The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, May 11, 1899, Image 1

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Question Discussed at Brief
Session of Filipino Congress
Natlrei Mnnnce to Olitnln Unttory of Ton
Caution Insurants In Mm Province nf
Cvltr Ara Preparing to Make Dinor
nto Krslstanco Mncnhobcs Aro Kngor
to Fight tilt Tnguls
Manila May 11 Reports rccolvod
from tho iusurgont line which how
over have not been confirmed say that
a meeting of tho Filipino congress has
boon hold at San Pedro Thoro was no
quorum present but in spito of t
fact somo business was transacted T
reports add that although thosu who at
tended wero mostly partisans of Aguin
nldo a stroug desiro for pcaco was ex
Major General McArthur will prob
ably remain at San Fernando until
fresh troops can bo forwarded to him
lrom this city to replace somo of tho vol
unteers who havo become exhausted
from tho long campaign Filipino rifle
men to tho number of 8000 are en
trenched ton three sidos of Bacolor Tho
Americaus however and fully ablo to
hold tho city if Mondays attack was a
specimen of tho enemys fighting
Tho United Statos Philippine com
mission has boon considering a provin
cial constitution for tho island of Negros
which was framed by Colonol Smith
and leading natives It is largoly mod
eled after the constitution of California
This constitution gives tho natives self
government co operating with tho
militia regime
Mncnbobcs Kngerto Fight Tagals
Manila May 11 Tho army can
boats Laguua do Bay and Cavedouga
under command of Captain Grant
6teamed up tho Rio Grando to Calum
pit yesterday clearing tho entire coun
try of rebels from tho bay upward
When the vessels roachod Macabobo
ubout 1000 of tho inhabitants of tho
placo assembled upon tho banks of tho
river cheering tho expedition lustily
Captain Grant was given an ovation
when ho went ashoro Many of tho
Macabebes expressed thom selves as
beiug auxiouB to enter tho sorvice of
tho American army for tho campaign
against the Tagals
Tho United States transports Puobla
and Pennsylvania sailod for homo yes
terday by way of Nagasaki Tho
transports Charles Nelson and Cleve
land will leave on Thursday and Friday
Tho Filipino ayny of Goneral Mas
cardo inspired by wino takou from tho
storehouses of Bacolor and by tho gen
erals oratory on Monday evening at
tacked San Fernando There was tro
inendous yelling and a great expendi
ture of cartridges by tho rebels but
very littlo result General Mascardo
holds tho outskirts of Bacolor west of
tho railroad In front of his positions
are tho Kausas and Montana regiments
which occupy tronches that tho Fili
pinos built in anticipation of an attack
from tho direction of tho sea
General Luna is massing his army
east of tho railway bringing up troops
by trainloads in sight of thn American
lines The country between San Fer
nando and Calumpit is filling up with
natives who profess great friendship
towards the Americans but who aro
suspected by many of sympathy with
the insurrection
Ftmston Gives Ills Views on Politics
Kansas City May 11 Tho Star
prints excerpts from a letter from Briga
dier Goneral Frederick Funston whose
brilliant work with tho Twentieth Kan
sas regiment in tho Philippines has won
him famo to Professor V L Kollogg a
former fellow student in tho Kansas
etato university In his letter which
is dated April 10 tho Kansan gives the
first iutimation so far made by him re
garding a political careor Ho says
I cannot think thero is much in tho
talk about doing tho handsome thing
by mo Politically tho rank and file of
the Republican party might bo willing
but how about tho bosses Thoro are
mighty few offices that I would have
nnd tho ono or two in the gift of tho
people of Kausas I havo not tho gall to
ask for Goneral Fuuston apparently
remombers somo of the criticisms in
connection with his Cuban campaign
when ho 6ays Now I havo proven a
dozen times at tho risk of my life that I
am not a fake aud it is his main hope
that his record in tho Philippines may
tatihfy tho formor critics
Land Machine Guns on 1itnny
New Yokk May 11 A special to
tho Herald from Mauila says The in
surgents have succeedod iu landing 10
