Till : VOHI-'ni.IC AVKKKi.Y XKNYS-JOUtXAL. FK1DAY. MAIU'II ± i. 15)12. ) Sorry They Killed Hellmnn. Whllo I hey woo at iliu llnll fiinn Sunday , UK. ' com lets Hpoko of their oHcapo iiiul their murders , Thw men Hioko ) frequently of their ' rime. They did not HOOIU to show any wonow for thulr net except In Hit ) CHHO of Utilior llcllman. They ex pressed regret thai Ik'lliiiiin had hum killed , saying they had absolutely no grudge against him. According to Mr' . Hall thulr hltturnoHH was all aimed at Warden Dolahunty. They criticised thi ) treatment they had reeolvod at the prison , Haying that they weru glv- r\ ] \ poor food and not enough of It. A Running Fight for Three Miles. " Onmha March 111.Two , - of the con- > lctn--Jolin Dowd and Jolin Taylor , alias "Shorty" Gray who eHcaped limt Thursday from the utato peniten tiary at Lincoln , and Hey Illunt , an Innocent victim of their murderous uttetnpt to Hoeuro lllierty , are dead IIH the result of an exciting battle be- I ween tlio handltu and office of the law yenterday afternoon. Charlea Morley , the third ineinber < Tf the trio which escaped from the tate prlHon after killing three offi- clulH of that Institution , Haved his life by Biirronderlng to the officers with whom ho had fought a running battle - tlo over two and a half miles of coun try with horses on thegallop. . The three i-Hcaped convlcta were within striking diHtanco of the goal which they hoped might Bocnro their Hafoty when the final desperate strug- Ku ) for liberty occurred. They had covered this Htretch from Lincoln to within ten miles of Omahu'H city limltu , and they had expected to re ceive the protection of Home friendfl. It Was Rifles Against Shotguns. From the moment of their escape , the three men had employed the same doaporato inethodH to protect them fiolvcs from recapture which featured tnelr eacapo from prison , and they did not hesitate , at the crucial mo ment , to attempt to sell their lives : IH dearly as possible. It was a futile attempt , because they were armed with shotguns and revolvers , while their pursuers had a plentiful supply of repeating rifles and revolvers. Early in the day the telephone op- 'orator at Gretna , about fifteen miles V south of this city , gave the alarm of the presence in that vicinity of the desperate men. It had the result ot bringing to the vicinity no less than six organized posses. They Includes one from Omaha , composed of detee Jives and police oficers , another com ] K > sod of Sheriff McShano and his deputies c-f this county ; a third was made up of Sheriff Ilyer and his deputies from Lincoln ; Sheriff Chase , of Sarpy county with his deputies were also within striking distance am South Omaha sent two posses under Chief of Police Ilriggs and the Gret na company of militia were early 01 the scene. The Death Chase Begins. Chief Briggs of South Omahn am his deputy , John C. Trouton , were loaders in the party which finally ov ertook and vanquished the three con victs and shot an innocent victim o their desperate dash for liberty Briggs left this clt > * on an early morn ing special train with several Omah ; police officers. They left the train a Springfield , about fifteen miles south of here , and there learned the move ments of the convicts. The men had broken Into a store at Murdock , be tween this city and Lincoln , and stolen % en guns , ammunltioji and clothing , and of this fact the officers were ap prised. It was learned that the men were on their way north , with Albright , an Omaha suburb , as their destination , and the chase then began. Chief Driggs secured a fast livery team at pringfield , Sheriff Chase also had a od team and Sheriff Ilyers of Lin- . oln joined the party. Three miles out of Springfield , the posse learned that the convicts had forced .lames Blunt and his wife , par ents of the murdered man , to give them breakfast and furnish a team mil wagon , with which they hoped tn escape to Albright. The chase began at once. Kvory man in the party was heavily armed with rifle or revolver , The rural telephone played its part in the chase and the pursuers were able to learn from farmers the route of the progress of the desperate men , A Running Fight For Three Miles. Reaching a point eight miles from here , the officers came up to the \ehlclo carrying the convicts , neat Miwlnkle school. Young Blunt was forced to keep his horses on a run , but the officers kept up the chase un til they were within : i few hundred \ards of the fleeing convicts. Then Chief Briggs' driver , who led the rest of the party , balked and refused tc drive further. Chirf Briggs himself grasped thr reins and whipped the horses Intr