The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, May 11, 1899, Page 2, Image 2

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Ivlrcl Tnr1ipr Ior ICiikiiIiir irnntl Alao
Trnimurt Much Ollirr linpnrknnt
Srtiuol Uplnr
From Momliuo Dnlli
Adjourned moutliiK f tho board of
education hold on May l 18
Present Buieggcnian Blrohnrd
Luikurt Snltor mid Mnliiut
Mooting was called to order nt 8 i m
by President Brucggoiuuii
Tho president iinimuticed tho standing
committees as follows
Dlsclpllno text hooks and tcnchotfi
Mntrau Luiknrt and Rrueggonuin
fiiounilH buildings and supplies Aid
Salter and Rrueggeinnii
Finance claims and Mnrles Blrohatd
Luiknrt nml Salti i
On motion the ttcasntors bond was
fixed at 7000 in some good guntantce
company ns required by law
On motion tho Fccrotnry was in
Ktuicted to nnino a legal tondor to Con
MactorMonihonol loi to bo piymont
h lull of nil liability by this school ills
liict to said conttactor
On motion board adjourned to moot
on May i at 8 p m
11 0 Maiuau
Siiiiiulii li iiIiibh SiihaIiiii
Adjourned meeting of tho board of
education held on May I IS
Present Htucggouinu Birchntd Luik
nit Aid Salter and Matiau
Meeting was called to oulor by Provi
dent Biiicggonian
Lottois were read fioni Misses My
uutl llmtley and Nye withdtawing
their immoa from cotisidetntiou in tho
election of teaehois
Mr Whaley was present and verbally
made the same ieuest of tho bond
I ilki was taken for pilneipnl of the
high s ii00i wliioli lesulted in the elec
tion of John R Haines Tr Two bal
lots w me talen for tho election of two
i ni the high school which io
salted n tho election of Miss Eva OSnl
livin aud Miss Jessie Bildgo
le Moruson oontiaetor appealed
and ollued to couipiomisohis claim by
1 ci ti ii0 for tho otta pressed buck
On motion tho oiler was de
Balloting for teachers was taken up
iil J ballots weio taken resulting in
Illmnof tho following toaeheis
for tho glades
Misses Myrtico Mygatt Norfolk
Edith Diehellor Wayne Mattio L
Howlg Muiray In Lena Henry Mom
phis EIHoKoy Chirks
V M las Edith MeOlaiy was olocted
lly teacher
W H Widnlnan won elected to talco
the school census
The comniitteo on coinmoucoiuent ex
orcises was ixuthoried to employ an
0hnt a
Hoard adjourned
II 0 Maiuai
ol lt Auiitliil MillnK hiiiI Klcdiim
uriMliriii SiiiImIi IIMim lnr
iiio ihhiiiiik
l I i lit
hi1 S
the Aoifolk Womans club after a
ycu of both profit and pleasuio in tho
hiuily ot English liistoiy hold its annunl
business mooiing at the homo of Mi A
1 Dm liml on Monday afternoon
Tho election of officers for tho ensuing
year i esultcd as follows
Mis A J Duiland presidont Mrs
J C Aid mco piesideut Mrs Clara M
llaeii loiording socictniy Mis W G
15aLi louosuoudiug t iciolaiy Mis
W M HobertbOii treasurer Mesdiunes
Bell Moirow aud Jeuues pioguim
conuir teo
Mm Piatt tho ruining piesideut has
soived in that capacity for two yeais
and the dub with her at the head has
headOy Micreased in populauty and in
Tho work chosou for the following
year is Spanish liistoiy with special at-
tontiou to ith i elation to the Uuited
States and Mexico
Ha mi you luind of the f uioos Hot
Springs Arkansas lluudieils of pco
plo arc being cm ed them daily of tho
s Not the kind made j
simply to sell
None can match its
j record of over half a I
J century of cures i
Hhorlff Losoy of Madison was In tho
olty today
Wilbur F Bryant of Hnrtlngton spent
tho day in Norfolk
Mrs OMnni has purcbasod tho Wash
burn houso in Edgowntor Park
Anton Buoholz loft for Omnha today
Ho will remain thoro sovoral days on
Mr and Mrs Mlohaol Bransch rojoico
over the advent of n littlo daughter at
their home this afternoon
Mr and Mrs John Ponny living two
miles west of tho sugar faotoiy yoBtor
day welcomed a now littlo gill to their
Thcio Is to bo a dance this ovoniug nt
Marquanlts hall undor tho nusplcos of
