The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, March 23, 1899, Page 2, Image 2

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Judge and Mrs S W Hayes
Were Married Down East
TlwyMnkn nSurprlno onTlirlr WtxtilliiR
Annhnl miry ntitl nrn TIioihaMvca 8itr
lrlril ImiIro tlnnvnlilitlilr Alidnnt
From Home A IMoinniil livening Hpmit
Dlumotiil Wnlillnir lloiml for
Krom Trlilny lrtlr
Fifty eight years is quite u length of
tinio It la glvon to fow mon mid wo
moil howovor to llvo n happy homo llfo
ns mnn mill wifo for tlmt number of
Lust ovoninir nourlv fifty friends of
Juilgo mul Mrs S W Hnyoa assembled
nt tho realdonco of Mr N A RulnlKilt
nnd proooodod to tho Hayes homo on
Norfolk nvonuo Tho gathering was in
tended ns 11 surprise nnil proved to ho
Biioh both to Mrs Hayes and tho frionds
nnd neighbors who omno in upon hor
Tho judge hml not returned from Mndl
8on whoro ho hnd Kono In tho morning
This was n dooldod disappointment to
nil ooucornod bnt thoy spout n yory
plonsnut ovonliiK with tho lndy who
flfty oiglit yonrn igo in tho spring timo
of llfo plighted lior vowh nt tho mar
rlago ultur mid who still oujoyB tho pro
tection mid lovo of him who then prom
isod to dofondnud cherish hor Tho wed
ding took pluco way buck in Now Kng
land March 10 1811 mid from that
timo to tho prosout day this worthy
couplo havo walked along HfoH pathway
happily togothor ucooinpuuiod by n hoot
of frlomlH Thoy onmo to Norfolk in
1873 mul fow pooplo in thin city uro
moro widely known and nouo nin inoro
highly esteemed
Tho friends who called on thorn lust
night loft us a Blight token of thoir ap
preciation two beautiful rooking chairs
with tho hopo tlmt thoy might in thorn
ilnd rest mul comfort as thoy think of
formor days and tho host of frionda who
Hurrouuil thorn at presont
Eight years ago at tho snmo place
Juilgo and Mrs Hayes colobratod thoir
goldon wedding Tint Daily Nkws of
March 17 1801 gavomi oxtondod uotico
of it aud a brlof clipping from it now
will bo road with intorost by mauy
Tho lurgo and oouifortublo homo of
ZMr and Mrs S W Hayes and Mr aud
Mrs J S McOlary on Norfolk avauuo
was tho scene of au unusually onjoyublo
ovont last ovouing Tlmt ovent was no
loss than tho colobratiou of tho goldon
wedding umilvorsary of tho first named
Tho spacious rooms were tilled to
OTorflowiug with happy light hearted
guests not only from this but other
Tho guests began arriving at mi early
liour mid woro recoivod at tho door by
Mr nnd Mrs McOlary aud
daughter of tho brido mid groom Iu
tho wost parlor Mr nnd Mrs Hayes
with their son 13 Warron Hayes of
Boatrico and thoir grand daughter
Miss Edith McOlary woro stationed
nnd rocoived tho congratulations of thoir
frionds as thoy arrivod
On tho wall opposito thorn wore hung
tho pictures of Mr and Mrs Hayes with
tho years 1811 and 1891 forinod of
figures botwoen thorn
No formality mnrkod tho occasion
restraint boiug laid usido mid each guest
doTOtiug himsolf to uinlriug tho ovouing
ono of pleasure unalloyod Social ohat
nud pleasure musio aud delightful
Bongs were roudored
The account givos in addition a long
list of beautiful aud costly presents glvon
by loving donors It expresses tho do
siro of thoir frionds whioh grows
stronger with each passing year in
theso words Surely if ardent hopes
count for aught Mr and Mrs Hayes
Will ilnd a growing host ot frionds roady
to assist thorn in appropriately oolobrnt
ug thoir diamond woddiug
Thoro is no medioino that has yotboou
discovered that has virtuos dosening to
bo compared with Dr Sawyers Wild
Cherry and Tar for bad cases of chronic
ronchitis consumption or any cough
Cramp colio and all pains cured by
