4 Every Can of Paint Hearing the Label of THE SHERWIH VIIdtlAlHS GO Is of the HIGHEST QUALITY and FULL MEASURE Remember THAT when Paint is sold or offered for lets lftlic price Is low the cowls aro 1 ti keeping You cant net the best at second rate pries THE SHERWIN WILLIAMS PAINTS are the best paints we know of and weve known most of them If you are Kolnu to paint any thing under the sun let us talk it over with you we can help you Sold and guaranteed by Leonard The Druggist We save you 50 per cent on your Prescriptions NORFOLK LODGE NO A 0 U W 97 Meets in Odd Follows 1 1 nil on tlm flrpt nnd third Fridnjs of ouch mouth Visiting broth ers cordially invitod to nttond nil our iiiiwHiiks V B Hotlmnn Fiunncior W A Gnblu Ilo eordor C Dolnn Master Workman 50 Acme Hygienic Couches The Kind Unit Lust Iii beautiful bright now coverings nnd with springs that nro guaranteed never to come through tho top 50 Hygienic Brass nnd Iron Bedsteads in White Olive Mnroon Copoer and Mnrbolized finishes with Fine Springs nnd Mattresses to fit 50 Fine Dressers nnd Commodes in Golden Oak Mahogany and Birds Eye Maple to match the Beds Elegnnt Dining Tables Kitchen iuets Chairs Rockers etc Cab- Koversiblo Brussels Carpets and Art Squares pronounced by tiiosi who IIAVU USED THEM as THE 1IEST WEAK IXO CAKIET WE EVEK IIOCdllT 7 Drawer Light Running Sowing Ma chines warranted for 10 years only S1730 Reclining Back Baby Carriages tho Mothers delight and tho Great unicKeriug nano rno piano witnout a rival when tho great item TONE is considered in fact tho most elegant dis play over seen in Norfolk shipped di rect from tho factories in carloads and going nt prices to suit tho most exacting is what j ou find at Johnsons Furniture Store For first class mer chant tailoring see My Tailor where you will have suits well made and trimmed which is the main part of mer chant tailoring when they are made to order Call on My Tailor and have prices quoted The Weather Conditions of tho weather as recorded for the 24 hoars ending at 8 a m to day Maximum temperature N5 Minimum temperature f0 Average 8 Precipitatiou 00 Total precipitation for month 17 Forecast for Nebraska Generally fair tonight nnd Friday Cooler extreme east portion tonight THURSDAY TOPIC Mrs H McBrido will go to house keeping occupying her own homo on South Ninth street Protection lodge To 101 D of II will hold their reg lar session tomorrow evening at 8 oclock All members are requested to bo present Protection lodge No 101 D of II will hold its annual May party and dance on Monday evening May 1 at Railway hall South Norfolk Ella the six-year-old daughter of Mr nnd Mrs A Popstoiu living Bouth of the Elkhoru died last ovoning of brain fe ver Tho f unoral will bo held tomor row Rev A Brauchle of Fremont will preach at the Evangelical church Friday aud Suuday evening Communion eer vices will tako place after preaching Sunday evening Several hoboes were corralled by Of fleer Kauo aud brought before tho police CDurt this forenoon On tho promise that they would leavo tho town forth with they were given their freedom John V WeiseuBtino has sold the Bon Ton restnurnnt to Mrs Davis nnd Mrs Smith nnd has purchased tho Mer idian hotel at Columbus Ho went to that city today and will return Satur dny lames Donnelly was arraigned before Judge Hayes this morning on the charge of drunkenness lames wns an old of fender nnd had been let go lust winter on n similar arrest on his promise nol to disturb the penco On payment of fines and costs in both eases amounting to 21 10 Donnelly departed C V Britlgoford thonllegod wife beater nnd scrapper with his wifes rela tion for whom n wnrrant was issued somo days ago charging him with as sault by his wifes sister wns arrested by Olllcor Spnnlding this morning and brought before Judge Hayes No one appearing against him tho ease went by default and wns dismissed William Waehterjuid Miss Ilenfeldt were united in marriago at Hudnr at 100 oclock this morning by Rev Kluto Tho wedding took place at tho homo of tho brides parents A large number of friends or tho contracting parties wero present and a bounteous wedding dinner was served Congrat ulations wero many nnd sincere Inventions havo boon received by friends in this city from Miss Esther J Mason a member of tho class of 111 to attend the commencement exercises of tho