The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, April 27, 1899, Page 2, Image 2

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A Carrier Boy Sues the Times
Tribune for 625
Contlmmnro til llu tni lor lnj
loriinr IIhiIihi Slnimcor SI 111 llu Ion
hikkIiiii f II111 Hnol of IIik Ciiiiritiii
AihiIIiit Allcliipl In lift Thrill lliln
From Trillin
Tho first round in I ho scrap now on
between Irn 1 llungorford mill tlu
Times Tribune Co over business differ
ences wns fought today before Justice
Tho ease of Clyde Ij Adams vs I ho
Tlinos Trlbuno Co In which Adams
Huos tho manager of that paper for iftlt
alleged to 1o duo for services rendered
lis carrier hoy was Hot lor trial this fore
Goo A Latimer appeared as counsol
for Adams and Kind II Free on hohalf
of 3 lCvnns
Thodofonsosubpoonnod lluugoiford as
witness for tho purpose it would soom
of getting tlto books of tlio concern into
tho hands of tho court On doinand of
tho court tho hooks woro nought hy Mr
Mr Latimor on behalf of tho plain ti tl
asked for a continuanoo ofthocasofor
ill days
Tho request upon good and sufficient
roasonM sot forth was granted by Judge
I lay os
Tlfti attorney for tho defense contended
that tho books belonged in tho hands of
ho court hut upon duo consideration
Judge Hayos doeidod that ho had no
right to hold thorn until such time as
tlioy woro submitted in ovidenco
Tho continuunco of the ease and fur
ther possession of the hooks hy Mr Hun
gorford woro strenuously fought by tho
attorney for tho defense and both were
Phis tirst skirmish in tho legal eon
test going on bet ween the Times Trib
uilo and its business manager or former
business manager as tho case may bo
results clearly in a triumph for Hunger
Relative to tho books of tho firm
which lira still in his possession Mr
llungerford says that ho is willing to
give thorn up at any time tho court de
mands them but ho will not hazard
them in tho hands of tho Times Tribune
company Mo alleges that ho offered to
cheek up tho books with tho company
tho Saturday night ho had tho racket
with tho president of tho concern but
his ollor being refused ho has been
compelled to keep tho books as a niuttor
of self protection
Tho case brought this morning by
Adams was only ono of several that are
on tho docket besides tho enso of Hun
gerford in tho county court These
cases have all been brought at tho in
stance of Mr Mungerford
There is nothing pacific in the present
attitude of the belligerents
Meanwhile the costs are being piled
up and tho war goes on
This aftcrnonnV latest development is
a writ of replevin is nod ou application
of the Tines Tribune against Ira L
llungorford tor tho possession of tho
books of the company The olllcor
served the papors hut tho books were
not found
Tomorrow is Arbor day
C E Lomont roturnod from Blooui
Hold last evening
Thero promises to bo a good deal of
building this season
A H Winder of Mondow Grovo has
moved to this city
S K Warrick of Battle Greek spout
tho night iu the city
Tho public schools held arbor day ex
ercises this afternoon
Otto II Muas tho Hattlo Creek drug
gist was in tho city today
Tho banks of tho city will ha closed
tomorrow it being a legal holiday
Mrs L H Pritchnrd of Meadow
Grovo is visiting friends in tho city
Hov Vollbreeht and wife of Stanton
are tho guests of Kov A F Siegler
Harry Woodall returned from a hunt-
A full beard isnt
much consolation to
a man with a bald
Hair Vigor
will make hair grow
lug trip this morning with 17 jucksnlpva
and 0 ducks
The fnrmors arc very busy rushing In
their small grain and getting ready for
corn planting
Mrs Ohas Ludoror who has been
visiting at the hanio of Mlirulmker re
turned to Pierce today
Remember tho meeting at Salvation
Army hall tonight Adjutant Nnr
roway of Omaha will speak
Dont forget tho entertainment at tho
Oxnard this ovonlng Tho Amity
will see that you havo a good tiuio
Mrs IS C Stovenh of South Norfolk
departed this morning for Colorado
Springs where she will make her homo
The morning was cool but tho temper
ature Ihib boon steadily rising and tho
day Is proving one of tho most delight
ful of the season
Kov Frank P Wigtou of this city
was ordained at Madison by tho Nio
brara Presbytery and is now a full
Hedged Presbyterian minister
The question of municipal ownership
of public utilities is being agitated iu nil
tho great cities of tho country In this
respect Norfolk is strictly iu tho push
How 1 P Mueller went to Lyons to
day where ho will preach on Sunday nt
tho iTth anniversary of tho establish
ment of the Lutheran church at that
An oxchnngo says It costs tho people
of the United States ar5K000 annu
