The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, March 09, 1899, Image 1

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Michigan Democrats Itealllrm Chicago
llntform anil Dennnnuo Trusts
Kalamazoo March 9 Thomas E
Barkworth a leading attornoy of Jack
sou was nominated yesterday by tho
Democratic state convention for justico
of tho supremo court Ho received 45a
of tho 772 delegates votos cast on tho
first ballot and it was made unani
mous The contest was wholly betweon
Mr Barkworth and ex Justice Allen B
Morse the four other candidatos having
withdrawn before tho first ballot was
completed Prior to the convention it
was asserted and denied that Jndgo
Morses sympathies in tho last presi
dential campaign were with the gold
standard Democracy and this is be
lieved to havo affected the result All
elements of tho silver fusion were well
represented among the dolegatos and
the nominations for rogents of tho state
university were given to Edward Le
geudro Dem of Oalumot and Stanloy
Parkhillof Owosso
Tho resolutions adopted reaffirm tho
Chicago platform protest against retire
ment of treasury notes donounco trusts
demand an amendment to the constitu
tion making an incomo tax possible de
clare for disposition of tho colonies for
tho best interests of tho people protest
against a largo standing army praise
the servico of tho army and navy and
congratulato the party on having the
leadership of Colonel Bryan
Saulabnrr Euten the Usee
Dovkh Del March 0 Tho entrance
of William Saulsbury of Wilmington
into tho senatorial race yesterday pre
sents a now aspoot in tho contest Mr
Saulsbury who received the full sup
port of tho 21 Democrats may also be
voted fer by tho entire minority on tho
last three days of tho legislature Friday
Saturday and Monday This will be
done it is understood for the purpose
of endeavoring to draw sufficient
strength from either the regular Repub
licans or tho union Republican to so
cure an election
Liiuiiiiii let Thirteen Vote
Salt Lake Murch 0 Tho proceed
iugs of tho joint assembly woro some
what sensational yesterday Tho chief
feuturo of tho senatorial ballot was the
entry of a now candidate into tho con
test Teu Republicans aud threo Dem
ocrats voted for Hon George J Caunou
Still Moro tlrnvo Nebraska ltlte tho
Dust for tho Honor of the Flii
mill Sovoral Moro Hurt
Washington March 11 10 a in
Special to Tun News Dispatches
from General Otis at Manila givo tho
following additional easuulities which
occurred near the pumping station
March 7th
Killed First Nebraska
Company 14 Privuto Itoscoo W
Company G Private Guy O Walker
Wounded First Nebraska
Company 13 Captain Claudo H Ough
in thigh moderate Private Herbert
Hodges in neck moderate
G D Meikmmoiix
Asst Secyof War
Buffers it Probably Fatal Attach of Ilheu
muliaui of tho Hoart
Honolulu March 1 Via Sau Fran
cisco March 9 Princess Kaiulani is on
her deathbed Rhoumatism has af
fected her hoart aud thero i no hope
for her recovery Sinco tho princess
has been in Honolulu she has received
very cousidorato troatmont from
tho government in power Whon she
took the oath of allegiauco to tho re
public of Hawaii sho was granted a lib
eral pension aud tho last legislature re
newed the allowance Some weoks ago
a paper was circulated among the busi
ness mon praying tho United States
congress to mako some provision for
tho young woman Tho papor is now
in Washington
Kni ouriiciJf For Strikers
Fort Smith Ark March 9 Tho
situation in tho coal field is very en
couraging to tho strikers At Wilbur
ton all nonunion men have been laid
off by tho Wilburton Coal company aud
no further effort is boing made to tako
coal out there At Hartshorno a few
imported men are at work in mine No
1 All other uiinos of tho Choctaw com
pany aro idle Strikers report that
some of tho guards ut Hartshorno aro
frequently intoxicated and act men
acingly towards tho idlo miners Thero
is some oxoiteuieut at Howo and troublo
is not unlikely thero The United Mino
Workers committee mot Superintend
ent Needham of the Babbitt mines and
attempted to effeot a settlement The
