The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, March 23, 1899, Page 3, Image 3

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The four
Best Cat5
in the World
for the Moncv
All Weal
in Black
Blue and Onvm
Brewnaad Mated
Superior All Wool
in Block
Dluc and Drown
Genuine Carney
In Black Brawn
Gold and Oxford Mxd
Nearly every wide awake Merchant In America handles
these Coats If your dealer does not write to ua and
we will aee that you arc supplied
KMfiMS Tabmm
Norfolk Weekly News Reduced to 1
a Year for Cash in Advance
Opportunity for Young Men and Women
Boys and Girls to Make Money
During the IS years that The Norfolk Weekly News
has been published no subscriber has ever received it for less
than 150 per year This price has been maintained in the
face of cheaper competition because it has always been con
ceded that The News is the best weekly paper published in
this section of the state being printed all at home and giving
later telegraphic news and recording more local events than
any other It has always been well worth the price asked
for it and will continue to steadily improve in all its varied
departments in the future But in response to the large
class of people who desire to pay in advance we have decided
to make the following
To every subscriber who will pay 100 in advance
News will be sent for one year
To every old subscriber who will pay up all arrearages
to date and 100 in advance TnE News will be sent for one
Every subscriber who pays one year in advance will be
presented with a copy of Kendalls Perfected Receipt Book
admitted to be the best cook book on the market containing
besides suggestions as to the care of the sick recipes for the
ailments of stock etc which are invaluable on any farm and
in any household Those who cannot call at The News office
for the book will include 5 cents extra for postage
Any subscriber or member of the family of a subscriber
who secures for us one or more new cash in advance sub
scriptions will be paid 25 cents for each now name and 100
which they may send to this office
Those who have paid in advance at the regular rate will
be credited the additional time at the new rate Those who
do not pay in advance will continue to be charged the old
rate of 150 per year
This special offer will continue until April 1 unless
sooner withdrawn which we reserve the right to do Address
all communications to
Norfolk Nebraska
MkfcavVma5a -
From ioc a Double Roll up
Window Shades Room Moulding Paints Oils Gjass
o4 N tbist Brushes Etc Etc
Palntiaf Paper Hanging and Decorative Work at Fair Price
renders of Tin Nkwh cnu tnko U1 for
what it is worth but thoy will bo liltor
cstecl in tho following dipping alien
from thoOnuihn Hoo There nro re
Mowed minora afloat tlint tho Burlington
will extend its lino from Schuyler to
Norfolk in tho near futuro Tho people
of tho latter city have boen urging tho
road to make this extension for some
time but up to tho present there hai
been a careful nToidanco of enonaohing
upon Klkhoru tolritorr It is about
uinoty miles norow from Sohuvlor to
Norfolk and n lino botweon the two
points would tap somo of tho best
country in Nebraska While it is
possible the rowl niaj bo built at some
time the officers of the road will not
commit themselves at this time If the
line from Norfolk to Yankton should
over bo built it would not bo muoh of a
guests that Norfolks dewiro to bo con
nected with Schuyler would bo grat
Nothing wins admiration for n man
more than his enthusiastic dovotion to
tho country where ho has made bis
homo It is tho euorgy patience itnd
successes of tho mon who eunio to Ne
braska u quarter of a century iiro that
is tho foundation of tho present growing
prosperity Thoy have mown to love
the soil clinmto and conditions of life
hero and that enkindles n desiro in
others to locato here1 This liowover iH
truo not only of Nebraska but in every
portion of a common union This is
brought to mind by a letter which lies
on tho desk of tho writer just recoived
from a friond who lives near Carson
Nevada It sounds good because the
man loves his homo and his business is
located there As it contains informa
tion of wido interest ii portion of it is
quoted for tho beneiit of Tun Nnws
readers If you should mako a trip
west dont trivo Novada tho iio by be-
causo thoro is nothing to bo seen along
tho lino of tho railroad If you will
visit Carson Valloy tho latter part of
Juno or tho first of luly I will hitch up
Old Dick the family thoroughbred
nnd show you crops of hay grain
alfa fruits and vctretables that neither
South Dakota or Nebraska can pro
duco California raises tremendous
crops of fruit and vegetables and ships
heavily through this state to tho east
and to tho north and Bouth but buys