Columbia school of Oratory Sntur dny evening April at Steinway hall Chicago Tho program includes an ad dress by RovJ Frank W iunsaulus Miss Mason will bo remembered as tho daughter of Mr and Mrs Gcorgo Mason who formerly lived in this city The young lady graduates with high honors Tho members of tho Wednesday club wero very agreeably surprised yesterday when they attended tho regular mooting nt tho homo of Mrs W II Butteriield The subject of tho meeting was Rus sian Art and Artists conducted by Mrs Geo D Butterfleld Besides han dling her topic in a comprehensive pa por it was illustrated by a powerful storeopticon throwing 10 largo pictures upon a screen comprising portraits of Russian nrtists reproductions of lino paintings done by them as well ns in teresting scenes ot that country The storeopticon was not only a surprise to the club but a novelty as well Dainty refreshments wero served at tho close of tho afternoon Soda and mineral waters on draught C M FOItNEY Strawberries at Schoreggos only cents for quart box Wanted A work If girl for general house Mns E C CONNElt Girl wanted Apply to Mrs D Rees Horses clipped at Sellers barn Good dray wagon for sale Inquire of Henry Miller Fifty thousand dollnrs eastern money to loan on good farms G R Seiiek Ja Co PERSONAL Sig Schavlaud is over from Madison today W II Buchol went to Plainview this afternoon A J Campbell of Meadow Grove was In town today N L Brainard of Neligh was in tho city this noon Geo II Spear Chas Rico and M D Tyler went to Madison today W 07 Barnes of Omaha that genial traveling passenger agent of tho Mis souri Pacific railroad is looking after business interests in tho city today B H Baker of Tiltlou was a city vis itor yesterday Ho has n son with tho First Nebraska and anxiously sennued tho list of casualties which was received by telegraph at Tin News oflico Farm and oity loans The Dukland Trust Co Sturgeon is the piano man Buy all your groceries of Box and get the best Wuriif rvllle The shower Tuesday night did lots of good Frank Simson has taken charge of the skimming station Gramp Powell left hero Wednesday for Sandwich 111 to visit his daughter W Kuudson has packed his stock of goods and will huntjor a better loca tion ChnrlcsfKiuul went down to Omaha Wednosduyjwith a carload each of cnttlo aud hogs W P Rowlett is hauling lumber for a new homo to bo built on his farm two miles west of this station Phono 85 for plumbiugNFMfgCo A full lino of Heinz celobrated pickles aud preserves at Boxs Tolophono No 11 a will ring up Dr F Verges resideuco and olllco For fine tamo grass pasturo and plenty of fresh water for cows only ono block from U P depot apply soon to Dr F Verges Box can suit you on colleo If you want to sell or trade your property list it with G R Skilek Co DrFrauk Salter Diseases of children THE PUBLIC JJTILITiES Shall the City Own Its Own Electric Light Plant VARYING VIEW80TBUSINE88MEN A lltn OiwMlnn li iiriul Drslro Ior Morn IIkIiI mi I IkIiI SiiIiJim I - Mlllll rlinl Onnrohlp Imlcr Itlclit Conditions OiiirrulU Im o red llio Mutter 1H ciinmmi In VII lis riuiMH Slico tho city council has appointed a commit leo to investigate tho feasibility of municipal ownership of tho electric light plant in Norfolk tho question may bo considered a live one For tho pur pose of ascertaining public sentiment in thH matter a ropichcntativo Tin Dniiv News has obtained from different citi zens an expression of their views regard ing tho proposition aud is glad to lay them before its readers Chester A Fuller The city should own its own water and light Aug Karo Dont know much about it Beliovo it would bo a good idea Heeler Bros In favor of now plant if it can bo bought and run on business principles C C How Should look upon il favorably if it can stand business in vestigation W M Robertson I 1 think it is all right for tho city to own an electric light plant John R Hays If city is financially able 1 nmin favor of tho purchase and ownership of a new plant OMForney It demands careful investigation and should bo decided purely on its business merits PFBell Tho idea is all right but just at this time we should think twice before incurring extra expense Frank Davenport Boforo I can talk nbout electric lights for tho city muht havo more light on tho subject M O Walkor Of courso Im in favor of itJ Buy tho old plant