Sloans Liuimtjat Sold by John Ivoeu
j If its in the blood
will take it out
Other kinds may
but probably will not
O P Kuddor was In from Hntlar yos
Juilgo Powers wont In Madison this
K I Woathorby was at QroJghton
Mrs Esther Harriott loft for Omaha
this morning
Adam Pilgor of Stanton was in tho
city yesterday
Dr 1 1 Williams of Way no is visit
ing 0 G Dolon
Traveling is vory disagreeable owing
to tho rough roads
II Ij Lyman of Hattle Greek was in
tho city yostonlay
A bright llttlo boy arrivod ntthe homo
of Mr and Mrs W S Knight yostor
N W Chapman division superinten
dent of tho U P railroad is in tho oity
Felix Plank and wife of Elgin woro
visiting ut tho homo of W E Sponcer
Thoro was a pleasant surpriso party at
Mrs Kulms Phillip avenue Wednes
day evening
Mr and Mrs II L Snydor entor
tained a pleasant party of friends in tho
Heights last evening
Loo Arnott of Lincoln gouoral agent
of tho Western Wheel Sorapor company
was In town last evening
Tho Misses Stewart at their home on
Norfolk avenue aro entertaining tho
Misses Young of Stanton
Tho omployos of tho Union Pacific
wero paid their monthly wngos today
Tho pay oar cmno In last evening
Tho tnurriogo of Mr Jos Hevls nnd
Miss Vina Andlug took pluco yoaterday
at tho homo of the brides parents
sovonvl milos northwest of Madison
Now telephones hnvu been placed as
follows No 138 Millard Oreou rosl
donoo No 103 W O Roland grocery
Junction No 00 G A Lulknrt rosi
18 11 Ovolniau left for St Joseph
Mo yosterduy whoro ho will visit his
parents for a fow days Prom that city
ho will mako a busiuoss trip to Milwau
kee boforo ho returns homo
Tho Wido Awnko Clothing storo Is be
ing ropaiutod and ropnperod Whoa
put iu order again it will prosent a very
tasty nppearauco S G Deau is doing
tho work
Tho weathor bureau is again off tho
hooks and promisos imioh colder woatk
or tomorrow The north wind blows
strongly this afternoon and if spring is
near it keeps pretty tliorougly secluded
Tho Collins oaso is still on trial today
boforo tho district court at Madison A
nutnbor of witnesses and attorneys from
Norfolk aro in attouduuee Informa
tion from Madison rocoived as late as
J oclock this aftornoou by Tuk Nkws
says that tho caso not likoly to go to tho
jury until lato tomorrow aftornoou
Goorgo Dudley has taken possession
of his old livory stablo again nud will
conduct it us Tho Fifth Streot Livory
Ho has made additions to his number of
vohiolos and will bo glnd to havo all his
old friends and many now ones call ou
him Aftor looking over different loca
tions in Iowa mid other states ho has
conoluded that no place offors as favor
nblo a chance for busiuoss as Norfolk
Wiusido Tribune Do ohiokons pay
This question was oskod us by James
Hornby and ns an item of intorost in tho
poultry liuo and a pointer to thoso who
aro bo situated as to koop poultry on a
large scalo we may mention what has
boon accomplished in that lino by ono
family within sight of Wiusido Mr
Hornby keopa Barred Plymouth Rocks
on an averugo about 150 hous Ho
fluds on counting up that Inst season
thoy sold S0 worth of oggs raised over
1100 ohiokons of which thoy sold about
1000 nt mi uverugo prico of about 20
conts oaoh nnd of course hnd all tho
eggs nud ohiokons thoy cared to uso for
table purpos This was an income of
about 380 from that sourco uloue and
at an expense outside of care and
troublo that could scarcely bo noticed
ou their half section farm There are
no flies on chickens Thoy aro birds
This is St Patricks day It takos no
newspaper statement to mako this ap
parent Storo windows festooned in
groen neckties badgos and ribbons in
green all proolaim the day Saint Pat
rick if ho was tho genial whole souled