largely of Novada for homo cousump
tion payiug on an average 70 cents per
hundred freight and 25 per cent higher
price than she receives for her own pro
duots Itaco horsemen in Now York
Kentuckv and other states buy Novada
hay for their horses because raised and
cured in a dry climato it is bright and
clean and exceedingly nutritions It is
not bleached out and contains all its
original strength A horso will do as
well on Nevada hay alouo as ho will on
both hay and grain produced in a cli
matOjWhero irrigation is unnecessary
Ulu Dick never saw auy gram nut is
fat nnd round nnd goes eight miles an
hour Iu fact nuy common driving
horso here trnvols from six to eight miles
an hour tho roads being good nearly all
the year round And if I were to tell
you about our climate pure air and
water and tho effect on man and beast
you would havo to lay off a week to read
it so I will not start in
Burt Mapes is at Madison
Judge Powers is at Madison
P P Bell left for Omaha this morn
A Miukler of Tilden spent last night
in the city
John Crook of Meadow Grovo is in
town today
Jack Koenigsteiu is about again after
several days serious illness
Improvements and repairs are being
made about tho Mast block
Tho order of Eastern Star will hold a
meeting at Masonio hall tomorrow even
Mrs G A Werner and Miss Shoe
maker of Osmond were in the city yes-
J F Prentice of Omaha represent
ing tho Now York Life Insurance com
pany is in the city
L P Sutley a substantial farmer of
Meadow Grove was in tho city over
night He went to Madison this morn
Tho mother of George L Whithani of
this city died at Randolph last Saturday
evening Mr Whithani was with her
at tho time
Mrs O B Durland is recovering from
the attack of blood poisoning iu her
hand from which sho haa been Buffering
the past week
The third jury caso of tho term is on
trial in the district court at Madison
today The caso of Isaac Nightingale
versuB Ellis Koudriok will follow it
A dauce is to bo held at Masts hall
Thursday ovoning by some of tho young
men of tho city John Sassano tho
harpist of Sioux City will furnish the
Ray Estabrook rested very comfort
ably through the night aud it is now
hoped that no sorious results will ensue
from his wound caused by the accidental
Iu place of tho regular prayer meeting
tonight at the Methodist church there
will bo a missionary rally addressed by
Rev J W Phelps of Wiuside and Rev
J W Corey of Stanton
The annua meeting of the Prospect
1HU comotery association was tU yes
tordny aftKrnoon Tho minutes of tho
Inst uniting wero rend and approved
1rosident Cot ton presided Tho repot t
of the treasurer h Sessions showed a
Imlouro on hand of 10IS0 Tho tnm
tees elected wore S S Cotton V J
Gow iMrn N A Hninbolt Mrs I Pow
ers L Sesslowi C B Dnilaud nnd
Inane loworn Tho meeting adjourned
until 2 p m March V8th at HohsIoiih Ar
The boy who stays on the farm muni
not be made to feel Hint it Is a dlsKUiec
for him to stay there declared GoTonor
Shnw in an adlrcns before the Iowa
State AKrlculmral society the olherday
1 huvo always advised boys to stick to
the farm to get their tlrist fl0 fot a
boy will net It quicker there than any
where else Start two boys out one on
tho farm and the other iu town nnd the
boy on tho farm will huvo f00 llrst I
dont mean that every boy should stay
on a farm always but it is a good place
to make a start- In my country 1 can
pick out thirty farmers who are worth
more than thirty business men in the
town and the average condition of the
farmer is much above that of the town
men Tho fannets must got over the
idea that they nro looked down upon by
tlto townspeople for they are not and
should not tie Therein no lcasou for
them to think they are looked down up
on for tho business man in town realizes
fully the importance of the farmer to
Smith Noilnlli Niimn
Mrs MoNair of Wisuer is visiting
Mrs llarshman
Mr and Mrs Center spent Sunday
with Mrs Bench
Mr Pender camo up from Onkdalo to
spend Sunday ut home
Miss Mao and Ella Barret spent Sun
day in Missouii Valloy
Miss Ida Conloy of Scribner is visiting
lior friend Mrs Robert Smith
Mr aud Mrs Bond havo returned
from a weeks visit in Eromont
Mr and Mrs Keroko havo anothor
bright eyed little girl at their home
Mr and Mrs Ben Walker spont Sun
day with her mothor Mrs Van Kleok
in Omaha
Mrs Dugan is up from Wisner visit
iug her daughters Mrs Ilnrsliman and
Mrs Koerhor
Miss Verona Grauel wont to Cresteu
Saturday to visit with Miss Rose Birch
more formally of this city
A party of young folks took a llnal
skate on tho Elkliorn lust ovoning
They roport tho ico to bo just as solid as
it was in mid winter
Mr Roland and her father Mr Breed
returned homo last night from Missouri
Valley whoro Mr Breed has been very
sick Ho is now improving
Frank Perfy was very agreeably sur
