The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, May 11, 1899, Page 4, Image 4

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The Jlotffolk fleuas
W N HUSH Publlsbor
ttnrw day eioopt Handny By carrier per
tk 18 eenta Uy mail per year 600
EaiibllliI 181
Rwy Thnraday Hy mall par yMrllBO
KnUrd at tha Poatoffloo at Norfolk Ncb aa
saaond olaaa matter
Tnloohena No 22
Admlrnl Dowoy iB oxpoctod to arrlvo
iu Now York about July 1st
Tho Philippiuo payment of 20000000
to Spain was made eutiroly in gold
Aguinaldo has more cupltalB than
Connecticut nud Khodo Island formerly
had put togothor
Tho eutiro Btock of gold coin and bul
lion in tho uatiiouol troaBnry on July 1
1891 was Sjr00148817 On May 1 1800
it was 980793000
Audrow Carnoglo iBnt tho only pobblo
on tho beach but if current reports aro
to bo boliovod ho got llvo times as much
for going out of busluoBB as Spain did
Tho Boston TrauBcript vory truly BayB
About tho one thing upon which the
American poople Boom to bo unanimous
iH that there is nothing too good for
Tho St Louis Globe Domoorat thinks
that tho slow growth of Farmer Mor
tons now political party may bo attrib
uted to tho backward spring in all parts
of tho country
Frosidont McKiuloy has promised to
como west to St Paul aud Minneapolis
oiext fall and greet tho returning voluu
toers from tho Philippines Tho pooolo
with him will giro thorn royal weloouio
Tho largest deposit of Bait in tho world
is said to have boon fouud at Hutchin
son Kausas near thocouterof thostato
Last year over 2000000 barrels wore
taken ont and moro than 1000000 havo
been invested in plants to purify it
Lewis L Ryan of Lincoln ouo of Itho
volunteers of tho First Nebraska writos
liis father from Monila Tho man
who dares to stand up for Aguinaldo at
home will have a hot timo of it when ho
strikes any of tho Fighting First as
somo papers havo called us That sort
of talk wont go with us
-A well whioh spouts a largo column
of water from 200 to 400 foot high has
been opened near Whlttior Los Angeles
county California Tho well was being
drilled in tho hopo of striking oil While
the mon were at work an enormous vol
ume of water under tremendous pres
sure shot out of tho mouth of tho well
Ever since the flow began it has Bteadily
kept up Tho country around is Hooded
and no means of controlling the stream
has yot been found Columbus Journal
Bill Nye onoo wxoto thiB for sale
advertisement which attracted much
attention but didnt sell tho cow Ow
ing to my ill health I will 6ell at my
residence in township 111 range 18 ac
cording to government survoy one plush
raspberry cow aged 8 yenrs She is a
good milker and is not afraid of cars or
anything else She is of undaunted
courage and gives milk frequently To
a man who does not fear death in any
form she would be a great boon Sho is
very much attached to her present homo
by means of n stay chain but sho will
be sold to anyone who will agree to treat
her right Sho is one fourth short horn
and three fourths hyeua I will nlso
throw in a double barrel shotgun which
goes with her In May she usually goes
away for a week or two and returns
with a tall red calf with wabbly legs
Her name is Rose I would rather sell
her to a non resident
Hog cholera has beeu a 6courge which
ias brought much loss to tho farmers of
the western states during recent years
A farmer who has had much success in
raising hogs gives a simplo roinody for
this diBoaso which is certainly worth
trying Ho says Hog cholora is
caused by f ovor nud tho fovor by worms
which two tcnspoonfnls of saloratuB dis
solved iu water and pourod into tho slop
will romovo When you notico a hog
not doing well when it refuses its feed
nud bogins to look sorawny and sick
tho chances aro 00 to 100 it has worms
If you kill ouo aud oxnmino it you will
find a bunch of worms in its intestines
porhaps ns large ns your list These
causo constipation ami fovor which kill
hogs Oftentimes the worms will cat
