The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, April 06, 1899, Page 4, Image 4

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The flottf oik pieuas
W N 11U0K Piibllrtipr
Rrorjr day etropt Honda 11
voak 1 ent Itv mull lor lenr 1
Story TlinnxW Hi mH I J 9ra
Kntuml at tlifl IoMoftlca at Norfolk Neb
ipsond clasa matter
Telephone No 22
Ilomulntf tlio NnllonH Dciul
Todny Wnslihmtonwvurnl hundred
of tlio bodies of thoM who fought in tlio
cmnpnlKii of tfnntino il 1orto Kico
will bo reditcrrod in tlio cemetery nt Ar
lington 1rcRlduiit McKinley nuil IiIh
onbinet will attend Kll military hon
ors wilt bovmid to the memory of tlio
deceived Tlio lopartinontH closed at II
oclock noon ami there Iihh boon n k
oral ordor niiido rwniontiiir that tho day
bo observed throughout tlio country
It is ajipropriato This gonoration Ihih
itn own heroes and Ncbrusku haH mom
oricH or ItH own doad an thoy havo
bravely niBhod forth to defend tho Man
and uphold tho interest of humanity in
far oil Manila
Tho thKH at Norfolk and other cities
arc displayed at linlf iiuiht In honor of
tho patriot dead
Not only did Americans at LoxhiKtou
flro tho shot heard rouud tho world
nud at Gettysburg hurl back tho foot hut
would havo destroyed a Morions union
Irat at Santiago El Canoy and Manila
thoy havo fearlessly offered up their
lives that tho priceless blessinga of lib
erty might bo extended to tho uttermest
parts of the non
A great nation will not forgot its he
roic dead They aro its priceless treas
ures Their sacrifices aro what purify
tho fountains of national life ami incite
us who enjoy tho fruits of their patriot
ism to bo bettor patriots ourselves An
imperial ropublio is ennobled by thoir
floods Thoy shall never bo forgotton
Tho Northwost legislature has cou
wound at Winnipog Man
Belgium has appointed tbroo exports
to inspect American fruits
Corea is in troublo with llussin ovor
tho recent seizure of a whaler
Thomas Edward Ellis former junior
lord of tho Hritish treasury is doad
Jamoa Wylio Glasgow Ky tho
former champion chockor player is
Stovo mnuufacturors in session nt
Cleveland will fix n ralsod sculo of
Tho work of selecting iurors to try
Mrs George at Canton O is slowly
Tlio naval promotion board is now is
suing commissions to tho oillccrs recom
mended for promotion
Tho annual conforonco of Mormon
elders in tho southern statos is in sos
tion at Charleston S 0
A bouoilt porformauco was given nt an
Havana theater Wednesday night for
aiding the Cuban soldiers
It is bolievcd nt Havana that tho 8
000000 for tho Cuban army will bo dis
tributed within a fortnight
Judgo Kohlor at Akron O has hold
tlint tho coreal company is a trust and
as such an illegal combination
Tho emigration question is giving
Japan much troublo especially as eon
gross made no law governing Hawaii
It lias boon decided by tho nostollco
dopartment to establish a postal roiuo
in Alaska which shall cross tho Arctic
Tho transport Crook sailed for San
tiago Wednesday to bring back auother
consignment of bodies of soldiers and
Thcro appears to havo been no truth
in tho report that tho dowager empress
of China has recalled Li Hung Chang to
Judgo Ricks United States court
Toledo has decided that tho national
bankruptcy law supersedes 6tato laws
The Missouri senate has passed an
anti trust bill allowing courts to issue
injunctions and persons injured by
trusts to recover threofold dumages
Tlio United Society of Christian u
deavor has received letters from ox
Presidents Clovolaud and Harrison ap
proving tho efforts looking to universal
Asbistant Secretary Vanderlip has is
sued a sot of now rules to govern civil
service examinations requiring uu edu
cational test in mechanical or skilled
Charles Steele wifo and three child
ren of Los Angolus Cal aro ponuiless
iu St Louis Steolo traded his big farm
for Tennessee land which does not ex
ist and is stranded
General Brooke has established a press
censorship nt Havana which holds tho
editors of papers responsible for what
appears in their columns instead of tho
writers of tho articles
Captain Oharls E Clark Into com
mander of the Orogou uow commander
of tho League Island navy yard was
tendered a banquet at Philadelphia
vveunesuay nigm uy tno union leagne
Tho Presbytorian foreign committoo
is tukiug measures looking forward to
active missionary work in tho Philip-
islands Rev D S Hibburd and
is wife formerly of Lyndon Ksui
have just started for Mauila
Wages Up t Muscatine
MU60ATINE April 6 Tho Hnttig
Manufacturing company employing -100
