TIIK XOUKOhK WBKKLY NK\VS.loritXAL. KUIDAY , MARCH HO , 1012. A Moderate Priced Farm Barn Designed by WALTER C. DUTTON , College of Agriculture , Ohio Stale University farm bnrn can be built for n THIS over MOO. It IH twenty- four feet wide nnd forty-eight feet long and Is designed for n mod finite sired farm \\here general farm ing Is followed. The building material required In as follows : I'o U , 8-2 (2\8 ( In. iW ft. ) . 170 bonrd fuel , K6 . Jl.TT. J'lutos (2 ( In. 16 ft ) , 114 bonrrt feet. 125 3.CO IMutos (3 ( In xi ft ) , 192 board fuel , J25 4 " 0 Joist bem or * . 4-2 (2x10 ( In. xll ft. ) , 320 board feet , J2.1 . 8.00 Joists , 32 (2x10 In x6 ! ft ) , M2 bonrd f > et , $15 . 1U.SO Braces , 4 (2x8 ( III xlO ft. ) , 61 board feet , J25 . 1 35 Brace * . 4 (2xG ( In. x8 ft. ) , 82 board fret , J26 SO nnftpr.s. CO < 2xC In xlO ft. ) , SOO bonrd feet , $25 . 2000 Null tics (2xG ( In ) , TKS board feet , J25. . 19.20 Nail tlc > mi | > | > orts (2x6 ( In ) , 152 board feet. J15 . 350 BldiiiK (1x12 In ) , 2,500 board feet , J30. . 75(0 Now door , 70S bonrd feet , J25 . 15 U ) Bheotlnn , 1 0(0 ( bonrd feet , J23 . 4000 BhliiKlea. 14.500 board toot. W 60 . 6075 Battens. 2,500 lineal fuel. 1M,0 , . 37.50 Mftln doors , matched , 428 board feet , $40 . 1680 Door truck , 50 feet , 60 . 3.00 Hangers , S , 50o . 400 Hinges , 3 FelH , 40o . I.JO Wlmlowg , 14 , Jl.DO . 21.00 Nails . 10(0 ( Concrete floor , 125 square yards , COc. . 64.00 Total . J412.05 I i i .1 . rtfi-jT MZ * ± it INSIDI P-INT BENT AN ARTISTIC STUDY IN BROWN , Dcsitfn 980 , by Glenn L. Saxton , Architect , Minneapolis , Minn. © by Glenn Ii. Saxton. PERSPECTIVE VIEW-FROM A PHOTOGRAPH. FIRST FLOOR PLAN. SECOND FLOOR PLAN. It would be Impossible to find a mor * complete design for a home than tills one , called "A Study In Brown. " The term is used because the whole Bc-heme is brown for the decoration of the outside. Size , twenty-six feet wide nttd thirty feet deep. Cost to build , exclusive of heating and plumbing , ? -l,000. Upon receipt of $1 the publisher of this paper will supply a copy of Sax- ton's book of plans , entitled "American Dwellings. " The book contains 'JM new and up to date designs of cottages , bungalow * and residences costing from $1,000 to $0,000. 'i'uo people who would nave come to your store last week , if your ad vertising had persuaded them that it te. 7 § zo would pay them to do so , will com * this week If your advertising U con- vlnclnc enough ! History of Amundsen , Pole He Was the First Sailor to His Craft , the Fram , With Take Ship Through Northwest - stood the North Pole Ice west Passage. Packs In 1895. ) > AMUNDSEN , discoverer RALI the south poll1 , who is now only forty years old , lias long been considered one of the most competent of the northern ex plorers , lie Is the first nnd only manse so fnr to accomplish the long attempt ed feat of taking a ship from the At lantic to the Pacific ocean by way of the Northwest passage , which , by the way , Columbus was looking for when he accidentally hit upon America. lie made , at a point within a bhort dl - tanco of the magnetic north pole , the only set of complete polar magnetic observations taken before Pearj's discovery of the north pole. These achievements were accomplished In 190. ! and 190. . Amundsen's expedition at the time was made , at a cost of only $30,000 , In tiny whaling sloop , the Gjoa , only fcev- enty feet long and of only forty-seven tons burden. Amundsen was born In Sarpsburg , Norway , on .Inly 1C > , 1872 , and In his childhood moved with his parents to Chrlstlunla. Ills father was Jens Amundsen , a skipper. His mother's maiden name was Sahlqulst. His par ents destined him for the medical pro fession ; but , after studying medicine for one year at the University of Chris- Uanla , on the death of his mother he went to sea at the age of nineteen , cruising for several years as a whaler and sealer on Norwegian vessels. He Is a tall , spnre man , with the appear ance of a typical Scandinavian pallor. He Is a bachelor. His First Taste