The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, March 09, 1899, Image 3
ml Sf K 1 Best C51 for the Monci GAYROCKJR Overcoat All Wool KERSEY in Black Blue and Brown DEWEY Ulster Irish FRIEZE in BlacK Brownaod Muted 110 GAYROCK Overcoat Superior All Wool KERSEY inBlach Blue and Brown liUHtitlil SAMPSON Ulster Genuine Carney IRISH FRIEZE in Black Brawn Gold and Oxford MXd Nearly every wide awake Merchant In America handles these Coats If your dealer does not write to us and we wMI see that you are supplied ANNOUNCEMENT EXTRAORDINARY Norfolk Weekly News Reduced to 1 a Year for Cash in Advance PREMIUM TO EVERY SUBSCRIBER Opportunity for Young Men and Women Boys and Girls to Make Money During the IS years that The Norfolk Weekly News has been published no subscriber has ever received it for less than 150 per year This price has been maintained in the face of cheaper competition because it has always been con ceded that The News is the best weekly paper published in this section of the state being printed all at home and giving later telegraphic news and recording more local events than any other It has always been well worth the price asked for it and will continue to steadily improve in all its varied departments in the future But in response tp the large class of people who desire to pay in advance we have decided to make the following SPECIAL OFFER To every subscriber who will pay 100 in advance Thk Nbws will be sent for one year To every old subscriber who will pay up all arrearages to date and 100 in advance The News will be sent for oue year Every subscriber who pays one year in advance will be presented with a copy of Kendalls Perfected Receipt Book admitted to be the best cook book on the market containing besides suggestions as to the care of the sick recipes for the ailments of stock etc which are invaluable on any farm and in any household Those who cannot call at The News office for the book will include 5 cents extra for postage Any subscriber or member of the family of a subscriber who secures for us one or more new cash in advance sub scriptions will be paid 25 cents for each new name and 100 which they may send to this office Those who have paid in advance at the regular rate will be credited the additional time at the new rate Those who do not pay in advance will continue to be charged the old rate of 150 per year This special offer will continue until April 1 unless sooner withdrawn which we reserve the right to do Address all communications to THE NORFOLK WEEKLY NEWS Norfolk Nebraska ALWAYS USE A IX COCOA PURE HEALTHFUL TREES AND PLANTS kWis of Best Vkrletlei lit Hard Time Prices Small fruit iu lare tuppl Millions of Strawberry Pliintu Tcry thrifty ami well rooted iotllie iiEbT near iiorae and save freight or expret Send for pries lifct to Norlh tend Nurseries North Bend Dodge County Nth DR C S PARKER DENTIST At Pierce Every Monday Mast Hlock - - Norfolk Neb gravo by wbnt wo uro nbont to relat lint rm it 1r tnken from n Nobrnnkn con temporary tbnt innkcfi n tmsinoM of tell iug tho truth it may eorvo ns n warning to fiomo of them nntl couvinco thorn Hint now is tho time to snbscribo for Thk Nkwb It 1r rotated 3y tho iirlghboring publication thnt n mnn who wns too stingy to snbscribo for tho local pnpor sent his boy to a neighbors boiiRo to borrow tho morning pnpor Whilo tho boy wns coming homo ho fell down and broko his leg Tho fnther heard his orioR nnd ran out to got him but sllpjud on the ico nnd fell dislocating bin kneo nnd tearing tho bosom out of his 10 pnutalooiiB Hifl wife rnn to his nudist nuco leaving n two yiw old lmby on tho floor Tho baby crawled out of tho door nnd fell down tho well and while tho mother wns llRhing tho child out tho house