The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, April 27, 1899, Page 3, Image 3

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    I V
The four i1 the
Best MP forfheMonev
mfm wnzwwzfwwi
All Wool
in Black
Blue and Brown
in Black
Brownand Mixed
Q 1 H
Superior All Wool
in Block
Blue and Brown
Genuine Carney
in Black Brawn
Gold and Oxford Mxd
Nearly every wide awake Merchant In America handles
these Coats If your dealer docs not write to us and
we will sec that you are supplied
rturers cMa4rsll
Norfolk Weekly News Reduced to 1
a Year for Cash in Advance
Opportunity for Young Men and Women
Boys and Girls to Make Money
During the IS years that The Norfolk Weekly News
has been published no subscriber hasever received it for less
than 150 per year This price has been maintained in the
face of cheaper competition because it has always been con
ceded that Tiie News is the best weekly paper published in
this section of the state being printed all at home and giving
later telegraphic news and recording more local events than
any other It has always been well worth the price asked
for it and will continue to steadily improve in all its varied
departments in the future But in response to the large
class of people who desire to pay in advance we have decided
to make the following
To every subscriber who will pay SI 00 in advance Tiie
News will be sent for one year
To every old subscriber who will pay up all arrearages
to date and 100 in advance The News will be sent for one
Every subscriber who pays one yoar in advance will be
presented with a copy of Kendalls Perfected Receipt Book
admitted to be the best cook book on the market containing
besidessuggestions as to the care of the sick recipes for the
ailments of stock etc which are invaluable on any farm and
in any household Those who cannot call at The News office
for the book will iuclude 5 cents extra for postage s
Any subscriber or member of the family of a subscriber
who secures for us one or more new cash in advance sub
scriptions will be paid 25 cents for each new name and 100
which they may send to this office
Those who have paid in advance at the regular rate will
be credited the additional time at the new rate Those who
do not pay in advance will continue to be charged the old
rate of 150 per year
This special offer will continue until April 1 unless
sooner withdrawn which we reserve the right to do Address
all communications to
Norfolk Nebraska
The time on the above is extended to May 1st
From ioc a Double Roll up
Window Shades Room Mouldings Paints Oiis Glass
o4Ntbist Brushes Etc Etc
Painting Paper Hanging anil Decorative Work at Fair Prices
tlu rest This idou is one tho women
everywhore should oncouriiKiv it will
oumneipate them from the slivery of
church suppers nwl put the burdens on
tho white men for awhile It bents
standing sponsor for hitfh priced travel
ing talent which usuelly tpes or a
liii out of the pockets of member of
the church and out of town anil puts a
doltrit of greater or less proportions in
the church exchequer
The indications are that if Nebraska
raises abundant crops this year that the
state will cxpejieiice an era of prosper
ity never equalled in its histoiy livery
thing presages such a condition The
farmers are already in excellent flunn
cial shape and money is no longer dilll
cult to get The wiitor listened to a
farmer talking in one of the Norfolk
stores the other day Why said lie
I remember in the summer of ml there
was no such thing as money in circula
tion about here It didnt make much
diirerence how good security you wns
willing to put up the banks wouldnt
let any one have it Farm sales were
aHJntado on tnie at a high rate of inter
est This spring 1 have attended several
sales and the largo majority of the farm
ers walk up and plank down their cash
and save their two per cent allowed
The bankers kept what gold they had
Today they would rather customers
would take it in preference to anything
else The farmers recognize the
changed condition of affairs and if no
disaster occurs pi ices of real estate in
both town and country will advance
strongly Another year will see much
more building done in the towns and
with plenty of money in the hands of
the people tho result cannot but bo lush
times in this entire region of the coun
try Stand up for Norfolk and Ne
A IurKii Conuriuntlon lMens to lllm lit
Trinity Clmrcli I ant ieiilni
Kites of Coiillriiiiitlun
From Holiday Daily
Tho visitation of Bishop Worthingtou
to Norfolk yesterday marked another
red letter day in tho history of Trin
ity church
In the evening the music was rendered
by a full choir A solo by Master
Graham Humphrey was iinely given
