The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, March 09, 1899, Page 2, Image 2

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Many Enterprising Immigrants
From the Eastern States
Willi Mm UcmlY Mnimy lnnkliiK
for Lower ITIrnl lmnU In Hi Nnw Wt
cry liullmllnii or Trmimnlni Tlil
of lnnd llyir rfnmliiR TliU Wy
IIiIkIiIckIok lrorrl
Spring Is coming and with It a iloolil
cl rush ot Immigration into tlitn Htato
niul what Is hotter yet Into tho section
of which Norfolk Is tho natural motrop
oils Not for many yoars has tho pros
iwot for siioh i largo Increase of
nblo sottlors boon ho uhsuHiik ns it Is nt
tho present tlmo
Todays Oinnhn Boo says
Whilo It is yot mirly for tho usual
Hprlng immigration to sot in thoro la
coiiHltlornhlo of n movomont jiiHt nt thl
tlmo whloh portends a largo trutlle for
tho railroads u littlo lutor Tho Omaha
road is especially favored nt MiIh tlmo
with a good business in thiH lino An
olllolul of that road says thoro aro bo
twoon thlrty llvo and forty enrs of im
migrant goods now in transit over his
lino uourly nil dostlnod for tho north
eastern part of tho Htato in and around
Hartlmrton This Is a portion of tho
state whloh Iuih not boon developed as
woll as othor Hootions sinco tho drouth
of n fow years ago whloh retarded all
The movomont or settlors into this
locality eomos from eastern states and
It is nald most of thorn come prepared to
buy They have boon renters in tho
past but now sook homos of thoir own
Tho character of tho homosookors Is re
ported us boing tho most desirable and
tho ollloials of tho road anticipate n
miioh lanior movomont to this part of
tho state when tho regular spring immi
gration begins
ThoElkhorn reports n slightly in
creased tralllo in this business fJr this
tlmo of your most of which goes to
points on that lino in tho northern part
of tho state but tho passenger depart
ment is receiving inquiries almost every
day from prospective settlors regarding
tho olmraotor and price of lands in tho
Elkhoru territory which leads tho
ofllcors of this rond to believe thoy will
havo a good business in this lino too
lattor part of the month
A SonnTof tho rullroiGl uiou go so far us
to predict that immigration this year
will bo larger than for any year sluco
tho lattor part of tho 80a whon It was
ubout at tho high water mark
M 0 Ilnzou was at Plorco this morn
P B Noff of Wausa Is visiting in tho
Miss Ada Goreoko is visiting Omaha
Mrs Lano of Stanton is shopping in
tho oity
Attend thi Business Mens meotiug
0 D JenkinB returned from Lincoln
last night
Hariy Millor ot Stanton was in tho
city last ovouiug
O S Jones of Lincoln Is transacting
business in tho city
E B Kouyou made tho round trip to
foster yesterday on business
Mrs Fred Koerbor wont to Wisuor
today to visit her mothor and sister
Tho carpontors aro putting up tho
frame work of Dr Saltors now houso
Miss Vada Tanuohlll loft for Albion
this morning whore sho will visit
Mrs Jack Kooulgstoiu outortalns tho
Evon Dozen club at hor homo tomorrow
Gio H Spoar of tho Oxuard is enjoy
ing u visit from his brother E A Spear
of Chicago
W A Tucker president of tho Citi
zens Nutioual bank or Wayne was in
Norfolk today
George Heller who purchased tho
Schelly saloon business arrived from
Iowa lust night
Mrs Lou Johnson returned yesterday
afternoon and brief services will bo held
at tho grave
0 B Ovolmau had a prosont from a
friend who is a salosmuu for a whole
sale hat tlnn of a bran now hat yostor
day and somo whoro between tho Pa
cltio hotol aud Mrs Desmonds reaideuco
on Norfolk avouuo lost it The paper
in which it was wrapped was not
tied and uukuowiugly to him tho hat
dropped out Tho finder will oblige by
leaving same at Sponcer and Ovehnans
shoo store
Madison Reporter Adjutaut Goueral
Barry has made tho followiug announce
ment of promotion in tho First Ne
braska Lioutouaut Okas M Jensen of
company K to bo captain of company
F Secoud Lioutouaut Wober of K to be
first lieutenant Second Lleutounnt
Henderson of company F to be first
lioutouaut of company B Sergeant
MnKlhoea of comuauv F to bo socoud
lieutenant of company F Sorgcaut L
E Sissous also of company F is pro
niotod to bo secoud lioatenaut of com
pany K
A good deal of luterost Is already
manifested in the site for tho now feder
al building Postmaster Spreohor
J If its in the blood S
Sarsaparilla J
will take it out
J Other kinds may
j but probably will not 1
from Nlokorson whoro sho m boon vis