machine guns at Capiz on tho island
of Panay In an interview printed in
Spanish Seuor Mabini who is at tho
head of tho Agulnaldo cabinet says the
insurgents are very hopeful They
will continue the fighting relying upon
European intorvontion Tho insurg
ents of the province of Cavite are pro
paring to make a desperato resistance
to tho Americans
Affairs Iu Hamn Are Quiet
Apia Samoa May 4 Via Auck
land N Z May 10 Everything ii
quiet on tho island Operations have
boon suspended pending the arrival oi
tho joint commissioners from San Fran-
Accidental Shot Fatal
Sioux City May ll Whllo hunting
near Salix yesterday Bert Hollands
worth of that placo ajculuiitally re
reived a charge of shot in the stomach
Ho will die
Oolnnol Lopor lltei Ilit of Ciminltlcl
Up to Date
Des Moinhs May 11 Governor
Shaw is in receipt of a cablegra m from
Colonol John O Lopor commanding
tho Fifty first Iowa voluntoora at Ma
nila which says Tho regiment has
been on the north lino for three wcoks
in tho trenches fighting and doing bril
liant work Fivo engagements havo
boon fought betweon Quingua and Cal
umpit sinco May The first and sec
ond battalions vmtlor my command led
tho advaueo of Halos brigndo from
Apalit to San Tomas Wo had hot
fighting through many miles of swamps
wading sometimes to our waists in mud
Wo also forded throo rivers within fivo
hours On May 5 our regiment assisted
in taking San Fernando tho iusurgont
capital Our reglmont had sharp en
gagements Tho first and second bat
talions wero tho first soldiers to cuter
tho iusurgont encampment
Tho list of casualties to date is as fol
lows all of tho mcutionod having boon
wonndod Major W J Duggan com
pany B John Kornan O Corporal L
Wylaud Corporal John Cushiug Goo
Shannon D Elmer Narvor Hodges E
Corporal Hnntor Corporal Maynor
Everett Brownsou II Patrick Dwyor
Charles Bauder Bert Grace accidental
L C M Gardner A O Parson Rob
ert Daily M John Bchm Bert Thomas
Adrian Hockott S J Tiller All of tho
wounded will recover Thoro Is no
dangerous sickness among tho troops
and our regiment is standing tho hard
ships hotter than auy other iu tho Phil
ippines Lopor is seriously ill Millor
is slowly improving
Chicago Millionaires Usn Oleo
Chicago May 11 Fear of social deg
radation keops many a millionaire of
Chicago from acknowledging tho fact
that ho uses oleoniargarino in lieu of
pure butter according to William
Broadwoll a witness beforo tho m t
food iuvostigati c nun
Its tho stra ost kind of a g
tho witness said to Senator Mason
this deception that is going on sim
ply because a man is too proud to let
his friends know that ho is using any
thing that is not tho real article It
would surprise you if you could learn
of tho millionaires that como into my
storo every day and carry homo their
little package of olcomargarino aud
then palm it off on their swell Irionds
as tho real butter Mr Broadwoll
was called beforo tho committee to ox
plaiu why tho internal revenuo laws
regulating tho stamping of all pack
ages of oleomargarine were not on
Two Witnesses Heard
Washington May 11 R G Brooks
of Scrauton Pa and Walter J Mulliu
of Wooster O wero beforo tho indus
trial commission yesterday Both aro
mine owners in their respective local
ities Both complained of tho discrim
ination of the railroads which own coal
mines and both spoke favorably of tho
labor organizations
McKlnluy Takes Treatment
Hot Springs Va May 11 Presi
dent McKiuley began tho treatment in
cident to tho medicated baths of this re
sort yesterday
A papal consistory will bo hold at the
end of Juno for tho nomination of 10
A biscuit cracker and candy trust has
been completed on tho Pacific roast
capitalized at 4000000
Every postofflco in the island of Porto
Rico about 80 iu number soon will bo
flying a United Statos flag
Fleisch Co mens underwear Now
York aro iu tho bankruptcy court
Debts 235412 assets 95200
Hon Georgo Earlo first assistant
postmaster general undor Grant died
in Washington Wednesday night
Albuquerquo N M oxtonds an in
vitation to tho Rough Riders to hold
their first annual convention at that
Tho annual meeting of tho Civil Sor
vico Reform association was hold iu New
York Wednesday Carl Schurz was re