and received much appreciation
The sermon of the Bishop was drawn
frcm tho text Not Slothful in Business
Fervent in Spirit Serving the Lord
Ho spoko for about JO minutes in n close
logical earnest manner characteristic
ally his exhorting the people to mako a
more intense application of religion to
the practical affairs of life
His address was listened tco with tho
closest nttentiou by tho largo audience
At the close of the regular services he
congratulated tho Trinity parish on the
marked improvements that had been
made in tho church property and the
business like administration of church
affairs Ho expressed the hope that
what had been done only presaged
future progress and usefulness of tho
Norfolk church
This is probably tho last visit that
Bishop Worthingtou will make to this
city Physicians have warned him that
on account of failing health he must re
side in a lower altitude
At tho next diocese nnd couucil to be
held at Omaha in May a Bishop Coad
jutor will bo appointed to assist him and
tho bishop will take up his residence in
Now York
The services last evening will bo long
remembered by all who were present
Tho pleasure of the bishop was added to
by tho joy of receiving four persons in
to tho full fellowship of tho church by
tho solemn rites of confirmation
It is tho best in tho world that is what
every user says of Sloans liniment for
rhonmntism cramp colio and all pain
Tho most penetrating remedy in exist
ence For sale by John Koonigsteiu
Homeeeltti KxciirKliin
On May 2 and li Juuo 0 and 20 lSitil
tho Missouri Pacific Hailwav company
will sell homeseekors excursion tickets
to certain points in tho southwestern
parts of Missouri Kansas Arkausas
Indian Territory Oklahoma Territory
Colorada and Utah and to many other
poiuts located in tho southeastern
states At rate of ouo faro for tho
round trip plus f 2 For further infor
mation address W O Barnes
J O PniLLiiii T P A
Southeast corner of 14th and Doudas
streets Omaha Nebraska
Have you heard of tho famous Hot
Springs Arkansas Hundreds of peo
ple aro being cured there daily of tho
A New Laiiil of Die Sky ISooklet
Tho Laud of tho Sky tho popular
desigiiatiou for tho Ashevillo Plateau
Western North Carolina has been large
ly advertised by tho Southern Railway
for a number of years on account of tho
health and rleasuro resorts and the beau
tiful scenery of that section where tho
Southern Railway crosses the Bluo
Ridge mountains
The Southern Railway lias just issued
a new aud most attractive booklet with
appropriate half tone cuts and reading
mutter and thoy ire being seut out free
to any address by Mr J C Beam Jr
N W P A Southern Railway 60
Adams street Chicago
World Herald Hospital Fund
for Nebraska Soldiers
Tim llully Nwk Will lcclo toiilt llm
tlons tntll Iltniiv rWlilnn Mow the
MoiHj 1 4 to lie Sent A Worthy Cull
Thill AppinN to All lVi mii Help the
I iimTmwilnjH Dally
There are times when the very least
any community can do to express their
appreciation of tho heroism and self
sacrifice of their own brave sons and
brothers who aro so far away -is to con
tribute money that will help alleviate
their sufferings and distress
Such a time is now
The World Herald is raising a fund
for hospital purposes for the wounded
of the first Nebraska at Manila
It appeals to all Nebraskans to help
It is a noble call and deserves prompt
Tin Daily Niws has consented to
receive all sums that the people of Nor
folk may desire to give up to i oclock
Friday afternoon next
That the people may more clearly
understand just how this matter is to bo
handled the call of the World Herald
is quoted
The First Nebraska has again suf
fered heavy loss in battle Many of the
regiments brave members have met
death and many others are lying in
hospitals with sore wounds received in
the lino of duty Seven thousand miles
from home and loved ones the wounded
aro tossing on hospital cots and thinking
of home and friends All that a rich
and powerful government can do for
them is being done but the richest
government cannot make up for tho
absence of a mothers nursing or the
luck of a wifely or sisterly caress upon
fevered brows Any kindly remem
brance from homo is tenderly cnerished
by the soldier boys at the front and
now is the time of all times for Ne
braska to show to her brave soldiers in
the Philippines that Nebraska remem
bers them and is proud of their bravery
The World Herald culls upon loyal
Nebraskans to contribute to a hospital
fund for the First Nebraska This fund
will not be tied up in red tune It will
not pass through the circumlocution
ollice it will be cabled direct to the
surgeon of tho First Nebraska with in
structions to purchase for the sick and
