The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, April 20, 1899, Page 3, Image 3

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The rourn the World
Best 5 for the Money
All Wool
in Black
Blue and Brown
Ulster T Overcoat
lrlah I Superior Ail Wool
in Block T in Black
Brownand Mixed
Blue and Drown
Genuine Carney
in Block Brown
Gold and Oxford Mxd
Nearly every wide awake Merchant In America handles
these Coats If your dealer docs not write to us and
we will see that you arc supplied
rtnrers iiinn 1 1
of CLOTHING Chicago
Norfolk Weekly News Reduced to 1
a Year for Cash In Advance
Opportunity for Young Men and Women
Boys and Girls to Make Money
During the IS years that The Norfolk Weekly News
has been published no subscriber has ever received it for less
than 150 per year This price has been maintained in the
face of cheaper competition because it has always been con
ceded that Tiik News is the best weekly paper published in
this section of the state being printed all at home and giving
later telegraphic news and recording more local events than
any other It has always been well worth the price asked
for it and will continue to steadily improve in all its varied
departments in the future But in response to the large
class of people who desire to pay in advance we have decided
to make the following
To every subscriber who will pay S100 in advaaice
News will be sent for one year
To every old subscriber who will pay up all arrearages
to date and 100 in advance The News will be sent for one
Every subscriber who pays one year in advance will be
presented with a copy of Kendalls Perfected Receipt Book
admitted to be the best cook book on the market containing
besides suggestions as to the care of the sick recipes for the
ailments of stoek etc which are invaluable on any farm and
in any household Those who cannot call at The News office
for the book will include 5 cents extra for postage
Any subscriber or member of fclae family of a subscriber
who secures for us one or more new cash in advanee sub
scriptions will be paid 25 cents for each new name and 100
which they may send to this office
Those who have paid in advance afc tho regular rate will
be credited the additional time at the new rate Those who
do not pay in advance will continue to be charged the old
rate of 150 per year
This special offer will continue until April 1 unless
sooner withdrawn which we reserve the right to do Address
all communications to
Norfolk Nebraska
The time on the above is extended to May 1st
V r - r v i i r k
i rom ioc a uouDie kom up
1 in ni i in i r
i winaow wanes noom mournings raints uns ulass
104 N 4tbSt
Brushes Etc Etc
raiuuug rapcr jaiiguiKi auu uciuiauvc VYOTK 81 I HIT FrICeS
VMvfA t1
Council Decides to Continue
After Water
HutluT it tltrly SikoIiiii Kill All lllo
tniititlliittii Hut Ono Vntn lo Mult Miiw
Minify In tlir iiinillinun lint
lurk MiiihIh Mil mill HrtiiriU tint Only
Nrgiitlwi Vnlii
Iioiii WrdllrwInyH Daily
At tliu nuitiiiK of the city council lust
evening it wns decided to continue the
new city well to u depth of 1000 unless
Buillcicnt wnterbo found sooner
Kvory councilman wns in hid Fcnt
when the mayor rapped for order and
stntcd that the special meeting had been
called for the purpose of determining
whether work should bo stopped or con
tinued on tho city well
Tho committee on public works sub
mitted the following report
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council Gentlemen Your committee
having in chargo the sinking of the new
well at the waterworks beg to submit
tho following Commencing at feet
us reported in previous report we con
tinued to drill through the same blue
shale which varies slightly in hardness
until at tho depth of 111 feet then strik
ing a bed of sand rock ol a dark color
Penetrating this about two feet we so
cured stiillcient water to raise about Mil
feet in tho well Owing to caving in of
tho blue shalo below tho 8 inch casing
about fiOO feet down and not being
able to sink the 8 inch easing further
wo secured 1 inoli casing and now have
500 feet of this size down and have
drilled 22 feet beyond Passing through
tho strata of sand rock which wo think
is between seven and eight foot in thick
ness wo again find the blue sliale and
no visible increase in tho supply of water
at this depth viz 12J feet We there
fore ordered work to cease ponding
your action and further advico and wo
hurt that tno cost to tlie city so lar is up
proximately as follows
IiO fcot S inch well at 270 per
foot 11 8J fiO
