The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, May 11, 1899, Page 6, Image 8

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Hvulynrd Kipling will soon pnll for
And now Nowfovmdlnnd wnntB to Ijo
Brazils coiTco orop is worth sJMOOOO
XX immmlly
Thomtput of hold in tho Klondike
thin Finson is csthimted nt 20XK000
AlftbnnioH United States pcimtoru nro
lOth voternns Morgan in 7fi nnd Pothm
Being strictly in tho swim at Cnl
mnpit mnilo FuiiBton n brigadier gen
Tho light iignliiBt Qnny by lonnnyl
vnnln ropublicntiB is on in n inoro dotor
mined way than over
It is assorted that in ono Binnll prov
ince of Austria r0000 pcoplo contum
plate omlgrating to thin country
Tho latest Bohcmo 1h to ralso by popu
lar subscription 2r0000 and proBont it
to Dowoy on his return homo
John Shcrumu says ho is too old to
run for governor That is i roumrkablo
admission to como from an Ohio man
Wisconsin has n gouuino freak A
man has been fouud there who rofnsos
to iwcopt n puss from tho railwny for
which ho works
Gov Koosovelt of Now York thiukB
that tho whipping poBt is juBt tho thing
for men who boat and abuso their wIvoh
Itight again Teddy I
Gon Miles is learning that discretion
is tho better part of valor Ho would
hnvo boon inoro fortunato if he could
liavo roalizod it earlier in lifo
Tho Burlington railroad is sponding
over 0000000 this year on improve
ments and oxtonsionB muoh of it in
western Nebraska and Wyoming
The Now York Suu portinontly asks
Silver or sodltlou which is to bo tho
mainstay of modern American democ
racy in tho next great campaign
It Is rumored that uoar tho boundary
lino of California and Arizona one of
tho richest gold ilnds mndo for years has
Leon discoyorod A groat rush of min
ers Is going into that country
As soon as tho troublo with tho Phil
ippines can bo settled and poaco rostorcd
tho question of providing a suitablo gov
ernment for those peoploj will bo upper
most In its settlement congress will
bear tho responsibility uot tho prosi
It looks very much a9 if tho opposing
presidential candidates in 1000 will be
tho same as they were in 1800 Thoro
is every indication that tho result will
bo tho samo as it was then only very
much nioropronouncod lu McKinloys
J Sterliug Morton rofors to William
J Bryan as This phenomenal lawyer
who never had a client this resonant
statesman who uevor drafted a statute
this skilled iluauoier who never made a
dollar this soldier who never tired a gun
or saw a battlo
In March 1803 tho exports of Ameri
can manufactures wa3 1 1599221 In
March 1809 they wcro 30025731
Tho progress of tho country from a dom
ocratio to a republican administration is
remarkable Tho markotsof tho world
have been captured under a protective
One of the most humorous statements
now going the rounds of the press is
that Admiral Dowoy is coming homo to
take a rest Tho truth is that the whole
country is already making such elabo
rate provisions to dine and wine him
that ho needs to provide himself with a
cast iron constitution if ho has any an
ticipation of surviving the generous
tinistreatment that is in store for him
Strikes rarely occur under a demo
cratic administration Men never strike
-when soup houses are dispensing free
lunches and factories are smokeless
They begin to make demands not when
men are hunting jobs but when jobs
are hunting for men It is under re
publican administrations that the latter
is true Strikes ore incidental to an era
of rising prices and advancing wages
such as is being enjoyed at the present
time under the wise and beneficent laws
passed by a republican congress and
faithfully executed by William Mc
Bishop Fallows at the meeting re
cently held at Chicago to sustain the ad
ministration for its course in the Philip
pines said The flag which has waved
in glory over an expanding country from
1700 to 1809 under which the reunited
soldiery of tho blue and tho gray with
their valorous patriotio sous have so
splendidly striven together will not bo
shot down at a range of 10000 miles
with sulphurous paper wads of a Bos
ton pamphleteer We all know that
the president of the United States is not
