10 They Tit the test as nature Intended YOUR SPRING GOWN villbo greatly onliuncod by won ring graceful shoos Tbo most comfortable most liorfoot nttingatul most grace ful shoes on the markot for women nro the Jenness Miller SHOES at 350 Per Pair Wo nro solo agents for Uioso superb hygienic shoes for this city THE JOHNSON DRY GOODS CO OHAS DUDLEY LINE TELEPHONE ilendiinartci H ltemnvcd fniin Daveupoi ta bio to lieo Dudley- stable on Titli St Fifth Street LiveryStable Hill- Ladies Attention If you nro in peor health InvoatUnto tin VIAVI THKVTMKNT Mice open nil day Monday nuil Tiitit luy in Cotton lllnrk over 1I1IUI1 HroV noro Health Hook free by calling on addreialng the mauajjer MIH S K IOXH Norfolk NolnnHkn Aruyou lailciuK m struiiKth ami on orgy Aro you iuutous dcspniidout irritnhlo billions constipated mul HOiiornlly run down in health If so your livor is torpid mid a fow doses of Hurbino will euro you Ik rhino has no oqiml us u health restorer 0 M FoitXKY C Application Tor Siiloon Liquor IIcciiho Mat tor of application of Geo II Spear for a liquor license Notice is hereby given thai Geo II Spear did on tho ISth day of April 1SI tile his application to the mayor and city council of the city of Norfolk Nebraska for license to soil Jinalr spirituous and vinous liquors at Norfolk Nebraska from the 1st day of May IS- to tho 510th day of April IIOO At west room Oxnard hotel buildinj in First ward of said city If there is no objection roiuonstrauco or protest tiled within two weeks from lio ISth day of April ISlM tho said li cense will be grained Iskal 1 O Surr City Olork GE0 DUDLEY Pronrietor Good Rigs at Reasonable Rates HACICUNE IN CONNECTION A Winter Excursion It tick xmcaulinl help If crippled with rhpnmfttiem sou cau In cured If tired you need rest and the paco to K is HOT SPRINGS SOUTH DAKOTA 1 ho eipense U less than you imukino Tha Northwestern Mud lias announced ictal ex careiomi certain days this mouth at CHEAP RATES Ttia KvaliB Hotel will remain open nud thin and nil other hotels and Ixmrdiu hoin en are giviuir good service and low rates lUirim Hie winter Round Trip Xatcs nnd correspomliuB lointewcca Omaha Mo Valley Sioux City 1640 1055 1480 reductions from other Climat Bconarv an 1 IIuiU aro ua LCelled Tliirfy dayB timo allowed and auy jutK E A MV R Hor J 11 liable exi ai eiln jabsencor Aasnt vou more about It ieuiou Iowa can tell- Application for Saloon Liquor Llccns c Mutter of application of I A Mar qtmrdt for a liquor license Notice Is hereby given that l A Marquatdl dbl mi the li 1st lu or March ISDii Hie his application to the Mayor and Cltv Coimcli of the City nl Norfolk Nebraska for license to sell limit spirit nous and vinous liquor at Norfolk Ne braska from the 1st day id May 1 still to Hie ilillli ilav of April IIHKl At lot I blk I Koenlgstelns First Addii In Kirst Waul of said cil If theie Is no objection leinolislraiice or protest tiled within two weeks from the loth day id April 1SI the said license will be granted 1 SiTiTCilv Clerk Application for Saloon Liquor License Matter of implication of Charles lliee for a liquor license Nollce Is hereby given I lull Charles Itlce did on the JilVd day ol March NHI tile his application to tin- Mayor and Cltv Council ol the Cltv of Norfolk Nebraska for license to soil malt spirituous and vinous liquors at Norfolk Nebraska from the 1st day or Mnv 1HIHI to the iitltli dav of April lllOD At lot I blk 2 Dears Addn In Ward of said city If there is no objection remonstrance or protest tiled within two weeks from the I nth day of April 181111 the said license will be granted IC Srirr Cltv Clerk