of Exploration. lie had his first real taste of explo ration when in 1897 he went as lirst ofllccr with the Belglca on Gerlach's Belgian south polar expedition. It was this trip , which lasted from 1897 to 1899 , that filled him with aspirations to make discoveries In the arctic re gion and especially to discover the long sought Northwest passage. First he decided to prepare himself by studying two years In Hamburg under Neumayer , the expert on magnetism , and finally \Vllhelmshafen under Bergen in the meteorological station. Then he proceeded to rtlso the mod est funds necessary for his expedition. A large part of tboS 0,000 was Amund sen's own money. Fridtjof Nanscn , the Norwegian polar explorer , a cloo friend of Amundsen , helped him raise another part. Amundsen was finally able to put out from Christianla In the Gjoa on Juno 17 , 1903. He sailed around the north eud of America , reaching the mouth of the Mackenzie river about Sept. ! ! , 190. ) , and then by way of Baffin bay , Lancaster sound , Barrow strait , Peel sound , James Itobs strait and Itao strait. Twice the Gjoa wintered In the Ice. For many months Amundsen maintained an observatory on King William Land , within ninety miles of the magnetic pole , taking daily ob > ei- vatious. A Long Sought Goal. The Northwest passage was formoro than three centuries the lure of adven turous sailors of all lands. Martin Froblsher I00 ! years ago had declared it the only thing that still remained to be discovered in the world. Perhaps it was John Cabot who first set out for It in an endeavor to find a new way east by bailing west. As far back as 1053 Sir Hugh Willoughby and Richard - ard Chancellor sailed from England to search for that i > ame passage. Fro- blsher followed In 1570. John Davis in 1D85 , Barents of Amsterdam in 1590 and scores of others , including Sir John Itoss. in ISIS , and Sir John Franklin In 18T.9. . Amundsen milled from Christianla , Norway , on June 1C , 1903 , in the llttlo Gjoa , a mere eggshell of a vessel , with but eight men all told upon her. The Gjoa registered only forty-seven tons nnd was seventy feet long nnd twenty brond. Amundsen made his way through Lancaster sound to Bcechy Island and sailed to Capo Adelaide , thence east ward of King William Land by enter ing Itoss strait. He reached Gjoa har bor , in latitude north OS degrees and 05 minutes , on the south coast of King William Land , on Sept. 17 , 1903. Them the vessel was laid up safely for the winter. From that'tlme until Aug. 13 , 1905 , Amuuducn made daily observations of magnetic conditions day nnd night for twenty months. On Aug. 13 , 1005 , the Gjoa started on her westward way. She had come some 770 miles from Ballln bay , and only 7CO remained to Cape Bathurst , the American whaling station , and the completion of the Northwest passage. At one point In Simpson strait there was barely room for her to POBB , and nt another jxilut them wan , water to a depth of only three fathoms. Dense Ice TVOB encountered In Victoria , strait , but eho elbowed her way through. News of the Discovery. On Aug. 20 , after passing through Dolphin nnd Union straits , the Ojon , somewhat cast of Capo Bnthutst , met the first American whaler. An accident to the propeller of the Hip necessitated Amundoon'i winter- lug with the Gjoa at King point , 09 degreea 10 minutes north , 188 degrees west. But Amundsen , taking sledge , arrived at Eagle City , Alaska , on Dec. 12 , 1005 , bringing the first new * * C ml. successful achievement . _ west passage to the world. He returned to the GJon that win ter and brought her Mifely through the Bering strait , the first ship to make the Northwest passage. lie had also determined the magnetic pole by observations covering nearly two years In Its Immediate vicinity. The Northwest passage trip brought Amundsen great renown , but Boon afterward he turned his t 'ights to ward the north pole and nco an nounced his plan of drifting around the polar sea. lie received strong backing from his countrymen , King ilnnkon of Norway heading the