gallop. When they were within n hundred yards of the pursued mer Briggs and Trouton opened flro witl their rifles. From that time unti Morley finally surrendered it was r dashing fight over three miles o rough country roads. The convicts wore armed with shot guns and revolvers. Halls of sho1 ramo rattling into the faces of tin pursuers and their horses , while tin revolver bullets were poorly almei and were spent in the snow-drifts 01 their side. Farmer First to Fall. Finally there was a halt , whei young Blunt toppled back Into thi wagon , the victim of a bullet. Ohio Ilriggs jumped from the buggy li which he was riding and with delII orate aim fired at the men in tin wagon. Meantime other members o the posse came up and joined in th fusillade against the desperate nien. John Dowd was the next to fall Chief Briggs believes he was a vlctiu of one of the bullets from the posse but Convict Morley asserts that h fired a bullet Into his own brain. Taylor was the next to fall an : hen Charles Morley , the third cor V Irt , throw up hlu hands , in token of Kurrondor. Uilof llrlggs , who was leading the larty. Hhouted to Morley : "Drop that gun or I'll blow your lead off. ' ' Morley , who held aloft a big double ictlon revolver , dropped It and Hrlggs ink-red him to como forward with its hands up. Thin Morley did and Brigga took a econd revolver from hlu pocket when 10 approached. ' Not knowing Just what had happen- d , Brlgga demanded of .Morley the urrender of the other men in the vagon. "They are all dead , " declared Mor- ey. Brlgga then went to the wagon , tak- ng Morley with htm , and found the IfoloHB bodies of the vlctlma of the tattle. The bodies of the dead convicts vero turned over to Sheriff Myers of jlncoln and that of young Blunt to ilH family. Hyera also took Morley mt'k to Lincoln on an afternoon train. Jrlggs and Trouton received several slight flesh wounds an a result of the shotgun flro of the convicts , but they vero Insignificant ] That the escaped convicts were lester or a while during the early part of ho day la evident. They secured their ) oarlngsH after a breakfast at the Hunt home. Their objective point vas Omaha and they told young Hunt that If he took them swiftly to Mbrlglit , the Omaha suburb , no harm would como to him. Blunt Just Married. Blunt was 22 years old and had been narried but two months. Ills young widow was prostrated when hla body was returned to the family home by its brother. Following the final battle , several miidred farmers arrived on the scene mil the procession which followed the officers back to Gretna was nearly two miles long. At Gretna tiic different posses dis persed to their own cities. Chief of Police Brigga and John 1'routon , his deputy , who did most of the shooting , had little to say about the killing of young Blunt. Briggs declared he could not tell who fired the shot which killed Blunt , but Trou- ton intimated his belief that Blunt died from a bullet fired by one of the convicts. Morley Sorry About Blunt. Lincoln , Marcli 19. Charles Morley , the living member of the trio of con victs captured after a four-day hunt yesterday and who killed three men to escape from prison , will probably be given his preliminary hearing the latter of the week. The charge which will bo filed against him will be that of "conspiracy with intent to commit murder. " " \Ve have filed an Information against Morley , Dowd and Gray , charging murder in the first degree , " said County Attorney Harger this morning , "but we will bo unable to rely on that as we have no proof as to which convict fired the fatal shots. The charge of conspiracy with Intent to commit murder covers the same of fense and meets witli the same pen- ally as the first degree charge , but the elements are different. Morley's trial will probably occui second on the criminal docket in tiie April term of court , about April 20 The trial of Albert Prince for the min der of Deputy Warden Davis on Fob 11 occurs April 2. ' ! , the first day o that term. The authorities assert thai botii men , if convicted , will probablj hang together. Morley is at present in a solitary * cell at the penitentiary next to thai occupied by Prince. He was very tire ( last night , although willing to tall about the break for liberty. His enl : regret is for the deatli of Roy Blunt ' the young farmer who was killed. Morley Tells of Experiences. Morley told the story of the escape the pursuit and tile battle. lie sail the volley from the posse in the figh near Gretna first killed young Blunt : tne convicts' hostage , who was driv ing them across country. Convict Tay lor was the next man hit and lie diei within a minute