A n m H li n i LI P N i i ii - - 8 I COPYRIGHT 109a BV OHAPTHR V HTIIANHIC DOINtlrt Tluirn could I hi no niiHtnko about it Tho young nmn ntniulliiK luwiilo tlio liowhlor a fow juicon uwny HfihtiiiH Ills ciKarotlo vn Oio Apncliu youth whom Woaton Kuiiilull Jind irovldid with food wlioit ho was fniuiEhing mid iaid IiIh tmfwitHo on tlio railway to a point noitr tlio Wlilto Mountain riiHorvntioii HuviiiK liKhtod tlio w1h nf tolmoco took a number of vifiorous pullo tlio tip of tlio oiuarotto HuniliiiK out a rIow tliat ruvouloil tlio point of IiIh noso and rullootud tlio koun glitter of IiIh oyiw whllo tlio roHt of IiIh ilKtiro Wuh so Hhroudod in gloom that only tlio faintest uutllnoH could ho tracod by tlio watohful Huiidull Tlio shook of tlio lattor hold him mo tionless for tlio uiomiuit undooidod what to do llu hullovcd that if tlio ranchman lluutluy wuh in IiIh place ho would havo brought IiIh WinchoHtor in IiIh Bhouldtir or whipped out his revolver and dropped the youth whom ho Htood 13ut though our young friend wuh an gored boyond losoriptlon ho wa not ready to do that He decided upon a more radical conrmi Ho would cover Jilni with IiIh revolver Htep forward from the dnrkneHs and call him to ac count If IiIh explanation wuh uumitiH factory as it wuh quito certain to ho it would then ho time for more drastic liiuitritiros Kundell did not hesitate unco liis courto way dutermiued upon Pistol in ono hand and Winchester in the othor ho took Kovrnl illicit strides and was on the point of addressing tlio dusky youth when ho made the astounding discovery that ho was not present He iiad vanished liko a shadow lleforu whisking from sight ho Hung the half consumed cigarette to the ground where llundell saw it glowing wliilu the odor of the burning tobaeuo lingered in the air The battled young man with his linger upon tlio trigger of his half ritUcd weapon peered about him distrusting the evidence of his own senses Hui suspootad the follow had simply stooped down and wim thoroforo likely to get the drop on him but unwilling to rotreat ho took two more Btops forward until he paused ou the very spot wltoro tho young Apache had been standing Then all doubt disappeared ho was really gone The explanation was simple We-way-urn had heard tlio noise slight as it was that disclosed tho presence of some one near him and with tlio won derful cunning of his people darted liko a Hash boyond reach and sight llun dell had not only failed to bring him to book but hud betrayed himself thus adding infinitely to tho advantage of the ono who was already iunneusely his superior in woodcraft Filled with chagrin tho young man hurriedly withdrew to his former posi tion for it was intolerable to think that Jio stood in view of hisjiuvisiblo enemy Still grasping his umallor weapon ho looked around listening intently but seeing and hearing nothing Tho conductor was right ho bitter ly rollcctcd So was Mrs Huntley and tho action of is another proof of it whero no proof wiir needed I ought to havo shot him while the ohancowas mine for ho would not havo hositnteil had our situations been re versed And yot tho Apache had hesitated lorit is beyond douial that the moment ho dotected tho proximity of a white man tho power was tho Apaches to bring him down with a shot from his gun or tho pistol that it is to be pro i Bumod ho had but it was not to bo sup fiosod that ho rofrainod through any con sideration for Ids enemy It was rather a part of his subtle hchemo that he uhoso to wait until there cuino a change in tho situation Westou llundell found himself for tlio timo at his wits end Ho did not know vrbothor to advance or rotreat Just thon ho would havo given much to he ablo to communicate with the ranch man but since tho Apaches were prowling near any attempt to roach an understanding with him was certain to expose himself to his oueuiies Ho looked in tho direction of the houso whoso shadowy outlines could bo fuintly traced against tho starlit sky To one side and at tho rear was a small er structure used aa a tlable In that climato there is only occasional need of eholtor for animals but at rare inter vals tho uorthers and driviug storms render it necessary and the stable was used at 6uoh times for the ponies while tho cattle of ueceesitywero left to shift for theuiselvee Oue striking peculiarity of tho situa tion was tho failure of the Apaches to usa the advantage that waa unquestion ably thoirs Nothiug