The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, April 20, 1899, Image 1

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The Norfolk WeeklyNews
Details Concerning Ambush of
Gilmorc and His Men
Tarty Landed In a Hunt but It In Itc
mnrkod Tlmt Its Itnpld Fire aim Wnt
Kept Silent Olllclnln Ilolletn filsonrr
Will He Well Trontod by Filipinos In
urgent Forces So nttorod
Manila April 20 Admiral v Dowoy
has boon notified of tho fltnuigo disap
jHjarnuco of J 0 Gllmoro and 14 mom
bors of tho crow of tho Unitod Statos
franbnnr Yorktown On Saturday hit
tno Yorktown anchored oil Ualor on tho
oast coast of tho island of Luzon and
about 200 inilos from hero whoro thoro
was a Spanish garrison of about CO moil
which had boon defending itsolf against
several hundred Filipinos for months
past Lieutenant Gihnoro Ensign W
H Standloy aud n boats crow woro
Bout up tho river from Baler bay to
communicato with tho Spaniards tho
town of Baler being situated somo dis
tauco inland Ensign Standloy who
landed at tho mouth of tho river reports
that ho heard three volleys a buglo call
and cheers from up tho river but that
tho automatic gun which was part of
tho equipment of tho boat was not
hoard firing Staudley lator paddlod to
tho Yorktown in n canoo A search
was miin for tho Yorktown s boat and
its crov mt no traco of them was
found a tbo Yorktown sailed for
Ilnilo fro - iiuh placo its commandor
cablnd to frdl Dowoy his theories
thi t lhi l A had captured or sunk
itho bout o tho Spaniards had
ied tin1 Ai party
Tho ofich ho navy department
aro ach of tho men of
-own Jfc ipcd being killed
jht iu til lira will bo
wuil treated by the insurgents
e Sunt nnd Holy on
All o iiih Lou lnjj tllo Idlnnd
April 20 Tho follow
ing has just beou received from Gen
eral Otis
Manila April 20 Adjutant Gon
cral Washington Lawtorr returned
from Lake country April 17 bringing
captured vessels Insurgents much
scattered retreat before our forces
await opportunity to attack detach
ments Better class of people tired of
war desiro peace Enemy build hopo
ou return of our troops to United States
Its army much demoralized and loss by
desertions and death largv Will prob
ably prosecute guerrilla warfare loot
ing aud burning country which it occu
pied health and spirits of troops good
Volunteers return will commence
about May 5 Will render willing serv
ice until return transports available
Embarkation will continue through
Juno and July Reports from Visayan
islands continue very encouraging
Inter island commcrco heavy customs
receipts increasing Otis
Gonuiz Fiivm H Ainnrlriin Iroloctornte
Havana April 20 General Maximo
Gomez has determined to unnouueo to
the people or Cuba his support of an
American protectorate until buch a time
as a stable independent government
may bo founded Ho is content to oper
ate with tho Ainoricaus until tho island
is pacifled rural polico organizod the
Cuban soldiers at work and insular re
construction far advanced No doflnito
period for the occupation by the Amer
icans will bo mentioned but the mani
festo favors a cessation of tho desiro for
the immediate withdrawal of tho troops
The declaration will bo bo worded as to
retain tho support of thoso who desiro
independence yet will illustrato tho
necossity of American assistance Gov
ernor General Brooko is awaro of tho
purposos of General Gomez and has
talked with him about them
Will Call For Moro Trnnpx
Drs Moines April 20 Congressman
Hull chairman of tho houso coinmittoo
on military affairs arrived homo yester
day Ho expressed tlo opinion that in
view of tho presont conditions in tho
Philippines tho president will havo to
call for moro troops Tho army bill
authorizes tho prosidout to call for 85
000 moro troops if necessary to serve
two years Thoy would comprise 47
now regimonts and make places for
COO more commissions The president
and hecrotary of war aro anxious to
avoid enlisting men under this act if
possible It would bo very oxponsivo
and thoy would bo iu for only two
years so tho expenso of enlisting them
would havo to bo ropoated almost as
coon as as thoy wero qualified for good
eorvico But it looks uow as if a call
would havo to bo made
Fuuernl or Colonel Smith
Nasiivillu April 20 The remains
of Colonel W O Smith who died of
apoplexy at the head of his regiment
tho First Tennessee in the first battlo
