The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, April 06, 1899, Page 7, Image 7

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    in mum m
Knows that the Peerless Remedy
for Diseases of the Liver
Kidneys and Bladder is
It has Cured Thousands of Des
perate Cases Try It
FOB lAtr I1Y
free Reclining Chair Gars on all Trains
Atchison Kansas City
and St Louis
With direct connections to all South
ern and Eastern points
Uuoxcollod timo and nccommodntioua
to tlio
Famous Hot Surines of Arkansas
For moro complete information doecriptivo
pamphlets etc address
A G F nndPA T P A
Southeast Cor 14th and DouslnBSts
Piles or Hemorrhoids
Fissures Fistulas
Burns Scalds
II Wounds Bruises
Cuts Sores
Boils Tumors
Y Eczema Eruptions
Salt Rheum Tetters
Chapped Hands
Fever Blisters
Sore Lips Nostrils
O Corns Bunions
Stings Bites of Insects
Three Sizes 25c 50c and 100
Bold by druggists or sent poet patdon receipt of pries
UCnrllUKlSBtUCO 111 UtniUUaSIlwrork
Solicitor and Attorney In Patent Causes
1739 New York Ave
illco established lSd3 Chorees moderate Cor
respoudenco requested
f Gulf
I Coast
Best Reached in Through Cars
by Louisville Nashville R R
Write for hforntallon to
C P ATMORE Ctnl Pass Ajcnt
scJiwiHli jbt
gltV -
Results of the Municipal Elec
tion Held Yesterday
Tho Third Wnnl Declares forllio Hepuhll
fiiii Candidate llnth Men hers of tlio
Hoard of education KIimUmI Nominees
or Iho tlrniul Old Parly A Day nf l
clteinent Kotunis Gratlf Inj
From Wednesdays Dnlly
Tho wintry weather of tho post stoon
months iercoptlbly relaxed its hold yes
torduy and it was not to bo wondorod nt
It was election duy in Norfolk nud from
onrly morning thcro was ovory indica
tion of a warm timound as tho day pro
gressed a hot timo in tho old town was
strictly in ovidonco Tho fact that it
was an oiT year in politics didnt out
much of a figure Whoti tho state or
tho nation cannot supply a suillciont
amount of political caloric tho voters of
Norfolk gouorate au amplo volume as
every well regulated community should
to mako things interesting
Tho temperature ran highest in tho
Third ward where uot only were thero
tho two regular party tickots but a third
caudidato by potitition for councilman
Tho result could not but bo highly grati
fying in that ward to all republicans In
tho faco of two opposing tickets tho
regular republican caudidato won a clear
and decided victory
In tho First ward Uhlo tho demo
cratic candidate dofeated Ilemloben
republican by SO votes
In tho Socotid ward tho result was a
tie voto between tho republican and
democratic candidates
Just what settlement of this condition
of affairs will be finally retched is not
yet known There sooms to bo room for
different interpretations of whnt tho
law contemplates in suci a case
Some claim that tlio statue provides
that a tio shall bo decided by lot before
tho canvassing board If this prove
true tho case will bo decided in this
way at the next meeting of tho city
If Mr Bucholz hold his placo as coun
cilman tho next council will havo ouo
more democratic member than tho pres
out Should Mr Scolield win out tho
republicans will hold their own
In tho Fourth ward Ileckmau repub
lican won out against Ilarshmau demo
crat with a majority of four votes
Both of the ropublicau nominees for
members of tho board of education wero
easily elected over their democratic
Dr P H Salter proved to bo possessed
of tho best running qualities and Brug
geniau who succeeds himself on the
board was a good second
Altogether tho result was a complete
endorsement of republican management
of city affairs
Hemleben rep 08
Uhle dem 8
Bucholz dem 110
Scofield rep 11 J
Bullock rep 114
Morrison dem GO
Mount by petition 07
Harshrnau dem 00
Heckman rep 04
The following was tho vote received
in tho different wards by tho various
candidates for positions on the board of
Brueggeman rep 1st 55 2nd 104
3d 119 4th 50 total 354
Dean dem 1st 71 2nd 107 3d 115
4th 52 total 345