was easier for them than to steal up to the stable and eet it ou fire hut it may have been that they saw it was not near enough to tho dwelling to communicate with it uinco there was hardly a breath of air stirring and might have lighted his cigarette without the least protectiouto tho blaze Be that as it may the marauders hud an equally good opportunity of tiring tho houso itself for though it hud win dows ou all sidua and only tho single front door they could creep nour iu the darkness with brushwood aud touch it off without detoctiou It mayhuvO beou that such was tlioir Jutoutiou aud the THE AUTHOR- fact that they deferred action was evi dence of itself that they had Hulllclenl reason for their inaction Ilouillliig tho arrangement of tho hoiihc llundell knew that ho was near est tho sleeping room of Mr and Mrs Huntley Ho was at tho roar aud would not have more than a few paces to walk to resell the window which liko all tho rest was ou tho ground floor His inclination was to go directly forward knock on tho window mako himself known and gain admission hut there viii mnro than cno reason why ho should hesitate Iu tho first place it was to ho supposed that the mother aud datightor rillo in hand were on tho alert passing from window to window and ready to repel any iusiduouH ap proach of their foes Aa ho emerged from tho gloom ho was likely to be mis taken for ono of tho Apaches and would ho llred upon before ho was recognized woro a sombrero liko him self ami it was probable that hoiuo of his companions did tho same while tho gloom would conceal tho othor differ ences in thiur attiro until too lato to remedy tho mistake Moreover tho same if not a groator peril must threaten from the Apaches themselves It would seem that they must detect tlio approach of a white man sooner than thu women with con sequences that need not bo dwelt upon Heveral times while scrutinizing tho dark gloomy structure iu front of him llundell fancied ho could see a faint almost imperceptible illumination as if a candle were burning somuwhero within tho building Tho windows be ing provided with curtains would of necessity subdue such a light which was also screened by other moans How ever tho glow was so faint that at times ho doubted whether there was any light at all inside tho house lhit thu minutes wero passing and tho young man was getting impatient The impulso to do something was strong upon him and finally led him to an at tempt that was tho height of rashness Ho had appi cached as near the houso as ho dared for to advanco farther would bo to pass into tho open as may bo said whero ho was almost certain of discovery Drawing a match from his pocket ho dunv it smartly along his trousers at tho thigh It was of tho silent kind ami broke into sulphurous smoke without noise Ho too shelter ed it though ho used but one hand aud oven that was not necessary When tho flame was at its height ho deliberately raised aud hold thu blaze within a fow inches of Ins forehead slowly circling it around amlNip and down until tho light dwindled when ho threw it to the ground If either Edith or her mother is at tho window shu has recognized me was his thought when ho exposed his features iu tlio maimer described in tlio hopo of revealing his prosonco to them The peril of the whole business as ho himself realized was that there was the samu chance of making himself known to tho Apaches prowling all about him Jut as is sometimes the cusu iu thu iitVuirs of this world that which ho draded did not occur aud tho daring proceeding was rewarded with more success than ho was warranted in expecting or hoping for Shi Theio was a slight uoiso at tho window so slight that ho could not identify it but instantly ho was all at tention Ho heard it ouce and thou all was still Remembering thu danger to which he had exposed himself from tho hos tiles ho quietly stepped a conplo of paces to tho right so that if any of them sent a shot at the spot whero the tiny tlamu had flickered for a few sec onds tho bullet would uot touch him At the samu timo he availed himself so far as ho could of the shelter of a dwarfed pine which was oue of a num ber growing near Shi Ho heard tho soft rustling again liko thu swish of u womans druss but it lasted longci than befaro aud thou his hoart was thrilled by tho certainty that soma oue was stealthily raising the window She has soon met Sho knows that it is I who am waiting for udinittuucel