The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, March 09, 1899, Page 6, Image 6

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The tfortolk Ifamm
Tho trade of the United Sttc
China 1roblol from 181K to 1807
Tho festive tornmlo hns bejrnn to put
In It work cnrly this yenr Tennessee
has nlromly boon hit
Tho mother of cViro President Adlni
K Stevenson died nt WoomhiRton 1H
Mnrch fith Bho was 10 of nKc
Un MnoLnron will glvo rending from
Tho llonnlo Hrirr Hush and others of
his works in Oinnhn some time thjs
Tho Iron nnd steel plants of tho
country nro not only IncrensliiR their
plants bnt bettor yet mlslnR tho wiircn
of their nion
Tim Omiiha midway doesnt propose
io quit even if Uncle Sam did havo the
pood sense nofto pay mo
old Rcntleman iBiit rnniiiuR
Senator Goorgo Gray of Dolawaro tho
democratio niombor of tho Purls peace
commission will bo appointed a judgo
of tho circuit court by President
When a man quits advertising hcciiufio
liis competitors do ho doesnt show or
dinary MiRftclty Ho forgets that this is
a rare opportunity to Rain tho attention
of tho pcoplo as ho has tho Held to him
Admiral Dewoy is tho third American
naval commander to rccolvo that titlo
The hero of Manila Is admirnbly fitted
for this distinction He juHtly belongs
in tho mine clasH with Farragut and
WashluRtou society is stirred up over
tho separation of Senator Woleott and
hiB wife It is said to bo duo to incom
patibility of temper They ovidently
never learned not to both get mad at tho
samo time
Tho republican leRislatnro of Nebraska
has by its nctiou this winter continued
tho oplnlou of tho republican voters of
tho state that United States senators
should bo chosen by tho direct voto of
tho people
In ton years tho imports of iron and
steel into tho United Stntos havo de
clined from 110000000 to 12rir000
DurinR tho samo time tho exports of iron
and stool from the United States havo
risen from 1710000 to 70307000
Such HgurcB nro oloqueut
At tho ond of Cleveland socond ad
ministration tho balauca of trado in fa
vor of tho United StatcB avoruRed less
than 7000000 a mouth MoKiuloy has
completed two years of his ilrat term and
the average Is 55000000 Such figures
as these carry their own comment
Walt Mason in tho State Jouruul very
pertinently remarks The czar of Rus
sia has been dangerously ill nnd tho
newspapers gave him fivo linos Rud
yard Kipling has boon very ill and tho
newspapers Kavo nim balt u
Yet there nro pessimists who say tunc
literature is not appreciated
Tho old scheme of foisting Grover
Cleveland upon his party as a presiden
tial caudidato threatens to be attempted
again Cleveland has one advantage
over any competitor and it is a potential
one Tho record bIiowb that he is the
only democrat whb hat been elected
president since tho year 1850
J Sterling Morton oue of tho ablest
of the little Americans has in a re
cent issue of tho Conservative an article
which seeks to bollttle the character and
detract from the fama of Abraham Lin
coln Mr Morton ability in some di
rections is unquestioned but iu this ha
has undertaken a very large job The
fact is he has bitten off more than he
can chaw
Volume 1 number 1 of the Beet Sugar
Gazette a 10 page monthly publication
devoted to the interests of the American
beet sugar industry reaches our table to
day It is published by J H Schwerz
gen Chicago The pabsoription price is
2 a year It is full of interesting facts
about tho present development of this
new industry in whJoh Norfolk was one
of the pioneers
Congressman Mercer of this state is
already spoken of as Tom Reeds succes
sor Ks has made a notable record iu
accomplishing whatever he sets out to
do The same force and ability used in
presiding over tho house of representa
tives would make him as worthy of that
place as the distinguished gentlemau
from Maine has proven himself to bo
for many years
Ian Maclareu upon his arrival in New
York the other day from England gave
this view of Kipling Ho is our grent
CBt man of letters He is a youug man
he is only W years of age Ho has
genius and the experience of ages is con
oentrated iu him He is reserved for the
jTPatfir achievements of tho race He
knows tho worda and phrases that will
make them immortal
Samuel S Jams the fiscal agent of
l the United States lu Cuba takes a very
hopeful view of the reconstruction of
that Wand He fays time is a factor
that cannot bo ignored and that it will
tako threo years to mako oven a sub
stantial bnsinws hoglnnlng bnt ho ndds
All thronRh tho island tho business