cnught tiro nnd wnH totnlly des troyed Tho moral in obvious He who runs may rend TUESDAY TOPICS O L Hydo wont west yesterdny 11 H Neumann of Stanton in iu town District court begins at Madison next Monday Fred Linerodo left for Hot Springs Ark today L R Strain of Wisucr was in tho city Inst evening Kditor Powors of tho lierco Leader wns down today A C Ornig of Dnttlo Orotsk wasin the city this morning Mr nnd Mrs M A Roots loft for Kt Joseph yesterdny W E Sponcer cashier of tho Pierco State bank is in the city M D Tylor and Judge Robertson went to Madison this morning Mrs ThonuiB Shcean of Fremont is visiting with Mrs L M Heeler Dennis Fly tin rondmiiBtor of the M O wns in the city this morning Ruth tho daughter of E O Mount is down with u scvoro enso of tousilitiB Mrs F Rryorly and Mrs Oxuam aro among those who aro on tho sick list Charley sou of O 13 Durland has been sick sinco Sunday with diptherin Mrs J W Rest and Mrs A F Lewis returned from Battlo Creek on the noon train Mr and Mrs H M Pollock have moved into the Rccs house on Madison avenue H H Patterson is enjoying a visit from his fnther Henry Patterbon of Genoa 111 Miss Nora Thomas of Archer Iowa spent todny in Norfolk onrouto to Chad ron and Crawford Richard Kequa left on tho moniug train for Winsido to fix somo telephone lino that wrs down Li II Piitclurd one of Meadow Groves enterprising merchants was in the city this afternoon Miss Margiiret Mills has taken her old position as trimmer at tho Simrplcss Sisters millinery store State Bunk Examiner Wilson of Omaha was in town todny examining tho building and loan associations Mr and Mrs Ed Braasch are enter taining at their home Mr and Mrs Emil Sehultz and Miss Mary Brussow of Pierce Mr and Mrs E P Weatherby enter tained the West End Whist clnb at their home on Koenigstein avenue last evening H W Winter and John J Hughes county commissioners went to Madison tins morning to attend a regular meet ing of that body Thomas H Thorp traveling pasben ger agent of the Pennsylvania lines was the guest this morning of Agent Juneman of the U P John Hunt a prominent farmer and politician of Antelope county living near Tilden was iu the city yesterday visiting friends He returned home last even ing Hon Ed Bond and wife of Buffalo Gap S D are visiting at the home of O J Chapman Mr Bond is a member of the Dakota legislature and is on his way home A moderate sized andience greeted the Reno Novelty company at Eiseleys hall last evening The performance was a creditable one The trained dogs and birds were a pleasing featnre of the en tertainment George Bathen left today for Sioux City Mr Bathen baa been manager of the Edwards Bradford lumber yards in this city during tho past winter Ho expects to take charge of the companys yards at Verdigro soon On account of sickness prevailing in the immediate neighborhood the Dick ens sociable thnt was to have been held at the homo of Rev Josoph Parker next Thursday evening has beeu postponed until some oveuiug of next week Judge aud Mrs Powers lett for St Joseph Mo on tho noon train to atteud tho funeral of Mr Henry Price Mrs Powers brother-in-law Their dopar turo is in response to n telegram telling of his death Mrs Price has visited Norfolk several times and made many warm friends here whoso sympathies will be extended to her iu this sudden bereavement The two year old boy of Mr and Mrs J O Aid of South Norfolk died of moma at 10 oclock this forenoon The child has been Rick for Rome time The funeral Bervices will tnko plnco nt tho houRO nt 2 p m on Thnrsdny Mr nnd Mra Aid nro griof Rtrickon over thin affliction nnd tho hearts of their many friends in this community will go out in loving concern iu tliotr Inihalf Tho Gormnn Mutnnl InRiirnnco com pnny