8 Graceful IJnsy niul Lour Wearing lilt IAM01IS Olga Ncthcrsolc 250 Shoe I OR WOMEN Ioomo llio merit if pprfoot stIo lit comfort ntul durability No hrmUng In necoivmr to conform to llio lines of tlin foot Holovcry lloxlhloiChrotnoMd stock that U soft ns n glove ynl wears llko Iron ExcoIh imy 17 shoo for woar nnd comfort No m nirntunKld with tlpnflhn rime tiirilliim wilglit ftole vr l IIKMWI1II1 W II HIITIT lltlll 1111111 II1W III llllll Ktl - oit villi Hud llilimhoiwi combination of idjhinnd comfort Manufactured t The Keck Island ShneCoUock Mnnd III nml sntdrtcluslvcly In till city IJ F A HUSTONS NORFOLK TUESDAY W 7 MM yiy rt MAY 23 SANDS ASTLEYS ENGLISHAMERICAN SHOWS TiivclliiKon Us tiwn special lalhvav Liaitis -A Grand Display of Arenlo Talent and Hate Zoological Collection Hate and Cosily Wild Hens Is from Ituinoti Countries of Wondoi fully Trained Domestic Animals Stupendous Ajreiatlon of Noted Male and Female I ei founds In Startling nml Sensational Keats of Skill and Duhm Funny Clowns to Make You LatiLh 1 1 lizlilv Educated Ponies and Dojis In Novel Pertorinimces New and MmIiisIvo Feitutes Nevei Seen Hefore Two perfoimanees at J00 and p m Doois tipon one hour eailler One lay only Tuesday May 2i a A IjUIKAHT lltitMOiKNT CIIAB H liltllHlK Yin Piiksidint W II JOHNSON Cahhibu V It lIltAASril Asst UA8IIIKB The Citizens National Bank Capital 50000 Surplus 5000 Hid nml noil exchange on thin couuti iiuiI till parts of Europe Fium Loans Directors Ahmuh W II Iohns on Ciiah S Himxn C V liiiAAScn HVVVSK 1 A LlIlliAIIT T F MiMMiNnru I SltsioNS UOItS ADVISORY DEPARTMENT I or iiI Ico In 1 nf rnttilrlng special dlri i lions inlilroiw nlv lug iuiiiomi lallrAililiirjrrwpl Thl lUlTiMIOUi nmumio ciuitnnuuiri li nu Large Bottles for 100 at Druggists C M THE LINK THAT BINDS Jackson Tbnn Nov 23 I was subject to miscarriage for three years and sufferul constantly Itli backache I wrote to j on for advice nntl after using tliroo bottles of Wine of Cardul according to your directions I nuiHtrongand well and tho mother of a fine girl baby Mrs E N JOWEI18 There Is no use talking a Inby in the house is the link that binds husband and wife together Nothing is sadder than fruitless wedlock The prattling and cooing or the little ones otfcet a thousand times the occasional worries and trills of life When a wife is barren there is a derangement somewhere in the genital organs caused by one or more of those common disorders known as female troubles Wine of Cardul is the remedy It puts the organs of generation in a strong and healthy condition fitting the wife for the sacred duty of reproducing her kind During the period of gestation the entire system of the expectant mother is built up to withstind the ordeal of labor and when the little one makes us advent it is lusty ana strong well fitted to gtow to ma turity in perfect health The mother too pisses through the trill with little pun and no dread Wine of Cirdui is truly a wonder ful medicine for women sn VilgTlJTyrllllia There is Only One Overland Route r i i ii u - SpStoS DIHUCT LINU or all Points In Nebraska Golorado Wyoming Utah Pacific Boast and Piljet Soifnd Palace Sleeping Cars Ordinary Sleeping Cars liuffcL StnokMiig and Library Cars Fteo Keulinlnn Chair Caia Diniog Cars Mmh a hi CaUe For time tables folders illustrated books und pamphlets descriptive f llio territory traversed call on F W JUNEMAN Agent NoH of Ohatttl Mortgage Sale Nutlto is hereh kvu tliat liv virtuoof chat tel mortgage dati1 July 1MB and dul Mod in tlnollUi of count clerk of MadUou count Nebraska on tho 4th dn of Angus 1MK exo cutedbv V llOtisnnd MllOtistotlmMluuo npuits I lm suing Machine company nu luenrpo rated compaii of Minneapolis Minnexota to Mcuru the um of one thoiMitid l00ij and npnu which thotu it now due the nun of one thousand slxt ddllnrf 1UU default limiiiK hieu