22 feet 8 inch well at i00 per
100 feet 8 inch well at iSJIS per
70 feet 8 inch well at 350 per
8 iiich casing paid by city
702 feet 1 inch casing paid by
210 00
iiit 00
77 00
2M 01
city IISI 40
Extra labor for steam 00 00
Estimated extra coal for steam lao 00
Safioo oo
Respectfully submitted
W H Dkxtek
Anton Bixiioi
II II Pattkiison
It was moved by Councilman Brum
mund that tha committee be instructed
to sink tho well to the depth of 1000
feet unless miillcieut water bo found at
a less depth
The mayor called fortxpressicms upon
tho question from taxpayers present
II W Wiutor advocated continuing
tho well saying it would bo foolish to
drop 2100 as the well would bo value
less if thocnsing wero pulled tp
W Ii Wiuamau recited tho experi
ence of other towns that became dis
couraged and wero going to give it up
but continued mid secured artesian
wells Ho believes there is plenty of
water to bo had for going after it
Couuoilman Mullock said that there
is no nocessity of going deoper as plenty
of pure wntor can be secured nt a mcch
less depth Physicians say no typhoid
fever over canio from tho city water
and that it is absolutely pure The city
nau no money tocontinuo and ho was
against it He said that no member of
the council would do business for him
self as this city bufliness is being done
and ho thought it was all wrong
Councilman Dexter said ho had a let
ter from Niobrara where there are two
artesian wells about 1100 feet deep and
tho water is good
Councilman Degner said that before
the well was started Commissioner Pat
torson claimed that the peqplo objected
to tho water now being used The coun
cilman favored going until bettor wator
is reached
Geo N JJeelssaid he did not think
tho water now used ia tho best but on
the contrary considered it very joor
Ho would not stop short of ai00 feet
Councilman Dexter said the vein of
water Btruuk at 010 feet is far better
ithau tho 100 foot vein
There being no further remarks roll
call was called upon the motion of
Councilman Brummund to continue tho
well to tho depth of 1000 feet which
was carried by a vote of seven to one
Those voting ayo wero Councilmeu
Bmmmund Encholz Degner Dexter
Heekman Vielo Uhlo No Bnllock
Soutk Norfolk New
Mr John Beach is on the sick list
Mrs Al Shrider is ou the sick list
Mrs Askins is tho proud possessor of
a now wheel
Mrs Fairbanks made a business trip
to Fremout Monday
Miss Kllla Barrett visited with friends
in ONeill over Sunday
Miss Maud Hussell is out again after
being confined to tho house for some
time with a bad cold
The E M V camo to tho con
clusion that thoy had 10 too muny men
iu their employ so there are ten more
men hunting work
Frauds and Edith Vielo are the proud
possessors of now wheels Tho girls
seem to understand what wheels are for
nud put them in good use
A number of the sheep shearers who
canio here from Schuyler struck for
higher wages hut on not getting what
they wanted they went to Wyoming
where they had other employment
Mrs Linerodo started for another
visit in lloone yesterday morning Site
will meet Mr Linerodo in Omaha as he
is returning from the Hot Springs health
resort and from Omaha they will go on
to lioone
O V liOinont is at Wayne
M C llazen wns at Stanton
A O lenson of Fremont was iu
city yesterday
Miss Ida Melcalf went to Madison
day to visit friends
Mrs Win Spernmu was shopping in
tho city this morning
Nov J K Fowler of Madison is visit
ing Rev A Hodgotts
John CI Warrick of Meadow CJrove
spent the day in Norfolk
Mrs Ida Whitehead of Beatrice is
visiting her aunt Mrs Anna Short
The Salvation Army will hold a pound
meeting tomorrow evening at their hull
A line trotting horse belonging lo Will
Johnson was shipped to ijt Joe Mo
Three carload of cattle were brought
in from Sioux City yesterday by Henry
KiiBign Olson will given free graphn
plione entertainment at tlie Salvation
Army hall tonight Dont miss it
Miss Wood wishes to meet all the
members of the Amity and their
friends at tho Oxnard next Friday even
Tlie ladies society of tho Congrega
tional church will meet in tlie lecture
room of tlie church tomorrow afternoon
at 2
Mrs 10 J Schorregge loft for St
Charles Minn yesterday uj on receiv
ing a telegram informing her of tho
serious illness of her mother
Tho funeral of little Raymond lnr
vianco was held at tho family residence
yesterday forenoon Tlie services were
conducted by Rev U II Main
Tlie entertainment to bo given at tho
Oxnard next Friday evening promises to
bo one of the joliiest of tho season The