some of tho young pcoplo of tho city
Tho Italian band of Omaha will ruinlsh
tho music
This morning tho laundry team got
intoabtldgo on tho west Hide that had
been wrecked in tho Hood of Tuesday
evening and tho horses weio oxtilcatod
fioni tholr dangorous position with con
siderable difficulty
It is nono too oailyto plan for n
piopor colobration of tho Fouith of July
in Not folk this year Tho matter
should be taken in baud at once and
preparations for a rousing old fashioned
soit of a tlmo bo mado
Tho young fiionds of William Buck
enilorf gave him a sutpnse last evening
at his homo on Madison avenue tho oc
casion being his 18th bhlhday A very
happy owning was on joyed with games
nivslo and refreshments adding to its
Thoio aro porliaps more interesting
liml amusing iusciiptions to bo seen on
tomb stones than any other ono place
It is singular that so giavon subject
should bo tho occasion of so much mirth
lleio is what is wutloti on u tombstouo
that is about ready to bo placed in a
coinototy near Hentiioo Wm II
Matliows born in Wost Moroland
Penn Januaiy 11 1828 lived thoro VI
years moved to Illinois in 1 for 1 married
in lSrl draftod In 1S01 moved to No-
braska in 1872 died October 21 185
Was n blacksmith by trade a ti no dem
ocrat nil his bfo and now at lost
Tho Limo Kiln clubcolobratod Eman
cipation day at Marquavdts ball last
evening and tho occasion pioed a very
bucehsful ono Kousoa oichestra fur
nished tho music aud Mayor Simpson
mado a voiy appropriate address A
song by tho Gloo club wits listoued to
and D J Koonigstein thon ntinouucod
tho names of thoso who wero to pnitiui
pato in tho cake walk Tho handsomely
decorated cako offered as a prize for tho
most graceful couple was awarded to
Mrs Mautoll and Miss Sadio DuBois
with a proviso that if thoro woro any
plu ii8 in it they should go to Eorfc Cor
don Following tho cako walk tho
dance was onjoyod until n Into hour
Tho coloed people aro to bo congratu
lated on tho Wcity of thn imingo
uients and tho excellent ninincr in
which thoy were earned out A lnigo
unnibor weio p c it to shm o with thoin
tho pleasuio of ths memorable nnniver
Dr P II Salter was called to Wisnor
this morning
E Taylor of Brokou Bow was in tho
city this nioiiiing
Fied Kobler of Pioico was in the city
yesterday ou business
Mrs Bockolmen of Pioico was shop
ping in Norfolk yesterday
Tho dance at Masts hall Inst umhi
iuj was a veiy onjojublo event
D A Kirbyof St Josoph Mo was
visiting his old fueiid L M Beelor to
Miss Walker is homo fioni Meadow
Giovo to hpend Sunday with hor
0 B Barrows was at Madison yester
day Ho lepoils everything quiet at
the county seat
C W Jackson contemplates goms in
to the saloon business Hois circulating
a petition for a liquor licenso
Judgo Allou pasod thiough tho city
yesteulay on his way homo fioni Chnd
lon whom ho has been holding eouit
O S Hayes went to Omaha this
morning He will leturn tonight with
tho onitoucil puo winner ttom l nli
Hov S F Sharpless will preaoh in i
the Presbyteiiau chinch Sabbath morn
ing at 1 1 oclock Sabbath bohool nt 10
n in
Jack Koenigsteiu rotuiued fiom
Omaha last evening whem bo was ml
mitted to tho practice of law in the
Uuited States eouit
Mis Geo Fox went to Schuyler this
morning to Mbit her paionts prior to
leaving for tho west to tako up her
homo iu Washington
Mis Mary L Stauton returned home
this morning from Sioux City whore
she has been spending several weeks iu
a dress making establishment
A half doen of tho sheop shearers
who have been employed by the Knollin
Bros at their sheep yards south of the
city left for Idaho last eveuiug
Mises May Souiors and Jessie Bridgo
are in attendance at tho fifth dibtrict
convention of Clnislian Endcavmeis
which is being held at Columbub
E Von Boeckman has accepted a poi-
Hon with tho Illinois Sugar Hefinlng
Co of Pekln 111 us agriculturist and