an angel and I am particularly glad at
this time that he is not that he is ono
of our folks still But he is neither a
dictator nor a tyrant nor a king nor an
imperator He is simply an old
ioned broad minded lorgo hearted law
enforcing typical American of our own
Abraham Lincoln stripo
It is a pretty tongh chargo to bring
against MoKlnloy and his pnrty that
they encourago horso Btoallng Hut lost
Rome of our fusion friondn forgot it wo
Biiggcst that thoro may bo somo truth in
it From 1803 to 1807 thoro was prob
ably less horso stoullng In Nobronka
than thoro has boon in tho samo longth
of timo slnco tho Btato was sottlod Dis
patches from dilToront parts of Nebraska
show that thoro is an alarming incroaso
of horso stoallng at tho prcsont time
This Ib undoubtedly duo to tho MoKln
loy administration Sinco It camo into
powor horses lmvo rapidly and steadily
rlson In value Boforoitlmt they woro
worth llttlo Farmors who want to
koop their horsos and feel porfoctly so
ouro with thoir barn doors unlookod
nights should voto tho democratic
ticket Republicanism when in tho sad
dle always nccoBBltatos tho purchase of
now locks and an extra shot gun to
proporly protect valuable property
A democratic contemporary UBks Is
it possiblo that in order to havo prosper
ity in this country everything tho farm
or buys must bo advanced 100 por cent
and everything ho sells must go lowor
and lowor No It is not nolthor is
that tho condition of things at present
as tho questioner would imply It is
trno that prices of everything almost
without oxcoption aro rising and no
olass of pcoplo in this country aro holng
bouolltted inoro by this than tho produc
ers It is ossoutial it the nation is to
bu prosperous that tho farmers do woll
It is a fact that never in tho history
of this country woro tho farmors of tho
west doing hotter than thoy aro doing
today It is universally admitted that
thoy havo moro money in thoir posses
sion and aro paying off debts fastor than
horotoforo It Is truo that tho advance
in pricos and wngos which is now taking
placo all over tho country is an indica
tion of gouuino prosperity It is truo
that in 1800 tho doraocratlo party uudor
tho leadership of W J Bryan contend
ed that what was needed if tho com
mon people woro to bo bouofltted avoh
an era of rising pricos It is truo
that tho republican party undor tho
leadership of William MoKinloy hos
brought about that era and tho people
aro now busy as bees roaping tho results
of it It is hard on the democratic party
to bo so treated but it is already shifting
its pbsition and in viow of tho rise in
prices gotting ready to cry robbery
in 1000
Foundations in Peril
For nearly a week past this commun
ity has been stirred to its very depths by
rovelatious of such a character that they
havo brought the blush of shamo to the
cheek and kindled the fires of wrath
and indignation in every truo breast
againBt tho participants of a deed bo vile
as to bo nameless
The News was prompt to speak of tho
ugly rumors afloat last week and has
nothing now moro than it had nt the
timo when it first alluded to tho theme
of palliation or excuse to offer in behalf
of thoso who were charged with the
shamoful offense
It is said that thoro is no law under
which prosecutions can be mado against
tho parties concerned If it is true then
there is certainly something very seri
ously wroug with tho statutes of Ne
braska There is a common ground
upon whioh nil men who havo any re
gard for thoso committed to their caro
cau stand That placo tho people of
Norfolk havo reached Thoy may differ
as to many other things but thoy are
agreed us ono man that such debauchery
and lust as is charged in this case is not
to bo condoned or further tolerated
Somo ono has said that The hearth
stono is tho foundation stone of tho re
public A community can afford loss
of property it may bo obliged to meet
some awful visitation of death or disas
ter which shall bring Badness and sor
row All these may havo thoir compen
sations but thoro cau bo nono for
tho withering blighting influence
of thoso who lost to all sense of personal