through tho intestines into tho stomach
Dissolvod saloratuB in proportion of two
teaspoonfuls to ovory gallon of wator
will kill tho worms aud almost imme
diately your hogs will begin to thrive
and look well again
Military Forcea Simply lined to Support
tint OriUra of Htat Authorities
Washixoton May 18 Socrotary Al
ger has rocolvcd tho following tolograin
from Oouoral Merrlam in explanation of
tho situation iu tho Conor d Alone
Wauusku Ida May 17 Adjutant
General Washington Tho governor of
Idaho lias carofully roviowod tho situa
tion hero and dooms it necessary to place
troops at Burko and Mnllan to avoid
disorder I request two troops of cav
alry Iloforriug to tho pross criticisms
I have made no order My nction is
limited strictly to tho support of tho
Btato authorities Thoro aro 395 prison
ers still in custody under investigation
Meukiam Brigadier General
Tho war department is sntistlod with
tho dispatch of General Morrlam and
tho belief is expressed that ho has only
assisted tho govornor of Idaho and that
tho military will not bo used for any
other purposo than that for which it was
sunt to tho disturbed district The
troops of cavalry requested by Gou
eral Merrlam will bo Bout from Fort
Meade S D and Fort Robinson Nob
Nfr Fugitive Kills Ppllctt Sargenti
AVasiiinoton May 18 Humphrey
Taylor a negro suspected of tho Rosen-
stein murtler at Slidell Md yestorday
Bhot nud killed Police Sergeant Fritz
Passau wounding Policeman Gew and
kept a posso of half a dozen officers at
bay from tho loft of a house for nearly
two hours Dozens of shots wero ex
changed between tho officers and tho
fugitive who Burrondorod when prepa
rations wore made to burn tho premises
Surroundod by oflloers with drawn re
volvers ho was hustled out of tho house
to tho patrol wagon whon tho crowd
surged forward with Bhouts of Lynch
him I burn him 1 and modo a rush for
tho prisoner A ropo was scoured and
tho mob mado a desperate offort to placo
it around tho wrotchs nook Tho cool
ness of the officers however saved Toy
Main CommlMlim
New Youk May 18 At yesterdays
sessions of the Mazet investigating com
mittee James A Mahonoy with whom
Mayor Vim Wyck admitted ho bad had
somo business transactions was put
through a long 6ories of question Ma
honoy udtnltted being a book maker but
declined to answer tho question as to
whether he is conduotiug pool rooms
horo Former Polico Commissioner
Hamilton whom Mayor Van Wyck
designated a blackmailer declared
that what the mayor had said was ab
solutely falso Several witnesses who
withiu the past few weeks havo beeu
dolus detective work for Counsel Moss
testified that u largo number of pool
rooms ure now being run in Now York
llnxto Itutuluml In OtUoe
Lincoln May 18 It was announced
at tho governors ofllco that 0 W Hoxio
of Lincoln for tho last two years super
intendent of tho Kearnoy reform school
would bo retained iu hia present posi
tion Governor Poynter takes this no
tiou after having personally investi
gated tho charges preferred some timo
ago aguiust Mr Hoxios administration
lluylo und Stliiiou Must Stand Trial
Wallace Ida May 18 Judga
Mayhew yesterday denied tho applica
tiou for a writ of habeas corpus for tho
two county commissioners Boyle and
Stinson conflued at Wardner for com
plicity in the recent liotiug
t - J rai
Miss Viola Horlocber Waives
Examination at Hastings
Will Bo Called Again In September Hut
Will Not lie Tried Until December
Accrued Young Woman Appears Weak
nnd Una to lie Carried from Her Cab to
the Court llooiu
Hastings May 18 Miss Viola Hor
locker who is accused of having at
tempted to kill Mrs O F Moroy by
sending her a box of homo mado sweets
containing arsonic was brought boforo
County Judgo Bowou for her prelimin
ary hearing Her attorneys waived ex
amination and after a now bond was
made tho accused was permitted to go
home to await until September 25
when Bho will bo brought boforo tho
district court but ub this will only bo
an equity torm sho will again bo bound