ally for getting born 1100 100000 for
gotting married fTfiOOOOOl for getting
buried and I lW000000 for getting
O 12 Nlseloy has rosiguod his position
with John Friday to accept a place in n
hardware store at at Gordou He will
leave for that place Sunday but his
family will not go for two or three
weeks yet
Tho annual spring cleaning craze has
struck Tin Niws office and between tho
painters and the paper hanger tho oillco
force find life a conglomeration of tribu
lation turmoil and dirt Twill be hot
ter bye and bye
The state declamatory contest will
take placo at Falls City Friday May 5
Twelve high schools will compete for
the state gold medals Among them
Norfolk Fremont Ogalallu Sidney
North Platte Geneva Superior York
and Falls City
G A Luikart and N A Hainbolt
both contribute papors beforo tho
Hankers association at Wayne Tho
subject of Mr Luikurts nrticlo is Tho
Effect of tho Bankruptcy Laws ou
Hanking whilo Mr Hainbolt will talk
of Country and City Hanks
A team of horses driveu by some far
mer fell down In front of tho postolllco
this noon They not only fell down hut
fell over each other iu n poculiar mauuer
and for a short time It looked as if they
were tangled inextricably They were
soon gotten up however without auy
damage except some badly rifflled foot
ings bolonging to tho owner
World Herald It is a fact worthy of
general consideration that tho Elkhoru
valley is one of the most fertile and
beautiful district of couutry in tho
west aud that its resources arc yot prac
tically undeveloped Tho stock feeding
and grain growing features of the lower
part of this valley are boing developed
among tho farmers aud u more certain
crop couutry caunot be found auy where
As to tho upper portion extending far
into tho northwest its equal as a graz
i ig couutry would bo diilicult to flud
Madison Hoporter The editor accom
panied Judgo Hates to Battle Creek on
Friday evening whore tho gouial Judgo
had au appointment to ride the masonic
goat Sovoral members of tho Norfolk
fraternity hod charge of his goatshlp
and tno animal neither uucued nor
balked aud the Judge had uo trouble iu
safely ridiug him iu au easterly direc
tion Tho now U ID lodgo is doing
some work and there is little doubt but
that tho brethren will obtain a chartir
at tho meeting of the grand lodge iu
lttv McCuiil ut Wext Point CiiiiiiiiIIh
Sulriili YiMtriliiy Well Known
Iu North Kiitern Neliruslai
From Kriilaid Dully
Dispatches received here this uioruing
told of tho death of Rev W A McCool
pastor of Grace Lutheran church at
West Point
Ho committed suicide with an old
shot gun Llowiug out his brains
McCool was quite well kuowu iu this
Ho was over 50 years of age
A year or more ago his wife died aud
siuco thou he has acted strangely aud
has uot beeu himself
His romaius were takou to Pouca to
day aud buried beside those of his wife
at that place
Dr J H MoLeaus Streugtheniug
Cordinl aud Blood Purifier is admirably
adopted to make n little health go a
long way Its curative power is large
ly attributable to its stimulating nutri
tive aud touio properties by which the
energy of the system is recruited It is
pleasnut to the taste easily boruo ou tho
stomach aud harmless uuder prolouged
use Price 50o aud 1 a bottle Sold tit
Koeuigsteius pharmacy
Why not shako tho grip Go to Hot
Springs Arkansas aud lose it
Mrs Ida Whitehead returned to Beat
rice today
M L Stownrt of Lincoln is visiting
his daughter
F Mitschko of Pierco was a Norfolk
visitor today
H A Blako of Verdigro registered at
tho Pacific today
A L Lnggor of Sioux City was among
tho arrivals this morning
C F A Marqimrdt wont to Fremont
this morning Ho will bo absent several
Hon B T White of Omaha general
attorney for tho F E it M V was in
tho city today
Mrs Hubert Craft and son Raymond
of Missouri Valley are guests at tho
home of M L Snyder
Prof OConnor is now making very
satisfactory advancement toward health
Hols able to sot up a few hours each
Mr and Mrs O B Durlaud rode to
Pierco yesterday This is Mrs Dur
lauds first outing since she was taken
sick live weelcs ago
Bob Welkins of Wayuo was in the
city this uioruing onrouto to Lincoln
boing called there by tho suddon death
of his father which occurred last night
Yesterday afternoon whilo tho 10
year old daughter of Mr and Mrs H
Luko was skipping ropo sho fell and
broke her leg Dr I Iolden was called
and the child is resting comfortably
Judge Hayes of tho police court wants
tho city to furnish him with u telephone
so that ho can ring up more business
and thus relievo tho dull monotony
which pervades his oillco so much of the
A very attractive piece of fancy work
in shape of a silk embroidered center