without saying i word. "Dowd , " said Morley , "shot himsel in the head when he saw escape wai Impossible. He attempted to do thi ! earlier in the game , but I knocked hi ! hand away and told him that we migh as well fight it out. I fired six more shots with a revolver and then jump ' ed out of the wagon and raised in : hands above my head and ran towan the posse. Deputy Sheriff Eckenber > ; * caught me by the collar and he am Sheriff Ilyers saved my life. Thi bunch who were in the lead in tin buggy wanted to shoot me after I ha < given up. But the two men would no let them. " " \Ve spent Sunday night on the wa ; from Prairie Home , " said Morley Ji recounting the experiences leading ute to the battle. Tie Farmer and Wife ; Cut Phone. "We stopped at a farmer's namei Elmer Hall and there we ate. W left them tied up and cut their tele phone wires. Near there we stole handcar. We thought we were sur to get away and we were headed fo the rock quarries at Louisville , bu changed our route. "Wo kept on north until we reache Ulunt's , about four miles north of th track. There we ate again and tall ed with the Blunt boys , Roy and Lloy and made them give us a team. W knew that the posse was then o > behind us so we took Roy Blunt a a hostage and left a note to the poss telling them of this. "From then on north for ten mile > we kept out of sight of the possi though we constantly met posses < farmers. These .however , were am ed with shotguns and whenever the > saw us they turned and drove th other way. About fourteen mile north of the tracks the lead buggy ( the sheriff's posse , which was stmn out back of us for two miles , can within sliootng | distance of us. v "We fired first.but they prompt ! | returned the fin > and I lie hoy. Illunt , ami Ta > lor wore killed early In the flKht. " "Shorty" Gray Planned Escape. Morley declared hat the cBcapo from the penitentiary had not been long planned. Ho did not luiov ? of it until Thursday morning. The guns were given him and Dowd , by Taylor , who also had the explosive. "We had no trouble In leaving the hops at the penitentiary , " said Mor- . "We simply left In a bunch and walked across the prison yard. We entered the chapel and Taylor went over to the deputy warden's office. ( There ho shot the deputy warden. Deputy Warden Wagner was the gam- 'oHt man we met. Ho drew his re- volvcr and tried to ahoot Taylor , but was dying at the time. When wo made our escape we were armed with four revolvers. Taylor had a 88-Wln- ( cheater revolver. Dowd had a 38 [ Smith & Wesson and I had a 38. We also took Pahl'a gun , hut wo did not have very much ammunition. Their Hands and Feet Frozen. "After our escape from the peniten tiary we had a terrible time in tne blizzard. Wo were almost exhausted when we reached the shelter. All of us had our feet and hands frozen. "Tlie next morning we held up a milk wagon boy and after securing breakfast at his home , forced him , to haul UB to the city. After he lot us out In Lincoln we struck for some railroad sheds and after staying there a while wo went to Havclock. There we spent the night in a barn and also stayed the next day. We were nearly found there several times when the man came to get hay for the animals. We were covered up in 1he hay and once I had to draw up my legs to keep the man from picking them up in the armload of feed. After staying a night and a day in the barn in Havelock , we struck east. We stopped at the Hall residence near Prairie Homo and stayed thsre part of Sunday night. " The bodies of the two dead con victs were brought here. Morley was taken to the penitentiary and return ed to a cell. The special Burlington train bearing the sheriff and posse , two dead convicts and Morley ran through Lincoln without stopping , direct to the penitentiary , that course being deemed advisable for fear of a possible demonstration against Morley - ley from the crowd assembled at the Lincoln depot. An Inquest Over Blunt. Papilllon , Neb. , March 19. Coroner Armstrong of Sarpy county left here today for the Blunt farm to hold an inquest over the body of Roy Blunt , the young farmer who was killed dur ing the battle between escaped convicts - victs and officers in the northern part of tlie county yesterday. An effort will bo made to fix tlie responsibility of liis death. Mellck For Warden. Lincoln , March 19. It is announc ed that Gov. Aldrich will appoint Samuel M. Melick , former chief ol the v Lincoln police force and formei sheriff of Lancaster county , warder of tlie state penitentiary . He has re sided in tlie county twenty-five years Relatives Saw Blunt Killed. Omaha , March 19A. Roy Blunt , the i Innocent victim of yesterday's battle between the three escaped convicts , and the officers of the law near dial t co , Neb. , was 22 years old. He was .married . hist Christinas to Miss Car 1 melita Anderson. The affair was r ' double wedding at which a brothei * of Miss Anderson was the othei groom. They lived on a farm twc miles from tlie house of James Blunt y Roy's father , where the outlaws stop ped for food and from which plac ( they compelled Roy Blunt to drive ' them in their effort to reach Albright a suburb of Omaha. 