Hulff dem 1st 100 2nd 02 3d 79
4th 25 total 302
Salter rep 1st 93 2nd 91 3d 105
4th 41 j total 393
Dr J H McLeans Strengthening
Cordial and Blood Purifier is admirably
adopted to mako a little health go a
long way Its curative power is large
ly attributable to its stimulating nutri
tive and tonio properties by which the
energy of tho system is recruited It is
pleasant to tho taste easily boruo on tho
stomach and harmless under prolonged
use Price 50o and 1 a bottle Sold at
Koonigsteins pharmacy
Ileal Kmto Trunnion
The following transfers of real estate
are reported by Chester A Fuller man
ager of tho Madison county abstract
ofiico at Norfolk
Julia H Egbert widow to T
E Odiorne wd u y lot 1
block 8 Hnasos suburban
lots to Norfolk 075 00
Mary J Youngor and husband
to Win Kiesau wd lot 11
block 10 tho Heights 800 00
Otto II Mass and wife to
Herman Eyl wd nw 21-
23 3 880 00
Jas Collins and wifo to Wm
Kiesuu wd lot 2 block 10
tho Heights 225 00
Homo Miller and wifo to Lu
ciuda J Dolin wd lots 3 and
1 block 2 Dorsey Placo Nor
folk 275 00
II E Wood aud wife to John
Landgrof wd no J4 aud ne
h W h 35-22-1 5900 00
Carrie Thronesou aud bus to
A J Audorson wd lot 10 sub
div blk 10 railroad addition
Newman Grove 550 00
James H Colgrore aud wf to
John W McCallnm wd lot 3
West Moadow Grovo 700 00
Elkhorn Building aud and Sav
ings association to Ellen Ken
nedy wd lots 13 and 1 1 blk 10
Dorsoy placo Norfolk 1000 X
W H Robinson to 13 F Sidlor
wd lot 0 blk 1 Burrows sub
div lots 1 and 10 of blk 2 Paso
walks addit Ion Norfolk 700 00
John A Nelson and wf Anna L
to John Long wd lots 7 aud
10 blk 1 railroad addition
Nowman Grovo 1 WW 00
P T S Co to John A Nelson
wd lot 10 blk 10 railroad ad
dition Newman Grove 15 00
Alexander Boar trustee to
Thomas G Hight wd lot 2
Mock 2 Edgowator Park 75 00
Frank Miller to O S Snyder
wd h sw 14 1 1-22-2 2100 00
P T S Co to W P Cilon wd
lot 8 block 5 Railroad addi
tion to Nowman Grovo 130 00
P T S Co to Cora E Harvey
Harvoy wd lot 13 block 18
Railroad addition to Nowman
Grovo 72 00
Engouo Crook and wifo to
Harding Creamery Co wd
lot 4 block Lewis addi
tion to Moadow Grovo 250 00
V W Barnos andwifotoThos
OSheuand Willis McBride
11 h block 57 Railroad addi
tion to Madison and other 300 00
Frod Brechlor and wifo to Alice
Sutherland wd pt of no 3
8-23-2 1 00
Tlio Weather Summary Shows Thai Old
Winter Held llor In II In
Irhk Grasp
Tho weather for tho month of March
189 was a koon lissnpointmont
The winter which began with the
blizzard of October 17th had with the
excoption of a fow mild days tho fore
part of January been 0110 of unmiti
gated and almost unparalleled sovority
February had been a terror not only
to evil doers but to those who wero well
disposed as well When March was
ushered in a gleam of hope shot above
tho horizon of tho public mind and it
was welcomed as bringing with it softer
skies gentler winds and othor harbing
ers of spring But it didnt There
wasnt a harbinger or any other old
thing except old winter visiblo from
start to finish Thero wore thirty one
days of bleakness storm and north
winds If occasionally thero was an
upward tendency it was only for a fow
hours and then suddenly checked by a
blast from snow blockaded Wyoming or
This immediato locality suffered less
from snow aud severe storms than tho
regions nbout us but tho month was
only a continuation of a long cold win
ter such as the oldest inhabitant finds it
difficult to duplicate even with tho assis
tance of a vivid immagination
The summary of tho month ns made
by the voluntary observer Dr P 1 1
Salter shows tho record and will bo
noted with interest by News readors
Compared with tho immense snow falls
and heavy storms olsowhero prevalent
it makes a favorable showing for Nor
Tho maximum temperature of March
was 00 degrees on the 9th
Minimum temperature six degrees be
low zero March 0
Mean temperature 22 degrees
Mean maximum temperature 31 de
Mean minimum temporaturo 14 de
