The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, March 23, 1899, Image 1

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The Norfolk Weekly News
Aguinaldo Announces He Will
Displace Americans
Both Americana nml Filipino Preparing
For Docltlre lluttte IniurRont ne
unrtetl Concentrating In Vloliilly r
MnUbon For n Forward Move IWbela
Are Savins Their Aiumunltlmi
Manila March 23 Whilo appar
ently hiuctlvo Binco Sunday really tUo
epposlto has been tho caso with the
American forces A reorganization on
tni1n mary change ha boon in pro
gress sluoo the ubaudonment of tho fly
ing column Gouoral Whoatons and
Gouoral Halls brigades have not boen
BSBignod but tho Oregon regimont tho
lllnnosota regiment and tho Twonty
aeoond regiment havo boon concentrated
at the camp on tho Luuota at tho water
front in readiness for immeuiato trans
portation when the plana of the mili
tary lwidors havo been formulated
Our troops aro entrenched and the
tituation is praotioally unchangod Tho
enemy has refrained from making any
attacks recently and it would appear
that the robols aro saving their ammu
nition for a decisive movomont
According to n prisoner captured by
our troops Aguinaldo has announced
that ho will personally conduct tho re
eerveB at Malolos and march into Manila
within 20 days uuloss tho Americans
withdraw in the meantime The con
centration of robol forcos in tho vicinity
of Malolos givos color to the statement
of tho prisoner
Tho United Btutos transport Sherman
from New York on Feb 8 has arrivod
hero Ouo child two sailors and two
privates died on the voyage and one
man was drowned in the Mediterranean
The address to tho nativos of tho Phil
ippine islands drufted by the Amorican
commission in bohalf of tho United
States government and embodying tho
views of the president has beon mado
public Af tor being translated into all
tho native dialects it is to bo dissemi
nated throughout tho arohipelago The
address assures tho Filipinos of tho in
tention of the Americans to develop tho
powers of self government in tho peo
ple It explains that tho United States
has assumed international obligations
which it must fulfill and which make
it responsible to the whole civilized
world for the stable government of the
FollHrul CrlU In Jamaica
Kingston March 23 A political
crisis of gravity said to be the most
important since 1883 is now occupying
the attention of Jamaica The gov
ernor Sir Augustus Hemming as fore
casted in theBe dispatches of Fob 21
prorogued the legislature Tuesday and
reconvened it Wednesday by order of
th secretary of stato for the colonies
Josoph Chamberlain for the purpose of
Introducing the obnoxious bill taxing in
dustrial imploments and literature
which tho council rejected on March 15
tho governor at tho eanie time bringing
in four now official members to out vote
tho representatives Tho Jamaica asso
ciation has convened public meetings
throughout tho country and it has cabled
to Mr Chamberlain explaining tho
gravity of the situation Much excite
meut prevails and it is said there will
be trouble if the government persists in
its present policy
Origin or Report of Sherinana Death
Washington March 23 General A
W Greoly chief of the signal corps
gavo to the Associated Press the follow
ing signed statement with reforenco to
tho report that the signal officer at
Guuntanamo had confirmed the report
of ex Secretary Shei mans death Cap
tain Leigh telegraphs me from Santiago
that the information regarding Mr
Shermans alleged death came direct
from tho r epresontative of tho French
Cable company at Gnantauamo and
that tho responsibility of the signal
corps is limited to the tolegraphio
transmission of the story
Caravan Attacked by A tub
Alchkks March 23 The Telogramme
Algerian announces that a number of
Arabs arrived at Ghordoia yosterday
and that they were raiding the country
It is further announced that a party of
Touaregs recently attacked an Europoau
expedition which was on its way to Air
in the Sahara and that af tor a fierce
fight the Touaregs were beaton off The
expedition lost 100 men killed ana part
of its caravan was captured The paper