Application for Saloon Liquor License Matter of application of Win O Her ner for a liquor license Notice Is hereby given that Win I Horner did on the 21st day of March ISM tile his avplicallou to the Mavorand City Council of the City of Norfolk Ne braska lor license to sell malt spirituous and vinous liquors at Norfolk Nebraska from the 1st dav of Mnv 18IM to the iiOth day or April llUIO At lot 11 blk 0 original townslte In First Ward ol said cilv inhere Is no objection remonstrance or protest llled within two weeks from tee loth day ol April lailil the said license will bo granted CSrirr City Clerk Application for Saloon Liquor License Matter of application of ticorge Holler for a liquor license Notice is hereby given that Jeorgo Holler did on the l dav of March ISM Hie his application to the Mayor and City Council of tho City of Norfolk Nebraska for license to sell malt spirit uous and Vilnius liquors at Norfolk Ne braska from tho 1st day of Mnv 1S1MI to the 10th dav or April lll At lot J blk 1 Koouigsteins addn in IMrM Ward of said city If there is no objection remonstrance or protest tiled within two weeks from the loth day of April KSllt the said license will be granted 1 C Kitit City Clerk Noll co ol Halo Inder Clint tie Mortgiigp Notice is hereby given that by vlrtno of n battle nmrtgnge dated on tho 7th day of ISli nml I lily lllitil in tlinotllcuof tlinoonnty old I of MhiIIhiii county Nebraska on tint tilth I is- of March Is ami executed by Herman Tlllenhurg to the Norfolk Nntlonttl llnnMo se cure tho payment of i000 t tired bundled ilol Inrs nml a pun which there Is now dun the Mini of flllUWono liunilreil and sixty dollars together with cohIh anil expenses of foreclosuin default huvLng beeiuiiaile ill the pnymenlof said sum anil no siiil orother pr ceeding tit law havinx been lliHtittited to recover Niiiii debt or auy part thereof and the said mortgagee being in tho nc tiuil poHxesnlon of the said described in said liiiirttingo thereforo 1 will sell tho prop o ty therein tlotcrihed to wlt All of tho furni ture mid fixtures contained in and about the Merman Tillenbiirg saloon located in the vomer room of the Mnninitrdt block corner of Fifth street and Norfolk avenue in Norfolk Nebriska consist iiuof counter bick bar cigar canes IcocIipMh lefrigeratorit tahlo i chairs picture glaiHeti bottles jms bin rein safe stoves cash register hot water heaters show cafes front liar dishes b ir utensils of all kinds mid descriptions enr puts niKs partition roller tup desk cock lump corks faucets pumps and other mixed lanioiis articles mid every thini in and about stld building belonging to nud used or owned liyHiid Herman TillonhurK nt public miction at tin livery barn and htoravo barns ol ioortto DaMiiport In Norfolk precinct city of Norfolk MuillHi county Nebraxkii on the 8tb day of May isyi at 1 oclock p in of said day Dated April lit lMii NoniiiiK National IIvnk MortKHKeoH Grippo Cured Last winter I had a bad cold and severe cough I was lame in every joint and muscle I was sick and felt as though 1 was coming down with typhoid fever It was no doubt n bad case of grippe Mr 1J P lludge gave me a bot tle of Urazilian Halm saying he was sure it would help me The relief was almost instantaneous It quickly stopped my cough ami took the grippe with all the pains and soreness out of inv svstcm 1 gave the balance of the 50cent bottle to Mrs Itishop Wiley for her daughter It proved so beneficial she says she never intends to be without it Udwin litzjones CiuciuuatiOhio Asthma Can lie Cured J R Niblo ex school superintendent of Rochester Pa says I nave been a great