was his thought While eager to hurry forward ho yot hold back from a doubt that was hardly clear to himself Singular that with so many deadly enemies moving hither on the watch to gain au advantage such profound silence should reign but it was aa if Westou llundell was stealing acrosa a graveyard at midnight Through this broiling stillness a whis per reached him so faint aud low that it waa hardly au intrusion upon tho si lence but his tense hcuriug could uot doubt thu fact that hi own name waa pronounced Weston is it yon He impulsively stopped forward and called back in tho same guarded under tone Yes Shall I come to you 0He quick Ho ran lightly across the intervening apace forgetful of othor perils iu hia eagerness Handling the window ho found tho sash raised while Edith standiug a little to one sido was invisi ble iu tho gloom Ho had shoved his revolver buck iu his hip pocket but his Winchojtoi of necessity wa in hia grasp Let mtf have it I whit pored the yoiQig woman Be quick THE NORFOLK NEWS THURSDAY MARCH 0 1899 A whlto hand ftashod in tho dark nous and tho wonpon was taken from him Then grasping tho sides of tha window ho thrust ono hooted log through and instantly followed it with his body Without pausing to groot hor ho turned aud pushed down tho sash Its catch was of the primitlvo kind holng a big nail Quick I It musk ho soourodl ho whlsporod Whoro is tho nail I have it die roplied deftly oliov lug it in place Therol he oxolaimed lightly Tho burglars cant get iu without breaking the panes and they dont eeeui to wish to do that Instinctively tho two stopped asido to ho out of rango of any shot sent that way As they did so tholistenlng oar might havo detected a soft almost iu audible sound liko that of a falling leaf or tho whisper of tho hi inner wind among tlio flowers or such aa ia causod by tho gentle contact of two pairs of human lip Wo daro uot deny that in tho present instanou such may havo been tho cause Whero ia your mothor asked llun dell In the front room And no harm has como to olthor Nono I cannot understand it Whero ia fathor Somowhuro among tho hills Ho thought it better lor ua to part compa ny slnco wo woro loss likoly to bo boou Aud whoro are tho throe men Miles away looking after tho cat tle Strange that thoy nro not hero I do not understand that olthor Edith who do you eupposo ia with tho Apaches that havo attaokod your ranch How ahould I know that young Apaoho whom wo befriended on tho train Wo i A white hand jlanhcd in the darkness thought tho conductor was harsh when ho spoke of his peoplo ua ho did but he was right I do not think so Do you not boliovo him after what I havo just told you We wuy ma tho young Apacho ia now in thia houso waa tho astound ing reply of Miss Huntley TliM In Your Opportunity On receipt of ten cents cash or stamps a gonorous sumplo will ho mailed of the most popular Catarrh and liny Fever Cure Elys Cream linlm sufllciont to demon btrato tho great merits of the remedy ELY liltOTIIEKS CO Wurrou bt Now York Citj Itov JolinKeid Jr of Grcnt Falls Mout rocommcudod Elys Cream Halm to mo I can ompbasizo his statement It is a post live cure for catarrh if uod as directed ltov Francis Y Poolo Pastor Central Prea Church Helena Mout Elys Cream Halm ia tho acknowledged euro for catarrh and contains no mercury uor any injurious tlrn7 Prico r0 cents If your child has thin palo cheeks uncertain appetite aud uurestful sleep it has worms and curing with strong medicine only makes conditions worso by irritating its delicato stomach Whitos Oroam Yermifuiro is mild but certain iu offoct aud is a superior tonio as well as a positive worm destroyer O M FOKNKY Tablors Buckeye Pile Oiutmout gives iustaut relief It allays inflammation aud heals It is uromut iu its octiou and positivo in its effect It is tho kind that oures without pain or discomfort Ifcds for piles ouly 50 couts Tuhes 75 cents O M Fohnky Stop that barking by the use of Bal lards Horehound Syrup It arrests the rough allays irritatiou of tho throat aud relieves congestion of tho lungs iu A day It is safe aud pleasant to tako and never disappoints 25 aud 50 cent9 O M Foknet The fat undertaker Who plants by the acre Poor victims of cough and cold I dIrUIiir and cryinc For weve alt stopped living Since Ilrazltlau Halm was sold And for those who desire Not just yet to go higher It Is worth its weight lu gold A Sound Liver Make a Well Alan Are you bilious constipated