The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, April 20, 1899, Page 9, Image 9

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tmnw w
Knows that the Peerless Remedy
for Diseases of the Liver
Kidneys and Bladder is
It has Cured Thousands of Des
perate Cases Try It
Free Reclining Chair Gars on all Trains
two daily fast tka1ns kacii way
iut iin
Atchison Kansas City
and St Louis
With direct connections to all South
ern and Eastern points
Unexcelled time and accommodations
to tlm
Famous Hot Sorines of Arkansas
For moro complete information descriptive
pamphlets etc address
A O F and P A T P A
Southeast Cor 14th ami DoiikUh Ste
Piles or Hemorrhoids
Fissures Fistulas
Burns Scalds
I J Wounds Bruises
Cuts Sores
Boils Tumors
Eczema Eruptions
Salt Rheum Tetters
Chapped Hands
Fever Blisters
Sore Lips Nostrils
O Corns Bunions
Stings Bites of Insects
Three Sizes 25c 50c and 100
Sold by druggists or sent post paid on receipt of pries
IICHrllIliYS51lD0 Ill A 111 nimmStNwVotk
Solicitor and Attorney In Patent Causes
1730 New York Ave
IllcoostablUliod lH Uhuro8 moderate Cor
regpomlenco requested
Best Reached in Through Cars
by Louisville Nashville R R
Write for hfomitton Is
ATMORE Ctrl I Pass Agent
The Times Tribune Has a Fam
ily Row
Hut tin Ihlnlin Ho lloldntln IHli Cm do
Hint ltdfiiiei tit Iteiiiiiln Dlt ImrRcd
Sue tlm Company for III Sulurj Ollicir
SttltH HroiiKlit llio Iapnr linn Had 11
dim koreil Ciirrnr
From Mondarn Dally
Them is troublo in the olllco of the
Times Tribune The first ollleiitl In
foriuntion tho public hurt that every
thing wns not running along smoothly
was when the paper appeared yesteuluy
morning with a notico signed by C S
Evans president of tho Norfolk Print
ing Co stating that Ira L Huugerford
waH no lougor employed on that papor
and warning tho public to do no busi
ness with him Mr Hungorford has
been tho niannger of tho business fiinee
last Ootobor
The notico yesterday morning seems
to have been given because of trouble
betweou Evans and Hungeiford over tho
lattors Balary which culminated Satur
day oveuiug in suit being brought by
Huugerford against the company lor
about i0 the amount claimed to be
still duo him
After summons bad been served upon
Mr Evans as president of tho company
ho wrote the notico which was to appear
in Sunday mornings paper About
midnight Huugerford discovered tho
copy of the notice and taking it iiom
the hook tore it up The story is that
Hungerfoid wont homo about I oclock
in tho morning and after be had gone
tho foreman ot the ofllco sent to Mr
Evans and asked what should bo done
about tho notice Evans lewioto tho
notico and sent it to tho ollice wheie it
was placed in typo and niado up in the
forms Just as tho paper was about to
bo piintcd Mr Huugeifoid appeared
upon the scene and as manager ordered
that tho piess bo stopped and tho notico
removed While the nianoger and foie
uinu weio arguing this point E 111s
came in and under his orders tho paper
was printed with tho notice There
was a warm time for awhile about the
institution and the E aus forces sent
for a Dolicenian to keep order but bis
services were not needed
After the issuance of tho paper both
factions rested timing tho day the only
evidence that there was war being the
maintenance of a wutchmau in tho
building all of yesterday and last night
This morning Huugerford appeared at
the ollice at the opening of business and
during the day ho has been seen thero
evidently laboring under the impression
that ho is still manager of tho institu
In conversation with a News repre
sentative this morning Mr Huugerford
said that he does not recognio the
authority of tho president to depose
hii manager and that he could only
be discharged at a meeting of stock
holders where n majority of tho shares
wero represented Hence he proposes
to hold on and in turn warns people not
to pay money now duo the concern to
anyone except upon his order He says