wounded those delicacies which the
government cannot supply but which
aro necessary to the comfort of tho boys
lying in the hospitals The knowledge
that the delicacies are provided by an
appreciative people at homo will bo the
best medicine the sick and wounded
soldiers can obtain
The fund should be closed Saturday
night and on Monday next will bo
cabled direct to tho surgeon of the First
P M Scott of Albion was in Norfolk
W C Cree of Denver is in the city on
J E Cronk has gone to Chicago on a
business trip
M D Tyler and Burt Mapes spent tho
dny at Madison
M C Iluycn returned from a trip to
Dakota City yesterday
The family of W 13 Vail is moving
onto south Third street
Miss Lizzie Brecheisen of Jiattlo Creek
was in tho city yesterday
Mr and Mrs Vv W Duwitt of Stan
ton were in the Sugar City yesterday
T M Morris the Meadow Grove
druggist is in the city this afternoon
There was a meeting of tho board of
county commissioners at Madison today
Ten carloads of sheep were shipped
east last evening by A J Knollin to Co
C E Huttou of the Pierce Milling
company was among Norfolks visituru
Conductor Carter of tho M O is
enjoying a lay off and went to Omaha
O M Forney returned last evening
from Marshalltown Iowa where ho has
beeu visitiug his father for two weeks
The sale of farm property aud house
hold goods by H J Waguer yesterday
was largely attended Satisfactory sales
were made
Thomas Tracy who is an inmate of
tho Nebraska Soldiers home is visiting
for a short time among his old friends
in this city He arrived last night
Mr John Reimers enmo in from Grand
Island last evening spending tho night
at tho homo of his daughter Mrs F
Wietzer Ho returned this morning
i Tho boys of tho west end have
organized a base ball club for tho season
of Mill In appreciation of favors re
ceived in tho gift of a fine base ball they
have named their organization Tho
Leonard Nino
Tho entertainment given by the M
W A at their hall last evening wns
much enjoyed Tho graphopbone lout
much pleasure by its reproduction of
songs and addresses Readings from
famous authors were also given
Tho contributions toward tho
tal fund for tho First Nebraska boys at
Manila should be promptly mule Tin
appeal matin by Tin Daily Nk -
lenlay In the people of Norfolk de t
and will receive their hearty nniml i
ation Tun Nuws bin been antlniied
by u telegram from the World leraM
to collect money for this fund and n lti
of till subscribers With the amount sub
scribed will be published in tninonows
issue of this paper
T M Jones Pirns Islington and
Owen Diiganwllh the force of men who
have been working under them dining
the lust id days loao for Ames tomor
row where a telephone system will be
established Since they ail ied in this
city they have been a veiy busy set of
men They have put in Mi new tele
phones The total number of t le
phones now In use In Norfolk Is Hi and
Manager Spreehor has orders for more
new ones which tin regular local force
will place at once There has been used
since the present extra work hns been
undertaken more than ill miles of new
Itellol IllSIx lloiiif
Distressing kidney ami bladdei
disease iclleved in six hoots by New
tiieat South Ainoilcnn Kidney Core
It Is a gieat sutpilsc on account of Its
exceeding pioinpMies n imcviiil
pain in bhuldet klilioys ati nunc n
male or letnale Uellevc rjletiMnn of
water almost Immediately If you
want quick rollcl nnd cine this Is the
remedy Sold by Koenigstein Phar
macy Norlolk Neb
A Mipeilin Throiih Slrephij nt llllr
Itetw ecu St I mils mill
Commencing December 1 7t li the Lou
isville Air Line will inaugurate for tho
season the great Through Sleeping Car
Route to Florida Through sleeping
cars will leave St Louis -1 ftp m daily
passing Louisville 7 ll a in Lexington
10 m a m reaching Chattanooga
p m Atlanta 10 10 p in and Jackson
ville slo a in second morning
Stopovers allowed This route is
through large cities and interesting
country and is operated over most su
perior and well established lines of rail
way The schedules are fast and most
In addition to the above schedule
leaving St Louis at night train leaving
St Louis S 0S u in will arrive Jack
sonville tho next night II 10p in malt
ing only one night t t from St Louis to
This line also affords passengers for
Florida trip via Ashoville N C the
greatest American re
Correspondence solicited and inform
ation promptly furnished R A Camp
iikll General Passenger Agent St
Louis Mo
This is also tho best line to points in
Kentucky Tennessee Georgia and
North and South Carolina
South Norlollt Num
Mrs Al Shridor is on the sick list
Mrs ilurlburt went to Omaha yester
Mr Masters is building an addition to
his house
Miss Frazier of Missouri Vallley is vis