sufferer from asthma for years but I have had a splendid winter owing to the surprising efficacy of Urazilian balm A lady in Cincinnati who bad suffered with asthma for 17 years could not lie down was perfectly cured with Brazilian llnlm Ask your Druggist for n Ki iierotM IO CENT TRIAL SIZE Elys Cream Dalm contains no cociotio iu reury nor any other injurioiitiilrui It in uckly Absorbed iiv Uiliof at once J open mid cleanses liio Natal Iniis Altnv ImlimmPion CATARRH COLD H HEAD lluais ami tho Slcnihrane lteetorci the of Taste and smell Tall Sire 80 Tna tiuo tOC at Or yittior ly riatl UlYHHUlKIs v Warren Street Kework NERVITA PILLS Restore Vitality Lost Vigor and Manhood Cure Impotency Night Emissions and wasting diseases an citccts 01 tP abuse or excess and indis cretion A norvo tonic and blood builder Brings the pink glow to pale cheeks and restores the fire of youth By mail 50c ner box O boxes for S 50 with 11 written tco to cure or refund tho money Send for circular Address NERVITA MEDICAL CO Clinton Jackson Sts CHICACO iX For sale by Foruey D Co Norfolk THE NORFOLK NEWS THURSDAY APRIL 20 18W HE HAD A BAD HABIT Anil It ln de Mini n Inor Inmirnncn IIInK lit The mniingcrnf a life insuranco com pany had the door Life insuranco companies ho was flnying nro iih particular about tho people they already have on their lists ustheyiiio about getting them on in the beginning They are rich of course lint they are no inoio iiiitIoiib to take in a man who will die of disease within the Hist year or two than they arc to take In a perfectly healthy man and have him hazard his life by taking pet Hotial risks in dangerous pursuits or by travel in unhealthy countries I remember a funny liistanco that occurred once while I was living in New England One of our 10000 men had a way of calling a maun liar in tho most cureless nml indiscriminate man ner and with only tho merest or no provocation One day ho was In our olllco and casually mentioned tho fact that ho was going to make a trip to Kentucky WlienV inquired tho umuagcr nlerlly Next week On business or pleasuro Going to buy a pair of horses Uin or or I hesitated the man ager Ueforo you start 1 wish you would stop in mid ncc me What for Want mo to buy n horse for you V No I want to arrango about your policy What do you want to arrnngo about it Isnt it all right Yes as long as you stay in this country Hut if you go down to Ken tucky well have to ndvanco tho rate until you come back Well what in began the policy Holder hotly when tho manager interrupted him Dont ily tho track my dear fel low lie said gently Its all right hero and tho rate is satisfactory to us but by Jove wo cant give you tho same rate and let you go to Kentucky and call men liars like you do in this sec tion Not much I We havent got 10 000 policies to give away liko that and you oughtnt to expect it Wash ington Star AN HONEST ARTIST II Would Not Paint n Mo Iv u For ii Napoleon Thero was no love lost between tho Emperor Louis Napoleon and his cousin lrinco Napoleon whom the Parisians called Plon Plon Tho prince used to make abusive speeches against tho em peror which people were only too ready to repeat to him Let him alone Louis Napoleon would reply Ho is too well known No one would turn mo out to place him on the throne The omporor was correct for no ono said a good word about Plon Plon Ho was commonly believed to have shown tho wliito feather in the Crimea and never exposed himself whore tho lead was falling An English lady who in her young days mingled with French bociety tells in her Foreign Courts and Foreign Homes a story as discred itable to lrinco