the troublo arose over tho fact that ho
thought it about time ho received his
salary claiming ho has only diawn
enough to pay his board since ho be
came manager
Mr Evans was seen and ho states
that tho notice was published because
Mr Huugerford took tho books homo
with him and failed to return them
Mr Evans says Huugerford was dis
missed because tho company had no
further use for him
Tho Times Tribune seoms to have had
a checkered career since it branched out
as a daily last August When it started
P W Spraguo was its business man
ager After r mining until October ho
gave up tho financial fight and resigned
the management to Mr Hungorford
When this gentleman took charge the
paper had a host of old bills hanging
over it and it must bo admitted that ho
has made a desperate struggle to main
tain tho business Ho is to bo credited
with having put lots of energy into tho
work but from tho start ho has been
leading a forlorn hope and ho says ho is
now fully satisfied that Norfolk never
did prosont a living field for a second
In face of tho most rigid economy the
business has been constantly losing
ground and the claims against it now
amount to about 700 Since Mr
Hungorford sued the company for his
salary other suits have been brought
aud within another day it is likely all
the claims will be pressing in court
Tho stock of the compauy is owned by
O S Evaus F W Spraguo and Mr
Guilinger The later now lives in
Madison and Mr Sprague gave up tho
fight about three weeks ago when ho
quit in disgust He is now supposed to
be in Missouri
The futuro of tho paper seoms uncer
tain Mr Evans says that ho expects to
coutiuuo its publication but a gentle
man from Madison today states that
it was announced thero that Guiliuger
had transferred his stock to
A P Clnlds of the Madison
Reporter who it is said will come and
take the management It is further re
ported from Madisou that Mr Evaus is
negotiating for the purchase of tho He
porter which he is to take charge of
in tho uear future
It must be admitted that the affairs of
tho concern are in a very procarions con
dition and tho history of its losses would
hntdly scorn a sufficient inducement for
anyone to attempt to rovivo it
iriiln O tiring Itfllof
to tho coffeo drinker Calico thinking
is a habit that is universally indulged in
and almost as universally Injurious
Havoyou tried Oruin O It is almost
liko coffeo but theollects are Just tho
opposito Calico upsets tho stomach
ruins the digestion ellects tho heart
and disturbs the whole nervous system
Ornhi 0 tones up the stomach aids
digestion and sticngthons tho nerves
Thoro is nothing but nourishment in
Gialn O It cant bo otherwise 15
and cuts per package
mutator Cliuri
Elevator and trimming chaiges an
100000 bushels of gtain in in port of
Now York single transfer 17S50
Samo amount of grain at Illinois Cen
tral elevator at Now Orleans 125 Ex
tinct from letter of Capt M Do Puy in
Now York Mall and Expiess af March
1 lSIIl
Sailors of Yorktown Fall Into
Hands of Insurgents
Kntlion KiTiiko to Trout With Aumrlrnim
Ileiiteimnt lllmoro mid Pourlnnii Mn
Tiikon Ounliimt W11 Milking Altiimpt
to IttiliMmn Spillllnll 1irl Uoll lit Iliilnm
XVIimi Surprint In bpiiini
Washington Apiil 10 Tho navy
department has given out the following
fiisputch fiom Admiral Dewey
Manila April 18 Secretary of tho
Navy Washington Yoiktawn visited
Bulein east coast of Luz n Apul 13
for tho purpose of rescuing and bung
ing away tho Spanish forces consisting
of SO soldiers tlneo officers and two
priests which woio suriounded by 100
lnui gents Some ol tho insurgents
woio armed with Mauser rilles
Lieutenant T O Gilntoro whilo
making ambushed weio filed
upon and captured Fate unknown as
insurgents lefused to communicate aft
erward Tho following aro missing
Tho officer previously rofonod to Clnof
Quartermaster W Walton Coxswain
J Ellsworth Gunners Mato II T
Hygard Sailmukors Mato Vondgit
Seanion W II Kyndcrs and O W