list of subscribers In support of his project. In 1909. when Dr. Cook returned to America with his yarn of how ho dis covered the north pole , Amundsen de clared ho paw no reason to doubt the doctor's story. A little later he him self announced his project of drifting around the polar sea to the north pole , a plan which was a little jest of his own apparently , for he switched off toward the south pole Instead. Fram Strongest Ship Afloat. The Fram , the ship in which Captain Amundsen made his expedition to the antarctic , is the vessel In which Dr. Fridtjof Nansen , the Norwegian ex plorer , achieved his "farthest north" in 1895. The word Fram means "for ward. " The ship was built especially for arc tic Ice bucking at Colin Archer's ship yard nt Larvik by Dr. Nansen after his return from his Greenland voyage in 1PS9 , and It Is considered the strong est small craft ever constructed , her power of resistance to a crush of Ice being greater than the force which would be needed to lift her on the Ice. The \es&el Is Just big enough for a crew of about twelve men , a typical viking's party such as Amundsen and the skippers of his race rejoice to take with them to measure the strength of small num'bers against the freezing might of the arctic. The Fram is a U shaped tub , design ed neither to be a fast nor a smooth sailor. She Is only 101 feet long nnd her breadth one-third her length. The ship is pointed at both ends to make nosing into nnd out of the Ice equally easy. She has no projecting corners and on the whole resembles a Norwe gian pllotboat. Her sides are from twenty-eight to thirty-two Inches thick a solid mass of pitch pine , oak nnd greenheart , her hull being covered with three nnd four thicknesses of tough , heavy timber , four feet wide at the bow and three feet at the stern. Withstood Rough Voyage. Captain Otto Sverdrup , an experienc ed arctic navigator , who was with Dr.- Nansen on his transgreenland trip of 1889 , had charge of the Fram on her maiden voyage into the arctic , when in 1SOH-90 Nausen reached the highest latitude until then attained , SG de grees 14 minutes north. It was a rough voyage , - < ho roughest timbers had ever weathered , but the Fram withstood the crush of the northern ice pack. At one point. In latitude 8.1 degrees 14 minutes , the ice pack froze stiff around her , and she seemed doomed to remain in perpetual cold storage in the frozen desert. Only by blasting with guneotton nnd powder were they able to free her and continue their course southward. On New Year's day. Just after Nan- Ben left the ship for his dash over the ice , the Ice froze once more around her and she was subjected to a pressure that would have crushed any other ship like an eggshell. But the From withstood it until the ice itself sudden ly cracked , leaving n free lane of wa ter ahead of her. One week in June , 1800 , at the height of the spring tides the Fram was ex posed to violent pressure by the chang ing tide currents , which twice a day lifted her from six to nine feet until her bottom could be plainly seen rest ing on the Ice. Yet even then as she was lifted out of her element and beached upon the Ice not n crack or groan was heard In her timbers. The men nlxmrd her were not even dis turbed in their slumbers nnd awoke ignorant of the danger that had men aced them In the night. Many times the little craft had to be thawed out of the Ice with steam , and several times gun powder and guneotton were used to blast her free. But the Fram came homo without a broken timber. It was for these qualities of the sturdy little ice ship that Amundsen selected her as the ship of his latest expedition when , In 1909 , he decided once more to enter the polar fields , and he asked the Norwegian state for her for his contemplated south polar voy age. age."Tho old Frnm Is not yet so entirely unfit for service as has so often been paid latterly , " he announced before he started on his expedition. "Watch her. " Two to One Against T. R. Sioux City Journal : Later returns from the North Dakota presidential