pooplo in tho manufacture of sash
doors ami tlinds has increased wages
10 per cent
Feminine Features
While woman maj havo her fuco on
the dollar said tho cornfed philoso
pher looking thoughtfully nt tho coin
yet to tell tho truth sho is moro apt
to havo her eyo on tho 88 cents In
dianapolis Journal
VIco lrioltlent Hobprli Condition
Washing son April fi Vice Presi
dent Hobart is not progressing as satis
factorily as was hoped for and last night
ho was not as well as usuul A dis
agreeable cough is giving him tho most
annoyance and ho is unable to throw
it off
Missouri River and Tributary
Streams Rising
Vnililrn ltli Nenr Injtlllr 1 IV Menard
Hloili lliiler In Ilia Vnllry Mrmiin
Knm Hlntloiieil nt IntrrrpiU Will llldn In
Iniil llrvrro Hlylri nntl Carry Warning
YVIirn tlio Overflow Comes
Sioux City April 0 Tho Missouri
liver ico went out hero last night but
is said to bo forming below tho ol ty
Tho Missouri and tributary streams aro
ill rising
Startling dispatches woro recelvod by
tho superintendent of tho Chicago Mil
wnuken and St Paul railway at this
point regarding tlio rising of water in
tho Missouri river near Gayvillo S D
and immediately ho wired back that
messengers must bo dispatched among
tho stock raisers iu tho valley warning
them that tho ico was gorgod bolow
that point The water is spreading rap
idly over tho sloughs and is alroady at
tho top of tho river banks Tho gravest
fears aro entertained that tho muddy
stream will overflow the banks and do
great damage to property and
live stock Tho dispatohos stated
Mint tho gorgo had formed
early in tho morning throe milos south
west of Gayvillo nnd that every hour
it had becomo firmer nud thoro wns no
hope of itH bronking for sovoral days
Men on horseback aro stntionod nt tho
gorgo and tho moment the danger of
overflow is seen to bo groat thoy will
ride in Paul Rovcro stylo through tho
dark warning tho hundreds of farm
ers to leave with their stock Tlio
country is flat in that vicinity Word
also has been received that n gorgo has
formed below Sioux City near tho town
of Ouawa nnd that arrangements aro
being made to blow it up with dyna
llimrtl of Control Will lut In n llnnt In
tho Pnnltentlnry
DicsMoiNics April Tho Iowa board
of control of state institutions has de
termined to establish a faotory for mak
ing binding twine in one of tho poni
toutiaries About 1100 con viots aro in
tho Auumosa and Fort Madison institu
tions At Auamosa it has been almost
impossible to find employment for them
honco tho board decided to try tlio twino
factory Investigations aro in progress
as to tho exwuso of equipping a plant
It was first deslgnod to put in general
machine shops Tho twino faotory can
bo established cheaper and tho board
claims will produco a largo part of tho
twino used in Iowa nnd roiluco tho price
from 25 to il per cent comparing with
the average trust pricos of the lust two
CluW II no Ilorolvom Mont
Kansas City April 0 J MoD
Trimble general counsel and ouo of
tho receivers of tho Pittsburg nud Gulf
road returned last night from Now
York where ho has been for several
weeks in tho interest of tho consolida
tion plan lie was mot at tho depot by
Messrs Gillhani and Martin tho other
receivers and thoy hold a consultation
nt Mr Trimbles residence What
passed between tho receivors regarding
tho attitude of tlio eastern stockholders
and the consolidation coinmittoo could
not bo learned Tho receivers woro
appointed last Saturday and this was
their first meeting
Sliiy Force n Crlnln
St Johns N P April 0 Nows
reached hero of tho burning of a
French lobster factory on St Johus isl
and off the west coast tho lnrgost
French fishing center along tho treaty
shore of Newfoundland Besidos tho
factory 11 largo boats and a lot of val
uable fishing appliances woro dostroyed
It is behoved that tho flro was tho work
of an incendiary and the circumstances
may servo to bring about n crisis re
garding thu French shore question
Lnboroni Join Striker
Dies Moines April 0 About 500 men
employed by tho day about tho mines
havo joined tho strikers Tho original
demands of tho miners do not take into
consideration this class of laborers but
their action may lead to n further de
mand that thoy bo granted nn 8 hour
dny without any reduction in wages
Tho strike of the miners iu tho Dos
Moines district bus assumed largo pro
portions ami it is estimated that fully
1200 nieu aro idlo
Ntnv Lincoln Monument
SritiNOFiELi Ills April G The
house committee on appropriations yes