nt itn nnnunl meeting hold iu this city yofitordny nftornoon elected nfi olllcors for tho oufluing year Herman Mnskenstein of Stanton president Aug Loiiz of Norfolk secretary O F IInno of Norfolk treasurer Theodore Hern hnrdt of Wnyno Ferdinand Knlter man and Win Voeeks of Pierce direc tors The loflROH for tho year have been light and the allahsof the company arc in splendid condition Rev Wm R McKim of Hnrtington was iu the city over night on his way from Niobrara to Hloomtleld Rev McKims mission 1r a very plcasnnt one He is to bo the officiating elergymnii at tho marriage of Miss Alice Maud Little ami Sherman Saunders state senator nnd banker of that town Miss Alice is the daughter of Dr and Mrs O H Little of Hloomtleld Dr Little and family lime ninny friends in Norfolk wheio ho is remembered as n former superintendent of tho state insane asy lum Mr and Mrs Saunders will be tho recipients of tho best wishes for a long and happy home life from numer ous Noifolk ueitinintnnces of tho bride lleiil lChinln 1 riiimhM H The following transfers of real estate are reported by Chester A Fuller man ager of the Madison county abstract olllcu at Norfolk C S Smith nnd wife to James Stuart tied sw 112s 1 firm 00 G W CninmingB and wife to Frank V Ainbio wd hw huh oo William V Allen and wife to Viiron Knntz wd no1 1 W SN 1 UrH 00 Clarissa L Lord to Otto H MtuiB wd tiw Sl St f bOO 00 John F Wade and wife to Francis Franok wd ou seji S5 as 1S8 00 Martin Hrubaker and wife to Peter J Jnlil wd oi swjj ir20 00 R A Lewis and wife to Charles Wolls wd eu no 18-21-1 S00 00 Elvira Jackson to Thomas Mad sen wd lot fi block 8 R R ad dition to Nownian Grovo 700 00 Josephine Durland to Aug Nickel wd w 21 ft of o ll ft lot 11 block fi Norfolk 2000 William M Alberry and wife to WnlterS Montross wd nwM 2l 2 00 P T S Co to Jas Dorsey wd lot i block 1 Kimball As Blairs ad dition Tilden 81 Sheritr to Josephine Durland m1 o ll feet of lot 10 block fi Norfolk Hr00 August Bloy ni 1 wf to Jno Young Wd lie 0 21 1 -1700 John W Dover nnd wf to Andrew W Buckley wd part of se bw 18 24 -1 200 M C Garrett admr to Adam Dieter deed sej3 27 22 1 SiOfiO John A Bennning and wife to Wilholm Maas wd ne 12-22-1 I 00 Fred Heinx and wife to A E Scolield wd uw fro Jand nj sw also swj swf 4-24-4 t0K 00 Wensel Duda aud wife to Wil liam Steiubeoh wd uwj 28 22 2 iboo 00 Charles E Olney and wife to Lewis W Ray wd bw nw4 20-24-2 1250 00 Peter Rulf aud wife to William J Kane wd se 24-22-3 fiJGOO 00 Regiua Gannon and husband to Elizabeth Mihills wd lot 10 block 1 Norfolk Junction 000 00 J G Benniug aud wife to August J Brummond wd lot 0 block 1 Pasewalks second addition to Norfolk 260 00 I wiil Bell my farm three miles south east from Norfolk containing 270 acres Ed Wahkkk South Norfolk News Mr Liuerode continues very sick Mrs Pender went to Omahn this morning Mrs C J Chapmans father Mr Hydo is very low Mr Eddy the hack driver is the proud possessor of another uitl Mr Liuerode has returned to the springs and Mr Clark has gone with him Doeie Symau has returned to his borne in Newman Grovo after visiting a short time with bis aunt Mrs Case Ralph Allen a fireman on the F E M v has returned from a two weeks visit to Creston and Superior Mr Hnrshmau and family have re turned from Wisuor where they have been to attend tho funeral of Mr Dugan Mrs Harshmaus father There was u farowell party given for Ira Hull last night He is going to travel with Mr Wilson tho blind gentle man who has leeu stopping hero for a short time They departed todny for Neligh and from there they will go east again It is tho best iu the world that is wha every uber says of Sloans liniment for rheumatism cramp colic aud all pain The most penetrating remedy iu exist ence For sale