primary show that LaFolletto receiv ed two votes for every one cast for Roosevelt. Does the full significance of that sink in ? When Theodore Roosevelt returned from his exploits In Africa and his triumphal trip through Europe ho was descilhed as "tho most popular American. " Ills right to the title was admitted without dissent. When the seven governors decided to save the republican party they In sisted Hint the Roosevelt popularity must he drafted to accomplish the Job. Roosevelt nt first refused to respond spend to the draft. Ilo insisted on being shown ( hnl the plea of the gov ernors represented a popular demand. He was shown n basket full of "straw \oti s" from many localities , Including North Dakota. The straw votes show ed that Roosevelt everywhere was a tlve-to-one , or a ten-to-one , or n flf- teen-to-ono popular favorite. There fore the colonel hurriedly agreed to run and expressed the hope that the Indhldunl voters everywhere would ho given a chance to express their preference In popular primaries. The first popular piesldentlal pri mary was held in North Dakota. Out of a total vote of about .10,000 Roosevelt velt got about 18,000 votes nnd La Folletto about : ! 2,000. Roosevelt had once- lived in North Dakota , and for various reasons his popularity was supposed to he stronger there than in any other state. LaFolletto was a stranger to North Dakota , known there only as u political revivalist who stood for certain principles ad vanced in the name of political re form. And yet the Noith Dakota popular verdict was two to one In tnvor of LaFollette. Why did the tremendous popular ity of Roosevelt melt in this acid test ? North Dakota is a radical state politically. Does the venllct indicate belief that the colonel as a radical Is a fake. Does it intimate convle tlon that the colonel gave LaFollette as well as Taft a dirty deal instead of a square deal ? Docs It reflect pop ular prejudice against a third term for even a popular man ? There are the figures two-to-one against Roosevelt. Let the third Jerin promoters make what they can of them. VALENiyAS 1,150 Recent Census Shows Increase Since Uncle Sam Took the Count. Valentino , Neb. , March 20. Special to The News : The recent census ink- en to ascertain whether Valentine had sufficient population to become a city of the second class has been finished. The results show this city to have a population of lluO people , an in crease over the federal census. During the past two years this rity has had a steady substantial growth and there are at prqs'ent no vacant houses in the town. Contractors anti cipate a busy spring and summer this year in building. Sufficient funds have been raised to assure the' erec tion of the auditorium which is the result 'of the activity of the Ladies' Improvement club. This building will he large , modern and up-to-d'ate in every respect. . Slips of the Tongue. In a case tried before u magistrate in Gln gov the defending agent made reference to a verbal agreement be tween the parties. "Let's see yer ver bal agreement , " the magistrate said. "Hand it up here. " At a parish council meeting , when a petition for some Increase of wages * was under consideration , the chairman said peevishly : "A eamw mak" held nor tall o' this doekyment. It's jist like Alphy and Omegy it's got neither be ginning nor end. " Glasgow'llerald. The Steeplechase. The lirst steeplecha e > s were literally "chases to a steeple. " The earliest we can discover was a match in 17.VJ be tween KdniundHlake and Mr. OTal- laghan over four and a half miles of stiff country between the cliui-ch ol IJuttevant and St.