i i V X u Y Vt 1 A 1 nc rour ip the W0H4 1 flest 7or f he Mon IGAYROCKJR DEWEY YGAYROCK SAMPSONl I Overcoat Ulster T Overcoat Ulster I I All Wool Irish I Superior All Wool Genuine Carney I IKERSEY FRIEZE I KERSEY IRISH FRIEZE I I in Black in Black T In Block in Black Brown I 1 Blut and Brown BrownaodMixedABlue and Brown Gold and Oxford totdj U IQgMl2gy timtty every wide awake Merchant In America handle thaw Coats It your dealer does not write Co as and Hu Con Hair Tonic we wHI see tbat you are supplied KSSffMauaDTHINfigS Come in and See LEONARD The Druggist and inspect the Latest Line of Medicines Put on the Market Rewtons Female Regulator and Tonic Natures Great Emmenagogue Every lady suffering with Female Troubles should try a bottle Newtons Sarsaparilla and Celery Compound is one of the finest Blood Kidney and Liver Preparations on the market If in need be sure and try the latest NEWTONS If your Hair is falling out or you have Dandruff or any kind of Scalp Disease be sure and try HU CAN strictly guaranteed One bottle will show adifference if used regularly on any bald head Leibigs Beef Iron and Wine is too well known for a Tonic Each fluid ounce con tains the strength of two ounces of fresh lean beef Four grains Cetvate of Iron dissolved in Sherry Wine the best tonic for D3rspepsia Loss of Appetite Nerv ous Debility and General Prostration Try a box of Irenes Cottonroot Tansy and Pennyroyal Pills Safe and Sure We can save you 50 pp et on Prescriptions LEONARD THE DRUGGIST JSORFOLK NEBRASKA 6 Mail Orders Promptly Filled tv Tho mntter wnB loft hi tho hnndt of n building commit too which will carefully consider them ntul report it h decision ns to wlint is best to do nt n ineotliiK next Monday ovening Tho commit too is composed of Geo Reekard 15 O Mount H 11 Woller O C Gow It V Uruco B S Cotton Mrs N A Kainbolt ami Mrs F 13 Hnnly GAINS STATE HONORS Cljilo llujen Wltii llmt 1rlrn nt llio ImmUit 1Iki School Urrliiiniitiiry IiiIoii Content KrnmKntntilnja Dally Tho seventh niinunl contest of tho No braskn high schools deelimmtory rnion was held at GcIiHukh opera house Falls City last evening Thero wero teii contestants three iu tho oratoiical class four in tho dramatic and throo in tho humorous Norfolk was especially interested as ono of its boys was n contestant At 810 oclock this morning Ray Hayes received n telegram which read Culver Esmay aud myself won out CiYDn It 1b remembered that this is tho trio which secn ed tho prizes before tho Northeastern Nebraska Teachers asso ciation contest held in this city iu April Tho medals beforo tho State Declama tory Union last evening at Falls City were thus awarded Dramatcic first Horry EHinny Fre mont whoso declamation was entitled Swore Off BecoudMiss Minnie Hoed Falls City Tho Honor of tho Woods Oratorical first Eugeno Culver Albion Toussaint LOvorturo sec cond George Schedlor York Univer sal Liberty Humorous first Clyde Hayes Nor folk A Yankee in Love second MisB Ina Gittiugs Superior A Naughty Little GirlB Viows of Lifo Clyde Hayes has won tho first prize in three successive contests tho local tho district and tho state Not only his school mates but tho people of Norfolk generally have a right to bo proud of tho meritorious honors that ho has won Ho returns tliiB evening and it is un derstood tbat he will bo met with a royal welcome and tho high school yoll at tho depot Itcnoliitloim of IleHpeot Resolutions on tho death of Comrade John M Bondurant Whereas it has pleased tho Great Commander to remove from our ranks to tho Grand Encampment beyond tho river our comrade John M Bondurant Therefore bo it resolved That wo bow in humble submission to tho will of Him who will one day release us his comrades from the toils and disapppointments of our earthly campaign by the same orders which wero patiently obeyed by our de ceased comrade Resolved that wo will ever cherish the memory of Comrade IBonduraut and while wo shall miss his presence in our Post meetings wo will remember his sacrifices which ho freely made in his youth for tho preservation of this great republic of ours Resolved that a copy of these resolu tions bo presented to the family of our deceased comrade and that tho same bo given to tho local papers for publication II C Matrau W H WlDAMAN LATEST CASUALTIES Soveial Moro Nelmiikmi Wounded A llnttle Creek Iloya Nunio A in ins the Lint WasiiisTiTON May 01010 a m SpesialtoTHE