Napoleon as it is hon orable to a French artist While the artist was painting tho historical picture of tho battle of tho Alma which tho emperor had ordered Princo Napoleon called at tho painters studio to make known to him the facts On leaving ho said ho wished tho prom inent figure in the battle to bo himself mounted on his white charger He sent tho liorso to tho artist so that ho could paint its exact portrait When tho pic ture was finished and invitations wero sent out for a private view tho white charger was seen a prominent figure in the buttle but without a rider On hearing of this terrible omission tho prince sent an aid-de-camp to ask tho reason The honest artist said tho horse should remain if tho princo wish ed but no rider would bo on it Tell tho prince I have never yet painted a lie Tho hint was taken Tho prince ordered tho horso to bo rubbed out HiihIiii nm of n prosperous theater Ill en tor A in tho city of New York may in u favorable season do a business of more than 310000 and keep in employment 150 persons There aro 117 theaters including tho va riety houses in active operation in the liorouglu of Manhattan and tho Bronx while the borough of Brooklyn adds a score or more Everything which allccts business in general affects the theater immediately A man will redueo his expenditures for tickets to places of amusement long before he thinks of cutting down his supply of cigars for tho cigar belongs to that class of luxuries which subtly beeomo necessaries while tho theater linbit as any observant manager will toll you requires constant cultivation Tho lnanageiuent of a theater is there fore an occupation requiring business sagacity in a greater dogeo than it calls for artistic taste W 1 Hender son in Scrilmcrs Proud of Her Wiirli Ho looked with forced admiration nt the slippers forced because ho already had half a dozen pairs You dont mean tb tell me that they nro all your own work What a talented little wife Im going tohavol And she smiled though the plain truth was that slio had bought tho up pers paid a man to eoIo them and then managed to sew the bows on crooked after her nudher had tnuilo them Yet eho was very proud and really wonder ed how she had managed to accomplish so much Detroit Journal IiIiiUm Yes said tho yellow dog I be lieve aftei death we enter into another sphere of action I think Ill be a golf player How do yon figure that out queried the black and tan Oh Ill be in the link Philadel phia North American MARKET QUOTATIONS of Iriidoctn In Clilnino OpenliiK IokIiir lllKlirnt nml Lowest 1uts and Cull Todays Chicigo market quotations are furnished by A K Donne broker as follows Option Wheat Mil 11 forii May inly OatsC Mn lnl Iork May lull lnrd Mil Jul Ititm Mil dill Onon J II IrIi tow irUfJViSi 31J4G3W jtv m w l 37 9 40 H 30 limn 71 71 IV43K tM Mny wliont 7l calls 73i July corn IutH aYA calls ariirirV WHEAT SHORTS ARE VERY TIMID Crop DitiuiiBo Iteporti Control Qiintntlont Conrn Grnln nt a StniiiUtlll Ciiioaiio April II Wlmnt ruled strong to day on continued reports of surlom crop ilnm aire Mny which opened weak closed strong nt nn nilvnneoof Vilc July Ruined lJlJic Corn advanced e OrtH closed n slimlo lilxlinr Iork loin 7c nntl lord nud iILm fylc OIoj Ing prlcuj WllKAT Mny 7Wa1o July 7Jirfl1703o UoiiN SIny IBJiSa c July WiMo OATS Mny Mc July UJMiZo IMiiK May fliiaj July tOSO Uins Mnyinr duly M0J Iahii Mny 5alJS8S July55n7J Cnnli quotatlniu No i rod whnat 70780 No UsprliiK 0930 No J hard lUi70o No a corn iJ3Jc No 2 onU CIiIcuko Live Stock Chicago April 10 Cattlo llocolpta 15500 iwvIiik to the InfKu supply of cattle today buy