f f Every Can of Paint Bearing the Label of THE SHEHWIH WlLMfllHS CO 15 of the HldHEST QUALITY and FULL MEASURE Ilemctnhcr THAT when Paint is sold or olTcrod for less If the price is low the goods arc in keeping You cant get the best at second rate pries THE SHERWIN WILLIAMS PAINTS arc the best paints we know of and weve known most of tlicm If you are going to paint any thing under the sun let us talk it over with you we can help you Sold and guaranteed by Leonard 2f i - Th8 Druggist We save you 50 per cent on your Prescriptions NORFOLK LODGE NO 97 A 0 U W Moots In Odd Follows II all on tbo first and third Fridays of each month VisitinR broth ers cordially invited to attend all our mootinirs W B Hoffman Financlor L C Ilargolt Ho eorder C U Dolnu Master Workman Acme Hygienic Couches- THE LATEST UP-TO-DATE With woven wire bottoms and woven wire tops springs in between HUT TONS THAT CANT PULL OUT THE ENVY OF ALL COMPETITORS Dont be misled by false statements and fake imitations Listen to their story and then see ours The finest display ever made in Norfolk at Johnsons Furniture Store Headquarters for the finest Iron Beds und Dressers Furniture of the best grades the Great Ghickering Piano and PRICES that cannot be dupli cated A New Line of Childrens Leghorns Just in FROM 25c UP The Brownie Dress Supporter is the finest thing for shirt waists ilioery For first class mer chant tailoring see My Tailor where you will have suits well made and trimmed which is the main part of mer chant tailoring when they are made to order Call on My Tailor and have prices quoted Tho Weatber Conditions of the weather as recorded for the 24 hoars ending at 8 a m to day Maximum temperature CO Minimum temperature 51 Average GO Precipitation 00 Total precipitation for month L23 Forecast for Nebraska Partly cloudy tonight with warmer extreme west por tion Possibly showers hv Friday night THURSDAY TOPICS The farmers are very busy This is regular Nebraska weather No business was visiblo at tho police court today Low Williams passed through the city last night with a carload of feeders from Omaha for Columbus William Bland the engine wiper on the M O has resigned and his place has been taken by August Graul Norfolk lodge No 07 A O U W will hold its regular session tomorrow evoning nt 8 oclock All mombeis aro requested to bo present Tho Nobrnskn State Sunday School convention will bo held in Iloldredge Juno 1U Ifi Entortninmont will bo provided for all delogntcs presenting proper credentials A number of friends dropped in upon Miss Ada Duttorflold last ovonlng to holp that young lady colobrato day Tho party was planned aR a sur priso and proved a complete succoss not only in that reBpcct but as a social nffair Cards and refreshments occupied tho timo until midnight Tho invoicing of tho Forney drug stock hns been completed and tho store is now in chargo of its now proprietor Geo B Christoph whoproposes to mako some changes and improvements and will add a compltto news department in a short timo Georgo looks natural bo hind a drug counter onco moro and seems to bo very much at home It is about tho same in every direction Tho Albion News says Every me chanic of tho city is in active demand theso dayB Tho now buildings tho now additions and repairs tho painting aud paper hanging all tax tho capa bilities of tho several workmen in theso different lines of labor It is almost im possible to find a man for even unskilled labor There will bo a meeting of tho Busi ness Mens association at tho city build ing Friday evening Mny III 1800 There aro sovenil questions of import ance for discussion aud tho matter of changing tho meeting night from tho first and third Fridays of each month to tho second and fourth Fridays will bo considered under a resolution passed at previous meeting Several changes will bo mado in a few days on the M O A freight train will be added leaving hero nhoad of the morning passenger nnd will handle the stock Coming back in tho afternoon before tho evening passenger it will handle the perishnble freight Tho morning train will leave