over to appear boforo the next jury
term which convenes Doc 18
Miss Horlocker was escorted from tho
cab to tho court room by her brother-in-law
Goorgo Hayes and Dr W H
Lynn Sho appeared to bo too weak to
walk over five or six feet at a timo with
out resting and was at last placed in a
chair and thus carried into tho court
Her Bister Miss Zora sat beside her
but did not assist in supporting her for
aB soon as Miss Viola was seated noar
the tablo sho whisperod to Zora that
sho was too weak to sit up and thou
sho laid lAr head on tho tablo iu which
position sho remaiued until her attor
ney asked her to sign tho now bond
This sho did but it took her nearly ton
minutes to do it When the bond was
accepted Miss Horlocker remained in
her chair aud was carried by her at
torney back to tho cab and drivon home
OIHcer Shoots Ilia Assailants
Chicago May 18 Iu a strugglowith
a number of Italiaus Policeman Bagin
ski yesterday afternoon killed Baso Lio
and seriously wounded Savoro Lio and
Frank Leon The policeman says he
was attacked by half a dozon men and
being hemmed in was compelled to use
his rovolver The friends of the doad
aud wounded say tho shooting was en
tirely without provocation It might
havo gone hard with Baginski had not
Officer Honry Murray who heard tho
shooting come to his assistance After
a hard fight in which both officers wero
badly beaton Murray inangod to reach
a patrol box and tnruod in a riot alarm
Tho crowd dispersed upon the arrival of
sovoral patrol wagons filled with blue
Illast FurnacA Kiplodes
St Louis May 18 An explosion at
midnight in the molding room of tho
Missouri Blast Furnace works iu South
St Louis iujurcd soven men ouo of
whom will probably die Tho cupola
was full of molton motal and the men
wero preparing to bogin casting when
suddenly tho plug at tho bottom of tho
cupola blow out followed by a white
hot stream of motal which camo in con
tact with a pool of water on tho floor
Instantly there was an explosion that
wrecked one sido of tho building and
tho workmon were hurled in all direc
tions II Denturi was blown 40 feet
through a window and was picked up
unconscious and probably fatally in
jured He was tho nearest to tho on
IluOTulo Strike Situation
Buffalo May 18 Bishop Quigley
took a determined stand in his efforts
to bring tho striko of tho grain shovel
ers aud sympathetic organizations to an
end last night and as a result tho out
look for a cessation of the trouble is
somewhat brighter Tho bishop said
If tho men do not go back to work
under tho conditions I havo secured for
them then I shall givo up all interest in
tho matter aud abandon them com
pletely A now turn was given to tuo
striko situation when tho members of
tho Marino Firemens Bouovolent asso
ciation votod unanimously to quit work
at noon unless tho scoopors strike is
definitely settlod by that timo
Mnb Kept at Hay by Ihytlclani
Djlleh Neb May 18 A special dis
patch received here from Washington
Kan states that an angry mob of in
creasing numbers iB gathering about the
- v- i i
10 doz Largest Damask Towels you ever saw for
the price fine Linen 25X48 inches each - 25c
10 doz 22X44 inches Knotted Fringe Fine Linen
Damask Towels every one of these towels
would be splendid value at 35c - 25c
Sheets and Pillow Oases at less than price for mus
lin by the yard 81X90 inch Pepperell Sheets 38c
90X90 Pepperell Sheets 43c These are
than manufacturers price for same quality
5 doz Handsome Knotted Fringe 22X44 Damask
Towel a regular 50c towel for - 33C
25 doz 18X44 inch Unbleached Bath Towel each 9c
3 pes Heavy Bleached Pure Linen Damask 80
inches wide 69c a yard This is far below the
real value of this linen
less W JL K M
Call and Have Prices Quoted by
iUJmiRmh I
mjjjs its
My Tmil or
For Your Spring and Summer Suits
county jail thero with tho grim deter
mination of lynching Will Hoxie wht
killed Sheriff Coleman at Hollenberg
Kan aud was himself shot through tho
abdomen All day tho physicians havo
