The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, April 06, 1899, Image 3

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The Tour ip the Worto
I overcoat Ulster T Overcoat Ulster I
I All Wool Irlah I Superior All Wool Genuine Carney I
I in Black I in Black T in Black in Black Grown I
I Blue and Brown I BforniaodMutedABlue and Brown Gold end Oxford MXal
rll KIHIll
mimmfMjmWfzMyiHt3fc x4ft3lmv
Nearly every wide awake Merchant in America handles
theso Coats It your dealer does not write to us and
we will see that you are supplied
Kama MyaaTHiwe sea
Norfolk Weekly News Reduced to 1
a Year for Cash in Advance
Opportunity for Young Men and Women
Boys and Qirls to Make Money
During the 18 years that The Norfolk Weekly News
has been published no subscriber has ever received it for less
than 150 per year This price has been maintained in the
face of cheaper competition because it has always been con
ceded that The News is the best weekly paper published in
this section of the state being printed all at home and giving
later telegraphic news and recording more local events than
any other It has always been well worth the price asked
for it and will continue to steadily improve in all its varied
departments in the future But in response to the large
class of people who desire to pay in advance we have decided
to make the following
To every subscriber who will pay 100 in advance Tiie
News will be sent for one year
To every old subscriber who will pay up all arrearages
to date and 100 in advance The News will be sent for one
Every subscriber who pays one year in advance will be
presented with a copy of Kendalls Perfected Receipt Book
admitted to bo the best cook book on the market containing
besides suggestions as to the care of the sick recipes for the
ailments of stock etc which are invaluable on any farm and
in any household Those who cannot call at The News office
for the book will include 5 cents extra for postage
Any subscriber or member of the family of a subscriber
who secures for us one or more now cash in advance sub
scriptions will be paid 25 cents for each new name and 100
which they may send to this office
Those who have paid in advance at the regular rate will
be credited the additional time at the new rate Those who
do not pay in advance will continue to be charged the old
rate of 150 per year
This special offer will continue until April 1 unless
sooner withdrawn which we reserve the right to do Address
all communications to
Norfolk Nebraska
The time on the above is extended to May 1st
Prom ioc a Double Roll up
Window Shades Room Mouldings Paints Oils Glass
04 n Brushes Etc Etc
Painting Paper Hanging and Decorative Work at Fair Prices
of tho oity today Hnoks nnd carriages
hiiro boon koIiik hither mid yon nnd es
pocinlly in tho Third ward whero there
nro threo cnnilidiitoa for conneiltnnii is
thi cainpaiKii n vigorous one Tim polln
close at 7 oclock A light voto is being
oast except in tho Third wind whoro tho
interest centers
Tho wntor color paintings which will
bo fclmwti at tho art exhibit thiH week
nro actual scones in and about Venice
mid Homo painted from nature by well
known artists of thoHe cities Hoinoni
bortheyaro not copies by any pro
cess but mo originals and direct fioni
tho brush of theso aitists Kuch and
oveiy one is a gem They must bo seen
to bo appreciated
If Gentle Spring had been a candidate
for ii member of the school board sho
would have received a unanimous vote
Kven tho lulies would have turned out
and cast thoir ballots in her favor and
there isnt a business man or working
mau in tho city but who would be glad
to give her any olllco iu the gift of tho
people if Bhe would only put in a prompt
appearance aud stay awhllo
On complaint of W II Kirley Joseph
Vlnsney was brought boforo the polico
court yesterday charged with selling
liquor to William Kirley n minor and