by John Koenigstein WEDNCSDAV WMNKLES Mtr Cudder of Hndnr wns down tliln morning Dr Frank Salter wns cnllcd to Hor kiim thin noon Rev S F ShnrplcHR loft for Kmerson Pender nnd Poncn this afternoon Mi h II Mollrido and Mrs P Htnf ford mado n trip to Omnha yesterday Supt O W rum of Madinon aud 1 A Luikait went to Lincoln this morning Mrs Rev John Siegler returns to her homo at Coledonin Minn tomorrow morning Miss Mnrgarot Mills has arrived from Chicago and can be found with Sharp less sisters O E Reed of Omaha rcprenontliig the Fidelity nnd Deposit company was in tho city today J O Ransdell leaves with his family for Fi cutout today whero he will em bark iu the hotel business Among J lie casualitieR reported by the war department March 1 at San Pedlo Maeate Manila is tho severe chest wound of Walter J Huntington ol com pany l Fit st Nebiaskn F W Welt or wont toOinaha yester day to meet Mr E Howe general manager of the Oxnaid beet sugar fac tories 1 tot li gentlemen returned last evening Mr Howe will spend the day in the city The sixth birthday of Miss Dorothy Salter was very happily unnumbered at tho home of her grandpaieuts Mr aud Mrs John R Hays yesleulay Six little girls shaicd with her tho pleasures of tho occasion Chai ley Duiland is reported better today The diphtheiia has been checked by the use of auti toxiue His condi tion is itUl pieearioiiH but there aro strong hopes that ho will have suflleiunt vitality to rally and recover Tho Dickons sociable will bo held next Tuesday evening at the homo of Rev aud Mrs Parker There will bo a rehearsal of all those who are to take part in impersonating Dickens people at the lesidcnce of Mr and Mis Goo L lies on Norfolk avenue Friday even ing The milder temperature tho waim bright sun and the balmy southerly breees cotiBpiro to give one of the most bpringlikc days ot the present season The snow by tho roulsidn is melting rapidly and a few days like this would take thojfrost out of tho ground aud make it ready for seeding A heavy rain would not bo undesirable at the ptesent time Oma tho seven year old daughter of Mr and Mrs C5 W Hridgford died at about fi oclock this morning This is the second death in tho family Tim NitWh has had to chronicle within tho past week Tho child was taken sick with tho measles These were lollowed by pneumonia to which shcBuccumbid Tho funerul will take place tomorrow afternoon at two oclock The thieo re maining children are still sick with measles but aro reported as on the road to recovery Among those who went to Stanton today to the wedding of Miss Lillian daughter of Wm Gorecke and Mr Hope of Omaha which took place at 1 p in were Mr and Mrs Jno R Hays Mr aud Mrs C H Reynolds Mr and Mrs W H Buchol Mrs N A Rainbolt Mrs J M Collnmer and Miss Mabel Collamer Mrs F E Hardy Mrs J S McClary Mrs Mary Mnttheson aud son Storrs Alfred Gerecko Arthur Pilger nnd Dr Bear and family The marriage ceremony was performed by Rev Joseph Parker F A Beeler returned from an extend ed eastern trip last evening Ho conies back very much impressed with the up ward tendency of business allairs The situation in New York City has never been paralleled Money is more abund ant than ever Irafoie the wholesale houses aro crowded with orders the fac tories in all lines are working overtime wages are being advanced voluntarily markets are wideuing in our new pos sessions and altogether a jubilant spirit has taken control of the business men of the east While there Mr Beeler visit ed Cramps great ship yard saw the keel of the new warship Maine laid and went over the Alabama which will be placed in commission next February Cramp has rush orders from Russia and other European governments which will keep that immense force of men busy for