gentleman ho is reputed to have boon I
would be pleased if ho could understand
tho change which has oomo about in the
spirit of thoso who celebrate bis birth
day A generation ago the advent of
tho 17th of March meant sbillalahs and
oniokod hoods bruised noses and bloody
fists at least iu the larger cities of the
east All tho prejudices between the
Irisuuiau and other folks especially the
Ornugeman wore fully aroused and the
Mithorities counted ou mobs and arrests
as a part of the days celebration Hap
pily thoso prejudices have subsided and
today everybody American Gorman
Frenchman as well as those who came
from Old Erin wearf the green Thoy
do it simply as a kindly expression of
good will toward a land and its people
which have enriched the worlds liter
ature aud given suoli signal examples of
statesmanship oratory and bravery
wherever they have been most ueeded
It is uppropae that fit
should be remembered iu sucu a peace
ful manner He was a peaceful mar
A Pleasant Evening With
Them at the Parker Home
Vlvlil rM niiiiillnin of llm Piiiiioua Novel
lutn CrontlntiH 1y Well Know Pcoplo of
Norfolk Tlmy Cult Forth Mimti
tnrnn Number Prr noiil
IliimUoino Amount HtMillriMl
KromBnlnrclnys lll
At the rosidonco of Rev nnd Mrs T
J Parker lust ovouing thoro was n scene
of mirth and morrlmont Tho pleasant
homo was thronged with qulto n share
of tho beauty and considerable of tho
chivalry of tho city Young and old
minglod in a delightful social time
It was Dlokons night nud although
several of his pooplo who would natur
ally be oxpocted wero uot present thoro
wore enough of them to tnko possession
of tho premises and by thoir presence
lond joy nud gyoty to tho company
The nminblo Mr McCnwber always
hopofnl though decidedly shabby was
thoro nud with him Mrs McCnwber
Mrs Squoors with hor brimstone nud
tronolo Pecksniff with high moral nttl
tudo nnd two dnughtors Mercy nnd
Charity tho Rood uaturod Jolloby and
his wifo Diok Swivollor nud the mar-
ohionoss tho old man lod by tho gentlo
llttlo Nell Arthur Jiuglo roady for au
08copado Captain Cuttlo looklug tho
ploturo of tho old wilt Uetsoy Trotwood
who never married but once accom
panied by tho generous manly young
Gopporflold Mrs Pox with hor pecu
liar mannerisms nnd Mrs Ohiok Betsey
Prig and Salry Gamp door did girl
tho Jelloby children tho Donboy chil
dren littlo Paul ns saintly us over tho
two runaways tho fat boy wkoraroly
opoued his oyos aud last but not least
Mrs Bardoll who tried to look tho pic
ture of happiness and succeeded iu
spite of the fuot that tho irrepressible
dear Mr Pickwick was nowhere
Mrs Seymour read vory effectively
that inimitable scone from Piokwiok
where ho has mi Interview with Mrs
Bardoll resulting in loavlug hor
strnuded In his arms groatly to tho em
barrassment of Mr PlcLvvick aud the
delight of the lady
Aftor this tho Dickons folks moved
through tho parlorsand by thoir
qno nnd appropriate customs nnd man
ners elicited tho attention aud applauso
of all present They were appropriately
introduced by Rov Parkor as thoy camo
into tho room and nt once recognized by
all familiar with Diokens oreatious
Without seeming invidious tho cu
test and brightest perhaps of all was the
scouo in which the two little runaways
But every part was taken and ren
dered vory effectively by thoso who were
well selected to porsonate it
Tho personations of the different
chaniotors wero
A J Duiiaud McCnwber Mrs D
O OConnor Mrs McCawbor H L
Snydor Pecksniff Mrs O H Reynolds
Morcy Pecksniff Miss Ada Butterfleld
Charity Peoksuiff Dr H J Cole Mr
Jelleyby Mrs A J Durlaud Mrs
Jolloyby Aletta and Elizabeth Stowart
May Somors aud Graham Humphrey
