthday
- I M D Trior
Attorneys At Lat
llomcopnlhlc Physician nud Surgeon
OHIoo oror Cltlrons Nntinimt Hank Olllon
hours 10 -on to IJufn in and 210 to 100 pm I
enuliiKn T l to SOD
Itnntilmioa Tnlnplionn No P
tOllton No 101
Norfolk - Nebraska
OUIon ornrCIHsnni Nutl Hunk llesldnnas on
blook north of oturrncnMnnal olmroli
Norfolk Nobraskn
Fashionable DroRRtnakor
Up stairs in Cotton nlook orer Damns stors
First I olsss work iruarantond
AtlornojB nt Law
Itoonu 10 11 and 18 Unit llloek
Norfolk Nobraaka
Undertakers nnd EinbulmorR
BnssloiitlUk Norfolk Ap
Attorney at Law
Rooms 1 and 2 Robertson it Wlgton
Block Norfolk
lliMlitmrtirn HhiiiovimI from Iavniiiorti sin
lln to ih IJiiiIIoyH Htuhluou Stli St
j s moow
Will imtdown now ucIIh or rnnulr old ouiw
Lauin IVIoaiers Sharpened guaranteed
VM Philip A Tolophonn 124
Cor lath Howard SU OMAHA
Nnurnskn pcoplo can moot tholr frlotids
horo Tnkn llnrnoy tit car at dopot
Mrs HHHull
will aro
Facial Treatment Maoieariog and Shampoo
Will tladly call aVyoar hcmoi and do any of tbl
work Orders taken for fine hair switches
Perfect match guaranteed Beildenee on First
street Junction Orders may bs left at tha
Junction Draff Htoro Telephone IO
Ladies Attention
If yon are in poor hnalthl invoetigntn tlio
Monday and Tuwdaj In Cotton Block oror
Iinnm HroV Htore Hoolth Book fruo by cuIUhk
on addressing tho manager MBS S K LONG
Norfolk Nobraaka
W 0 Halls Barber Shop
Livery Feed and
Sale Stable
Hack Line In Connection
Telephone 68
Oil and Gasoline
NO 33
Practical Plumber
and Steam Fitter
Agency for the Myers Force and
Wind Mill Pumps
Prices Right
Satisfaction Guaranteed on all Work
First door West of Post Oillce
ytKr mUffTr I
They fit tho feet as natare ntended
will lie jusl as much pleased
with Mio perfect lit and the
graceful stylish shape of the
as aro the middle aged aud
elderly folks
They are the most fashion
able and sensible shoes on tho
market today
350 Per Pair
We are solo agents for Jen
ness Miller Shoes for this city
Always Fresh
and Just as
Highest Market Price Paid for
Butter nnd EtfgH
Sale and
Boarding Barn
Horses Bought and Sold on
Brauch Avenue
aud Third St
North Western
F E M V 6 R is the best to and
from the
I North Nebraska