with tho Filipinos at Manila were laid
to rest in Mount Olivet cometery yester
day A vast coucourso of pooplo packed
tho tabernacle whoro tho funeral serv
ices woro hold and attended tho burial
which was conducted with military
honors Two companies of
in uniform aud bearing uruiB took
part iu tho ceremonies over the gravo of
their old comrade
Trlii Leurvi Tor Siiniiin
Washington April 20 Mr Bart
lott Tripp tho United States Samoau
commissioner loft Washington yoster
day for Sau Fruurisuo Ho is accom
panied by Mr Edward Morgan his
Floilila loglnluttiro Cluxurn Tnltnfcrro
Without Any llny
Tallahasski April 20 Tho sena
torial contest in Florida ondrd yester
day with tho first joint ballot in tho
legislature Taliaferro received fill
votes Pasco t0 nnd Call 0 fil votes
being required for an oloution Mr
Taliaferro was escorted to tho chair anil
briefly returned thanks for tho honors
accorded him
Hon lames P Taliaferro tho nowly
elected United States sonator was born
at Orange Court Houso Vn Sept
80 1817 Ho served gallantly as a prl
vato In tho confoderato army Aftor
tho war ho moved to Jacksonville Fla
Mr Taliaferro is president of tho First
National bank of Tampa and vlco presi
dent of fho leading wholesalo grocery
houso in Florida Ho has never boon a
caudidato for ollico but is an untiring
worker in the Democratic ranks Ho
served for throo years as chairman of
tho rttato Domocratio oxooutlvo coinmit
too In policy Mr Taliaferro is con
servative and broad minded
Siicronnfiil Tint of WlroleiM Tulegrn iliy
NoTitK Damk Ind April 20 Pro
foshor Grcon used tho Marconi system
with greater success yesterday than iu
any previous trials Last ovening ho
telegraphed ouo and one half miles
without tho uso of wires This is tho
fifth day of tho oxporinionts aud whou
tho Founder fixed at St Marys acad
emy responded to tho pressure of tho
koy at Notro Dame Professor Groan
had dono as much as ho expected and
moro than ho had promised
ChoctinvH ltur Out Cattln
St Louis April 20 A special from
McAlestor I T says Tho Choctaw
council has just passed an act prohibit
ing tho introduction into tho Choctaw
nation of any cattlo from any stato or
Kurrouudintr nation at any time except
ing during tho months of November
and December nnd then only to bo loft
in pens aud not turned looso on tho pub
lic range Tho flno imposed for viola
tion is 5 per head
Crop IlaiiiuKg fnrJfiii j
Topeka A jutary Ooburn
of tho stato board or ngivulturoycstur
day issued his first report ou the condi
tion of winter wheat in Kansas The
report shows that for tho stato 20 per
cout of tho proportion sown owing to
tho severe winter tho long protracted
spring and other causos now seoms a
failure and is likely to bo plowed up
and dovoted to ether causes
IowmiB niiiy Ho Sent Home In June
Dns Moines April 20 Adjutant
General Byers has advices from Wash
ington on which ho announces in all
probability the Fifty first Iowa regi
ment now in tho Philippines will bo
sent homo in Juno or July Ho behoves
n majority of tho regiment will ro eulist
if given the opportunity
ltlluril In Hlnik Hills
Sioux City April 20 Specials from
Black Hills points -say tho snowstorm
which has been raging there for two
days continues nnd mining work is
suspended There has been no seoding
of small grain in that portion of tho
country Tlio snow is mcltiug but
drifts aro still very deep
Soo Homl Cuts iriiln Kali-
Sioux City April 20 Tho Sioux City
and Northern road announced yesterday
what with previous reductions within
10 days constitutes a 2 cont reduction
in grain rates botweon points on its lino
and St Paul Minneapolis and Duluth
Tho reduction is offectivo April 28
Matanzas Cuba reports uino bandits
killed by Americans
Men iu tho Reading ropair shops will
soon receive a 10 per cent raiso
Tho Latonia distillery has boon trans
ferred to tho Kentucky whisky trust
Judgo Kohl nat hold his first sitting
as a Unitod States judgo at Peoria
Tho department storo of Ewar Co
Philadelphia has burned loss 100000
insurance 30000
Villages in Fiuar dol Rio province
Cuba aro now authorized to organizo
rural polico forces
Tho American Railway company cap
ital 25000000 was iucorporatod at
Trenton N J Wednesday
Edmuud Rostand author of Cyrano
do Bergenia is not insane as roported
but is writing a now play
Colonol D P Livermoro tho oldest