Mrs Jolloybys children Ohas Parker
Diok Swivollor Mrs Humphrey tho
Marchiouoss A J Johnson Tho Old
Man Louiso Ilos Littlo Noll Arthur
Pilgor Arthur Jiuglo E A Requa
Captain Castlo Mrs M O Walker
Botsoy Trotwood Mrs Prod Salter
Mrs Ohiok Miss Lily Parkor Miss
Tox Mrs T J Morrow Sairy Gamp
Mrs H H Owoub Botsoy Prig Mrs
L Sossious Mrs Squoers Elizabeth
Davonport Mrs Bardoll Clyde Bullock
David Copporflold Harry Patterson
Tho Pat Boy Joiophiuo nud Spencer
Butterfleld Florenco nud Paul Domboy
Joseph Parker and Mario Johnson
Mastor and Mrs Harry Walniers
Later iu the ovouing refreshments
wero served Tfco proceeds amounted
to 35 aud tho ovouing with Diokous
was doclnrod by all who had tho ploas
uro of boiug present au unqualified
Rev S P Sharpless went to ONeill
last night
W H Loamy the Plalnviow attor
ney was iu the city today
Burt Mapos went to Wayno this
morning on legal business
Miss Mathilda Baumaun of Pieroo is
shopping hero this afternoon
Regular services at the Baptist church
tomorrow morning and evoning
Rev A Hoflus and daughter Mary of
Pierce were in tho city yesterday
Mr and Mrs George Lanipe left for
their homo at Eureka Kansas yester
The Robinson property on South
Fourth street ha been sold to D F
A daughter was born to Mr aud Mrs
Geo Kurrook of South Norfolk ibis
Dr P H Salter was called to Win
aide this morning to oonsult with Dr
Rjv H Mautoufel of Carroll wuooas
Patricks day 1 been in tho city several days retuned
uome mis noou
Miss Alice Mills who has beeu vsit
ing hor sistor Mrsj Jno It Hays re
turned to Missouri Volley today
Geo L Whitham received news yes
terday of tho serious illness of his
mother at Randolph Ho left for that
town at onco
Misses Bessie and Maude Deuel of
Meadow Grovo who have been visitiug
rolatives iu Norfolk the pust week will
returu homo this evoiiiug
Tho following servicos will bo held at
the Gorman Evangelical churoh tomor
row Sunday sohool at 10 n m
preaching nt 11 n m and 8 p ra All
are cordially Invited to nttond theso
Tho Quaker club gaTe Ed Stophons a
good byo social last night nt the Stoph
ons rosidonco on South Tenth stroot
Tho evoning watf very happily spout in
various parlor gamos music refresh
ments and social chnt
Norfolk lodgo No 97 A O U W
at Its regular mooting last night neloctod
W N Huso nnd John Quick as dele
gates to nttond tho grand lodgo at Lin
coln in May T E Mooliok mid W
R Hoffman woro ohoscn ns alternates
Tho Arlington correspondent of tho
Blair Pilot says At tho high school
contost hold in Masonic hall Monday
night to dooido who should represent
them nt Norfolk April ft G and 7 in tho
norther Nebraska ortoncal coutest thoro
wero fifteen contestants and the judges
decidod In favor of Ethel Morloy
Au exchange says If tho islitor
publish ono half tho stuff he hoars
divorce suits would follow thick and
fast Thoro would bo shotguns mid fu
nerals desolated homes shamo and mis
ery It doosnt toko imioh of a man to tell
what to put iu a novrspapor but it takos
tho wisdom of Solomon to tell what to
keep out
ONolll Frontier ONeill will send
two contestants to outer the declamatory
contest nt tho North Nobraska Teachers
association to bo hold at Norfolk April
5 0 aud 7 Tho contost will take place
on tho ovenlug of the 5th Thero will
probably bo a large delegation of
touchers and high sohool pupils attend
from this placo
Two weeks from tomorrow will be
Easter Unless thoro is a decided
change iu the weather it is likely to bo
a regular northeaster Meantime oastcr
bouuots havo been planted in all the
millinery stores and providouce permit
ting if old winter recovers from tho
grip ho has held this section iu sinco last