several years Of conrse Mr Beeler while interested in general busi ness conditions did not forget the needs of the people of Norfolk and vicinity He purchased a very choice nnd com plete line of dry goods of the latest btyles aud patterns which will be on sale shortly Beeler Bros look forward to n good spring trade They have the goods aud will make prices that will satisfy their customers In the spring the human body needs assistance to throw off the stagnation produced by winter diet As tho teui pcraturo rises under the growing heat of suns rays we feel tired half sick and low in spirits because the blood is slug gish uud full of impurities Dr J H McLennb Strengthening Cordial nnd Blood Purifier is a reliable spring remedy to invigorate the blood and give tone to the digestion Price 00 ceuts aud 1 a bottle Koenigbteins j umcy FL0KIDA A Hiififirlnr TlirotiRli Hlti plng Cur TWm llrlTtcrii HI lnuls mill livk snnvlllfi Commencing Decomhcr 17th tho Lou iRtillo Air Iino will inangiirato for th season tliogroil Through Sleeping Car Route to Florida Through sleeping enrs will leave St IxuilRlljlfip in daily passing Loniflvillo 700u in Loxlngton 10 fr u in reaching Clmttnnoogn fitfifi p in Atlanta 10 MO p in nnd Jackson vllle H 40 n m second morning StoKrtcrH allowed This route ift through largo cities and interesting country and is eiutcd over most ru poriornnd well established lines of rail way The schedules mo fast and most convenient hi addition to the above schedule leaving Kt IjoiiIs at night train leaving St UiuiH K 08n in will nirivo Jack sonville the next night I IIOp m mak ing only one night out from St Louis to Jacksonville This lino also adonis passengers tor Florida trip via Asheille N O the greatest American ro soil Coriespondenee solicit d and inform ation promptly Itiinished R A Hisil General Passenger Agent St louis Mo This is also the best Hint to points iu Kentucky Tennessee ieoigia ami Ninth ami South Carolina i rt - Advice to Gonsumptiv Tlicroaic three meat i dies that every person wit li weak ltuisor with coiisuni - lion itself should nuclei statu Thee leinedies will cine hSrffW IWlLiVU EVERYWHhG WEAR TWICE Af EF V j 6 about every case in its fust t stages and many of those I moic advanced It is only the most advanced that aie X hopeless liven these aie f wonderfully relieved and life t itself tfieatly pioloned What at tiiese remedies Kiesh aii pioper food and foils emulsion of Coii Liver Oil ivttli Hypo- hosplntes 15c afraid of di nights but not of fresli air LiL nutiitious food and drink j enty of tnillc Do not iorgct that Scotts Emulsion is the oldest the most thoroughly X U Med and the highest en- tuised of all remedies for 2 vt throats weak lungs and m iij tK n in all its stages 2 J ii all iJruKKicti X i TT It I WM licinltli Ntw Yoik J Frazer Axle Grease PHW wu JwrBRlrti W nu DArTfBTMi Not affected by Heat or Cold Highest Awards at Centennial Paris and Worlds Fair 1 Frazer Lubricator Co Factories Oidago St Loult New York K U DR McCREW SPECIALIST TfMtt U Forrni of DISEASES AND DISORDERS OF MEN ONLY 20 TORS EXPERIENCE li Yrt in Cunln ConsiJmcn Free Bookfra Offlcit4htrirnamSta Boa 766 OMAHA NEK NATURES REflEDY For tbe cure of all chronic and acute dliw a life giriDK prin ciple free from all drntci Asthma MrouciiitiiiCaturrb Consumption HadaclieNeuraluiaBlieumatUtn Nertoua ProNtration and General Debility cured by inhaling Compound Oxygen Our lioinn treatment which con tuiim two looutbh Hupply of Com lioand Oxtfiru inhaling appara ratUH full directions teDt to any part of tho conutry This include medical advice daring treatment 1auijlilct withadii to tho bIcIc home t not mint ami testimonials tree DRS 5TARKEY PALEN ma Glrard St Philadelphia Pa vJtfJ t t l I I I i t i