superintendent refused to sign tho scab
and has notifiod the miners to vacato
the companys houses Deputy mar
shals and Indian police are guarding
the mines The troublo U expected
When the evictions begin
Schnrz tho Guest of Honor
New Youk March 0 Hon Carl
Schurz wus tho guest of honor at a ban
quet given in Leiderkrauz hall in honor
of Mr Sohurzs 70thbirthday aud moro
than 1200 friouds of Mr Schurz wero
present Diplomas of honorary mem
bership in a number of different socie
ties woro presontod to him The Leid
erkrauz society gave him a magnificent
punch bowl aud ladle in solid silver
An address of congratulations signed by
100000 Gorman Americans in all parts
of the United States was given to him
and it was announced that it had been
decided to raise 20000 to found a
library and endow a Soharz chair of
German literature at Columbia univer
High IHve May Irov ratal
New Youk March 0 Thomas Don
aldson known the world over as a
champion high dlvor dove from tho
roof of Madison Square gardou a dis
tance of 85 feet yesterday afternoon
with fatal results Donaldson travelled
for somo years with Barnmn Bailey
and has been tho star attraction at the
Bportsmans show now running in the
garden Ho has boon making two dives
daily Tho tank is loss than eight feet
Iurae Fur Stallion Race
Dubuque la March 0 The Nut
wood Driving club yesterday added a
purso of 3000 for a free-for-all trotting
stallion race tho first of this class since
18U3 at Grand Rapids which was won
by Alviu in 211 This brings the to
tal of Dubuquos purses to 187000
Almanao of the Day
Thursday Sun rises at 023 and ants
at 001 Moou rises at 447
Chler Jtmtlan Chambers Authority I Keo
ngnlxeil With Hail Urar Native nnit
Foreigner Alike Feel Very Nerroii
Orer the Unsettled Condition of Affair
In the Iilnnil
Apia Samoa Fob S3 Via San
Francisco Four wooks havo olapsod
Inco tho last mail dispatches loft hero
for San Francisco ooucorulng tho out
break of civil war botwoon tho miliar
euts of Tnnus Matlotoa and Mataafa
During this tlmo Samoa has boon froo
from any active warfare Tho provin
cial govorumout under Mataafa has not
been a success it has estranged tho
foolings of many of its own supporters
by tho deportation of tho Mallotoaohiofs
aud tho banishing from Apia of all
male Samoans who woro on Maliotoas
side Maliotoa seems to bo gaining
strougth ovory day and sovoral of Ma
taafas chlof adhorouts havo gono ovor
to his side
Chief Jusco Chambers although
now recognized by tho Gorman consul
under instructions from Gormnny is
still being thwarted in ovory possiblo
way by tho Germans Dr Kalrol was
cited by tho chief justice for contempt
but declined to cento to court and
placed himself uudor tho prolectiou of
the Gorman consul Ho was arrested
by tho marshal of tho court but on his
refusal to go no attompt was mudo to
force hint Tho chief justice rested con
tent with having brought tho matter to
this issue
Hough Itlilrrs ltn U From llliii lliilil
New Ouleans March 9 The steam
ship Condor arrived last night from
Bluefields with -11 passongers aboard
mostly tho Americans composing tho
body known as Rough Riders with Cap
tain J O Kennedy in command Thoy
tell tho story of tho rovolution which
failed Thoy had been sent to nttaclc
Groytown inarohiug overland and tho
Sau Jacinto the gunboat which tho
revolutionists seized was kopt closo
to tho shore to supply them with
rations and aid in tho attack Whon
they got half way thoy ran into another
gunboat which Nicaragua had borrowod
from Honduras The San Jacinto rati
up tho white flag Both boats steamed
up and made known the fact that tho
rovolution was over and Reyes had
fled Thoy went back to Bluefields
and found tho rovolution really ovor
Elovon Americans had lod u victory at
Rama but after that wero deserted by
tho natives and also compelled to re
turn to Bluefields
Heresfnrtl llnnk Homo
London March 9 Tho Daily Mail
publishes an intcrviow with Lord
Charles Beresford Ho could Bay little
about his tour until ho had completed
his voluminous report to tho Associated
Chambers of Commerce which sont
him on his tour but ho insisted if all
