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About The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 9, 1899)
s I Th Norfolk JSui W N HUBS PubllBhor daiit itt rii ftirwni SnndnT H c itrlpr WMk It wnt Hj mail v or rout 0O 1TKKKIV KttbUhft M PM Botoml Kt th ToiloOlc nt Norfolk Nob mom elM tnntlor Tele plwn No 2 Ex Sonntor W A 1efTor of KniiRns whoso InhiiFoly popnlltio tcmlcnolrn nlong miuiy lines paves him from tho clmrgo of holiiR labelled with tho Hiui nn tag nn ncciiBntlon which ns nunliiRt Ihoso who voto tho republican ticket tho democrats roll under their tongues Hi a delightful morsel is an outspoken and avowed expansionist Mr Hryati nud his cotorio of littlo Americans aro commended to ponder over theso con victions of thb Kansas iwpullst Mr Peffer snys A condition will como when commerco roaches all parts of tho earth nnd tho religion of good will is overywhoro established Nothing now would add greater momentum to tho movement in that direction than tho building of a republic by Amprloiuin uf tho American model in tho Philip piuo archipelago for it would tend to multiply trado marts among tlio nations it would onconrago tho project to morgo war into penco it would raise tho stand nrd of international law and lift tho worlds politics to a higher level Trained Shim IIoki I Considering tho Investment train ed dogfl aro ono 6t tho most prolltiblo attrnctious in tho vaudeville line said an old timo showman hero with onb of tho current theatrical companies I Bupposo thero aro at least ID or 15 troupes of them scattered ovot tho country ho continued and tho good onoa easily uverago a couplo of hundred j week and expenses Ah thero aro no salaries to pay for tlio dogs and no hotel bills for anybody except tho proprietor and ono keeper tho returns aro rather handsome Nowadays they lmvo tho business down to such n lino point Hint tho sudden death of any of tho animals can bo readily remedied by telegraph ing to Now York wliero several men mako a specialty of keeping standard trick dogs in stock A dog troupo usually consists of fivo performers ono of which Is a stnr Tho star probably costa 100 and tho others about 50 apiece Mongrels of no intrinsic worth aro generally select ed for training purposes because they learn ns quickly as tho thoroughbreds and if anything happens to them the loss is so much lighter Thero is a etandnrd scries of tricks which they aro taught to do so that ono can easily re placo another and n littlo ingenuity on tho part of tho showman supplies tho variety to tho programme Now Or leans Times Democrat KooIimI liy n Una Mnulilnv A Brooklyn woman whoso gas bills wore almost beyond computation and certainly beyond her purse had ono of ibe quarter in tho slot machines put in her flat and anticipated great pleasure in keeping tab on her gas expenditure These machines by tho way aro fed a qnartcr and when tho quarters worth oi gns is burned they shut off automat ically Toward evening of tho day in which tho machine was installed sho wended her way to tho slot and deposited her money but when an attempt was mado to light tho gifs tho machine would not register and tho evening light was shed out of lamps and candles A wratliy note brought tho company inspector to tho scone tho noxt morning and ho thoroughly vindicated tho reputation of tho contrivonco when ho unlocked it and drew from tho fnsido three nickels and a dime Now York Mail and Ex press How Balloons Arr Made Balloons are manufactured of gold beaters skin which though small toy ones had been mado of it could not be produced in sufficient quantities for the large balloons until Colonel Templcr in vented and perfected the process which is briefly as follows The gold beaters skin is made up of quantities of a certain thin animal membrane 30000 of these are required for a balloon of 10000 cubic feet ca pacity which is first freed from all fatty substances and then soaked in a solution of glycerin and water They are then applied to boards cut in tho form and to the size of tho goro of tho balloon required Others aro then super posed until a thickness of four layers has been reached great care being taken that no air bubbles remain between the ekina After this fourth layer a method of strengthening is resorted to in tho shape of a net manufactured of skin After this net two or three more layers of membranes are applied The whole is then allowed to dry and a solution of boiled linseed oil is used as a varnieh The fabric is then quite in