A X i Accidents Will Happen 5J If tlicy didnt the crockery and dealers would go cut of business and wo wouldnt keep cement The next time one of these accidents occurs to you come and tell us your trouble We have Cements for all Purposes China Cement IT and 2i els For your broken dishes and Leather Cement 10 15 and 20 cts For repairing hoots shoes and leather goods Rubber Cotncut 15 cts For rubber boots shoes waterproofs umbrellas etc Liquid Glue 10 and 15 cts For furniture and all wooden articles Leonard The Druggist We save you 50 per cent on jour Prescriptions o NORFOLK LODGE NO 97 A 0 U W Moots in Odd Follows Hnll on tlio Ilrpt nnd third Fridnys of each month VisitinR broth ers cordially lnvitod to attend nil our mootiiiRS V R Hoffman Financier j J M Covert Ho eordor C Q Dolan MnBter Workman First OpBning We will have our First Opening of SPRING- MILLINERY For this Season on Friday and Saturday MARCH 24 25 When we will show many new and practical Ideas as well as the extremes of ex tremes in copies of the latest Parisian creations Inskeeps JHillhwy The Weather Conditions of the weather as recorded for the 2 1 hoars ending tit 8 a m to day Maximum temperature 12 Minimum temperature 2 Average 7 Snowfall inches 00 Total snowfall inches 1 Precipitation 02 Total precipitation for month 40 Forecast for Nebraska Generally fair tonight and Friday Warmer to night Warmer extreme east portion Friday THURSDAY TOPICS A few days of sunshine would greatly benefit the roads The city election and the site of the new postofflce are town topics of inter est A party of friends enjoyed whist last evening at the home of George Daven port The dance at Mast hall this evening promises to be a very pleasant social event Protection lodge No 101 D of H will hold its regular session tomorrow evening at 8 oclock There will be a meeting of the Busi ness Mens association at the city hall Friday evening at 8 oclock A contemporary suggests that unless the weather is less frigid Easter hats should be trimmed with for The district court at Madison is likely to be held for some weeks longer before the business is all completed The executive committee of the Y P S O E will meet this evening at the homo of the president Miss Jessie Bridge Tomorrow a olass of eleven will be ex amined at St Pauls Lutheran church for confirmation Sunday Thirty fivo are to be confirmed at Christs Lutheran church In the general appropriation hill as passed by the house ut Lincoln the Nor folk asylum is allowed an increase of if 2 000 iu the board and clothing depart ment aud Bmall increases in several other funds Poetofficejlcspector A O Swift of Ne 1 braska City well known in Norfolk left for Washington last ovonlng in ro Fpousotoa telegram assigning him to special work iu Cuba Ho will bo ab ent for stivrral months Tho jury eases boforo tho district court at Madison wero finished last night Tho easo of Nightingalo versus Ken drick resulted in a verdict for tho plain titV Tho equity cases aro now boing disposed ot by Tmlgo Allen as fast as they aro reads Signs of spring multiply The gceso havo gono north ducks aro plenty rob ins arc at tho door Easter haU are blooming in tho niilllnury rooms pink and blue shirt waists in tho dry jjoods stores whilo clothiers aro putting on their shelves light weight suits and jaunty looking neckties in many colors Tho sun has shown brightly this after noon aud thern aro indications that spring may appear at any moment This has been truo sovcral times this mouth and high hopes havo been raised only to bo blasted by a sudden shifting of tho wind into tho north and tho fall ing of tho mercury from 10 to 20 degrees inside of a fuw hours llowovur hope springs eternal in tho human broast and so spring is coining despite all dis couragements A robin was heard with its cheery notes of song this morning and robins know a thing or two Tho snow is rapidly disappearing and tho sky has that mellow fnr away look that betokens warmth and sunshine Dispatches from Washington state that tho supervising architect has sent