11 In one of the POSSPS which closee 4 in upon the convicts and witnessei > the battle or took part in it , wen * , ' Floyd Blunt , brother of Roy , am1 James Anderson , his father-in-law . . With tears , they pleaded with the of 1 : fleers not to fire upon tlie fleeim I bandits , as to do so would mean cer ' tain death to their relative in tin I 8 , wagon. It was pointed out that th < 3 team was about spent and the mer 3 ' could soon be captured , probably with I out a fight. e I Finally , however , the outlaws begai " firing at their pursuers and then the ? I battle was on. II i Whose bullet killed the young farm ' er will never be known. d , e I "Shorty Gray" Dealt in Death. e ' "It is a blessing for the entire stati ll and a great relief to every officer it I the state , " said Sheriff C. S. Smitl last night , after reading of the killlnj v of the convicts who murdered threi II penitentiary officials at Lincoln las 1' week. j "Every officer in the state lias beei on a keen lookout for these murder - d ers , " continued the sheriff , who ha ! * - in the past chased Gray all over tin 3country. . "Not only Is it a blessini i n for tlie officers , but to tlie public a 'e large , more especially to the farmeri r who usually suffer most from thesi it desperadoes. The killing of Farme Blunt is most unfortunate. " d i Attended Madison County Fairs. ie j Sheriff Smith has known "Shorty1 k- Gray for the past fifteen years. Hi d know him as the pretending horsi 'e trader , when Gray used to attend thi n Madison county fairs. Two years agi IB Marshal Kennedy of Madison founi ' necessary to drive Gray out of th city because of 'Gray's connectloi s with a gang of immoral men and we e , men. Gray had charge of Severn of houses with unsavory reputation * n-'says the sheriff. y | It Is the firm belief of Shorll 10 Smith that Gray was at the head c 3S'an ' organized band of bank robberf nf' ' After the. Meadow Grove robber ig. Sheriff Smith trailed Gray from Cro : ie ton , Neb. , to Yankton , S. D. , but one I In that city , Gray's trail was loBt. H y just dropped out of eight and th Tailors could find nothing more of ilm. Elmer Dunning , now serving time for postofflce robbery , says an officer assisted In hiding Gray , and t Is believed that Dunning was a Member of the organl/.od gang. Fear of Gray Makes Slavln Insane. To Illustrate Gray's character , Slier- if Smith points to Tom Slavln , the jandll captured In Norfolk and who ater told a NOWH man that It was Gray who led in the Meadow Grove bank robbery. Slavln IB now a raving maniac and IB confined in a state asy lum. The belief that Gray and hln gang would kill him , because ho gave officers Information which "would aid Lhem In arresting Gray , canoed Slav- ln'n insanity , Bays Sheriff Smith. Slavln knew that Gray was at the liead of an organized gang and he ilso knew that the gang would "get him" when ho finished his ten years In the penitentiary for Ills part in the Meadow Grove deal. Gray Would Kill Anybody. "Gray wno a desperado of the worst type , " says the sheriff. "He would kill anyone who came in his way when he was committing a crime. Slavln told mo that during the Mea dow Grove job , Gray had ordered eacli man on guard to shoot and kill any one who did not halt at the first com mand. " Fire Sweeps Through Hotel. The South Norfolk firemen , led by Firemen Schaeffer and Taylor , were on the ground immediately after the alarm was turned in. The city de partment was out very promptly. At the corner of Norfolk avenue and Fourth street the heavy hose wagon was stuck in tlie snow and an addi tional team was put into service. Fireman William McCijne drove tlie wagon for regular Driver Tnielock , who is ill. H took the city firemen an hour to make the trip because of the snow. Chief Green and Assistant 11. W. Winter attacked tlie second story of the building while the South Norfolk firemen took charge of the basement. A frozen fire hydrant caused some delay and for a time it was believed that the Koerber barber shop and other buildings were in danger. Wliile tiie fire originated in tlie basement kitchen , a hole was cut from the top story through to