elected president
Manufacturers of feed cnttors corn
shellers food and cider mills uro effect
ing a combination and havo decided to
raise prices 15 to 25 per cent
August Brontano of tho booksolling
firm of Brontano Brothers died
Wednesday at a private sanitarium in
Flushing L I aged 43 years
Scottish hon manufacturers deny that
a scheme has been submitted to them
for a Carnegie syndicate to absorb tho
British iron aud steel interests
Am attempt is being made to effect
a combination of the various gluo com
panies iu the country and options on
boveral plauts havo been obtaiuod
A bill passed the Michigan sonato
Wodnesday practically shutting trusts
out of Michigan and its friends claim
votes euough iu the house to pass it
Vice President Hobart continues to
improve slowly and his family beliove
he will bo able to loavo Washington for
Long Brauch about the end of tho
Dealers and manufacturers of broom
corn from all parts of tho United States
mot at Tuscola Ills Wednesday and
decided to advance the price of raw ma
terial 1 cent per pound
Emlle Loubet president of France
gave his first grand official dinner at
tho Elysee palace Wednesday night
United States Ambassador Porter was
prominent among tho guests
At a colored rovival meeting at Buena
Vista Ga Wednesday a dozeu mem
bers wero taken deathly sick and Rev
John Donuoway diod in a few hours
after drinking poisoned buttermilk
Two other preachers cannot live
According to a dispatch from Cairo
tho director of tho Egyptian museum
has discovered the mummy of Thoth
mes I of tho 18th dyiiasty B C 1033
aud three other mummies in gilt coffius
Damage by Wind Rain and
Hail In Nebraska
Town of Homer It Pnrtly Inumlntml
Ilccular Tirliter at Oobnrn Junction
Itallroail Tracks Snliinerceil mill Trains
Almtiilunetl lleuty llnll at Wlunolmgo
Cjrlmio Touches Up Kansas
Sioux City May 11 Teirifio rains
which foil over uorthoastorn Nobraska
last night destroyod a consldorablo
amount of proporty especially on low
land farms Tho Omaha and Pacific
Short Lino roads woro also largo losors
Tho town of Homer was tho principal
sufferer Omaha crock roso 20 feet
driving many families from their homes
Much livo stock was lost At Winne
bago agency tho storm was accompanied
by enormous hail many of tho stones
being of tho regulation egg sio
At Coburn Junction tho wind was
cyclonic A strip of 70 foot of track bo
twoon tho junction and Pender win
torn from tho right of way Trains on
tho entire Nobraska division of tho road
uorth of Emerson including tho Bloom
field Hartingtou and Nowcastlo
branches havo boon abandoned
Much damago was also done at Hub
bard At Jackson 300 foot of tho Short
Linos track was washed out Dimago
was also dono botwoon Liurol and Bel
den No fatalitios havo been reported
Cinnot Collect Notes For Margins
Dks Moinhs May 11 Tho supremo
court of Iowa yesterday decided that a
noto or account for moneys involvod iu
board of trado deals cannot bo colloctod
at law in this state E W Gilford
gavo a noto for 425 to J T Tamos
Co Dos Moines to pay for margins ad
vanced by tho firm Tho noto was sold
7ho Peoples Savings bank which
f Tho court holds tho transaction
purely gambling It bays Any
purcuaso oi property not uuuuucu iu uu
actually doliverod or in which tho set
tlement is to bo mado by paying tho dif
ference between tho market valuos at
the time of tho deal and tho timo of set
tlement is gambling and debts thus in
curred cannot bo enforced at law
Preacher In a Fight
Kansas City May 11 F M Wooks
a traveling representative of a Now
York stationory firm formorly a Pres
byterian preacher had troublo with L
B Green a special policeman stationed
at tho stock yards yostorday aftoruoou
which resulted in a streot fight later iu
tho day botweeu Weeks and Georgo T
Green a brother of tho officer Tho
three men met at Sixteenth and Geuo
soo streots aud Georgo Green drapod
Weoks loft oyo in mourning with a
blow from his fist Georgo Green is a
speculator at tho stock yards aud Wooki
declares that ho assaulted him without
Mrs Fonts Victim Still Alive
Mason City la May 11 Tommy
Durkiu tho 14-year-old lad shot Mon
day by Mrs J F Ford is still living
but is in a critical condition Mrs