hero a little later aud make connections at Emerson with the train from Omaha for Sioux City The News was in error yesterday in stating that arrangements had not been made for tho baccalaureate sermon to tho graduating class of the Norfolk High school The baccalaureate sermon will be delivered by Rov J J Parker nt the First Congregational church on Sunday evening May 28 and will bo in tho nature of a union service most of the other churches having agreed to hold no services on that evening To the Public I have purchased tho drug stock of O M Forney and will continue tho busi ness at the old stand In addition to the drag and stationery business I will cconduct a news stand in connec tion where all tho latest daily papers magazines and periodicals will bo kept on sale I cordially folicit n share of your patronage Geo B CnmsTOPH Black bass at Glissmanns Given Awuyl Commencing Saturday May 20 we will give with every pair of shoes sold for 200 or more for cash a handsome chan medallion Spencer Ovelman Berrien Cheaper Than Kver Now is tho timo to bay your berries four boxes for 23 cents at Schorreggos Remember the sample sale May 10 and 20 in Pacific block east of post office Wall eyed pike at Glissmanns Box can suit you on coffee McClnry KenljjnH Some ten days ago J W McGlary sent in hiB resignation as captain of company L and yesterday by command of Gov ernor Foynter tno ioiiowing oraer was published Tho resignation of Capt John W Mc Clary company L Second regiment Nebraska national guard is hereby ac cepted to toko effect when his successor has been elected and qualified The commanding olllcer of company L Second regiment Nebraska national guard will assemble that command at its next regular meeting after tho re ceipt of this order and proceed to tho election of a captain vice McClary re signed Shoald this election result in other vacancies among the commis sioned officers of the compauy election will be held immediately to fill the same In accordance with the above order a meeting of company L will be held within a few days and an olllcer chosen to fill McOlorys place Agents Wanted For Tho Life and Achievements of Admiral Dowev the worlds greatest naval hero By Murat Halstead the life long friend and ad mirer of the nations idol Biggest and best book over 600 pages 8x10 inches nearly 100 pages halftone illustrations map in colors Only 1 50 Enormous demand Big commissions Outfit free Chance of a lifetime Write quick The Dominion Compauy Cax ton Building Chicago Farm and housohold goods hardware groceries drugs millinery and notions All theso articles are new good just re ceived Sold cheap at the sninplo sale DrFrauk Salter- Diseases of children Uhle has just received some very flue old onions Lake tront at Glissmanns A fine upright piano tor rent Hates Jewelry ajjd Music House A SAMPLE SALE Thn 1 miles of tho lrcMivtoHiin Church Will Unlit Oun 011 Two FtsU Dnjs The samplo salo which begins tomor row nnd continues for two days under tho auspices of the ladies of tho First Presbyterian chnroh promises to bo nil unqualified success Tho plan was a novel one to this plnco Somo time ago with tho co operation of tho merchants of tho city lottors woro written to tho different wholesale houses in tho differ ent citlos stating that tho Presbytorian church of this city would soon hold a salo tho proceeds to go into its treasury and asking that they send a sample of their goods as a contribution Tho re sponses wero prompt aud nnmorous aud ombrnco a wide variety of staple and fancy goods One firm in Michigan sent a fluo heating stove Thoro aro onairs tnrm machinery lawn moworx millinery dry goods boots and shoes drugs groceries confectionery hard ware and a pump Somo one sent n beautiful mandolin aud thcro aro booltB and novelties In most cases tho freight was propald Quito a number of mer chants sent money Tho nmount of cash recoivod In this way amounts to nearly 2G00 Omaha responded very generously whilo there aro also goods from New York Philadelphia Cincin nati Chicago St Louis St Joe Sioux City and Minneapolis All sent