Total precipitation 47 iuches 1
Greatest precipitation in 24hours 28
inches on March 14
Total snowfall during the mouth
about three inches
No snow on ground at end of the
Numbor of clear days 13 partly
cloudy seven cloudy 1 1
Number of days on which 01 or moro
precipitatioii fell six
Prevailing wind north
Have you heard of thofumous Hot
Spriugs Arkansas Hundreds of peo
ple uro being cured there daily of tho
Latent Losses
Washington April 3 Special to Tub
News Tho following additional casu
alties are reported from Manila April 1st
Wounded First Nebraska Captain
Martin Herpolslieimor company D in
forearm moderate accidental
Cable of February 7th from Manila
roportiug Eggor killed is au error
There is no such person in First Ne
braska G D Meikiejoiin
Acting Seoy of War
Doom Cnlleo Agree With You
If uot drink Grain O iinido from
pure grains A lady writes Tho first
timo I inado Graiu 0 I did not like it
but after using it for ouo week nothing
would induce 1110 to go back to coffeo
It nourishes and feeds the system Tho
children can drink it freoly with great
benofit It is tho strengthening sub
stance of pure grains Get a package
today from your grocer follow tho
directions in limiting it and you will
have a delicious and healthful tablo
beverage for old and young 15 and 25o
Why not shako tho grip Go to Hot
Springs Arkansas and loso it
4r ijft w
American Commission Issues a
Proclamation to the Natives
Bupreiiiuey if tho United Slates Wilt llo
IC11O11 fed Nnllies mil rod That Their
Heat Interest Will Ho
t Ion ill the Island and Happiness of
People Stlltm lrur
Manila April 5 The preamble of
tho proclamation of the United Stales
Philippine commission rooltos the ces
sion by tlio peace treaty of the Philip
pine islands to tho United States re
fers to the appointment of the commis
sion assures tho people of tho cordial
good will and fraternal feeling of tho
president of the Wnitod States and tho
American people and asserts tliat tho
object which tho United States govern
ment apart from the fulfillment of its
solemn obligations has assumed toward
tho family of nations by tho acceptance
of tho sovereignty over tho islands is
tho well being prosperity and happi
ness of the Philippine peoplo and their
elevation and advancement to a position
among the most civilized peoplo of the
Unfortunately theso puro alms and
purposes of tho American government
and peoplo havo been misinterpreted to
some of the inhabitants of certain isl
ands and as a consequence the friendly
American forces havo without provooa
tution or cause boon opouly attacked
Tho commission emphatically asserts
that the supremacy of tho United States
must and will bo enforced throughout
every part of tho archipelago and those
who resist it can accomplish no end
other than their own ruin ll is will
ing aud anxious to establish au en
lightened system of government under
which tho peoplo may enjoy the largest
measure of homo rule and the amplest
liberty consonant with tho supremo
ends of tho government and compati
ble with those obligations which the
United States lias assumed towards tho
civilized nations of the world
Tlio proclamation then says thoio can
be no real conllict between American
sovereignty and tho rights of tho Fili
pinos for America is ready to furnish
armies and navies and all tho infinite
resources of a great and powerful nation
to maintain its rightful supremacy over
tho islands so it is oven moro solicitous
to spread peace and happiness among
tho people aud guarantee them rightful
freedom and to protect their just priv
ileges and immunities to accustom
them to free self government and to
encourage those Democratic aspirations
sentiments and ideals which are tho
promise and potency of fruitful national
In conclusion tho proclamation an
nounces that tho commission will visit
tlio Philippine provinces to ascertain
tho enlightened natives ideas as to the
form of government invites tho leading