or troubled with jauudice sick headache bad taste in mouth foul broath coated1 tongue dyspepsia indigestion hot dry skin paiu iu back aud betweeu the shoulders chills aud fever etc If you havo any of these symptoms your liver is out of order and your blood is slowly boiug poisoned because your liver does uot act promptly Herbiue will cure auy disorder of tho liver stomach or bowels It lias uo equal as a livet medicine Pries 75 cents Froo trial bottle at O M Forseyf Why Suffer with Dyspepsia Chas Broome 850 South Second St Philadelphia says It took only two mouths for Brazilian Balm to cure meof dyspepsia with which I suffered over 30 years Now I have no paiu fr stomach cough aud can eat anything Brazilian Balm beats the world To Cure Cold In One Day Tako Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablota All druggists refund money if it fails to euro 25o Tho gonuluo has L B Q ou oach tablet Aro you lacking in atrongth aud ou orgy Aro you uorvous dospoudont irritablo billions constipated aud generally run dowu in health If so your liver is torpid nnd a fow doses of Horbiuo will euro you Horbiuo has no equal aa a health roatoror O M FOIISEY Pneumonia Cured Mrs A J Lawrence of Beaver Pa says Brazilian Balm brought me out of n severe attack of pneumonia iu splendid shape It is a wonderful rem edy for coughs and lung troubles Also for outward use for burns cold sores and chapped hands and face it cures like magic It is invaluable iu the family OASTORIil Bri the J9 The Kind You Have Alums Bsugjil Blgaitnra of OABTOniA Betn the ltl9 Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of mfo u Saves Doctors Bills Families iu the country should always keep Brazilian Balm ou hand It is the doctor iu the house always ready and reliable For colds coughs croup catarrh asthma pleurisy rheumatism constipation female troubles aud all kinds of fevers it acts like magic and saves many a doctors bill and many a loug sickness OASTOIIIA Bean ths hB Kin1 You Hafl AMfS Had GntiiKrh 30 Years Josiah Bacon conductor on the P W B H U says I had suffered with catarrh for 3d years and regarded my case as hopeless Oue day I saw the testimonial of Geo II Hearn in a Braz ilian Balm circular Ilearti was the engineer on my train and I knew his case was desperate I talked with Hearn and his cure gave me hope I began the use of the Balm at once There was not much change for the first two mouths but then I began to improve and iu six months to my inexpressible satisfaction I was eutirclv cured Grippe Cured Last winter I had a bttl cold and severe cough I was lame iu every joint and muscle I was sick and felt as though I was coming down with typhoid fever It was no doubt a bad case of grippe Mr E P Budge gave me a bot tle of Brazilian Balm saying he was sure it would help me The relief was almost instantaneous It quickly stopped my cough and took the grippe with all the pains and soreness out of my system I gave the balance of the 50 cent bottle to Mrs Bishop Wiley for her daughter It proved so beneficial she says she never intends to be without it Edwin Pitz Joues CincinnatiOhio CASTOR I A For Infants and Children The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of MO CENT TRIAL SIZE Elys Cream Balm contains no cocnlnc mercury nor any otlicr Injurious drug It U quickly Absorbed Gives Belief t once IT oiions and demises tue Nasal Passages Ilar Yntld nna Inn tbx The Nrws jod department ploto in every particular Ask your Druggist for a generous is com- CATARRH pila rs2ra COLD N HEAD Ileala and Protects tho Membrane Itestores the tiensea of Taste and Smell Full Slzo 60s Tria BUelOc at DrUL iilsts or liy mall liLV BIMmiUltS 6j Warreu Street New York THE North Western LINE F E M V R R is the best to and from the SUGAR BEET FIELDS of North Nebraska Winter Excursion It sick oucan tint help If crippled with rbauiatisni ou can b cured If tired yoo need reat aud the place to so ia HOT SPRINGS SOUTH DAKOTA nTbs expense is lea then you imagine The Northwestern Line ha announced special ex cursions certain day this month at CHEAP RATES The Evans Hotel will remain open and this and all othor hotls and hoarding housed are fWinf good service and low rates during the winter Round Trip Rates Omaha - 1640 Mo Valley 1055 Sioux City 1480 and corresponding reductions from other points wesfl ClimaU Water Bceuerr and MIotola are un excelled Thirty days time allowed auti any BgoutK K i M V K R or