the basement and a hose was inserted tc check the flames which were begin ning to make great headway on the first and second floors. The firemen assisted in carrying out tlie furniture which was damaged mostly by watei and smoke. Many of tlie foremen were kept on duty at tlie hotel for al least three hours after the fire had been extinguished. Many of then : suffered from tlie water which soaked through their clothing. At 10 o'clock , Mr. and Mrs. Harrj W. Hershberger , owners of the hotel were on the second floor making in the beds. Mr. Herschberger noticei and smoke. Many of the firemer He was unable to say how the fin t j started. H Mr. Horschberger took possessior " , of the Garni hotel , also known as UK Clifton house and the Cottage Inn , 01 .January . 1 last , having purchased I from M. O. Wolcott , formerly man j ager of the Northwestern eatiiu house and now located at Akron , Cole , The hotel has twenty-two rooms. Th < J building was remodeled in 1910 ant made modern. A number of railroat employes , rooming at the hotel , an \ now looking for other quarters. Tin building was worth about $5,000 am \ - was insured for $3,000. I The firemen are receiving mucl r credit for saving the building fron 5 being completely destroyed. Durini 1 the entire fight with the fire , enl ; once did the firemen see a smal J blaze , their fight being mostly agains ' the dense smoke which filled the build ' ing , handicapping them on all sides , j I The streets in the immediate vlclii j j ity of the fire are inundated witl x several feet of water and meltini J snow. This hindered the work of tin firemen and because they were fore [ ed to wade through this water , thi , work was most disagreeable. The Bryan Birthday Dinner. " Lincoln , March 20. Representativ democrats of the state and natioi who declare allegiance to tlie progres sive wing of the party conferred ii Lincoln on questions of party polic ; and last night paid their tribute t ' i William J. Bryan at a banquet givei . I in his honor on the occasion of hi | fifty-second birthday , j With all the significance of wha I promises to be a strenuous preside ) : Q tial campaign bearing on them am i , with members of the party over th , country waiting to hear an expres 5' ' slon from Mr. Bryan on the questio : B of presidential preference , the fum t tion took on more than the usual sif j nificance. The set speeches of th i. evening , delivered in turn by forme . Senator Pettigrew of South Dakott s Senator Gore of Oklahoma , George o Fred Williams of Massachusetts ; Frederick Townsend Martin of Net \ t j York , Congressman Henry of Texai B Senator James of Kentucky and Mi e Bryan , avoided as a rule the persona r , preferences of the speakers but ou' ' side the banquet hall. the speaker wero'less reserved. George Fred Williams was outspok en In his opposition to Gov. Woodro\ Wilson , together with former Senate Pettigrew , Just as Senator Gore was hearty champion of the New Jerae ; governor , along With CongreBsmei James and Henry. While the sentiment of the epeal era was along strictly progresslv lines , at times radical , In harmony wit the advanced Ideas of Mr. Bryan , th rank and file of the diners comprise a mixed crowd.many adherents of Goi Harmon and Congressman Underwoo being in attendance. Following the dinner , letters of r < gret were read from Senator O'Goi man of Now York ; Congressman Mi gulro of Nebraska ; Senator Nowland o'of Nevada ; Gov. Burke o"f North Di ota , Mayor Ga.uior of Now York Ity ; Senator Martin of Now Jersey , ml others , Mayor Gaynor , In his letter , mild : "I very much regret that I have ther engagements which prevent me oni accepting the Invitation to Mr. ryan'H birthday dinner by the Lin- oln club. I should bo most glad to onor Mr. Bryan for all the good he as done his country. Ho has lllus- 'itU-d ' anew and HO as to make every- no Bee , that it is not those who hold fflco that do the most for their conn- y and their follow men. "Even the presidential office would ot add to Mr. Bryan and he Is also ho greatest teacher the country has. " The dinner was held at the Lincoln iiidltorlum and began shortly after o'clock. Mr. Bryan was the last speaker and Is remarks were brief and along enoral lines. He disappointed tlie rowd when he fallod to announce- his ersonal preference for president but van given applause when ho declared f all the men mentioned for the of- Ice , none would suit him better than senator-elect Olllo James. He brought laugh when , referring to President 'aft and Col , Roosevelt , he Bald head ad never expected to see the day when the principal and his counsel ppenrcd as opposition litigants In a onrt , nor