son of tho complainant Tho easo was
continued until 1 oclock today when u
hearing resulted in the defendant being
found guilty Judge Hayes in lines and
costs imposed 1 180 Vlasnoy will take
an appeal to tho district cout
Rev A Hanko and family departed
for Omaha this noon where ho will tiko
chaigo of his now Held of labor in that
city Rev Hanko has been pastor of
tho German Kvaugcliciil church in this
city for three years and his people testi
fy to his faithful labors in their belief
and regrot to sco him go They vvel
como their new pastor Rev G
Streichcr who with his family arrives
from Omaha tonight
Among tho Nebraska volunteers who
have been soveroly wounded in tho io
ccut engagements with tho Filipinos is
Frank Peterson of Battle Creek Ho
was severely wounded in tho knee
March 28 Ho now lies in a Manila hos
pital Tho Enterprise says Frank is
the youngest member of Co F First
Neb Vols auda gieat favorite with his
comrades Just how serious his wounds
may bo will probably not be ascei tinned
for some time but it is the wish of all
that ho will soon bo ablo to leave tho
hospital aud return to hiB Battlo Creek
Tho seniors of the Norfolk high school
spent a most happy time last evening at
tho home of Miss Jeffries on South Sec
ond street One member was absent
but his abseuco was understood aud ex
cused Ho belongs to a ball club con
sisting of two members but whose ex
istence unlike the ordinary combination
of nine extends through all tho year
There was a meeting of tho club last
evening so of course it was very desir
able ho should be present to make a
quorum Though missing his master
ful presence yet tho class spent a most
delightful evening
South Norfolk Noun
Mrs Fishback is recovering from an
nttack of pneumonia
Mabel Diugmau of Council Bluffs is
visiting frionds hero
Mrs Linerodo who is sick with pneu
monia is much better
Mr and Mrs Dan Smith have another
httlo girl at their house
Clara Beech has gono to Beeuier to
visit fiiendB and relatives
Mrs Emily was visiting a fow days
with relatives in Oakdalo
Vera Gorbal has gono homo to
Meadow Grovo to visit hor parents
Ruby Crotty has gono to Missonri
Valley to visit relatives during vacation
Miss Dot Thornburg is down from
Oakdalo visiting tho Misses Fairbanks
Mao Barrett has recovered from a
brief illness and is now ablo to bo out
among her frionds again
Born to Mr and Mrs John Brown a
little girl She will bo called Esther
John M lloiicliiraut
After an illness of fx month or more
of inflammation of tho bowels J M
Boudnrant breathed his last at a little
post 0 oclock this morning
John M Bondurant was born in
Greeusburg Indiana September 20
1844 At tho age of 12 years he removed
with his parents to Missouri With his
family ho camo to Norfolk in 1680
whore ho has sinco resided
Tho funoral will take place from his
residence at 2 oclock tomorrow after
noon It will bo under tho auspices of
the G A R of which deceased was a
member Rovs Eaton and Jeffories
will conduct tho funeral services
Mr B leaves a wire and daughter
Mrs Pippin and flvo grandchildren to
mourn his loss He was an estimable
citizen and his death is a loss to tho
Little colds neglected costs thou
sands of deaths yearly People who
have used Dr Sawyers Wild Cherry
and Tar recommend it even for con
Dont scratch your life away but use
Dr Sawyers Witch Ilazel and Arnica
salvo for eczema jlog hire bums und
The county commissioners met at
Madison today
A Luikart and Bert MapoH went
to Albion this morning
The art exhibit will not be opened un
til tonioirow afternoon
J O Chllds of tho Madison Ropoitor
was in tho city yostoxlay
Levi Miller president of tho First
National bank of Stanton was in tho
city today
Miss IMlth Tatniau who in attending
tho Wuyno Normal school returned to
her studios yos onlay
Tho t ciichei h association began its
sessions this afternoon with an attend