iting hor mothor
Harry Millor assistant coshlor of tho
First National bank of Stanton was in
tho city yostorday evening
Mrs Geo L Ilos ontottalnod a num
ber of lady frionds at lunohoon yester
day In honor of Mrs Goo D Buttor
Mr and Mrs lloso who havo boon
horo since tho doath of Mrs Ityol re
turned to thoir homo at Olarks this
Several largo eiod wolves havo beou
soon In the vicinity of tho town recently
and local sportsmen aro talking of get
ting up a wolf hunt
George Bathen will go on tho road for
the Edwards fc Bradford Lumber Co
His placo In tho yards will lw taken by
J K Boos who conies hero from Hioux
A special meeting of tho Alumni as
soolatlon will ho hold at tho High school
building Saturday afternoon at l
oclock Mombors aro urgoutly re
quested to nttend
A G Storrs solicitor with tho Ne
braska Telephone company is in tho
oity working up now business whloh
the rncnnt out ill ratOB WOllld H00111 to
outltle tho company to
Bowmans Big City show was not
given last ovoulng Tho sizo of tho
audlonco didnt warrant It Thoso who
wore present woro refunded tho price of
thoir tickotB and dismissed
O V Plutz who has boon living at St
James Minn will return to Norfolk
next week Mrs Pint Is already horo
Thoy will go to housekeeping in their
own house ou Soutli Fourth street
Dr 1 II Salter reoolvod a tolograni
from Piorco stating that tho young man
Conger who was tho victim of tho acci
dental shooting reported in Tub Nkws of
yostorday diod early this morning
The crowd that attended the Otto
Plllur sale was an unusunlly largo ono
It Is noticeable that although tho pricos
obtained were oxcollontcnsh was plenty
and time sales wero In tho minority
Otiarlos Carter is back from Missouri
and will bo employed by Hall tho har
bor Ho was u niembor of Co L and
was with tho rest of tho boys at Ohica
inauga Park After being mustered
nut ho wont south Now that ho has
returned ho will become again a mom
bor of tho reorganized Co L
A story Is told o two littlo boys who
foarod thoy would bo lato to school and
ono of thorn proposed a halt for prayer
The othor said No lots run as hard as
wo can and pray while wo aro running
The moral is that while tho morohnut is
praying for success ho should not neg
lect to advortiso in Tun Daily Nkws
Tho eight mouths old son of Mr and
Mrs 0 W Brldgford who bus been
Hick with measles and luug troublo died
at 5 M oclock this morning Owing to
tho critical sickness of tho four othor
children who are all down with tho
moaslos thoro will bo no funeral at tho
houso The burial will take place this
understands that there are several differ
ent ways whloh the government can
and may take to settle tho location
They may send a postoftice inspector for
that purpose they may appoint a pur
chasing aiieut or empower the local j
postmaster Iu any event they will let
the people knew in ample time and elig
ible locations will bo carefully and de
liberately canvassed before a choice is
made The convenience of the business
public is n large factor iu its settlement
and one that cannot be ignored Of
I 111 ln lift
course tue now ouiuuug wm ij mu
busiuess homo of the court aua oiuer
federal officials as well as tho postoftlco
aud their couveulence wil bo considered
The government is not likely to net In a
hurry over this matter Great bodloa
move slowly and Uncle Samuel is no
exception to the rule Meauwhilo tho
price of business real estate in Norfolk
is steadily risiug aud is liable to be held
at its full value by the time n post offico
site is selected
The modern pill is rightly applied
t Dr Sawyers Little Wide Awake
piMs because they perfectly and
nletolv oure biliousness inactive
aid constipation
Tho snow is rapidly disappearing
Tho polloo court is soronoly qulot
Dan Upton of Plorco Is In the city
Hev S K Sliarploss goes to Niobrara
Farmora aro getting roady for thoir
Bpriug planting
ThlBBOSBlon of congross oxplros by
limitation today
Dr A Boar went to Wayno this after
noon to see a patient
Easter hats will blossom this yoar tho
first Bunday In April
itov E A Spoar will sing at tho Bap
tist church tomorrow
Sam Kent tho stockman returned
from Omaha yostorday
M II LiMimv tho woll known Plain-
view attorney Is In tho city today
Mrs W 0 Day and Miss Palmor of
Battle Orook woro In town yostorday
Tho North Nebraska Teachers associ
ation will moot at Norfolk April 5th
to Tth
Mrs O H Reynolds ontortaluod hor
lady friends iu tho Heights yostorday
