The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, April 06, 1899, Image 1
h S f 1 h iVV i H ij K ywk The Norfolk Weekly News CLEANS OUT npAN Charles- the City the lating 1 BJK T AQUINALDCVS FALL ftcport Current In Mnnlln Thnt Ho lln JJeen Supplnntoil by QonorM Antonio Luna IroolntUBtlon toNatlrss Ii Given ltoipocirul Atttintlon Qootl Results Aro j Eipectoil From It Manila April 0 Tho cruiser Ohnrlos ton which has boon cruising along tho west const of Luzon to tho north sont a boat in shoro noar Dagupun last Taos- day to mnko soundiugo Tho robols opuiiud Hie wounding a United Statos ofllcor Tho cruiser thereupon bom barded tho town tho insurgents ovao Tinting it Thoro ore persistent rumors that Aguinaldo tho insurgent leader has been supplanted in tho control of Fili pino affairs by General Antonio Luna comWaudor in -chief of tho Filipino forces Luna is described as boiug a typical bolligorout Filipino Rend tlio Menage 1 Manila April 0 Tho proclamation of tho United Statos Philippino commis Bion was posted in tho streets printod in English Spanish and Taglog It was also distributed in tho outsido towns as far as Malolos and has boon recoived with marked attention by tho natives generally aud has been approved by a number of roprcsentativo Manikins Total disunities In Philippine Washington April 0 Tho casualties lu iho Philippines from Fob 4 to April 4 1L09 iuclusivo us roported to tho ad jutnut general nrc Killed 184 wound ed 970 total 1100 BUFFINGTON N A BRIGADIER Suf coeds Gonernl s Clilf or tho Jluret n Washington i o president has appointed Coionoi Aiiuiuurt I Buf fington to bo brigadier general and chief of tho bureau of ordnance to succeed tho lato General Flagler Colonel Bufllngtou was appointed to thomilitary academy in 1850 from Vir ginia coming from that part of tho state which is now West Virginia Ho be came a lieutenant at tho beginning of the civil war Being from tho south ho was strongly urged to join tho con federacy but resisted all appeals Ho becamo a captain before tho close of tho war Asido from a short service as a topographical ongineertlio has been con tinuously in tho ordnance corps His uamo is conuoctCa with a number of important improvements in armament being tho designer of tho Bufflngton Crosier disappearing gun carriage and tho field gun carriago in use by tho United States army Mustor Out or Third Nebraska Lincoln April 0 Governor Poyntor 6ent tho following messugo to Washing ton bearing on tho muster out of Ne braska troops in Cuba If consistont with tho policy of tho war department I desiro to add my request to tho peti tion of the ofllcers and men of tho Third Nebraska volunteers that when thoy ehall bo mustered out it bo at Havana or tho nearest port of entry in tho United Statos Tho original intention was to keep tho regiment intact until it reached Nobraska but tho soldiers pro tested Forty Ninth Iowa Starts For Home Havana April 0 Six companies of tho Forty ninth Iowa volunteers loft yesterday for Savannah by tho steumor Sau Antonio They will bo quaran tined at Pulaski Tho Third Kentucky regiment now at Matauzas will leavo boou Tho transports Kilpatrick and Florida aro duo to arrive here by the end of tho woek aud a day or two lator will seo a majority of tho voluntoor3 now remaining in Cuba on thoir way homeward Arseiml MurhliilHta Quit Work Davenport la April 0 One hun dred aud fifty machinists failod to ro port for duty at tho Rock Island arseual on account of dissatisfaction with tho wages and workshop rules Major S E Blunt roferred their grievances to tho war dopartmout but tho strikers would not wait its docisiou Nearly 1200 men aro still at work aud tho manufacture of army equipment will not bo much interfered with Wireless Telegraphy Paris April 0 In viow of tho suc cess of tho experiments with the Mar coni eystoin of wiroloss telegraphy across tho strait of Do Qr tho author ities propose to transmit mossages to England from Paris Tho terminal hero will probably bo tho Eiffel tower tho distauco to Southforoland being 230 milos Ilodles Curried Out to Sea Euheka Cal April 0 No bodios of those lost on the steamer Ohilkut Tues day have boen recovered It is doubt ful if thoy ever will bo At tho timo of tho wreck the ebb tide was flowing and this gives a southerly set to the current carrying the bodies out into