only on coudtiou that it can bo bought right II II Patterson I have nothing whatever to say It is a matter for tho peoplo aud tho council to settle as they think best George Davenport Think it proper thing for city to do some timobutshoiild not think it wise for it to attempt to do it this year O S Bridgo 1 would advise that the city owuits electric light plant Favor a now plant in connection with tho waterworks A J Durland Am in favor of the idea of municipal ownership of electrio light plant Owners of present plant should bo treated fnirly Geo W Box Tho city is not in shape to undertnko new enterprises Attention should bo paid to reducing taxes not increasing them Dr Bear Am decidedly in favor of the city owning its own electric light plant but am altogether opposed to its buying tho plant in operation hero G B Salter Havent given the matter tho consideration it deserves Should want to inform myself very thoroughly before expressing an opin ion John Friday Am not fully in formed ns to proposition but seo no rea son why city ownership of electric light wouldnt botho proper and sensible thing W II Bucholz My observation of municipal ownership is that it is un satisfactory Ordinarily it is a for a town or city unless it is peculiarly situated and owns or controls cheap power W II Johnson Am not as well in formed as to what is proposed as I would liko to bo Think thero should bo a stronger aud better plant for light ing the city Would bo in favor of city ownership under proper provisions Col Cotton By all means the city should own an electric Ijght plant It would bo as good an investment as the waterworks which has proven a suc cess Would favor buying tho old plant if it can bo purchased for a fair price N A Rainbolt We aro bonded be yond nil reason now Tho timo is not ripo to entortain such 11 proposition The probability is that wo will havo oc casion to bond ourselves for other enter prises of much moro valuo to tho town and wo had better hold ourselves in 10 sorvo for them Chas II Johnson 1 am in favor of one thing and ono thing only For tho city to buy ti complete now electric light plant and run it in connection with tho city waterworks Am utterly opposed to any deal whereby tho old electrio light plant shall bo worked off onto tho city nt nuy price Mayor Simpson I have long been in favor of municipal ownership of gas wnter electrio lights etc Whether it would bo wise for Norfolk to undertake the purchase of an electrio light plant just now I am not prepared to say I must have more information as to what is definitely proposed boforo I can pass judgment upon the question h O Mittelstadt Not iu favor of takingold plant Must have a new ono if any and then only if it is connected with tho waterworks so that ono set of men can run them both I am not in JkS THE NOKFOLK NRWS THURSDAY APK1L 27 18JW favrv of bonding tho city any moro at the pro out time Wo should reduce present indebtedness Unit of all It is poor business policy to be bonded tip to tho last cent 1 A luikart If the city is to buy mi electric plant it should purchase tho old one Men of enterprise aud busi ness push put their hard cash into it that wo might haven modern up to date city and they should have a fair com pensation for their material 1 am in favor of city ownership of the electric light if the city will handle all the com mercial as well as street lighting There should be no freezing out of tho ptesciil plant owners I beliovo that street lighting alone carried on by the city would prove more epensio than it is now Burt Mapes I believe in municipal ownership of franchises 1 think it would bo a good thing for tho city to own an electric light system providing thero can bo voted a miflleieiit amount of money to do tho city and commercial lighting properly We aro limited by Matties to it bond issue of per cent on tho amount of the last annual assess ment That was illSl This will provide 71I0S Again wo are limited to a levy of two mills to provide for op erating purposes This gives us about Im0 Certainly if the old plant now being used can bo putchased at a fair valuation lie city ought to buy it Only 1 0 cents for a quatt of strawlier ries at Sohoroggos If you want Jo buy or trade come and seo us tJ R Siiiiit Co Olllco inliiHt block A full lino of Onoidu Community and Curtice Bros canned goods at