f l ihl G Thcjlofolkfie1 It would scorn with the city elections bo near at hnml Hint tho wenthcr iniKht warm up a little Tho crime of 1S7JI prelim to have followed Urover Olovelund into nil In oeitous dosnotuile Tliownr wo bought from mniinff nR mnrn trouble than Spnln 1h tho one wo fought with hrr 1 StorliiiK Morton very portinently pays lliul beef for the nnny 1h not worse thnn veuly HtntemniiiiHhii for tho republic Tho CnbiuiH nre inclined not to accept that 1000000 If they dont wnnt it Uncle Sam can find plenty of uho for it nt tho present tinio Tlio volunteer nt Manila tirnvml thnt tho citizen Americn nro invinoiblo tho thiK nnd it inturestH hiivo ngain soldiorH of ir defondorn of Nebraska welcome wenlth intolli pence nnd industry nnd oilers splomlid opportunities to those who possess onu or nil of theso desirable factors of sue cess President McKinlwy is reported nH favoring annexation of Cnbn not forci bly but by tho consent of the Cubans It is said thnt nnnoxntion scntiniontiH rapidly growing on tho island Tho St Louis Globo Domocrat rises to remark thnt whilo a fnrmer enn get from liO to 70 for n steer it will bo dlf lloult for Col Brymi to eonvinco him that prosperity is not camping in the neighlKirhood Mr Hryan wnnts it understood that he is a dollar domoernt It should also bo understood that it is n 200 cent dollar that ho is talking about To have boon foglcnl tho freo silver orator should not havo lmd that dinner cost over 50 cents In tho discussion of public questions thoro is nood for more sanity Brilliancy alono is dangerous What is wanted is calm deliborato judgment based upon reliable information Thoro aro alto gether too many conclusions jumped at Prejudico supplants insight and vision Tho peoplo nre bewildered rnthor thnn bonolitted and guided A woolen trust nn immense copper tmst a tolophono trust and a boot and shoo trust aro among tho latest tiouB Unless theso trusts break by thoir own weight or otherwise tho Krent middlo class in Amorican society will bo crushed out nud reduced to tho lovol of wngo onrnors Wo nro indus trially in a transition state of moment ous import Tho revelations that are being mndo iu tho dilTorent departments of tho stato government reveal much that is unsav ory dishonest and unpleasant It only emphasizes tho truth of tho statement thnt whilo individually Americans aro quito honest in thoir dealings with ono another they aro apt to consider tho public crib a place for pie nnd plunder The need is for a sterner public con- scionco Tho Anglo French delimitation treaty recently signed is another notable penco victory Both England and Franco probably got as much torritory in Africa as thoy could hnvo hoped to gain by a long war to say nothing of tho lifo and treasure tho latter mothod would havo cost Tho treatyleaves tho two nations political and commercial friends and as is usually tho caso was far wisor than fighting it out Not tho man who talks but tho ono who achioves not tho theorist who is constantly promoting the latest political novelty but tho steady going practical sane helper of humanity who does things that holp his town state nation and tho world this is tho man who abides Ho may not always bo popular but ho will bo honored and what is as valuable ns the respect nud gratitude of ones own and future generations The wholo question of the value or mouaco of tho millionaire to society is stated iu a nutshell by tho Conservative Tho man who has n million of dollars and good business sense is a benefit to any community But tho man whom a million dollars own control and warp is a detriment It is ono thiug to have a citizen who owns n million dollars and works them nud qnito uuother to havo one whom the million dollars own con trol and work The democratio party is all torn up over the approaching crisis in Now York It is seriously divided Ono wing of the party is goiug to hnve a ten dollar dinner nud tho other a dollar meal It is to bo on the same day Eaoh faction clams to bo tho true Jetler soman democracy Ouo is the repre sentative of Richnrd Crokor while tho other will listen to tho Nebraska presi deutial cnudidatelAs the latter is one of tho plain peoplo ho will of courso at tend