Woodbury Apprentices D W A Von
villa A J Peterson Ordinary Soainen
P BrKolcso O B McDonald Lands
men L T Edwards F Anderson J
Dillon and O A Morissoy Diwiy
The s denote portions of tho dispatch
which could not bo deciphered
Landsman Morrissoy is from Lincoln
Washington April 10 Tho capturo
of the Yorktowus men was discussed
with much feeling in naval circles Tho
misfortuuo was felt with added keen
ness as tho navy has prided itself thus
far on immunity from reverses Tho
admirals dispatch of yesterday was tho
first knowledge the dopirtmont had
that the Yorktown had gonoon this spe
cial mission to rolievo tho Spanish gar
rison at Baler That tho capturo should
have been effected whilo tho American
forces wero on a mission of mercy to
ward tho Spaniards rather than in the
prosecution of a campaign led to tho bo
lief that Spain would havo no further
ground for questioning- tho good faith
with which the Americans wero seeking
to relievo the condition of tho Spanish
Although tho dispatch gavo no indica
tion that Lieutenant Gilmoro and his
men had lost their lives yet great anx
iety was felt by tho myptory surround
ing their futo whilo in tho hands of an
uncivilized enemy This is tho first
capturo of any Americans military or
naval so that it is unknown how tho
iusurgonts will treat our men If civil
ized methods wero pursuod an exchango
could bo quickly effected as General
Otis lias a largo uumbor of Filipino
prisoners but tho Insurgents havo boon
averse thus far to exchanging Spanish
prisoners aud this raises a question as
to what they will do with tho York
towns inon The purpose of officials
hero is to sparo no offort to s8curo the
speedy release of our men
Filipinos Strive For Ianoe
Manila April 19 A number of
prominent and wealthy Filipinos aro
organizing a committee to take steps to
bring about if possible an understand
ing between tho robols and tho Ameri
cans Ono branch of this committee
intends to ask tho United States Phil
ippine commission to mako a statement
as to what terms will bo offered tho
rebels if tho lattor will surrender An
other branch of tho coinmitteo will ap
proach Aguinaldo with tho terms aud
will endeavor to persuade him to ac
cept them It is considered doubtful
however if any mombors of tho com
mittee will daro to personally confer
with the rebel leador Tho committee
includes several persons recently con
demned to doath by Aguinaldo for pe
titioning him to cease fighting
Mlmiurl Floods Fort Pierre
Pieuhe S D April 10 The Mis
souri river has backed up through a
bayou and washed out about half a mile
of Northwestern track east of hero 20
miles No through trams are running
Tho nvor is still within its banks 011
the Piorro side but at Fort Pierre peo
ple aro paddliug through tho streots m
I mm CoiiKrrKHtloiinl Association
Atlantic la April 19 The 50th
general association of tho Congrega
tional churches aud ministors of Iowa
will bo hold in this city on May 17 to
21 inclusive at which tiiuo many of
the prominent ministers and citueus of
the state will be iu utteuduuoa
Opened at Washington
Ilioj Illt llldn Lot illloll Wlilil Nrnltil Ill
llmiiiKli tlm Icmmi mill at 1ih i Itiini
lllg Kruill 1000 In 1 IOIIO All AkiiI
ol tlm 1 rciiiim HiiHiiliiinut 111 oiiin
to Not folk 11111I lim HioNlto i
Irom Moniln n lullj
Heal estate did not take such a tre
mendous boom lifter all because af the
fact that the scoietary af tho housury
had mhoitisert for bids on piapeily
suit able for the location ol a United
Stales public building in Not folk As
provided in the adveitiseiuenl tho pto
posals far sites wore opened an Satur
day in Washington by Supervising
Architect Tuyloi The oilers me as
H A Stewart noithoiistoornor Nor
folk avenue and Fifth street 19000
O W lnskeopot al southeast corner
Madison avenue and Fifth street
1 1500
1j M Gayloid southwest comer
Phillip avenue and Fmtith shoot 1000
Lena Marquardt and Augusta Hiuiu
mond northeast comer Madison uvonuo