tho powers began grabbing laud in
China it could only result in quarrels
and war It is absolutory necossary
he said to keep China on her feot
Bettor stand up now for tho open
door thau venture upon tho dangerous
course of spheres of influence I do not
suggest a cut and dried alliance I do
not think America would join such an
alliauco But America England Ger
many and Japan might agree to work
together to maintain the open door
Decision In Omnha Mayoralty Case
Lincoln March 9 Tho supremo
court yesterday disposod of the Omaha
mayoralty coutost by dismissing the ap
peal on rehearing of Mayor Frauk E
Mooros deolariug him ineligible to hold
the office The court also finds that ex
Mayor Broatoh who brought the pro
ceedings for a writ of ouster Is ineligi
ble and his petition without standing
in the court Under the decision it
now rests with tho president of the
Omaha oity council to begin proceedings
to unseat Mayor Mooros but as it is un
derstood ho is a partisan of tho mayor
the latter willprobably bo allowodjto
sarve his term out
Volunteer In Culm to It- Returned
Washington Maroh 9 Orders were
issued at the war department today for
tho Twelfth New York volunteers now
in Matanzas Cuba to tako passage on
the transport Borliu for Now York city
where it will be mustorod out This is
the beginning of the general move
ment for the muster out of all tho vol
unteer troops stationed in Cuba and in
dicates that the administration believes
that tho tiuio has como wheu it
reduce its military forcos in Cuba
SpanUrdi Want Protection
Havana March 9 A Spanish news
paper publishes a story to the effeot
that a party of armed Cubans la terror
izing tho Spaniards at Mayori It says
also that these Cubans have murdered
several Spaniards near Baragajua and
mentions cases of tho persecution of
Spaniards ai Calabazas province of
Santa Clara In conclusion the news
paper asks the American authorities to
inquire into tho matter aud to afford
protection to the Spaniards
Jim Hull Oefest Lnwler
Memphis March 9 Jim Hull cham
pion of Australia last night defeatod
Charlie Lawlcr of Louisville after 10
rounds of fairly good fighting Honors
were about oven np to tho 10th round
Lawler forced tho fighting but soemed
to do but little damage Hall drew
first blood in the third round
floe to thi Itottnm With Flnvnti Person
Off Hue IUihI
Noiif oik Va March 9 Tho lost of
the tug Howonwith all on board oil
Hog island is confirmed but tho crow
of tho dredge showing in tho oiling nl
tho litiio woro picked nit by tho Gor
man steamship Albino lioiitid from
Now York to Newport Nows Tho tug
was lost in a snow storm Sho was
towing tho steam bargo Admiral to
Philadelphia Tho assistant superin
tendent was lost aboard hor Ho was
Captain William G Cannon and lived
In Oatuiloti Tho others lost wero
Captain Tamos K Bowcti Thonmt
Crump Samuol Fowlor Pilot Philtpp
Mato CoiiUnoii two dromon cook nntl
two sailors Tho tug was swampod by
an unusually hoavy sea just aftor cut
ting loose from the drodgo Tho sooond
mato of tho sloamor Albino was
drownod while attempting tho resouo
of those on tho drodgo Thoir suffer
ings uxposod as they woro to tho suow
storm woio dreadful aud whon taken
off tho drodgo thoy wero exhausted
Ooiiiux Is Keeping Ills Promise
Havana March 9 Gonoral Maximo
Gomez had n two hours conference
with Governor General Brooko yester
day regarding tho dotails of tho pay
ment to tho Cuban army of tho 11000
000 tondored by tho United Statos as a
condition of tlisbnudmeut Ho is work
iug in good faith and expects to disband
the troops with or without tho consent
of thu disaffected elements Ho is
making mi oxcollont impression upon
tho United States military authorities
horo and thoy confidently b jliovo that
ho will be ublo to mako good his ugrou
ment with Robort P Porter President
MoKinloys representative It is wild
that the distribution of the cash will be
gin in the course of a fortnight at tho
Troops Sudor fcroiu llont
Manila March I Tho temperature
at i oclock was 87 degrees but tho
cloudy air was like steam and tho troops
wero greatly inconvenienced on tho lino