terday prepared a bill providing for the
erection of a uow Lincoln monument iu
Springfield to cost f 1000000 Of this
amount 100000 is to bo impropriated at
ouco for tho commencement of tho work
congress is to bo requested to appropriate
500000 aud 400000 is to bo raised by
a popular subscription The bill was
reported to tho houso and advnuced to
second reading
WrrckftgH Routing Ashoro
Halifax April 0 For ten days tho
wreck of au uukuowu vessel has boon
coming ashore nt Kellys covo A pieco
pf plunk picked up Monday has tho let
ters painted on it Win Tho plank
has been brpkon off Tho residents of
the covo believe soma largo vessel hus
been lost
Vetoed by Governor
Lincoln April 0- The governor has
vetoed tho item of 000 iu tho goueral
appropriation bill to def rnytho oxpenses
of the committee appointed by the sen
ate to investigate tho state ofllces This
doos not affect any of the othor itoms of
tho appropriation bill
Story Countys State beuator
Ames la April I Tho Republicans
of Story county nominated J A Fitch
patrick of Nevada caudidato for state
senator for this Boone and Story
county di trict
Arnold Hoilman was n Norfolk visitor
Thursday last
1 H Donovan went down to Lincoln
last Thursday
litl OSheu wont up to Albion Tues
day on business
Attorney A W Gross went down to
Lincoln Thursday returning Saturday
Lou Davis is building n paint shop on
tho corner of Madison nnd Third streets
Miss Willn Alien went up to Norfolk
Saturday to visit with her friends in
that city
Dr Smart was called to Columbus
Tuesday morning returning on tho
evening train
Attorney W 13 Reed attended court
in Pierce county this wool returning
TucHtlay evening
Attorney James Nichols wont down
to ColuinbiiB today to look after legal
business iu that place
Bon WoodB sistor Mrs P II Briggs
nud her son of Stanton aro visiting
with Miss Louiso Fricko this week
T F Momminger returned from
Lincoln Sundny evening tho legislature
having adjourned Sundny afternoon
1 W Toiiesreturiicd Friday from
Ohorokee2Iowa where ho haH been
looking nftersomo interests ho had in
court there
C II Bradford of tho Edwnrds
Bradford Lumber Co wns in tho city
Tuesday closing tho deal for tho pur
chaso of tho Jones lumber yard
A few of tho friends of Henry Allen
surprised him at his homo Tuesday
ovening nnd taking possession of tho
houso proceeded to hnvo a good time
Judgo Foster has let tho contraot for
tho buildiug of his lino now houso which
is to bo located in tho south part of
town J J Adams secured tho con
Chester A Fuller tho Norfolk ab
stractor was in tho city hiBt Friday hav
ing business nt the court houso Ho
camo down again Wednesday for tho
siiino purpose
Miss Jacksou stenographer for Robin
son et Gross left for Omaha Saturday
whore she has accepted u position
Miss Kriug of Lincoln will tnko her
place iu tho oillco here
Ed Warrington tho tinner in Horst
Bros store leftjtho city Tuesday mom
iuglfeIlo bus not yet decided just whero
ho will locate having several good posi
tions otlored him in tho northern part
of the state
Berger tholcignr ninu went up tho
road Tuesday morning on a trip to
tho Black Hills and other points in
liorthemiNebraskn Ho says that he
oxpects to sell tho wholo northern
port of Nebraska beforo returning
J B Hume loft for the east Saturday
to visit with his brother iu Wisconsin
Monday Mrs Humo went to join him
and theyBwill go from there to Now
York and thenon to Ireland to visit for
sometinioj with relatives in tho old
A number of young people of Madison
went down to Humphrey Sunday to
spend Easter day Three carriage loads
compriseriXtlHcrowli aUl from their
reports they had a very good time uot
withstnndiug tho fnct that tho weather
wns not nil thnt could havo beon asked
for Tho Easter hats looked some what
out of plaeo where fur coats were
needed for comfort
A number of young men of tho city
gave n farewell snppor in honor of Miss
Kilpatrick Wednesday evening at tho
Piiuco house Six couples pin took of
tho sumptions feast nud did credit to
themselves aud tho occasion Tho party
met at tho homo of ex Senator Allon
and went iun body from there to tho
hotel Returning to tho senators
homo they spent tho evouiug in a most
onjoyablo way
Mrs K C Lugar died very suddenly
about 2 oclock Wednesday morning
She aud her husband had been sitting
up with Tom fPrnthers little child nnd
when about 2 oclock tho child became
suddenly worse sho weut for tho doctor
Sho oeeuuio ill on the way nnd stepped
at tho houso of Henry Webb whero sho