out advertisements inviting oilers of sites for tho new public buildings at Blair and Norfolk Thcso bids will bo opened April loth This menus that tho selection of tho sito for tho post ofllco building the erection of which is now assured within tho next fow years will bo mado very soon It is a matter of live inquiry as to what location will bo decided upon by tho government There uro several oxcollent corners which will no doubt bo offered Tho conven ience of tho publio is likely to figure in the niattor as tho most important factor Thoso who havo property to sell for this purpose will now name their price and put in their bids It will not bo long before the place where Norfolk will do its mail business in tho years to come will be hilly known The lateness of the season inakes it certain that when spring does actually conclude to remove to this latitude farmers will havo a very busy timo There is already an nctivo demand for extra help Meantime these days of waiting are being used in fixing up and repairing everything usable in and about tho farm It is a timo of getting ready and every moment is crowded with caring for and seeing to tho odds and ends which need attention Farm ing like everything olse that men do is a business and the succesB attained de pends upon timely care of tho number less details there are to provide for This month of March is by no means an idle one There are the plows to be sharpened tho harness overlooked mended and oiled tho windmills and tanks put iu thorough order before tho windy days of later spring come the fruit trees are to be selected and ordered if more horses are needed they aro to be provided tho fences if there aro any are to be repaired the barns and farm buildings cleaned and any ueeded im provements made the machinery over hauled and good seed selected and cleaned All this and much more Is it any wonder that farmers are busy people Phone 85 for plumbingNFMfgCo Baruets millinery opening commences Saturday at 224 Norfolk avenue Dont miss it Dressed catfish at Glissmanus A five room house with barn for rent on Ninth street Inquire of John Frey thaler Mr AdaniB shows over three hundred superb pictures next week at the Bap tist ohurch There is no better appara tus mode than his 350 326011 The above greatly reduced rate has been mado by tho Union Pacifio to Cali fornia points Through tourist sleepers quicker time than any other line For tickets and full information call on F W Juneman Agent Fresh flounders at Glissmanus Remember the entertainment to bo giveu by tho Womans Reliof Corps at Eiseleys hall tomorrow evening Ad mission 10 cents Jliiby AVanlroliti Iutturns Twenty seven patterns for different articles iu long clotheB with full and comploto directions for making same showiug necessary materials bent post paid for 25o in stamps Fif teou patterns of short clothes 25o or both for 40c Information to Mothers sent free with each order Address Downey Pattern Co Butler Indiana Box has potatoes for sale Fifty thousand dollars eastern money to loan on good farms G I Skjlkh Co Rooms to rent Inquire of J L Duiel Farm tnacity loans Tub Duhland Tbdr Co THE NORFOLK NEWS Til PERSONAL Rny Estnbrook continues to improve Emory Smith loft for Omaha yestor tlay Julius Grlep wont to lloskins this forenoon V G Lyford Of Humphrey Is visiting in tho city G II Hecht of ilaiuviow was In elty yestordny A II Corbott of Madison spout night In tho city Howard McCormlck returned Omaha last evouiug C F Mitchell of Croighton was the last to in tho city this morning John K Hays and Geo A Latimer wero at Madison today Mrs Olive Lowo of Stanton was visiting Norfolk friends yesterday 1 M llondurant is still seriously ill Ho has been sick for two weeks past II O Mason of Chadron spout last night in tho city Ho left for Omaha this morning Airs O G Dolen loft this noon for Waynowhero pIio will visit her brother Dr 1 J Williams A O Johnson of Madison and John Hughes of Battle Crook spent last night in tho city They went west today Miss Gortrudo Patterson is expected from Chicago