and Fifth sheet 7500
lulin Koonigstein northwest corner
Norfolk avenue and Seventh sheet
5riO same northeast coiner Koenig
stoln iivnniia and Eighth stieet 11500
same sunt Ins est comer Phillip inenue
and Sovonth sheet 2500
C and A Kaia southeast
Phillip aveiiio and Faint h
Wilkinson noithnst
avenue and Third
O H Lauo and wife to Carl
Piunowdoij 29-22-1
i ornei
George Davenport southeast comei
Binnseh avenue and Fouitli sheet
Isaac C Povveis uoitheist
Madison avenue and Fourth
Adam Kesolund el ul coiner
and Mam streets 9500
F A Biyiint NmfoUc avenue be
tween Second and fluid sheets 90
John L Zoeehlor Braiscli avenune
mid Fouitli sheet 2r0
Mrs D It Daniels and T F Mom
niinger southwest comer Norfolk uvo
nuo and First sheet 5HX
Margaret Hito and Julia II Egbert
southwest corner Madison avenuo and
Fouitli street 8000
C B Bui rows southeast coiner Madi
son uvonuo and Fourth street 5000
C B Burrows sumo location Binallei
lot 1000
Carl Wildo northwest corner Park
uvonuo and Fifth street 2700
Fred E Hardy southeast corner Nor
folk avenuo and Eleventh sheet 2000
O B Durland southeast corner Nor
folk nvonuo and Sixth sheet 1 0000
Mary S Braasch southwest corner
Phillip avenuo and Ninth stieet 0000
It is announced from Washington
that the supei vising aichitect or an
agent ot tho tieasuiy dcpiitmcnt will
visit tho city and select the site
Tho oilers aro all low when the
market price of real estate is taken into
consideration and tho government will
havo no difficulty in securing 11 good
location at a mere nominal figure
lEcul Km iii liaiiHlntH
Tho following transfers of real est at
aro reported by Chester A Fuller man
ager of tho Madisou comity abstract
olllco nt Norfolk
Joseph A Bent to L A
ton wd sjiooo oo
Martha Stephens and husband
to Conrad Kampman wd lot
9 block W T L Cos first ad
dition Norfolk Junction 500 00
Waruor Halo and wife to P H
Ingoldsby wd yx acres in sw
125 00
r700 00
J T Ames and wife to John M
Cook wd 0 nwH 19 22fl 1JJ50 00
W M Robortson aud F P
Wigton and wife to Anna G
Robertson wd w3 lot 2 block
1 Koonigsteius addition Nor
folk 0500 00
Joseph A Bent to Goorgo Niles
wd swH 292Ji 1800 00
E F Princeto E H Horst wd
s22 feet lot r aud s21 feet lots
0 7 and 8 block lJ F W
Barnes first addition to Madi
Norfolk Beet Sugar Co to
American Beet Sugar Co mv
ij loel ueH 10-21-1
5000 00
1 00
Sadie Bryant lies and husband
to II K Wilcox spl wd lots 1
2 and J block 2Jlots 1 8 and
block a and o1 110 nwjf 115-21-1
20 CO
Shonir to II K Wilcox sd e
noi nwjf 15-24-1 also blocks
2 and 1 Walnut Grove Nor
folk 1010 00
John Loren to J T Ames spl
wdej nw4 19-22-ii
Josoph L Baker mid Jwifo to
Sven Larson wd swj 18 mid
ws uwL4 19-21-1
William B Story and wife to
Sarah McConuoll wd so 1 1
2U 2
Noifolk H L association to
Cora V Dunn wd partvof lot
2 block 3 Pasownlks addition
1200 00
5500 CO
2 jOO CO
700 00
Iloea Collee A tree With You
If uot drink Graiu O mado from
pure grains A lady writes The first
time I made Gralu 0 I did not like it
but after using it for one weok nothing
would Induce me to go back to collco
It nourishes aud feeds the system The
children can drink it freely with great
benefit It is the strengthening sub
stance of pure giuius let a package
today from your grocer follow tin
diiectioiis in mtUlng it and you will
have a delicious and healthful table
mm 1 ago I01 old and young 15 and 25c
Tumily Mm lri out Kngliinnr Tnrps Tnkn
Fimiidi 1 nun ul Honolulu
San FitAMisco A pill 19 Tho fol
lowing advices ft out Honolulu under
date of Aptil II weio loeolvod by the
steamship Coptic Tweiity thieo of tho
Japanese who took pait ill tho inceiit
riot at lCuhuku plantation will have to
ntiuid tiial Six of tho men aro charged
with muider aud 17 with riottnu
The hanspoitH Cleveland and City af
Pueblu both sailed far Manila on tho
0th The Pimhln reported 20 deserters
principally mining tho engineers do
paitineut The hanspoil oulundia ar
