The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, March 23, 1899, Page 8, Image 8

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jl copyright man jbv ti if author
oiiaptiu VII
A JldMKMOl 4 yi 1C4TION
HiHth limit 1 1 MiowimI iiimiitinmit
wlitn after tint rompliiliiiii of lii i litir
ricil rioilul licr ttiiiitmiiimi iiiHlstcil Hint
Mil anil her inotliiir luil liion ilciviviMl
ly Wt Nvuy inn tlio youiif Aiurlu
Wliyclo you tlouhl iiim after llio
Uroof lio Kvt if litHitonil Willi lin ilo
UretuiMi it wus no proof nl nil
ivhh tlio tuit injily
Why thiii did lio unm un not to
go out of tlio lioum iiiulMiriominr to tlio
Nothing in iiluinii lio know from
tlio llrHt Hint yon would not do ho Your
inollicr luis Imil too liHidli nxorioiion
with his it oplo to lio minimi by ho hIiiiN
low ii prott lino I In Iiiiuul your conll
ilonco hy iviim couiimjI that wiih not
ncidod llu Jiiih a iloutior sulioini in
mind nod ho hah Mirrooilod in blinding
licit la of you to his 1011I purpoco
Wo kIiuII Mtou llnd out hIio hiIi
Mioiih in her faith
Thorn iH no doulit of that Uoino
iio rcptrntiMl tuko mo to him and your
Tlio Apaiho and Mrn lluntloy had
Jionnl tlio nun nun of voiccH in tho ail
joininn loom limn tho lrnt Tho youth
tilippod nwny fuun tho woman and hi
lontly appniucliod tho couple without
their know li d ami quickly itloiitillotl
thorn Thou ho ictuuiod with a state
ment ol the tiuth
The ynuK woman tallied fust and
her Moiy tool lesw timo in itH tollniK
than would lio MippoMul Holnio they
wero ospiclid Uundell euno into tho
fiont loom with lltlith eln i lieluud
Wobtou had not lioon inistnlen 10
KaidiiiK tlio light that ho fancied waH
Inn nni in miiuo jiiut of tho dwellnif
Tho Uitei door upeiiod into tho middlo
4ipaitmeiit on tlio right and lelt of
whieh weio two oiiitiimiittitiiig looms
iit oil for tdeepuiK iuii ihimih In one of
these on tho tlooi wiih n lighted candle
hhcddiiiK a dim yellow illumination
thiough tho out that wan lined uh a din
inn mid Mtting room was
Muniling cloi o to ho outer door 1 1 lio in
Jinnd looking opnetantly toward tho
couplo as they camo forwaid into tho
faint light Mrs lluntloy holding iiIho
n linger weapon stood muuo tucea
nway her poiition Mich that hho wiih
not in rungo f nun either window at
tho side of the door and before whieh u
curtain wiih tightly drawn
Although Kiniilull thoroughly diri
trusted tho Apache ho hid decided to
3i ut as if ho held unbounded taith in
him The moment ho looogiuiMl tho
Muulowy limine ho utroilo nuiov tho
loom and eteuded bin hand
How do j on do I did
not un pout to hio you huro
Thu In 1 urn took tho protlored hand
but bis cla p wan weak lio must have
known tho young man did not hliiuo the
fouling f tlio wonioii
I bo well how bo you
1 dont know what to miiku of tho
situation Why havo you conio into tho
liouto Wo way -ma
To bo fiioud to my friondo
I am glad to hear you say that for
thoy never needed friunilH moro than
now Toll nio your plaiiH
Apache in k mu to got omcomo out
4ind givo up I toll cm not do ho They
Atay in the Iioumi
Vet- interposed lluutley
We way mt pioved hunmilf loyal ami
truo when liu might havo petMiadtid us
to surrender to his puity
Huiuloll could not help turning to
Wind tho speaker and nuking
Could lio havo poiHiiaded you t
sivo youi ehes mi
I hatilb know
I do liut noon
I toll Aiulio wait till night then
1 cuini in ami hung out women through
door but he added with a queer
chuckle wo dont do m AVo no out
window Kiuiii ah you conio through lit
tle wlii lo iigo
Further quootioning made clear tho
eehonio of We way ma Hin htory was
that bin comiatlcH when thoy on
their laid weio mi impatient that they
iiiMstcl upon nttucking the ranch with
out any delay Tho oiicounter between
Rumlell and tho rancher on 0110 hand