in spito of the temporary shade afforded
by matting and bamboos whuruver fens
iblo There wero fow prostrations
however from tho heat
Our troops aro not compollod to re
main in the opon country to tho same
extent as yesterday whon thoy wero
onguged in clearing tho jungle Tho
rebels seldom appoar in tho opon except
in tho cool of the morning aud in the
evening Tho soldiers probably will
feel tho heat less whon thoy aro on tho
movo Tho Frouch second class oiulsor
Jean Bart has arrived horo
Debate on French Army lluilifot
Pauls March 9 In tho chamber of
deputies the dobato on tho army budget
led to tho usuul references to tho neces
sity for preparedness against Gormnny
and to comparisons of tho two aruiios
Tho minister of war M do Froycinot
admitted that tho French ofiectivo was
inferior to tho German but he pointed
out that it was impossible to rem
edy this owing to tho lack of popula
tion Franco must meet quantity by
quulity Tho rifles and guns of tho
French army aro without their equals
and tho country theroforo might await
the futuro with confidence
New National Oiiaril Musleroil In
Sioux City March 9 All is in readi
uoss in Sioux City for tho work of mus
tering Companies II ami L into tho ro
orgauizod guard Adjutunt Gonoral
Byers is expected in Sioux City tomor
row for this purpose and sovoral meet
ings of tho mombors of tho companies
havo boon held to preparo for his official
visit Almost enough names havo boon
secured to mako up the quota roquired
and tho young mon havo undergone tho
physical examinations preparatory to
filling out thoir muster papers
senator jouos or Artcausas is rocovor
iug gradually from his attack of Mon
day aud is resting oasily and quiotly
Governor Stanley of Kansas has ve
toed the 1100000 appropriation for tho
holding of a special sossiou to investi
gate contests
A Pokiu dispatch says tho Ohiuoso
are discussing tho advisability of mak
ing Sau Muii an ojxm port so astoovado
Italys demand for a concession
Tho United Statos cruiser Raleigh on
her way home from Manila arrived at
Algiers Wodnosday and is coaling pre
paratory to resuming her jouruoy
Tho Port Arthur Tnx ship canal
will bo practically completed about the
20th instant whon it is proposed to colo
brato tho ovent in a fitting manner
Nows has been recoived at Brost of
the capsizing of a pleasure yacht off thu
Brittany coast drowning nine persons
among them fivo French military of
Both houses of tho Oklahoma legisla
ture havo passed a bill prohibiting tho
practice of Christian science in Okla
homa The governor It is said will
sign the bill
Tho state department emphatically
denies the report of a proposition from
Italy asking this government to sup
port hor claims to the occupation of
Chinese territory
Dr Cabell Whitehead assayer of the
United States mint bai been tendered
and has accepted an important position
in the service of tho Turkish govern
ment that of director general of in
The convention of manufacturers of
brooms after a two days session at Chi
cago adjourned Wednesday having de
cided to raise tho price of brooms
throughout the United Statos 50 emits u
dozen on all grades under UOO pur
Kennedy Ryan Shoppard and the
othurs indicted for tho Macomb train
robluy wero arraigned before Judge
Cox tit Hartville Mo Wednesday and
all entered pleas of not guilty Judge
Cox sot down the trial of tho cases for
May 29
Negro Volunteers Too Handy
With Their Guns
Tiro Colored Iteglments Mmlnrei Out at
Macnn Celebrate by Free lUn or Itovol
ei Alenl Hot Iteneitloii at OrlOln
Trout the Local Mllltla Nnahrllln Pollen
Villi KIrIiIIi immune
Atlanta Ga Maroh 9 Tho Tenth
iinniunus colorud Colonel Jones who
wero mustered out at Macon yesterday
began to show thoir 111 tompor an hooii
as tho train boating tho negroes homo
began to movo out ol Macon Produc
ing revolvers and othor uruiH which
they in somo way managed to smuggle
wllh them I hey began firing from tho
windows Mullets flow in ovory direc
tion as the train spoil on and passers
by woro compollod to sook shelter
Luckily only ono person was shot in