News The following additional casualties are reported from Manila in tho First Nebraska regiment Wounded May -1 Private II F Dunning company E in thigh severe Private John C Hoover company F in abdomen severe Private L Madson company I in ab domen severe Private William J Johnson company K in knee moderate Private Grant Chim company K in leg severe Private Willard B Madsen company L in hip slight Geo D Meiklejohv Act Asst Secy of War John 0 Hoover of company F is said to be from Battle Creek Some one has well said The more truly optimistio a man is tho less likely ho is to be satisfied with existing con ditions BATTLE CREEK BOY DIES Further disunities Ht Munllii Include Death of John C Hoover of Com pany I Washington May 8 Special to The News Additional casualties reported from Manilo among the First Nebraska troops are April 50 Sergeant compauy B guushot wound accidental Died May 4 Privato John 0 Hoover company F of typhoid fever Geo D Meiklejohn Asst Secy of War of C jk nifi NORFOLK NEWS THURSDAY MAY 11 1801 AN APPEAL TO BE TAKEN The City Council Grant Vlaz ncy a Liquor License REMONSTRANTS OITER 0HJE0T10N8 s Ilnj r Miuiinniird nn it WIIiicm -1 hie Doe Not Vnliv Itulntico of tint City Ilitticm tliiltilnioiin mi rimil oti Cnou Will now j t II1 Dlxtilit Court nt mi Km I Dull From ViHltirilnjn Dally Last evening thu city council again convened for tho further consideration of the Vlazney enso which has held the boards for the greater part of tho time during tho past two weeks luhlio in terest in tho matter has evidently waned there being fewer spectators present than during any previous session since it was upjfor discussion Although tho meeting was called for 7 I0 oclock it wns after 8 oclock before Mayor Simpson nipped for tho gentle men to como to order City Clorlc Stitts roll call showed present Councllinen Hrummond Hucholz Bullock Degner Dexter Uhlo and Vielo Prior to tho taking up of tho special work for whicli they had assembled tho council passed upon two labor billB and ordered them paid Ono was for 8M by Ernest Marshall tho other for tM by David Signor It was movod by AldormanJ13rnni mond that lf0 bo allowed on tho bill of J II Shaw the well contractor This amount is jiiBt half of whatls duo him to dato Aldorman Dexter objecting tho payment was deferred and its con sideration laid over until tho next regu lar meeting Tho bill of tho Crouo Churchill Co for pipe sold tho city Jmot tho samo fate and was not passed on Tho consideration of tho Vlazney case was then continued C S Hayes was sworn and testified that ho had been n resident of Norfolk for tho past 18 years and was acquainted with Joseph Vlaznoy and know his place of business Attorney Whitham asked if ho could tll whether there wore screens at the door of Vlazneys saloon J 13 Barnes attorney for Vlazney objected to tho admission of such ovi denco as incompetent irrelevant and not tho proper wny to try a case Only tho ovidenco of tho records of a compet ent court of jurisdiction showing tho conviction of tho party on tho charges alleged was admissible It was moved by Bullock and seconded by Vielo that tho objection bo over ruled On roll call Brummond Bucholz Degner and Dexter voted no Bullock and Vielo yes Motion was lost Dexter moved that objection bo sus tained soconded by Brummond Brummond Bucholz Degner and Dex ter voted aye Bullock and Vielo no Objection was sustained Tho remonstrants filed an exception to tho ruling stating that thoy offered to prove by witness that during tho last year Vlazney had violated tho provis ions of chapter 50 Nebraska state laws obstructing his doors and windows by screens blinds and other articles Thiswas objected to by Judge Barnes on tho same grounds of his former ob jection Tho objection was sustained by coun cil by a vote of four to two Tho witness Mr Hayes testified fur ther that he had been in Mr Vlazneys saloon but had never seen him sell liquor to minors It was agreed by counsel representing both parties that Vlazney was found guilty in tho city police courtof selling liquor to William Kirley a minor on or about March 1 that an appeal was taken to the district court which is still unde termined Tho remonstrauts offered in evidence ordinance No l17and also ordinance No 2J0 to which no objection was raised August Brummond then gavo addi tional testimony as to tho signature on Vlazueys petition of tho namo