givo out notices to tho crowd that tho
murderer could not livo many hours
loDger and tho personal appeals of the
doctors aro all that have saved tho lifo
of Hoxio
Nebraska LilKuoimlliius Iu Council
Omaha May 18 Tho annual meet
ing of the general council of the Epis
copal church of tho diocese of Nobraska
was convened in Trinity cathedral yeB
terday with -10 lay and 80 clerical dele
gates in attendance Tho matter of
greatest importance to come boforo tho
council is the election of a coadjutor or
assistant to Bishop Worthtngton who
is in poor health and who finds his
duties too laborious
Earl of Strafford Rilled by a Train
London May 17 The Earl of Straf
ford who married Mrs Samuel J Col
gate in Grace church Now York city
last December waa instantly killed last
evening at Potters Bar by tho Cam
bridge express
Professor Ayres Accepts
Columbia Mo May 17 Dr How
ard Ayres professor of biology in the
University of Missouri has accepted
tho presidency of tho University of Cin
cinnati which has just been tendered
Hewaro of Ointments for Catarrh that
Contain Mercury
as mercury will surely destroy the sense
of smell and completely derange the
whole system when entering it through
tho mucous surfaces Such articles
should never be used excepton prescrip
tions from reputable physicians as the
damage they will do is ten fold to the
good you can possible derive from them
Halls Catarrh Cure manufactured by
F J Cheney Co Toledo O con
tains no mercury and is taken intern
ally acting directly upon the blood and
mucous surfaces of tho system In buy
ing Halls Catarrh Cure be sure yon get
the genuine It is taken internally and
made in Toledo Ohio by F J Cheney
Co Testimonials free
Soldby druggists price 75 cents per
Halls family pills aro the best
Sturgeon is the piano man
F E M V It It Cheap Excursion to
Portland Oregon
Excursion tickets will be Bold on May
17 and 18 at 52 for the round trip good
returning until July 15 1899
H O Matkau
Ileal Esiale Transfers
The following transfers of real estate
aro reported by Chester A Fuller man-
ager of the Madison county abstract
office at Norfolk
Ellen Marquardt and hus to Geo
H Bishop wd wl7 ft ehi lot
10 blk 5 Norfolk 1200 00
Geo P Bemis et al to David K
Robertson deed a4 8-22-1 0750 00
Geo H Bishop to O F W
Mnrquardt lot blk 13 Dorsey
Place Norfolk 300 00
Mette Anderson to Georgino
Christine Olson wd pt sw
swJ 4 84-21-1 south of It R 1 100 00
Sumuel Kurpgeweit and wf to
Elizabeth Kuapp wd ejne
21-21-2 2000 00
Heury Ertzner and wf to Anuie
Brubaker wd 6eJ4 lot 0 bik 10
Haases suburban lots to Nor
folk 180 00
Sheriff to Charles Beattie sd pt
eKneMivwK 22-24-1 800 00
Jno R Hayes returned fromNiobrara
last night
Alvin Low was over from Sioux City
this morning
Sam Beistwhistle of Stnnton was in
tho city today
J B Bowers of Hubbard Iowa was
in town yesterday
J S Morrow was at Wakefield yes
terday on business
Mr and Mrs Bishop of Pierce were
in tho city yesterday
Mr and Mrs Wm Huse Sr of
Pouca are in the city visiting relatives
Mrs A L Frost of Omaha arrivqd
this noon and is visiting at the home of
II B Wcller
L D Smith of troop M Torreys
Rough Riders from Carson Nevada is
visiting friends in this community
Miss Edith Morrow returned from
Plainview today and leaves tomorrow
for Woodburn Iowa where she will vis
it with friends for some weekB
Geo D Butterfield wife and daugh
ter came down from Creighton yester
day morning and at noon left for Dav
enport Iowa where they will visit some
timo with Mrs Buiterfields parents
Rome Miller nnd wife of Missouri
Valley were in town over night While
hore Mr Miller made partial arrange
ments for the removal of two of his
houses on West Norfolk avenue to other
Give the Children a Drink
called Groin O It is a delicious appo
tizing nourishing food drink to take
the placo of coffee Sold by all grocers
and liked by nil who have used it be
cause when properly prepared it tastes
like the finest coffee but is free from all