will loavo for that city tomorrow morn
Chancellor Huntington of tho Ne
braska Wosloyan Univorslty located at
University Placo will preach at tho
Methodist church tomorrow at 11 a in
W H Halls duo horso was put on
tho raco track yostorday afternoon and
mado a milo iul I2 Tho horse is young
yot and shows ovory piomisoof bolng
Mr and Mrs W M Robot tson loft
for Lincoln this noon to istt over Sun
day with their sou Sidney and also to
bee Tho Moth nnd tho Fhuno at tho
Oliver tills evening
A party of frionds HUiprisod Mr and
Mrs Frod Degner last ovonlng at their
homo Tho occasion was tholr tonth
wedding iinnivorsary A delightful
social time is roportcd
Water Commissioner Patterson is
busy this morning getting out water
notices to useis of city water It is
urged that bills bo met promptly as tho
city water funds aro exhausted
Josoph J Clements held ticket No
871 wbch drow the flno sowing inn
chlno offered by Davcnpott Bios to
purchasers of shoo leather Tho diiw
ing took plaso yesterday afternoon
At tho Baptist church tomorrow
morning Pastor W II Futon will preach
on tho Significance of tho Lords Sup
per In tho evening a gospel praiso
snivieo will bo hold All nro iuvited
Tho reception givou by tho high school
fieshmenat G A H hall last evening
was n pleasant occasion Pi of OCon
nor Mr J 13 Barnes Jr and Mss II
O Wood were tho guests of tho clabs
An impecunious drunk was landed in
tho city cooler last night This morn
ing lie was brought boforo Judgo Hayes
Ho bailed fiom Stanton Ho was told
to go homo nnd bolinvo himself nnd then
John E Cronk returned last ovoning
fioni Mnrongo Iowa whoro bo was
nianied on May 1 to Mis Gavin Tho
couplo will go to housekeeping in tho
rosidonco near tho found ly in a shoifc
Tub Nkws extouds
Tnnity chnrch Protestant Episcopal
Fifth Sunday after Easter morning sor
vico aud celebiation of the holy com
munion 1015 Sunday school 12 15
Eveuiug boi vice 7 I0 Thuisduy Ascen
sion dny colobration of tho holy com
munion nt 10 oclock
Tho adjourned council meeting ap
pointed for Inst ovoning wns called to
ordor by Mayor Simpson at 8 oclock
Tho roll call showed members present
Biuinuioud Bullock Dexter Uhle nnd
Vielo Thoio not boing a quorum pres
ent adjournment was again mado to
Tucbday ovouing next
Tho Dibtrict Wouious Homo Mission
eiy society of tho Methodist chinch will
hold its anuivil meeting at Madison be
ginning next Tuesday ovoning und w ill
close Wednesday ovoning Among
thoso who appear on tho piogram is
Mrs Spnrlock matioii of tho Motheis
Jewels Homo of York
Fifteou littlo misses sat down to a
tnblo loaded with goodies yestouHy
afternoon nt tho homo of Mr aud M s
Fieo Suitor It was Millions fifth
dayaud tho kids had a jolly timo Tho
little gill who liow outers upoa hor
sixth snninier was thorccipieutof num
oious pretty birthday loinombrauces
fiom her mates
Fiiuk Barnes who has bcou with
Bauii Bio for i ho past two mouths
leiues Moudato ii i opt a po iliuu with
the Staudaid Food Co of Omaha He
will act as their lopiehaiitativo iu fie
rountjcs imluding WOio and P r e
Mr Barnes has gained many f riouds dur
ing his btay iu Noi folk who will wish
him succi ss hi his new field of labor
Tho West Sido whist club hold tho
lust meeting of tho boues at tho homo of
Jacob Bantu last oveniug A committee
to diaft uiles tor the onsuing year was
appointed and adjournment made until
next autumn Tho club has hold weekly
meetings dining tho wintor tionou aud
veiy enjoyable occasions they hnvo
pioMd to thoso inteiested m the fasel
natiug game
Tin Ntws Wninomlle correspondent
souds this item Mrs Nelbo Miller is
up from Omaha for a much needed rest
with hor patents Mr nnd Mrs O D
Minibon Sho has been nursing at
tho Douglas county hospital for tho last
tlneo years without a vacation Sho
has her littlo daughter Gertrude with
her who is happy to bieuth tho lino
country nir at grandpas