when two such eminent lolitlcal opponents were working for ho common democratic good. Ex-Convict Is Arrested. Omaha , Marcli 20. H. D. Reed , ex- onvlct , released from the state pcnl- cntlary Marcli 1 , was arrested last Ight by Detectives Donohoo , Hart- Icld and McDonald upon the suspl- ion that ho knows something of the muggling of arms and explosives in- o the penitentiary. Ho is being held ending investigation and will be uestioned again today in an effort o make him divulge his supposed -tnowledge. - Reed would not talk when arrested ml ho sullenly protested that ho was he victim of police persecution bo- : ause he is an ex-convict. He was ar- csted here last year by Detectives Junn and Fleming for breaking into freight car at Papillion and ho was entenced for one year. Reed , it is said , was "chummy" with * Jray for weeks before he was dis- barged Tills and the fact that he was in Lincoln the week of the mutiny s believed to bo sufficient grounds for his arrest until an investigation can be made. Tlie police believe that ie is guilty and every attempt will ie made to get the facts concerning its Lincoln visit. It is also believed that Reed plan- led to have the three convicts come to Omaha upon their escape and hide them hero until tlie excitement blew over. This belief is based upon the fact that all of the progress of tlie nutineers was towards Omaha. Barring the presence of the militia men , everything at the penitentiary is now going along as if nothing unusual had happened. The convicts were all at work at their usual tasks yester day and other prison routine has been taken up. Another Great Blanket of Snow. Tlie weather bureau forecasts fur ther heavy snow , falling temperature and high northerly winds. Tiie most severe of a series of rec ord breaking snow storms swooped down unexpectedly upon northern Ne braska and southern South Dakota during tiie night. At 9 o'clock ten inches had fallen in Norfolk and this heavy blanket extended north to the Rosebud country and west to the edge of Nebraska. It became llghtei toward Omaha , there being but three inches at that hour in Omaha. People coming down town during the morning had to wade through an unbroken ocean of snow knee deep , There were no gaps , no bare spots to afford relief In the exhausting effort to get through. A north wind was blowing and this filled railroad cuts to the utmost , Train service in all directions was paralyzed and in many instances trains were totally abandoned. Within ten hours tlie railroads had changed from fighting washouts tc bucking snowdrifts. Tlie snow came without warning , "threatening" belnp tlie nearest tlie weather bureau gel to it. Dr. Frlnk Out of the Field. Dr. F. L. Frlnk of Newman Grove who had decided to enter the race for the republican congressional nomina tion in the Third district of Nebraska changed his mind at tlie last moment and withdrew from the contest. Tlie ruling of the secretary of state against using.the title of "Dr. " on the primary ballot caused Dr. Frink to quit the contest. In a telegram to The News , Dr Frink says : "When I made my filing at Madison I was particular that my receipl should read 'Dr. F. L. Frink,1 and 1 had an idea that such a thing would be right and perfectly proper , but upon reaching Lincoln I learned that tlu secretary of state lias made a ruliup that no titles would be allowed on the ballots. I therefore decided to kcei out of the race if I was to bo depriv ed of my identity. " Dr. Frink wishes to thank thi friends who had offered their co-op cration. Lincoln , March 20. The time llml for the filing of candidates' namei to go on the primary ballot expire * last night. For president three names are filet on the republican ticket Taft , Uooae veil and LaFollette ; and three on tin democratic ticket Wilson , Clark am Harmon. Four names have been en rolled for vice president , Albert J Beveridgo , of Indiana ; John O. Yel ser , of Nebraska ; Gov. Hartley , o Missouri , and Gov. Stubbs , of Kansas Two Delegate Tickets. Thirty-two republicans have filed a candidates for delegates to the nation al convention sixteen on the Taft ticket and sixteen on the Koosovolt- LaFollotto ticket , milking the contest a squarely fought ono. Seventeen democrats have filed for the sixteen delegate positions , the extra filing beIng - Ing for delegate at large , In which W. J. Bryan , Senator Hitchcock , Fred Volpp of Scrlbner , Tom W. Smith of York and George * L. Loomls of Fre mont are tlie entries. For national commltteoman , Victor Rosewater and R. B. Unwell , both of Omaha , are to contest for ( lie repub lican honor , and Dr. P. L. Hall of Lincoln and Charles Fanning