prised at his homo Wednesday night
A number of young peoplo walked into
tho house whero ho was listening to
tales of war by an old veteran When
ne saw tnat no was taken iVrunk was
ppeechlcss but promptly surrendered
and a pleasant oveuing was enjoyed
Heller In Six Hoiii h
Distressing kidney and bladder
disease relieved iu six hours by New
Great South Aineiican Kidney Cure
It is a great surprise on account of its
exceeding promptness n ciievinL
pain in bladder kidneys and bacit n
male or female Relieve retention of
water almost immediately If you
want quick relief and cure this is the
remedy Sold by Koenigstein Phar
macy Norfolk Neb
IloHkliiH Iluppeulugs
Bom to Mr aud Mrs Dan Wooley
last week a sou
Mr and Mrs John Foster wero at
Winside Monday
Born Monday to Mr and Mrs Henry
Ferris a daughter
Mr Brnasch and family of Norfolk
visited in town Sundny
Mr and Mrs Press Rausdell wero
Norfolk callers Tuesdny
There has been quite a largo amount
of sickness here this winter
Mrs W J Weatherholt and Jenulo
Waddell wero Norfolk visitors Tuesday
Mrs Howsorof Wayno visited last
week with her man friends at this
Mrs Leslio Baker came down -from
Randolph Monday and will visit with
her pnrents a while
W J Weatherholt iB at Bancroft this
week iu tho interest of tho Standard
Stock Food company
Rev Phelps of Winside will preach at
M E church Sunday evening March
20 Everyouo is invited to attend
R M Waddellfrom Bancroft is hero
with teams and meu waiting an order
from headquarters to ship out west
about 200 miles where he has n grading
Mrs Nichols who has been at her
fathers Fred Sohroedor Sr for several
weeks will go next week to join her
husband in Minnesota whero ho has
gone to buy a homo
t Tho dauco at town hall last Friday
evening was quite well attended con
sidering tho weather There will be
another dance Friday evening March
24 at tne name placo
Why not shake the grip Go to Hot
Spring Arkaueaj and lose it
A Reminiscence of Congress
man W L Greene
mo ailKOii in Tim ma uink
A AVicMiiliin Coiitpnndenl Toll AIimhI
II Ureenon linnrnie Iminr in Stiuiii
Tim nitrol nT IIInTiiH on Mini I
huh County Vnlom Not A ppncliiteil In
CnnRl rn
The death of Coiikitmuuui William
j Green of tho Sixth Nebraska district
at Omaha recently has called forth
ninny tribute to bin power as an orator
and bin brilliancy as n man
The following sketch from tho Wash
ington correspondent of the Louisville
Courcor lournnl Journal will be noted
with much interest by Nih readers
both because of ltn keen analysis of
Greenes powerH but as well because of
its local bearing
He was a very voiceful man and a
delightful demagogue I shall never
forget tho list time I saw him It was
in northern Nebraska late in the month
of October I SilJ I believe ho was the
populist candidate for attorney general
1 was slopping in a town of about fiOOO
population - Norfolk nnd one night
ICditor Rosewator of Omiilm came into
loMi Ho was stumping tho state for
Harrison He had an eminently re
spectable audieneo Several clergy men
wine there several bankers were them
the lending lawyers weic there the
leading merchants wero hero Put a
pen in his llBt anil Mr Rosewator is a
very considerable limn but Mr Hose
water has no business on the stump
His speech was as dry as one of old
Granny Blairs There was no applause
and every man in the audience and
woman loo for in the west the gentler
is fond of politics was glad when
ho concluded his two hours discouise
Tho next night Greene came iu and
ho camo with his mouth wido open
Tho weather was bitter cold but tho
rink was crowded A great big up
right cylinder stove in tho center of the
auditorium was redhol and tho farmers
of Madison county who hml come to the
meeting shed their fur overcoats bo
cnuso of tho heat of tho room A gleo
elub led by a gigantic fellow in a fur
coat reaching from head to heals
opened tho proceedings
Whon tho singers hail keyed the audi
ence to tho proper pitch Greene came on
deck and spoko three hours And such
a speech I Ho proved conclusively that
tho American farmer was tho most ab
ject serf on tho footstool and that noth
ing was left to him but to chose between
starvation and suicide Starvation was
good in light of tho fact that thoro was
near famino iu tho yards of both tho
railroad lines penetrating Madison
county a famine duo to tho prolific
harvests of grain of tho Benson just past
and tho immense Hocks of cattlo and
sheep aud countless droves of swiuo
fatted for market in that rogion Thoro
was no crimo ho did not charge upon
tho republican party and from tho
choonng that greeted him it wus pretty
evident that ho convicted it on eyery
count so far as that audience was con
Greono had tho build of an orator i
bust like John Young Browns and i
ucck iiko jonu u aunivans ins was