goods of ono kind or another Tho society is also indobtod to tho Sngur City mills and tho Pierce flour mill McCord Brady Co of Omaha sent a liberal supply of coffco and with it n demonstrator From this hot coffee will bo served nil day tomorrow and Saturday and with it hot biscuits for which tho Harding Creamery Co will furnish tho butter Tho publio nro cordially invited to call at next door east of tho postoillco in tho Pacific block Friday and Saturday nnd inspect theso now fresh goods Thoy aro for salo at prices lowor than thoy arc usually offered Tho room already presents a very at tractive appearauco and tho different departments nro well represented A piano will bo placed in tho room and good music will bo furnished Those who want the nick of tho lot Bhould call early and mako their pur chases There are no old goods Every thing is bright and new plainly marked and worth whnt is asked for it Tho samplo salo is ono of tho most unique and attractive enterprises ever undertaken in Norfolk and the Presby terian ladies desire not only commenda tion for their energy nnd business push but that kind of recognition which man fests itself in a substantial and liberal amount of cash in return for valuo re ceived Everybody should attend tomorrow and Saturday There are innumerable articles such ns will supply urgent household needs Choice veal at Glissmanns Tho samplo salo by tho ladies of tho Presbyterian church will be held Friday and Saturday May 10 and 20 Suider6 catsups at Boxs Houses for sale T E Odiorke Buy a 200 pair of shoes or oxfords of Spencer Ovelman and get a fine pic ture free Catfish at Glissmanns Is It Muhirlu or Alum Languor loss of appetite indigestion and often feverishness aro tho common symptoms of a physiological condition termed malaria All theso symptoms may be and frequently nro tho effect of tho use of alum baking powders in food making There is no question about tho poisonous effect of alum upon the sys tem It obstructs digostion prostrates tho nerves coagulates and devitalizes the blood All this has been made clear thanks to physicians boards of health and food commissions So highly in jurious to the health of the community does tho eminent head of tho university of Pennsylvania Dr Barker consider the alum baking powders that ho says their sale should bo prohibited by law Under these circumstances it is worth tho whilo of every housewife to employ the very little care that is necessary to keep so dangerous an element from tho food of her family A pure cream of tartar baking powder which is tbo only kind that should bo used ought to cost about forty five to fifty cents a pound Therefore if yon are paying mnch less something is wrong j if you aro paying twenty five cents or less per pound the powder is certainly made from alum Always bear theso simple facts in mind when purchasing baking powder Telephone No 112 will ring up Dr F Verges resideuco and office Uhle has just received some very fine old onions If you want to sell or trade your property list itwith G R Skilkh Co Fresh shad at Glissmanns Sweet cider at Lowis cash market Coffee and biscuits will bo served to all without chargo at the Bample eule For Sale Cheap One elegnnt bed room set one com bination bookcase and writing table chairs tableB 6toves and many other THE NORFOLK NEWS THURSDAY MAY 18 1899 household goods to numerous to men tion For particulars Inqulro at Daily Nkws Farm and city loans Till DtntLANt TltUHT Co If you want to buy or trade come and soo ub G H 8111111 Co OIlKo in Mast block PhonoSr for pluiiiblngNKitMrgCo A full line of Oneida Community and Curtice Bros canned goods at Boxs When in need of n dray call on W M Queen headquarters nt Salters coal olllco Some very flno old onions at Uhlos Miulliu Charlie Kaul went down to Columbus Sunday Emll Winters returned from Elgin Sundny W 1 Stevenson had business in Cros ton Friday Herman Fricko went down 0 Oimvlm last Sunday J H Murphey linil business In Nor folk Thursday Lieut Henderson went down to Lin ciln last Friday Hugh llerbisou mado a business trip to Humphroy Tuesday