-Leger church spire. London Taller. Crelghton. Creighton , Neb. , March 2ti. Special to The News : Lots of snow fell this last time over IS Inches and feed Is getting very scarce. It can't be bought , as it Isn't In the country , but snow is melting away very fast and it looks like spring today. It's going to make the farmers hustle after It Is here to get their spring's work done , before they can go to planting corn as there is a lot of plowing to bo done yet for corn. Logan & Limkin are putting In a new up-to-date moving picture show , called the Lyric. The building is going to be eighty feet long with raised floor and opera seats and a stage for vaudeville work. They also will have ! .n automatic pianola. This will make two moving picture shows for Creighton. It seems that most every one is having auction sales here in Creigh ton the first one was S. .1. G. Irwin's store , the next one was Roctenberger , and the next one Is Chnrle * Kinlck , nnd one is W. H. Green , who Is going to have a sale March USth , selling at auction all his Implement goods. This does bring big crowds to town even if they don't buy. Roads are going to bo very bad this spring on account of the frost being so deep it will take some time before the frost will be all out , as the frost v.as down five and one-half feet and where the land is low , roads will bo very bad for a while. Depends on Viewpoint. Sioux City Journal : Col. Reese velt's Carnegie hall address was one of the best sounding speeches the colonel has over made , and ho has made a good many. It was admirably adapted for the purpose of the speak er , namely , the stirring of political prejudice. Selecting his own prem ises , the colonel's eloquence ran eas ily to some seemingly logical and pat- riotlc conclusions. " " "Plausible" Is the word that describes the Carnegie hall eloquence. Those who agreed with the speaker's premise at the outset could hardly avoid running along with him to the ultimate conclusion. Those who did not ugreo with the premise could find nothing but bun combe In the subsequent elaborate ar guments. This newspaper desires to bo Included In the latter class. A Cnllnway Bank Merger. Callaway , Neb. , March 2(1. ( For the past five years Callaway has main tained three banks. A deal has been closed In which Callaway State bank was consolidated with the First Na tional bank of this city , the business being mo\ed to the First National building.V. . T. Keyes , a heavy stock holder of the Callaway State bank , dis posed of his stock to the First Na tional and will retire from business. F. M. McGrcw , who linn been cashier of the Callaway State bank as well as a stockholder , also disposed of his stock and will retire from business. SOUTH DAK > TA AT A GLANCE. A new newspaper to ho known ns the Hornet , has been established nt White Lake. N. P. Ileinof Am urn county , was found Insane by the Insanity conitnls- ulnii and lias been taken to the state insane hospital nt Ynnkton. Jllkc Stadler , of Klmlmll county , lias sold his entlie held of pure bred cattle , said to be the finest In the state , to R. C. Drake , of Planklnton. Articles of incorporation hn\e been tiled with the secretary of state foi the Nlobrnra and Sioux City Railway Co , with a capital of $1,000,000. Fanners in the vicinity of Oelrlch will use dynamite to loosen the soil on the theory that better ciops can bo giown if tills method is followed. The Standard Oil company has se lected Mclntosh , In Corson county , its distributing point for that section of the state. A bin building will he erect ed nt once. M. F. Meyers , editor of the Ameri can Co-Operative Journal , of Chicago , addressed a big farmers' meeting at Iloven on the question of co-operative elevators and like enterprises The Minneapolis anil St. Louis .rail way has granted a free freight rate on seed grain to the commissioners of MePherson county and bonds have been issued by the county to secure enough to supply the farmers. The drouth of last season in the western part of the state Is now de clared to be a blessing in disguise. It is said the stimulating effect which it had on irrigation and dry farming methods will more than make up for the losses occasioned. A newspaper printed in the lan guage of the Sioux is being published by the Indians on the Cheyenne River1 reservation. A bananna tree at the state college .at Brookings is about to bear its first crop of fruit since it was broughtfrom - tiopicnl climes. Over lee Knights.of Columbus at tended the big meeting of that order under the auspices of the Mount Mar ty Council at Yanktnn. The schools at Ynnkton have re opened following a threatened epi demic of scarlet fever which caused the board to close them for a short . . . period. ' The grand lodge 'of the Degree of Honor of South Dakota has incorpor ated under the laws of the 'state. It has been in tlve state for about. 