rived fiom Sail FiunoUeo on the 0th and
sailed tin no days lattr
It ill In k Iuvor HiiuUrtiptK
Four Doimiic la April 19 An Im
noitant itiltnir has been made bv J A
O Yeoman lofeiee in bunkruploy for
thlH distiict in the O F Wonnetshuin
bankruptcy case which has just closed
The tilling is lelutivo to tho clause iu
the coihi which oxuinptH fuol and pio
visioiiH fat the baukiupt fornix mnntliti
Uefetoe Yeoman held that itiasniueh as
voiy few men if thoy were honest in
their intention to turn their piopeity
over to then leililaiH have laid iu a
supply at piovisions and fuel foi six
mouths that an cquit able lutoi pi elation
of tho elaiiso would necessitate the al
lovviinee ot money 111 lieu of the piovis
ions that had not been kept in supply
Dmilxluii S11I1I lo Itu Against liilu
London Aptil 19 The Pans cone
spnntlout ol the Times M do Blow it
retelling to tho Illinois that tliecoutt
ol cassation will ahiidgo tho Dtoylus
revision inquiry In older to enable the
government to go belote the chamber
ot deputies with 11 well defined situa
tion and that its decision will be
against levisiou an the gioiinrt af tho
nondiscoveiy ol now facts says Such
11 solution would only lesull in a con
tinuance ol the struggle iu a 111010 vio
lent and ditugeioiiH loim than ever not
only 111 Fiunco but tluoughout tho civ
ilued woild
Dim Mn Vliiiiitiit lilriliitlon
Atlvnik Cm N J April 19 Six
horns weio devoted by tho Republican
niouetarv commission yestoiday to the
consuleiation ol monetary legislation
There will be morning and ul tot noon
sessions and if occasion demands night
sessions will be held Yesterdays ses
sion was devoted lather to expiessiou
of opinions Tho next few days will be
occupied by discussions intended to do
fine tho attitude ul the friends of the
establishment ol the gold standard and
tho retirement of tho greenbacks
J lirtiK SulliM iilnil lj Ninolin
Chicago April 19 Early this morn
ing threu people wero smothered to
death by smoke 111 a small frame build
ing at 012 Milwaukee avenue The
dead inc Maiy Tvvohy Charles Mon
iighau mid a man named Hamilton
Tho tluee hud been drinking together
and it is thought ouu of them upset a
kerosene lump
1 illinium In I Im LiMid
Tallahassih Fla April 19 Tho
first ballot lor United States senator
was taken yestoiduy by separate vote in
each house of tho legislature Tho total
vote in both houses gavo Taliafero 10
Pasco HI Call 8 blank aud scattuung
7 Necessary for a choice 51
niirduor Knciildt Out llopklm
Wiikllimi W Va April 19 Be
fore the biggest crowd evor 111 tho Met
ropolitan club Oscar Uardnor last night
knocked out Joe Hopkins of Buthilo 111
the 15th round of what was to have
been a 20 round bout
The leading mills at Liwrouco Mai
are now under direction of the trust and
ate closed down
The Koyul Canadian Yacht club has
tunned Monday August 21 as tho datoof
the Hist nice for the Canada cup
May Hempstead won tho Toiiiiohsoo
del by al MimphlH Tuesday by a
length Chancery second lio Planter
Justice Peckham United Slates su
premo colli t dccldoH the Michigan
law legulallug sale of I MX mile tickets
Id invalid
ieiieial lloni ooiniuundlng tho do
pal lint ill ol Polio llto has iislced to bo
lelieved horn his piesent duty an ac
count af ill health
The timispoit McPherson fotuiuily
the Milium has left San Juan loilo
Rico with llilgiidier General Pied 1
Giant and the colonial commission on
TlieciuiHor Chicago sailed Tuesday
0111122000111110 ciiilse uudei command
ul Item Admlial llavvison She pasties
mound Alrlca going tluough the Medl
Woid bus been leeelved of the wicck
of the ban Ptaucisco whaling hit h
Hoiallo on a icel at the culiuiicu to
Pait hitau In the Uuollno gioup No
lives weie lost
Theoiloie Clnlstiau a Fiench portrait
pilutei Is engaged on a panning lepie
seiitlng the signing al Ibe pence
taiol Those pioscnt Havo consented to
sit tor the plcline
iaveiuoi Thomas has announced that
he will veto the bill piHseil bv the Col