dissoluble and the membranes cannot by any possible means be separated from one another but sometimes to render -this homogeneity the more perfect a so lution of bichromate of potash is sponged over the fabric Pall Mall Magazine Ilrnntlful Viennese Women Vienna the capital of Austria is chiefly noted for producing threo things ceffee music and women Tho word jolly describes the temper of the Viennese woman most aptly She lives only for today and lets tlio morrow take care of itself Sho is us good a house keeper as her German sister but not quite so particular Sho is quite as eco nomical but dresses herself more artis tically She is just as good a mother hut a more loving wife Sho is some what nervous and the quarrel with her husband is ns regular as the amen in her prayer The truest and prettiest type of the beautiful Viennese woman U that which comes from tho south In common with tho majority of her Enro penn sisters the Viennese makes mar ringo her goal but retains her girlish ways her jolly spirit and much of her beauty and even to guess at her ago is not only a crime hut an absurdity Edward A Kleiner in Womans Homo Companion rntnt Ilplixlnn nn Whlakjr linn Parhkiisiiuuo V Va March 0 A cxplonlon occurred on Whisky Hun noar horo yostcnlay in which two men were killed instantly An oil woll was burned and other damngs dono It was cauiod by uitro jilycorino used in drill ing Georgo French Jamestown N Y and Michael M Michaels n farmer were killed Tom Carroll John Mctcalf nnd Charles Blair wore dangeromly In jured and William Hopkins was seri ously injured Kipling Mnili flloljr Nrv York March 0 Kudyrd Kip lings health continues to mnnd slowly Up lo tho present hoof tea is tho only diet and nothing will bo added until his oondition will permit Ho has not been told of tho death of his daughter Josonhino Elslo tho other daughter is resting quietly Iltilmg i of ICiploilvai FuilDil Paiiih March 0 Great emotion pre vails over tho now dovolopmontn in the powder mine explosion It is now evi dent that tho explosion of La Guobrau mlno was tho work of an enemy of Franco as in tho caso of tho Maine dis aster Thero was certainly a plan to destroy all tho powdor mines contain ing tho rotiorvo ammunition around Toulon Last night a soldier found a dozen dynamite cartridges near another largo powder mine that of Moutoly near loulnn Tlio cartridges woro en closed in a ixiokago Inup City Opurn llmimi Humeri Lour City Nob Maroh 0 Tho Loup City opora houso burned yostor day Tho tiro caught from the stovo in one of the school rooms on tho first floor llro iklyn Not Vat Itoporteil Nohvolk Va March 9 Tho cruise Brooklyn has not yot boon reported Sho was duo yostorday at Hampton Roads aud hor arrival is auxiously uwatted Tho storm has passed out to sea MAY WHEAT AT SEVENTY lrloa fcteiulily Dimiiniinl Throughout th Hrialou Corn UoliU It Oirn ClIllUOO March 8 Ilenvy liquidation by lot t today owltiK to world visible IncrcanliiR Imtead of docrenshiK caused a dccldad slump in wliint mid May closed ljfo lower Corn loft off unchmiKitd and outs lOHttc Pork nnd rib iidvnuccd ic each and lard 2Ji5c Cloa liiK prlcon Wukat May70Ji7Oc luly 00c COKN May UAJio July 0c Oats May WJict 26JJc runic May -7 July 045 Kins May H77 duly tW Mini May l640ajW42 duly IS8i5A Catdi quotation No 2 red whin 70371o No a aprlnR KK07o No hard 0S03o No S corn 84c ChlcitKO Live Stook CniOAdO March a Cattle Kecolptm 1300 com lulled llhlit receipt of cattU checked tho duvllnliiK tendency aud price ruled MronRer to n Khado blKhur Fancy cnttlo brought 570 MSW cholco Ktvcm 3UWjpMl medium 43 tfJtn beef itenr Wtxti4Mtocker and food H Ma47U bull- UUO041i cows and heif er rilXXKLOO weatern fed Strom li20GtSfl0 Tex a Hteers a50500 calve M0700 IIok Hecelpt 2J0U0 thoro wore not enough Iioki on tho market to go around and ali weie at an advance of Sc fair to choice 3809 Stt heavy lot miied SUH2lUi2 butcher mOvVUUH light ia0pl8X uIra l32XaT Sheep Kecelptu 15001 theio wa an active demaad at tady price for tflieep and primo lambs wore lUc liiKher Poor to prime sheep fi7Kf405 lar jely ut i70g145 yearling J440QH60 Iambi 400 i510 clileDy at 48si00 Houth Omh Llv Stook South Omaha March H CattU Uecelpti 2000 ilow ateady native bctf steer 400 M wemern iteen a80310 Text tra JLWV4C0 cow and heifer 82X9416 canner 2U0a2 Blocker and feadera 1000 4S calve H6Ca75 bull it- ttc rI6 410 IIok Kecelpta 0S00 hadotoc higher heavy 1Bl70 miied 360SWi2H light llMdXtiH pK 80030 bulk of Mlr 860 IA5 bheep Itecelpta 