Dr Klrby roturnod last ovouiug and
announces that ho Is going to locato at
Grand Island
Mrs Win Hoidlo and Mrs August
Koplln of Pilger woro guests of Mrs G
W Box today
Itov II Pioppor of Stanton will oc
cupy tho Gorman Evangelical pulpit
Sunday ovonlug
Frank Houston It Is understood con
templates opoulug a dry goods Btoro in
tho Robertson block
A largo number of farmers teams aro
on tho streets today and morohnuts re
port an excellent trade
Tho Kulloo Klatsoh had a pleasant
mooting yesterday nftornoon at tho
homo of Mrs N A Rainbolt
H J MoVickorof Wakoflold and B
S Wyatt of Grand Island woro among
last evenings arrivals iu tho oity
Mis nnra Whnlou an attendant at
tho state hospital loft for Stanton today
to visit with frionds over Sunday
Tim Kvim Dozou club and their
friouds woro pleasantly entertained last
vdiiliiL at tho homo of Miss Jesso
Tomorrow evening at tho Baptist
ohuroh au infidel sorniou will bo preached
from tho text Thoro is no God Come
aud hoar it
Tnelnv it is Sonator Alien of the
United Statos tomorrow it will bo Judgo
Allon of tho ninth judicial district or
tho stato of Nebraska
Tho bill appropriating 10000 for tho
purohaso of tho sito for a federal build
ing at Norfolk has boon signed by tho
president nud is now a law
There will bo a meotiug in tho inter
ests of tho Mothers Jowel homo at York
hold uoxt Monday ovouiug at the Meth
odist parsonage load by Mrs Spurlock
tho matron of that institution
Tralus going west are carrying au in
creasing uuinbor of land lookors
Whilo some aro bound for tho const
thoro are many who will investigate tho
prospects of northern Nebraska
Auction sales of farm produce aud
personal property aro froquout iu
Madisou county this spring but are
largoly attoudod Cash sales at good
prices aro their distinguishing features
A dispatch from Washington eays
that Captain E H Tracy of Norfolk
who was mustorcd out from the Seventh
Uuitod States voluuteor infantry at
Macon Georgia is visiting in that city
Rev Wilson the bliud preacher will
hold services iu tho Baptist church at
3 30 p in tomorrow Ho reads by
sense of touoh His sorvicos aro in
teresting and instructive All aro cor
dially Invited to be present
The Third Sunday in Lout Trinity
church Morning servioe with celebra
tion of tho holy communion at 10 45
Snndav school at 1315 choral Bervico
with address at 4 p in Service on
Wednesday evening at 7 80 and ou Fri
day at 4 30 p m
J D Sturgeon the entorprislug Nor
folk dealer in pianos and organs is un
loading n carload of 40 orgaus in
ton toduy Last year Mr Sturgeon sold
a carload of these instruments at that
point and expects to close out his pres
ent lot inside of 00 days
The meeting of tho Business Mens
association held last evening was fairly
attended Tho committe on securing
site for opera house were not yet ready
to report and their time was extended
Sflveral cood locations are under con
sideration Tho committee on freight
rates reported nothing definite but said
that an answer from the railroad com
panies to the requests which have been
made in a short time was anticipated
After further general discussion ad
journment was taken until Fridnyoven
ing March 17
It looks very much as if Mr Graham
who recently purchased tho road was
determined to push tho Yauktou Nor
folk railroad through to completion aud
that too at au early date The Pierce
Leader of this weok says r L R Her
tert received n letter this week from J
F Lacock of Cleveland Ohio saying
that he had heard from W W Graham
thn iiurehaser of the rond the letter
m his boliof that this is tho moat favor
ablo ohance wo havo had for socuriug
tho road for If Mr Graham takos hold
of it ho will push it through
Tho blizzard nud cold wnvo that woro
predicted by advicos to Tub Nkws from
tho Chicago weather bureau for sovoral
days ovidontly wont and got lost At
any rate It foil by tho waysldo
whoro boforo it got horo and tho day has
boon vory pleasant nnd cloar It Is truo
that tho mcroury Indicated only four
above zoro early this morning but It ro
oovered rapidly nud is steadily climbing
Tho Indications aro for warmer weather
over Sunday
Plorco Loader Vas Mason was dowu
to Norfolk Wodnosday and Thursday
nud complotod negotiations for tho pur
ohaso of tho ontiro herd of Shorthorns
belonging to Hill Co Qf Rapid Oity
S D Tho hord numbers botwoen 50
and 10 thoroughbred roglstorod Short
horn cows heifers with calves by thoir