piece made by Miss Nellie M Gorecke
now in Chicago is found at Leonards
drug store It is to bo rallied for 100
tickets boing issued at 25 cents each
There was a short session of tho dis
trict court at Madison yesterday Judge
Allen presiding Attorneys Powers
Weatherby and Ilazeu of this city woro
in attendance The court was adjourned
until Juno nth when thero will probnbly
bo a session lasting several days
Dr O L Stephensou of Hastiugs has
been appointed physician at the state
asylum hereby Governor Poyuter Dr
W II Deering will bo physician at the
Lincoln asylum for tho iusano He
leaves this city tomorrow morning for
his uow field of labor takiug with him
tho best wishes of mnuy frieuds
Work on the now city woll was
stopped yesterday as some of the casiug
had fallen iu and had to bo taken out
Tho work is progressing again today
Tho woll Is uow down to a depth of iiO
feet Contractor Shaw says tho indica
tion point to tho striking of suud rock
soou Saud rock invariably briugs with
it a good flow of water
Tho couuty commissioners havo
ordered tho telephone removed from the
court houso nt Madison which will be
done next week Serious inconvenience
will result to Norfolk people from this
order as the court house telephone is
frequently used to communicate upon
ininortaut matters with the couuty
The Salmagundi social given by tho
Amity society of tho Episcopal church
last oveuiug at tho Oxnard hotel was
much enjoyed by nil preseut Tho
evening was spent in playiug games
hunting geese fishing for suckers aud
closed with a social dauce There was
a goodly uuniber iu attendance About
15 was realized by tho society
One of tho most useful pieces of work
of its kind was done ou Thursday after
noon and evening iu the organization of
a Congregational church nt Beemor
Norfolk contributed materially to tho
success of the occasion by lending its
two Congregational pastors to the work
The Rev J J Parker preached tho sei1
mon of tho evening which was most in
spiring aud elovnting in its power and
influence nnd Mr Jeffries was moder
ntor of tho council In its membership
nnd spirit tho uow church starts out
most auspiciously and Heemer has in
creased its moral power by this new or
Culbertsou Era If all people who
read uewspapers understood what
advertising nieaus they would see at
ouco that the real aud good news of a
newspaper tno uews tuat nuects tueir
pocketbooks is found iu the advertise
meats of the local merchauts Tho mer
chant who advertises is a reporter He
reports to tho people through the news
paper what he has for sale what bar
gains he has to offer It is real uews
It affects every familys pocket book
If some merchant is making a run ou
shoes aud selling them cheap thats
uews which every person who ueeds
shoes ought to know If another is
offeriug special bargains iu overcoats
underwear corsets hats furuiture
dress goods carpets groceries coal
wood stoves or auything that n family
ueeds why it is uews that meaus mouey
to every family aud the people know it
Thats why the merchaut who adver
tises iu the newspapers build up a flue
trade Read all the advertisomeuts aud
profit thereby
Robert Utter of Wayue is iu the city
Prof OConnor was out of doors to
day for tho first time siuco ho was takeu
O A Fuller went to Pierco this morn
Judgo Powers goes to Neligh this
Charles Iauch of Bnzllo Mills was hi
tho city Saturday
F C Holbort cashier of tho Farmers
State bank of Plnlnvlow visited in tho
city Saturdny
Judgo Allen will pass through hero
this evening onrouto to Neligh where ho
will hold a term of court
Mrs W G Bakor entertained tho
young ladles in tho Heights Saturday
evening A very enjoyable time is re
D J Shcehan of Rongls Wyo Is In
tho city on business Mr Shcehan is
an extensive ranchman Ho is visiting
his father-in-law Georgo Williams
Tho snored concert at tho Congrega
tional church last ovonlng given by the
cholrasslsted by Mr Cheney was much
appreciated by tho largo audience pres
Mr nnd Mrs Oscar Heimersof Green
castle Peun nro expected this evening
to visit with Mr and Mrs F W Wiet
zer Mr Roliners Is a brother of Mrs
The special officer that will be sent to
Norfolk to look over tho different sites
offered tho government for the federal
building to be erected according to
Washington dispatches will not bo ap
pointed prior to May 10
Tho Harding Creamery Co has re
cently established three new stations
one nt Pender another in tho country
near that town and one at Knox Knox
county This makes 22 stations which
the hardiug company is successfully
M B Singer will leave tomorrow for
St Louis Ho will attend the confer