10100 steady native mutton taKiHufi weatern mutton 37BG US atock aheep 27BiU lamb 40O48a CHturrh Cannot be Cured with local applications as they ouuot reach tho seat of tho diseaso Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease and in order to euro it you must take inter nal remedies Halls Catarrh Cure is taken internally aud acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces Halls Catarrh Cureis not a quack medicine It wasj prescribed by one of tlio best physicians in this country for years aud is a regular prescription It is com posed of the best tonics known com bined with the best blood purifiers act iuR directly ou tho mucous surfaces The perfect combination of the two in grediants 1b what produces such wonder ful results in curing catarrh Send for testimonials free P J Chkne vICo Props Toledo O Sold by druggist sprico 75o Halls family pills are the best It is a long time since The Forum has had such an interesting list of subjects as that offered iu the March number Here are foiie of them Diplomatic Pay and Clothes by Mark Twain Is Our Army Degenerate by Col Alex ander S Bacon Tho Future of Our Navy by Capt H O Taylor of the United States battleship Iudiaua Life on Other Worlds by Prof D T MuoDougal What shall wo do with tho Philippines by Kx Minister Charles Deuby and A Lost Eden Cuba by Dr Felix L Oswald Active solicitors wanted everywhere fcr The Story of the Philippines by Murat Halt tead commissioned by the government as official historian to the war department The book was written in army camps at San Fraucisco on the Pacific with Geuen1 Merritt in the hos pitals at Honolulu in Hong Kong iu the American trenches at Mauilo in the KlBSAU UHKUTOlH fuuifiov r insnrtront camps with Aguinaldo oniho deok of tho Olympla with Dewoy and in tho roar of bat tlo at tho fall of Manlln Honnmui for agents Brimful of orig inal pictures taken by government pho tographers on tho spot Largo look Low prices Big profits Freight paid Credit given Drop all trashy unofficial war books Outfit free Address II It Harbor Oon Mngr 1150 Dearborn street Chicago A ter Hllnnl Dnjrn Work I wbb troubled with boils nnd 6lck headaches I began Inking Hoods Sar saparllla and it gave me immediate re lief from headaches and purified my blood It has also built up my system generally 1 do not get so tired nfter a hard days work ns 1 did boforo taking Hoods Heny Kkhn Powhattan Kan Hoods Pills enro all liver ills Mailed for 26 cents by C I Hood Co Lowell Mass Comfort Ifonooiy nnd Hpred to the 1ttclflo Co Ml San Francisco Los Angeles Port land iu Pullman tourist sleepers via Union Pacific Daily from Chicago and Council Bluffs Personally conducted weekly Lcnvo Minneapolis and St Paul every Thursday Leave Council Bluffs aud Omaha every Friday Maximum comfort nt minimum cost is tho principle upon which theso cars aro built and operated Do not complete arrangements for your trip west until you aro fully in formed on theso tourist and personally conducted excursions Advertising matter and full infor mation can bo obtained by calling on or addressing F W Junkman Agent To Do III Costs More Than To Do Well This wise saiv might property read It costs more to BE ill than to BE well The source of all health is rich strong blood It is to the body what the mighty streams are to the earth If the blood is pure the body thrives if the blood is weak or impoverished then every pulse beat carries weakness instead of strength Why make tho cost of living more than it need be Purify your blood and give your constitution a chance to do its level best Tho only perfect blood purifier and vigor maker in exist ence is the world famed Hoods Sarsa parilla It brings good perfect health It never disappoints When three months old our baby Koy was covered with itching and buriilni jerofula sores The best physicians failed to relieve Hoods Sarsaparllla saved his life as It made a permanent cure Mns IUUK M Kish Kast Sprint port Midi Crto ThroHph he blesslnp of God Hoods SurMipnrilla nnd Hoods Pills cured nte of rlp and the aftef weakness My heart and nerves were badly affected but am now strong and hearty doing all my housework I have been a WHlkliiR adver tisement for Hoods anion- my nelchbors Mni Mahy M Messenmfji Freehold Ta Rheumatism Klieumntism is a dis ease of the blood and the acid must be neutralized to effect n cure I was troubled with rheumatism so badly that I could not wnlk Hoods Sarsaparllla cured me Mrs Mitchell McDkrmott Southbrldge Mass Eczema -My