Aug Brummond stating that it was sigued by him for his wife Augusta who signed her namo that way Tho remonstrauts by Attorney Wit ham then filed an objection to the grant ing of a license to Joseph Vlazney for the reason that the ordinance that was in force at tho time of application and remonstrants ordinance No 117 re lating to snlo of liqnors has been re pealed since that time and for tho fur ther reason that there is no ordinauco of tho city of Norfolk now in force provid ing for the sale of liquors in Norfolk Objection was further made to Oscar Uhle and August Brummond sitting on council during tho consideration of the case andj voting upon final question of graining license for the reason that they have prejudged the case and signed tho opplication of Vlazuoy to sell liquors and are petitioners therefor It was moved by Bnnnmond and seconded by Bucholz that tho objection bo overruled and liceuso be granted On roll call Brummond Bucholz Bullock Degner Dexter and Viele re sponded ayo Uhlo not voting Tho remonstrants gave notice to tho mayor and council that at tho earliest practical momeut the case would be appealed by them to the diitrict court On motion the council adjourned Sturgeon is the piano man WEDNESDAY WHINKLES Dr K H niairof Wayne was in the city today II H HoIiIh of Mntllsoit spent the tiny in the city Miss Cora Wigton is visiting friends at Madison Dr Frank Salter was called to Iltw kins this morning Judge Hayes ret m ned from Omaha on the noon train l A Dearborn of Wayne wn a Sugar City visitor today Rev K IV Wigton will at the request of tho people there again supply the Presbyterian pulpit at 0 iuond next Sunday Hon S A Ramsey a prominent at tornoy of Woonsoeket S D was in the city yesterday He was on his way to tho Hhulc Hills Certificates of indebtedness up to No 4 1 outstanding against the city of Nor folk can be redeemed by parties holding them with cash warrants upon present ation to tho city clerk llliud Boone tho celehratod blind negro pianist is starring in Nebraska witli a compauy of musicians His playing is most remarkable and attracts applause and favor wherever ho is heard Tho music lovers of Norfolk will ho pleased to know that tho Baptist church people have secured him for ono evening hero The dato named is Juno 22nd In tho absenco of Judge Hayes from tho city Justice Chester A Fuller pre sides over tho destinies of the police court nutl renders justice Yesterday a disorderly who gavo the familiar name of John Doo was fined 2 and costs and allowed to pass out among lifes usual scenes onco moro Herman Ridentz auothor disorderly was arrcBtod last night and in awaiting trial Tho committee on streets aud alleys Messrs Degner Dexter nnd Uhle to gether with Street Commissioner Spuul ding aud City Engineer W 11 Lowe wore on a tour of inspection about tho city yesterday Tho grading of Tenth street from Elm avonuo to Koonigstein avenuo thenco east to Seventh street is contemplated Tho improvements will begin at onco They will bo niudo for tho purpose of diverting tho water flow Tho surveys will bo nintlo by the city engineer tomorrow Dun Craven senior member of the firm of Craven ifc McCoy proprietors of tho Norfolk steam laundry left for Fairbury today to bring back his family and expects to return tho hist of the week Under tho management of the now linn tho Norfolk steam laundry is undergoing much needed repairs and improvements New and tho latest im proved machinery has been purchased which increases tho facilities for doing work quicker and better than heretofore Tho firm expects to branch out and se cure an increased patronago from out of town and in order to do this will put n man on tho road Tho heavy wind that prevailed last oveuing aud tho black clouds that hung so low and threatening in tho northeast wore indications of a soyero storm Tho clouds wero watched with much solici tudo for some timo but a sudden change in the wind to tho north and tho rapid falling of tho thermometer relioved tho minds of Norfolk people of any further tension in that direction But other communities wero not so fortunate Mail Clerk Roe says that when tho even ing traiu camo through Emerson it was raining heavily and a severe hail storm followed During tho night a cloud burst brought further disaster to that section of country and caused numerous washouts The ono nearest hero is bo tween Wayne and Wakefield