honor or manly impulsos would undor
mino and destroy not only life but
character Tho charges made in this
case are too loathsome to coutemplato
Tho parties to them should be given a
fair and full opportunity to offer any
testimony they may havo to offer but
the fact that they have left the town is
in itself presumptive evidenoo of their
guilt The News has no desire to pre
judge any case It believes that in a time
like this candor good sense and a judi
cial temper should prevail but never
theless the spirit of the people which
demands that justice bo meted
out and that a ban be placed
upon those who outrage public decency
is a credit to the manhood and woman
hood of Norfolk and an honor to a peo
ple whose sons and daughters are their
dearest possessions However much or
however little truth there may be in the
allegations made a legal prosecution in
some form ought to be possible It
would do more than anything else can
do to purify the moral atmosphere It
would make our streets safe places for
pedestrians it would put a stop to tho
boastings of lewd fellows of the baser
sort over their escapades i t would show
to all the world that Norfolk as a law
abiding city insists that such damnablo
beastliness is neither to be counte
nanced nor condoned
Tells in a Vivid Way of En
counter With Filipinos
An liitcrrntliif Account of Dm Ituttlo at
Mlilutn Tlio Nnhrnshii Hoy IiikIiimI tho
lliiomy Illicit from Troiicli In Trench
Filipino llruvn It n t l uclilnj In
From Saturdays Dully
By permission of Special Kxamlncr
D W Grcono of this city this paper
publishes n letter from Dan Frascr now
in tho Philippine islands He being a
Madison county boy from Madison tho
people in this county will bo interested
to hoar from tho scat of war
Slnco this letter wub written Corporal
Frnfior has boon promoted to a sorgeant
aB was roiKrtcd by tho telegram a fow
days sinco
Manila Phillpplno Islands April 8
1809 Mr D W Greono Norfolk
Nob Doar friend No doubt by this
timo you begin to think I havo entirely
forgotton yon but far from it for I havo
often wondered where you aro in your
long drives and how you nro getting
I hnvo just simply neglected to write
sooner as ono is npt to do whilo in tho
army and ns fully occupied as wo havo
boon slnco wo arrived hero If I only
had tho timo and ability to put into
writing ono half that wo havo soon nnd
experienced sinco wo camo horc it
would bo nn interesting story but I con
fess my innbillty to do tho subject jus
tlco so you must bo contont with tho
short sketch that I may bo nblo to givo
you of our lato unpleasantness with
tho insurgents
On tho ovonlng of March 21 tho second
division of which tho First Nebraska is
a part took up position on north line
whon nt G 30 a m five regiments of us
formed into skirmish lino At tho
sound of tho buglo we movod forward
but had not gono far when wo encount
ered tho onomys outpost which oponod
flro upon us and which was returned by
our troops with a good will and in short
ordor wo had them headed for Malolos
But not until thoy had 1 1 of our regi
mout wounded Fortunately for my
company nono of us woro hit Tho
fighting continued clear into thoir so
called capital which we reached after
six days of awful hard tramping We
drovo them from trouch to trench thoy
holding their positions only until we
got in rango with our Springflolds
when wo would givo them a few volley
then somo rapid fire and they were off
Thero was one time though that they
becamo brave and made a charge on the
First Nebraska Wo turned the tables
on thorn killing about 20 and wounding
many moro Wo had seven wounded
in this attack among which was my
captain Jens being shot through the
bone of tho right arm by n Mauser ball
causing a painful but not dangerous
wound Ho will be back with our com
pany soon
Tho last death in my company was
my bunk mato Sergeaut Arthur H
Vickers He was wounded in battle
tho day before Malolos fell boing shot
in tho loft thigh He lived three days
I saw him fall but could not speak nor
get to him at that moment for wo were
under a heavy Mauser fire and I was in
charge of tho second platoon and ad