outlook Ib briRht Tho pcoplo nro buy
inR nnd sellinR oneo tnoro
SpeakliiR of tho riliplnos nnd our at
titndo toward them Hon Chas Oonby
who hits lcon nppointed ono of tho com
mlsslonors tovisit tho Philippine islands
says Tho pcoplo nro Intelligent nnd
kindly and nro Imbued with republican
principles To say that wo want to en
slave theso pcoplo Ih n slandor To say
that wo shall not Improvo their condi
tion in to contradict history
One has only to read tho papers to be
come convinced that this is n groat
country In tho Ibsuo of March 1th no
counts are given of snow drifts that
blockado tralnB in Wyoming of floods
that nro washing nway tho homos of tho
pooplo who livo along tho Ohio river of
a cyclone that wrought desolation uid
death lu Tennosseo of a blizzard in Da
kota and how tho Nobraska troopB
wore sweltering under tho tornd heat of
tho Philippines
Ono hundred and twolvo representa
tives and in senators ceased to bo mem
bers of tho national legislative body witli
tho expiration of tho Fifty fifth congress
Among tho moro prominont men who
will no longer figure iucougrosslonnl ac
tion arc Senntor Gorman tho Maryland
democrat Quay tho Pennsylvania
boss Representatives Walker of
Massachusetts Johnson of Indiana Mc
Millan Sayers aud Dockory a trio of
able democrats and Jerry Simpson tho
Kausas populist
The republican caucus nt Lincoln did
not seem to change mutters very much
The old fight Ib on between tho Hayward
aud antl Hayward forceB seemingly as
vigorous nnd stubborn as over It would
seem that tho republican legislators
ought to bo nblo to either unite on Hay
wnrd or cIbo trot a dark horso out of tho
Btablo aud Rivo him tho honors Tho
people nro tired of this monotonous un
interesting and useless procedure that
has now boon going on at Lincoln for
weeks Time should bo called and tho
Incident closed
President Adams of Wisconsin uni
versity in a recent article in ono of tho
prominont mngaziues declares By ro
poated annexations wo advnnced to tho
Pacific In tho centuries to come tho
great ocean at tho west may bo as im
portant commercially as tho smaller
ocean nt tho cast It is in tho courso of
nature thnt the most prominent power
in its waters should bo tho United States
To advance still furthor is in accordance
with tho uninterrupted tendency of the
country To decliuo to tako aud keep
what the fortuno of tho most righteous
of wnrs has given us would bo to arrosfc
tho groat current of our historic advance
to throw nway ono of tho greatest of op
portunities aud to confess nntionnl in
President MoKinley nt tho instance
of Assistant Secretary of War Meikle
johu hns appointed Brad D Slaughter
paymaster in tho United States army
with tho rank of major A dispatch
from Washington says the president did
this in recognition of Mr Slaughters
work in tho party Such a statement
is very apt to make the rank and file of
tho republican party in this state have
that tired feeling The president has
simply been imposed upon If ho would
put his ear to tho ground and listen to
the opinions of the honest intelligent
men who dwell on tho prairies of Ne
braska and who have given a lifetime
of devotion to republican principals ho
would learn from them that Brad D
Slaughters influence in the politics of
this state had been most pernicious He
hns done more io wreck party prospects
and blight republican success The
only recompenseJithero is in such
an appointment is tho probability that
it will remove such un unsavory per
sonality from our borders
The prospect of the recovery of
yard Kipling from his severe sicknesss
will bo a matter of much congratulation
iu many thousands of American as well
as English homes No other author has
grown in popular estimation so rapidly
during the last ten years as Kipling
While he occupies the foremost place
already among Englishmen of letters he
is still a young man and if he shall re
gain his health there is a general hope
and expectanoy that he will surpass any
thing he has yet done His career has
been such a cosmopolitan one that it has
fitted him to voice with a power and a
purpose the cry of humanity out no other
mnn of recout years has been able to do
His jungle stories fascinated us his re
cessional gave loftiest expression to the
highest ideals of English life while
The White Mans Burden has made
plain Americas duty Kipling belougs
to no one country He is the typical
Anglo Saxon broad minded euough to
Bharo iu tho needs of the wholo world
May he be spared yet many years to con
tinue his great mlsson