unco of about 100 teachers
Frank P Hanlon of Omaha one of
tho diiectors of the Noifolk National
bank ih visiting in the oity
I G Weslorvelt loaes tonight for
Tilden Ho has stock interests there
and oxiKcts to bo absent some time
B S Wyatt of Grand Island man
ager of tho Singer Sewing Machine
olllco at that place is in tho city today
Miss Nellie Schwenk cnteilained a
p uly of ti tends at her homo hist evening
in honor of her guests tho Misses Ack
criiiau of Stanton
Or Chas MelCim armed home fioin
Chicago yesterday Ho has just gitidii
utid with highest honors from the
Chicago Veterinary college
The young people both boys and girls
who aie to take nut in the festival ol
the llowcm nro requested to meet Mis
Day in tho guild room ot tho Episcopal
chinch on Tliiiisday afternoon at 1
Oilleer Martin Kano accompanied
young Guiloy to Madison this morning
and expects to pioceed from that place
to Kearney wheie byoulor of the judge
the boy will bo placed in the state ie
f oi in school
Tho ladies of tho Methodist Aid
society will servo luncheon m tho base
ment of tho church Thursday and Fri
day so that those who attend the
Teachers association can at a small pruo
bo served with a meil without leaving
the building if they so desire
George H Bishop of Now Haven
Conn was in the city this morning on
his way home from California where he
has been spending tho winter Mr
Bishop has largo property interests in
Norfolk He will visit with his brother
W E Bishop of Pierce before he ro
Tin Nrws would call attention to tho
oxecutivo order of President Mclvinley
setting npart tomonow as a day in
which tributes of honor be paid to tho
memories of tho noblo men who lost
their lives in their countrys service
during tholato war with Spain Flags
on all public buildings nro to bo pieced
at half mast and private citieus aro re
quested to observe tho day
A report spread about tho city this
noon that Prof OConnor was dead
Tin Nnwsis glad to stato that the
rumor was not true aud moreover the
latest information icceived from his
bedside aio that the symptoms aro more
ff fvablc than they have been for some
days aud there is a chanco that ho may
recover Tho profes or is very sick but
it will rejoice tho people of Norfolk who
hold him in such high esteem thattheio
is a possibility that ho may pull through
to health again
Sports Afield for April has on its cover
page a very striking amnteur photo tak
en by Asa K Leonard of this city en
titled Out in tho Quail Country It
represents a hunting expedition The
view given shows a camp on tho banks
of tho Elkhorn Leonard is oflering tho
dogs thoir morning meal from a dish
which ho holds in his hand while Dr
Littlo of Bloomfleld and Captain Tracy
of this city stand closo by interested ob
servers It is a pleasant picturo while
tho group makes it of local interest
Tho remains of Mrs George A Mc
Arthur anived this noon from Evanston
Wyoming Representatives of tho De
gree of Hoiior and tho Tribo of Ben Hur
were at tho tram when it ciino in from
the west Tho body was taken to tho
rooms of Sessions Bell Burial will
be made in Prospect Hill cemetery at f
oclock this afternoon Members of tho
Tribo of Ben Hur Ladies of tho Macca
bees nnd Degree of Honor lodges to
which tho deceased belonged will act
as escort to tho fuueral cortege and Rev
Van Fleet will conduct tho Episcopal
service at tho gravo
Hon T F Memmiuger who repre
sented this country in tho late session of
the legislature was in town over night
returning to his homo in Madison this
morning Mr Memmiuger has made
an exceptionally clean record at Lincolu
during tho past winter and his cham
pionship of Norfolk measures has gained
him many new friondu and admirers iu
this portion of tho comity Tho bill
known as tho Memmiuger insurance
measure which ho succeeded in getting
through tho legislature in faco of tho
active opposition of old lino insurance