Fords reason for shooting was that sho
suspected him ot improper relations
with her daughter Tho boy denies
over knowing her daughter Ho was
shot iu tho back with a 22 cahbor re
volver and his loft sido is paralyzed
Tho woman is in jail awaiting develop
Mnetluc of Irish Americans
Maiishalitown la May 11 A
meeting was held in this city yostorday
which may awaken widespread interest
throughout tho country It was a con
ference of Irish Americans of Iowa for
tho purpose of arousing ronowod energy
among tho Irish of this country toward
securing homo rnlo for Ireland Many
prominent Irish Americans from all
portions of tho stato wero prosent and
many able addresses were made
Ion it Workmen Elect Officers
Muscatine May 11 Tho Iowa grand
lodge of the Ancient Order of Uuited
Workmen closed its session horo last
evening with tho election of officers aud
adjourned sine die Tho newly elected
officers aro Grand master Will M
Narvis Muscatiuo grand foroman A
B Smith Sponcor grand overseer G
J Thompson Chariton grand rccordor
B F Rehkopf Dos Moiuos
Cj clone Touches Up Kansas
Wichita May 11 A oycloue struck
Coldwater Kan last night complotoly
destroying 12 houses and killing Joseph
Bowers a prominent cattleman Aid
richs general storo was wrecked and a
brick block on Main streot blown down
Tho Presbyt mau church was blowu
away and tho court houso was unroofed
Fatally Hurt lu a It una way
Ckdak Raiuus la May 11 Tho
team of William Huttou ran away yes
terday Thinking tho horses wero go
ing to collide with a street car Huttou
jumped striking the street car His
logs and arms wero brokon and he was
terribly mangled and there is no hope
for his recovery
Heltier to Succeed WlUon
Lincoln May 11 Governor Poyntor
yesterday announced the appointment
of L A Beltzer of Osceola as com
maudaut of tho Soldiers aud Sailors
home at Grand Island to succeed Col
mel Wilaon who tendered his resigna
tion abuut a month ao
Northern low it Grocer Meet
Sioux City May 11 The Northern
Iowa Wholesale Grocers association
met hero yesterday with representa
tives present from about 30 houses
Questious of credits aud freight rates
were discussed but uo important action
r7 e 4 fe
Irt slilput Wishes onurrpi to Formulate
a Iullrj ItiKartlluc the rhlllpplnes
Wasiusuios May 11 Tho revival
of talk of an otin MsMait of congress
has uiore behind it than iillo gossip
Tho contingency of such n kosMou has
been dthcusxed at a cabinet mooting
and a member of that body who was
present at tho time is authoilty for tho
statement that tho piesidonts mind in
strongly Inclined toward such a movo
Two lcasoni chiefly control tho presi
dent In thts matter Ho wishes tho
policy of the government with inspect
to tho PhltipplnoM defined and tho cur
rency question disposed of before tho
paity enters tlto campaign of MOD Tho
president has declared his belief to his
advisers that peace will bo established
in the Philippines within tho next 30
days and that tho ownership and pos
session of thoso islands will no longor
be disputed
Catholic Kuluhts Iu Hrsshin
Kansvs Ciiy May 11 Tho 12th
biennial council of tho Catholic Knights
of Atiiciiiii opened hero yostonlay with
nearly every state roprosented One of
tho most important questions to como
bofore the council is on tho point of ad
mitting women to its momlmrship
Tho law committee catnn beforo tho
convention with mnjoiity and minority
ropoits the majority favoring the ad
mission of women After a lengthy do
bate a voto was taken and tho women
woro defeated Tho final voto was 274
iu tho affirmative and 178 in tho nega
tive As tho proposed amondiuont re
quired a two thirds majority to carry
tho champions of tho women wero
vanquished An offort to reconsider
tho voto will bo made today
Favor lopular Klectlon of Senators
Richmond Va May 11 Tho row
feronco of Virginia Democrats called
lor tho purpose of adopting Mich meas
ures as may bo doomed best to promote
tho election of bonators of tho United
States by the direct voto of tho pooplo
yesterday adopted a sot of resolutions
favoring an amoudniout to that oiloct
and inviting tho co operation and as
sistance not only of tho pooplo of Vir