side nud bulls aud is ono of tho host
bunohos of cattlo of this brocd iu tho
wost Tho prico paid was a handaomo
consideration Mr Mason will loavo
tomorrow for Rapid Oity to proparo tho
oatllo for shipment to Piorco aud whon
ho has secured thorn will own ono of
tho largest and purest brod herds of
Shorthorns lu tho wc3t numborlng
about 10 hood ovoryouo a registered
TlioOmaha Boo speaks ot ono of Ne
braskas groat crops us follows
haps thoro aro not a great many people
who kuow that tho hay crop of tho Unit
ed Stutos is the hourco of moro wealth
than tho coal Iron or gold mines lum
bor or auy manufacturing industry aud
that it is more valuable than tho wheat
or any other crop save that of corn
Whilo tho wheat crop of last yoar was
worth in round numbers about throo
hundred and ninety two millions tho
hay grown iu tho country amounted to
noarly four huudred millions of dollars
and formod ono of tho chief objects of
oxport Owing to tho fact that it cauuot
bo successfully grown in tropical coun
tries wo havo a constantly enlarging
inarkot for it iu South America and else
where in the tropicus that bids fair to in
crease its production especially west of
tho Mississippi where tho finest vari
eties aro grown
Perhaps thoro is no ono impression
moro erroneous aud at tho sumo timo
moro commonly prevalent than that
when pooplo havo boon vory kind in a
case of sickioss or death it is duo thorn
to rush into print at tho earliest possible
moment with a statement thanking thorn
for what they havo done It is truo
that at suoh a timo when tho shadows
gather about life that there is a peculiar
sensitiveness to and appreciation of hu
man assistance But such aid in such
stress is due to everyouo and it is only
tho call of a common humanity that is
mot when it is giveu It is needless to
toll people especially iu a public way
that they aro thaukod Surely that
inau or woman whom frionds help in
the time of trouble or atlllctiou would be
cold hearted iudoed who did not feel
grateful No ono does kindly deeds at
such a time with any other motive than
tho knowledge that thoy aro needed aud
it is thoir privilege and duty to do them
If people would only reflect over this
matter they would rocognizo that the
card of thanks is uncalled for It
should among an intelligent poople be
allowed to fall iu iuoouous desuetude
Tho appointment of a West Point
cadet will be made soon by Congressman
Robinson of this district Due notice of
time aud placo will be mado through
tho press The examination will bo held
under prescribed rules by medical and
educational committoes solected for that
work and any young man who is be
tweeu 17 and 23 years of ago and of
orood moral character aud is at least 5
feot iu heiaht is oleoible The educa
tioual requirements are not severe An
applicant who stands auy show of suc
cess must bo well versed iu reading
writing orthography and arithmetic
the elements of English grammar ge
ography particularly of this country
and tho history of the Uuitod States
The course of study takes four years to
complete The pay of a cadet ia about
50 a mouth There ore few opportuni
ties in this country that offer to bright
capable young uisu better prospects thau
a cadetship at West Point As the ap
pointment is made absolutely on its
merits it gives a splendid free for all
to the young men of this district aud
there will doubtless be a good number
whowill embrace this ohance to enter
into arace for a prize worth drawing
llometeekerV Ktcunton
On Jauuary 17 Fobruary 7 aud 31
March 7 and 21 1899 the Missouri Pa
cific railway company will sell home
seekers excursion tickets to certain
points iu southwest Missouri Kansas
Arkansas Iudian Territory Oklahoma
Territory Colorado and Utah and to
mauy otnor points xocaieu m suum
eastern states at rate of ono far for the
round trip plus f 2 For further infor
mation address W 0 Bahnes
J O Puillippi T P A
Southeast corner of 14th and Douglas
streets Omaha Nebraska
There is no modiciuo that has yet boon
discovorod that has virtuos deserving to
stating that he Graham would try and bronchitis
complete tho road Mr Lacock added or cold
Mra Placeman was in from Stanton
Burt Mapes left for Omaha this morn
Anna Zuclow spont Sunday at Madi
A O Hazon was at Madison Satur
0 II Durland wont to Wayne this
Fred Ahlman aud wlfo of Pierco ore
In tho city
Goo D Larimer was at Battlo Croek
this morning
Judgo Barnes goos to Lincoln tomor
row inorniug