quoted adds that the expedition must bo
Fourcau Lays mission which is said to
be the only European expedition at pres
ent in the Sahara
Caearaa Plana a Revolution
Yalpaiiaiso March 23 General Oa
ceres former president of Pern has ar
rived at Arica Ohilo and threatens to
attempt to overthrow the Peruvian gov
ernment at the first opportunity Senor
Alouto president of Brazil has dis
patched troops from Oruro his base of
operations against the federalists or in
surgents to suppress a revolt among
the Indians now extending from Oav
anna to Desagaro
DeinoBitratlon at Madrid
Madrid March 23 A band of re
patriatod trcops made a demonstration
yesterday in front of the prefecture
Tho prefect advised the soldiers to dis
perse immediately adding that other
wise he would be compelled to resort to
force The demonstrators left inform
ing the authorities in a threatening
manuer that they had butter pay the
money due tho troops within a month
Ko Perceptible lcrene In Number of
WltuNor Hotel Mlilnc
Nmv Youh March 23 Hushing tho
15 dead whoso bodies havo boon recov
orotl persons who are supposed to
havo been in tho Windsor hotel when it
was destroyed c n rrlday aro yet unnc
oouutud for Lat night a fragment of
charred fiosh was found ou tho Fifth
avenuo sido of tho ruins near whore
other bodies wcro found but doopcr
down Tho rain yesterday interfered
with tho rapid progress of tho work to
sonio extent and it was not uutil tho
afternoon that tho workers got down to
steady work Tho flro department has
its linos about tho ruins isolating a
considerable section of ono of tho busi
est parts of tho city A forco of 2W
men was omployod throughout tho
afternoon and a shift was put ou at
Tho laborers roachod tho oluvntor
shaft nt tho Fifth avenuo and Forty
sixth street corner lust night nml bo
gau to dig awuy tho dobrls An
vator in this Hhaft is thought to bo
filled witli people who sturtod down
after tho flro broko out Somo fire is
still Rinouldering in tho ruins
What nro supposed to be tho romaius
of throo bodies wore taken out of tho
ruins at a late hour last night Those
throo bring tho list of dead to 18 Thero
aro 37 persons missing
lliirlliiRiuii to ISuy tlio Northern
Chicago March 23 Tho Ohroniclo
says Tho Chicago Burlington and
Northern is to bo purchased outright by
tho Chicago Burlington and Quincy
committee A proposition to secure
control of this lino has been under con
sideration by tho owners of tho Burling
ton for some time and a special mooting
of tho directors of the Ohiougo Bur
lington and Quincy has now beon called
for May 20 to ratify a plan of purchase
If tho deal goes through tho namo
Chicago Burlington and Northern
will bo droppod nud its lines will bo
como a part of tho Burlington system
Tho gouoral ofiices of tho Northern
now locatod in Burlington and St Paul
will bo either abolished or moved to
Chicago Thoro will probably bo few
changes in tho oflioors of tho lino as it
is now managed chiefly by Burlington
Colored Emigrant Strandoil
New Yonic March 23 Tho 37 col
ored families numbering 104 persons in
all who aro stranded in Jersey City
after having come from tho west to go
to Liberia aa is alleged uudor a con
tract with tho International Migration
society were notified today by tho Cen
tral Railroad of Now Jorsoy that thoy
would have ftfleavbtho railroad cars
in Which thoy have remained siuco
their arrival in Jersey City It is
claimed that the International Migra
tion society promised to send these peo
ple to Liberia and that thoy have failed
to carry out the promise Most of them
are destitute and their condition is pit
Grain Grower In Session
Faroo N D March 23 Tho first
interstate grain growers convention
over held in tho northwest is in session
here continuing three days under tho
auspices of the Minnesota and North
Dakota agricultural colleges Repre
sentatives of tho South Dakota aud the
Manitoba experiment stations are also
present besides about 400 farmers
Mayor Johnson of Fargo was elected
president of the convention Superin
tendent Gregg of Minnosota vice presi
dent and J A Worst of North Dakota
secretary President Hill of the Great
Northern will address tho convention