ers hold Imck nml troilo wns uiuiiually -slow with prices rulliiK InrKely 10c lower fancy Ki ades lroiiKlit 570r 83 choice stoors f5ma 505 niedinini f 403 1 81 lieof steers 100 100 cows and heifers U0I25 stockornnd feeders U75t600 wostorn fed pteors fliO 53 Texas nteorsn7o 100 calvos fUiWi10 ltoKS Kecolpts UJOOU thoro was an nctivu do mind for linus nml jiricos ruled ntrong nt nn nveniKO udvaucn of Jo fair to choice JWJjJftO 403 heavy packing lots iU70ilJ mixed J373 Hi074 btiiclior a3GJI00 IIbIiI i70W plKS 315i3 8r Sheep Itucelpts liOOO trailo inslieep was Rood nml prices steady Intnbs ns tiktinl ninkim up tho greater part of tho iiiKs Colormlo unlmrn liiuibs sold nt 57 51KI westerns 37Oi0iSO and shorn unlives llUi5IV shorn sheep 1151 00 choice jCiirlliiKS J3u0 choice sheep broiiKht J00I50 Soutli Oiniiliii 11 vo Stock South Omaha April 10 Cattle Ilecolnts 11700 litfht steady others 10c lower native beof steers IUKtUi western eteciN 300JI73 Texas steers 300101 cows nnd hcifors 370 rol0 ennners a50 4360 stockors nnd feod er 410jWIO calves 130CV75 bulls stns lie J7SgUOO lloK HeceIpts 11000 Lo MkIiiU heavy f 370iSlS mixed 370372a IlKlit 355 llbS 3J0313 bulk of mini 17i373 Slieop Hecolpts 5700 stontly yeurlliiKS lt3jU3 westurn nuittons IJ5 500 block sheep 3504I0 lambs 4235G3 To Cure 11 Cold In Ono Day Tako Laxative Bromo Quiuiue Tablots All druggists refund money if it fails to euro 25o The gouuiuo has L 13 Q on eaoh tablet OASTOHIA Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought f Tills Is Your Ojiportunlty On receipt of ten cents cash or stamps a gonorouH samplo will bo mniled of the most popnlnr Cntnrrh and liny Fever Curt Elys Cream Balm unflicirnt to demou btrato tho great merits of the remedy ELY 11HOTIIEPS CO Yuuren fcd Iiw York City Ttov Johnlleid Tr of Oreat Falls Jlont recommended Flys Cream Halm to 1110 I can emphnsizo his stntemrnt It is a posi tivo cure for catarrh if used us directed llov Francis IV Poolo Pastor CeutralPres Church Helena Mont Elys Cream Halm is tho acknowledged euro for cntarrh nnd contains no mercury nor any injurious dn Price 50 cents OASTORIA Bear the v6 Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of SJK UZWj TnJdors Buckoyo Pilo Ointment gives instant roliof It allays inflmnmntiou aud heals It is uromut in its action and positivo in its ofTect It is tho kind that euros without pain or discomfort It is for piles ouly 50 cents Tubes 75 cents O M Fokney Stop that harking by the use of Bal lards Horehound Syrup It arrests tho cough allays irritation of tho throat and relieves congestion of tho lungs in n day It is safe and pleasant to tako ond nover disnppoints 25 and 50 cents O M Forney CASTOR A For Infants nrd Children The Kind You Have Always taught Boars the Signature of dZvtf A Sound Idver Mitkos a Well Mini Are you bilious constipated or troubled with jaundico sick headache bad taste iu mouth foul bronth coated tongue dyspepsia indigestion hot dry skill pain iu back and between the shoulders chills and fever eto If von Imve iiuv of these svnmtomB your liver is out of order and your blood is slowly beiug poisoned becauso your liver does not act promptly Horbiuo will cure nny disorder of tho liver stomach or bowels It has no equal as a livei medicine Price 75 cents Free trial bottle at O M Fquxkys The fat undertaker Who plants by the acre Poor victims of coneli and cold Is tdKhltig nml cryiiiK l or weve alt stopped dviug Since Ilraiillnn llalm was sold Aud lor those who desire Not just yet to ro higher It Is worth its weight iu gold OASTORIA Bean tie Signature of ihe Kind You Kate Always nought aMm x5 Tho