vancing by rushes ns favorable oppor
tunities offered nnd you know by ex
perience that every man is busy at such
a time
The troops havo been doing but little
lately except holding tho ground since
taking Malolos thereby giving the boys
a much needed rest We have no
idea now what the next move will be
The volunteers seem to be doing nil the
fighting nnd we have had our fill of it
during the last month I am well and
enclose photograph of myself Please
Bay hollo for me to my friends in Nor
folk and elsewhere if you meet them
I hope to hear from you soon and per
haps to see you in the near future
Very truly your friend
Corporal Daniel S Fbaseu
To the Saloon Keeper of Norfolk
Calling your attention to section 29 of
chapter 50 of the compiled statutes of
this state which reads as follows
It shall be tho duty of all vendors of
malt spirituous or vinous liquors under
the provisions of this act to keep the
windows and doors of their respective
places of business unobstructed by
screens blinds paint or other articles
and any person offending against the
provisions of this section shall be deemed
Kuilty of a misdemeanor and urxm con
viction thereof shall be fined in any
Bum not less than 25 or be imprisoned
in the county jail not less than 10 days
or both at the discretion of the court
and shall have his license revoked by the
same authority granting tho same
You are hereby notified that tho un
dersigned propose to prosecute any one
violating tho provisions of tho foregoing
section on and after Monday May 22
1899 Anti Saloon League
By O G Somers President
Will Visit tho Schools
At a meeting of Mathewson G A R
Post held on Monday evening May 15
the following committee were appointed
to visit the vurious city schools on Fri
day afternoon May 20
Grant School Comrades Raiubolt
Dudley Roubo McClary Bovee Mor
row Wynandt Reed aud Warner
High School Comrades Barnes
ly Light Gcrccko Widninan Amarine
Roborts Hngoy and Long
Lincoln School Comrades Robertson
Powell Mills Byorly Branson LadhoiT
Miller nnd Krucger
Washington School Comrades Simp
son Davenport Storm Alien Living
ston McGinnls Cnrborry and Kennedy
Kdgowator Sohool Comrades Matrau
and Hirsch
All nro requested to moot nt tho Post
room nt 1 p m on May 21 from whonco
each dologntion will proceed to tho vari
ous schools ns designated
If any comrndes havo been overlooked
thoy will ploaso report nt Post room
where they will bo assigned
No comrndo will bo excused from this
duty unless prevented by sickness in
which case sick leave should bo ob
tnlned from tho Post Burgeon Dr
Hngcy By order
H M RoniiiTH
W II Widaman Post Commnnder
An Appreciative Audience Linton to I ud -
wig KociiIkMcIiih Pupils nt Con-
BrtKUtloiiHl Church
From Wednesdays Dally
Tho piano recital at tho Congrega
tional church Inst evening given by tho
pupils of Mr Ludwig Koeuigstelu was
a brilliant success
Every seat in tho auditorium aud uu
nox was occupied nnd an appreciative
nudionco enjoyed a delightful evening
of musical entertainment
Tho pupils of Mr Koeuigstelu at first
conquer tho mechanical and technical
diflicultios that piano playing presents
and fully demonstrated that most effic
ient work has boeu accomplished and
that piano thumping is no longer con
sidered tho proper thing
Boforo it is at all possiblo for him to
express his real inner musical feeling
boforo musical emotional feeling can be
adequately oxpressed thero must bo a
Bympathotio communication between the
musicians braiu and finger and herein
lies tho success in the art of piano pluy
It is hardly necessary to say that in
ordor to succeed as a teacher ono must
possess technical skill general musician
ship and a nntnrnl aptitude for impart
ing knowledge to others and it is the
unanimous verdict of thoso who were
present last evening that Mr Koenig
stcin possesses this knowledge to a rare
Tho program rendered was excellent
It was as follows
Vollstedt Jolly Fellows Waltz Duet
Miss Lizzie Shelly
Miss Hazel Kelly
Beethoven Farewell to th Piano
MiBB Jennio Wheeler
Wilson Memory
n Miss Etta Hodgetts
Bohm La Grace
Miss Ruth Harding
Chopin - Nocturne