Miss Poarl Rooso of Battlo Greek was
iu tho city Saturday
Walter Mack of Oreighton was in
Norfolk this inorniug
Mrs W M Hobort8ou camo homo
from Frooport Saturday
Miss Mamie Kennedy of Madisou Is
visiting Miss Roso Flynu
Mlsfl Nora Hilton left ou the morn
ing train for Des Moines
L Button nnd C Fisher woro horo
from Wakoflold Saturday
Dr Hagoy returned this morning
flom a visit to Garuot Kansas
Douglas Cones the Piorco attorney
was in tho city Saturday night
William Sompklua nnd wlfo of Mead
ow Grovo woro In town Saturday
Davo Owou wont to Ohoyonno nnd
H E Owon loft for Omaha today
T G Daggett camo ovor from Sioux
Oity aud spont Sunday with his family
Miss Ohiuola Twiss roturnod homo
yesterday morning from a visit with
Madisou friends
Rov Wilson tho bliud preacher gavo
a very interesting address at the Baptist
church yesterday afternoon
Among Madison parties in town yes
terday were W E Reed M B Foster
M J Moyor aud L G Bley
Tho next regular mooting of tho Wed
nesday club will bo held tho 15th inst
There wdl bo none this week
Mr and Mrs Onus Stitt of Fremont
visited ovor Sunday with Tnnios Stitt
They returned home this noon
Ferdinand Koltcrmau ex county com
missioner and a prominent farmer of
Pierce county is in town today
Mr and Mrs Van Slyke parents of
Mra W L Eaton who have been visit
ing her for somo time past left for their
homo today
Tho household goods nud horses of
G W Div of Hawardeu Iowu arrived
hero Saturday Mr Div aud family will
locato in Norfolk
Senator Hale with his little daughter
and Miss Helen Tanner was in tho city
Saturday on his way from Lincoln to
his Battlo Creek homo
Rev E A Spear sang at the Baptist
church yesterday morning and con
ducted a childrens meeting attheMeth
odist church iu the afternoon
Tho local session of the Madisou
Couuty Teachers association was held
Saturday afternoon at the Norfolk High
school There was a good program
Rev G H Main returned home from
Coleridge Saturday evening where he
has been assistiug in very successful re
vival meetings He occupiod his pulpit
Dan Hiues and wife left for Hot
Springs Ark Saturday Dan is the
genial conductor ou tho U P aud goes
to the springs seeking relief from a
severe attack of rheumatism
At tho tho meeting of tho High School
Alumni association held Saturday Miss
Edith McOlary invitod the association
to hold their annual banquet in June
ai her home on Norfolk avenue
The coutraots for building tho needed
bridges in Madison county this season
will be let at Madison tomorrow Sev
oral Norfolk contractors have gone to
tho county seat today to placo bids for
doing tho work
There is going to be a good deal of ac
tivity in railroad building and improve
ment this year Work already contract
ed forcallsfor tho throwingof 31000000
yards of dirt at an expenditure of 5000-
000 in the states of Iowa and Nebraska
Officer Kano gathered iu a plain
drunk last evening and gavo him lodg
ings in the city cooler over night This
morning he was allowed to shake the
mud off of his heavy boots aud get out
of town at the earliest moment by the
shortest route
The Farmers Mutual Insurance com
pany of Madison Stanton Wayne and
Pierce counties is holding its annual
meeting at Marquardts hall today A
large number of Farmers are iu attend
ance The elootlon of officers for the
ensuing year is being held this after
The regular meeting of the executive
council of tho Norfolk Anti Saloon
league which was to have been held at
the Congregational ohurch Sunday after
noon owing to the iuclemeucy of the
weather was postponed until 3 30 p m
next Saturday at tho same place A full
attendance is dosired
Judge Robertson is repairing the store
room in his block for oocupauoy
and will be wolcomed as an accession to
Norfolks business forco
Mr Edward Northouse and Miss Mary
Alico Barats wore marriod yostorday af
tornoon at tho home of tho bridos par
ents ou Fourth street Pastor W H
Eaton of tho Baptist church officiating
A goodly number of frionds and rela
tives woro present Mr and Mrs
Northouso will begin housekeeping at
onco on tho Gaylord farm wost of town
A largo nudionco greeted tho spoaker
at tho Baptist church last night not
withstanding tho sharp woathor Rov
Spoars singing was suporb and ploasod
ovoryouo His voico is remarkably
cloar and silvery aud tho way ho sang
tho gospol was n delight to hoar Tho
Interest in tho mootlugs Is vory gratify
ing and thoy will bo oontiuuod through
tho week