wild the three buck on the other made
it liianilot that thero wero only tho
two women in tho Iioumi and though
there wah a certain decree ot risk in tho
aiSMiult a doen woll armed ho Ulas
mutt hpeedily prevail over tho defend
Urave however as thoso rod iticti aro
thpy invurinbly prefer tho oourou that
is attendod with tho least danger to
tlienihulvoh niHiHted that
an attiiuU upon tho dwolliiig nmut
6ult in the death of hoveralof the parlf
for tlio woinvn had ropeitinn Winchos
tors at command and knew liovv to utu
them Ho maintained that by promis
ing good treatment ho could induce tho
defenders to comu out and give them
selves up thus tit curing their prihonerd
without any lmrii to tho bos tiles
Tho Apaches showoil their ooinmon
eoiibO hy dccluriiiK such n ruso to bo
imposbible of micwx i and tho arcu
ment as has been shuwn boeanie acute
in its violoiice but it terminated in tho
victory for Wo way mu who wont for
ward under his Hub of truco with a re
sult that has already been made Imown
to the reader
Tho noNt proposal of tho youth was
to wait until uight was fully conio
when lie would seuuro outraucu into tho
buildhiL and ouco thero ho wus sura to
llud it easy to bring about ho undoing
of the dnfendeiH lie would purs undo
them to accompany him through tho
front door in ho belief that ho meant
o conduct thorn to thu wooded IiIIIh
1 in mm
lltbtrtulc rirniM tlir room oik crtnulril
liii limul
whero they would ho wife but oneo
faiily outsido of tlio Hholter nothing in
the win Id was easier than to mako them
piihonerc while if they refused to ao
coiiipauy htm ho could mamigo in some
way to oveieoino them
We way ma mot lehs dillleulty than
ho cNpeuted in gaining consent to his
second plan it being accepted with a
reudinoH that Mirprisod him Two of
the Apaches asked that as hoon an it be
came daik enough they Khould bo al
lowed to steal up to the building mid
wit tiro to it but thoy wore ovoiruled
and compelled to agree to tlio lino of
action aheadv mimed
It must not ho supposed that Mich
cunning niiscieants as a raiding puity
of Apaches could forget an important
factor in thoMtuation Two white men
the fi lends of tho women wero in tho
ueighboihood and had aheady given a
in oof of their mettle by tumbling one
of the bucks fiom his hiouuho Although
tho lanclimeu had seemingly tied it
was simply a strategio movement on
their pint They weto still in the neigh
hoi hood mid weio sure to take a hand
in the final 1 ootid up To tiro tho build
ing would sot them to woik on the in
stant It I bey could not save tlio endan
gered females who would bo compelled
to tleo from tho burning dwelling thoy
would shogt down moro than one of
their assailants It was thihself evident
fact that caused an emphatic veto of
the scheme of the two exuberant- bucks
As for the cattlemen absent in tlio
lulls thoy wore so far olT that it was
suto to leave them out of tho calculi
tion piovided tliuio was not too much
delay in pii hiug through tho plan of
campaign pioposed by and
accepted hy all the otheis
Thus a situation was ovolvod thu liko
of which it may bo believed was novei
been in tho sout Invest Adoen Apaches
swooped down upon u ranch defended
by two women all being fully armed
and yet omitting tho encounter between
tho lioiseinun a desciibed not a single
shot had been tiled ----
We way ma after llnishing tho ciga
relto that Kuudcll saw him light walked
lotiiid to the dooi of thu ranch mid
making himself known was admitted
hy tint women both ot whom wero un
feigtiedty glad to see him Accoidiug
to his declaration he had pioinisod hi
comiades who wero stationed near in
ho din that ho would induce
them to iiLvuiupiiiy him thiough the
door under lo assurance that favored
hy the gloo ho could quickly conduct