ence of German Lutheran Teachers
which is iu session iu that city this
week Two of his children will accom
pany him and visit their grand parents
who live near St Louis
A very pleasant family gathering was
held nt tho homo of Mr and Mrs G B
Salter yesterday It was theOOth birth
day of Mr Salter aud tho children nnd
graudchlldren were nil ut home together
Fourteeu sat dowu to n very substantial
dinner nud ouo of the little folks wns
heard to rem rk afterwards Theres
no placo like grandpas and grandmas
iu all tho world
Mr and Mrs Geo Butterfield aud tho
baby came down from Creightou Satur
day evening aud spent Sunday with
their parents Mr nud Mrs W H But
terfield This nfternoou they left for
Oninha where they will speud several
days Mrs Drake of Corulug N Y
who has beeu visitiug her sister Mrs
Butterflold for some time accompanied
them as far ns Omnhn ou her return
Au artesiuu well bus beeu struck nt
Ames near the new beet sugar factor-
The well was suuk to tho depth of 2113
feet nud a flow of 14 feet above the sur
face has been secured This is said to
bo tho first nrtesiiin well in tho Platte
valley Attempts will bo innde to strike
other wells uow in the towus round
nbout Norfolk has a well now nenrly
700 feet deep but thus fnr it is as dry ns
a boue It will go down to 1 000 feet
however before the chase for water is
giveu up
This is tho day sot apart uuder the
law for the holding of tho federal court
at Norfolk This oveuiug Judgo W H
Munger of the U S District court will
arrive from Omaha nccompauied by
Clerk Hillis aud U S Marshal Tuum
mil Ho will listen to auy cases that
may bo brought beforo him Any jury
cases will of course be set for trial at
some later date at Omaha Thiugs will
uot always bo thus When Norfolk ob
taius its new federal buildiug there will
be rooms set apart for meetiugs of tho
U S court and regular court sessious
will be held here as tho lnw coutoni
There has beeu some doubt in tho
public mind as to just where the post
office buildiug would be located Dex
ter the laundryman advances au argu
ment in favor of its locatiou on the
coruer of Madison nveuue and Fourth
street which he claims is stronger than
auy giveu iu favor of auy other poiut
He is sauguiue that it will prove suffici
ent to convince Undo Sam that it is tho
ouly proper place for it iu tho city The
post office ueed3 to be located close by a
large aud well regulated laundry Iu
these modern days when microbes aud
disease germs trave iu every direction
nud are so often coucealed iu letters aud
papers tho mail very often needs to bo
disiufectod The laundry is the place
to dislufect it Auy speoial officer who
is sent hero will seo tho potency of this
reasoulug aud all other applicants might
as well ring off at once
The warmer spring weather yesterday
aud today has proved very welcome
The cold weather which begau tho mid
dle of October seems to have been de
termined not to let go It got a very
firm grip ou thiugs and even this mouth
of April has been for the most part
cold The result is an exceptionally
backward seasou Hut uow it begius to
be warm again Windows cau be
opened overcoats abandoned nud people
are generally busy plnutiug gardens
cleauiug up back yards nud iu geuernl
The chances are nine in ten that the office
boy will bring a cake of Ivory Soap if sent for
a cake of good soap But be sure of it Each
cake of Ivory Soap is stamped Ivory
takiug up tho small aud potty details
that help to make thiugs look cleaner
and sweeter with tho return of spring
There is much need of good soaking
rains nnd every nimbus liko cloud that
hovers nbout the horizon is looked upou
with much fuvor The dry weather
has however been very favornblo to the
farmers in putting in crops
Rain is badly needed
The alloys should be cleaued up
Houso cleauiug is under full sway
Business at the police court is quiet
J P Cookus of Wiuside is iu towu
The city couucil meets Saturday even
The uow sanitarium is approachiug
The summer weather continues in full
force today
Few farmers are seen in towu these
pleasaut days
Many buildiugs about tho city are be
iug uewly painted
The telephone compauy is still busy
putting up new line
H H Whipperman of Wakefield
spent the day in Norfolk
Mrs Hoseborough and Mrs Diltz of
Tilden were down today
W E Powers of the Pierce Lender
was iu the city yesterdny
A A Knrny the Srantou attorney
was iu the city yesterdny
W C Crabill and wife of Plaiuviow
wero iu tho city yesterday
Members of the board of education
are visitiug the schools today
B E Sturdovaut of Atkiusou was
among todays visitors iu the city
Misses Lulu Craig and Clara Tenske
of Stautou were iu towu yesterday