knocked nt the door nnd before it could
be opened fell in n sinking condition
from which sho never rallied Her
friends had barely time to call her bus-
bund and summon a doctor beforo sho
breathed her last While sho was yet
being prepared for the undertaker and
beforo her friends had recovered from
tho awful shock tho child with which
sho had beon watchiug peacefully
breathed its InBt nnd a double sorrow
had fallou on the friends of both fami
Last Thursday n man who gnvo his
name asJRose purchased a money order
at the depot paying for tho same with
three 10 bills of the issues of 1802
Tlio qunintuess ot tho bills nroused tho
suspicious of Miss Fink who made the
sale nnd sho showed them to her father
who was preseut at tho time Tho bills
were submitted to tlio bauks and were
still held as doubtful aud the man was
placed under arrest on suspicion of pass
ing couuterfiet money Finally it was
determined that they were all all right
nud ho wnsturned lose Ho nt onco
went totho livery bju u of Henry Horst
and hired a tenni to drivo him to Nor
folk Ho had scarcely ief t town when
the son of Mr Haskius drovo in and
told thoolllcialsjhere that his father had
E The best wool properly treated will make the best cloth and tho best cloth cou
5 rectly tailored will make the best clothes This is the kind you get from
IMy Thilor
Jr Up Stairs Most Block Call and have prices quoted
Poor cloth will not make good clothes neither will poor wool make good cloth j
Mote this point when ordering your spring suit 5
beon robbed of 120 in U S green backs
that answered tho description of tho
bills that had beon held in question A
telephono message wns sent to tlio
oMcors at Norfolk nud when tho man
nrrived thoro ho was taken iu charge by
tho police aud turned ovor to tho sheriff
when that ofllcial nrrived Ho is now
confined within tho cell of tho county
jail awaiting his hearing nud tho pros
pects nro that ho will bo held guilty
llunlncflH Triinmctcil by School Hoard
Regulnr meeting of tho board of edu
cation was held on Monday evening
April J
Present Burchard Brnoggemnn Aid
Luikart aud Matrau
Meeting was called to order by Vice
President Burchard
Tho minutes of tho last regulnr meet
ing were read and approved
President Dean appeared and took the
Monthly report of John Friday treas
urer showing balance cash on hnud in
tho general fund of 151 01 and in tho
buildiug fund of 7i cents with unpaid
outstaudiug warrants nmounting to
l lli01i wns read nnd referred to
auditing committee
Tho following bills were rend and or
dered paid
Fren Sidlor dray nnd supplies -175
II C Mutrau secretnry freight paid
on slato blackboards for now buildings
II C Mntrnu secretary express and
freight paid 183 nggga DKBjj ZZZ
United States School Furniture Co
slate blackboards 15031
Brnasch Rees coal 17331
D O Heath Co books 2192
L C Mittelstadt lumber 1220
Albert Degner supplies 090
Norfolk Journal supplies 550
Nebraska Telephone Co rental for
April H00
Monthly pay roll 153870
Communication from tho committee
of nrrnngements for tho senior clnss of
1899 requesting tho board to decide tho
manner of holding tho commence
ment exercises particularly with refer
ence to a lecture and also to the mnu
uer of selecting tho salutatorian nud
vnledictorinu of tho clnss wns rend and
on motion it wns ordered that tho com
munication bo referred back to tho com
mittoo with tho recommendation thnt
thoso members oftho class having tho
highest marks on examinations should
bo selected for valedictorian nud salu
tatorinn respectively
It wns also ordered thai genernl grad-
untion exercises by tho class of 1899
shall bo held aud if found advisable and
expedient a lecture by some popular lec
turer on souio other night during com
mencement week
Reports from teachers showing that a
large number of new pupils would enter
the schools at tho beginning of tho spring
term wero read and it was ordered that
a now room bo opened nt tho Lincoln
school beginning Monday April 10
On motion tho rules were suspended
aud tho secretary wns instructed to cast
tho ballot of all uiotnbers presont for
Miss Vina Mason for teacher for the bal
ance of tho school yenr aud sho wns de
clared elected
On motion tho rules wero suspended
and tho secretary was instructed to cast
tho ballot of nil tho members present
for D O OConnor for superintendent
for throe yenrs beginning with the fall
term of 1899 nud Mr OConnor was de
clared elected
On motion the board adjourned
Application for IrtiiiitH Iliior License
Matter of application of Asa K Leon