iiisde in the pajnieut of Mitl huih and no uit or other procetHliUKS at law liav iuk lioi n linttltntod to iocoir salil debt or ai part thereof therefore the bild Mlnue apollKlhriHluut Machine compauj wllUell tho proper therein described lzs One UutU straight Hue traction oukiuo ID liorxo power ami oun J 1 Cano automatic htacxer with truckb HacVer rake nnd belt completo at public auction on the lot of tho V muont Ulkhorn MiMiuri alley H It In tho villngo of New H rroe Mailifnn conut Nebranka on the mil da of Muy lH at tho hour of S oclock a in of paid da Dated llsj 6 1S0 The MinnoapollstTlirirthinK Machine com paumortrfUKee lly O 1 McClintock State AKeut Order of If earlnt on letltlon for Appolut niriit of Atliuliitatrutor State of Nebraska MadUnn county bs At ii county court held at the county court room in ami for Bald county May S A U ISM Present Win dates count jiulcu In the matter of the estate of Jane IaFarge deccasoif v On reading and tiling the petition of Goorgo W LnFarge and Mary 0 Itish pralng that ad lulniBtraMon of vaidestato may tw granted to M I Hazen as admiuiBtrator Ordered that May J9th A P 1699 at one oclock p in unsigned for hearing sulci peti tion when all per Bans mtorested in said matter niu apear at a count court to bo held in and for sud count and show iue why tho prayer of petitioners should not bo granted and that notice of the pendency of taid petition and the hearing thereof be gieu to nil prrsou inter ested in paid matter b publishing a copy of this order in TrkNokioik Dil Nkws a news pair printed iu said county for three succes sue weeks prior to said da of hearing J Wm IUtm County Jndge THE NORFOLK NEWS THURSDAY MAY 18 1899 Doen Collro Agreo With Ynti If not drink Graiii O mntlo from puro grnlim A lady writes Tho first time- I nmdo Grain -O I did not llko it but nfter using it for ono weok nothing would Intluco mo to go baclto ooffoo It nourishes and feeds tho system Tho children can drink it freely with gTcnt honoflt It is tho strengthening sub stance of puro grains Oct n pnekngo today from your grocer follow the directions iu making it and you will havo a delicious nnd hcnlthfal tablo boverago for old and young 15 and 25o National llnptlfll Sorlrtles AnuUnrsitrleit Portland Oro Juno 2 5 18111 Ono faro plus ii for round trip vin Union Pacific For tlntcs on which tickets will bo sold limits and full Information call on F W Junkman Agont A Hound Iler Miikos Woll Mini Are you bilious constipated or troubled with jnundlco sick heatlacho bad tiusto iu mouth foul bronth coated tonguo dyspojisia indigestipn hot dry skin pain in buck audi botweon tho shoulders chills nml fever Jetc If you havo any of theso symptoms your liver is out of order nnd your blood is slowly bolng poisoned becnuso your liver does not act promptly Ilcrbino will euro any disorder of tho livor stomach or bowols It has no oqunl as a livei medlcino Prico 75 conts Free trial bottle at O M Fokneys If your child has thin palo chooks uncertain appotlto nnd unrest ful sloop it has worms and curing with strong medlcino only makos conditions worse by irritating its dolicato stomach Whites Cream Vormifmro is mild but certain in effect and is a superior tonio as well as a positivo worm destroyor kO M FOKNET CASTOIIIA Bean tho Slgnatnro of The Kind Yon Havo always Bought f Aro you laokiug m strength and en ergy V Are you nonoiih dospoudout irritablo btllious constipated and gononilly run down in health If so your liver is torpid and a fow doses of florbino will euro you Herbiuo has no oqual as a hoaltli restorer O M Foiinby Tablers Buckeyo Pile Ointmont gives instant roliof It allays iuflammatiou and heals It is uromut iu its action and positivo iu its effect It is tho kind that cures without pain or discomfort It is for piles ouly 50 conts Tubos 75 conts O M Fousuy CASTOR I A Tor Infants