where over two miles of track aro washed out Further dauiago is reported between Emerson and Sioux City and Sioux City and Omaha No trains have run over tho M O since last night and there is no promiso of any until tomorrow The Omaha Bee camo in over the Elk horn this noon and this evenings train will probably bring tho belated and transferred morning mail Reports con cerning the extent and dauiago of the storm are still meagre but it was un doubtedly cyclonic and swept over a large area of country The wires were down along the M O this morning At Emerson half tho window lights of the town wero smashed in and broken but no loss of life is thus far reported Drink Oraln O after you have concluded that you ought not to drink coffee It is not a medicine but doctors order it because it is healthful inigorating and appearing It is made from pure grnina and has that rich seal brown color and tastes like the finest grades of coffeo nnd costs about h as much Children like it and thrive on it because it iB a genuine food driuk coutr niug nothing but uomish nient Ask your grocer for Graiu O tho new food drink 10 and 25 cents 500 REWARD 8 Help Nature i Babies and children need I I proper food rarely ever I J cine If they do not thrive f I nn ihoir fnncl tomcfhind is I - - o wrong They need a little help to get their digestive i machinery working properly COD LIVER OIL WITH HYPOPHOSPHITES orUME SODA will generally correct this difficulty If you will put from one fourth to half a tcaspoonful in babys bottle three or four times a day you will soon sec a marked improvement For larger children from half to a tcaspoonful according to pgc dissolved in their milk if you so desire will very oon show its great nourish ing power If the mothers milk does not nourish the baby she needs the emul ricrt It will show an effect it oree both upon mother rrd child i nii ill ilmf Ht 1 i M hiiniM New Yik It II ao cints jivin awav Cut this out and take it to the drug ist named below and you will re eive n regular 2r cent bottle of Ur Sawyers Ukatino for ft cents lTkn mo positively cures all forms oi kid any dillleulties lyspep in eonstiim Hon hendacho BY rheumatism iiuthiiKof tho eves Ikatino cures Dimples and blotches and makes sal low and yellow skin white Do not llny hut take advantage of this reat oil or as thousands near ovi deuce to the wonderful curative pow ars of Ukatino KIiSAi A CIIHISTOIll Norlnlll ZShIi Frazer Axle Grease vmAf I tHAU lHOAfTtRTHII I rtu MlxAC use fjnrrwy XITJL ASJ dl40 IDiHIU vtLEVERYWnt MW twiiik A n2 T rDL AS NY OTHEB MB Not affected by Heat or Cold Highest Awards at Centennial Paris and Worlds Fair Muuhctured pp LuBRICAT0R fJ0 Factories Chciago SL Louli New York - NATURES REHEDY For tho euro of nil cliromo ami iicute illtasPH a pnii riplti run from all drne AHtlimu Ilroiicliitlntatiirrli Coiinumjtluii Headache NeuralKiii Klioumatibiti Nervout JroHtration nnd General Debility cured Uj iuhaline Compound Oxygen Our homo treatment uhlrh con tahiH two nuinthu tmpply of Com ouud Oxypeii IuliiilniK appara rat ub full dirctiou foot to any part of Dm conutry Thin includes medical adviro doritit treatment 1umphlet with advito to tho hick home treatment and testimonials free DRS STARKEY PALEN IU3 Qlrard St fa 4 Uriiuaueipnia For the Discovery ol Each of the PoIIowIik Ierion YOUNG HAN llatween 15 aud 80 I lUtlesa in manner mid tmshfnl faco disfigured with blarkheada and plmphu dark circles under eii n blui ring of siht floating upecka easily tired roefuBed or rattled poor memory no ambition or energy in afraid to push ahead in biibiueta btudy or mariiaKo in tired in thomoruiux Kola like an old man blufchca when sou refar to tho ratihe of Irs t rouble it coiwtioatod haa uunatural Iokm Uay liavo Varicocele Hydrocele Hup ture Pilce Weakness of Organ MIDDLE AGED MAN SO to SO who mjh lie fecn like a nian of M would haa weak achin baek uomauly Tbjror no iKwr tonoy biinaelf Hag draiux smarting urination troutilad at niulit Has biitory of indiicieet youth and oTeriudulanrs later on May nava had Ulood Iol fcon with wire throat Ulotehta on akin bona oaiua bur fMliuc out can ularpat night eaya be la not tbe uuu lia ahoold l Tall him tlial We CaatiiteHlru Back tin lowwa that axa the llirtliriahtof Eery Man All letter amwered in plain eoTlop No toatimoniaU published Wrlto your symptoms plainly GORDON MEDICAL COMPANY Gordon Nebr 2mZ rJZCiZ3Kzivr A