its injurious properties Graiu 0 aids
digestion nnd strengthens the nerves
It iB not n stimulant but a health
builder and children as well as adults
can drink it with great benefit Costs
about one fourth bb much as coffee
15 and 25 cents
Iaraanls and Sun Umbrellas
New styles and shapes all colors and
prices polka dots stripes cords tucks
and ruttles all lands of handleBinolud
ing dog heads the latest New York fad
Handsome line of childrens parasols
from 25 cents up
Sunumbrellas from 98 cents up
We have an elegant line of now fancy
ribbons for neck waiBt and narrow rib
bons for shirring in all colors
See the elegant 46 inch ribbon we
ore selling for 25 cents
A full line of beaded belts for 8100
170 200 and 375
Special prices on Nethersole bracelets
sterling silver for 75 cents and 100
heavier quality 3125 200 and 250
Pretty jeweled bracelets worth 100
for 50 cents
Mrs J Benson South 10th St
Omaha Neb
Happy Thoughts
To please attract and give peoplo
something to talk about is au art in
writing a prosaio advertisement Hood
of Sarsaparilla fame is tho originator iu
au extensive sense of the idea using
proverbs and wise saws as a prefix to a
pleasant introdncrion of thowell known
virtues of Americas grentestl medicine
These quaint quotations often fit the
news of the day with startling direct
ness and the moral is easily drawn
with natural good to Hoods Sarsa
v - rt
A Good Paymaster
Starts Not At
There is one good pay
master who is around on time
gives full value and never
fails in his duty It is your
privilege to select him and
his name is pure wholesome
blood This paymaster makes
the rounds of the body visits
brain stomach kidneys liver
heart and head alike Hoods
Sarsaparilla acts as a guaran
tee that this paymaster will
do his duty
If the blood is impure it cannot do its
duty and you are the sufferer but
you need not be Hoods Sarsaparilla
purifies vitalizes and enriches the blood
It never disappoints
Poor Health- I never saw anything
beat the way Hoods Sarsaparilla lifted me
up It sharpened my appetite and cave me
a new lease of life I can work every day
Freemax N Bixnv Meredith N H
Scrofula Gores - My baby nt two
months had scrofulti cores on chock and
arm Local applications and physicians
medicine did little or no good Hoods Sar
saparlllp cured him permanently He is
now four with smooth fair skin Mas
S S WnoTES Farmlngton Del
Weakness- I bless the day 1 heard
of Hoods Sarsaparilla as it cured me of
extreme weakness after prlp built my
husband up after pneumonia cured eczema
and blood poisoning In our children Mas
M A DiLWORTH Box 4 Embreevllle Pa
Head and Back - For one year pains
in my back and head prevented my house
hold duties I took Hoods Sarsaparilla and
am a well woman It also cured the grip
in our family Mns Mattik Hexdkiison
Cor First and Franklin AveColumbusInd
Rheumatism - Myself and a friend
both suffered from severe attacks of rheu
matism Hoods Sarsaparilla cured both
We would not be without It Wm H
LnsTEn G5 Leonard St Fall River Mass
3wCC Saua
b Pr
HoocI Dili rn e liver lilt the iipn lrrlutlng and
only culhartlclo take With llooJSaraiftrlliaI
Application for DrugElata Liquor Lloonao
Matter of application of Geo B
Ohristoph for a liquor license
Notice is hereby given that Geo U
Ohristoph did on the 17th day of May
1890 file his application to the mayor
and city council of the city of Norfolk
Nebraska for license to sell malt spirit
uous and vinous liquors for medicinal
mechanical and chemical purposes at
Norfolk Nebraska from tho 1st day of
May 1899 to the 30th day of April 1900
At No 314 Norfolk avenue in first ward
of said city
If there iB no objection remonstrance
or protest filed within two weoks from
tho 17th day of May 1699 tho said
license will bo granted
seal J O Stitt City Clerk
W 0 Halls Barter Shop
Schools Sunday Sohools and
other organizations that aro
planning to hold picnics can
make arrangements to have
them in Pasewalks Park free
of charge by conferring with