this evening Sho has accopted a position as head trimmer in Miss Warolmms milliuory store Will Ghestnutwood who has been with tho beet sugar factory at this placo for a number of years hat accepted a position at Ames as agriculturist in tho now factory boing built at that placo Miss Ada Waroham arrived from Des Moines last ovening Miss Wareham was formorly in tho millinery business at Mason City aud conies to Norfolk highly recommended as an artist in her lino Miss Ada Waroham will put iu a new aud stock of millinery goods in tho building now occupied by C E Hartford as a barber shop Tho stock will bo placed in position this week and on Tuesday evening and Wednesday tho grand opening will tako placo Every lady who calls Tuesday evening will bo presented with a handsome souvenir Choice veal at Glissmanus Strayed A black curloy Irish setter pup tvo months old small whito spot on broast Finder will leavo word at this or at tho aesidonco of John Beck Norfolk Junc tion Dray lino for sale office Inquire at News Baruets millinery opening commences Saturday at 224 Norfolk avenue Dont miss it Remember the stereoptican entertain ments Monday Tuesday and Wednes day nights of next week at tho Baptist church Ben Hur will be given the first night All illustrated by means of a strictly first grade stereoptican Tho Cuttle ltiniKH Mark M Coad has just returned from tho Wyoming stock ranges and reports tho stock condition very gloomy Mr Coad says tho country has not been free from snow since last November tho whole northwestern and southwest range having been covered with a sheet of snow and no thaw until March 5 so the stock that has run on tho range during the winter and not fed and cared for aro very thin l have wintered stock on the range since CI and I consider this a harder winter than tho winter of 69 80 when stockmen experienced tho big die off The die off may not be as heavy yet as in former years but the stock have been weakened from want of feed and water and tho heaviest losses will prob ably como in March and April when the weather gets soft and warm Hay has risen in price from 4 to 10 and 12 per ton and cant be bought even at those figures while a good many are shipping in hay to the stock that are within convenient dis tance from tho railroad lines Animals who havo been starved on a snowy range all winter got to a con dition of poverty where hay will not save them If there is any grass beef this summer it will be very late except what comes from tho hay fed cattle and parties starting in now to feed for late Bummer beef will in my opinion strike a good markee Tho losses this winter will thorough ly prove tho necessity of providing feed and shelter for stock during the win ter Fremont Herald Barnots millinery opening commences Saturday at 224 Norfolk avenue Dont miss it Dressbd chickens at Glissmanus 3500 3500 Tho Uuion Pacifio has made tho great ly reduced rato of 2500 to Portland aud other Pugot Sound points al6o to Helena nud Montana poiuts Salt Lake City aud Utah points For tiokets and full information coll on F W Junemax Agent Sunny Florida We aro in receipt of a lato conv of Tho Bliss Magazine telling all about Florida It is illustrated with nearly 200 fine half touo etchings Bhowintr the old Spanish and American forts about Penaacola bay the lighthouse and the f UHSDAY MARCH 23 1899 oldest American navy yard one of the most beautiful harbors iu the world the harbor and tho ships tun city and the ou the fisheries forests farms and many other things of Interest Any of our readers who are interested in tho Laud of Flowers its mild olluiato its pleasant summer ami winter health re sorts by the soa or us a place to build a permanent home may obtain a copy of this work free of cost by writing for it to tho county commissioner at lontm cola Flit Ittixiittit liy Itctntpnt Tho W II 0 by special request will repent their entertainment with several new features added at Eiseleys hall on March 2 1th Wi teh papers for progtnlu Mas J EGuimoi51iv Sectetary Active solicitors wanted everywhere for