October they will blossom out iu glori
ous and stunning array ou tho date
Tho dance nt Marquardts hall last
night was largely attended and proved
ono of the most enjoyable social ovonts
of the season It was a gay nnd happy
throng that glided gracefully over the
floors keeping step to tho joyous music
furnished by the hospital orchestra A
handsome silver tea sot of four pieces
was awarded by the judges to Alfred
Gorecko and his partner Miss Oum
mlngs as tho wlnucrs of tho prize
It is n matter of general interest to
know what constitutes n carload of dif
ferent material It takes 99 barrels of
salt 99 of flour GO of whiskey 200 sacks
of flour 10 cords of wood 18 to 20 head
of cattle CO to 05 hogs 90 to 100 shoop
9000 feet of boards 17000 foot of siding
18000 feet of flooring 44000 shingles
one half loss of joists scantling or other
timbers 340 bushels of ooru 400 of
wheat 580 of oats 420 of flax seed 200
of apples 840 of Irish potatoes and 1 000
of bran
Tho stato conference of the German
Evangelical church is to bo held at Hos
kins next week from Tuesday to Sunday
afternoon After tho closo of the session
tho delegates will come to Norfolk nnd
Sunday ovening Bishop William Horn
of Clovelaud Ohio will preach in tho
ohurch on Pasewalk avenue The
church has been proparod for tho visit
of strangers by boing ropaporod and
otherwise fitted up and all that Is lack
ing now is tho completion of about half
a block of sidewalk to the churoh which
it is hoped will be dono boforo tho visit
ors arrive
Tho selection of delegates to tho ora
torical oontest among tho high schools
of this soot ion to be held ut Norfolk
early in April during the sessions of
the North Nobraska Teachers associa
tion is attracting a good deal of atten
tion in neighboring towns At Stanton
a huge orowd listened to the contestants
at an exhibition of their powers last
Friday evening Ten high sohool stu
dents entered the race and the first prize
was won by Ulue unaoe second Dy
Myrtle Osier and the third by Carl
Strabie Prof OConnor of this city
was one of the throa judges The Stan
ton Register says VSupt OConnor
delivered the presentation address and
oomplimonted the contestants and the
high order of each oratorical effort and
Bpoke of the great difficulty the judges
had in deoidlug whioh produotion had
tho most merit
another death at Manila
Th War Department Becelvea Nowi of a
Further Lou la the Vint Nebnuka
WAfimsaTON Maroh 20 Special to
The News The following death has
been reported from Manila since the last
weekly report of Maroh 14 Company
H First Nebraska of typhoid fever
Private George J Smith
G D Mkikuejoiin
Assistant Secretary of War
M D Tyler is at Madison today
Knox Tipplo wont oast this morning
Burt Mapos spoilt tho day nt Winsidn
Bon Kymor wont to Ohoyoimo todny
J G Cleveland is up from tho county
Chng II IlnrdhiR left for Lincoln this
S Welder of Hnrtington vm in town
J II Oonley visited nt Battle Crock
M O Hnzen Iciivch for ONeill thh
Adam Pllgcr of Stanton was in tho
city todny
Russol Thompson camo In from Ran
dolph today
Goo Buthan enmo In from Sioux City
this morning
E A Oram of Orcighton is visiting
Norfolk frionds
FraukJJ Barnes visited rclntivos at
Madison Sunday
Jnlltm Iluns of Battle Greek spent
Sunday In tho city
D P Owens returned from an ex
tended trip Saturday
Mrs W O Tolivor of Laurel is visit
ing friends iu the oity
Tho plumbing in The Most block Is bo
ing done by W H Rish
Mr nnd Mrs O B Burrows returned
to Madison this forenoon
W K Jackson tho Randolph doalor
in machinery is here on business
E H Luikart left for Columbus nnd
points west of that city this morning
Miss Anna lleikofski of Battle Creek