tolographor in tho country died at Hal
lowell Mo Wednesday Ho was 04
years of ago
Cardinal Philip Kroinontz archbishop
of Cologne is dying Ho was born iu
Germany during tho year 1810 and was
created a cardinal iu 1808
Preaidont McKinloy has nccoptod an
invitation to attend tho Ohio stato en
campmeut of tho G A R to be hold at
Youngstowii tho latter part of Juno
Tho building linn of Marviu Brown
began suit Wednesday for 50000 dam
ages against tho Chicago Mastor Stoain
Fitters association for allogod bluck
Tho Missouri houso Wednesday
passed tho sonato bill lovying an in
spection tax of ono cent per gallon and
two cents for each packago of beor sold
iu the stato
Lawronco Briguoli won tho third
Boston Athletic associations Marathon
25 nnlo road raco Wednesday leading
his uuarost rival Dick Grant of New
York by over half a milo
An earthquake shock iu tho province
of Rioja Argentine lias destroyed tho
villages of Vino iua and Jaquel Several
persons were killed Much damage was
Also caused by eruptions of the volcauo
Huoango near Vinclinu
The National Society of tho Sons of
tho Revolution accomplished all the
business of the triennial meeting at Den
ver at ouo session Wednesday and ad
journed to meet at Washingtou April
10 1002 The old olncors wore re
elect d
Modest Feast In New York In
Honor of Jefferson
Mil or tout oT Toledo on Mimic
Ipnl unir lili of Iulilli Utilities Hry
iiii IiIImmh nu Orntlon Atlilrii liy
I Jr MrOtjini Mia Cliurlotto Itit klna
SIoIkou mill OIIiimh
New Youk April 20 Tho second of
tho ono dollar Bryan dinners that
undor tho auspices of tho workiugmou
was helil last night ut tho Grand Con
tral palace Tho dltiucr was not as
largely attonded as tho ouo given by
tho Chicago platform Democrats in the
same placo on tho preceding Saturday
night about 1500 men and women
being present Tho striking difference
botweon thoso dinners was tho seating
of tho guests of honor last night on tho
platform whero thoy woro plainly vis
ible to everybody in tho hall Back of
tho speakers paintod on a largo canvas
was tho following A system of po
litical economy will yet dawn which
will perform as well as promise which
will rain tho riches of niituro into tho
laps of tho starving poor Tho menu
was of tho plainest kind
John Brisbin Walker called tho as
semblage to order Dr McGlynn saying
grace Chairman Walker introduced
Mayor Jones of Toledo His toast was
Munieipiil Ownership of Public Fran
Mayor Jones closed amid a great
demonstration Ho was intensely dra
matic Somo ono called for threo cheers
for tho mayor Thoy woro given Then
somo ono called for threo choors for
tho people Yes shouted Mayor
Jones leaping to Ids feet and waving
his hands cheer not for mo cheer for
tho pooplo This brought out great
applause Mrs Charlotte Perkins Stet
son spoke next
Dr McGlynn was tho next spoakor
N O Nelson ol St Louis spoko next
and was followed by William Templo
Mr Eminott closod with a reforonco
to Colonel Bryan It created a tre
mendous amount of enthusiasm aud
then followed another demonstration
similar to that givon to Mr Bryan Sat
urday It continued for somo moments
and some ono shouted God bloss you
Billy boy whereat tho crowd again
got up and yelled aud cheered for min
utes Mr Bryan had to raise his hands
many thnos boforo his admirers would
givo way aud thoy did so only when
tired out Tho womon particularly
wero euthusiastio in their greetings
When Mr Bryan closod his spoooh
thero was a mighty demonstration
Men and women made frantic elforts to
shako him by tho hand and it required
tho sorvices of several policemen to
rescue tho speaker and escort him to
ono of the rocoption rooms
ArRtiiiientH Iu Soutlioru Iynclilui Chnu
CiiAltlusTON S 0 April 20 Tho
argument in tho Lako City caso occu
pied both sessions of tho United States
circuit court hero yesterday J P K
Bryan opened tho caso for tho govern
ment His address which continued
for lour hours was a terrible arraign
ment of tho crimo of lynching and of
tho prisoners at tho bar During tho
course of it ho declared that human life
is cheaper in South Carolina than
cent cotton He accused the defendants
of tho Lako City lynching and their
friends of having mutilated publio rec
ords iu onUr to protect and shield tho
prisoners George S Legaro replied for
tho dofense Ho declured that Presi