iting Mrs Burt Taylor
Mr Rankin of Scribner spent Sunday
here greeting his old friends
Mrs Pender was down from Oakdale
yesterday doing some shopping
Mr Chapman and family of Fremont
were visiting relatives in this placo
Mr Murphy is moving his family from
South Second street to a home on Fifth
street next to the German church
Miss Lizzie Hall is ionniiiig tin- art ot
riding a wheel It is hoped Lizzio will
succeed without breaking any bones
Mrs Murphy Mrs Taylor Miss Wise
aud Miss Brown of Creightou went to
Omaha Saturday to do their spring shop
No constipated person enn look his or
her best or feel perfectly well For that
inactive liver and constipation try Dr
Sawyers Little Wide Awake Pills and
they will euro you
A Cheap Farm anil it food One
Do you want a good farm where you
can work outdoors in your shirt sleeves
for ten months iu the year and where
your stock can forage for itself all the
year round If so write to P Sid Jones
Passenger Agent Birmingham Ala or
Dr R 13 CrawfordTraveliug Passenger
Agent 0 Rookery building Chicago 111
Do you want to go down aud look at
some of tho garden spots of this country
Tho Louisville Nashvillo railroad pro
vides the way and the opportunity on the
first and third Tuesday of each month
with excursions at only two dollars over
ono faro for rouud trip tickets Write
Mr C P Atmore General Passenger
agent uouisviuo iy ior particulars
Do you want to read about them be
fore going Then send 10 cents in silver
or postage stamps for a copy of Garden
Spots to Mr- Atmore
s Have yogi
Heard i
You may have heard
and have a vatjuc notion
that it is cod liver oil with
its bad taste and smell and
all its other repulsive fea
tures It is cod liver oil the
purest and the best in the
world but made so palata
ble that almost everybody
can take it Nearly all
children like it and ask for
looks like ream it nour p
ishes the wasted body of
vhe baby child or adult a
better than cream or any F
ether food in existence It x
Invirs about the same r
im to other emulsions that P
rivairt docs to milk If you
Itiivc had any experience k
with other so called just as
2d preparations you
v l find that this is a fact a
Tac hypophojphitcs that arc
TiAincd with the cod liver oil X
j addition value to it because 2
v one up Ihe nervous system a
Si 6 impart strength to the whole a
t i ji i i hiumh fi
I I I m t Nrw Y ill
G H ill li
in umf ifwi i ii u
Thislnrge illuMntul fpnttnnns vl y
is j ist the p i r f ryoii H u irc a srur
or angler or amateur railor or omcr r
observer oi nature Ikm sr and Si k i
l illcil the siM i mans In trie j airiinl 1
nil in tiie homo lend it To Iiov it
is tj like it The piicc is i y
f ill in wdr iloi but tit v u miy t
nciuiintid with 1 okist ami Sikiam I
25 cents silver r st nrs nnd we 1 I
tliepipcr for fuur ve ls nsi seu iltri tup
Our c itiliLtiu of bcA bunks on otm i
pnrts will tinio t yil flee AJi
3j6 llruaJwuy New York
ram xie Grease
iTeii umr I Kft
V r jr i i mm
1 1 12 Glrard St
Not affected by Heat or Cold
Highest Awards at Centennial
Paris and Worlds Fair
Factories Chciago St Louis New York
VV V9sy
For tlio cure of nil clirouc anil
iiciitn iIjkHMk a lifr Kivlnt prio
ciplnfrca from nil ilrnKB Antlimn
llroiicliitinCntiirrti I ortuuiniitlon
Philadelphia Pa
For the Discovery ol
Euch ol the Fallowing lrsons
Uiinliictie NtMirnlKiiii ItluMiHintisin
Nervous Prostration and ieneral 9
Uubility cuttsl by inlilitiK
Otir homo treatment which con
taiim two mnntlib of Com
pound Oxymi inhaling uppara
ratu full directions tent to any
part of tho country Thiniuclmlos
medical advice ilariiiK treatment
Pamphlet with advice to w nick
homo treatment ami testimonialt
YOUNG IAN Hetuecn 15bihI0 U lUtletB m manner timid bashful face illbfitjurod with
lilackhendc anil nnnplcK dark circlet under t iv lilurnni of lht iliMtim specks easily tired
oMjfiiffd or rattled poor memory no ambition or eiirv lb afraid to piuli ahead iu mi inets
ttudj or marriage is tired In the moriiimr fevl like an old man bluhhea when you i ti the
cauKtof lus troiible it constipated hue unnatural lottes May have Varicocele Hydro Itup
ture Illec WiiakiieMjof Orttant
AlllllRAUIl MAN 30 to M who ayc h feeU hko a uiau of 60 would has wojk achiug
l back no manly viKor no power to enjoy liimtelf u druiuN Himrtin urination troubled at
niKlit Has luctory of iudUcreet youth and oreriudulKence later on May have had Blood
Miuwitli ore throat blotchtt ouskiu Ihium iiaius hair falliu out cannot ideepat nllit buys
i he Is not t ll limn lie bhould be Tell him thnt Wo Tan ili Him Hack th lmvwi luit urn tlm
HirtliriL lit of Every Man
All letters antwered in plain envelope No testimonials published Writo your symptoms