was visitiug friends iu this city Satur
O Rnasch and George Schwenck left
for Madison this morning to servo as
A littlo daughter was born to Mr and
Mrs Heury Forris of Hoskins this
George Carico of Battlo Creek was in
the city this morning Ho loft for
Butte Mont
Judge Norris of Wayne was in tho
city this morning Ha returned homo
on tho noon train
Miss Allio Coo of Randolph who has
been visiting friends in Norfolk re
turned home toduy
Miss Lottio Spauldiug left for Tildcu
lost evening She has taken tho posi
tion of trimmer with the Tilden milli
Quite n number of Norfolk sportsmen
left town this forenoon to participate in
the circle wolf hunt which took placo
Miss Delia Ochsner who has been
visiting Mrs T G Daggett the past ten
days returned to her homo at Madison
this morning
A few frionds in tho Heights woro
very pleasantly entertained by Mr nud
Mrs W R Hoffman at thoir home Sat
urday evening
Hon G W Wattles of Omaha ex
president of the Trans Mississippi expo
sition arrived in tho oity Saturday
evening returning home yesterday
The state hospital for tho insauo was
visited yesterday by another legislative
committee mado up of members of tho
houso They wore Hon T E Hibbard
of tho committee on agriculture Hon
Henry Harkson of the ways and means
committee and Hon O E Hicks They
arrivod from Lincoln Saturday evening
and returned yesterday Thoir visit was
made for tho purpose of ascertaining the
conditions and the needs of the institu
David Miller of Denver representing
the Colorado Fuol and Mining company
of Pueblo is in the city Ho has pur
chased the trackage of the old Electric
Stroot Rnilwny company and the iron
will be shipped to Colorado Speaking
of tho winter in his section Mr Miller
says it has been tho soverest ever known
in Colorado Snow has been piled many
feet deep and snow slods nud snow shoos
have been iu nso by everybody iu getting
from placo to place Ho thinks the im
mense body of snow in tho mountains
promises plenty of moisture in Nobraska
this season and abundant crops
At just ten minutes past two today
according to the almanac makers
gentle spring came on to the track
But if the general aspect of things is to
count for anything it is quite ovideut
that the timid thing was scared off and
is sidetracked somewhere It has been
a sullen cloudy day the wind has had a
raw edge that suggested heavier wrap
pings and the rambling of the coal carts
loadbd to replenish the waning supply
of the seasons fuel over the frozen
streets was added and unmistakoable
proof that winter still holds supreme
sway Spring may be at the door but
the door is looked and it looks as if the
key had been lost or thrown away
Roy Read arrived in the city yester
day morning and will visit a week with
his parents During the past five months
he has been working in tho labratory of
the Bay City Mioh sugar factory
which dosed its first campaign Febru
ary 18 having produood 5000000 pounds
of sugar Tho success of this new fac
tory in its first year has oreated great
interest in sugar making in Michigan
and eight more new factories will be
built in that state the coming season
J The first of April Mr Read will go to
Chicago to enter tho employ of tho Fred
W Wolf company who havo contracts
for tho oreotion of three of thoso fac
tories Mr Read is an unusually bright
young man mid his prospects for the fu
ture aro vory flattering
This is Self Denial week mnoug tho
Salvation army folks nil ovor tho
country Tho mombors of tho nrmy
will deny thomsolvos of many of tho
nocessitios of llfo in ordor to holp swell
the fund lor maintaining thoir work
Thoy will ask tho publio to contributo
something even nt tho cost of denying