Charged With Killing Employe
Sioux Falls S D March 23 A
now complaint has just been sworn out
at Viborg Tumor county against Ivor
Paulson a prominent f armor for the
alleged murder of Christopher Nolson
his hired man Paulson was arrested
last weok but owing to insufficient evi
dence the caso was dismissed and he
was rearrested under tho now complaint
DorKoy Relumed on Hall
Omaha March 23 Frank M Dorsoy
was last evening reloased from tho
Douglas county jail whoro ho has beon
oonfiuod since shortly aftor tho ad
journment of tho federal court in Janu
ary on a 10000 bond Dorsey was
convicted of not complying with tho na
tional bankiug laws whilo cashier of tho
First National bank of Ponca
Porter lteftiie to Talk
Paius March 23 General Porter
tho United States ambassador answer
ing uu inquiry of a correspondent of tho
Associated Press said he was unable to
discuss the rumors to the offect that he
may succeed Gouoral Alger as secretary
of war as aU information on tho sub
ject ought to come from Washington
Joint tli Ulcycle Trait
Milwaukee March 23 Tho A D
Meioolbach company manufacturers of
bicycles has joluod the bicycle trust
This makes the sooond Wisconsin con
cern to enlist in tho combination the
other company being the Sterling com
pany of Kenosha The combine will be
composed of about 20 manufacturers
When oomplote
8 11 Armour Very III
Kansas City March 23 S B Ar
mour of the Armour Packing company
of Kansas City is reported daugerously
ill with pneumonia at his home here
Tho family is alarmed especially as Mr
Armour is 70 years old
Choatn HUH Seek a Rome
London March 23 Ohoato has not
yet signed an agreement for Curzous
house but probably will so today
He has ulso before him Reuben Sa
soouo housw iu Belgrave square
Will Attend the Dollar Dinner
In New York
Buy In nn Interview Ho Will Itnn4 Perry
Itulmoutt Unoli nnt Pnlnt Oat Hmo
Dlflnrcnca ttx 9mtntnr Onriunii nt
Maryland te Attend tka Croker Fount
at Now Yerft
Nbw Yonit March S3 Tho Jefferson
banquet of tho Chicago platform Demo
crats of this city will tako placo April
10 Colonol William J Bryan hasgivon
positive ussurauco that ho will bo pres
ent It is cxnootod ho will make
notable spocch taking tho stand which
ho bollovGs tho Domooratio party should
tnka next year It is planned to hav
tho labor unions talio a vory promlnont
part iu the dinner
Eugcno V Brewster who is manag
ing tlio Bryan diunor said last night
Some confusion has arisen ovor tho
namo of tho dinner It was dooidod
first not to call it tho dinner of tho Chi
cago platform Democrats because of
Governor Pingroo and othors who aro
RopublicauK Wo sout the invitations
in tho namo of tho Chicago platform
pooplo Wo havo such financial Irnok
lug that wo will bo ablo to givo a dol
lar diunor such us has uovor boon hold
boforo I tolophonod tho Grand Con-
tral palaco as soon as I hoard from Mr
Bryan and engaged it Bocauso of tho
confusion no invitations woro sent to
anybody but Mr Bryan Wo havo
learned however from Governor Pin
groo Mr Altgold aud Mayor Jones
that thoy would como any day aftor
April 15
Richard Crokor said last night I do
not euro to say anything about Mr Bry
ans letter of declination I am sorry
ho cannot understand a difforeuco of
opinion As to tho fact that ho will go
to tho SI diunor well I liopo ho will
help tho cause of Democracy Tho
moro big dinners thero aro in Now York
tho bottor for tho working people
Tho promoters of tho Bryan diunor
tako it for granted that Governor Piu
grco will bo ouo of their guests Ex
Senator Gorman it is understood will
attoud tho Crokor banquet
Itryun at Nmhvllle
Nashville March 28 Hon W J
Bryan was tho guest of tho goueral as
sembly of Tennessee horo yesterday
Ho addressed tho joint assembly in tho
morning a vast crowd visiting tho cap
itol in anticipation of tho occasion
Many were uuablo to gain admission to
gallorius or halls so great was tho rush
Governor MoMillin presonted Mr
Bryan who spoko at somo length Ho
said ho regarded tho represoutativo as a
necessary ovil and then warned them
against misrepresenting constituents
Corporations were reforrod to as tho
dangerous enemy of tho farraor In