companies is ouo of tho best now laws
allowing tho formation of mutual insur
ance associations ou lines which will
permit tho common people to protect
their property without costing half its
llouutseeliurs Kn umliin
On January 17 February 7 and 21
March 7 and 21 1800 the Missouri Pa
ciflo railway company will sell homo
seekers excursion tickets to certain
1 ---aw
pointHTJu southwest Missouri Kansas
Arkansas Indian Territory Oklahoma
Territory Colorado and Utah and to
many other points located iu south
eastern states at rate of one far foi tho
round trip plus fJ For fin Hut Infor
mation address V O Mahmim
J O Piiniil T P A
Southeast coiner of 1 Kit and Douglas
streets Omaha Nobiaska
Would Not Mini
Moving time has made its annual ap
pearance Those who aie making
changes in their locations can nppieci
ato tho plaint of the poet who evidently
wntes fiom experience
I would not inoNoin winter
When t ho giound is white with snow
I would tint move iu springtime
When tho nodding lilacs blow
I would not mov iu summer
When tho suns lays scoich the town
When the dust is thick wherever
One piopoves to sit down
Oh I would not move in autumn
When the leaves begin to fall
And iu fact it I could help it
I would never move at all
IHIll I Int
I ist of lcttcis lomaining uncalled for
at thopostnlllco Apnl I I MM
lteiman Bobky O II llaitinan O
O Ilaitman lloiman llciwig Phillip
loehiniller Nellie Pillar Finnk OnT
A lliokor Antony Senlta i IT Sceloy
G L Siuinw ay Samuel Smith Kmiiiti
Stevens W II Stevens John Swouser
W L Waruei John Weibolt T II
If not called for in todays will be
sent to tho dead letter olllco
Puties calling for any ol tho above
plea e say advcitised
P F Kliticiiiicu P M
itiiii risiMx iiouih
Distressing kidney anil bladder
disease idievcd in sl hours by New
Great South American Kldnej Cure
It is i gieat sut prise on account of its
cxceediiiL prompt u ievinir
pain in bladder kidi cvn ari bicic u
male or female Relieve retention of
watei almost immediately If you
want quick iclicf and cine thib is tho
leincdy Sold by Koonigsloln Phar
macy Norfolk Nob
HiihIiImk lliippmilniH
John Toniplin is cpcctcd eveiy day
Mrs Crockett was visiting with Mis
Ray Gleason the past week
Mrs P Stiato is slovviy lecovering
from a serious attack of laguppe
Look at the greys James Shannon is
driving now Haint they hiiinmeis
Mrs Geo Woatherholt arrived homo
last Friday from a live weeks visit in
Veil I tiuks mo got a littlo bit ready
now for wo will have spring iu a fow
Tho Muck arrived at Kauts and
is ready to hurt some one llo would if
he could
We have it from a leliablo source that
theie will bo a new lumber yard started
hero soon
Do you mean that Louis Zienier shall
pay an occupation tax lor shaving and
draymg too
Kindle Bros loft hero Thuisday of
last wiok and now wo do not know who
to tackle for a horse tiado
Wm Lalk is more than busy this
spring plastering and some carpenter
work Success to you Bill
Shannon still ships out carload after
caiload of grain cattle and hogs aud
signs of prosperity still reign
Robert Teinphn took charge of tho
Winsido skimming station Tuesday of
this week and will run it for tho entire
W C Bonhum has resigned his posi
tion as teacher in the Hoskms school to
tako up work as sign painter and paper
J C Clino was taken seriously ill with
lung fover a week ago but wo aro glad
to say that at tho present writing ho is
some better
John Tomporin is hero from Belden
where ho operates a skimming station
for tho Harding Creamery Co on a two
weeks visit with paroxits and relatives
A F Jonson is tho busiest man iu
seven counties Well digging corn
shelling moving buildings cooking
opera house munaeer and other things
too numerous to mention
A village election was held Tuesday
April 1 and tho old Ixmrd of trustees
were elected with tho exception of R
G Rohrke his pluce having been filled