and Children The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Gyft WGt Stop that barking by tho uso of Bal lards Horohouud Syrup It arrests the cough allays irritntiou of tho throat and relieves congestion of tho lungs in a day It is safo nntl pleasant to take nnd never disappoints 25 and 50 conts O M Foknky OASTORIA BentB tho fi Kind You Have Always Bought 8lgnatnro of ZS Bears tho jf The Kind You Have Always Bought KARO BROS Everybody wants the est of meats We make a special effort to plea3e our trade Oar Sitep Is the Neatest the City Money to Loan ON Real Estate Elkhorn B S Association For Plumbing Steam Fitting Pumps Tanks Wind Mills And all repair work in thli line call on W H RISH Satisfaction Guaranteed first door sooth of Dally New office NERVITA PILLS Restore Vitality Lost Vigor and Manhood Cure Impotency Night Emissions and wasting diseases all effects of self abuse or excess and indis cretion A nerve tonic and blood builder Brings the i Tt rpiuK giow to piue encutes anu PA restores the fire of youth n rxuy mall COc per box boxes for li50 with a written giinrau tee to cure or refund tho money Send for circular Address NERVITA MEDICAL CO Clinton Jackson Sts CHICAGO It- For sale by Forney Drug Co Norfolk MARKET QUOTATIONS Irlct s of Product In Chicago Today Opening Closing lllglicut nnd I o went Ill In nnd Call Todays Chicago market tiuotationa oro furnished by Z K Doano broker ns follows Option Oocn High Low Clone Wheat Mm Julj71iT2 73 JIJ J3 Corn Ma Jnlj Mi aiUGSViTUi 31i Oats Maj Jnl2IU 2I4G2IM23K 2IG214 1orU Mn Jlilj S lG8 178 lgS 173 Oi 15 lard Ma Jul Itlhs May Jul July wheat IMits Uh i calls 7Vi Jul corn lut S1 cnllB 31 CROP TROUBLES CAUSE A RALLY Wheat Siilu to o tlio Prey of Insect rluldittlon fn Com Ciuoino May 17 Claims of ciop damngo f i om Insects caturd nu uihanco ut rSic In wheat todft Corn di cllned ItQHv and oat cloud a Klmiln higher fork lost Ui27o and lanl and i Ibi IKlo oach Closing price l Wheat July 7W717c Bopt 71ic CoiiNJnly aiJ inyBCi Sept U3io Oats July 23ic Sept 20ic roHK July J8I5 Bopt tM Itlli3 luly ti 03 j Sopt 77l 80j 1AIU JulyM02505 Sept I31351T Cah quotations No 2 rod whoat 72753 No uprlng 00370o No 2 hard OSoj No acorn 3ici No a oaU IIKe Knnins LIo Stock It ANSA9 Citv Jlay from r10c highorj heavy natlvo stcora 403 Mi iniMllum BteoM 4WJtW light wolghta t IOC 101 stockon nnd foodor IIOO5nO liutchnr cow and hoifon 32o475 can niri Wi2 wodtei n stcrra l00485 Tfxani 115l75 Ifofes Itccclpt 1270 lowor ito l4ttii niarkoH camod n rorrcspnnd lug ilecllno In hogs alos nvi raglng nbout rc loner heaw Mfl5T3 mixed 3rVX70j light W43gtOO pig JHS3 15 Sheop Hiulpts 2 100 steady to 10c higher spring Inmlu tilXKi7gU wool lamh 1000 afl 10 clipped limlM JlOSlrtOOl clipped muttons J4 75i2i clipped one 425r00 ftockors and fcuihM I5032i culU 200X50 Chlcugo Mo Stock Oiiicaoo Mnv 1 Cattle ItocelpM 10600 Co lower fane grade brought 5403rO clulco steor f5154V5 inedlunis 4 C54R5 hi ef 4tcci9 TllJSifl stockers and feoders U 0St5iIj hulU 70it410 cows nnd heifers 100ij42i woitein feil ntecis 44023 Texas steers WOO 00 cales t4507 V Hogs Itecoipts 117000 tindowas fairly active in hogs hut the buyers succeeded in foiclng prices Cc lower fair to choice 38iVI93 heavy packer K150S3B0 mixed t00S 8S butcheiV fUa00 lights JU503085 pigs HVyitu Sheep Hccolpts 10000 stiongnnd actlNo Colorado wooled lambs sold nt 0 Wd tltn jeai lings 5 WifMi spring lambs 700 SIK perrwt best sheep were fully 10c higher clipped grades brought f475f5 00 South Onmlia Ilvo Stock SOUTH Omaha May 17 Cattle RecoloU 2500 active steady native beof stoors 1123 52V western steers B0J478 Texas steers fi7X4 50 cows and heifers ii 54 00 cannors i22VSyt0 Btockors and feodors f4 005 IB calves U 00175 bulls stags etc 300425 0000 shade to fie lowei heavy fa00i3307H mixed nO0lO2H light SJ 53 S021 pigs SU3HG0 