representative men to meot the commis
sion and declares tho policy of tho
United Slates in the establishment and
maintenance of tho government is to
consult tho wishes and secure the ad
vice and co operation of tho peoplo
2MnLK Hih Forres Out From Mnlnlnpi anil
ItllliH Across 1000 Holiols
Manila April 5 General Mac Arthur
reconnoitered in force yesterday with
tho Montana regiment tho Fourth cav
alry and two guns of tho light artillery
us far as tho river north of Malolos
The reconnaissance developed tho fact
tlmt thoro aro fully 1000 rebels armed
with Mauser rifles preparing for do
fonso Shots wero exchanged and two
of tha Montana regiment wero wounded
but thero was no engagement Later
in the day General MaoArthur moved
northward as tho wator supply of Ma
lolos is inadoquato
The belief is spreading among tho
residents horo that tho effect of the
capturo of Malolos the former rebel
capital followed by tho proclamation of
the United States Philippine commis
sion will bo to convince tho natives
that Aguinaldos bubble has burst Dr
Schurman president of the commission
said Tho Filipinos have beeii asking
uuceasingly What do you proposo to
do for us Tho proclamation auswors
tho quostiou aud it should satisfy
Tho insurgents aro massing forcos
north of Calumpit about flvo aud 0110
half miles northwest of Malolos and ac
cording to tho observations of tho recon
noitoring parties they havo flno in
treuchmouts thero
It is expected that hard fighting will
bo necessary to dislodgo thom at that
point and at San Fernando where
Aguinaldo is supposed to bo Largo
rivers strongthon both positions Tlio
Montana regimout had one man killed
anil threo wounded yesterday Twenty
flvo men wero prostrated by tho heat
and brought to tho hospital Two now
big Krupp guns 0110 six inch and tho
other eight inch which woro found
buried at Malolos will be mounted
Tho Americans havo fomd 27007 silver
Condemns Philippine War
Boston April 5 A mass meeting
under the uuspicesof tho Anti Imperial
itt leaguo wus held in Tremont temple
last nipht aud was attended by a largo
and enthusiastic audience Tho prin
cipal speaker was ox Socrotary of tho
Treasury Boutwoll who condontnod tho
Philippino war and severely criticised
the administration
Mattel Is In Illilliiff
Ponca City O T April 5 Olydo
Mattox who killed Lincoln Swiunoy a
rancher last nigiit is luuiug near tne
Kuw reservation 18 niilos from hero
Olliccrs havo boon in pursuit ot Mattot
all day and at ouo time wero near
enough to exchange shots with tho
young desperado but Muttox eluded
them and escaped in the gutheriug
I darkness
First Day limn With Seven Men In Ilia
ilury llm
Canton O April 5 Tho first day
of tho trial of Mrs Anna E George for
themurderof George I Saxton brother
of Mrs Molvlnloy olosod with seven
men occupying seats in tho jury box
Many attorneys of tho city are attend
ing tho trial which Is expected to In
volvo several very close legal points
Judge Isaac M Taylor is presiding and
the crowd Is so large that ho upMlntod
threo extra bailiffs to servo in the court
room during tho trial which is llliely to
occupy three or four weeks Except tho
several women ft lends and women rela
tives of Mrs George there were not
many women in tlio court room al
though thero wore quite 11 number in
the corridors Three desired witnesses
are still absent hut an agreement was
lunched to proceed without them About
125 witnesses havo already been sub
poenaed and the list is being constantly
Ten rind Witteiv Irnves
KlKKKA Oal April 5 Tho stoainer
Jhllltat capsized 011 tho bar yesterday
as she was leaving tho harbor on her
trip to Han Francisco Tlio bar was
rough but the steamer was almost
over aud had blown threo whistles to
indicate tho fact and hud turned to
ward tho south whun a breaker struck
her beam and she immediately cap
sized Thero wero six passengers aud
13 in the crew all lost hut nine Tho
vessel lies bottom up and is pounding
in the breakers north of tho south jetty