J II liable Triw elux IssseuKer Ajsnt IHuiou Iowa can tell too more about it The next date will he MARCH MARCH 14 28 tCho Kind You Havo Always Bought and which has been iu uso for over 30 years lias borno tho signature of 6vf and has been made under his per- tVti sonal supervision since its infancy vCC Allmv nr nun tn 1onnvn vnn in tills All Counterfeits Imitations and Substitutes aro but Ex pcrlniciits thnt trillo with nnd endanger tho health of Infants nnd Children Experience against Experiment What is CASTOR I A Castorin is a substituto for Castor Oil Paregoric Drops nnd Soothing Syrups It is Harmless and Pleasant It contains neither Opium Morphine nor other Narcotic substance Its ago is its guarantee It destroys Worms and allays Fcvcrishncss It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic It relieves Teething Troubles cures Constipation and Flatulency It assimilates the Food regulates tho Stomach and Bowels giving healthy ami natural sleep Tho Childrens Panacea Tlio Mothers Friend GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears tho Signature of mc The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years THE CCNTAUR OOMPINV TT MURDtV STRICT NEW VORK CITV 100000000000000000 Mrs I M Uamea 37 Modtord St Medford Mass writes nun hnf ora jklni7 Tonr Dr Kivl awiuiowr Sereral Dhvoll arlsts or sent by mall c tall diseases and many say Offloe on Janr Slat 1610- It would be aimouit ror mo to ana lanrugo to aosonoe dt suixoring ior tnroo iioiani pronounooa mj - J Ti41 7 i - casn ona of Hervous SvaDsriala and Horvou Pri to improve as soon as benefited mora than I 16 it they oonld sieaioaiuo Hr from our western Or B J Kay 1 30ftOOfl663bftft Mfu RR TIMETABLE Fremont Elkhorn Mo Valley EAST DEPART Omaha tlmaenuor 605am Chicago Express 1240p m EAST ABB1VE Cliicajfo Express 70nm Omaha Pasjtnger 1210pm WEHT DEPAKT illack Hills Expreos 720pm Vertiirro IaBHcnRer 1240 pm Venliro Accommodation 900am WEST ABBIVE lllnclc Hills Express VW m VertliBrn lResener B05am Vonliffro Accommodation 710pm Thu Clilcaao and Black HiUx Kxprvsa arrives and departs from Junction if pot Tho Omaha mid Venliura trains arrive Bnd depart frnm city depot U C Matbau AKnt Union Pacific HOLTlt DEPABT Columbus AccnminiHUlinn tix p m Omaha Denvor anil Pacific Coast 1040a m KOPTII AtlBIVK rolumbus Accnmnifiilntlon lS SSpm Omuha Ucnverand Pacific coast 005pm Connects at Norfok with F E M V oim west ami north und with the U 8t P M it O for points uorth mid oat F V Jknxman Agent Chicago St Paul Minneapolis Omaha EA8T DIPABT Sioux City and Omaha Paasenver 6tVam Sioux Ilty Passenser 125 pm Wiht Av Sioux City Passenger 1035 am flonx City and Omaha Passenger 5 55 p tu ConnecU at Norfolk with V E A M V Bo1Ug west and north aud with the U P for point nonth F W Jdnek AK Ag nt Ualy except Sunday QEO A LATIMER Attorney at Law Office iu Mast Block IHSKEEPS fflldlilNERY Cheapest and Best 333 Norfolk Avenue VIHVI C0MPAHY Office open all Day Monday Tursday and Wedmtday Health BooV Free Cotton Block Spenoef OUelman Boots and Shoes Repairing Neatly Done ruBiratiua a iiwo oiw Hon exol toman tor worry Toula eauie treat prostration extreme nerrousness headache indigestion and i severe romUm which at times kept up continually or of all my physiolaaa orald do I beoame Terr Uun In twi or thr Ann in unit flesh and lost nearly all of my hair the top of my head beinc entirely bold I TjI Kays Benorator and I tnai ihytlotana without etilnc i wonderful No one was ever r stomaon Dome unaoie to oufesi aofuuus j hum Kmnu any relief Finally last Aurnat a friend sent me Dr I took It and the ehange was nor ootua tney oe more jot get another a iota at noi noiD me loer thanever rota wuBgj Dr Kays Renovator iff yen un ibHahthta for the benefit of others desire n Is OtaysoSDaiaeoaitipauoBUTer ana aiasey uuMaeaj TA h fa InTalnawa aa it renoratea and stem and muines and enriches tha blood eivlnf new I sent free FOR GOOD LOANS AND EASY PAYMENTS The Norfolk Building and Loan Assn C B DURLAND Secretary Railroad and Business Directory S a 2 i ma - s in ca C3 LU CO CO Ul QC a a 2 5 o C S HAYES Flne Watch Repairing MADISON COUNTY ABSTRACT OFFICE A- FULLER Abstracter Norfolk Nebraska 1H C TRUMAN Paints and Hall Paper House and Sign Painter JW EDWARDS The Norfolk Horseshoe All Wobk Guaranteed Cor Uli St and Braascb Ave W W MANGUS Painting and Paperhaaglng Pius Work Guaranteed JBHERMANN Contractor and Builder 1 1 7 Fourth Street M V