in ido gcnctul assembly at its lecent ses
Moll pioviiiiug tut an iiiileteimtiiutu
sentiiue with paiale pmileijes for
pi Is IK is
llllTMilll II
1UU l ILLt
25 CTS I
nnci Livor
Bold liy nil driiuulntil
or hi lit hy mull
NcnllnMcdknlCij ChlcifO
Ioi sale b I 01 111 v Ding CoNoilolk
March April and May
IltoiH Vnlml will
T run
n fill I I lllltlHHflliCIH IxrlltHioIIH lo
jJVJ U 1 Jl lllltlllll pnllllH III tllllbolltllllll
tlm 111 4 of iIik IIIIiiuIh mi
nil mid N i n A MiHHinniiipi nlle ItiiilroiiitH
fiuiii nil Kliiliiiim 011 lliii IIIIiiuIh cnl nil wi Ht of
mid Including Alil n mid ft in polnln on tlm
IN In mid ilar lliipliIhliriincliiHon March 20th
April pi iind 17th and Mn 1st unci 151I1 mid
from nil polntH inl of Mini including Williiima
one diij Inter tliiin the dnt h liiimcd
I III Ill Solltlllllll lllllllK Hllkl rn pllliln till-
kciiImh i ilitml lliiiiiririilliiriil ink iiiIukih Ilin
ul nnil piodurtH ul nil iiiiintH Hontli of tin
Ohio Khei on III llni h of I In iiliovn miiitioiii d
ioiuIh lor 11 cups nililii H tlm 11111I1 imniil
I 01 iiiformiition i 0111 1 mini Itnlliuuil IiuiiIhIii
Die fciiili inon Vnllij of MihHiHniiipl inldriHM
I I 3ki 1111 t mil fiuiiiiiithioiii r I It II nt
I IlilllKo
lloni hi 1 lo rn KxiiirKinn
IlM Will Iklhil III hlild fiom hill
tioiin III I null 1 lint of III 1 1 1 iu
liiduu dnr IiiIIh mill from
poiiitHou tin mid Idnr Itnpidn lirmiLliiH
rt1nrill 2l t April III unil iStll and flnv 2d
nnJ 1OH1 t 1 poiuth on the IIHuoih Ilitrnl Hnil
lond i uliirli tin one wnj rnte ih i IjU or ofor
ill S nt i Diikotn M huh inlii mid ill town to
pi Iriti uiHt of Viklej ii cIuhIm nxtipt poiiitn
Ul hi lf LllMlllH
ttomc seckem Hxcunloris to Points on other
I liirs ol Kullronds
I li lllinniH 1 nlrnl will nihil null im tlm Ill tit
iind lliird I u h iu Mnrcli pnl nuil May
Horn LxciirHiou lickntu to pointH on
foreign lniiH of riillronilH in uiHn of tlm
Wimtirn SontliwcHtiirn mid Sontlnrn Stntcn
l or rnli h roiitiH i tr inipilri of jour ueiinttt
Illinois Central Ticket Aucnt
All IIoiih msikiiH KxciiiHiun TicketH arn Hold
at rati of
for tin round trip Tiokntu limited to 21 day
for ruturn
j r 4iiiun
A i Y A Ill Cent It II
Diiiugu Iowa
Boils and Pimples
Give Warning
2r nwx
When Nature is overtaxed she haa
her own wiv of giving notice that assist
ance ii needed She does not ask for
help until it is impossible to get along without
it Bnls and punplci are an indication that
the riVhtem is accumulating impurities which
rnn liri n must bo gotten rid of they are an urgent appeal for assistance
rUn nCLli a warning that can not safely bo ignored
To no lect to punt the lilori 1 at tins
time means moro than tho annoyance of p miful Iwils and
unsightly pimples If these impurities are allowed to
remain the system succumbs to any ordinary illness and is
unable to withstand the many ailments which are so
prevalent during spring and summer
Mrs Li Gentile 2001 Secon I Avenue Seattle Wash
says I was allhoted for a long time with pimples which
were very annoying as they disfigured my face fearfully
After using many other in vain S S S promptly
and thoroughly cleansed my b ood and now I rejoice iu
a good complexion which I never had before
uapi w n uuniap oi mo a l s
R It Chattanooga Term writes
Several boils und carbuncles broko out upon me causing
great pain and annoyance My blood seemed to be iu
a riotous conlition and uotbiug I took seemed to do
any good Six bottles of S S S cured mo comnletelv
JfM and my blood has been perfectly pure ever since
is the best blood remedy because it is purely vegetable
and is the only ono that is absolute free from potash aud mercury It
promptlv purifies the blood and thoroughly cleanses the system builds up
tho general heilth aud streugth It cures Scrofula Bozetna Cancer Rheuma
tism Tetter Boils Sores etc by going direct to the cause of the trouble and
forcing out all impure blood
Books free to any addrea by the Swift Specific Co Atlanta Oil