Thk News has just declined a propo
sition to ndvertifio a large institution in
a western town which sells harness and
vehicles stoves and ranges agricultural
implements baby carriages furniture
musical instruments nud sewing ma-
juan jNOicituuik
nn b
chines bicycles ready made clothing
dry goods bootB and shoes ladles capes
and cloaks The proposition was a good
one and would havo meant considerable
ontstdo business and when It was noted
how few of thcflo lms nro represented
todny in onr advertising columns it
must bo admitted that tho temptation to
accopt was strong But in conformity
with tho established policy of thin paper
tho business was not taken Whilo wo
believe this policy to bo right nnd that a
nowspaper should protect its own town
yet there will BometimoB creep in n ques
tion ns to how far this sort of thing
should bo carried when it is manifestly
one sided Wo bcliovo in protection
and as well in that other sterling repub
lican prlnclplo reciprocity In courso
of time a one sided nffalr becomes wear
Havrrt by Responsibility
Thero is a constant dcslro among men
to bo rolloved from tho stress of toil and
tho burdens of life Tho impression is
ourront that tho acmo of contentment
and satisfaction Ib reached by thoso few
who aro by wealth and environment
ablo to llvo on Ensy street Thosamo
thought finds expression in tho discus
sion of national questions by thoso who
aro cotiBtantly magnifying tho cot t of
assuming now burdens nnd shrinking
from now responsibilities because of the
sacrifices nud strugglo they will neces
sarily bring with them
Nevertheless tho hiBtory of great na
tions as well aB tho biography of noblo
lives warrant no such conclusions
Rome In itH poverty nud days of btragglo
conquered tho world Rome in its
woalth nud opulence went to decay
Whilo there aro notablo exceptions
rich mens bous do not gonerally make
the moat successful careers or lead tho
happiest livcB Abraham Lincoln bur
dened with lifes most Forioua responsi
bilities from the vory start with aB un
toward environment as he could well
hnve won n nations lovo and gniued an
imperishable renown Tho list of such
docs not end with Lincolns name
Among all our nntionnl heroes there are
few who did not have to battle with ad
verse and bitter experiences They be
came illustrious beennso their lives came
into contact with great principles They
forgot themselves in standing by thoso
things that ennoble the race Washing
ton creating a nation Webster defend
ing a constitution Harriot Beechor
Stowo pleading for tho oppressed Lin
coln emancipating race Grant saving
a union Clara Barton helping human
Buffering on battle field and amid pesti
lencethese nre the lives that humanity
honors Aud it must bo remembered
thnt in assuming the burdens they did
and thereby helping the world bo much
their own lives were immeasurably en
The samo holds true with nations
We look upon China She has hund
reds of years of a civilization all her
own She has taken no part in the rest
of tho worlds fortunes It has been no
concern of hers But has her isolation
been splendid Has her career been
marked by glorious triumphs Do we
not look with tho utmost pity upon a
nation which has been so self -centered
that it is now falling to pieces by its
own weight On the other hand Great
Britain lias encircled the globe with its
influence and its protecting power is felt
today iu India Canada Egypt and other
parts of Africa Iu doing this it has
assumed immense responsibilities great
er than those of any other nation De
spite many mistakes despite some wrong
doing what candid student of history
will say that Britains power has not
made for the progress of the best type of
civilization the world has yet Been
England and Englishmen show an in
creasing nobility of character because
they have not shrunk from doing the
worlds work
The unification of Germany was a
great work but German statesmen rec
ognizing that national life can only be
successfully maintained by broadening
its scope and purposes are reaching out
into Palestine China and Africa that
they may as a nation be saved from de
cay by enlarged responsibilities
The United States finds itself sudden
ly confronted with the cam of new ter
ritories and millions of strange people
It is a new experience For a genera
tion back we have been busy within our
selves occupied with the development
of our own vast domain absorbed in the
mad race for wealth and concerned al
most wholly with running the political
machine here at home or more properly
speaking watching the political machine