Tho Story of tho Philippines by Murat Halstead commissioned by tho government as olllelal historian to tho war depart nient Tho I took was written In army camps at San Francisco on tho Pacifio with General Men It t in the hos pitals at Honolulu in Hong Kong in tho American trenches at Mituilo in the Insurgent camps with Aguinaldn on tho deok of tho Olympia with Downy and In the roar ol battle at tho fall of Manila Bonana for agents Brimful of orig inal pictures taken by government pho tographers on tho spot Large book Low prices Pig profits Freight paid Credit given Drop all trashy unollleial war books Outfit free Address H L Barber Gen Mngr Hod Dearborn street Chicago Box can suit yon on colToo Baruets millluorv ononinir commences Saturday it 22 1 Norfolk avenue Dont miss it ItllOIIlH til Itlllt Ihavo sovcral rooms suitablo for otllces or families in Eiseleys RiohardsB and Marquardts blocks Thcso aro thor oughly rcuovatcd ami nowly papered and will bo rented only to good parties A 7 Duiilavd Fresh spare ribs at Glissmanns Kent Khiihii TriniMerH The following transfers of real estate aro reported by Chester A Fuller man agor of tho Madison county abstract office at Norfolk Fred Leu and wifo to F M Koeuigstein wd lot 12 Nonows addition and lot 20 Wards suburban lots Norfolk 800 00 Pioneer Tqwn Sito Co to Thos Dugher wd lot 0 block 14 P T S Cos second addition to Battle Creek 100 00 Baruets milliuory opening commences Saturday at 221 Norfolk avouuo Dont miss it If you want to buy or trade como nnsi soe us G II Skimii Co OIHco in Mast block Buy all your grocones of Box and get the host Telephone No 547 will ring up Dr F Verges residcueo and oillco MiiiIIhoii The county commissioners adjourned Wednesday morning after tho usual round of business That tho mills of the law grind Blow has been amply exemplified tho past past week or so So far only two cases have been disposed of by the jury and the third is now on trial probably end ing tomorrow Some much needed improvements aro being made in the cells of the county jail and some of tho discarded roosts are being converted into a city jail Tho new city jail will bo located just south of the firo department headquar ters and will be about 25x40 feet It will havo cement floors and two steel cages for the unhappy wanderer to rest in It is a muoh needed improve ment Wnrnerville Charlie Speece is a benedict Mrs M A Cuplin has returned from Blair and is now keeping house for her son Alton Fred Odells boy has beeu seriously ill with the measles aud lung fever but is now reported better Emerson Morris of Keith Ohio a brothoof Harry arrived here last week aud will remain through tho summer Frank Eberley moved his family to Norfolk Junction Tuesday About the first of May thoy oxpect to start for Oregon overland R D McBeth and his two boys started 60uth Friday in n prairie schooner with the avowed inteutiou of finding a warmer climate Try the celebrated Ralston pancake flour nud fiuo Vermont maple syrap at Boxs Olio tlio Children a Drink called Graiu O It is a delicious appe tizing nourishing food drink to tako tho placo of coffee Sold by all grocers and likedjby all who have used it be cause when properly prepared it tastes liko tho finest coffoo but is freo from all its injurious properties Grnin 0 aids digestion and strengthens tho nerves It is not a stimulant but a health builder aud children as well as adultfl can drink it with groat benefit Costs about one fourth as much as coffee 10 and 25 cents DrFrank Saltw Disetuet of children llofcUliii lliiiiriiltiK Look out for the riders when yon hear tho now bioyelo hells 11 M Wnddell and family havo moved back to lloskins A former townsman IjOh Halter Is coming back to lloskins to live Miss Agnes Shannon went to Norfolk for a few days visit with IriemlH The town is Incorporated wo have an addition ami every ouo is prospetous OhiiH Loir is strictly in it for ma chinery receiving a caiload tho oilier day Mr Boehmer Is Improving as rapidly as can be expected under Dr lleart care Win Soeneken is hern from