The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, May 04, 1899, Page 2, Image 2

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An Alarm of Fire Turned
This Noon
Jlttti DiiiniiKfi n1 i
Itiillrnml Him IIiiiii linll in Him ol Ail
liirrnt HuIIiIIiikh NhiiomU AxitIimI A
1 urloun luli MIiihIiik 1 II I I U
irlimh l iik Anvlim
Inmi I riilnjs Unit
A little bofon noon the sounding or
tho alarm old Hint Ihoio was a lio in
ho Second wind
With ho minus gala thai was blow
lilt fiom thn soul hi istctowds of people
wero in ho stuuts in n moment ougoih
inquiring where the llin was Conster
nation was depleted on thoir counten
ances Nor wusit strunM Ah dry aH
it is tho possibililioM of ho city being
Ilro swept worn not ploasnnl to eontom
pi io
Investigation luwoer locatod tho
lire among mhuo rillionl lies in ho
doorynrd of Samuel V Storm colour
of First Mroet and Paik avenue
l Ilui in lirliliiitsi I 111 1 1 im MHIll II llltlkllt
brigade before tho department uriivod
and hold I ho lit o in abeyance until a fow
Htroams turnid on with tho hose extin
guished it complotoly
No ono sooius to know how tho ilro
originated hut it is not unlikuly that n
spark from tho chimney of ho house
lodged among tho ihy tiniburs and ig
nited tlioin
It was anat row escape from a lire
which would had it obtained headway
destroyed tho house and burn and other
adjacent buildiigs
Thorowusngonoril fooling of relief
when it was uudoistood how slight dam
ago was dono and that tho iho was out
Tho streets aio getting dusty again
Hurt Mapes goes to Way no tomorrow
P D Cono1l of llainviow was in tho
oity today
0 1 Mitoholl of Croightoii is a Noi
folic visitor today
Fordinand Kooh of West Point spent
tho day in Not folk
Columbus is working very persistently
to secure a cotton factory
Mrs M C Wulkor entertained tho
ladies in tho Heights this afternoon
Tho farmers are busy and so is ovory
body else that has a disposition to work
A Ilalvorsou representing an Omaha
barbors supplies hoiiho wis in tho city
this morning
Tho festivo tramp is abroad in tho
laud once more and mosquitoes and
other posts will booh bo on deck
Admiral Schleys contemplated visit
to Omaha as tho gust of Ex Senator
Mauderson which was set for next
Monday has been deferred until a later
dato owing to serious injuries sustained
by Mis Schley by a fall a fow days ago
J M Collamer has sold his residence
property on the corner of Madison uv
omio and Eleventh street to A 15
Campbell of Moulow Grove who will
remove to this place Mr Collamer and
1annly intend to go to Sioux City whoro
they will occupy ono of his houses
Tho lkothorhood of Railroad Train
men will hold it convention this year
nt N w Orleans It convenes next week
Conductor John Peck of tho F E
M V P P is delegate from tho Elk
horn Valley lodge No 101 lie leaves
for tho Crescent City next Wednesday
At Poadiug Pa April 27th II C
Mahanua and Mrs Mary Tioop were
married at tho homo of the bride Mr
Mahanna is tho popular division super
intendent of tho F E ite M V 11 P
After an extended eastern trip Mr and
Mrs Mahauua will take up their resi
dence nt Fremont
Arthur P Childs of the Madison Re
porter in this weeks issue of that paper
bids his readers farewell announcing
thaton Monday next ho begins work in
Norfolk on thu TunesTribuno Ho
cays Wo dislike to leave Madison
but needs must when the dovil drives
and our devil necessity torces us to
other fields
Fred llolliugsworth tne gonial loco-
The leader of them all
motive onginoer of the F 15 AsMV
company has wiltlon a book in which
aro old his varied oxpeiinncos as a rail
road man Tho hook will bo In ought
out by an eastern inn Freds many
fiionds will be eager to obtain a copy of
his book as soon as it appeal h and liopo
that It may piovou piolltablo business
venture us it no doubt will bo an lulor
esting and thiilllug narativo
Nollgh Leader Judge Robinson of
Madison has been tetained by ho
Inghiaut boys to assist tho county at
torney in the prosecution of A 0 Hois
ington of Elgin ohargid with he steal
ing of a row the property of their
mother now deceased The defense is
tepieseiited by Judge llainesof Noifolk
auditissaid that he will attack tho
legality of the statute upon which the
piosecution is based It is presumed
the rase will be among tho first jury
cass tried at the next term of court
There is a noticeable advance being
made this season by tho farmers and
residents or thisHoction in tho planting
of fiult and shade trcos They can bo
soon going out by the wagon load ovory
day It is an indication of tho deep con
cern that is taking possession of tho peo
ple to mako their homes beautiful and
to raiso themselves their own fruit
Tliete is a good deal of small fruit al
ready raised in tins legion Northeast
ern Nebraska is well adapted to tho pro
duction or most kinds of small fruit and
within a few years its annual output in
this dliection will not bo of small value
Tlo railroad building hat is going on
in western Nebraska and Wyoming is
creating a lively demand for laborers
Tho wages paid are 170 and 1 Sou
day Largo numbers aro leaving daily
from Omaha and there is a call for all
who can be obtained An Omaha Inn
who makes a business of employ ing men
says The demand for common labor
ors this spring is greater than it has
boon in lfi years Wo have had a long
experience in this business and do not
lecall a time when there was so much
woik olVoredtho unskilled toller In
view of such testimony there is littlo ex
cuse for able bodied men to bo tramping
about tho country and littlo sympathy
should bo shown tho professional hobo
Georgo W Schwenk roturncd this
noon from a trip to North Mauchostor
Ind whoro ho was summoned somoton
days ago by tho illness of his father Ho
arrived there eight hours aftor his fath
ers death but was present at tho funeral
sorvices and stayed soino days at tho old
homo Tho Rays of Light published at
North Mauchostor Ind says of Mr
Sohwonks sonior Mr Schwouk was
born in Germany February 2tl 18i0 and
was nged 01 years 1 mouth and 28 days
Ho eamo to America about tho yoar 1850
and sottlod in Ohio and afterwards
moved to this county locating in the
vicinity of Urbana whoro ho ongngod
iu farming for a nuinbor of years and
then moved to a farm near this placo
and later retired from activo work and
moved to his lato homo in tho Third
ward Ho was married to Carolino
Haupert September 27 1K1 To thoin
were born four sous and four daughtors
three sons and three daughters still sur
viva Tho funeral sorvicos ocourred
Sunday from the Luthoran church of
which ho was a mombor conducted by
tho pastor Rev D F Thomas A largo
concourse of sorrowing friends followed
tho remains to their last rostiug placo iu
Oaklawn comotory
Tho day has beou ouo of the most dis
agreeable of tho spring Tho wind has
blown a furious galo sinco early morn
iug from tho southeast and great clouds
of dust have miido life tedious ou tho
street and out of doors while indoors
tho housowifo has gone distracted by tho
sight of hor rooms so recoutly cleaned
Ulled with tho grimy suud and tho fur
nituro covered with dust Whito cover
lets havo turned black and dark closots
havo uot escaped tho invasion of tho
sifting sand Business houses and ofllces
havo sutlered in tho sumo way Tho
outlook is made encouraging by tho
promise of tho weather bureau that
theio is o bo rain tonight followed by
cooler weather There has been vory
littlo lain in thislocahty tho pnst month
Old timers who aro credited with know
ing tho signs of the tunes declare that
there will be plenty of ram during next
month and Juuo Iu Iowi and Illinois
there has been immense ram fall this
spring which has greatly dolayed seed
ing Whilo more rain is wanted hero
lessrainis wanted there Such a day
as this has beon impels all to eagerly
desiioa change in tho running of tho
weather part of tho program Added to
the feohug of general discomfort and in
evitable uucleanliness tho peril froinfiro
in tho towns and tho growth of thocrops
ou the farms call loudly for rain aud
considerable of it
1 otter k
List of letters remaining uncalled for
at the postollleo May 1 1691
Mrs 15 15 Carder Miss Maud Davis
Guy N Hamilton Miss Mattio Herrod
Mr Oscar Lowis Josoth Mosser Mr
Grif Pertull Mrs Auuu Quiun Mrs
Olios Speece Maud Van Kleek Mrs
Reno Warner Prof R II Wade H K
Wolfe Ph D
If uot called for in 30 days will bo
sent to tho dead letter office
Parties oalliug for any of tho above
please say advertised
Why not shako tho grip Go to Hot
Springs Arkansas and lose it
Tho ico man has supplanted tho coal
Asa K Leonard wont to Omaha thin
Prairie ires aro raging iu tho westorn
part of tho stao
Miss MaoOlnoy is up from Madison
visiting hor parents
15 M Norton went to Chicago today
in the interest of his acclylouo lighting
The May number of tho Golden Rod
Workman is bolng issued at Tim Niws
olllco this weok
Tho board or education has been mak
ing visits to tho dillorontdopartmcuts of
the public schools tho past weok
The Ladies Aid society of tho Prosby
terian chinch aro mooting with lino suc
cess in securing articles Tor their sample
sale tint they mo going to hold soon
Tho Journal olllco is bolng removed
from tho first to tho second floor of the
steam laundry building Tho growing
business of tho laundry demands tho uso
of tho ontiro first floor
Tho mooting of the Northeast Nebras
ka Press association at Wayno Monday
tho 8th promises to be an interesting
aud piolltablo occasion to all members
of tho craft in this section
Mrs 15 J Sohoreggo returned yestor
day from St Charles Minn whither
sho was summoned by tho death or her
mother Hor sister Miss Josio Zeclms
caino with hor for a fow weeks visit
J K Ilutohoson is a delegate to ho
convention which is to bo held at Do
roit Mich by tho Order of Railway
Conductors May Dth to 18th Mr
llutchesou and family leavo for the cast
next Saturday and will visit their old
homo in Loudon Canada Mrs II and
tho children will spend tho summer
That good times aro abroad in this
part of tho country is undeniable A
printer in Nebraska City was robbed of
Jo tho other uight Such items aro dis
couraging to calamity orators but how
ever startling thoy may seem must bo
uccoptod as truo until disproved
Tho school mates of Miss Bessio Mc
Farland surprised hor last cvouiug at
hor homo They roniombored that it
was hor 15th birthday aud to tho nuin
bor of about thirty made tho houso ring
with their laughter and thoir gleo It
was prououueed a vory happy evening
by all preseut
Ouo plain drunk was lodgod iu tho
city cooler last uight Ho was dis
charged this morniug ou Ins promiso to
go to work and uot imbibe auy more
tanglefoot This uoou a boozy farmor
living some miles northoast of the city
was takou in chargoby Ofilcer Spauldiug
on Norfolk avenue Ho resisted tho of
ficer and put up quite a stroug argu
ment with his fists against tho proposi
tion of being tho guest of tho city Ho
was after something of a struggle
finally landed bohiud tho bars whoro ho
will bo given a chanco to sober up aud
then will have a hearing beforo J udgo
Street sprinkling is now tho subject
that is agitating tho minds or tho busi
ness men or Main streot Tho clouds or
dust that havo blowu for tho past week
on that thoroughfaro havo beeu suffi
cient to demonstrate what the conditiou
of things will bo during tho summer
without daily spriukliug Yesterday
plcdgos wore takou up among thoso do
ing business botweon Third and Fourth
streets and today tho samo papor is be
ing passed among tho merchants on tho
balance of tho avonuo It is probable
that a sullioiout amount will bo pledged
to gunrauteo payment for tho work and
if so Frod Klontz will begin regular
duty with his street sprinkler Monday
Tho ladios of tho Congregational
church nro much gratified over tho re
sult of thoir experiment in conducting
au Industrial store It has beeu opeu
ovory Saturday sinco niid wiuter for tho
sale of such goods as aro contributed
and a fairly good businoss is reported
Two objects aro served Thoso want
ing second hand goods or now aprons
and other clothing mado by uiombors of
tho society at low prices know whero
to find thoin aud tho church treasury is
also benefitted by tho sales mado Al
though it was undorstood whon thostoro
was opened that the trial would bo
mado until Juno it is now quite likely
that it will rouuilu opeu as a perniaueut
business and benovoleut institution of
the city
further reports received in regard to
to the storms that havo prevailed iu
Missouri Iowa and further south iu
this state do uot lessen their horror
Tho loss of life was appalling and tho
damage to property immense Norfolk
aud vicinity havo beeu especially fortun
ate this peculiar season During the
wiuter wheu tho inhabitants of Wyom
iug tho Dakotas Miuuesota Iowa and
Kansas woro storm swept and beleagured
with suow blockades this seotiou of No
braska was untrammelled by auy such
difficulties Cold woather prevailed
but there was a couspicuous freedom
trom snow falls or bad btorms During
this mouth farmers have had every op
portunity to fiuish their seediug without
any disturbance from storms and al
though high winds have mado it somo
what disagreeable there has been noth
ing of a cyclouic nature to disturb tho
peace or safoty of tho community If
next month piovidcs plenty of rain
northeastern Nobraska will bud anil
blossom llko tho row and prosperity will
continue its sway
Is it any wonder that tho pcoplo get
tired over tho delays of tho law Is it
strange that thoy complain of its irreg
ularities I Is it singular that thoy think
money talks against ho promptness
of justico Read this Horn tho Sioux
City Journal Frank M Dorsoy who
was convicted iu tho United States
district couit for Nobraska for illegal
banking at Ponca and sontenced by
ludgo Culand to six yenrs in tho peni
tentiary at Sioux Falls is proparing to
go to Idaho whero ho will remain until
ho conclusion of ho cuso A right of
appeal was allowed by Judgo Garland
and Mr Dorseys attorneys aro prepar
ing to appeal the caso to tho United
States com t of appeals at St Louis If
tho decision of tho federal court is af
firmed by tho court of appeals it is said
au attempt will then bo mado o havo
tho raso certified up to tho United States
snpromo court This course will require
about two years and during this time
Dorsoy will bo in Idaho Ho intends to
engage iu tho mercautilo business aud
will operato stores in tho mining
Woik ou tho city well progresses dai
ly Tho depth now reached is 710 feet
Tho sand rock has again been passed
and they aro now boring through sbulo
again This is not encouraging to tho
striking of a flow of water very soon
However tho distauco toward tho cou
ter of tho earth is being lessoned con
stantly and it will soon bo known what
tho formation is to tho depth of a
thousand feet at least
enthusiastio over tho
guino something will
isnt water it may bo
miuo or greenbacks
There is monoy
form or another
Thoso who aro
project aro sau
bo struck if it
gas coal a gold
iu bomo form
in that nolo m somo
Meantime thoso who
did not favor tho pushing of it deopcr
grow moro sorious and wiso looking as
each day passes without auy thing more
resulting thnu increased taxes and feel
that tho facts sustaiu them iu their po
sition It all dopouds as overythiug
olso does ou tho point of view taken
It is altogether too early to discuss tho
final outcomo but it should bo remem
bered by tho differing disputants that
ho laughs best who laughs last
Alvin Low wont to Sioux City
Mrs Pippeu of South Norfolk is very
W E Bishop of Pierce was iu tho city
O T Scoley of Madison is in Norfolk
Miss Adah Gorecko roturued from
William Roiuhardt went to Carroll
this morniug
Col Dob Scott of Battlo Creek was in
tho city today
Another ouo of thoso dolightful milliou
dollar rains fell yesterday
G W Kitchener of Plainvicw was a
Norfolk visitor this morning
11 0 Milligau loft for Cherokee
Iowa this morniug ou a business trip
Mr and Mrs E Marshall rojoico over
tho arrival of a baby boy at their homo
Owou Bros shipped several moro car
load of graders to Julesburg over the U
P this moruing
Officer Spauldiug run iu a drunken
bum this morning who has beeu sober
ing off in the city cooler siuce
Tho Titnes Tribuuo will soon vacate
its prosont quartors which James Coylo
will oqcupy with his grocery stock
Tho national flag floated to tho breeze
in Norfolk today because of Dowoys
victory iu Manila harbor ono year ago
Collamer Graut aro to move mto
tho storo building now occupied by
James Coylo as soou as tho latter re
moves to his own storo
Ohnrles Hibbous two-year-old child
broke its arm this morning A physi
cian was called and sot it aud tho child
is now resting comfortably
Martiu Ericksou was boforo tho police
court this morning charged with being
disorderly Ho obtained his freedom
upon payniont of linos and costs to tho
amount of sfb
D F Campbell his sou Roy aud his
sisters Mrs Hattio Campbell of Oraugo
and Mrs M 0 Ferris of Los Augoles
California aro visitiug at tho homes of
A J aud W H Johnson They ar
rived Saturday oveuiug
An alarm of fire was turned iu from
the Third ward about 0 s0 oclock last
oveuiug caused by a slight blazp iu the
cellar of 15 M Nortons residence Tho
fire was put out beforo tho department
arrived at the scene of actiou
Theres no placo like Nebraska So
declares Johu Molvorrigau who after a
two months sojourn in Muskegon City
Midi has returned to his old homeaud
is uow looklug for property in this vi
ciuity His family came back with him
Mrs Dan Koeuigstein and children
aud Mrs J H Hulff and daughter weut
to Lincoln this moruiug Tho ladios
represent tho local chapter at tho grand
lodge Order of Eastern Star which
convenes there this week Mr Huh
goes to Lincoln tomorrow
Up to about 0 oclock Harry Loders
was tho ouly opeu saloon iu the city this
f ifj La f
Some grocers are so short sighted as to decline to
keep the Ivory Soap claiming it does not pay as much
profit as inferior qualities do so if your regular grocer
refuses to get it for you there are undoubtedly others
who recognize the fact that the increased volume of
business done by reason of keeping the best articles
more than compensates for the smaller profit and will
take pleasure in getting it for you
morning and tho thirsty who did uot
understand tho situation began to won
der if a drouth had really struck tho
city Tho council meeting was soou
over licenses grauted and tho usual re
sorts whoro thoso in search of wot goods
could find them wero opou for business
Tho street spriukler Is ou deck toduy
A storm is thrcateuiug this afternoon
Ed Luikart loft over tho Elkhoru this
J M Shickley of Geneva was iu tho
city today
Robert Stortou weut to Sioux City
this morning
Tho Palace of Sweets has put iu n fine
now soda fountain
J S Swauson of Fremont was a Nor
folk visitor this moruiug
Rev W R McKim of Hartiugtou is
in tho city visitiug his mother
Tho Wednesday club meets tomorrow
afternoon with Mrs N A Rainbolt
Geo II King aud Frank Lundak of
Niobrara wero in tho Sugar City this
Mr and Mrs Morris Mayer aro re
joiced over tho arrival ofa bright baby
boy at their home
Miss Miunio Baumgartuer left for Box
Butte last night where she will speud
tho summer with her mother
Dr C A McKim was called to Battle
Creek yesterday to attend a very fine
horse belonging to Senator Hale
Tho baud stand which has stood ou
tho corner or Norfolk avenue aud Fourth
street for several years is beiug moved
to Pasewalks grovo today
The Jubilee Siugers went out to the
asylum this afternoon aud gave a cou
cort to the patients It was much ap
preciated by tho unfortunates
Mrs Dot Thornburg of Oakdalo and
Mrs Charles Hole and Mrs Fuerst of
Fremont wero guests of Mrs L L Fair
banks over night and attended tho May
party at South Norfolk
Tho executivo committee nud officers
of tho G A R of tho northeast Nebras
ka district met nt Plainview Saturday
Mr H C Matrau tho district com
mander was present and states that it
was decidod to hold tho aunual reunion
this year at Plainview July 11 to 1 1
Tho prospect is flatteriug for a large at
tendance and a rousing good time
Parties havo routed Pasewalks grovo
for the season and there is uow a pros
pect that Norfolk will havo what it has
so long needed a public park Already
marked improvements aro being mado
about tho promises Paths aro being
mado swings for tho children placed
aud booths erected where soda water
ice cream candies and lunches will be
sold It is plauued to open tho park to
tho publio uoxt Suuday nfternoon It
will provide a pleasant place for all who
desiro a quiet walk and will bo a great
relief from sauntering along dusty road
ways Seats aud benches will bo pro
vided so that rest aud recreation can be
Does CnlU e A tree Willi You
If uot driuk Graiu O mado from
pure grains A lady writes J Tho first
timo I mado Graiu 0 I did not like it
but after using it for ono week nothing
would iuduco mo to go backto coffee
It nourishes and feeds the systpm Tho
childrou can driuk it freely with great
benefit It is tho strengthening sub
stauco of puro graius Get a packago
today froui your grocer follow the
directions in making it and you will
havo a delicious aud healthful table
beveragelfor old and young 15 and 23o
The News jod aepartmeut is com
plete iu every particular
W J Gow wout to Omaha yestor
J R Carter of Madison was in Nor
folk today
C A Martin of Battle Creek spent
the day in tho city
Rev F P Wigtou will hold services
at Osmond next Sunday
E M Locke of Hoskius was nmoug
Sugar City visitors this morning
Mr and Mrs II G Correll of Plain
view are iu the city today visitiug
Mrs B Grant returned from Butte
Montana yesterday after au abseuce of
some months
Mr aud Mrs G V Scofield loft for
Ohio this moruiug They will stop in
Columbus a fow days visiting friends
The Ladies guild of Trinity church
will meet tomorrow afternoon with Mrs
W H Dexter at 2 30 A full attend
ance is desired
The cpneert given by th Slay ton
Jubilee Singers at tho Methodist church
last evening was attended by but few
owing to the very violent storm which
prevailed at the timo Those who wero
present speak of their work as excellent
Tho heavy rain of last uight pro
vented any work being done by the
council lirummouu ana Dexter wero
the only two members present aud they
made an adjournment to 7 oclock this
oveuiug Attorney Witham aud City
xUtorney Burt Mapes wero also present
Rev Dr Murray of Fremont is to ad
dress the people of Norfolk at tho Con
gregational church Friday Saturday
aud Suuday May 12 13 aud 14 The
meetings will be held under the auspices
of the Auti Saloon league Dr Murray
is spoken of as a man of unusual ability
and power
Tho program of tho Northeast Ne
braska Press association to bo held at
vVayue Monday next has just been re
ceived at Turn News offico Mauy ques
tions of live interest to the fraternity aro
to be discussed and there is no doubt
but what all who attend will have a
pleasant and profitable time
M Benedict shipped two cars of cattle
to Chicago nud thoy wero ou tho market
Monday That day there were 22000
cattle in tho yards aud his tipped tho
market no other lot offered equalling
them Mr Benedicts cattle averaged
l4b5 pounds each The News is pleased
to chronicle such items It speaks better
than any words could do of tho kiud of
farmers that livo iu tho vicinity of Nor-
Example is Better
Than Precept
It is not what ive say but
ivhat Hoods Sarsaparilla
does that tells the story
Thousands of testimonials are
examples of ivhat Hoods
has done for others and
ivhat it ivill do for you
Scrofula Running scrofula sores
made me shunned by nelnlibors Medical
treatment fulled A relative urged me to
try Hoods Sarsaparilla Did so and In few
months the sores completely healed Mas
J M Hatch Etna N II
Inflammatory Rheumatl9m Two
attacks of the grip left uiu nltli inflamma
tory rheumatism Am b9 years old but
Hoods Sarsaparilla cured me and I can
climb stairs and wallr anywhere J Love
land 373 Fargo Ave Buffalo N V
ffid Sauafmlt
wsririiJiui iiiPiiw
llooili 1illtcurc lUcr ills thn lion Irritating and
unly catlurtlc to take with llooili hariaprllla