Macon Will Uoodyoar iv 10-year-old
white boy whoso arm was fractured by
a ball Ah tho train passed thu various
stations on tho road tho rioting was ro
noweil shots being llred from tho train
at tho people standing on thn platforms
to soitho train go by
At Uritlln Ga whoro tho first soo
tion of tho train stopped at 2I0 p in
oucnrrod ho most sorlous trouble of tho
day Tho rogi intuit came ovor tho
Oontral Georgia railroad in threo sec
tions When tho train stopped at Grlf
fin tho negroes who by this time had
filled up on whisky began firing thoir
pistols and yelling like Indians Ovor
200 shots wore fired and tho police woro
powerless to resist Tho city was at
tho mercy of tho negroes who kopt up
a fusillade of Bhots until tho train was
carried beyond tho city limits Tho
news of tho outrageous conduct spread
rapidly over Griffin and it was deter
mined that the ioxt section of the regi
ment should bo hold in chock Mayor
Davis ordered out tho Griffin rifles
When tho second section canin in sight
above tho roar of tho train could bo
heard tho rattle of tho firearms
which woro being discharged in
discriminately Whon tho train
came to a standstill tho nogroos saw
200 heavily armed men who commanded
them to keep quiet Tho nogroos woro
awotj and with a ffv exceptions wnro
as dooio as lambs To thoso who proved
fractious cracked heads woro adminis
tered When tho train pulled out from
tho depot aud tho nogroos thought thoy
wero out of reach of tho citizens thoy
began firing at houses At tho first
shot a volley was pourod into tho dis
appearing train by tho citizens and mil
itia Unfortunately Gcorgo Ageo a
trainman was shot in tho abdomen
and futally wounded and ono negro was
clipped on tho shoulder by a bullot As
the several sections camo into tho union
dopot hero thoy woro met by the police
reserve heavily armed Tho negroes
wero evidontly awed and gave tho po
lice no trouble
Police Olnli Neiro Nolillers
Namivill March 0 About fiOO
mon of tho Eighth immunos mustered
out in Chattanooga roachod horo just
boforo midnight Fifty police and de
tectives woro at tho station to preserve
order Tho sorgeaut who had shot two
people ut Chattanooga was searched for
but not found Tho police used their
clubs freoly in forcing tho nogroos to
givo up their pistols and remain in tho
cars but there was no firing Police
wore refused admittanco to ono car by
armed negroes at tho door Thoy forced
their way in demanded all woapous
and in this car there was much club
bing some negroes being badly boaton
Tho chiof causes of the troublo woro
refusul to remain in tho cars to givo up
pistols and insulting language to tho
Woik or ftllsamir Whltecaps
Mlssouhi City March 9 A mob of
about 00 meii all masked rodo into
Missouri City and went to tho jail bat
tered down tho jail door and soized Odll
Summers alias Roubou Bluo who
was looked up ou a ohargo of vugrancy
Thoy took him to the public school
grounds stripped him tied him to a
treo and lashed him 40 times with a
twisted grafs ropo He was then re
leased aud warned to leave Clay county
and uevor return Aftor Bummers had
been disposod of tho mob went to tho
honie of Perry Chauoy a respectable
toamster aud secured his nephew Jim
Jackson The mob then went succes
sively to tho homos of Jesse Yutos Jr
Joo Asbury Dennis Stevens and Bob
Monkers taking each with thorn as
thoy wont Tho five prisoners wero
taken to a stone quarry stripped
whipped and admonished to leave Clay
county Abbury sold his property and
will start today for Donvor The vic
tims declare that they dont know why
thoy wore punished
Mnrcau Denle Coal Combine Story
Nkw Youk March 0 The story that
J Pierpont Morgan had suoceeded in
securing the assent of the Readings
English stockholders to a gigautio
scheme to consolidate all tho great east
ern coal interests was denied by Mr
r -Absolutely Ipijre
The Norfolk Weekly News
Mr Allen is Appointed as Rob
insons Successor
Selection of tlm Kx Snmitor Was An
iiounrcil liy flouornnr Ioyntor lnst Kv
cnltiB Further Details of tlm Klccttiiti
of M Ii llaywitrtl its United States
Lincoln March J Governor Poyn