the dollar show What effect theso dissensions iu the democratic household will have ou the party remains to be seen Meanwhile tho intelligence and industry of the party will pursue tho even tenor of its wnys watching tho ef forts of Oroker nnd Bryan to do each other up with some nnuisemont nnd curiosity but continuing to ondorso tho administration of William MoKinley under which tho nation has entered upon an era of marvelous prosperity Tho United Status as one of tho groat oM powers of tho world should hold foreign relations wherever thoy are held by other powers Uliinn at tho present time furnishes n most important Held for enterprise and influence on tho part of Aniorlenns Yet with all our iKiasted push nnd business sagacity wo are not grasping tho commercial opixirtuiiities which might be ours for tho taking in this great empire In fact our com mercial interests have declined Amer icans onco had great houses in China but now they aro commission agents or more often American goods aro sold by Knglish or Gorman merchants Our nianufacturors have plenty of business push in over supplying tho homo uinr kot but then instead of seeking iui out let in tho Orient thoy closo their factory doors Great mining interests havo lieon secured in tho empire by Russia and Germany Both Franco and Eng land have gained concessions in south ern China Two great railroad lines could havo beeu builtby Americans but they havo been seized by tho European nations Wo need markets for our goods Lot us wake up The ISciil ilelleison Speaking of tho proposed Tofforsonian banquets in New York in which Mr Hohnont and Mr Bryan figure so con spicuously tho Outlook says Tho Tammany dinner iu honor of Jefferson is incongruously a affair whilo tho anti Tammany dinner is at n price which squares with Jeffersons no tions of political simplicity Such a statoniont coming from some member of tho rural press whoso zeal for democracy was pardonably greater than his historical knowledgo might bo allowed to pass unnoticed When found howovor in tho columns of ono of tho most critical journals in America it calls for comment and refutation Thomas Jofforson had it istruo many notions of political simplicity To him liborty owes much His broad sympa thies for humanity aro unquestioned Expressed in that immortal Declaration of lndoponilonco they will never bo for gotten But when it comes to tho daily living tho facts of history do not con firm tho idea that a ton dollar n pinto dinner would havo boon incongruous to tho Monticello statesmnu Jefferson was simple in his political idens but Jofforson was not simplo in hiB wnys of living Ho was liko other mou tho product of his environment Ho hnd a training that did not consult tho neces sities of poverty but rather tho demands of luxury He spoilt many years in tho Parisian court whou royalty was at its hoight iu Franco Ho wns a courtly Virginian tho owner of an innnouso plantation and ho royally entertained his friends In that day the hospitality of tho Virginian planter meant a lavish use of money and material and nu ele gance of display that savored of ostenta tion and plenty Tho real Jeffersonian dinner at Monticello revealed fruits and vegetables meats and choicest viands wines of rarest vintage Tho tables not ouly groaned under a superabundance of richest foods but thoy glittered with a sorvico of silver plate solid ami nuiquo The guests woro costumes whoso beauty and elegance would mako tho plain dress suits of the presont look tame indeed Mr JoiVonon would not havo been at all abashed by any dinner that tho ton dollar democrats may servo It is a pity that oven in a land whero democ racy prevails in remembering democra cys earnest exponent that hero worship leads us to throw a glamour ovor him that is unjustifiable If theso early heroes of tho republic Jefferson Washington and tho others could speak to us wo bolievo they would exclaim in Oromwellian ncceuts Paint us as wo actually were They deservo to bo enshrined iu our hearts irrespective of their party affilia tions or our own as leaders iu tho van guard of freedom To them wo are greatly indebted IJut Jofforsouiau simplicity is a misnomer Virginian lifo ami uuumers at that tinio