11 ! years. Harry Chambers and' Clarence Mid- dleton , two well known young men of Watertown , have been arrested charged with assaulting 12. D. Wilson , of Nob'lesviUe. Ind. Miss Irene Tastad and Richard Ras- musseii , of Woou&ocketsweethearts under parental displeasure , have dis appeared and it is believed flint they have eloped. All 'efforts to locate them have failed. A 'big good roads movement has been launched in Perkins county. It will- begin its efforts by securing the construction of a good road from the county seat -10 miles to the neatest railroad point. ' Financial difficulties besetting the 13etts Coiihtiuction Co. , of Huron , has caused the state association of Elks to take over the fine new building at Rapid City which that company was building for the order. The National Life Insurance Co. , of Montpelier , Vt. , the Bankers' Ac cldent of DCS Molnes , the Jefferson Fire of Philadelphia , and the Ply mouth Casualty of Minneapolis have withdrawn from the state. Reports from Berlin , Germany , are to the effect that Miss Cordelia Lee , a South Dakota girl , is making a big success in musical circles there. The same regulations regarding reg Istration are to apply In South Dako ta in the future for all municipal and local elections as for the state elec tions. The Henderson State bank , at Wes sington , closed for some weeks be cause of inability to realize on over due loans , may bo placed In the hands of a receiver. Residents between Philip and Faith arc petitioning for a mail line con necting those towns. At present mail has to travel iiOO miles to get a dis tance of CO miles. Indications are that the commission plan of government will be voted in at Watertown Saturday by a big ma jority. The campaign has been a vig orous one. Mystery surrounds the death of Mr. and Mrs. Chris Jensen , of Hurley , who were found dead In their homo by neighbors. It Is thought that they may have been overcome by coal gas. gas.The The success of the state builders meeting In session at Aberdeen ex ceeds all expectations and many pres ent pronounce it one of the most sig nificant gatherings over held In the state. state.Weather Weather and crop prophets through out the state are predicting the great- eat crop year in the history of South Dakota , The heavy snowfall of the winter , they declare , has put the ground In the host glmpo for good u- f MIlltM , Fire which broke nut In the Olbboim hotel nt Conde did damage to Ilio ex tent of about $ riiiiii. mo.st of which was en voted by tnsiiraiico. Charles llatdwlck. wanted at Leaden on a statutory chaw , has been ni- lested In Kansas nnd will he brought back nt once to face trial , The $500.000 worth of Htnte revenue warrants recently Issued by the nc < - retary of state were purchased by the Pierre Trust and Savings bank. Appraisers have put the piieo of the school lands about to he sold l < \ the state no high that an enormous sum for school purposes will be real- l/cd. Heveial sliaw voles on the pie.slden- tlal line-up taken in various parts of the state all give LaFolletto a lead over Ruo.sevelt and a big lead over Taft. Taft.The The special election on the commis sion plan of government at Water- * * ' town held today Is said to he bring ing out n record brenklng vote. The plan is expected to cany. Judge W. ( ! . Rice , of Dead wood , has tilled that the state irrigation law which made all water courses the property of the stale , is Invalid , a.