Tho Epwoith league had its unnunl
elect Ion of oflktib last ovoning result
ing ns follows Piesideut O J Htb
ben 1st vico piesideut MrD 0 J
Stockwell 2nd vlco piesident Mii
Agnes Gutcher lrd vico prebideuf Mrs
W G Tiillman 1th vice president
Miss Laura Law sccietary Miss Lottie
Kuhl treasurer Ed Beels Miss Lama
Law and Miss Nettie Nelsou were ap
pointed delegates to the Distuet League
oouvoution to bo held at Madison in
At the pleasant meeting given Thurs
day eveuiug by the members of the
Wednesday club to their friends n
unique feature was tho exhibition of a
geuuine Samownre the tea machine
which is found in sunh uuiversal uso in
Russia Tea driuling is n national
habit In tho lnnd of tho Czars and as
thoy havo opou Are placos this brass
vessel zlno lined was invented and has
been gonorally adopted There is a
placo for charcoal bonoath It and whou
this is aflro It boats tho wator nbovo it
and stoops tho tea It is found not only
in tho homos but iu liotols nnd market
plncos and hospitality is demonstrated
by furnishing toa from tho Samowaro
to frionds and strangers Tho machlno
displnyod is tho property of Mr L C
Mlttlcstadtbrought by him from Russia
and kindly loaned to tho club on its
Russian Evouing
Sol Mayer went cast yesterday
Editor Donovan of Madison was iu
tho city today
Mr and Mrs I G Westcrvelt of Til
den aro visiting in tho city
Tho Tilouberg saloon fixtures wero
sold nt public miction this afternoon
Mta W II Buoholz and Miss Butter
field went to Omaha on tho moiuiug
Tho heavy shower last oveniug pre
vented n largo nttendnnco at tho
Miss Edith Tatmau bpeut Sunday
with her frionds Sho returned to
Wayuo today
Mrs A Craig aud Mr and Mrs J
Sutherland woro in tho city from Battle
Creek Satvrdaj
Vegetation of all kinds is booming un
der tho iuiluouco of tho icceut rains aud
tho w nun suushlno
Chnrles Ohilson of Randolph stopped
in tho city botween trrus on his wuy
homo fiom Columbus
Thero will bo u special meeting of Mo
bate lodge No V tbs oveniug nt 8
oclock By order of tho master
John Willio of Ohadron a traveling
engineer who formerly li ed iu this city
was visiting fi tends hoi o over Sundny
Judgo Allou was iu tho city today
He ciino over from Mndlsou this nioru
iug and left this nfternoou for Omaha
Mr aud Mis 0 II Reynolds and
daughter Helen loft yosterday noon for
Spiiiiglleld 111 to wsit Mr Reynolds
W 0 Davenport of Sioux City visited
with his pnrouts over Sunday He re
turned homo today accompanied by bis
Thero was a jout meeting of tho two
Endeavor societies nt tho Second Con
gregational church South Noifolk last
Thoro was a masquerade party Satur
day evening nt Niua Walkers Tho
yoivg pcoplo who wero presout report a
very onjoynblo tuio
Chancellor Huutngtou of Lincoln
who was expected to prench in tho
Methodise church yesterday morning
was kept at homo by sickuess
V G Lyford nnd family who have
boon visitiug with tho family of W H
Johnson loft this morning for Falls
City where Mr Lyfoid has gone into
Tho notice coucerniug the marriage of
John E Cionk which appeived iu Snt
imlays Nlws coutaiued nu erior Tho
mnno of tho lady who is now Mrs
Cronk was Mrs Maggio Moran
Georgo A Latimer and Will Powers
leavo for tho west this evening Thoy
will Mit Spokane Seattle nnd other
const towns boforo their return They
oxpoct to be gone nbout three weeks
D Van Buskirk supreme deputy of
tho Loyal Mystic Legion of America
wns iu the city today on his way to
Woj ue Ho oxpects to roturu to Nor
folk in the interest of that order soon
County Superintendent Cram will
hold teThors examiunlious tho rest of
tbs week os follows At Norfolk Tues
day at Battlo Creek Weduesday at
Meadow Giovo Thursday East Emer
ick school Filtlny Nowmnu Grovo
Satu iMy
Rev Murray of the First M E church
of Fremont speaks at Norfolk Friday
batuiuny and Sunday eveumgs next at