them to a pb co of safety lie was em
phatie in iltelariug to tin other Apaches
that he could do this because of the
favoiiug conditions though in order to
lull tho su ci ions of lit couple it was
uecessaiy to bu deliberate in what ho
proposed ami did
Such was ho stor told in his broken
way ny We way ma who it may bo
said held thu fate of the women in his
hands Mis Huntley un l her daughter
believod eveiy syllable Weston Hun
dull did not ciedit a single word
The Apaches proposal wus that the
little paity should follow him through
the window thut had served to admit
Huudell The waiting Apaches would
not look for anything of that nature
ami thu rear of thu house was so closo
to tlio pines aud bowlders that a few
bullied steps must take tho fugitives to
shelter whero they would bo beyond
Uundell listened uiteutly to every
point of this remarkable statement mid
before it was finished he had lormed
his conclusion which was iu koopiug
with his thorough distrust of tho young
Aware thut ho posEdsaotl the cotifl
denco of thu women ho strengthened it
by his proposal to deceive the waiting
Apaohus by stealing out from thu rear
i of tho house instead of tho front whero
I they would walk into the arms of theii
impiacaoie enemies
Several questtous instantly presented
thouibblvod to too young man Was it
roiisoiitiiilu to suppose that the hostile
would hold only tho front of the build
ing under snneillance When thoro
woro so many would thoy not wholly
Mirrpuud the housu ami guard against
tho very edicmo Wo wny tnn had Iu
II or lwiirtAflk Will why should the
womnn lrive th bonm at all
With JtundtH and inppotArtly tho
rancher at hind to crcata dlTorslon
tho A pa eh 03 would in n certain smw
ho plneed bolweon two Area Tlio du
fonder rould bo counted on to uiiikn a
bravo light while their nllioi on tho
outnido were certain to add to tho com
plication of tho dttiation
Still further tho eat tinmen who
were at no great diRtuiico must have
linen Hummoueil to the spot hy hoiiio
menus and would arrive ero long All
lint win necc Mry therefore was for
inothor and daughter to wait whoro
thoy wero especially In viuw of the
fact that they had leeched a re enforce
ment in the pcisnu of Jtuudell himself
Ah why had not the latter thought
of it before Tho peculiar manner in
which tho litnchcr had fired his Win
Chester and In which Kuiidull hy ro
ipust Imitated him was a signal to the
three cattlemen There could bu no
doulit that it was a ruiiiiiioiih for t hum
to hasten to the Ikiuho whoro their sorv
Ices wero sorely needed
If thero had been any question iu
Kundolts mind of the intended treach
ery of Wo way inn thero wus none now
Ho angeiod was ho that but for tho pres
ence of tho women he would have de
nounced him to his face and fought it
out to tho death iu that very room but
he masteied his feelings Ho decided
that he too would dissemble and catch
the traitor iu his own trap
Wo way niaH plan is woll laid
mid Hundcll significantly after it had
been fully considuied mid I presume
thero need bu no lmsto in cariying it
Wo must not wait said
Apacluw get tned
No doubt ho is right added Mrs
lluntloy itcforolong tho Indians will
become suspicious over tlio delay and it
Will ho all the hauler for us to give
them ho slip
If Wo wiy ina is o tako charge of
the business ho ought to bo obeyed ini
plicitly I am awaiting his pleasure
Tlio Apacho wasnearei the front door
than any one Ho seemed tu hear some
thing at that moment though no on
else noticed it Kaising one hand as a
warning for tho others to remain silent
ho loaned towaid the heavy structure
and bent his head iu an attitudu of in
tense listening Evidently somo of his
people woto Hmrn but thoy must have
feaied to open communication with
him for nothing fuithur occuircd