run us
A great war undertaken in the inter
est of humanity has changed all this
It has resulted in thrusting upon us
more humanity than we had dreamt of
being directly interested in But true
to the instinct of the Augta Saxon race
we shall uot flinch from the undertnk
ing It will cost blood and treasure
It will inconvenience us It will oblige
us to think less of growing rich aud
more of growing just It will uplift
the submerged people of the east
it will do more it will enoble Americau
The fundamental proposition that lifo
whether of individuals or of nations is
only successful ns it is lost iu a magnifi
cent nud earnest effoit to help those less
fortunate by environment than our
selves is receiving new impetus by the
onward march of events
In saving others America will be
inuxouXi jaiu aoo
Norfolk Voters Talk About
Haywards Election
Ilrlef Interviews From Cltlen of nil
Shades of Opinion on th Outcome or
tlm Senatorial Content All Gl d It
Over Prevailing Sentiment Favorable
to the BncreMor of W V Allen
The Daily Nkwb was first to receive
tho announcement of tho result of tho
republican caucus nt Lincoln 1n6t night
in an early morning dispatch
A Nnws representative conveyed the
gratifying Intelligence of Haywards
nomination to numerous citizens aud in
hurried interviews was ablo to catch
rcprcsontntlvo opinions from different
oneB which aro herewith given ns fairly
expressive of the sentiment of tho com
Mayor Simpson I believe Hay wards
selection bb senntor voices the choice of
nine tenths of tho republicans of Ne
Jno R Hays Very satisfactory
WM Robertson Twenty four years
ngo I mot with Mr Hayward as n mem
ber of tho constitutional convention
Ho was a good clenn ablo mnn then
nnd no has continued so over since Ho
is splendidly equipped for the plnco nnd
will reflect honor upon tho state and the
republican party
M D Tyler Am glad its all
Gcorgo Davenport Tho rightnlways
W H Bncholz Hurrah I It would
havo been an outrage If Hayward had
not got thero
N A Rninbolt Its tho proper
Geo A Latimer Its all right
Sol G Mayer The best man in tho
A K Leonard Its all O K
M C Hazen Came out just as it
ought to after a long tiresomo contest
Burt Mnpes Good
Dr Frank Salter It wasnt my
fight A vote of the people would have
elected Allen
O C Gow Hay ward made n gallant
fight and deserved it
Geo W Box All right as a repub
lican but not as strong as Allen
Chester A Fuller Nothing to say
Will wait for fuller advices
Judge Hayes It suits me to a dot
but why didnt they do the samo thing
CO days ngo
William H Lowe beoms ns it a
stronger man might have been chosen
J O Stitt It was a question for
the republicans to settle nnd is none of
my political concern Hayward is too
close to the unsavory influences which
havo corrupted Nebraska politics to bo
strong with the people
M C Walker Hayward was my
first choice I am glad he has lauded
P W Wietzer HaTe hoped that
Hayward would get it from the very
start Tho result pleases me
Something ItetterThan the Old Saw
The Baying about the lion and the
lamb in March often proves false but
there is another and better one which is
literally true When March comes in
and finds you taking Hoods Sarsaparilla
to purify enrich and vitalize your blood
you may expect when it goes out that
it will leave you free from that tired
feeling and with none of the boils
pies and eruptions which manifest them
selves because of impure blood in the
spring If yon have not already begun
taking Hoods Sarsaparilla for your
spring medicine we advise you to begin
today We assure you it will make you
feel better all through the coming Bum
Backache is the first indication of kid
ney trouble Urinary disorders dia
betes and even Blights disease follow
unless promptly checked Nothing bet
ter to make perfect kidneys than Dr
Sawyers Ukatine
Kiesau Chhistoph
What Shall we do
A serious and dangerous disease pre
vails in this country dangerous because
so deceptive It comes on so slowly yet
surely that it is often firmly seated be
fore we are aware of it
The name of this disease which may
be divided into three distinct stages is
first kidney trouble indicated by pain
in the back rheumatism lumbago fre
quent desire to urinate often with a
burning sensation the flow of urine
being copious or scant with strong odor
If allowed to advance this reaches
the second stage or bladder trouble
with heavy pain in the abdomen low
down between the navel and the water
passage increasing desire to urinate
with scalding sensation in passing