Womans guild will seve refreshments
Tickets lf cents
Tho Ladies Aid society of the Metho
dist church will meet tomorrow after
noon with Mrs Rose Hewins at J U
oclock Ladies of the society are re
quested to note the change in tho time of
meetiuB and to conio prepared for sow
A meeting of Trinity church guild
will bo held at tlie homo of Mrs D J
Koouigstein south Tenth street -at 2 l0
tomorrow afternoon Mcmliors aro
urgently requested to bo present as this
is tlie annual meeting for election of
Corporal Wwltor F Reilly Co F who
diod of fever ut Manila on tho 0th inst
was a Madison county boy His mother
lives at Madison and received her first
information of the sad event from the
news dispatches This is the third life
that this county has buerillcod since tlie
Spanish war began
Tho gentle showor this morning and
tho roll of heavens artillery in tho dis
tance were vory welcome It will hry
tlie dust which iias settled upon every
thing and every body tho past weekand
refresh aud invigorate overy growing
thing There is need of heavy soaking
rains and tho prospect for their coming
this afternoon is excellent
Tho suits brought before Justico
Hayes by Irali Hungerford against tho
Times Tribune Co for money due him
for services rendered as business
mannger of that corporation wero set
for trial this morning A change of
venue had boon asked yesterday by C
S Evans president of tho company
ironi Justic Hayes to Justice Fuller
Jieforo action was taken this morning
on request of Hungorfords attorney G
A Latimer both cases were dismissed
Tho case will now be brought before
Judge Bates of tho Madiwm county
court Tho amoJiut involved La J0U
HunkltM HiipiieniriKH
A now barber shop is expected to be
open in a few days
W C Parsons and P Kautz were
Norfolk visitors bu Friday
Mr nud Mrs IL O Hockt drove over
to Norfolk Sunday to visit with friends
The O St P M O have six men
at work putting iu a new bridge east of
J Templiu returned to Belden last
Friday morning to resumo work in tho
Robert Fensko purchased the
brook farm three miles east of hero last
week He secured a uico piece of laud
for n nominal price
Last Friday ovening was Wm
erholt8 birthday and a crowd gathered
to surprise him on his arrival from
Pierce Well William was completely
takeii and overyone had a glorious time
in the games and feastiug that followed
Dont scratch your life away but use
Dr Sawyers Witch Hazel and Arnica
salve for eczema pileB hives burns aud
-St -
1- rrfV
Two Ytiiitlm Tiled Inr iirrjIiiK Con-
ceitlitl WiMipiiti ItrlilKitoril Clinruid
Willi Annillllt mill llullilv
Tlie quiet which has prevailed for the
past week in the city court has broil
On complaint of Richard Bathko two
colored young men Calvin Muller and
Arthur Mueltiier were arrested by Mill
cer Spaulding on tlie charge of currying
concealed weapons with intent to do
great bodily harm
At 10 oclock this morning the prison
ers were arraigned before Judge Hayes
and in answer to the charge plead not
guilty The testimony ot several wit
nesses proved otherwise however They
threatened Mathke last evening white
carrying guns After hearing the evi
dence Judge Hayes pronounced them
guilty of at least carrying concealed
weapons and gave them two hours In
which to leave town Buckners home
is said to be in Fort Custer Mont
Young Butler has lived hero and has
heretofore had a reputation of being
quiet and well behaved The judge
conditioned his going away by provid
ing that if he obtained steady employ
ment in tho city ntoueo ho might stay
On complaint of ICtta Wilson a war
rant was sworn out this morning against
Charles Bridgeford charging him with
assault and battery It is alleged that
Bridgeford this morning struck and
assaulted his wife and Miss Wilson his
wifes sister No arrest has been made
as Bridgeford has not yet been found
ltiih r in su iioiiih
Distressing kidney and bladder
disease relieved in six hours by New
Cleat South Anieilcau Kidney Cure
It Is a giout surprise on account of Its
exceeding pnniiplne ir n oicvim
pain in bladder kldieys aiii banc n
male or female Relieve rjlcniliin of
water almost Immediately If you
want quick relief and cure this Is the
remedy Sold by Koenigsteln Phar
macy NuiTolk Nob
A Tin mull Sliimlni Car
I lr lihi
List of letters remaining uncalled
I Inr
lliituriii hi IoiiIh mill lurk
Commencing December 17th the Lou
isville Air Line will inaugurate for the
season the great Through Sleeping Car
Route to Florida Through sleeping
cars will leave St Louis 016 p in daily
passing Louisville 7 a in Lexington