Tho Apaulio now niovod on tiptoe
thiough tho door of tho room whoso
window opening at the rear was tho
one that had admitted Weston Run-
doll As lio was passing from viow ho
tinned and beckoned to his friends to
follow him Hundcll anticipated the
woniun by instantly stopping after tlio
youth lollowed by Edith and her
Tho obscurity was so dcop that all
woro mutually invisible but a slight
sound showed that was ic
moving tlio entail over the saBh which
was softly riiscd to its full height
Then ho whispered
Wait till 1 come back I soo if all
be light
The laintost possible star gleam reveal
ed his ligiiio as ho thiust his lug through
the opening and noiselessly placed him
self on thu outside Thoro he paused for
u minute while ho used his keen sense
of sight ami hearing to their utmost
and then a if ho found things us ho
desired he vanished liko tho shadow of
a moving cluiid
Somehow or other Weston Hundcll
found the baud of Hdith lluntloy iu the
lie turned ami ba honed to his friends to
gloom and when ho gently closed lii
fingers she letuined the pressure still
moro gently and did not seek to draw
her hand away
Do you beliovo now in
asked Mrs Huntley in guarded under
No replied tho young man with
lens attempt to lowor his voice He is
carrying mil his plan of bGtrnyiug you
Hut 1 shall permit neither you nor Edith
to help You shall not follow him
through that window oven if I must
use force to rostraiu you I
To bo com luiled next Thursday
Thla la Your Opportunity
On receipt of ten cents cash or stumps
genorouB sample will bo mailed of tho
most popular Catarrh nnd Hay leier Cure
Elys Cream Halni sufficient to demon
6 1 rate the great merits cf he remedy
CO Vurreu bl ltw ork City
Eev John Held Jr of Orent rails Moot
recommended lljs Ore un Halm to me I
cau emphasize his statement ItiHaposi
tive euro for citarrh if u oil aa directed
ltev Francis V Poolo Pastor Central Prea
Church Helena Mont
Elys Cream Halm Is tho acknowlwlgcJ
euro for cViirh ami contains no mercury
uor any ia r us tin Im e 50 cents
Bean the jf lh8 l YOU Hav9 Alaf3 BOtjht
A Sound Mmr MaKei n Wall Ainu
Aro you billons constipated or
troubled with jnundico sick hoRdncho
bad taste in mouth foul breath contcd
tonguo dyspepsia indigestion hot dry
ikiu pain in hack and between tho
shouldun chills and fover etc If
you have nny of theso symptoms your
liver ii out of order and your blood is
idowly lviiu iwiisoned bccniiK your
liver dotw not act promptly Herbino
will euro any disorder of tho liver
stomach or bowoh It has no eqnul
iw it livci niodicino Prieo 76 cenK
Free trial bottle at O M Fornets
Ban tko ins uno you nave Always iwugftt
TablerH Huekovo Pilo Ointment gives
instant relief It allays iiiflmniiintioii
and Ileitis It is nroinnt in its action
nnd positive in its olleot It is thokind
that cures without pain or discomfort
It is for jiiles only BO cents Tubes
7f cents 0 M FoitNicv
Stop that harking hy thu uso of Hal
lards Ilorohound Syrup It arrests the
cough allays irritation of tho throat
and relieves congestion of tho lungs in n
day It Is sufo mid pleiusant to tako
and never disappoints 2fi nnd RO cents
0 M Founky
The fit iiiulertikcr
Wlio liiimbj Hie ncre
Ioor lctlnis of uiilIi niul colli
Is hIhIiIhi ami crjliur
Ior wcxenlf slopped ihiiiff
Since llrnrllinn llitiu mis sola
And or those u ho desire
Not ust el to ko holier
It Is worth its uclKht In Kold
If your child has thin Dale cheeks
uneortivin appotito and uurestful sleep
it hits worms and curing with strong
medicine only makes conditions worse
by irritating its delicate htonmoh
Whites Oieain Vormifuiio is mild hut
certain in otlect and is u superior tonic
iw woll us u positive worm destroyer
O M Foksky
Wliy Siiffor with DvsjHpsiuV
Chis Itroome SSO South Second St