Webb Whitla nnd his sister Mabel
were down from Battle Creek today
Mrs F W Wiotzer entertained the
Tuesday Thimble club this afternoon
Judgo Muuger of Omaha failed to put
iu nn appenruuee ns wns expected last
Street sprinkling would save the nier
chnuts lots of damage from the dust
which uow provuils
Mrs W Z King aud daughter Iryl
are expected homo this evening from a
visit iu Grand Islaud
The Slayton Jubilee Siugors are to
give nu eutertaiument at the Methodist
church iu this city May 2
Mrs J M Collumer returned from
Sioux City where she has been visitiug
for some time last evening
Dr P H Salter aud O G Johusou
left for the Pierce sloughs this morning
where they will hunt jack snipes
W O Phipps of Chadrou a member
of the faculty of Chadron dcademyis in
the city in the interest of that iustitu
The city well is now down to a depth
of 075 feet Water has risen in the well
to tho depth of 575 feet They are uow
boriug through saud rock
Mrs O P Ohubbuck who has been
visiting her sister Mrs Dauiel Motcalf
left for Moutaua last niglit Mrs Os
home is at Galesburg Illiuois
Judge W F Norris of Wayne is au
applicaut for collector of customs at
Manila and there is a prospect of his
early nppoiutmeut to that positiou
The Weduesday club will meet with
Mrs W H Butterfield tomorrow The
subject for cousideration will be Rus
sian Art and Artists uuder tho direc
tion of Mrs George Butterfield
James Powell better kuowu ns
Grandpa Powell who has been living
with his son-in-law Mr Muusou leaves
ou Thursday for Saudwich 111 where
he will make his homo with his young
est daughter Mr Powell is SI years
Pete Stiert nud family departed for
Chicago Inst night Mr Stiert has been
nn employee of tho beet sugar factory
here since 1S91 He has secured a posi
tiou with F W Wolfe Co who con
duct three sugar factories iu Michigan
Pete will locate at Kalamazoo after n
visit of several days in the Windy City
W W Luuger special ngeut for the
Union Pacific laud department has just
returned from the prairie districts in the
western part of tho state He says tho
loss is hard to estimate miles upou miles
of pasture has been destroyed nud it
will be at least two years before tho
prairies will resume their wonted green
Tho case brought agniust Miss Rich
nrds one of the school teachers nt Madi
son for whipping and abusing a pupil
was brought before County Superinten
dent Crum Saturday After hearing
the evidence that official dismissed the
case the evidence beiug considered iu
sullicent Her certificate wns uot re
A much surprised iudividunl yester
day nfternoou wns H F Guthrie repre
senting Schmoller Mueller of Omaha
dealers in piauos when he wns arrested
for violation of the ordinance relative to
selling goods iu the city without a
license He was takeu before Judge
Hayes plead guilty nud paid 10 iu flues
nua costs There is a prevalent iguor
mice of the city ordiunuces which gets
many people into trouble People who
desire to cauvass the city for any class
of goods or merchandise should uuder
staud that it is first necessary to get a
license to do it from tho proper authori
ties or they are quite liable to have a
prompt interview with Judge Hayes
with subsequout fines aud costs
The Fremont Tribune very pertinently
calls attention to a now way out of tho
slavery that is so common everywhere
on the part of the women to the church
debts nud church expenses It would
seem to havo muoh to commeud it nud
is certaiuly worth tryiug The Tribuuo
say Tho Methodists of Allen up iu
Dixon couuty are n practical lot of peo
ple As usual they havo a church debt
but they havo adopted a quite uuusuul
plnu of wiping it out They huvo leased
forty acres of laud aud propose to farm
it and devote tho proceeds to paying off
their religious obligations tho members
contributing seed nnd labor to tho enter
prise nud letting God aud the rams do
44 Great Haste is Not
Always Good Speed
ZMany people trust to luck
to pull them through and are
often disappointed Do not
dilly dally in matters of
health With it you can
accomplish miracles With
out it you are 44 no good
Keen the liver kidneys bowels and
blood healthy bv the use of Hoods Sar
Eaparilla the faultless blood purifier
Dyspepsia- I know a positive relief
or dyspepsia and that Is Hoods Sarsapa
rlllu It cured me My neuralgia also
stopped W B Haldwin 104 Oak Street
WnRhamton New York
Tired Feeling - Mr appetite was
capricious my liver disordered and I was
tired Hoods Sarsararllla relieved It all
It cured a friend of mine of female weak
ness Mbs Jessie a Meauns Clavton ni
Hooclt Mill cure Uver lilt the iinnlrritatlrtK ami
only cathartic to taVa with u sArtlfnV