bulk of salos UGO li02 Shoop Itecoipts 2000 active strongci western muttons 4f S3 J40 stock sheep f 40040 lambs tS250 00 Aliuiiiino nf tho Day Thursday Sun risos at 441 sots at 712 Moon sets at 1340 a in Tho Weather Iowa Fair aud warmer Thursday increasing cloudi ness aud warmer Friday variable winds Nebraska Fair and warmer Thursday probably showers Friday variable wiudn w Vodiiodn IlitiHtbull Giunoi NATIONAL LKAOtJE St Louts 1 Ixulsvllle 2 rittsburg 11 Chicago 1 Ihiladclphia 10 Hrooklyn 11 WESTKKN LEAOUB St Paul 0 Minneapolis U Milwaukee 0 Kansas City 2 Indianapolis 8 Detroit 12 Forged Evidence Agalunt Dreyfus Pakis May 17 Tho Figaro contin uing its 6nimary of tho ovideuco of fered before tho court of cassation in tho Dreyfus rovisiou inquiry says it is in a position to give tho exact composi tion of the secrot dossier This pack age it assorts contained sovon docu ments Regardinc tho forged letters attributed to Emperor William tho pa por declares that those existod iu tho dossier but wore subsequently do stroyed Tho Figaro thou goes on to show that when theso letters wore uot forgeries tlioy did not rofor to Droyf us Young Couolo Shot Des Moines May 18 John Cownie of tho state board of control was called to his homo m South Amaua by a nies sugothat his son Greeley had been shot Tho messago stated that tho boy had been waylaid iu goiug from Marougo to South Amaua aud badly shot iu the head Chlet nl sioulu Yiiuug Dead Washington May 18 Tho death of William II Young chief of scouts of General Lawtons division is consid erod a serious loss Young was ouo of tho scouts with Genoral O O Howard in tho Noz Porces campaigu through Idaho aud Moutaua some years ago The fat undertaker Who plants by the acre Poor ictims of cough and cold Is sighing and crying For uete nlf stopped dying Since Ilrazilian Halm was sold And fcr those u ho desire Not ust et to go higher it is worm us weigiu in goici Notice of Sale Under Chattel Blortgage Notico is hereby given that b vlrtuo of a Un ln 11 ICOC nnl n cuuui uiukKaHo uaim nuguei u am uuij filed in ttiojollice of count clerk of Madison county Nebraska on tho day of August oxecnted l II W Otis and M II Otis to tho Minneapolis Tlirrsuing uaouino company an incornoratod comnanvof MinnenDolls Minne sota to tccuro tlio iaiuont of thnsnmof two nnndred aud tuirty uouars ifmu ana upon which there U no tine tho sum of J2li dofault ha Ins been mada In the nsrment of said sum and no suit or other proceedings at law having been lnstltnUU lo recover ttla uuot or any part thereof therefore the said Minneapolis Throsh lug Machiue conipan will sell tho property therein dci cnbed viz On Colnmbiau Victory seixrator withsi inch Under 4t inch rear number bCSOwith trncks nnder eanie Id foot straw stacker complete with ah belts parts and till attachments at public auction on the lots of the Fremont Elkhorn and MUoonri Vallor It H in the village of Newman irove Madison count NYbratkaon tliosth ilay of May lbW at the hour of 8 oclock a m of said da Datinl Ma b im Tho Minneapolit Thrcihiug Mncmuu com pan mortgosvo 11 O II Mdi iToch Btato Ateat Tittiimiiiflnurf inniwfl1 nrilTTPtfninmnyiiHjwnimift t r caso one oi m I j 1 M T CAST0RIA az r2 Tr Ml n 1 1 h n n1 iii AVcBc lablcrxcparationfor As slmllatlrtg UiCToodandncguIa ling IlicSloiMLhs anilBovscls of PiomotesBigcshonChcctfuI ttcss and ncstContalns nellhcr OpiuirTIorphino norHincraL KotNarcotic JtaV cfOldJySAlfUHHIXZEB Jhmpivt AlxStnna JtAlUSJu Jban Scti tHmrrnint dH CarionattXela IKrmfttd heyrwi fVnxn A perfect nemedy forConslipa tionSourStomachDiarrhoca Worms Convulsions Fcvrish icss and Loss OF Sleep tcz Simile Signature of TEW YORK tbi vr a trrarn t TJiarNEH B exact copy or vbappeb m CASTORIA For Infants and Children The Kind Jou Have Always Bought j I M Bears the Signature rtfm A w atW Ah ii Runmmtn nfl i iwna to