was but tho reflection of English aristocracy and French royalty Tho fathers of tho republic were courtly gracious and noble but they belonged to a difforent age from that o Abraham Lincoln and James A Garfield In tho polite circles in which Washington ami Jefferson showu with such brilliancy William MoKinley or William J Bryan iu their present day attiro would have cut a sorry plight But as au embodiment of geuuiue American simplicity tho pro duct of moro than a century of tho rule of tho plain people tho latter aro the natural outcome And in this Mr Mo Kinley and Mr Bryau nro only repre sentative of the men who control in po litical nud social affairs Tho simplicity of Jefferson is not to bo compared with tho prevalent business liko attitude of our publio meu Never was this nation so thoroughly democrat io us it is now For tho benefit of tho Outlook nud other misguided peoplo some philan thropicully disposed literary feller should write a volume on The Real Jefferson HIE NORFOLK NEWS THURSDAY APRIL 6 1899 The lilnnketR that aro issued to tho sol diers of our nrmy cost tho government ft 10 each Aguinaldo would ninke n grcnt candi date for ofllco His running qualities nre unsurpassed Admiral Watson would liko to be Deweys successor and has applied for the Asiatic coiiiniand The Filipino footrace is about ovor The natives nro getting tired of trying to got uway from our boys And now Nicaragua wants to bo an nexed Uncle Sam is wotting very pop ular among his poor relations Transports havo started from Manila learing tho sick and wounded whom it was necessary to send homo for treat ment Thoro havo been less business failures during tho past threo mouths in tho United States than at any tinio during tho past 17 years Tho Filipinos seem to havo no trouble in making tho Amorican army nm Thoy just keop a littlo ahead of them Tho ganio will soon end J S Olarkson for many years prom inent in Iowa politics nnd editor of tho State Register is to becomo secretary of tho United States senate Tho republicans will circulate tho commercial reports as campaign litera ture in tho elections this year What better thing do they want Coin Harvey can now take a rest hav ing no longer tho management of tho democratic campaign on his hands It is hoped tho country can also Tho Nebraska Third will loavo Cuba for this country this weok Thoy will be mustered out of service Thoy will bo given u royal welcome homo Now that tho spring elections aro ovor the country engorly awaits tho coming of tho base ball season with tho days of Juno and tho sweet girl graduate Tho campaign against tho Filipinos wns skilfully plnuned and has been bravely executed It will reflect credit upon all who havo had a part in it Dispatches from Lincoln stato that tho stato board of agriculture estimates that 00 per cont of tho winter wheat crop of Nebraska is badly damaged Gonoral Fitzhugh Leo will bo given a permanent command iu Cuba by Presi dent MoKinley It is not at all unlikely that ho will bo made governor general of the island Gen Miles has been nominated for tho presidency by somo society iu Wash iugton D C This will bo ploasing to tho generals vanity ami will not harm anybody else Tho premium ou Uuited States bonds is so high that tho government can bor row 11101103 at a littlo ovor two per cout Confidouco has returned William Mc Kinloy is president Tho harmony that pervades tho demo cratic part is painful Bryau aud Bel mont aro as sympathetic as Harrison and Altgold Honry Wattersou and Houry M Toller aro as thoroughly ngreod ns J Sterling Morton and Charles A Towne United States locomotive builders havo ordors for 80 locomotives from tho Rus sian government Sweden has ordered 20 Franco 10 Egypt 15 and the Midland railway of England 10 In 189S there were oSO locomotives exported from this country and tho contracts alrotidy mado this year exceed that number Of tho largo cities of the world straugo as it may seem London is tho healthiest tho death rate thoro being 11101 per 1000 Now Yorks death rate is 17t Among tho larger Amerieau cities St Paul and Minneapolis rank first iu this regard Iu Minneapolis it is 001 aud in its twin city 002 The capitalization of trusts duriug tho