Kind Vou Have Always Bought and which has boon in uso for over HO years has borne the signature of - ims been innde under his per- jC4y 77 sonal supervision slneo its inlaney r Allow no one to deceive you in this All Counterfeits Imitations and Substitutes are but Kx lierhnents that trlllo with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment What is CASTORIA Castorla is a substituto for Castor Oil Paregoric Drops and Soothing Syrups It is Harmless and Pleasant It contains neither Opium Morphine nor other Narcotic Hiibstaucc Its ago is its guarantee It destroys Worm and allays Fevcrlshness It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic It relieves Teething Troubles cures Constipation and Flatulency It assimilates the Food regulates tho Stomach and Bowels giving healthy and natural sleep Tho Childrens Panacea Tho Mothers Friend GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS gtV2IZL4 In T Bears the Signature of 3 WOMEN WHO WORK The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years THE CENTAUR COMPANY TT MURRAY STREET NEWYOHK CITY St Louts Mo Aug 12 Thotiph only 19 years old I srffercd from pains nud female troubles two years Last spring t got so bad 1 had to quit work I hud to support myself and could not afford n hitfh priccd doctor I not ono bottle of Wlnu of Cardiil nnd that made mo feel better llpve now used several bottles n d am well Mv mother used the Wine for Change of Litis and was greatly relieved MISS MAUOAHET WMSH YiiiniK ny i a j m Aany girls and women find it necessary to earn their own living in various kinds of employment Their work is often so hard and confin ing that the health breaks down Their delicate constitutions are unfitted for tiresome tasks Weakness nearly always makes its appearance in the peculiarly delicate womanly organs Constant standing on the feet and coming and going at the beck of a superintendent or foreman in duces falling of the womb leucorriiQM headache and backache The pay of women workers is often so notoriously small that when sickness conies they have no money to engage skillful physicians To them Wine LADIES ADVISORY DEPARTMENT runtiiviLi in riiMN iniiiuuiK tltrecttoiiK ivlntxf yinitoinrt ImMmu lMrr llr Ilul II k IT 1 t lllll i MFIUCIVKI ciiattunooiM Ttim ot uartuu is truly a Diessing it cures them of their ills at a small cost and they can act as their own physicians No doctor can do as much for female troubles as Wine of CarJui Druggists sell Large Bottles for 100 8 tykri -ml WARNERS 1 Ml V wSMSiAV JK l 3H lllM I r niTTnrrr m Hffl fflX WARNER BROS GO 5 HN OPPORTUNITY TO GET ranor TtO WUIOC 1 OK g Free PROM IMPBRFBCTIONS Warners Corsets are 7 Standard Shaped Strikingly eorrcct UpToDate Styles xquisitely Pine Materials Unbreakable Bones 4SOR3EXS Rustproof Steels The Johnson Dry Goods Company TT lnnW Qlat IfKVLli vgi r youiaw - Zrm sireral Dhylotatu proopunood my ke ii -VI a Hiovui ProBtration rrftiJtnnn Ul flDrvuui aiiivvV w ---- nmwnmttmnmmm ftfiatA v nil dlseftses and mny Irom our Wetero urai iV - tarsr EOT M1II1HIII Wl f 1 Z tii mIIat nnmiiw nil ahiuii utouu whi w w rpbyaloun wimoa Ji ma Aau I look il ftnd Um obince wu ivy nwnuw wonUertul HooHniiw vr TL mmM Hnl kln mM XKWSSStor5rfl nil 11 nervooa and dleast tie i ESC bfc lOTfBAH ipuruiNua ay It M wortn f ur inw Oftce Dr a Jajr Medloaico B THE m wrszanrrazszzxzzi WW lavw mm w in - amw9 ctwiiw mm mMmA Dr Kays Renovator - m - k Ml k 4 A MA4 I m tlsvoodeaqri TlSmK nluUa Mtt renontM na4 M in Ciooo UTin now tun - own vrr mavni tuu - n m Very i MAiry pc old JUHtfl AD by aratj t It trolal ond tor the booklet WVW 5pft5LC I m 1 1 As