She will come ashore before long The
beach is strewn with wreckage
Tho lost passengers are M O Buson
Peter Fryo 15 OBrien and 12 J Bo
land The names of all the soamon
lost are not yet known The drowned
include however tho captain V P
Anderson the second oflleor name un
known P 15 Cupola cook and A
Johnson seaman
St I Hie ill Iomii Mllleis
Drs MoiMs April 5 At 11 mass
meeting of the miners of the central lis
trie of Iowa yesterday it was voted to
order a strike to take effect at once The
decision involves 2000 miners Oper
ators are firm in refusal to raise tho
It is now understood declared
Chairman Joyce that Des Moines dis
trict is on a strike but it must bo un
derstood that when mines agree to pay
their men SO centH and give t hem an
eight hour day men will bo allowed to
go batik to work Its 80 cents and
eight hours
rent Itrltnln Arrepts the Ihiu
Washington April 5 lird Salis
bury has accepted tho plan proposed by
Germany for tho settlement of tho Sa
moan trouble by tho appointment of a
tripartite commission Tho acceptance
is on the broad principle oniy and tho
details of tho arrangement aro as yet to
bo agreed upon As the United States
has already accepted tho general propo
sition thcro is no longer doubt as to the
organization of the commission
Amlmsmiiliir Choato Iteeovors
London April 5 Tho United States
ambassador Joseph II Choato has al
most recovered from his recent indispo
sition and went to Bournemouth today
with his family
Oialn O ItrliiKH Hellel
tothecoilco drinker Coffee drinking
is a habit that is universally indulged in
and almost as universally injurious
Have you tried Grain O It is almost
like coffee but the effects are just tho
opposite Cofleo upsets the stomach
ruins the digestion effects tho heart
and disturbs tho whole nervous system
Grain O tones up tho stomach aids
digestion and strengthens tho nerves
Thoro is nothing but nourishment in
Grain O It cant bo otherwise 15
nud 25 ents por package
Every farmer and stock niisor should
keep Sloans Liniment on hand for an
emorgeucy Ask your neighbor and ho
will tell you why For sale by John
Women Should Know II
Many wonion suffer untold agony and
misery because the nature of their dis
ease is not correctly understood They
have been led to bellovo that womb
trouble or female weakness of some sort
Is responsible for tho many Ills that Imi
set womankind
Neuralgia nervousness hoadaoho
pullyor dark circles under tho oyos
ihuuiatism a dragging pain or dull actio
in the back weakness or bearing down
sensation profuse or scanty supply of
urine Willi strong odor frequent desire
to pass It with scalding or burning sen
sation sediment in il aflor standing in
ottle or nmiiiou glass for 21 hours aro
signs of kidney and bladder trouble
Tho above symptoms aro often attrib
uted by the patient herself or by her
physician to female wouknosss or womb
double Hence so many fail to obtain
relief because they are treating not tho
disease itself but a relleolion of the pri
mary cause which is kidney rouble
In fact women as well as men aro
made misoiuhlo with kidney and bladder
trouble and both need the same remedy
Dr Kilmers Swamp Root is the great
discovery of the eminent kidney and
bladder specialist and is easy to get at
any drug store for llfty cents or one dol
To prove its wonderful merits you
may have a sample lsittle and book toll
ing nil about it both son absolutely free
by mail Kindly mention Tun Nouroiu
Wkpkiy Nrws and send your address
to Dr Kilmer A- Co Minghaniton N Y
lite the Chlhliena IMInli
called Grain O II is a delicious appe
tizing nourishing food drink to take
I he plan- of coll Hold by nil grocom
and liked by all who havo iimmI it be
cause when properly prepared it tasles
lilcc the finest coffee but is free from all
its injurious properties Grain O aids
digestion and strengthens tho nerves
It is not a stimulant hut a health
builder and children as well as adults
can drink it with great benefit Costs