Ernest Arnett and Billio Eraser woro Norfolk visitors Monday Attorney Nichols transacted business in Norfolk Thursday last Attornoy James Nichols was in Cres ton on business yesterday W E Harvey of Nowman Grovo was in tho city on Thursday last Mrs U B Burrows of Norfolk was in tho city Monday visiting friends D A Halo of Humphrey was a busi ness caller in thiH city Thursday Attorney Tamos Nichols looked after business in Humphrey on Friday Attornoy James Nichols had Impor tant legal business nt Columbus Monday Mr Brubnker of Norfolk was looking after business interests in the city Tues day Miss Tillio Fricko nnd brother Law reuco spout Sunday witli friends in Nor folk Arnold Hoilman went down to Col umbus Snturday evening for a fow days visit Herman Bcrger tho cigar man went down to Humphrey and Leigh Tuesday morning Van Forage who returned from Nor- folk somowhnt dilapidated is improv ing slowly Judge Valentino nnd wifo of West Point wero visiting friends in tho city last Monday Attorney Fred Free and H A Pnse walk wero in tho city on legal business Thursday Inst Mr and Mrs J II Marphoy wero presented with a healthy littlo girl Wednesday morning Judgo Allen went up to Niobrara Monday to open tho May term of dis trict coo at that place Hud Lyons returned Thursday from Missouri where he hns had considerable business to nttend to lately Cland Carson who resigned his posi tion on tho Norfolk Times Trihuno is again employed on the Star forco A mass meeting has been called in this place for Friday night to consider tho feasibility of putting in an olectrio light plant Horst Bros are putting up a new im plement Bhed just south of their present buildings Growing business is given as tho cauEO Miss Verne Seeley camo up for a few days visit with friends and relatives on Tuesday night She expects to remain for somo timo before returning to her work Somo very fine old onions nt Uhles A fall lino of Heinz celebrated pickles and preserveu at Boxs Buy all yonr groceries of Box and get the best House and barn tor rent on Ninth street John Fkkythalek Fifty thousand dollars eastern monoy to loan on good farms G R Sbilrb Co Have You Been Sick 4 Aro yon recovering as fast aa you m Bhould f Has cot vour old troubla left your blood full of impurities And isnt this tbo reason you keep bo poorly Dont delay recovery lunger uut uxe It will removo all Impurities from your blood It is also a tonic of im menso value Givo Naturo a little help at this timo Aid her by remov ing all tho products of disease from your blood 100 All druggiata Ayera Pilb cure constipation Write to the doctor freelr and recerre Promct rrolr without rent - - i Lowell Mut amr Auers M c 111 X m w m m M m 4 ik mmmmmmmmm We Have Too Many Pine White Sailors Will sell them at a Big Reduction INSKEEPS MILLINERY mm iS ft M WE CANT KEEP A SECRET When it comes to keeping biiolc news about our SPItINU and SUAttltiR DKHKK 100IJS Wo waul to toll you about tlicm and show them to you Thoy have WON Til 10 A DM I HATION OK ALL who have seen them The whole story is NEW FASHIONABLE RIGHT PRICED Just what you are looking for THE DRY GOODS PLACE F 7X HUSTON Robertson BIk NORFOLK NEBRASKA BRAASCH REES DEALERS IN 1COAL1 J2STI3 GKe iisr Exclusive agents lor the Celebrated Sweetwater Rock Spring Coal the best In the market Scranton Hard Coal In all sizes TELEPHONE 01 Norfolk National N IB A HAINIIULT Iromdeut ALEXANDKK HKAU Vlco Iroeldn II KUCIIOLZ Cashier WZUTZ A KkikUut Cashier Bank OLDEST ESTABLISHED BANKING BUSINESS IN NORTHEAST NEBRASKA Capital 10000000 Surplus 2000000 Does a General Banking Business Buys and Sells Exchange Interest Paid on Time Deposits Drafts and Money Orders Sold on anr Point In Europe A General Steamship and Foreign Passage Business TransactedT DIRHOTOES A HKAll F P HANLON FJHALE WH NA BAIN BOLT JOHN 11 HAY8 F VKIffiKH HUC1IPJ Z WM ZUT2 a H COTTON FOR GOOD LOANS AND EASY PAYMENTS The Norfolk Building and Loan Assn C B DURLAND Secretary S FUESLER Staple and Fancy Groceries Fruits and Vegetablesin Season Fresh Bread Pies Cakes etc Constantly on hand ygassaHJCg hi