tho afternoon Mr Bryan visited tho
Tennessee Industrial school and thou
loft for Birmingham In an interview
ho has said ho would road tho book
Perry Belmont has sent him and will
point out somo differences between the
positions ho holds and those held by
Thomas Jefferson
Uproar In MUiourl LegUIature
Jefferson City Maroh 23 The bill
to regulato stock yard charges caused
furious excitement in last nights ses
sion of tho house Charges of dishonest
voting woro oponly mado and pande
monium reigned at times so furious
that it seemod probablo that the motu
bors would como to blows Tho object
of tho bill is to roduco yardage and
other charges from GO to 25 per cent
It is said to bo a duplicato of tho Kansas
law The bill was placed on its passago
duringtho early part of tho session and
defealod yeas 51 nays 07 A motion
to reconsider was lost yeas 51 nays
09 Boforo any further niovo could be
made a motion to adjourn prevailed
Under tho rules tho bill must bo voted
upon today
Prealtlent Return to Thomaivlllf
Thomasvillk Ga Maroh 23 Presi
dent McKinloy and Vice President Ho
bart returned to tho homo of Senator
Hauna last evening much refreshod
and pleased with thoir trip to Jokyl
island The visit has beon ono of quiet
enjoyment throughout Politics out
not the slightest figure The mooting
of Speaker Reed aud the prcsidont was
confined to two exchanges of common
courtesies in tho presence of a number
of other persons At Jekyl tho presi
dent was mado ono of the large island
family and permitted to oxorcise his
own pleasure without any forced atten
Arretted on Bribery Charge
Guthrie O T March 23 J O
Wailes Populist member of the terri
torial assembly was arrested here yes
terday as a result of tho grand jurys
investigation of the territorial legis
lature He is accused of having of
fered 76 to Senator Frank O Hutto
ohairman of tho committee on revision
of the senato calendar to advauce two
bills iu which ho was interesto from
the oommittoo of the whole to third
reading Wailes cavo bail in tho sum
of 1000
Foe of SAlnon toConfer
Des Moines Maroh 23 The Minis
toriul association has called a meetiug
of the ministers of the state for April 3
nd 4 Tho same dates tho Iowa Anti
Saloon league will hold its stato con
ventiou hero Tho mooting of the two
organizations have boen culled for a
consultation with a viow of united
action iu temperance and prohibition
questions throughout the state
Trmtliiimj of Onwmrfr UnixrvU Will
There ln rtertilvntt
OmcAno March S3 The members of
tho goTcrnmout court of inquiry fin
Uhed their labor in Chicago yestorday
nud loft for New York hint uvoning
Tho testimony of Govmnor Theodore
Roosevelt will thero bo received after
which tho court will proceed to Gover
nors Island
Tho ovldonoe brought forth yostorday
was largely cumulative in its ohartus
tor consisting mainly of orltiolims of
tlio caunod licof and refrlgomtod bttof
from soldiers who nto it and watched
its offeots in Cuba aud Porto Rioo
David Flolshmann a boll boy In tho
Hotel Morrison told of a visit to the
stockyards in the company of an un
known ranu whose purposo he sup
port to bo an experimout in tho matter
of preserving hoof by chemical treat
ment W Clark Marshall tho
i specialist whose testimony was ox
poctod to bo Housutioual throw no addi
tional light on tho question his ovl
denco bolng principally the expression
of the opiulon that canned boef as now
pnt on tho market In totally unfit for
human food
Do Molno Women Oppain Army Punt
Dies Moines Maroh 23 Tho four
chapters of tho Womans Christian Tem
perance union in this city held a joints
sofflion yesterday afternoon and at tho
oouolusiou of a most spirited dlsoussiou
adopted resolutions coudomnlng the at
tempt of this city to secure a new army
post and appointed u committee to fight
tho location of auy suoh post iu this
city Tho woniou oppose tho post bo
cihiso thoy Bay it would havo a bad ef
fect upon tho morals of tho city Tho
Ministerial association will bo askod to
join iu tho movomont
Tho stato board of control at its moot
ing with tho Huporiutondouts of state
institutions yestorday decided that aftor
Thly 1 no superintondonts will bo por