lios HOSPITAL FUND NiirlolU Is Conti lliiitlnt ltliimill to thai Itcllil ol Nt lmilii Scildltis III Miinilil Norfolk never does things by halves Ono of the characteristics of the town is that when it does a thing it tloes that thing well The Norlulk pottiounf the hospital fund for the benefit of the soldiers of the First Nebraska is being raised on tho usual gen erous plan that prevails iu the oity and tho piospects aio that before the con tributions nro closed toiuoriow evening an oven will bo ready to bo for warded Tin Nrws undertook to handle this fund in Norfolk upon the re quest by telegraph of thoOmaha World Herald to which paper tho money will bo sent to bo forwarded by it to Manila Contributionswill bo received up to IS oclock Friday evening Following are tho names of those who beliovo that the fund is the right tiling together with tho amounts contributed W M Robertson ft 00 Col S S Cotton ft 00 G A huikart ft 00 Li G Mittelstadt 00 W II Butlerliold -jot Dallas Branson 1 W H Dexter 1 Geo D Butterflold 1 W J Cow As Bro 1 C M Forney Frank Davenport Beoler Bros W Gibson 13 H Baker Cash Sniders catsups at Boxs Houses for saio T E Odioknk 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 ftO ftO 00 Lovers of music will miss a rare treat if they fail to hear Frederick Spencer tho celebrated violinist at theJM E church next Monday evening Mr Spencer will bo assisted by Slaytons Jubilee singers composed of ten colored Indies and gentlemen all of them artists in their lino Tho prico of admission is only ift cents very low considering the talent engaged Heal Kmnui IrmihlerH The following transfers of real estate aro reported by Chester A Fuller man ngor of tho Madison county abstract offlco at Norfolk M E Ktormer and wife to Henry Wedekind wd nw oo 00 Frances M Crun nnd husbnud to Henry Steckolborg wd lot 2 and west 1 1 feet of lot 1 block 10 Clark and Madison Mill Co s addition to Madi son 1 100 00 Out Iure For tho round trip via tho Union Pa cific to San Francisco Cal for Nation al Baptist Societies Anniversaries May 2ft 1890 For dates on which tickets will bo bold limits nnd full information call on F WJ lNKM AK Agent Tan News 300 nopartmont is com plete in every particular Tonight li your liver is out of order causing Biliousness Sick Headache Heart burn or Constipation tako a doso of Hoods Pills On retiring and tomorrow your di gestive organs will bo regulated and you will be bright active and ready lor any kind of work This has been the experience of others it will bo yours HOODS PILLS are Bold by all medicine dealers 25 cts I IF YOU ARE AN Eneigetlc Ituyei yiin foi Your Money We Want You Robertson Ulk Norfolk Dexters Norfolk Steam Laundry Goods Called for and Dolivered Satisfaction Guaranteed Trade 1roiu Adjoining Towns Promptly Attended to Telephone No 83 X m to to iV to to to to to to to to to m to to to If you are your Spring ready to buy Millinery see our stock If you are not ready to buy your Spring Millinery see our stock We have the largest in the state except two and we are not sure about excepting the two Prices the lowest Quality guaranteed H1SKEEPS IMkldNERY xx - - OIR IltlClCS DO IT i w W tip to to to -A to to to to to to to to to to Wr X nic nlwnjs Seeking the liest Value to Compare Values that we aie olloting with those shown elsewbeie Your attention lias been called to our DKI CSS GOODS - - - and 0111 line ol - - SI IM M 10 R GOOUS and if yon havent scon I hem COMIC NOW Wo can also interest you in other lines Table Linens Sheetings Muslins Towels Embroideries Laces and all Staples In our line Wo can IIhii You Savi Monky The Dry Goods Ilacc F H HUSTON NORFOLK NEBRASKA N KA1NIIOIT IriTiileht VW Linn W ItUCIIOI CikIiIit li W 7VTA AKniHliiiitCuHliicr National Bank OLDEST ESTABLISHED BANKING BUSINESS IN NORTHEAST NEBRASKA Capital 10000000 Surplus 2000000 Does a General Banking Business Buys and Sells Exchange Interest Paid on Time Deposits A General Stcnmslilp Drafts and Money Orders 8odnnnnv Point In Eurone and Foreign Passage Business Trarisaotort DIEBCTOES A BEAU K i HANLON K J HALK W II NA UAINBOLT JOHN It HAYS F VBIMIEH y IiiK jQjJl HUOHOa WM ZDTZ B H COTTON CRSEILER Sale and--Boarding Barn Horses Bought and SolQon Commission Braasch Avenue and Third St PHONE 44 M C WALKER UKALKH IN FLOUR - FEED Oil and Gasoline TELEPHONE NO 83 jUM hh tr