- , liclni ; unconstitutional. The Milwaukee railway has piomN- ed to spend nliont $ .MOHO ) { ) on itn- piovcinents nt Aberdeen nnd vlclnit > . Freight yards , ilnnlile t nicking and an addition io the big round house there are included In the progrnin. FOSS NOT A CANDIDATE. So Speaker Clark Submits Candidacy In Massachusetts. Washington , March : : < ! . The Hub- mission of Speaker Champ Clark t name ns a democratic candidate in the presidential primary in Massachu setts April . ' 10ns determined on to day by the Clark leaders here alter , according to their statement , Go\ FOBS bad positively said he would not bo a candidate. Roosevelt's Real Friends. Omaha L'ee : It is tinlnlr for tho-t advocating a third term for Roosevelt / to deny the friendship for him of many of the men opposing his thitd term aspirations. Some of the litM and truest Ii lends Col. Roo.sevelL ever 'had'are not stipiiorling him In tl > present campaign and they are actu ated by the very best motives , still giving credit to him for the great re forms his iidm.inlstrntlun promoted or brought to completion. And it is be cause they believe in him and his great achievements and wish to see him and them go down in history dear of dlspniageitipitt thai they op pose his return to the white house tor the tit I r'd term as president. The clay will surely come when Col. Roosevelt himself will appreciate the difference between his unselfish friends who counselled against bis present venture and his "friends , " wit'h personal objects to servo or grievance's to redress , who dissuaded him from his own high resolve not to run again. His best Iriendsf believe , are those , who , like Senator Lodge , fqr Instance ; and Senator Rout and others , were eager to have him leave unhtokeh his ringing deelaia- tion to th American people that "un der no circumstances" would he fic- ce'pt another presidential nomination And had ii not been tor men , elit-- Kruntled ! President Taft , some of them dislodged from public office bv him for good and sufficient reason * had it not been for the Impetuous cin- sire of tiitse men to "get even" it is reasonable' to believ-e the luster fif the former president's fame and natm would now be undiininislieil. Real Estate Transfers. Tiiinsfers ol real estate for the past week. Compiled by Madison Count > Abstract & Guarantee Company. Of fice with .Mapes llazen , Norfolk. Wilholm Albrecht and wite to Fred Albrecht. warranty deed ; considera tion , $7,200 ; lots I ! and ! and south- one-half , noithwe > st quarter , -1-21-2. Lizzie Shepaid and husband to Hrir- ry E. Reaves , quit clulm deed ; con sideration , $ < iOO ; east one-half , south east quarter , 10-22-1. John Burke and wife to John Long , warranty eked ; consideration , $3,800. southwest quarter , 2G-23-2. Christ D. Schmltt and wife to Fred Raguse , warranty deed ; consideration $10,000 ; southeast quarter ; 11-21-2. Frank D. Hill and wife to C.V Lcmont , warranty deed ; consideration $1,000 ; lots 20 and 21 , block 1 , Nor folk Junction. Mary R. Rainbolt. et al , to Mary Brueggenii'n , warranty deed ; consid eration. $500 ; lots 1 , 2 , 7 and S. block 7 , Verges Suburban lots to Norfolk. Peter Bovo and wife to Israel Mil ler , warranty deed ; consideration. $ r > , GOO ; south one-half , southwest quarter. 29-23-1. Lewis G. Larson and wife to C , R Patterson , warranty cleed ; considera tion $ ir , SOO ; southeast quarter , 5-2M Christ J. Schaefer and wife to Jos eph Beller , warranty deed ; considera tion , $17,000 ; southwest quarter , " ! - 2M ) . Joseph A. Worley and wife to Frank i Lewis , warranty deed ; consideration $120 ; part of southwest quarter , 22- { 24-4. A Peter Bovo and wife to Isaac S. - * | ' Carter , warranty deed ; consideration. $5tOO ; north one-half , southwest quar ter , 29-23-1. Caroline Wolf to Otto W. Wolf. I warranty deed ; consideration , $250 ; south 1G > feet of lots 5 and C , block 21 , North Addition to Madison. E. W. 7-utz and wife to Minnie Mach- muller , warranty deed ; consideration , $100 ; lot 4 , block 12 , Western Town Lot Company's Addition to Norfolk Junction. Jacob Chrlstensen to Minnie Mach- muller , warranty deed ; consideration. $800 ; lot C , block 12 ; Western Town Lot Company's addition to Norfolk Junction .