deep water Gubernatorial Appoluluieuts Pieiuie S D April 0 Governor Leo today appointed Dr F W Moflltt of Doadwood a member of the state board of health to succeed Dr Jen nings of Hot Springs aud also named Herman J Baker as fish and gumo war den of Douglas county J jKooinllil Joues For OaTurnor Toledo April 0 The friends of Muyor Joues in Tolodo and Columbus simultaneously startod a boom for him yesterday as a candidate for governor of Ohio He will endeavor to have a platform favonr wunioipal ownership of public utilit Must largost oratinp h k her Itiir ths v New YoitK Liborato cer fcurch wedding MU Sloan wab Hammond ycstoiJ turtiioiomow U ho throo ones op dvauces m SBBSSSk aaJbsssssssssssssss HsVrr NORFOLK NEBRASKA THURSDAY APRIL 1891 a ohu H i in St lauding tho oxprosscd dosiro of tho biido and her family for a au wod ding tho avouuo for ss direction from tho cli Baonso throng whl times to pro vont tho arrival oi carnages In order to roliovo tho crush the polico drove tho crowd back to tho block bovo tho church aud to tho block bo low this leaving tho 6troot clear iu front of tho entrance At 11 a m guosts began to arrlvo And just boforo tho approach of tho bridal party tho ohuroh was crowdod Mid guosts stood in tho aislos More than 300 guests followed tho newly Veddod to tho homo of the brides par tuts for tho reception and breakfast Denth or nil Ohio Leper Junction City O April 0 Hannah Garoy aged 22 years tho older of tho two Garoy sisters who have boen af lictcd with supposed leprosy for tho jast 17 years died at her homo three idles from hero last ovoniug after two vecks of intense suffering tho result of Iho dread diseaso invading tho vital organs Tho remains wero interred at Ealem cemetery Thero is a younger lister 12 years of ago also suffering from tho tamo diseaso Tho mother ud thrco sons nro apparently clean Tho family lives on an isolated farm in Perry county which is shunned by all tho natives no ono can bo persuaded to put thoir foot within tho limits Thero is no idea how the children becamo af flicted with tho diseaso aud tho only theory is that it came from the father who died somo time ago and was sup posed to havo contracted it in tho south during tho war Slider War nt Sau Friiiiclsoo San Fiiancisco April 0 Thero is a sugar war on in this city Tho Chron icle says that a local firm is importing cano sugar from Java and Manila re fined in English and Scotch factories at Hong Kong It is carried by tho steam ers of tho California and Oriental Steamship company which is v- af tho Santa Fo system Heretoforo these sugars havo been landed in Sau Diego and ro shipped to this city but iu fu ture tho sugar will bo laudod in Sau Francisco Several cuts in tho prico havo been made tho total reduction being nearly lcont a pound Kohliurx Shw Through Jail Ilurs Oruvu Rapids la April 0 Two men giving the names of Cooksby and Miller held to tho grand jury in sums of i00 each for robbery committed at Center Point n few nights ago sawed out of jail last night boforo being taken to the county jail aud mado their es cape FINDS BEEF WHOLESOME Report or Chemist Clill tendon Dr Currlo Fount Ac lilrt III It Washington April 0 The two principal witnesses boforo tho beof in quiry court yesterday wore Prof Rus sell II Chittenden of Yale college anil Dr Samuel A Currio who was liou ten ant colonel of tho Second New Jersoy regiment which was stationed at Jack sonvillo during tho war Prot CliiU tendon is ono of tho chomists selected by tho govornmout to analyze tho canned roast beof Ho presouted his report showing that tho beof generally was good No chemicals had been found by him in its preparation and it was gen erally wholesome He however ex pressed doubt as to whothor tho heat of tho tropical climato would not causo tho fat in tho cans to liquify and thus ren der tho food displeasing to tho sight Colonel Davis stated thsu most of tho cans from which tho samples wero taken lor auulysis had boon exposed to the heat of tropical countries somo of tho cans being brought from Havana for tho purposo of tho tost Dr Currie testified that tho rofrigor ator beof supplied at Jacksonville had ou somo occasions mado tho nion sick Ho had mado chomical analysis of tho beef which iu one caso showed tho proscuco of salicylic acid and iu auothor of boracio acid Major Loo presented