tor last ovoulng appointed Retiring
United States Souator William V Allon
a judge to All tlio vacancy oausod by
the election of John S Robinson as
cuiigiudaiuuu Hunt thu Third district
It is understood Mr Allen will accopt
Senator lliiywiiril
Lincoln March 9 Jndgo Monroe
Leland Hayward of Nebraska Oity wai
yostarday formally declared olocted on
the 48d ballot of the joint session the
longest deadlock ovor held in the state
The niombors voted oxactly on par
tisan linos ovory Republican voting for
Jndgo Hayward and ovory fnsiouist
voting for ex Senator Allon Tho only
abscuteo was Grufton Republican of
Saline At tho closo of tho roll call tho
chair announced that Hayward had ro
ooived 74 votes and Allon 58 votes ho
theroforo declared M L Hayward
olocted United Statos eonator for tho
torm of six years This was followod
by long and continued cheors
Senator Hayward took tho platform
and said in offect I congratulato you
heartily on the ending of tho long
strugglo and on your roliof from tho
candidates that have haunted you for
weeks past You can go to your rooms
now with no fear of finding candi
dates both under and on your bed This
legislature I know to bo tho bust ouo to
bo olected in 20 yoars becauso I havo
Tcou with tho members morning noon
and night Tho fusionists aro deserv
ing of praiso for their solid stand for
thoir party leader William V Allon
Tho outcome of this strugglo furthor
carries out tho best platform that pou
ever wrote that of the grand old Re
publican party Tho territorial ques
tions now of greatest interost to the
people aro too now to admit of discus
sion hero The Republican party will
follow its grand leader William Mc
Kinloy with tho assurauco that all
problems will bo worked out in tho best
way Tho poplo for whose dofenso tho
war was undertaken will nover be do
sorted by this government
Senator Allen also congratulated tho
mombors on tho ending of tho strugglo
and tendered his thanks to tho friends
who had stood by him so manfully Ho
said that in tho last six years there had
been many political events and changes
and ho was sure that in national
affairs tho Populists aud fusion
forces had taken a prominent part
It was tho fusion force in con
gress that forced tho president to act in
tho recout war It was tho fusion force
that had made the treaty of peace pos
sible He said ho had now come ho mo
without a regret and would try to carry
tho fusion flag to tho forefront Ho
closed tho speech with thanks to the
Republicans for thoir kind treatment of
him during tho coutost
Ohio Flood I Snlxlrilliff
Cincinnati March 0 Tho rivor at
Cincinnati had its maximum at 1 p m
yesterday of 574 At SJ oclock it began
to fall aud with slight fluctuations onco
or twlco in reaching tho maximum it
was practically stationary until 8 oclock
last night At i oclock it had fallou
ono inch At all points from Cincin
nati to tho hoadwators of tho Ohio tho
river is falling whllo at nil points below
Cincinnati it is rising Fair and cold
woatuor is roportod from tho upper Ohio
and tributaries Navigation is rosuniod
at all points oxcopt that boats will not
start from Pittsburg to Cincinnati until
Saturday At Charleston W Va tks
Kanawha has fallen very rapidly and
pooplo driven from thoir homos by tho
flood aro returning
Colo lMnneil on 1rlal
Bioomin1ton Neb March 0 In
tho Kriachbuum murdor case tho pris
oners Colo and Tooman woro brought
into court aud demanded soparato trials
Tho defense mudo an effort to havo
Tooman tried first but tho prosecution
had its way and forced Colo to trial
His Rule Not a Success and
Malictoa Gains Strength
Morgan yesterday 1 know ho said
of no hiicIi plan ai that mid I lmv
not tlmo to discuss tho story All I
care to say Is that 1 onjoyod mysolf
whllo away and I alu tooling voty well
Nlmpaoii lrw Dimlile Vj
Lincoln Maroh 9 The leglslatlvo
Investigating commltton hold another
Hossion yesterday and called A 1 Himp
son who told how in I80H ho oxamltiod
tho Knights and Ladles of He nirlty
company at Topoka whllo ho was draw
lug a salary from tho state as treasurer
Omaha Kill Will FlRht Murray