ginia but tho lesidonts of othor states
whoso wolfarois equally involved
Coal shipments by river from Pitts
burg houth Wednesday aggregated 11500
000 bushels
Tho American Ticket Brokers asso
ciation is in session at Chicago with
over CO dologates
Stove manufacturers aro in session at
Cincinnati and expect to form a trust
before adjournment
Tho Sixth Missouri regiment Colonol
Lester Hurdemaun was mustered out
at Savannah Wednesday
A Now York syudicato has acquired
the Edison Eioctric Illuminating com
panys plant Ilazleton Pa
Tho Mexican Telephone company is
seeking connections with tho United
States by long distanco phones
Tho French government is making
inquiries as to American coal with a
view to adopting it tor the French navy
A conferonco botween tho southern
Kausas coal operators and miners re
sulted in failure of ugreement and a
striko will result
A scat on tho New York stock ex
change was sold Wednesday tor 10
000 the highest sum ever paid That
sum is now bid for a seat
An eastern syudicato is said to have
secured control of tho Wisconsin Tele
phone company which operutos nearly
all tho lines iu that state
Rev Dr Roso F Alsopp of Brooklyn
who was recently elected general mis
sionary secretary of tho Episcopal
church iu America has declined tho
Mrs Anna E Georgo delivered her
first lecture at Stoubenvillo Weduesday
night Tho house seats 1200 but there
wero only 14 pooplo who paid tho ad
mission fee to hour her
A dispatch to tho nayy dopirtment
from Captain Coghlau says that uu ox
uimuatiou ot the Raleigh shows that it
sustained practically no damago in
grounding oil Charleston
The old Kingman Packing plant at
Kansas City Weduesday came into the
possession of its now owner the Cud
ahys who will begin work on remodel
ing it us boon as plans can be perfected
William Blair ono of tho oldest resi
dents ot Chicago and at ono timo head
ot tho William Blair Co ono of tho
largest haulwaro houses iu tho United
States died Wednesday from pneu
monia Mr Blair was b7 years old
Tho British warship Pearl will arrivo
at Port Tampa Kla on the 20th und
romuin until tho 25th to accopt an in
vitation extended by tho citizens of
Tampa who will hold a celebration ou
May iUh in houor ot tho queous birth
The Illinois Manufacturers associa
tion Wednesday sent a cablegram to
Admiral Dewoy at Manila urging him
to become the guest ot tho association
upon his returu from tho Philippines
aud suggesting that he adopt the San
Fruucisco routo instead ot coming by
way ot New York
It is reported that negotiations are in
progress with an oxcelleut prospect of
soon reaching a successful conclusion
for a combination ot manufacturers of
ull grades of carpets in a corporation
which will be known as the Natioual
Carpet compauy and will bo capitalized
at between flOOOOOOO aud 50000000
Test at Sandy I look of Gatii
manns Shell Is Successful
Fuse Imrntlonnr thn Chltucomi Itmnlnr
the llreailoil Itnlmillln Fnlltel Sale
Another Toil or Ills lull lotion Shell
Will He Mmln Iinihlliir lulo Merits ot
Itaphl rite Onus
Nicw Youit May it When thoboit
containing tho tarty who had charge of
tho test made with wet gun cotton at
tho Sandy Hook proving grounds on
Tuesday returned ftotn thn grounds last
night it was slated that 10 pouui s of
the gun cotton had been found intact
The test had been made under tho ill
leetlon of tho Oatliniaini Torpedo com
pany ot Chicago who claimed that wot
guncotton could be safely used in a shell
tired by powder Tho ollloials of tho
company who wc iu present at the test
spent the- day with 18 laborers in deter
mining whether or not tho gun cotton
had explnded Their elloits weie re
warded ly the finding of 10 pounds of
tho cotton intact President MoMnllin
Raul that ho espectedto find motool the
Thoie uil be a hiibsequo it lest of the
Gathiuauu - icll in wlii h unoth r Hod
man gun will be employed The old
nance olllcets mi 1 that it would be
piaetically the same as tho test applied
Tuesday For thn next few months thn
ordnance iill ers at Sandy Hook will bo
biisv in addition to testing the use of
high explosives iu passing upon the
merits of vaiious forms of field guns for
use by our imny in Cuba and tho Phil