itself Homo of the oxtras which it is
prono to indulge in townrd extending
their operations into points not now
i cached Tun Nkws is suro that tho
pcoplo of Norfolk will rospoud ns liberal
ly ns thoy oau nfford to do Tho work
dono by tho Salvationists in this city
has been praiseworthy Thoir work at
largo is too well known to cull for ox
tondod notice Thoy hnvo gono into tho
darkest oorners of tho earth among tho
outcast and the nbondouod and mado n
business of snatching brands front tho
buruiig They aro doing splendid
work among n clous of peoplo raroly
reached by other churoh organizations
They deiorvo a generous support and aro
a factor in tho uplifting of humanity
that neither Norfolk nor tho rest of tho
country would care to disponso with
Misa Nettie Korth is quite seriously
J B Davis of Pierce was iu tho city
Mrs H J Backus of Lindsay is iu tho
city today
T Shannon of Hoskins was in tho
oity last night
Henry Junge of Osmond was a Nor
folk visitor yosterday
County Suporintondent O W Ormn
was in tho city today
Telephono No 80 has been placed in
Edwards blacksmith shop
G A Luikart Dr Boar and Prof
OConnor loft for Lincoln on the noon
D H Oarrig P H Requa and O J
Onrrig of Platto Contor were in town
Rov Mr Sworn of Epworth Iowa
who has been visiting O E Doughty
returned home yesterday
F J nnd J W Fitzgerald of Beemer
spent last night in tho city P J went
to Bloomfleld and J W to Yankton to
Miss Belle Hodgson of Chicago ar
rived today to take charge of tho trim
ming department at Burnets millinery
Miss Pearl Koechig returned to her
homo in Madison yesterday after several
days visit with her friend Miss Ethel
Rov S F Sharpless returned from
ONeill yesterday He reports that over
a foot of snow fell there last Friday
He drove 75 miles in a sleigh The
snow is still deep
Miss Emma L Swortz field secretary
of tho American Baptist Womens Mis
siouory society will meet the local so
ciety at tho homo of Mrs E W Stevens
South Tenth street tomorrow afternoon
at 3 oclock
Mrs Eleanor Cochrane died of heart
disease Sunday at the state hospital
She was an inmate of the asylum for
three years and a half possessed of hope
less molancholia At the time of her
death her husband and two little girls
wero with her The body was shipped
this morning to her home at Ravenna
where intormont will be made
A very pleasant wedding took placo at
high noon yesterday at the home of Mr
and Mrs Persons eight miles east of
town At that hour their daughter
Miss Pearl Persons was united in mar
riage to Mr Charles Spoece in the pre
sence of about forty invited friends and
relatives Tho ceremony was performed
by Rev W H Eaton of this city The
bride and groom aro well known esti
mable young people and will have the
congratulations of many friends Mr
and Mrs Speeco will locate on a farm
five miles southwest of Norfolk
Rumors are cheaply manufactured
and yet it is true that there is apt to be
behind them a measure of truth The
44 Example is Better
Than Precept
It is not what we say but
what Hoods Sarsaparilla
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Thousands of testimonials are
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what it will do for you
8crof ula Running scrofula sorts
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month the sorts completely healed Mbi
J M Hatch Ktna N H
Inflammatory Rheumatism -Two
attack of the grip left me with inflamma
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Hoods Sarsupaillla cured me and I can
climb itairi and walk anywhere 3 Lovi
land 373 Fargo Ave Buffalo N Y
Hoodi WIU curt lifer llli the nonlrrlUtlng mod
qnl cthrtlc to Uk with H tt ttmaprlll