more of tho cor respondence botweon Goneral Milos aud tho court and put iu a request ou behalf of tho general that uiuo of tho 130 wit nesses whoso mimes ho had heretoforo suggested bo called saying that thoy would testify concerning refrigerator beef aud chemically troatod beof Tho court did not iudicato whothor tho ro quost would bo complied with Aged Cuuple Iluu Down by a Train Comanche la April 0 Mr and Mrs E O Lum old residents of Co mancho wero killed by boiug ruu down by u Northwestern passeuger train near horo yesterday Iroiuliieut Iowa Lawjur Dead Sioux City April 0 Stophen M Marsh ono of the best known attor neys of uorthwebtem Iowu is dead Almuiine or the Day Thursday Sun rises at 530 tets at 030 Moon rises at 318a m Weather Forecast for Friday Iowa Fair wiuds shifting to northwesterly Nebraska aud the Dakotas Fair vari able wiuds PATCHING UP A PEACE Three Powers Confer at Berlin Concerning Samoa PEBMANY FAVORS A DIVISION otrtlclnl Ilerlln Inclined to tlolleva the United Statos Will Ajireo to a Friendly Partition or tho Islnnds In the Kteut That It Secures a Coullug Station Situ ntlnn Is Improved Beulin April 0 Tho negotiations bo tweon tho Gorman minister of foreign affairs Baron von Buolow tho United Statos ambassador Androw D White aud tho British ambassador Sir Frank Lascollos continue Tho ropro sontatlvo of Grout Britain still favors tho majority rulo withlu tho proposed Samoau investigation commission Ger many wants unanimity according to tho Berlin act and tho United States acquiosces iu the lattor Tho ultimate Gorman aim is a frlond ly division of tho islands to which prop osition olllcial Berlin believes America will not object if its coaling station is secured English polioy rather awaits cnutiously tho results of tho inquiry Angry German attacks aro alined now more at England than America and come mainly from irresponsible journals ltlKlit to limit Wire St Louis April A decision was rendered by Judgo Peabody in tho po lico court yesterday that under certain conditions a husband has tho right to beat his wife Tho caso was of ono Bernard Kretzucr charged with beating his wife because she would not agreo with him in tho management of their children Judgo Peabody said in pass ing judgment In tliip case tho wife was more guilty than tho husband for trying to contradict and thwart hor hus bands will in tho presence of tho chil dren and setting them a bud example which ho hail a right to rebuke Thero are times when a wifo irritates her hus band To such an extent that ho cannot control himself aud uses his hands or his fists As long as no sorious harm is dono I do not beliovo in punishment National League Troubles Boston April 0 In an interview over tho troubles of tho Louisvillo Baso ball club yesterday President Sodeu of tho Boston club says Whether tho Boston club plays Sunday ball or not is entirely foreign to tho question in tho controversy Brush Hart aud others know tho schedulo was adopted under misapprehension I am at a loss to understand why Louisvillo was troatod so contomptibly Tho talk about tho schedulo being fairly adopted is tho merest buncombe Tho Louisvillo club in nil right fuirncs3 and justico was entitled to tho dates apportioned at tho first meeting No ono had any right to alter these dates without consulting tho Louisvillo club Tho dates wero changed by people who had no right to do so Interstate Coinmeri o Hearing Toledo O April 0 Tho interstate comnierco commission began tho investigation of tho olovator commis sions iu what is known as tho uorn bolt of Ohio Thero was a largo uttend unco of railway men Commissioner Prouty conducted tho investigation Chargos have been mado by a numbor of cities that tho roads havo boon ship ping grain at regular rates aud thou paying tho olovators at interior points 2 cents a bushel commission for corn and wheat and one half cent commis sion for handling This amounts to a cutting of rates A numbor of elevator men testified showing that tho roads wore paying commissions Jamaican Tariff Hill Forced Through Kingston Jamaica April 0 Sir Au gustus Hemming tho governor uud tho representatives havo failod to roach the hoped for compromise on tho critical issuos that havo been ponding for sov eral weeks Tho governor declining to withdraw tho additional olllcial mem bers tho tariff bill was forced