daughter had eczema and it affected her eyes The doctor said it was Incurable Her skin is now smooth anil white and all on account of Hoods Sar snpnrllla I have taken it for weakness and can now walk three or four miles easily Mas K A Hknhv Sauk Centre Minn Catarrh- suffered from childhood with catarrh Was entirely deuf in one ear Hoods Sarsaparllla cured me and restored my hearing Mns W Stokes Midland Tex JwOtd SaUa I Pr Hood Illla cure liver III Ihe oon Irritating ntl only ctlirtlc to take with Hood SartrllL Dexters Norfolk Steam Laundry Goods Called for and Delivered1 Satisfaction Guaranteed Trntte from Adjoiniug Towns Promptly Attended to Telephone No 83 Arm You Ever Depressed And la It not duo to nervous fexhAn tlon Ilow can you Iuto coarniro when affrrln with liMdaclie nert ous proitratlon and great plirilcal weakness Would you like to be rid of this denroMlon of rplrlts 7 flow lly removing tho cauie Ily using Ayers barsapanua It remove thocanscof vonrsnffer Inp iK oaare It remove nil impurities from your blood 100 All druggists To keep In good health you must havo perfect action of tho bowels Aver Illla euro constipation and Imlouenr 26c a box WrHm eyp Dacteem Write ni frrelv all tlie In re Addrca Dll J U AYER owell Maa Money to Loan ON Real Estate Elkhorn B A S Associatioo M C WALKER DKAMSll IN FLOUR - FEED Oil and Gasoline TELEPHONE NO 33 lit J 15 H aiFW w Ssl T in il i l k VpicTSV Passenger train leaving for Colum bus ut 1040 n m connects at Colum bus with the Fast Mail for Chicago and all points cast and south and with other main line trains for all points west No change of cars between Colum bus and Chicago free chair cars ele gant Pullman sleepers and unexcelled dining car service a la Carte plan pay for what you get on all through trains via the Chicago Union Pacific Northwestern line Through tickets on sale to all points in the United States Canada and Mexico Bain aire checked through to destination F W Junkman Agent Have Mercy on Your Feet HyflV wearing tlio famous BY Hygienic Jennes s Miller Shoes Best shoes made for women being scientifically construct ed on purely anatomical lines they fit the feet as nature in tended As graceful as they are com fortable No other dealer in this city can sell you tho Jenness Miller Shoes or any shoos as good We control them 0 Only 350 1 THE JOHNSON DRY GOODS CO Sole Agent for Jenness Miller Shoes Norfolk N A RAINROLT Pwldwit ALEXANDER HKAH VIco rrMidotit W U HUCHOLZ Ouhler EWZUTZ AMifitantCMbler National Bank OLDEST ESTABLISHED BANK1H6 BUSINESS IN NORTHEAST NEBRASKA Capital 10000000 Surplus 2000000 Does a General Banking Business Buys and Sella Exoliangc Interest Paid on Time Deposits Drafts and Money Orders Sold on any Point In Europe A General Steamship and Foreign Passage Business Transacted ABKAll F PHANLON F J 11ALK W 11 HDCUOI Z WM ZTJTZ NA KA1NBOLT JOHN H HAYS F VKUGEH B 8 COTTON S FUESLER Staple and Fancy Groceries Fruits and Vegetables in Season Fresh Bread Pies Cakes etc Constantly on hand BRAASCH 6 REES DEALERS IN mrr jx t 11 IiiLmI I NORFOLK WARNER BROS CO iu XTJ3 WXSlOBXmDKWmKXKXK Fci oilMJinpliotiS Tbe riso Company Warren ra Ml EVERYTHING IN THE LIQUOR LINE Warners 1 11 1 A 1 R 2VWE RWWl CO Exclusive agents ior the Celebrated Sweetwater Hock Spring Coal the best in the market M mxj Scran ton Hard Coal in all sizes TELBPHONElOir H C TRUMAN WALL PAPER From ioc a Double Roll up Window Shades Room Moulding Paints Oils Glass 4N4tbist Brushes Etc Etc Painting Paper Hanging and Decorative Work at Fair Prices O A LUIKABT PliKHIDENT CHAS S BBIDGE Vice Pbisident W H JOHNSON Cashiek W R BRAASOH Asst CAsmiB The Citizens National Bank Capital 50000 Surplus 5000 Bny and sell exchango on this country and all parte of Europe Farm Loane Dlrector CARi Asmcs W H Johnson Char S BniDci C W BnAABcn C M Swank G A Luikakt T F Mkmmikoeb L SthsioNB The Zwight Liquor Store Successor to Turf Exchange WINES LIQUORS and CIGARS NEBRASKA If HN OPPORTUNITY j TO GET eORSETS FREH PROM IMPBRPBeTIOMS Waivers ersels are Strikinglyl Gne OrTDut Styles qslsltely Pise Material nhrrlrnfclf fftiir feORSElS Itasfvroor Steels The Johnson Dry Goods Company Pisos Cure for Consumption is n priceless mrtliciiio forCougliB 1 hnvoAvithin tlio past few lis coveretl another point in its favor and that in itiw a SURE CUltK for LA GRIPPE if taken when tho firnt ByinptouiB aro noticeilW A Hillekman No 43 BviBhuell Buildinb BpriogUeld O Jan 11 3890 - Best Coueb a Good Use In t 1 by Druggists S i A 1 tCsr i