mouth of March averaged 50000000 a day Tho day of reckoning with these gigautio combinations approaches If they fall to pieces by thoir own weight us some prophets predict well and good If thoy do not the people will speedily And somo way of curbing thoir power Spain is iu n deplorable condition Hor people it is said feel hopelessly crushed and there is no statesman in whom thoy have supremo confidence But after all what cau bo expected of a couutry where 70 per cent of the peo plo neither read nor write aud where moro money is spent for bull fights than for the education of tho peoplo The state of Minnesota is going into the forestry business on a largo scale It has decided to plant with pines 800 000 acros of land which havo reverted to tho state by reason of iiou payinont of taxos It is u sensible idea Tho growth of forests in a state is a paying invest ment aud tho nest generation will ap plaud tho foresightednoss which pro motes them It is difllcult for us who are maelstrom of current events to how closely the world has beeu in tho realize drawn together within tho Inst generation Nothing rovcals this moro fully than tho present war in tho Philippines Al though distant moro than 7000 miles tho families of thoso who nre iu tho cam paign at Manila nro ablo to hoar from them in n few hours Twenty four hours does not elapse before au official list of tho dead and wounded i pub lished In J till in every paper iu tho coun try In the civil war no ouo thought of getting information from tho battle Holds that could bo considered accurate in less than a week This is not only a nation with a big N but it is a world with a big W Davo Mercor in nn interviow nt Washington makes some interesting predictions about tho political contest in Nebraska tho coming fall Although only a judgo of tho snpromo conrt and two rogouts of tho university nro to bo elected tho campaign will bo n signifi cant ono Mr Mercer seems to consider it sottlod that Judgo William V Allen of this judicial district will bo tho fusion nominee for judgo of tho supremo court Thoro is no question but what Allen will mnko a vigorous fight Not only will his own future bo effected but the prospocts of Mr Bryan will bo largely settled by tho result If Nebraska can bo curried by tho republicans William J Bryan as a presidential possibility will loso prestige If tho fusiouists can elect thoir candidates by a good majori ty thou Mr Bryan outers tho race as tho probablo opponent of Mr McKinloy in 1900 Under thoso conditions this year is likoly to wituoss ouo of tho hottest po litical battles ever fought within the limits of this stato It behooves tho republicans to got on their fighting clothes put up thoir strongest cleanest men and go in to win Gen eral conditions of tho country and tho stato aro decidedly in their favor A mnn Booking tho presidency in this year ISO who denies tho existence of pros perity should bo denied any comfort from tho prosperous farmors nud trades men of n prosperous commonwealth Stand up for Nebraska 1 Talking about tho traditions of tho fathers as if the were sacred is non sense Tho fact is thnt tho men who founded this government didnt havo muchjrespect for traditiou They start ed out on now and untried liues Wo admire them becauso thoy did Thoy paddled thoir own canoes nud thoro is uo reason why this generation shouldnt do tho same Becauso Benjamin Frank lin wore swallow tail coats nnd kneo breeches it doesnt bind us to do it There nre several things in that old con stitution that were all right when they were put into it that today are obsolete and unsatisfactory It perhaps was a safeguard then to elect United States senators by tho stato legislatures That is no longer true We would get far moro satisfactory results if they were elected by tho peoplo Why shouldnt wortoit The election of n house ol representatives in November of ono year that doesnt meet until December of the noxt year may havo been all right then but it is absurd to do tho same thing now Tho meeting of stnto legislatures overy year then was a great help To day oven biennial sessions are gener ally productive of more ovil than good So it is in a hundred different wuys While wo should havo