dent McKinloy hnnsolf had laid tho
foundation for tho crimo by appointing
a negro to ofllco at Lako City Ho pro
tested that tho defendants wero guilt
Ovation for Mayor Marshall
Keithsiiuko Ilia April 20 Mayor T
A Marshall arrived homo last evening
amid tho booming of firearms and a
magnificent display of fireworks Mr
Marshall was accompanied to this city
by G W Budd Fred Gilbert Fred
Bingham and Mr Hollowny from Now
York who was tho bearer of tho cup
won by Mr Marshall Tho mayor was
carried from tho train to his carriago on
tho shoulders of euthusiastio townsmen
and escorted to his homo by a proces
sion of ndmners whero tho ovening
was spent in jollification
Hail ink Hunt Juno 10
Sioux Falls April 20 Judgo Oar
laud sentenced Bad Elk tho Sioux
found guilty Monday of shooting and
klliug John Kills Back an Indian po
liceman on tho Pino Ridgo ros ervation
to bo hanged Juno 10 next When
asked prior to boing sentenced if ho
had anything to say ho loplied Loft
what I want to say to my attorney
Willi lilnc Mis IIiii liicluir
Sheldon la April 20 Sheriff Hud
bon reports everything quiet at the
Murston house Miss lioriuikor rested
fairly well diuing the night Extra
caro was taken by the sherill to prevent
self destruction Sheriff Simmering is
expected to turive from the south today
jrfLLatfEr iv T o tf
New spring ana
L nrifi i ivvvV vviiy
TiniiHport Warton Rnady to finll
San Fuancisco April 20 Tho trans
port Warrun will probably get away
today Two additional batteries of tho
Sixth artillery havo arrived and tho
other dolayed troops aro duo Thoro
will bo 1210 men and i0 ofllcors on tho
vessol hosides two missionaries of tho
Brotherhood of St Audrow who camo
from tho east with special instructions
from Secretary Alger that thoy bo given
Golil Hmilorft to Rtrlltii
CiilCAHO April 20 Tho Chroniclo
says Artisans of tho gold heating
craft will go out on a striko in all parts
of tho United States Threo dozen
members of tho Chicago union will join
m tho strike and by so doing will check
tho making of signs tho decorating of
walls and tho binding of iraoks in which
gold leaf is employed Tho striko has
as its object tho securing of higher
Gull Hicitlvnrn Hack From tlm Kant
Kansas Citv April 20 J McD
Trimble ono of tho vecoivers of tho
KansaB City Pittsburg and Gulf rail
road and A E Stiflwoll ox president of
tho road returned from tho cast yester
day Both said thoy wero highly pleased
with tho outlook and declared that if
tho wishes of the majority of tho bond
holders aro granted tho present re
ceivership will remain undisturbed
Tax on Clilnmo IiiiuilKranl
Ottawa April 20 Sir Wilfrid Laur
ier tho premior replying to a delega
tion from tho trades aud labor congress
spoko favorably of tho imposition of a
1300 poll tax ou Chinese entering Can
ada hut huid ho was opposed to a tax on
Japanese whom he characterized as
progressive aud allies of Great Britaiu
Aliimuat of thi Day
Thursday Sun rises at 514 sots at
041 Moon sets at 223 a m
The weather Iowa Showers and
colder Thursday winds shifting to
northwesterly Friday fair with warmer
hi western portion Nebraska Fair
Thursday with colder in eastern por
li hi northwesterly wiuds fair aud
wuiuer Friday
AV4I Baking
Mokes the food more delicious and wholesome
ti eHK Voi co t av
Have Arrived
i I I1 fl III X Mr TTii
I AfftSSart I rLil 4 i Sk
v V - r rH - jjaaaumUj ifcu VuLW
tu7 tL iv r joanmVY
a mmm
iT A iF
5aaiititifci 1
OUR slock embraces all the new styles and colors in La
dies Boots and Oxfords and Gents Fine Shoes Our
line of Misses and Childrens Shoes is large and complete
Our Prices are Right for Reliable Goods
ti n cv
II l
mi -
M M MM WfWrrt TrtMnWff MMM yMMyMMRWmy
The Norfolk Building and Loan Assn
C B DURLAND Secretary
i A LUIKAHT Ikkhiiiint
CHAS H HHIDOK Vici Iiiksidlnt
The Zwight
W It 11KAASCH Ahht Uasiiub
The Citizens National Bank
Capital 50000 Surplus 85000
llnj anil rill pxcliaDKo ou tlin country 11 nil all piutH of Kuropo nm Loans
directors iti Ahmch W II lonshoN Ciiah S Dieiiioi C W IIbaabcii C M
Liquor Store
Successor to
Turf Exchange
Staple and Fancy Groceries
Fiiiits and Vegetables in Season
Fresh Bread Pies Cakes etc Constantly on hand
CJ CJ jj
1 Exolusive agents lor tho Celebrated Sweetwater Rook Spring Coal the
uesi in me inurKot
Scranton Hard Coal In all sizes TELEPHONE Ol
u it iTii in rii irrii in -