ard for a liquor lioenso
Notice is hereby given that Asa K
Leonard did ou the 3rd day of April
1899 tilo his application to tho mayor
and city council of tho city of Norfolk
Nebraska for license to sell malt spirit
uous and viuous liquors for medicinal
mechanical and chemical purposes at
Norfolk Nebraska from tho 1st day of
May 1699 to tho 30th day of April 1900
At lot 2 Pilgors subdivision in First
ward of said city
If thoio is no objection remonstranco
or protest filed within two weekB from
the 3rd day of April 1699 the said li
censo will bo granted
seal J O Stitt City Clerk
One Dose
i Jens mo siors mien your xieiiu
aches and you feel bilious constl 1
Ipated and out ot tune with your I
Momtiih tour and no appetite just i
0 buy u package ot
Hoods Pills
Ami take a dose from 1 to 4 pills
You will bo biirnribid at how easily
I they will do their work cure your I
I headache aud biliousness route the
0 liver uiul make you iiri huppy unum
0 25 cents Sold by ull medicine dealers
N A BAINHOLT Proetdout
ALEX AN DISK DKAlt Vice ProslcUn
W H 1IDCHOLZ Caahier
E W ZUTZ Anietnnt Cashlor
National Bank
Capital 10000000
Surplus 2000000
Does a General Banking Business
Buys and Sells Exchange
Interest Paid on Time Deposits
Drafts and Money Orders Sold on any Point In Europe
A General Steamship and Foreign Passage Business Transacted
Oil and Gasoline
NO 33
Norfolk Steam
Goods Called for and Delivered
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Trade from Adjoining Towns
Promptly Attended to
Telephone No 83
AlMilcHtlan f DriiRRlHtit Liquor Uceiine
Mutter of applicutioii of J L Hersh
iser for liquor license
Notice is hereby given that J L
Hershiser did on the 20th day of March
1890 file his application to tho mayor
aud city council of the city of Norfolk
Nebraska for licenso to sell malt spirit
uous aud vinous liquors for medicinal
mechanical and chemical purposes at
Norfolk Nebraska from the 1st day of
May 1809 to the UOthdayof April 1000
At lot 8 block 4 Norfolk Junction in
Fourth ward of said city
If thero is no objection remonstrance
or protest filed within two weeks from
the 20th day of March 1899 tho said
liconso will bo granted
seal J O Stitt City Clerk
Livery Feed
Sale Stable
Hack Line In Connection
Telephone 68
If you want to buy or trade come and
see ub G It Seiler Co
Ofllco iu Mast block
rropoiul for Site fur Public lluilillnp
US ton D C MHrch 21 1M0 8i b1pi1 Pro
pohals will boricclvpil to bo opened at eleven
oclock a m April 15 ISM for the fsle to the
United btatesot Buitable property centrally and
conveniently located for a ito for the public
building authorized ty Act of Conttresa
approved March 2 It W to bo erected iu Norfolk
Neb A corner lot approximating 130 feet front
by 150 feet in dimension is preferred If not n
corner lot tho property must approximate 130
feet by 1W fc ctindlmeniontithe 110 feet to bo
street froutaee Each proposal must bo made
with tho undrreUndiuu and rgreoment that it
it is accepted the buildings and all improve
ments on the property aro to bo retained nud
removed within thirty ilajB after written notice
b thu vendor and that all eipeuns ciiiiuected
with furniehiuK evidence of title and deeds
of couveaiica aro to bo paid by the
vendor Kurh propoxul must bo accompanied
by a properly drawn diagram gitim tho
meles uud bounds of the proierty ami knowing
thuBtreetB around tho block in which tlio jirop
erty in situated Iso by n written statement iu
regatd to the grades character of ground for
foundation el The right to reject any aud all
propobals is reserved Kach proposal must bo
sealed murked Proposal for the salo of prop
erty for a silo for tho Public Huildiug in Norfolk
Neb and addressed and mailed to LJ jyUE
Secretary of tho Treasury Washington D O
Sale and -Boarding
Horses Bought and Sold on
Braasch Avenue
and Third St
Money to Loan
Real Estate
Eikhorn B fi S Association
Always Fresh
and Just as
Highest Market Price Paid for
Butter and Eggs
jfH Sausage
11 Kih
Everybody wants the est of
meats We make a special
effort to please our trade
Onr Sliep is tho Neatest
the City
Mrs H HHull
Fitial Treatment Mepicoripg aid Shampoo
Will fUdly call at your homei and do any of thl
work Ordora Uken for fine hair switches
Peifoet match guaranteed Besldence on First
street Junction Orderi may be left at tha
Junction IlrnirHtnre Tnlnrhnnn Ifl
tt Mercer Hotel
Cor nth Howard Sti OMAHA
Nebraska people can meat their friends
hro Tako Harney bt car at depot
RATES laoo j p C0ATES Preff