Hor HiMtlNUM Ark March 0 Oscar
Gardner arranged a match yesterday
with limniM Murray of Cincinnati for
a glove contest of 20 rounds to tako
nlaco hero March 15
Fllnni All In ami Arguments Ileum In
loiilil Itlaokmalllnc Case
Aiiiany March 9 Tho taking of
evidence was terminated yostorday in
tho trial of Mrs Margaret Cody charged
with attempting to blnokmail the holrn
of lay Gould and counsol will begin
their closing argumontM today In ro
butlat tho prosecution called Mrs Mary
Angoll tho allogod wlfo of Jay Gould
Sho distilled that she nover saw Jay
Gould that sho novor told Mrs Cody
that sho was married to Jay Gonld
Mrs Cody hud promised hor 5000000
if tho suit against the Goulds was suo
cossful sho said Mrs Angolls hus
band tofitllluil in much tho sumo lino
David N Oarvalho a handwriting ox
pert identilied us gonuinoa lotternignoil
by Mrs Cody and addrossod to tho sou
of thu clergyman who was allogod to
have married Jay Gould and Mrs An
goll Tho letter offers 20000 for a
copy of tho marriage cortillcato
lnoldni Company lteoiaiilrn
Ckdau Rutnw In March 0 Tho
maiiagoinout ot the T M Sinclair
Co packing house yesterday changed
hands and hereafter will bo known us
the T M Sinclair company limited
with a capital stock of 1500000
Charles H Sautter who has boon presi
dent and general managor of tho insti
tution for llio last 15 years retires from
active participation in tho management
although ho still retains a portion of tho
stock Tho officers olocted yesterday
aro President Sidney E Sinclair vico
prosident Ibmry B Souttor secretary-
treasurer Robert t Sinclair JfflUS
one of tho largest and best cqutpnufl
packing houses in the country and it is
understood that it will bo the futuro
policy to run it closo to its capacity
which is 1000 hogs a day
llleilnnrelil In III Own lUlml
Chicago March 9 Raron von Boid
enfold wns on thu witnoss stand again
yesterday tolling tho particulars of
how ho shot Charlos McDonald in self
dofanso His direct ovidonco was fill
ished within one hour of tho opening of
court and he was then under cross ex
amination for fivo hours Tho stata
failed to shako his testimony in any
way and whon ho loft tho stand tho
prosecuting attorney admitted that ho
had made a good witness in his own
Hiinrciaful Meetings Close
Kmkiusov la March 9 Ono of tho
most success ul religious revival meet
ings ever hold hero closed last night
The threo churches of tho town united
in a threo weeks mooting hold in tin
opera house Evangelist Sunday form
erly a baseball player conducted tho
meetings which resultod in 130 conver
Thomas Montaguo Morrison Wilda
third baron Truro is dead
A Roman Catholic priest has boon
tortured aud murdered by tho Ohiuoso
near Ichaug
Tollurido oro yielding 118978 to tho
ton hua booti found on tho Oolville res
ervation Washington
Seventy five families are rofugoeir
from tho flood at Newport Ky Thoy
are lodged in public buildiugs
The Kansas legislature has passed a
law providing for manufacture of bind
ing twine in the state penitentiary
Two subscriptions of 100000 each
and one of f0000 woro received by tho
StLouis worlds fair committoo Wodnos
Tho Quay faction of tho Pennsylva
nia legislature hold a meeting at Har
risburg aud is confident of ro oloctiug
its candidate
It is reported at Berlin that the resig
nation of Admiral von Kuorr moans
that Emperor William will himself as
sume command of tho navy
Private William G Kahlo Two Hun
dred aud Second Now York was acci
dentally hot at Havana by a com
rades careless bundling of a gun
Tho fixing of tourist rates for the
coining sumnier is causing the Central
Passenger ticsooiatioii lines no ond of
trouble and present indications point to
a lively conflict
Dr J Diaz Prloto Moxlcan consul at
Corpus Christi Tex has boon granted
by tho Mexican government the sole
right to reclaim i3000000 acres of land
valued at 10000000
Frederick Ray Martiu associate edi
tor of tho Providence Journal was shut
and severely wounded by burglars wbo
were escaping from the residence of
Dr E M Harris Wedueaduy night
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome