The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, April 27, 1899, Page 7, Image 7

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Knows that the Peerless Remedy
for Diseases of the Liver
Kidneys and Bladder is
It has Cured Thousands of Des- J
perate Cases Try It
Free Reclining Chair Gars on all Trains
Atchison Kansas City
and St Louis
With direct connections to all South
ern and Eastern points
Unexcolled time ami accommodations
to the
Famous Hot Serines of Arkansas
For more complete information descriptive
pamphlets etc address
j o FiiiLLirri w c harxes
A G F and P A T P A
Southeast Cor Hth and Douflnb Sts
Piles or Hemorrhoids
Fissures Fistulas
Burns Scalds
II Wounds Bruises
Cuts Sores
Boils Tumors
Eczema Eruptions
Salt Rheum Tetters
Chapped Hands
Fever Blisters
Sore Lips Nostrils
O Corns Bunions
Stings Bites of Insects
Three Sizes 25c 50c and Si 00
Sold by druggists or wut post paid on receipt of prlc
IllJirillinsJII Ill A lUnilllainbtrw1urt
Solicitor and Attorney in Patent Causes
1739 New York Ave
Ilicuestablishod Isi Chars moderate Cor
opondence reiiueetid
Louisville 8 Nashville
Write for ttfernutton to
Considerable Important Busi
ness Transacted
Committer Appointed to liiotlKite
lciil1illltvrtlty Owiiernlilp oIKIeetrle
Light Iliitit Ciuil Hid Opened iiml Con
traetH lot lleiirliiR on lltiir IIlimihin
to lie llmt April 40
from 1rldnyH Uallj
Tho city council held its regular meet
itif last evenug
There were present Mayor Simpson
Councllnion Bruinniond Ihtchok Mul
lock Degner Dexter Ucckiunu Uhle
Tho miuutes of several preceding
meetings wero read and approved
For president of tho couucil Vielo and
Dexter wero nominated Che vote
showed five ballots cast for Viele and
three for Dexter On motion Vieles
election was made uimuiinoaft
The mayor announced tho following
standing committees for 1Mi
Ways and means Heckmnii Bullock
Auditing Dexter Degner Hiicholz
Fire and police Viele Dniuunond
Streets and alleys Deguer Uhle
Viele Dexter
Public works Hullock DcMor Huch
Nuisances Urammond Uhle Heck
Public health Bucholz Dinner Bul
Purchases printing and supplies Bul
lock Vielo Uhle
On motion the appointment of com
mittees as above was continued
Tho offer of C W Braaseh to givo tho
city the free use of his scales was ac
Several sidewalk petitions -wore re
ferred to the committee on streets and
Remonstrances were filodiby A F
Lowis and W Shepardson against issu
ing liquor licenses to those paities who
have advertised in other papers than the
Journal claiming for their paper tho
largest circulation
April 2th at S p m was tho time
set by tho council for hearing all re
monstrances against issuing licenses nnd
for the purpose of granting licenses
The committee on public works sub
mitted the following written report
To the Mayor and City Council Gen
tlemen Believiuu that it is to the in
terest of the city of Norfolk that they
own and operate the electric light sys
tem and that it can be operated in con
junction with tho water system to tho
advautnge of the city and its inhabi
tants we would suggest the appoint
ment of a committee to investigate tho
feasibility of the above giving such in
formation as possible on the size and
cost of a system and tho expense of op
erating same W H Dkxtkr
Anton Bucholz
Committee on Public Works
In pursuance of this report tLe mayor
appointed Bullock Dexter aufl Bucholz
as such committee
A carload of stone for crossings was
ordered by tho council and nlso a car of
riprap stone The latter will keep busy
such boarders as the city may have and
very effectively diminish tho uv mber of
applicants Hobos and stouo piLes have
no natural affinity for one another
Bids for furnishing coal for tho use of
the city were received from Braasch
Rees and H E Hardy Tho price of
fered in bath cases was the same sfJISS
a ton The amount wanted was equally
divided between the two bidders
School I unci liiivn
Hon J V Wolfe commissioner of
public lauds aud buildings has issued a
circular pertniuiug to tho school land
laws as revised and amended in 189 and
lequests The Nkws to call attention to
the following features of senate file No
18 introduced by Senator Reynolds of
Tho law as it stands today is repealed
and this bill takes its place This act
contains the general features of the pres
ent law omits the extraueous mid dead
matter therein and
Provides for leasing tho unleused lauds
about 800000 acres at what they are
worth to the lessee See section 15
Provides that owners of sale contracts
may pay all or part of their principal
aud nt the same time settle the interest
account on a bads fair alike to them
selves aud the state Section 8
Provides a niauner of listing for taxa
tion in the various counties all of the
educational lauds which hare been
deeded aud which may hereafter be
deeded which will doubtless result in
addiug much land to the tax lists which
now escapes on account of state deeds
not being recorded Section 13
Makes more certain tho duties of the
commissioner of public lands aud build
ings in regard to collecting payments of
interest aud reutal within a reasonable
time and simplifies tho disposition of
improvements on forfeited land which
will aid in more readily re leasing such
laud aud will discourage the practice of
allowing rental to become delinquent
Section 17
Allows holders of maturing sale con
tracts more time on the same tlipy may
have ten years longer in which to pay
out Section U j
Gives the holders of lease contracts
who had expected at some time 1o buy
the laud but did not do so before tho
same was withdrawn from sale an op
portunity nt tho expiration of said
leases to ronow tho same without com
petition thus protecting them In what
ovor Improvements hnvo beou or may bo
mado and keeping the patrimony of tho
school children Invested In tho best pos
sible manner in tho land itsolf which
yields more according to divestment
and Is as sufo as any bond Section 11
Miiuton iititlenien lle a lliiniul to tlin
I ml I en of ii Ironilniiit Social Or-
One of the most nourishing of Stan
tons social organizations is its Sorosis
club About two weeks ago tho ladies
who inuko up its membership gave in
that city a delightful evening to their
gentlemen friends Last evening tho
latter reciprocated by serving a ban
quet nt tho Paclllc hotel in this city to
the Sorosis club
The whole smiled Knox Tipple as tho
host of tho evening gave cordial wel
come to tho Stanton friends and in their
behalf O II Clineo nnd 1 15 Ehrhardt
made graceful and appropriate responses
Tho party was a thoroughly enjoyable
one and nover has u brighter and happier
lot of people assembled in this city than
tho company which gathered about tho
tables with their wealth of choice
viands in tho dining rooms of tho Pu
rine last evening
Tho rooms wero prettily decorated in
wliito and yellow tho colors of the
Sorosis club The waiters who served
wore tho same colors
Tho feast of good things did honor to
the efficient capability of Mr Tipple
and his helpers and gained for tho
housewoll deserved compliments from its
special guests
After supper the party assembled in
the spacious parlors Messrs O II
Chase and L J Horton made a few
timely remarks and the Stanton or
chestra furnished inspiring music
A little after midnight tho Sorosis club
and its friends adjourned with an ex
pression of thanks for the kindly man
ner in which they had been cared for by
the host and a general agreement that a
very pleasant evening had been spent
Those who wero present wero Messrs
and Mesdames L J Horton John A
Ehrhardt C H Cliaso Robert Appleby
H F Stephens M V Lane Wm
Gerecke J W Mackay Dr A Nixon
and Levi Miller the Misses Carrie Ley
Margaret Mathowson Lou Trent and
Rosa Psotta Messrs H D Miller Carl
Feichtiuger T Loonier of Stanton and
Frank W Barnes of this city
lteill Kninio TriiHKteru
The following transfers of real estate
are reported by Chester A Fuller man
ager of tho Madison county abstract
office at Norfolk
Mnry J Winder and husband
to George Emmet Warrick
wd lot i west Meadow Groro 1200 00
Norfolk National bank to Geo
H Bishop deed lots 11 12 and
ii and hj of lot 1 1 block ii
Koonigsteins second addition
to Norfolk 100 00
Cora E Harvey and husband to
Denise S Wyaut wd lot ii
block 1 11 R nddition to
Newman Grove 8 00
Erick Bergland and wife to S
O Campbell wd lot -1 block 42
Clark and Madison Mill Cos
addition to Madison ioo 00
August Radaut and wife to
August Fischer qcd parcel of
laud in swj of uwitf 27-24-1 1 00
Emily J Schofield and bus to
Gilbert Halverstiuo wd eC lot
1 blk 2 Pasewalks addition to
Norfolk 100 00
State of Nebraska to A J
Shearer deed uo4 nnd sejf
ofthenwi 10241 1400
Drink Craln O
after you have concluded that you ought
not to drink coffee It is not n medicine
but doctors order it becauso it is
healthful invigorating and appetizing
It is made from pure grains and has
that rich seal brown color and tastes
like tho fiuest grades of coffee and costs
about 4 as much Children like it and
thrive on it because it is a genuino food
drink containing nothing but nourish
meut Ask your grocer for Grain O
the now food drink 15 aud 25 cents
Dock Cotlee A free With You
If uot drink Grain O mado from
pure grains A lady writes The first
time I made Grain O I did not like it
but after using it for one week nothing
would iuduco mo to go back to coffee
It nourishes aud feeds the system Tho
children can drink it freely with great
benefit It is tho strengthening sub
stance of pure grains Get a package
today from your grocer follow the
directions in making it and you will
haye a delicious and healthful table
beveragofor old and young 15 and 25c
Box can suit you on coffee
Give the Children u Drink
called Grain O It is a delicious appo
tizing nourishing food drink to tako
the place of coffee Sold by all grocers
aud liked by nil who have used it be
causo when properly prepared it tastes
like the fiuest coffee but is freo from all
its iujurious properties Grain O oids
digestion and strengthens the nerves
It is not a stimulant but a health
builder and childreu as well as adults
can drink it with great benefit Costs
about one fourth as much as coffee
15 aud 25 ceuts
Names of Killed and Wound
ed at Manila
Four Killed and Twenty Eight
Tim Ot linn Killed mo Limit Sisson Otiur
StitKiint Hlouli Soimiinl
Molieli -Complete Llit of Cum
million IhhiiiiI l tho War
lllpill tllllllt
Washington April 2i Special to
Tine Nivs The following casualities
in the First Nebraska regiment which
occurred April 2l are reported this
morning from Manila
Colonel John M Stotzeuborg
Second Lieutenant L 15 Sisson com
pany K
tjuiirtornmstcr Sergeant J P Sturch
company 11
Sergeant Charles Molrk company II
First Lieutenant William K Mooro
company II in leg moderate
Second Lieutenant A Swardsworth
company B in leg severe
Private William L Richards company
Ii in arm severe
Private Lee Stoner company D in
jaw severe
Private Edwin 11 Peterson company
D in jaw severe
Private lames Richard company D
in jaw severe
Private Charles Swartz company D
in iliac region severe
Private John White company F in
leg moderate
Musician Walter C Liugloy company
F in nock severe
Private H W Livati company F
Privnto Walter Elifritz company F
in shoulder severe
Privnto Guy Miner company V in
leg sovero
Private Edwin F Gregg company I
in forearm severe
Private James Keenan company I in
buttock severe
Private David Wilkins company I in
chest severe
Sergeant Clyde Vosburgh company I
in iliac region severe
Corporal Dallas Henderson company
I in leg moderate
Corporal Harry Brookover company
K in arm severe
Corporal Frauk Fauki company K
in leg sovero
Private Robert L Smith company K
in side sovero
Private William L Larue company
K in hand severe
Private Fred Gibbs company K in
back slight
Private Otto Hemp compauy K in
leg slight
Private OH Sisson company K in
thigh slight
Private James R Alwen company K
in knee severe
Private Orson E Humphrey company
M in shoulder severe
Sergeant Horace Kennedy company
M iu chest severe
Corporal A R Chapman company
M forearm moderate
Geo D Miiklejoiix
Asst Secyof War
Washington April 25 2 35 p m
Special to The News The following
additional casualties are reported from
Manila today
Private Harry McCart company I
Ou April 24 wounded
Second Lieutenant W O Luugan
company O in oye severe
Artificer John Roller company C in
arm moderate
Private Charles I Caldwell company
F in thigh sovero
Private M C Legg company F in
abdomen sovore
Private George Wageck company F
iu neck sevoro
Ou tho 25th wounded
Major Frank D Eager in foot severe
Corporal Charles Brewster company
O iu foot moderate
- VV
Privato David Gillesplo company 15
in shoulder slight
Privato Lucius W Paiigborn com
pany I in knee sovero
Private WillnrirOnrter company I iu
forearm slight
Privato FraiioiM I Inon company I In
neck severe
Privato Harvey Majors company I in
shoulder sevoro
O D MriKiEioiiN
Assl Seoy of War
iitii 11 1
List of letters remaining uncalled for
at the postolllee April 21
Carrie Bassoy Geo Basyo A L
Ilryan 2 S Chirk Walter Edwaids
Wm Fisher Hello Ularer Flossie Pie
man Goo II llobbs ill Henry Humble
ton W II Ilea
If no called lor in MO days will bo
sent to tho dead letter office
Parlies calling for any of the above
please say advertised
P F SiUKCiiicu P M
Illl SiiICiiiiimv Will imllll 11100
III Noll CiiiilpiuriilN 11111I Knlill munilil
III I IKtlll Thin Skiihoii
Manager Wietorof the sugar laelory
received orders lust night to proceed
witli improvements at the factory which
when finished will mean euluged facil
ities for carrying on he work
The changes to bo made contemplate
an enlargement of the filler press tonm
the placing of new filter presses and
tho entire rebuilding of the refining de
part meut
When it is understood that at least
2ii0n will be expended iu these im
provements and that 11 large share of it
will be paid out for labor it will be seen
that it means quite a help to Norfolk
his season
An additional force of men willjie scl
to work the middle of next week
It will be some months before the pro
posed changes will all be completed
When they are there will be im fac
tory in tho United Slates more efficient
ly equipped for handling beets and con
verting them into saechariiio matter of
tho best quality than the one located
Active solicitors wanted everywhere
for Tho Story of the Philippines by
Murat Halstead commissioned by tho
government as official historian to tho
war department The lwok was written
iu army camps at Sun Francisco on the
Pacific with General Merritt iu the hos
pitals at Honolulu in Hong Kong iu
tho America trenches at Manilo in the
insurgent camps with Aguinaldo on tho
deck of the Olympia with Dewey and
in tho roar ot battle at tho full of Manila
Moiiunzafor agents Brimful of orig
inal pictures taken by government pho
tographers on tho spot Large book
Low prices Big profits Freight paid
Credit given Drop all trashy unofficial
war books Jut fit free Address II
L Barber Gen Mugr lii Dearborn
street Chicago
For sulr
Early Six Weeks seed potatoes at
Walkers Feed Store
Agents Wanted For The Life and
Achievements of Admiral Dowey tho
worlds greatest naval hero By Murat
Halstead tho life long friend and ad
mirer of tho nations idol Biggest and
best book over 500 pages 8xl0inches
nearly 100 pages halftone illustrations
map iu colors Only 150 Enormous
demand Big commissions Outfit
free Chance of a lifetime Wiite
quick Tho Dominion Company
ton Building Chicago
Results Fatally In Nine
Cases Out of Ten A
Cure Found at Last
25 CTS
Slck Hond
nnd Llvor
Uuld by nil IriiifBtnto
or Hitil liy mull
Ntrttta Medical Co Chlciro
For sale by Forur Drug Co Norfolk
IrllintM IfilirOt
The above greatly induced rate bus
been made by the Union Pacific to Cali
fornia points Thiough tourist sleepers
quicker time than any other Hue
For tlcliels and full Information call
on F W Iineman
Notiro to MniKonttt Ann Wnlki r wifn of
linoitfi M I Wnlloi diTraud and tolilHiiilnor
11111I 1 1 1 1 u 1 1 1 1 ludiH of hiirli iIitiIimm mroti
iinriri Walker lliiilniiii II Wnlki i MarKPtill
1111 Walker llmt In tint iiinllT of llniiiillrii
llnli 1 if the I1 ullil 111 fur a ielnmiielil teoelier
for IoIh u liiand II of lilork II KinulMiliiH
TI1J11I addition to Norfolk Nelitankn that tlin
Jiiiliinof the illHlrlrt roinl of MaiUi nn ruuntj
Nnliiiihlil Iuih lixed liinnll IMi1 Hi tlm I lino at
whlrli j 1 hi inn to hIiiiw iiiiikm 1ij a iieriliiinniil
receliet 1O1011I1I not he aiioinleil to Hiirceml
jeoiHo W 1 1 we hlierlll ai tnniliotiirj tereer
thai iiiiIixm muni nnd Hiilllrinnt raiiw In pIiiiwii a
lieriiiiineiil leoellei will Im ainiinteil tot mild
Additional iillldiultM of Anna leiuue W
Lament et ul will hiiilleted in ntiiiorl of hiu Ii
aiUllivitlun for irreiMir Ann IIIiiiiiii
Haled ril 21 IMit Hitlntlll
Ilj Uin A Itimiii Attorne
In the lllhtilrt unit of MadiHOn County Ne
lhe State of Nclitnnkii
MaillMiiittimili NM
Anna I tun Htilmtltnliil iainlill forChailuil
11 1 niemiKi n
MatKiiiott Ann Walker wlfii of 1ioiki M I
Ulllldl deieiihiil and ie 01111 Wiilkiu Hull
win II W 11 Mo r Margaret t Ann Wnlkei iiinj 11 11 1
known heiiH nnd miiiiit helm
The difi hllllltH alline Imnuil v 111 take lintlri
that on Hie Jlitli diij of Maj Ihii hilvmii the
himiH of IlioVlnck 11 111 and II oclork i in at
llieolllcn of 1 NIpIioIkoii J llnmdof Trade
in the oil of tolntaliiiH nntyof Iliiiildln and
Htatenf ihiu tin iilaintill ahowi minimi will
take the ileioHitliin of 111111 ienrue and Dr
enrce Ie 1 hnxliaiid witin Nex in tlilx arlinn
li In n ei in e 11I1 111 eon the 1 1 nil of t he aluneeii
tltli d rini e In Ii luilf of llniilaliitill with an
tliorilv liiiiljoniii from da lodai until all of
MKh ill UlllollH hIimI 1 hae lieill taki h
Dated tpril Jl 1MW Anna Ikoiiiii
Ilj 1 111 IA 1 111111 Attnrne Ilaintill
March April and May
C VliTPli T he IlliiiniM Cimtial will run
XI III I H I llnmeieekerH KxciiihiiniH to
JUU i 11 I rii tuiii piiliitM In theSotithon
1 the line of llin llllniiln Can i
tial and nim A Mimdi liiiii Valley ilailroaihi
r 1 oil all htalioiih on the IllinoiH Cential went of
and incliidim Ahh n and fimn polntH on tho
Ii In and Cedar llaiiidhliranchiHon March 20th
April v and 17th anil Alu 1st and if th and
from all pointhniit of and indiiiliiiu Williainu
one day later tliaii the daleh naineil
The new Soiithein Hoine heekerH itiidn de-
NrllllH III lllfflll llllllirr lfllllllri utiliiinu flu
Mill and pioiiurth at all points Houth of tim
Ohio Itivir on the lines of the nhoe mentioned
roadH Ior a cop addie H tlin nndeiHiKiied
Inr information rniirernhiu Uailioad Iiinilhln
the feltlle Y11700 allej of MlfHIhMppI lulilitf H
V I Skene Land CoinmitHioiiei I It It at
Kzciiimiui tick
Ith will iiIm hu mid from htn
tioiiHln Iowa east of and in-
tlllllillt t liillP - Ilu itil frmn
wl II I I I il 1 1
Ill - U i 1 lllp IIIMIIUIIIH
iMurch 2lst April 4th and iHtli and Hay 2d
and 10th to points on the Illinois Central itail
mad to which tin- one wa rate in 1700 or over
in South Dakota Minne ntH and in Iiihm to
points west of Arkle ILici i o ejceit points
Went of LiiMfiiM
Monic scckers I2xcurlnns to Points on other
I ltda f Illnl
a wi nuaiiuuua
1 o iiiiiiuin i Inirai win uimi sen on im nrai
and third TtlesdiiH in Aliuch April and May
fnriiin liriMM it rnilruiita In inunt iif llm
Wustnriit Soiithwphloni nntl Smtiicrn StatCM
rurrHtcH routiH etc impure of jour ucarpnt
Illinois Central Ticket Actnt
All HnilinklMtlffir lTnil rulfktl Ttbntu lira uiiM
nt r rate of
for the round trii
ior minrn
Tioketc limited to 21Ian
A i I A 111 Cent H H
Driicoih Iowa
ThU foirfiil diponso often first appears
us a more r cratch a pimple or lump in
tho breast too small to attract any
notice until in many cases tho deadlv
disease is fully develuped
Cancer can not be cured by a surgical
operation borvmso tho disnimn is n virnlonf
poison in tho blood circulating throughout tho system and although
tho sore or ulcer known as the Cancer may be cut away tho
poison remains in tho blood and promptly breaks out afresh with
renewed violence
Tho wonderful success of S S S in curing obstinate deep seated
blood diseases which wore considered incurable induced a few de
spairing sufferers to try it for Cancer after exhausting tho skill of
tho physicians without a euro Much to their delight S S S proved
equal to tho disease and promptly effected a euro Tho glad news
bpremi rapiuiy mm u was soon demonstrated
beyond doubt that a cure had at last been
found for deadly Cancer Evidence has accu
mulated which is incontrovertible of which
tho following is a specimen
Cancer is hereditary in our familv my father a
sister and an aunt having died from this dreadful
disease My feelings may bo imagined whn the hor
rible diseaso made its appearance on mv side It was
a malignant Cancer eating inwardlv insuch a wav as
to cause great alarm The disease teemed bevondthe
skill of the doctors for their treatment did no good
whatever tho Cancer growing worse all the while
Numerous remedies wero used for it but the Cancer
grew steadily worse until it seemed that I was doomed
to follow tho others of the familv for I know how deadly Cancer is especially
when inherited I was advised to try Swifts Specific S S S i which from tho
first lay forced out the poison I continued its use until I had taken eighteen
Iwttles when I was cured souud and well and have had no svmntotus of the
dreadful allliction though uianv years have elapsed S S S is the oulvcure
for Cancer Mits S M Idol Winston N C
Our book on Cancer containing other testimonials and valuable
information will ba sent free to any address by tho Swift Specific
Company Atlanta Georgia
rjaasi 3ijatte3
fH iS