tho Congregational chinch undor tho
auspces of tho Anti Saloon league His
subjects will bo Fiiday night Guilty
Saturdnv evening Tho Devils College
and its Graduates Suuday evening
Sunday School Poliucs
A dispatch wns received by Tub News
at v o ciojic tins moui g tiom tue war
depi tinent auuouncl 12 tho death of
John 0 Hoover of company F at Ma
nili of typhoid fovor May -1 Hcoer
was a Madison couuty boy bis homo be
ing at Battlo Cieok The tings of tho
city havo tloated at half most doling
the day muco tho receipt of tho sad
Mrs Matilda J wife of John Korst
died at the homo of her father Samuel
Kent six miles west of town yesterday
of that dread diseaso consumption
Mrs Kost leaves a husband and four
childreu to mourn her loss together
with numerous other relatives aud n
largo circle of friends by whom she was
greatly beloved Tho funeral will take
placo toinoirow leaving the houso at 0
oclock aud proceeding to tho Battle
Creek Catholio churoh where services
will bo held Iutermeut will bo made
iu tho Catholic cemetery nt Battlo Cieek
Tho Conservative Nobraska can
show moie forms which have paid for
themselves by a single crop than auy
other stato iu tho union There nro
hundreds of farms now in possession of
I -Tin tr
1 p f rfflh ffi
Twenty times a day or more
V Ql tut tYMit it o Tirwifn 1
fj JV41ltllli til A XIlll W OIUIL
Need to wash their hands
After handling syrup cheese
Coal oil onions tilings like these
Which their trade demands
Ivory Soap which lathers thickly
Washes clean and rinses quickly
Proves and storemen know it well
Best to use and best to sell
contented aud well-to-do fainies iu No
biastai which weio purebred upon tho
distinct agreement nud uuderstnuduig
that thoy wero to bo paid out of their
own pioducts iu ho years Aud there
are hundreds of fauns also that besides
paying for themselves iu five years fed
clothed and schooled Hrge families dur
ing tho same peilod Nebraska fuims
are unsurpassed in fertility and fec
Tho teacher of a school in tho rural
districts ubsigned enii pupil the tak of
willing au 01 iiunl story On tho day
whou the stoiies weio read a blight
little towh ea 1 a oso and stalled in us
follows On tho gieeu slope of a
mountain stood a lust class Jersey cow
with thee legs That wont do
Johnnie ilterupted tho teTjher You
ate one leg shoit No I aint re
plied the future nutbor You dout
wait to git my plot which is that a rad
road tiain cut oil ono leg and tho owner
of tho cow got 3000 damages au
moved bis whole family to Prus iu time
for tho exposition where the girls will
bo nianied to lich Fienchmen and die
bnppy ever nftoiward Atlauta Con
Judge Allen left for O aiaha this moir
Thero is a general complaint of 11
scnrcity of leuts
John S ScLioedor is spending the
week at Nehgh
W M Robeitsou nud wife returned
from Lincoln last night
W II Buchol and II C Sittlei
went to Pieice this morning
Iia G Westiuvelt and wife letnrncd
to Meadow Grove yesterday evening
A J Dnnlovy cashier of the Tildeu
state bank spent yesterdny iu tho city
Tho telophono list which appears in
this issue of The News is coirected up
to date
Chris Sohnvland tho genial and offt
cent county clerk was in the city this
W H Wulaman nnd H C Matrau
loft for York this noon to ntteud a G
A R encampniont
Miss Matilda Wichert lias returned
ft oni a visit to Wisconsin and Illinois
Sho has been gone over a year
Mrs G F Keipcr has returned fiom
Iudiana whore sho has beou spending
several weeks with her mother who has
been quito ill
L Council nnd family aro moving
from the sauitaiium aud will occupy
ono of tho Hillside Terrace houses on
Fourteenth street
Mnthowson Post G A R is going to
observe Memorial day in n befitting
manner ana is now nuiKuig nrrnng
ments for the program
Mrs Margniet Shaw who has been
visiting hor daughter Mrs D C OCon
nor depaited for her homo in Grovo
City Penn this morning