Philadelphia mi- i It took only two
mouths lot llrailiau Halm to cuic mcof
d spepsia with which I suffered over 30
cirs Now I have no nuiii or stomncb
lough and can cat anything Uraiiliau
Ualtn beats the wot Id
To Unro II Oolcl In Oihi liy
Tnko Lnxativo IJromo Quinino Tablets
All druggists refund money if it fails to
euro 2KJ Tho genuino has L H Q
on each tablet
Are you lacking iu strength and en
ergy V Aro you nervous despondent
irritable billions constipated and
generally run down in health If so
your liver is torpid and u few doses of
ilorhiuo will cure you Herbino 1ms no
qual as a health restorer
0 M FoitNKY
IMutnnimia Ctirod
litis A J Jnsrcucc of IVimt Pa
rajs llrailiin Halm brougbt mo out
of a sevcie attack of pneumonia in
splendid shape It is a wondeiful rem
edy for coughs and lung troubles Also
for uutwitd u e for but lis cold sores
and chapped hands and face it cures
like magic It is invalu ible in the
Bean the
Ask your
for a generous
Elys Cream Balm
oiuntn no cocilue
nu rctiry nor ony olhcr
injurious dm
it ll qulcUy Absorbed
toGlc Itelief stonco
9t rtrtm nni flauiiiiAk
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Saved doctors Bills
Families in the country should always
keep Hra7ilian Halm on hand It is the
doctor in the house always ready and
reliable For colds coughs croup
catarrh asthma pleurisy rheumatism
constipation female troubles and all
kinds of fevers it acts like magic and
saves many a doctors bill and many a
long sickness
Astlunn Can Be Cured
T R Niblo e--school superintendent
of Rochester Pa says I have been a
great suffeier from asthma for years but
I have had a splendid winter owing to
the surprising efficacy of Hnmliau
Halm A lady iu Cincinnati who hnd
suffered with asthma for 17 yeais could
not lie down was pcifectly cured with
Uraihau Halm
For Infants and Children
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Boars the
Had Cudmii Yesirs
Josiah Hacou coudiKtoi n the P V
H K H says I had aiffeted with
catarrh for 30 years and regarded my
ease as hopeks One day I saw the
testimonial of Oeo II lleafu iu a Hraz
iliau Halm circular Hearn was the
engineer on my train and I knew his
case wasdesperate I talked with Hearn
and his cure gave me hope I began
the use of the Halm at once There was
not much change forthe first two months
but then I began to improve and in six
months to my inexpressible satisfiction
I was entirely cured
Thk News joo aepartmout is com
plete Iu overy particular
tte Alia li Inflammation COLD N H EAD
lieiVj and rrnlec tJ tio Metnbrsnc Iteftou a the
Senes if Talc tml hinell Full bize 60j Trial
blo Ids at lir i yUU or ly mall
xLY UltOTUla M Warnu street New York
Tlio Kind You Havo Always Bought and which has been
ia mo for over SO years has borno the signature of
c S
tu e
rd I
-a CO
So iu t
V QJ -
111 U s
Z x
has been made under his
Rftltdl suiiirvisiiii ulnrrv u
4 Allow no ono to deceive you in this
All Counterfeits Imitations and Substitutes are but Ex
periments that trillo with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children Hvnerienco against Experiment
Castorla is a substitute for Castor Oil rarcgorie Drops
and Soothing Syrups It is Harmless and Pleasant It
contains neither Opium Morphine nor oilier Narootio
Hubstancc Its ago is its guarantee It destroys Worm
aud allays Feverish ness It cures Diarihtuu and AVind
Colic It relieves Teething Troubles cures Constipation
and Flatulency It assimilates the Food regulates tho
Stomach and Bowels giving healthy and natural sleep
Tho Childrens Panacea The Mothers Friend
Bears the Signature of
y y ffi
v in It i a
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years
k Mr
M lfarnon 37 Medford St Modford Muss writes ou Janv Slst i
Fremont Elkhorn Mo Valley
iast ucpvut