by Wm Zut Forty votes were cast out
of a possible ID A very good showing
for tho first election of this place
No constipated person can look Hub or
her best or feol perfectly well For that
inactivo liver and coiiBtipatiou try Dr
Sawyers Littlo Wide Awake Pills and
thoy will euro you
A Superior through Sleeping Ilnr
ItoMteeii SI Iuiilx mill link-
no in llln
Commencing December 17lh ho Lou
isville Air Lino will inaugiiiato for tho
season ho groat Thiough Sleeping Car
Route to Florida Through sleeping
cars will leave St Louis Ifip m daily
passing Louisville 7 no a m Lexington
10 rr a in leaching Chattanooga o fift
p in Atlanta 10 10 p m ami JaokHon
villc s Id a in second morimiu
Stopoveis allowed This louto is
llnoiigh largo cIHoh aud interesting
countiy and iH opeialiMl ovei most su
perior and well established lines of i ail
way The schedules in o last am most
In addition to the above schcdiilu
leaving St Louis at night tialu leaving
St Louis K OK a m will aiiivo Jack
sonville tho next night lliiop m mak
ing only ouo night out lioin St Louis to
This lino also alloids passengeis for
Florida trip via Ahhovlllo N tho
greatest American re-
Coiuspondonco soliciti d and
ation piomptly luinished It A Camo
hi ii General Passenger Agent St
Ivouis Mil
This is also the best lino to points iu
Kentucky Tennessee Gcotgia and
North and South Carolina
Arc You 3
Easily Tired
Tout roiiiombor that all your
ntiongtli niuiit como from your
food Did you over think of
that l
Purlin pn your inunolnn nood
inoro Htrongtb or your norvoa
or purhapH your iitoinnoli in
weak and cannot diguot what
you oat
If you nooil moro Btrongth
then tako
of Cod Iiivor Oil with Hypo
phoHplutoH Tho oil ih tho moat
niwily ohangod of all foods into
anil tho
phitoB uro tho bout
tonica for tho norvon
SION is tho ooaiout
and quickoat euro for
woak throats for
coughs of ovorykind
nnd for all casos of de
bility woak norvoa
und loss of flesh
ijC anil i oj all druggists
Trri 1IUW M Chemists New York
Frazer Axle Grease
nilJB Jlr
fpjiii A
VtXti Ltf
Mra tEB
AY i niui Ira1
O NY m nPJ
jry it
Not affected by Heat or Cold
Highest Awards at Centennial
Paris and Worlds Fair
Manufactured pp LUBRCAT0R Qn
Factories Chciago SL Louis New York
For tlin euro of nil chronic anil
ucutn ilin HKB i lifr Kiviiu prin
riplofnu from all drni AHtlima
ilroDcliitiBfntiirrii CoiiHUiuptlon
ilonilnrtiti Noiiralkm Hliuiimatliiin
NitrvoiiB IroHtrittifin Hiui iuuuroi
Debility curixl by inhaling
Our homo treatment whicli con
taiua two montlm tiupply of Com
ronnU OxTKMi inhalinx nppara
ratuhj full directions cent to any
part of thf country This includes
medical advliu daring treatment
lnsnplilet with ad rice to the nick
homi treatment and testimonial
1 1 13 Oirard St
Philadelphia Pa J
r Wr
Hii v1
Sheridan Hospital of Chronic Diseases
Iteoitnizoil by tho Htiito nnd concidl to b the leadliitf and mntt snrcwuBrul Institution in
Nebraska KiUIihh1 with all tlm rncilltiiaof Knropeun hospitals inrliulinK special apparatus
for th trratuunl of all Nrvou and riental Dlseunts Mtvu s of Women Special Private
liPartmi nt for NorioiiH mid hicil Dim asfs of Men Varioocln and Piles Cancer cured
without tho knife Maphlos Llqur and Cigarette Habit cured Cutarrli iu nit its forms
Consumption cured spociitl method used iu Iuroneun Hospitals curing all eaten in prtruarj
nnd secondary stae If ou nr in need of thorough bcieitihc treatment for any Chronic
como to the Slierldiiii Hospltul whero nil curalilu chronic- UisuiBes uro treated l7 latest ci
titilillc met hods WRITB jour trouble inclosing sHinp for reply All letter arawcred in
plain Iimdoiie aperiul homo treatment for patients unable to vmit hospital
Sheridan County llaulr or auy business mau in lordoo
Consultation Free Examination Private
TION The chinate of I lor don Js especially- suitable for all lung diseases
tc Vrsfgirt f freftJWff tj