small quantities being passed with diffi
culty sometimes necessary to draw it
with instruments If uric acid or gravel
has formed it will prove dangerous if
The Third stage is Brights disease
There is comfort iu knowing that Dr
Kilmer the great kiduey and bladder
specialist has discovered a remedy fam
ous for its marvelous cures of the most
distressing casea nud kuown ns Dr
Kilmers Swamp Root
It is Bold by all druggists
As a proof of the wonderful virtues of
this great discovery 8wamp Root a
rample bottle and book of valuable in
formation will ty Bent absolutely free
by mail on application to Dr Kilmer
Co Blnghnmton N Y When writing
kindly mention that yon read this liberal
offer in The Nokfoxk Weekly Nkwb
Inuik Otffin Send From Manila n
leil Irot of Trinket Constructed
by the Native
The show window of Leonards drug
store is tho center of attraction sinco A
N Gerecko todny arranged a varied lot
of curiosities from tho Philippines which
were lntely received by his mother from
Frank Owens of company C First Ne
braska regiment They include slippers
made with no heels and curiously orna
mented silk handkerchiefs of delicnto
colors and beautiful handiwork Then
there nro little trays of poonlinr con
struction uniquo in shape color nnd do
sign Thero nro companion pieces of
raised painted work thnt aro character
istic of that eastern conntry a pair of
chop sticks that Owen found n Ohineso
prisoner whom ho guarded over night
hnd left acombmndo out of cedar wood
by ono of tho natives a fan made by
tho Filipinos kodak scenes showing
streets of Manila enmp life cathedral
Spanish vesols partly sunken and vari
ous other views With theso was sent
the menu of tho Christmas diuuer that
was served tho Nebraska boys aud copies
of Tho American Soldier nnd Tho
Soldier Letter publications printed nt
Manila by tho Americans
Theso specimens of skill nud benuty
give proof of the ingenuity nnd alert
nesB of a people who when American
law and order shall prevail aro bound to
show mnrked progress There aro
splendid possibilities for a race that is
intelligent enough to demonstrate an
ability to do such exquisite work
The Owens family rightly prize theso
things from the new possessions of thiB
government because of thoir own value
made doubly so by the loving thought
of the boy who sent them
Drink Oraln O
after you havo concluded that you ought
not to drink coffee It is not a medicine
but doctors order it becauso it is
healthful invigorating and appetizing
It is mnde from pure grains and has
that rich seal brown color and tastes
like the finest grades of coffee and costs
about 4 aa much Children like it and
thrive on it because it is a genuine food
drink containing nothing but nourish
ment Ask your grocer for Grain O
the new food drink 15 and 25 cents
Graln O Brings Keller
to the coffee drinker Coffee drinking
is a habit that is universally indulged in
nnd almost as universally injurious
Have you tried Grain 0 It is almost
like coffee but tho effects aro just the
opposite Coffee upsets the stomach
ruins the digestion effects the heart
and disturbs the whole nervous system
Grain O tones up the Btomaoh aids
digestion and strengthens the nerves
There Ib nothing bnt nourishment in
Grain O It cant be otherwise 15
and 25 cents per package
A priceless blessing is found in Dr
Sawyers Arnica and Witch Hazel salvo
for piles hives scald head eczema pin
worms burns and outs
Give the Children a Drink
called Grain O It is a delicious appe
tizing nourishing food drink to take
the place of coffee Soldby all grocers
and likedby all whohave used it be
cause when properly prepared it tastes
like the finest coffee but is free from all
its injurious properties Grain O aids
digestion and strengthens the nerves
It is not a stimulant but a health
builder and children as well as adults
can drink it with great benefit Costs
about one fourth as much as coffee
15 and 25 cents
Letter 11 nt
List of letters remaining uncalled
at the postoffice March 6 1899
R H Caranaugh I U Eberley
Walter G Edwards R M Ferris J J
Gilmer Fritz Oblm J Rogers Anton
Tomaseke J G Ward
If not called for in 30 days will be
sent to the dead letter office
Parties calling for any of the above
please say advertised
P F Sprkchkk P M
Why not shake the grip Go to Hot
Springs Arkansas and lose it
Kellef In 81 Hours
Distressing kiduey and bladder
disease relieved In six hours by New
Great South Ameiican Kidney Cure
It is a great surprise on account of its
exceeding promptness n cievmvr
pain in bladder kidneys ana bacc ic