Oiimlia Vns 11101 II 01 a in
CliicnKO Uxprcss l10m
MiieiiKU Iprpss 7 00 o m
Omnlia Insa ntcr UsIOpm
liliick llillt Khh 7 2i 111
Wnliijro PiiRndmor lJ40tim
Vonliuio Acooiumoiintiou COOam
wynr Aiirm
Iilnck Hills KxprrHS lJOjiin
Wnliuro 1 iMwiicnr o 01 a in
Yoriliufo AccomMioiinliim TilUpni
1 lio UIiicsko nnd lllnck Ilillt KxprccH nrriviS
niul ilnpirts frniii inuctiou ilnpot Tint Oinalia
niul YnniiBio trimb iirriM ami ilnpirt frumcit
depot II JIhrw Arfont
Union Pacific
son it niiMir
oJiimbiiK AccoiTiincnlittloii t i 1 1 j 1 1
Oinnlin Diiivcran l ioc lie Ioiihi in 11 a in
oiunlim cciiimrMlatou ltiipm
Oiniilirt eiuir niiit Iu itlr conit H 01 p in
ConnoctK at SurfoU itli K I Ail Y sUi
unht anil north nnd with the C bt 1 11 i O
for points north ami ait
1 V JtNRMN Aijont
Chicago St Paul Minneapolis
KST IlElini
Sinux Cit ami Omaha Puascnger tisllam
Sioux Ot rnswncer llSpui
wvht ABimi
Sioux flty PuBHeiiKor 1031 u in
r ionx City and Omaha IliBscnKer iSSpm
Conuoctaat Norfolk with F E A M giwtif
west aud north ami with tho U 1 for pointa
south K W JlMm n Atfnt
Ualj except Sunday
Attorney at Law
Olllcrt iu Mast lllock
Cheapest unil Bent
322 Norfolk Avenue
Spencer Ovelman
Boots and Shoes
Repairing Neatly Done
1899 i
It would bo dllllcult for mo to And laneuoco to doscrlba mv suflorlnir tor throo
kyoar tiotoro taking your Dr Kayg Ecnovttori Sovorul physlolnns pronounood my4
rcoso ono of NorvouB Dyspopsla and Nefous Prostration A llttlo
tion o toilomont or worry would eaiuo creat pnxtrauon oxtromo nerTousnass4
hoadnoho tnJlgcatlon and sororo vomitlnc whloh at times kopt up oonttnually for
two or three days in spite ot all my physicians ooald do I beoaae very tain In 4
aesn ana tost nearly an 01 my nair tne up 01 my nooa oouu enureiy doiu x
terribly with my stomaoh bolus unable to digest anylhlng I tried soTeral
physlolans without aettlna any relief Finally last August a frlond sent me Dr
Knvs rinnoTator and I beffon to lmm OTa as soon as I took It and the ehanre was j
- -
m -
r wondenuL no one was ever Donotuoa more man x nor oouia tnoy do more
fnl for auoh a nanaeea aa Dr Ksts Renovator as my ohysolana oeuld not heln me
rAs soon as I began to lmprore my hair began to stow and now It Is ntoer than ever
kI oould not aiagerato
my oaae dot iu Denenw x oare
raeemd trem taking a
Dr Kays Renovator
ktlve oure for I
QbMshttrfa forthe bent of otherstt yoo desire
t eases ot drspepsla eonsttpatlon Uver and kldner diseases
and all norvona and blood diseases headache biliousness alsnonaener female
k h Tarn M
aisoases etc at tuxb xxjus uxr xxulm u is mToiuaDte as 11 renovates ana
r invigorates the whoio system and purines and ennonos tne ciooa giving new me
and vigor to the whole bodyThe very best nerve tonlo known Very pleasant and
Agists or sout by mail on reoeipt of price So and at Send for the booklet It treats
ytrwnll diseases and many say It Is worth v If they could not get another son iree
CtH from our AVeetorn Offloe Dr BJKay MedloalCoea S lflth St OmouaUNeb
tKabULU DiUnUuulblb
Mrs H H Hull
wrrr mvt
Facial Treotnfrt Mwpifrriie sid Slaniii
Will gladly cnll at yonr homos and in rn of
work Onlnis taken for ilnn Itur t v irl
Foifoct mhtch nosrantoort Hoitriui i i Vr
Btroat Jnuctii n Ordon nm nfl ct hf
fniintioii Uro rltorn Tftlitihoro 1h
For Plumbing Steam Fitting Pumps
Tanks Wind Mills
And all reimir work in this line call on
Satisfaction Haarautoed
First door south of Dailr New oiilon
Railroad and Business Directory I
- s
Fine Watch
C A FULLER Abstracter
Norfolk - - - Nnhraska
Faints and Olall Paper
House and Sign Painter
ty tMsXtftsW stSrf 3uHsV
The Norfolk Horseshoer
All VoBK Guabaktbed
Cor 4th St nnil Uraasch Ave
Painting and
Plus Work Guaranteed
Contractor and Builder
1 1 7 Fourth Street
t I