ii ittcd to employ relatives in tho vuri
o is institutions
Offloor net III Money Uncle
Council Bluits March 23 Charles
Ojflloor cashior of the banking firm of
dfileor Pusoy who droppod a roll of
bills containing 5000 in Omaha a week
or so ago was ploasautly surpriRod last
ovouiug by a man calling nt his house
and rotuming him 4000 of the
amount The othor 1000 he
kopt as his reward which had
boen offorod by Mr Pusey Tho man
Whoso name Mr Pusoy decllnod to
mako public said tho monoy had been
picked up by a 13-year-old messenger
boy who had hlddon it in a barrol of
Blidust at hie homo ovor siuco Ac
cording to tho mans story ho found out
that tho boy had tho monoy and gavo
him 5 telling him ho would roturn it
to tho rightful owner
IleRtralueil From Whipping Wife
Des Moines March 23 An injunc
tion was issued from tho district court
yostorday restraining a husband from
further beating his wifo According to
her pleading ho has whippod and beat
hor until sho has nearly suffered death
Tho applicant is Laura MoOlellan tho
wifo of Georgo McOlellun a property
owner on tho oast sldo of the rivor
Furinnr Rote Trie Again
Chicago March 23 John W Roso
a wealthy farmer of Lake City la who
attempted to end his life Sunday by
shooting himself mado another unsuc
cessful attempt at suicido yesterday by
swallowing a quantity of poison It is
behoved Rose has becomo Insane ovor a
quarrel ho had with a womau whom he
mot since coming to Chicago
Shermun I Improving
Santiago Murch 24 Mr Shermun
continues improving aud will bo trans
ferred to tho Chicago today Gonoral
Wood paid a visit to Mr Shermun
Tlio city is full of tourists who have
landed from the Amorican liner
Tho murquis of Salisbury has started
for tho Riviera
Gonoral Milos addressed tho students
of Harvard university Wednesday
Hanovor probably tho greatest stal
lion living is dying of gangrene at Lex
The Wostorn Baseball league is in
Hossion at Milwaukeo to make up tho
season schedule
A special from Washington says At
torney General Griggs will advio Secre
tary Alger to grant no concessions of
auy character in Cuba
It is understood that tho Ohlnoso
minister has informed tho Italian gov
ernment that China absolutely rofusos
tho demand of Italy for u concession at
San Muu bay
The Plains of Abraham uear Quo
boc sacrod iu tho history of Canada
have boen surveyed for building lots
Nine streets have been mapped out on
tho battlefield
The whole Ooroau cabinet has been
dismissed aud two of the ministers have
boeu banished bocaus of wholesale
changes made by tho cabinet in pro
vincial offices
Tho leaders of tho radical party have
decided to organize a Republican party
in Porto Rico with a thoroughly Ameri
can platform They will endeavor to
nulto all faotions
Colonol Hooker of the engineers de
partment who has been in Cuba for
sorao time returned to Washington
Wqlnesday He reports tho conditions
iu Cuba quito satisfactory
Sirs Augusta Sohmidt the Gormau
ban uoss convicted of murdur five years
ago und sentenced to 10 years imprison-
mtit at Kokomo Iud lias been ptroled
by Governor Mouur out of coiiiidoratiou
per small children
jtetitlon was receivftd at tho Ber
ireigu oillco Wednesday signed by
to Gentians in Sunoa protesting
iiicutly iiLuiist tho retention of
t Jusiicn Uiiaiubtiiii and a further
liuiteuuiao ot thu Berhu treaty
Disaster at the Dupotit Works
Ncnr Penna Grove N J
Ovn Thrno Tkonimtiil Ionttd nf Hmekn
Ion Tnwilr lmtt Drrlnu limine nml
Htoro Itnom liunllhnil nail Ollinr
Itullitlncr luiniited Connlry Vor nttln
Around I Rhnhna
Pknnh Guovu N J March 23
Over 3000 pounds of smokoloss powder
exploded yestorday at tho V I Dupont
Powder works Instantly killing throo
workmen and injuring a number of
others slightly Tho dead aro
Isaai hAYTON ngod XI iiiiirrlpih
William Kottn aged it martini
Jouv Maiiiil iikiiI iM ulngln
The bodies of tho dead wore bhiukcuod
and disfigured Tho shock from the ox
plosion Hhook tho country for inllos
around and lu this town kravr panes
of glass woro broken In many houses
Tho drying house aud tho store houses
wore demolished and otVor small build
ings about tho works wore daunt god
Francis G Dupont and his uephow