New Ytnlt to visit tho families of ut and Hohrke Ernest Frost the genial station agent will visit relatives and friends at lCiner sou next Sunday The German Methodist conference will convene hero Thursday About 10 ministers aro expected Tho city dads met last Sat unlay even ing and passed at least a half dozen ordinances A caucus will he held Sat urday evening Maieli lift at tho school house in order to nominate necessary olUecrH The Minneapolis Elevator company is going to build an elevator here having pmohtujcd tlio Shannon grain business But wo aro glad to mention that tlo Shannon family will lemalii liero Mr Shannon having been employed as manager Lako trout and wall eyed pike at Glissmanus If you want to sell or trado your property list it with O It Smuu Co To Iovcib of flood IlorHiN I have a few well bred horses which 1 havo raised that I will exchange for cattle A J Duiuani Houbos for sale T E Odiounk Sturgeon is tho piano mini Good health is wortli more than any thing elso to you and ovory bottlo of Hoods SarBaparilla contains good health its TMs Yous Evory morning I liavo a lad tasto in my mouth my louguo is coitcil my head aches and I often loci illzry 1 havo no nmio tlto for breakfast nud what food I cat dis tresses mo I luvn a heavy frullnir in my stomach I nm getting ho weak tluit Home times I tramhlo and my nerves aro all un Btrunj I am roUIiik jaU u thin 1 um as tirod in tho morning as ut night What is tho trouble V Impuru blood What la his romody Aliens SnpUa fl00 a bottlo AtnlldmRiditi Tako ono or two of AjcrH Tills onch night You cannot bo cured it troubled with constipation 1rlcc 23c ti box rll u friiuly all Hit iiitrtlciilar in your caao Ynu Mill receive- u prompt reply Dit J C AYiH Lowell Masi Ladies Attention If yon uro in poor health investigato tho VIAV1 THKATMENT Oillco open all day Monday and Tnewlay in Cotton Block mor Hanin llron storp Health Hook freo by calling on addreHBinK tho mauauor MH9 8 K LONG Norfolk Nebraska Fifth Street Livery Stable GE0 DUDLEY Proprietor Good Rigs at Reasonable Rates HACK LINE IN CONNECTION C WALKER DKALEH IN FLOUR - FEED Oil and Gasoline TELEPHONE NO 33 Money to Loan ON Real Estate Elkhorn B 8 Association 5 They fit tho fuel as nature Intended mm 111 wml WE- Good News POR WOMEN ATI no wh ever hjiicihI more inplilly oi created moiu uiiIvcihuI In to i cm I tJmii our aiinouiiroiiiciiL Mint wo liml Hceinttl Mio ituoticy for Llic famous Jenness Miller Hygienic Shoes for Women Thry uo tlio IIiiuhI most comfort able iicrfoct llttlnt durable and Krneoful Shoes yet placed on tlio mai Kot IcnncsH Millet Shoes aro mado from Hoelnlly tanned VolvoUit kid which Ih on Mrt and lino as Its namo Implies Shaped on hL icily sclent ilio ana tomical principles and lit tho foot as nalinc intended Conllncd to us for this city Wo unhesitatingly recommend them Price 350 THE JOHNSON DRY COODS CO Sole Agents for Tentiess Miller Shoes RAKNBS ftTYLKR IJ linrnoa 1M U Tyler Attorneys at Lat Norfolk TL II T 1IOLDEN Nebraflkn llonicopntlilc riiyhldini audi Surgeon UUlCD mor CItl7PIlfl Niitunnil llnnk Oilier lintirH 1I1WI to 1200 n tit nnd J 00 to BOO1111 overlings 700 to 800 Kfnidonci Tftloiilioim No 1 Oillco No 801 Norfolk Nebraska JJ J OOLB DENTIST OlflOB omr Oltlsena Natl Hank Umldnuoo one block north of ConreaUoiial ohnroh Norfolk Nebraska yISS MARY SHELLEY Paohionablo Dressmaker b In Cotton oloek oror Uanmi Plrtt clase work guaranteed Ut itairii itore Norfolk - - Nebraska pOWERB HAYB Atlorneynat Law Boom 10 11 and 12 Mait Bloek Norfolk Nebraska gBBSIONB BELL Undertakers aBd Enbalmers BMtlonaBlk Norfolk ay Norfolk - Nebraaka Vf M ROBERTSON Attorney at Law Rooms 1 and 2 Robertson Wliftoo Block Norfolk ED WEGENER Livery Feed and Sale Stable Mack Line In Connection Telephone 68 OHAS DUDLEY HACK- LINE TELEPHONE 73 IlemliimirUrHtltcmovcil from DuMMiports tu lln to ieo DuiIUjth ktablo on Stb St Stop tle Mercer Hotel Cor l HU Howard 5U OMAHA i BIG ELKOTKIO SIGNS Nebraska poor to can meet their friends litre Take Harney St car at depot RATES laoo F COATES Prpr