Rathbnn j Waltz
Miss Lillian Luikart
Lauge The Zither Player
Miss Lizzie Miller
Brinkman Remember Me
Miss Lizzie Shelly
Streabbog The Chase
Miss Jennie Stafford
Pinsuti Bedouin Lovo Song
Mr Charles Harding
Nevin Narcissus
Miss Jessie Bridge
Godnrd Au Matin At Morn
Miss Lucy Bruner
Lange Serenade
Miss Lois Gibson
Blake Evening Chimes
MiBB Clara Rudat
Beethoven Henselt Pathetiquo Concerto
Grave Allegro Adngio Allegro
Miss Lucy Bruner
MrLudwig Koenigstein
Arrangements for the Last Week of School
Tartly Completed Lecture by
Her I Jr Butler
The High School commencement will
take place on Friday evening June 2
The class this year will consist of 12
graduates each of whom will write an
oration but only two will be delivered
at the commencement exercises Frank
Masters will give the salutatory aud
Miss Anna Law the valedictory The
other orations will be printed in the
Milestone which will appear within a
week after the close of school Tho re
maining commencement exercises will
consist of music singing and a lecture
by Rev Dr Batler of Omaha who has
the well earned reputation of being one
of the brightest speakers in the state
Thursday of the same week will be
Junior day and an appropriate program
will be rendered in the afternoon
Thursday evening the Eighth grade will
give its program at the high school
The annual meeting of the Alumni
will be held at the home of Miss Edith
McClary on Saturday evening June 3
It is expected that a baccalaureate
sermon will be delivered to the graduat
ing class but this has not yet been ar
ranged for
Drink Oraln O
after you have concluded fhat you ought
uot to drink coffee It is not a medicine
but doctors order it because it is
healthful invigorating aud appetizing
It is made from pure grains and has
that rich seal brown color and tastes
like the finest grades of coffee nnd costs
about 4 as much Children like it aud
thrive on it because it is a genuine food
drink containing nothing but nourish
ment Aek your grocer for Groin O
the new food drink 15 and 25 cents
A Superior Through Sleeping Cur Line
Ilotwccu St Louis nnd Jack
Commencing December 17th tho Lou
isvillo Air Lino will inaugnrnto for tho
season tho great Through Sleeping Oar
Routo to Florida Through sloeping
cars will leavo St Louis tlCp m dally
passing Louisvillo 7 00 n in Lexington
10 55 a in reaching Chattanooga 555
p m Atlantn 10 10 p ui and Jackson
villo 840 n m second morning
Stopovers allowed This routo is
through largo cities and interesting
country and is operated over most su
perior nnd woll established lines of rail
way Tho schedules nro fnst nnd most
In addition to tho above schedule
leaving St Louis at night train leaving
St Louis 8 08 a m will arrivo Jnck
Bonvillo tho next night 0SOjp in mak
ing only ono night out from St Louis to
This lino also affords pnssengers for
Florida trip via Abbeville N 0 the
greatest American all-year-around ro
Correspondence solicited and inform
ation promptly furnished R A Camp
hell General Passenger Agent St
Louis Mo
ThiB is also tho best lino to points in
Kentucky Tennessee Georgia and
North and South Carolina
Women Should Know It
Many women Buffer uutold agony and
misery because tho naturo of their dig
easo is not correctly understood They
have been led to believe that womb
troublo or female weakness of somo sort
is responsible for the many ills that be
set womankind
Neuralgia nervousness headache
puffy or dark circles under the eyes
rhumatism a dragging pain or dull ache
in tho back weakness or bearing down
seusation prof u so or scanty supply of
uriuo with strong odor frequent desire
to pass it with scalding or burning sen
sation sediment in it after standing in
bottle or common glass for 24 hours are
signs of kidney and bladder troublo
The above symptoms aro often attrib
uted by the patient herself or by her
physician to female weaknesss or womb
trouble Hence so many fail to obtain
relief because they nre treating not the
dseaso itself but a reflection of the pri
mary cause which is kidney trouble
In fuct women as well as mon are
made miserable with kidney aud bladder
trouble and both need the same remedj