10 rj5 a m reaching Chattanooga rfj
p m Atlanta 1010 p in and Jackson
ville 8 a m second morning
Stojxivers allowed This route is
through largo cities and interesting
country and is ojKrated over most su
perior and well established lines of rail
way Tho schedules are fast mid most
Jn addition to tho almve schedule
lwiving St Louis ut night train leaving
St Louis 808 a in will arrive Jack
sonville the next night IOJp in mak
ing only one night out fxom St Louis to
This line also allords passengers for
Florida trip via Abbeville N 3 the
greatest American re
CorresiKindenoe solicited and inform
at ion promptly furnished It A Camp
iiill General Passenger Agent St
Louis Mo
Tins is ait o tho nest lino to pomt in
Kentucky Tennessee Georgia aud
North nud South Carolina
at the postoHiee April 17 180
George Barge Omer Deets F Green
berg Hannah Green Ida Mayer An
drew McFarland Katie Shields Ed
Smith Chester Swanson August Sol
If not called for in 10 days will bo
sent to the dead letter oflice
Parties calling for any of tho above
please Bay advertised
Dr J II McLeans Strengthening
Cordial and Blood Purifier is admirably
adopted to make a little health go n
long way ItB curative power is large
ly attributable to its stimulating nutri
tive and tonic properties by which tho
energy of the system is recruited It is
pleasant to the taste easily homo on the
stomach and harmless under prolonged
nse Price f0c and 1 a bottle Sold at
KoenigBteins phnrmacy
AVI II Cttlrurute KinuiicljnUlon liny
The Norfolk Linio Kiln Jubilee club
will celebrate Emancipation day May
2 Everybody is cordially invited to
come out and have a good timo
By order of the committee Mr Albert
JohiiBeu Harvey Smith Dave Shores
Zeck Ellis Bert Mitchell E G Mnson
Miss Ada Ellis Blanch Ellis Irene Ellis
Besio Doyd Ella Blair
pQn ffTPjW
Illvn In Children h drink
called It Is a delicious appe
tizing nourishing food drink to tako
the place of coffee Sold by all grocers
and liked by all who have used It be
cause when properly prepared it tastes
like the llnest collee but is free from all
Its injurious properties raln O nliln
iligestion and strengthens the nerves
It Is not ii stimulant but a health
builder and children as well as adults
can drink It with great benellt OosN
about one fourth as much as collen
lr and cents
Have ymi heard of IliefainoiiH Hot
Springs Arkansas Hundreds of peo
ple are being cured there daily of tho
iiii in
Thai cmifi j
Hangs i i
You have used al
S sorts of couth reme
up the body
dies but it does not i
yield it is too deep I
I seated It may wear
itself out in time but j
f it is more liable to f
j produce la grippe i
pneumonia or a
1 ous throat affection
j You need something I
f that will give youj
j strength and build f
mill At Uic tnkon nnriiVnct i
ttiii uu iiiij ttiv wij5
i else fails There is no doubt
j about it It nourishes f
strengthens builds up and I
j makes the body strong and
J healthy not only to throw t
j off this hard cough but to j
fortify the system against
I further attacks If you are i
I run down or emaciated you
I should certainly take this j
I nourishing food medicine
H anil i ii all iIiiirkIsM r
SCOTT Ai 1IOWNI Clitnmu New York T
Frazer Axle grease
thijb i Jvjr it Alnuwiunyec ha i A
iJYllM2fc fir jm
Not affected by Heat or Cold
Highest Awards at Centennial
Paris and Worlds Fair
Ftctoriei Chchgo St Louis flow York
Kor tlio euro of oil chrnuic nnil
iiciitn n lifi Kmnt prlu
nplofrpn from nil drum Aathmn
llruncliilibCiiturrli onnuniitioB
lliudaciic Ni iirnluiii KlitmnntiBm
Nomina iroNtnitliin ami iouoral
Debility curtoi by inhaling
Our homo tnatiufnt which con
tuim two monthii Hiipnlr of ora
IKiddiI Oxtupu iuhallUK npparn
ratan full direction trot U idt
part of tho country ThU Incluilet
upilleal biItIc c iluriiif treatuirnt
Pamphlet with advioe to th sick
home treatment and tetiuoniU
ins Qirard St
Philadelphia Pa i
Sheridan Hospital of Chronic Diseases
VelS ftiXiUd w ft all ficrffijbte lRliK i1 i1 W ul Iiwtltution in
OMumpllon curM by Miecial metlioI ued in lfurooea Uo iltSK curlua ca In irimarV
A5 i7 8 n9 I tTou treatment fw om ClSin HE
V VV2 UBini wiiero an curablo chronic dUeaw aro treatett hr lntoit l
i iitiflo incthol WHITE your troubles wiiwJd
etnmp for reply All ietterb mtrod 1
Pl ShffhiJncp Pshir UnT T eutJor aVn bl to TiKiVnOHpiUl
Uiuuty Hank
or any bunineeti man in lordon
ComulUtlon Free Examination Private
No teetimoniali publiihed SPECIAL DEPABTMENT FOB TREATMFNa n UOIUn
TION The climate of Gordon io wpwiaUy tnitable for all lung dliSjir