woro at work in the laboratory at tho
time of tho explosion and wore slightly
injured by plecuB of gUMw but person
ally dirocted tho care of tho othor iu
jurod and thn rooovory of tho dead
Tho works havo boon running on largo
government orders for smokoless pow
der Tho caiiHO of tho oxploslon has not
beon determined
Iinpilnouml minor Itiitanninl
Leadvillk March 23 Last night
tho two mino pumpmou Charles Houss
and Burt Froy who wuro imprisoned in
thu Bon Air initio 13 days ago woro
reached by tho rosouors and restored to
thoir friends They show llttlo oflects
I of their oxporioneo Thoy woro ou tho
UflMnot lovoi wnon aoave in near inu lop
of tho shaft cut them oil from tho outer
world Fortunately tho big water pipe
was not broken by tho cavo in and by
blowing u hole iu it with dynamite tho
mon woro enabled to communicate with
thoir friends who kept them Hiippllod
with food whilo a now shaft ovor 200
foot doop was sunk Tho oosl of res
cuing tho mon has boeu over 3000
ConfeMe In Killing HI FIto Children
MoPheuson Kan Maroh 23 John
A Mooro who murdorod 1uh Hvo child
ren at Hutchinson and was brought
hero as a precaution against a threat
ened lynching coufossod his crimo bo
foro a notary public Tho prisonor
stated that he had quarrollod with his
wife and that a separation was talkod
of in which event ho foarod that IiIh
children would oomo uudor tho control
of his wifos family whom ho dislikos
It was brooding ovor tho prospoot of his
children being roared amid such sur
roundings ho doposod that prompted
him to crush their skulls with u hatchet
out their throats and fire tho house iu
which thoir bodies lay
Frmght Ilnte Out
Omaha March 23 While railroad
officials havo of lato repeatedly givon
out tho statement that ratos for freight
transportation are more firmly main
tained than for yoars past there is
every day now evidonco to bo found iu
Omuha that somo of tho roads still in
dulge in rate cutting An Omaha
freight agont was on tho rampago yos
torday because of somo new discovory
ho had made whoro his road lost an
important shipment from Now York to
an Omaha wholesaler liecauso tho rato
had boen quietly cut by a competitor
Itlval of the Hell Telephone
Chicago Maroh 23 The Record bays
Iudopondont tolophone manufacturing
interests havo organized to fight the
Boll compauy with a trust of their own
At a secret session yosterday tho ways
were greased for tho launching of a 7
000000 combine W T Blaino presi
dent of tho Victor Tolophono Manufac
turing company of this city is lu charge
as It is represented
that options nro in hand or in prospect
for 00 per cent of tho factorios produc
ing iudopondont apparatus
Yn ii UK Hunter Sleet Dentil
Hastings Nob March 23 Will
Knapp a lKy of this city was accident
ally shot and killod yostorday whilo
hunting ducks in tho Littlo Bluo Ho
hud killod some ducks iu tho mill pond
and after rowing out after them ho re
turned to tho shore In removing his
loaded gun from tho boat ho beized it
by tho muzzlo aud started to pull it
toward him when tho hammer caught
and rebounded discharging tho full
load of shot in his abdomou Ho died
Tope lTa a Fulntlnc Fit
London March 23 Tho Rome corre
spondent of tho Daily Tolograph says
Tho popo is beginning to suffer from de
pression During the servico ou Sunday
ho asked ono of his personal attendants
how many iu tho congregation he
thought really rejoiced in his recovery
Then ho added dospondoutly What
mockery it is this thanksgiving for my
recovery I shall uot Hvo a week Tho
xolamatiou was followed by a pro
longed aud ularmiug fainting fit
flpnnlfth InTarninniit Hijnnl In It Com
on Qiiaen Kecent
Madhid March 23 The government
has ordered tho pioMiouHon of Gonoral
Woylers organ 1C1 Naolonalo and of
sovoral Republican and Carllst nown
papers for publishing with offonslvo
comments a report that tho quoou re
gent was about to iibdtoato and to marry
an Austrian archduke
The ofloiiding papers have boon solzod
The iiffulr Is regarded in port of tho
oatiialgn against tho Sllvola govoni
mont in vlow of tho coming parlia
mentary iiluotioim Don Carlos tho
pretender is sild to havo given his ad
herent curto bliinoho to act lit thoir own