a deep bass voice and words poured out
of his mouth like soapsuds out of a wuah
tub Ho aspirated words after a fashion
that would havo mado tho fortune of an
actor On tho stump ho was simply n
holy terror I doubt if Senator Thurs
ton would havo had any business tack
ling him beforo an audieneo of Nebraska
farmers But Greene was a failuro in
cougress Ho did not lack for oppor
tuuity No other now momber spoke so
frequently us ho unless It was John
Wesley Gaines of Tennessee or Charles
Kennedy Wheeler of Kentucky
Greene loved to speak aud if congress
wero what tho stump iB out iu Nebraska
Greene would havo boeu a rousor
Iloineneokoi H Excursion
On January 17 February 7 aud 21
March 7 aud 21 18 tho Missouri Pa
cific railway company will sell home
Beckers excursion tickets to certuin
points in southwest Missouri Kansas
Arkansas Indian Territory Oklahoma
Territory Colorado aud Utah and to
many other pointB located in south
eastern states at rate of ouo far for tho
round trip plus 2 For further infor
mation address W O Barnks
Southeast corner of 1 1th and
streets Omaha Nebraska
Backache is tho first indication of kid
noy trouble Urinary disorders dia
botes and oven Brighta disease follow
unless promptly chocked Nothing hot
ter to mako perfect kidnoys than Dr
Sawyers Ukatiuo
A Huperlnr lliroiili Sleeping Cur Mno
llnlw nn Ml IiiiiIn unci limit-
bo in III
Commencing Dceembor 17th the Lou
isville Air llne will inaugurate for tho
snason tho great Through Sleeping Onr
Houle to Klorida Through sleeping
ears will leave St IjmuIhI 15p in dally
passing Louisville 7 00 it in Lexington
105511 in leaching Ohuttuliooga ft tut
p in Atlanta 10 10 p in and Jackson
Hlo a in second morning
StopoveiH allowed This route in
thioiigh large cities ami Interesting
country mid is operated over most su
periornnd well established lines of mil
way The schedules am Inst and most
In addition to the above schedule
leaingKl Louis tit night train leaving
St Louis 8 OH a m will in live Jack
sonvlllo the next night SIDp in mak
ing only one night out from St Louts to
This line also affords passengers for
Klorlda trip via Ahhevilli N 1 tin
greatest American in
Correspondence solicited and inform
ation piomptly furnished It A Camp
iu I i General Passenger Agent St
Louis Mo
This is also tho best line to points It
Kentucky Tennessee Georgia and
Noilli and South Caiolina
For 25 Years
R i
Would yoh Tool porfocLly
Hiilo to put till your nioiioy
In a now bank Ouo yoti
luivo junt honrd of
But how about an old
bunk Ono that has dono
buulnoBB for ovor a qimrtoi
of a contury Ono that huo
nlwayn lcopt ito promlaoB
Ono that novor failed novor
mlBlod yon in any way
You could truBt nuoh a bunk
couldnt you
ma Qirard St
Tested mil 1M I
V Uko Biioh a bank It has novor 1
cilaappointod you novor will
In has novor docolvod you
novor will
Look out that Bomoono
iocis not try to mako you
iivv fit your health in a now
toino now modloino
yi 1jOW nothintr of
111 ml 1 to nil druggets
Sioir i HOWNR Clitmliti New York
vtovrfflianitirlai a
Fcaze f Axie Grease
B wJr twice as r mm
Not effected by Heat or Cold
Higheut Awards at Centennial
Paris and Worlds Fair
Frazer Lubricator Co
Chclago SI Louli New York
Kor tlm euro of all chroma ami
acutn dittinmn n liff nivint prio
ri pin fro from oIldrnKS Anthma
IlronoliitieCatiirrti Consumption
IjoadHciio NouralKJii KIioiiHiatUm
Nervous 1rontratlon and ionorhi
Dtibilitj cured by inlialini
j Compound
Our lionm treatment which con
tuioH two montlm supply of Com
pound Oxygen Jnhnhmr
ratlin full direction knot to any
part of tlio country This includes
nndlcal advico duriiiK treatment
Iliaiphlet with advico to tho nick
homo treatment and testimonials
i Philadelphia Pa
Sheridan Hospital of Chronic Diseases
Itucpnlssd by thit Btuto and eoiicodwl to bo tho leading and most nuccessful Institution in
Nebraska Huippo w th all tho facilities of Kuropean hospitals includinKbpecial Bjuaratus
for the treatment of all Nrwus and mnUI Diseases Diseases l Women Special Private
department for Norwus iiml S ecial Diseases of Men Vnrioocle and Piles Cancer cured
without the knife Morphine Liquor and CKrette Habit cured Calarili In all Its forms
Consumption cured by special method used iu ifuioiean Hospitals caring all cases lo primary
avii secondary stage It you aru in need of thorough Boientllic treatment for auy Chronic T Dis
ease come to the Bhwldan Hospital where all curable chronic diseases are treated by latest aci
cntitlc methods WRITB your troubles inclosing for
slump replr All letters answered Iu
PUgKfiJS8f B loul treatment for patients unable to visit hospital
Couuty Dank or auy business man in Gordon
Consultation Free Examlaatioa Prlvatt
TION The climate of Hordon is especially soluble for all lung dlMtiM q