through The roproseutvtives then entered an unanimous protest and it is thought that this will fire tho movement to join tho Leeward islands aud to demand an nexation to tho United States CoiiiiiiUkIoii to Inwtluto Trusts Washington April 0 Tho industrial commission yesterday continued its con ference with Professor Jenks of Cornell university iu rogard to tho preparation of a plan for tho investigation of trusts mid their effect on tho pricos of labor Tho commission desires to make u very comprehensive study of tho trusts to enable it to roport somo legislation to congress with a view to thoir judicious regulation Quay Ircpures For Ills Trial Philadelphia April 0 Former Sen ator Quay yesterday spent a long time in conference with his counsel at tho Hotol Walton regarding tho final ar rangements tor his trial which begins next Monday Ho also had a lengthy interview with Insurance Commissioner Durham Mr Durhum said Mr Quay is in the tight for United States senator to tho finish R B53saafcJ5Rirjsis lit s 3m t W r 1 Tttt2rrfifftTs 5r sar Goods Have Arrived mmmmm I W 1 j J I J 1 JKX0zA Aflk O WMM New Spring and Summer NORFOLK NEB m w m 1 mmmxmmmmmm OUR stock embraces all the new styles and colors in La dies Boots and Oxfords and Gents Fine Shoes Our line of Misses and Childrens Shoes is large and complete Our Prices are Right for Reliable Goods i 3fiav IJ J Spencer Ovelman v YxA vs - VOWj r 7 tVTVli IV1 iivVttr i KiiTtlmiH In Little Uhody Pkoviuunck It I April i Tho stato election yesterday resulted in a licau victory though tho Democrats made gains in many localities Tho i entiro Republican state ticket was sue- j cessful and tho goneial assembly will bo Republican by a largo majority though not as largo as last year Tho Socialist voto is largo in tho cities aud manufact uring towns Eighty districts out of 101 iu tho stato give for governor Dyer Rep 10812 Greeuo Doin 0082 Herrick Soc Lab 1247 Peck ham Pro 1013 MiirdtsrdU hy Ilichhlnilors St Louis April 1 Tho mutilated dead body of Joo Chouug a Christian Chinaman was found yesterday undor an oil tank ou Gratiot stroot Piuuod to tho clothing was a noto writton in Chinoso characters aud uoar by au empty opium pot both trado marks of highbinders A cousin of tho dead Mon golian identified tho body and said that ho had boon pumued by highbinders for a year going from Now Orleans and Sau Francisco uud from thero to St Louis Iowa Fruit Crop Irospncts Des Moinks April J Secretary Greeno of tho Stato Horticultural so ciety recoived roports from noarly overy county in the stuto ou tho apparent con dition of fruit troos of tho stato Tlioso reports indicate that tho blight to tho fruit crop from tho sovoro woathor of tho last season is not so great as was at first roported and that if the spring nnd summer seasons prove to bo avorago ones thoro is likoly to bo enough small fruit to supply tho homemarkotat loast hloux Falls Im riant Kohl Sioux Falls S D April 0 Tho sale of tho plant of tho Northwostorn Packing company to Thorou Davis of Now York city representing capitalists of that city rosulted in tho formation of a corporation with a capital of 1 000000 to operate tho property Throo millions wero taken by Mr Davis at par for tho Now York syndicate Leslor Hoyer a prominent Now York packer was selected as president of tho com pany AVAl Baking ABSQLVIEVt fcHJRE Powder Makes the food more delicious and wholesome V - - w - Wl SMjIK VH CO TvOr FOR GOOD LOANS AND EASY PAYMENTS The Norfolk Building and Loan Assn C B DURLAND Secretary i A liUJKAKT lUKHinuvr HAS B IIHIIXJIC Vki Iiiehidint W H JOHNSON CAMiiiEit XV It JUIAASfH AssT Cahiiiib The Citizens National Bank Capital 50000 Surplus 5000 Iluy nnd fell oicIihiikh ou Uijh rouutry and nil jiurts of Europe Farm Loans Directors Caiii Ahmch XV II Ioiinson Ciiah S Hiiidoi C W Duaascii CM Hwank 1 A Li iKAin T K Mmimimiiii L Sishionh The Zwight Liquor Store UUssmsss Successor to Turf Exchange WINES LIQUORS and CIGARS EVERYTHING IN THE LIQUOR LINE NORFOLK NEBRASKA S FUESLER Staple and Fancy Groceries Fruits and Vegetables in Season Fresh Bread Pies Cakes etc Constantly on hand BRAA8CH A REE8 DBALBRS IN ICOAL1 - JW I Exclusive agents iur the Celebrated Sweetwater Hock Spring Coal the best in me uiartcet Hcranton Hard Coal iu all sizes TELEPHONE 01 jTOQgy rV rgrfr ff7ywvji1r u atgigl