discrelinn in tho matter of voting or
abslulnliig from the polls
rtoot Klrcloil Siivnrnlun Oommniicler
Mi miiils Maroh 23 Tho convention
of the Woodman of the World Is ills
patching hiisiuuMS rapidly but adjourn
ment it Is now said may not como bo
foro Friday Tho executive council
was authorized to construct a building
not to exceed 10000 in cost which Is
to bo for thn exclusive uhu of tho sover
eign nfllcorn of tho Woodmen No par
ticular olty was designated lu which to
erect this building but tho council woh
Instructed to soloot tho ono which of
forod the host iiiducoiiionls During tho
afternoon tlio sovereign oouimundor re
signed nud tho resignation was accepted
aftor which J O Hoot was selootod for
tho term of eight years
lliirlnl of Itnrnii neraitiell
London March 23 Tho roniaiiiR of
Baron Horsoholl who died iu Washing
ton March laud over which funeral
services were hold Tuosday in Wost
miuHtor abbey wore inturrcd yesterday
in a vault in a secluded churchyard at
Tincloton DorcoHtoriihlro Tho inter
ment coromony which was of tho
flinipleiiL charactur took placo in tho
prosouco of tho family of tho decensud
liunilioH of tho qutun tho Prince of
Wales tho Dulto of York uh well as of
a largo attendance of local residents
Torn Iliirnil In tiiimtiiiiniL
New OmrANH March 23 Tho
steamship Sunnivu from Bluollulds ar
rivod with tho latest huwh from tho
Nicnruguun coast Tho main Item
bearing ou Aniori an interest is tho up
pointmont of Gonoral Torres to com
mand tho department including Bluo
fluids Torres is an avowed ouotuy of
Americans and for his part iu aiding in
tho cpcapo of Arguollo who murdered
an Americuu citizen tho United States
forced his removal from tho governor
ship four ycart ago
limiKlit hy Iloxtou Nymllrnto
JoiLiK Mo March 2 Tho Got
Thoro mining lease of -10 acres wan
sold yestorday to a Boston syndicate by
Hal Cordor and Tamos I Gcddos repre
senting a largo eastern syndicato who
aro investing in dividend paying mining
properties Tho consideration was
150000 This lease is ono of tho bot
producers iu tho district
A vinegar trust is tho latest
Eastorn capitalists aro trying to com
bine tlio iron trust with tho coal trust
Iron operators at Youngstown O
ushcrt that tho bar mill trust is a cor
Molviu Heaton killod Ed Wall at
Worthiugtou Intl without known pro
Tho M S Pacholdor Oigarotto com
pany Baltimore has gouo into tho to
bacco trust
Tho Georgia Fruit Growors
tion declares no fruit will bo
out of that stato this year
M Paul Dosohauol president of tho
French chamber of doputloswill marry
it is reported a wealthy American
Duncan O Ross lost tho decision in a
mounted broad sword contest to Cap
tain W S Bico at Columbus Woduos
Horace P Wall a theatrical managor
hot aud killod himself in his room iu
tho Putnam houso Now York Wednes
The attompt to secure pardons for tho
Younger boys serving life soutcucos in
Minnesota through legislative action
has failed
Tho Westiughouso company is suing
tho Wostorn Electric company for uu
alleged infringement of patent for a
direct dynamo curieut
Chief Constructor Hichboru has beon
uppoiutod an honorary member of tho
institutions of naval architects consid
ered a position ot honor iu England
In a Flint aud Pero Marquette freight
truiu coliibion near Now Boston Mich
Fireman Lewis Hales Saginaw Mich
was killed tho engineer und two brake
men badly injured
A bill prohibiting tho manufacture
importation salo or giving uway of
cigarutio paper to any poriou whomso
ever passed tho Arkansas house by a
lurgo ma orlty WudiiUAday
Powhuttiui Winn a prominent farm
er was Ahot aud killed from ambush 10
milos lrom Eldorado Ark Wednesday
night by a negro named Gouoral Wash
ington Tho assassin is iu jail and in
threatened with lynching
The proposod flint glass tableware
combination has practically beon formed
aud will soou bo ready for business
There are only two firms that have so
far refused to outer but it is oxpected
they will bo iu lino iu a short time Tho
lamp couibiuatiou is also assured
IaV4 1 Baking
r Absolutely PURE
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
anvil DiviUt nrn aa wu unu
-- S5 TC V ft -