Tho Northwestcru railroad has a
double liuo from Chicago to Tolodo aud
this soasou will comploto It from Tolodo
to Omaha a distance of throo hundred
miles This means that somotimo iu
tho not distant future that the double
track will bo pushed west to this place
Railroad trafllo both freight aud pas
senger is very rapidly increasing lu this
portiou of tho west and tho groat lines
aro compelled to provide for it by in
creasing thoro facilities for handling it
Yesterday was happy day nt the Sec
oud Congregational church Ono of its
mombors presented it with a haudsomo
couimuniou table suitably inscribed
with tho motto Iu Remembrance of
Mo Another member recently pre
sented it with 10 hymn books Yestor
day uioruine two persons woro admitted
to tho church on confossiou and nt tho
mooting of tho young peoples socioty iu
the afternoon 12 now members woro re
ceived iuto it Though not yot a mouth
old this socioty has already a member
ship of moro than 30 Iu all this church
has raised more thau 2000 duriug tho
be compared with Dr Sawyers Wild April 1st Mr F A Hustou ot bwiug
Cherry and Tar for bad cases of chrouio will remove hero uud opeu out in that
consumption or njiy cough blook a fine now line oi ary guous air
KlESAU Ciiristoph Huston has been iu business iu Ewiug
past year
Ono of our enterprising grocers affirms
that there was quite a runaway recent
ly to which he alone was knowing Ho
told tho story not for publication but
simply as a guarantee of good faith
One diy last weok whilo he was waiting
ou a customer and drawing some vine
gar from tho barrel there was a big com
motion in front of the store A team
dashed by driverless aud everybody was
crowding to tho front to get a sight of
tho approaching smash up But the
wreck didnt occur The grocer pos
sessed of tho spirit of the occasion rushed
out among the rest It was quite a dis
appointment but when he wended his
way back to his task he found tho floor
flooded with vinegar which he had left
running Even his own visage became
somewhat soured He found the barrel
empty and he expressed himself in lan
guage not used in polite society He
still thinks that was the biggest run
away of vinegar that there ha3 beou
in tho town for some time
The North Nebraska Teachers associ
ation which will meet at NorfoUc April
5th Oth and 7th has about arranged its
program and it will bo ready for publi
cation in a few days A very interest
ing and profitable series of meetings are
anticipated The association considers
itself exceedingly fortunate in having
seoured Prof Ott of tho Des Moines
school of Oratory for the principal lec
ture Prof Ott has the reputation or
being a very brilliant orator He will
give his popular address on Sour
Grapes There will be an oratorical
contest of delegates from several high
schools Wednesday evening and a de
bate Friday evening participated in by
pupils from six high schools Many will
attend from neighboring towns aud
cities aud the outlook is for a very large
aid successful gathering
Every well regulated family in Nor
folk and vicinity should have as a con
stant daily visitor The Daily News
They should subsoribe for it Every
body reads it and there are certain
penalties inflicted upon those who do
this without paying for it that although
self imposed are nevertheless hard to
bear There is a certain amount of
snffnrincr iu thi3 old world that can be
easily avoided aud part of it cau be pre
vented by prompt and clioerf ul payment
of your subscription to this great family
paper It is hoped that uoue of its
readers will be frightened into an early
The Thorn Comes Forth
With Point Forward
The thorn point of disease
is an ache or pain But the
blood is the feeder of the
whole body Purify it with
Hoods Sarsaparilla
Kidneys liver and stomach will at
once respond No thorn in tins point
Blood Poisoning The surgeon said
when he took out the brass shell received in
wound at San Juan Hill two weeks before
that it would have poisoned me If it bad
not been for my pure blood I told him it
was Hoods Sarsaparilla that made it pure
Gscorqe P Coopeb Co G 25tli U S Inf
Washington Barracks Washington D C
Rheumatism - Myself und a friend
both suffered from severe attacks of rheu
matism Hoods Sarsaparilla cured both
We would not be without it Wn H
IKSTKR 65 Leonard St Kail Itiver Mass
ZfcfCdS SMak
lood lilli cure liver lilt ttiw lion IrrlUtlnji ana
ol cathartic to UltB ltli IIjJm Sir urHlT