rmtvora aa aoon aa 1 10 The Kind You Have Always Bought STORIA THr CCNTAUR COMPANY NIW VOPIK CITV i Mrs L M Uarnos 87 Medlord St Uedford Kiu wrltea on Jany 81st 1896- It would be aimoart for me M nna languaff to describe taj kyeara tseiore i runonn iot taking year Dr Kmyi BenoratorA Several pbytloUna pronounoi Kezvoua Iyappl and Nerfooa Proitratlon A little oxoltemont or worry would estuo ktm prtxtrauon xtrame serrousnesiw tlon neoaaone mcugeauon ana eevore touuviui mua at ume aops up ggaunuiui tur twoorthrMdayslaniltoot all my pltyalolana pold do I became Terr tun ux4 rOesBand pi kki rwoni ful lost nearly ail of my balrT thtlop of my head being eoUraly bald terribly with my stomaoh being unable to dlgeM anything f tried ta without getting any reuse nnauy urt Ammat a friend aant I STlf aareral f erod physlolans ma Dr took It and tho hange wasi nor oouldthsy be mora thank- onderfuL No ono was aver beneatod mora than I panacea aa Dr Kays Juaorator m my prtyaelaaa 09014 not help mo haiFS aowlt is than for suoh a As aoon as I began to taprora sty f9 hlpor arer foould not iminta my aaao aar baaalsa kara nostra rem takuu Dr Kays Renovator uva oSafortEoi and all nerroos at aisaaaoseto lnrurorateai and -vigor to easy ioiKe UQTJID11 g lata or sent i alldlsoaMai from our Western to yaaon OMRrMMMCiiMn ATTH1HT1HHUY YMAaD IS mo wnoie syatom ana punaea ana the whole body Tn SrSSmSnSimt ltooosos Mas ibDoadoner female iraraatala aa It renoratoa and aariehos tha blood giving new Ufa m tAsia known Verr oleasant and KANY pOBEB AS lIOB Sold br drug- by malTbn receipt of prloo H60 and siT Band for tha booklet It treata and many say It la worth gS 11 they opuu not get an Offloe Dr B J Kay Meoioai vo w a tow iM666ftiWMft jujF AFTER USING iftffel sent free nahrNeb AG TU AND VITALITY afft Man 1 I B nacoT07s - - - - w xxxjXjS Sg Tho great remedy for nervous prostration and all diseases of tho generative K2 orLinsof either sex such ns Nervous Prostration Patltni or racist Manhrwl 85 order we gjunranteo to cure or refund tho money Sold at 100 per bos u uuiub iur uuui un mui m a vaKiciixjiiyAii w JlovoiailUi UIUO For Sale at KEONIGSTEINS PHARMACY Railroad and Business Directory SB - z Uj amamoi en Q S I - LU i uj i v j 3C a - 00 E s co 5 aw I 3oco Q UJ ml a c R R TIMETABLE Fremont Elkhorn Mo Valley EAST DEPIRT Omaha Passenger BWtim Chicago Express 1240 pm 1VST ARRIVE Chicago Exprean TCOnm Omaha Passingor UilOpni WhST DEI 1 1ST IllucU Hills ExproB 72opm Vordlgro Paesenger Iil0prn Venllgro Accommodation 9 00 am WFST AIIRIVE Hnck Hills Eprcsa UJ0pm Vnrdigro Patsenger rtPAani Vordlgio Accoinuioilntii n Ttuiun Tho t hicago nnd Bluck HlUs Express nrnves and departs from Juuclou ilpput The Omal a nnd Verdigre trails nrnvo aud ilepart from tit depot II C Mtuvu Agent Union Pacific r SOUTH IlMltT Columbus Accotnmoclatiou tjOJpm Omaha Denver and Pucltlc Coast 1010u m NOBTIt AIIIlIVK Columbus Ace mmodatlon 122ipm OiuuIih Uenvor and Pacitic coast tiOlpm Couiiects at Norfolk with F E A M V going west and north aud with the U Bt P MAO for points north and east t Junkman Agent Chicago St Paul Minneapolis Omaha fast nervFT Sioux City and Omaha Pnesonger llilUm Sioux ilt Passenger l5pm WIST ABBIVE Sioux City Pansenger 103am ploux City and Omaha Passpnirer pin Connects at Norfolk with F E A M V going west und north and with the U P for points south F V JlNEstvN Agent Ua I except Sunday QEO A LATIMER Attorney at Law Office in Mat Ulock INSKEEPS MILLINERY Cheapest and Best 332 Norfolk Avenue Spenoep Ovelmon Boots and Shoes Repairing Neatly Done C S HAYES Fine Watch Repairing IHC THUMAN Paints and Olall Paper Hajseand Sign Painter JWEDWARDS The Norfolk Horseshoer All Wobk Quahasteed Cor 4th St and Braasch Ave WW MANGUS Painting and Paperhanglng Fine Work Guaranteed JBHERMANN Contractor and Bailder 1 1 7 Fourth Street y i I r