respect and con sideration for tho noble lives and deeds of tho fouudors of tho republic wo should not bo under bondage to their way of doing things Now occasious teach now duties Each generation has problems peculiar to itself Oars is uo exception to tho rule A tallow dip is good in Its way but shnll wo discard tho electric light becauso it is not tradi tional Above everything else lot us havo common sense and uso it It is of moro value than precedents and tradi tions and a far better guide for national progress Dead men ought not to tyrannize over us Notlcn to luiiil Owners To all whom it may coucorn Tho commissioner appointed to view nud locato a road coinmeucing at the northeast corner of section 10 iu Bur nett precinct Madison county Ne braska running thence north ou the section lino between sections 17 and 18 and terminating nt tho southeast corner of section 7 iu township 24 range 4 west has reported in favor of the estab lishment thereof aud all objections thereto or claims for damages must bo filed in the couuty clerks office on or before noon of the 10th day of May A D 1809 or said road will be established without reference thereto E G Heilman County Clerk Active solicitors wanted everywhere for Tho Story of the Philippines by Murat Halstead commissioned by the government as official historian to the war department Tho book was written iu army camps at San Franoisco on the Pacific with General Merntt m tho hos pitals nt Honolulu iu Hong Kong in tho American trenches at Manilo in the insurgent camps with Aguinaldo ou the deck of tho Olympia with Dewey and in tho roar of battle at tho fall of Mauiln noummiif or agents Brimful of orig inal pictures takeu by government pho togrnphers on tho spot Largo book Low prices Big profits Freight paid Credit given Drop all trashy unofllolal war books Outfit frqp Address II U Barber Gen Mngr 850 Dearborn street Chicago CORNFIELD RUSTLINGS Do pusson whnt am ketched by do April fool joko niii nlwus do bilges fool Ef yo jus grab do coppnhs nn hoi ou to em do dollnhs will soon bo lookiu fo yo kompany No Snowball do ladys Eastah bou nd nin nlwus n suah cation ob do slzo an weight ob do pocket book in do pos session ob do head ob do fainbily Id Boonah place plicit konfidonco in do man what goes in at do frou doah ob do sloou than do ono hit sneaks in at do back doah an konsumes twico as much likah Whon yo get reddy to mnko yo mak in do worl doan spect yo lntious to funish do pencil nn do musslo to mnko do pencil mobo or dp mak will bo thoirs stead ob yo own If do days wus all sunshiuo doy would bo npt to grow wenrisum nn do craps would bo spiled De kloudy gloomy wonthah hubs its uso uu mnko do Bhiuy ones all do brightah Somo ob do fines paintings look liko awful daubs on closo Jspection Whon yo seo a lady what am pretty us a pic ture jos member dut do same obserb ation might ply to her Do littlo dog mos nlwus howls longnh an loudnh an do big dog Do small tax payah or do chap what pays no taxes at nil does do mos kickin gainst do iniq uitous rates ob de sessor Kaso yo gabo dat punctued nickel to do brind man nm no proof dat yo nm sproutiu wings Mebby at de same tinio yo was konsideriu how jo kould skin some po lone widow woman -out ob a dollah Kase yo mammy put a Mefodis didy on 30 an do preachah soused yo head with watah am no reason fo yo to sposo at yo nm entitled to a plush upholstered zerved seat inside do pearl gates ithout niakin anuoder move Do fiy wheel ob do enjine am mighty useful iu its place but when it gets ob place do debbel am to pay De brainy chap wid a well balanced miu am a might- useful citizen but lots ob men hab jus brains nuf to mako trouble Yo doan need to think dat kaso yo daddy hab cohered yo nakedness by neat well fittin togs dat yo am de only hmr in do buttnn ar nm oduers an de kid what wears de ragged gameuts may hab a skin two times as healthy an klean as yo own Do watah millyou may hnb a mos kaptivatiu outside rind an yet it may bo rotten nt do kore De slick dressed smooth pearing geniman may hnb de brackes hart dat knu be magiued Dis ouly probes dat 30 kaut alwus toll b3 do shell what de kernel may be A Cheap Farm nnd a Gnml One Do you want a good farm whero 3ou can work outdoors in your shirt sleeves Tor ten months in the 3ear nud whore your stock can forage for itself nil tho 3ear round If so write to P Sid Jones Passenger Agent isirmingham Ala or Dr R B CrawfordTraveling Passenger Agent 0 Rookery building Chicago 111 Do you want to go down and iook at so no of tho garden spots of this country Too Louisville Nashville railroad pro vides the way and tho opportunity on the first and third Tuesday of each month with excursions at only two dollars over ono fare for round trip tickets Write Mr O P Atmore General Passenger Agent Louisville Ky for particulars Do you want to read about them be fore going Thou send 10 cents in silver or postage stamps for a cop3 of Garden Spots to Mr Atmore Hidden Beauty In Egypt the custom is for Princesses to hide their beauty by covering the lower part of the face with a veil In America the beauty of many of our women is hidden because of the PK rt ft yl weakness and sickness pecu liar to the sex If the Egypt ian custom pre vailed in this country many sufferers would be glad to cover their pr ematu r e wrinkles their sunkencheeks their unnealthy complexion from the eyes of the world with the veil of the Orient Bradfields Female Regulator brings out a womans true beauty It makes her strong and well in those organs upon which her whole general health depends It corrects all men strual disorders It stops the drains of Leucorrhcea It restores the womb to its proper place It removes the causes of headache backache and nervousness It takes the poor de bilitated weak haggard fading woman and puts her on her feet again making her face beautiful by making her body well Druggist sell it for 1 a bottle Send for oer free illustrated book for women The Bradfll Regulator Co Atlanta Ga All TIRED OIF If this l your exprrlertce then your uiooa is poor una unn mm uiicu wiui impurities Thoro Is but ono euro You must mjt rlil of nil theso poisons In tho blood Thoro is butono remedy Ayers Sarsaparilla It makes tho blood pure and gives it new lifo and power Tho starved nerves aro better nourished Your hoad ceases to ncho Your brain keens clear You nro not obi Iced tx begin tho days work all tired out V100 a bottle All druggists J C AYEU CO Lowell Mais TREES AND PLANTS of Hest Varieties at Hard Times Prices Small fruit in largo supply Millions of Btrnwborrjr plants very thrifty and well rooted Jottlie bkht near homo nud savo froight or oxpret Send for prico list tu North Bend Nurseries North Bend Dodge County Neh DR C S PARKER DENTIST At Plorco Every Monday Mast Block - - Norfolk Nob ALWAYS USE Get Away a BAD A IX COCOA PURE HEALTHFUL Attention Farmers Do yon dceiro to secure hnnderds of sample coptos of agricultrrnl journals maenzines news papers books catalogues and circulars of tho latest improved fnrm implements nud machin ery and bo kept postodon improved seeds and stock for two years or nioroT If so send ns your nnmo with ten cents insilver nnd we will lus ert thosnmo in the American Farmers Direc tory which rocs whirling nil over the United States to publishers merchants and manufac turers Ion will Kut more Kood reading matter thnn you could purchase for many times tho small coBt of ton cents Wowant overy f armors name in tho United States in our directory at once Farmers Dirkotort Co Department 118 iiirmingham Ala Couple from of Months WEATHER and visit Asheville or Hot Springs N C Aiken S 0 Augusta or Savannah Ga or the many FLORIDA RESORTS Tourist tickets on sale via Southern - flaitaay by all Ticket Agents For schedules or further infor mation write or call on Wm II Taylor A G P A Louisville Ky J O Bkam Jr N W P A 80 Adams St Chicago el CHEAP DR McCREW SPECIALIST Treats all Forms of DISEASES AND DISORDERS OF WiEN ONLY 20YEm EXPERIENCE 12 Yurs in Omaha Cent jiucn Free Book fret 90flce1thFarnamSt H0X760 OMAHA NEB FARM LANDS Located on tho Illinois Central B B in SOUTHERN ILLINOIS Kud alto located on Valley K thn Yazoo and Mieeiseipp H in tho FamnuB YAZOO VALLEY Of SlinBieeiiipi adapted to tho ra - 1UU ot Corp and hors Soil Richestin the World Write for Pamphlets and Maps E P SKENE BERSTT MOE Lanii Coumibtloiier Asst Land Comr Ill Cent It 11 Co Park How Hooro17 CHICAGO ILL