Dr Kilmers Swamp Root is the great
discovery of tho eminent kidney and
bladder specialist nnd is easy to get at
any drug store for fifty cents or ono dol
To prove its wonderful merits you
may have a sample bottle and book tell
ing all about it both sent absolutely free
by mail Kindly mention The Norfolk
Weekly News and send your address
to Dr Kilmer Co Binghnmtou N Y
A Cheap Fiirm anil a Good One
Do you want a good farm wheie you
con work outdoors in your shirt sleeves
for ten months in the year and where
your stock can forage for itself all the
year round If so write toP Sid Jones
PaEseDger Agent Birmingham Ala or
Dr R BCrawford Traveling Passenger
Agent 6 Rookery building Chicago 111
Do you want to go down and look at
some of the garden spots of this country 5
The Louisville Nashville railroad pro
vides the way and the opportunity on the
first and third Tuesday of each month
with excursions at only two dollars over
one fare for round trip tickets Write
Mr O P Atmore General Passenger
Agent Louisville Ky for particulars
Do you want to read about them be
fore going Then send 10 cents in silver
or postage stompB for a copy of Garden
Spots to Mr Atmore
is only a symptom not a
disease So are Backache
Nervousness Dizziness and the
Bines They all come from an
unhealthy state of the men
strual organs If you suffer
from any of these symptoms
if you feel tired and languid in
the morning and wish you could
lie in bed another hour or two
if there is a bad taste in the
month and no appetite if
there is pain in the side back
or abdomen BRADFIELDS
bring about a sure cure The
doctor may call your trouble
some high sounding Latin
name but never mind the name
The trouble is in the menstrual
organs and Bradfields Female
Regulator will restore you to
health and regulate the menses
like clockwork
Sold by dnigzlsti fci i a bottle A ft lllustitud
book will t hbi to lay oraan if requen be milled to
Are You Ever
And f9 It not duo to ncrvoun exhaus
tion How can jou luiro conragd
when snflcrlne with headache nerv
ous prostration aud great physical
Would you like to Iks rid of this
depression of pplrlts
flow I removing tho cause By
It removes tho cause of your tnffer
lnjr because It remove3all Impurities
from your blood 5100 AH druggists
To keep in good health you most
havo perfect action of tho bowels
Aycrs rills euro constipation and
blilousnoss 25c a box
WrHm to our Doctor
Write u f i rely all tho rAttlctiMrs In
jour case Address Dn J O AVEB
oweu mass
of Best Varieties at Hard Times Prices Bmall
fruit In largo supply Millions of Strawberry
plants very thrifty and woll rootod dot the
HE8T near noma and save freight or exprex
Bond for prico list to
North Bend Nurseries
North Bend Dodge County Neh
At Pierce Every Monday
Mast Block - - Norfolk Neb
Attention 1nrmern
Do you lec o to eei o hnndords of t amplo
copies of i nil journals mniiizlnr news
pap s bool catu ipueB sml cirrnlarB o in
latest r roved fawn implerrentB end mpcbn
cry aud no kept posted on impioTod seoi rid
Block for two years Or moroT If bo sod1 vt
yonrnpmo with ten cents insilvcr nnd we wU
inbt thetamo iu tlio American Formers Dir
wliirh noes nu all over the Uiilti 1
Suus to publishers merchan sud manrn
l intra lou will Ret more jood reading mnU
yon conld purchase for many times tl0
Binnll coBt of ten cents Wo want every farmei s
name in tho United States in our d at
once Farmkbs DiEEOToKt Co
Depai nentll8
Birmingham Ala
Get Away a Couple of Months
and visit
Asheville or
Hot Springs N C
Aiken S C
Au cia or
Savannah Ga
or the many
Tourist tickets on sale via
by all Ticket Agents
For schedules or further infor
mation write or call on
Wm II Taylok A G P A
Louisville Ky
J O Bkam Jr N W P A
80 Adams St Chicago
Trea4 II Forcu of
12 Ytri io Omh
CoosuliMioaFrtc Book free
Offlee HlhFirnimSfi
Located on the Illinois Central B B in
And also located on the Yazoo and UIsbUeIdd
Valley R R in the Famous
Of MisEiesippi Speciality adapted to the ra e
Corn and Hoge
Soil Richestin the World
Write for Pamphlets and Maps
Land Commissioner Asst Land Comr
111 Cent B B Co Park Bow RoomlM