J B Coylo is having his store build
ing lately vacated by tho
thoroughly repaired and will move
his stock of gioceiies into it this weok
The District Home Missionery meet
ing of the M E church convened at
Madison today Tho delegates from
this city wero Mesdames Hodgotts Ox
nam Kuhl and Main
County Suporiutondeut Crura is hold
ing nn examination at the high sohool
today of all pupils who are nbout to
complete the eighth grade who aro non
residents prepnuitory to their eutenug
the high school course next year
Rev S Wright Butler of Omaha will
deliver an address at tho graduating ex
orcisos of the high school class of Oil ou
Juno 2ud His subject will bo The
Wnitiug Niche Mr Butler is ono of
tho most popular of western orators and
the people of Norfolk can anticipnto a
rich treat in his nddress
Aw liter put tho matter veiy aptly
when ho said Corn loaned to hogs is
cash nt a good investment safo aud at a
very large interest A hog is a con
denser he will put ten bushels of corn
into less spaco than a buhel measure
He has been styled n manufacturer of
hams lard hair brushes head cheese
tooth blushes glue buttons feitilizer
fats bacon knife handles whistles
oups souso sausaRo uutl satisfaction
IIo converts corn into cjivi and can buy
what ho will
It has beeu a beautiful May day Tho
wind has blown vigoiously from tho
south the sun has shone and OM ry bird
and bush and tree evrry animate thing
has abounded in the joy aud fulness
of lite The grass nnd giaiu is pushing
fonvnid and upward by leaps and
bounds and faimors nre very busy fin
ishing up their corn planting Nature
is fairly radiaut iu nil its multitudinous
depnitmeuts and life is well worth liv
ing amid such general harbingers of
prosperity aud blessing
S W Hayes left this morning for
Omaha to attend the fuuoral of Wm R
Boweu which took placo today For a
quarter of a coutury Mr Boweii wns
giaud becietary of the Masonic grand
lodges ol Nebraska and held this respon
sible placo of honor to the satisfaction
of his brothers At one time some
years since Judgo Hajes was grand
master with Mr Boweu as sccietary
and because of his intimate acquaint
ance with the deceased it was thought
fitting by the Musonic lodge here that
ho should act as their representative
Judge Allen held a session of court in
this city yesterday to bear a remons
trance brought by Rev E T George
et nl against T W Dennis of Neligh
Tho remonstrants objectod to tbo grant
ing of a saloon license applied for by
Donuis at Neligh The city council
overruled tho objection aud granted tho
license On this tho remoustiauts ap
pealed to tho distuet court nud it was
tins caso that by stipulation wns tried
hoie yesteulay Aftor liteniug to a
pioeutauou of the matter Judgo Allen
sustained the findings of tho Neligli city
council nud dismissed the case
Tho parish meeting held at tho Con
giegational chuich last evening for the
discussion and coiibideiation ot tho en
largement of tho building to mako room
for tho growing needs of tho Sunday
school aud chinch work was well nt
teuded Three plans wore submitted
A Fair Outside Is
a Poor Substitute
For Inward Worth
Good health inwardly of
the kidneys liver and bowels
is sure to come if Hoods Sar
saparilla is promptly used
This secures u fair outside and a
consequent vigor 111 the frame with tho
glow of health on tho cheek good
appetite perfect digestion puro blood
Catarrh I Uave had no return ot the
catarrh which troubled me tor years since
Hoods Sarsaparllla cured me Mas Joe
Maiitin Washington St Ogdensburg N Y
Dyspepsia - Complicated with liver
nnd kidney trouble I suffered for years
w Ith dyspepsia with bu ere pains Hood
Sarsaparllla made me stronc and hearty
J Ksierton Main Street Auburn M
cHcctfo SahAabwiifA
lloodB llllt cure llrf r lilt IIib non Irritating and
culy cathartic to tak with lluodj SirmiiTrirti