about one fourth as much as coffoo
15 aud 25 cents
Marcli April and May
PrMiTli T I1 IIHiiiiIh Coiilrnl will run
1 III I H I IhiliioHinliorH hxcillHlmiH to
LJJ U lilt Iliitnlii pnliilH in tlinrimitliim
llm llliii of llm IIHiiiiIh Cen
tral mid Ynoi A MlHblHHhipl Valley llitllroiulK
hum nil nt u ioiiH on I ho lllinoin Vntinl wrHt of
mid hirhiillnic Allien and horn point on the
lili Mini Codiir ItupiilH lirnncluMim March 20th
Apill Jl and 17II1 und rtlny 1st 11 nd 151I1 mid
fiorn nil pointHiwiHl of mid IiicIihIIiik Willlniiu
one duy lutrr tlimi tlioilntoH niiiiiid
Tim now Snntlinrii lloino wokeiH Guide
in dot nil tlio iui irultimtl nd vhiiIiikoh tlio
mil nud piuduclH ul nil 1iiinlH Himlli of tlio
Ohio Hi v i t 011 llm liiiiH ot Mm uhuvo iiiiiitiuiiod
iomiIh I or 11 ropy iiddionH the iiiiiIithIkihiI
For information roncoiiiiMi HhIIioihI LmiiiIhIii
the feiille Y111111 Viilli j of MihHihHippI iiddrooK
I flliiiio I iind CoiiiinitHioiiiT IC It It nt
1IITT T rp I loiiii tilorn Kxrurmon tick-
III Lh V I J oIh will ulho ho Hold from hIb
II LkkJ X I tioim in lowii ftl of nud in
iinliiiK Vilnr Fulls mid from
polutHon tlio llo and fodnr Itiipids hrmichm
March list April 4II1 und iHth and nay 2d
una 10II1 to pouitH on tlin IUIiioIh Central Rail
roiid 10 whirli tlio 0110 way rate Ih 1700 or over
in South Dakota Miiinenotii mid in Iowa to
polntH mHt of Ackloy inclunivo except points
Wlht of IoMiub
Home seekers Uxcurslons to Points on other
Lines ol Kullroudj
Tho IllinolH Central will sImi null on the first
mid third TuewlaH in March April and May
lIoiiin HixikHrH KxcurHion Tickets to point on
foreign lines of rAilrouds in tunny of tho
Western SouthweHtern and Southern States
torratcH routes etc inquire of jour nearest
Illinois Central Ticket Acent
All Ilouui buukerH Kxcundon TicketH aro sold
at a rate of
for the roUDil trip Tickots limited to il duys
for return
A 1 I A 111 Cent II It
Dunuyui Iowa
Promptly Reaches tiie Seal
of all Blood Diseases and
Cures the Worst Cases
In every test mado S S S easily
demonstrates its superiority over other
blood remedies It matters not how ob
stinate tho case nor what other treat
ment or remedies havo failed S S S
always promptly reaches and cures any
so here the blood is in an v wuv invol veil
Everyone who has hud xtmriimm with
blood diseases knows that thero are no ail
ments or troubles so obstinate anil difficult to cure Very few remedies claim
to euro such real deep seated blood diseases as S S S cures and nono can
offer such incontrovertible cvideneoof merit S S S is not merely a tonic it
is a cure It goes down to the very seat of all blood diseases and gets at tho
foundation of the very worst fiie and routs the poison from the system Itdoes
not like other remedies dry up the poison and hide it from view temporarily
only to break forth again more iolontly than ever S S S forces out every
trace of taint and rids the system of it forever
i n w t i -
-us i i ji u mfiiigiisiicry am writes some years
ago I was inoculated with poison by a nurse who infected
myliabo with blood taint 1 was covered with bores and
ulcers from bend to foot and in my great extremity 1 prayed
to die Several prominent physicians treated mo but all
to no purpose Tho mercury and potash which they
gave me seemed to add fuel to the awful flame which was
devouring me I was advised by friends who bad seen
wonderful cures nnulo by it to try Swifts Specific 1 im
proved from the start up the medicine seemed to go direct
to the cause of tho trouble and force tho poison out Twenty
I 1 Slit I
t a3KEg
uoiwcscureu mo completely aw ills opecnic
is tho only remedy that is guaranteed purely vegetable and contains no
mercury potash arsenic or any other mineral or chemical It nover fails to
cure Cancer Eczema Scrofula Hheuntatiain Contagious Blood Poison
Tetter Boils Carbuncles Sores etc
Valuable books mailed free by Swift Specific Company Atlanta Ga
Tif J ttAj f rjgrtuACrggjasf