ippines Whatovor action in tho mat
ter of rapid tiro guns is takou will have
to be taken quickly it is said and thn
ordnance board is bending all its ener
gies toward acquiring tho most im
proved form of light artillery Bids
and wini pies have been or will bo re
ceived in thn next fow wcoks from thn
miinufnrturers of tho following foreign
built guns The Nordenfeldt gun tho
Dorinancior gun tho Finspong gun tho
Cuiiet Schiicidcr gun tho Kiupp field
and mountain guns and Elswick guns
Fito lorlnh In n Fire
Ohattanooiia May 11 Dr L P
Bagwell a leading physician of Spring
Point Ga with his three children
aged 10 8 and 4 years and an aged
woman who did housekeeping dutios
were burned to death in a firo that
consumed their home about 4 a m
The residence was just outside of tho
little town and parties nrriving after
tho alarm had boon given saw Dr
Bagwell with his throo children iu his
arms making his way amid tho smnko
and blazo to a front window Before
he reached tho window however ho
was overcome with tho heat and smoko
and loll covered with tho burning do
bris Two young men woro boarding
with Dr Bagwell and thoy barely es
caped both being horribly burned and
it is feared they will dio
Kt Iouls Kutertalns NasliTlllo Onirorn
St Louis May 11 A reception was
tendered to Captain Maynard and tho
officers of tho gunboat Nushville at tho
Mercantile club It was an invitational
affair aud about lfi00 members of St
Louis society wero in attendance Cap
tain Maynard read a short spjoch in
which he thanked tho city of St Louis
for tho welcome accorded the Nashville
and said he regretted that tho Nashvillo
was not lartor to roceivo all St Lonis
but that sho was largo enough for
what the govnrnmont intended hor for
Lator in tho evening the reception was
succooded by a ball Today tho Nash
villo was opened for tho rocoptlon of
Wheat Loses ft Ier Cent
SiitiNfiKiKLi Ills May 11 Tho stato
board of ugriculturo issuod a bulletin
stating that of tho 2030000 acres of
winter wheat seeded last fall 01 por
cont was winter killed or so badly in
jured that it will havo to bo plowed up
loaving 1000800 acros for harvest
Thoso flguros diffor considerably from
tho government report which gives
701000 as the reduction iu acreage in
this stato
Kuockeil Out hy Illinois Woniler
Pkokia May 11 D D Sullivau
who has bested Cardiff Keogh and
other heavyweights was knocked out
beforo the Still City club last night in
tho first round by D Wilson a won
der from Athens Ills Ho knocked
Sullivan down twice throw him once
sent him into thoropos twice aud finally
knocked him out with a florco upporcut
all iusido of threo minutes
Mancleil ltr Dynamite
Baltimouk May 11 Richard Love
colorod and Lewis H Davis white
wero shockingly manglod by a prema
ture explosion of a dynamite blast in a
stono quarry
Troops For Alaska
San Francisco May 11 Tho
steamer Humboldt has been chartered
for the transportation of troops to
Alaska She will sail from this city
May 15
VAi Baking
Absolutely Pure
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
ROVH tlKlsa POwCCB CO ktw VORk
rjk AX JZimiSQItm 3S3 r2itiJliKlrCx3r
The Norfolk Weekly News
1 M O Trier
Attorneys at Lar
lloiiicnpnllilc IlnHlcluii nml Surgeon
Otllco mer Hlritin Ntilmmil llmik Oltlen
liotlis ID 141 In VI ID ii in mill l i r il
oionltiu 7 IO toMnl
lliwiiliMicitlelitpliniin No
Hire No lot
Norfolk Nebraska
Omnnnnrltlns Nntl llnnk ItnaMmon on
block north ot Cotiiirogstlonal olitiroh
Norfolk Nobraska
Faflhloimblo DroHRtitnkor
Up stain In OotUm olook ornr llntimi storsl
rlrtt I olasa work ffuarnutnml
Attorneys at Law
Itoom 10 11 anil 13 Mast lllook
Norfolk Nobraakn
IndortiikorH anil Kmlialinorn
Baaslnualllk Norfolk Atp
Norfolk Nobraska
Attorney at Law
Rooms I und 2 Robertson Wlgton
Hlock Norlolk
Livery Feed and
Sale Stable
Hack Line In Connection
Telephone 68
Oil and Gasoline
Always Fresh
and Just as
Holiest market Price Paid for
Butter mill Ejfrs
fill Principal Western Points
Aro more quickly reached via
via any other Hue
Wsht to Utah
oni v S I
2 nights to California
Magnificently Euiipeil Trains Daily
For time tables folders illustrated
books nnd pamphlets descriptive of
tho tenitory traversed call on