male or female Relieve rstentlon of
water almost immediately If you
want quick relief and cure this Is the
remedy Sold by Koenigstcln Phar
macy Norfolk Neb
Attention 1ariiinm
Do you desiro to secure hunderds of sample
copies of agricultural journals miitfaiines news
papers books catalogues tunl circular of tho
latent improved f arm impW ents ami macLin
ery aud Im kept posted on improved teetls ami
stock for two years or moroT If to tend us
jour name with Un cunts ineilvcr and we will
Insert the tamo iu the American Farmers Direc
tory which noes whirling all over thn United
States to imulit here merchant nnd innnufnc
turere You will net more mvi rradiua matter
tiian ou conld purchase for many timed the
nnall cost of ten cents We wsnt every farmers
name in the Uuited States in cur directory at
once Farmkeb Dibkotokt Co
Department 118
Birmingham Ala
Your Youth
If you are young yon naturally
appear so
If yon are old why appear bo
Get Away a
of Months
and visit
Asheville or
Hot Springs N C
Aiken S 0
Augusta or
Savannah Ga
or the many
Tourist tickets on sale via
Southern - Railway
by all Ticket Agents
For schedules or further Infor
mation write or call on
Wu H Taylok A G P A
LniiiBville Ky
J O Bkam Jr N W P A
80 Adams St Chicago
Located on the Illinois Central R B in
And also located on
Valley 11
A Cheap Farm and a Good Oae j
Do you want a good farm whoro you
can work outdoors in your shirt sleeve
for ten months in the year and where
your stock can forage for itself all the
year round If so write to P Sid Jones
Passongor Agent Birmingham Ala or
Dr R B CrawfordTravoiingPnflsonger
Agent 0 Rookory building Chicago 111
Do you want to go down and look at
some of tho gnrdou spots of this country
Tho Lonisvillo Noahvillo railroad pro
vides tho way and tho opportunity on tho
first and third Tuesdnv of each month
with excursions nt only two dollars over
ono faro for round trip tickets Write
Mr C P Atmoro General Pnssongor
Agont Louisville Ky for particulars
Do you want to read about thom be
fore going Then send 10 cents in silver
or postage stamps for a copy of Garden
Spots to Mr Atmoro
Havo you henrd of tho famous Hot
Springs Arkansas Hundreds of peo
ple nro being cured there daily of tho
thn Yatoo and Mlatlisipp
It in tho Famous
Of Misttisslppi Speciality adapted to the ra i
Corn and Hoes
Soil Richestinthe World
Write for Pamphlets and Maps
Land Commissioner Aset Land Comr
III Cent B H Co Park Bow Boom B7
Hair Vigor
will sorely restore color to gray hair
and it will also give your hair all the
wealth and gloss of early life
Do not allow tho falling of your
bair tot threaten you longer with
baldness Do not bo annoyed with
dandruff 100 At all druggists
MMto to thm Doctor
If you do not obtain all the beneflts
you expected from the use of tbo Vigor
wruo we uocior idodi n
Lowell Man
Notice to Non resident Defendants
lathe district court of Mndison county Ne
braska To J K HubiiiRcr Hisimp Estate
Haley nndTookor JeorRe It Tucker nud tho
Manhattan TrUNt Co
Notice is hereby iven that on tho 18th day of
Fobruary 1809 plaintiffs T Atwater Barnes
Kzokiel 0 Stoddard and GeoRO H Hishop
filed a petition lu tho district court of Madison
county Nebraska wherein j ou and eacli of you
impleaded with tho Qnoen City Ileal Estate Im
provement and Trust company and others were
made defondauts tho object and prayer of
which iveroto foreclose n mortgage or trust
deed oxecnted by tho defendants tho Queen
City Ileal Ketato Improvement and Trust com
I any to defendant the Manhattan TniBt com
pany npon nil tho lands and lots known antl de
scribed ns Queen City place addition to Norfolk
Madison county Nebraska with certain por
tions thereof reserved and excepted from said
mortgage 88 in said mortgage mentioned and
des ribed to secure tho payment of two hun
dred of tho bonds of the said Queen City Ileal
Estuto Improvement and Trust company of tbo
par value of 8100 each and on which tboro is
now due and pavablo the sum of sixty six
thousand dollais and accumulated interest for
which with interest accrued and to accrue
plaintiff prays for a decree thnt defendants pay
the said amounts or that the said mortgaged
premises may be sold to satisfy tho amount
found due and that whatever interest the de
fendants or either of thnm may hnvo in said
mortgaged premises thnt such interest may be
decreed junior and inferior to tho interest there
in of plaintiffs You are required to answor
said petition on or before the 10th day of April
1899 Dated February 18 1609
Powers 4 IUys
Attorneys for f laintiffs