of Om aha on the democratic Hide * . For United States senator , the contest - test Is directly between Brown and Norrls on tlie republican side , while three democrats former Gov. Shal- lenberger , W. H. Thompson of Grand Island , and Willis E. Heed , of Madi son desire the nomination. Congressional Lineup. Congressman Magulro ( dom. ) In the First , CongreBsman Stephens ( dem. ) in the Third , Congressman Sloan ( rep. ) In tlie Fourth and Con gressman Klnkaid ( rep. ) In the Sixth have no opposition within their par ties for renomlnatlon. For the repub lican nomination1" ! ) ! the First district Paul F. Clark and W. A. Solleok , both of Lincoln , are entered. In the Second end , Congressman Lobeck has a dem ocratic opponent in tlie person of W. F. Stoeckoi , while the republican nom ination is being fought for by H. H. Baldridge , Ben S. Baker and T. W. Blackburn. In the Third J. C. Cook of Fremont is tlie only republican en try. In the Fourth C. M. Sklles of ivid City is the only democratic eu try. In the Fifth State Auditor Bar ton anil W. A. Prince , both of Grand Island , desire the republican nomina tion , while R. D. Sutherland is the only democratic entry. In the Sixth J. A. Donahoo of O'Neill and W. J. Taylor of Merna are democratic can didates. The gubernatorial fight contains five entries , aside from the minor par ties. Gov. Aldrich has an opponent in Jesse Newton , a Wymoro merchant , while H. L. Metcalfe , of Lincoln. John H. Moorehead , of Falls City , and C. W. Pool , of Tecumseh are democratic contestants. The Morehead men de clare Pool wil bo out of tlie race by withdrawal before tomorrow night. Democratic Entries. For other positions on the tickets tlie democratic entries are : Lieuten ant governor , Herman Diers , Gresham - ham ; secretary of state , A. T. Gate- wood , McCook , and J. W. Kelley , Bea ver City ; auditor , II. C. Richmond , Omaha ; treasurer , Floyd Seybolt , Ge neva and George E. Hall , Franklin ; superintendent , John Speedle , Benson , E. f. Monroe , Shelton and R. V. Clark , Harvard ; attorney general , A. M. Morrissey - rissey , Lincoln and M. W. Terry , Beatrice ; land commissioner , W. B. Eastliam , Broken Bow ; railway com missioner , C. E. Harman , Holdrege ; E. C. Simmons , Lincoln ; W. G. Stamm Lincoln ; Sam Hinkle , Ilavelock , and B. M. Simms , Hastings. Republican entries for state offices are : Lieutenant governor , S. R. Me- Kelvie , Lincoln , M. L. Fries , Arcadia , and L. A. Varner , Sterling ; secretary of state , Addison Wait , Syracuse ; aud itor , H. A. Webbert , Kearney , W. B , Howard , Omaha ; I. D. Evans , Kene- saw , and W. J. Blair , Linwood ; treas urer , W. A. George , Broken Bow , and F. C. Ilamer , Omaha ; superintendent , J. E , Delzell , University Place and G. W. Whitehorn , Spencer ; attorney gen eral , Grant Martin , Fremont , republi can ; land commissioner , C. C. Bos- law , York ] S. C. Bassett , Gibbon ; Fred Beckmann , Lincoln , W. S. Walte , Loup City , Henry Howard , Elk Creek , and W. L. Minor , Merrill ; railway commissioner , II. G. Taylor , Central City , M. T. Harrison , Dunbnr and Wil liam Colton , York. Candidates In Madison County. Madison , Neb. , March 20. Special to The News : Filings of candidates closed last night. The following per sons have filed : For Representative Twenty-fourth District George N. Heels , Norfolk , republican ; H. Warner , Warnerville , republican ; II. C. Ilaskins , Madison , democrat. Float Representative for District Twenty-six Lew J. Young , Newman Grove , democrat. For state senator for this senatorial district consisting of Madison , Stanton - ton and Colfax counties Felix J. Hale of Norfolk , democrat. For Commissioner of Second Dis trict Fred J. Terry , Warnerville , re publican ; G. W. Evans , Norfolk , re ub- llcan ; Obed Raasch , Norfolk , republi can ; Fred Lau , Norfolk , democrat ; Herman Buettow , Norfolk , democrat. For County Attorney II. Haider- son , Newman Grove , republican ; Art J. Koenigstein , Norfolk , democrat. For Assessor Mark Richardson , Madison , republican ; M. G. Doehring , Battle Creek , democrat. For Surveyor to fill vacancy C. S. Hnntley , Norfolk , republican. Willing to Give Her His Reward. Omaha , March 20. Chief of Police John E. Briggs of Soutli Omaha , wht took a leading part in the battle neai Chalco , Neb. , last Monday which re suited in the death of two escapee convicts , the capture of the third ane the killing of Roy Blunt , the jounj farmer who had been forced to drlv < for the outlaws , wired today fron Chicago offering to turn over hli share of tlie reward to Mrs. Blunt the widow of the Innocent victim o the affair. Briggs Is attending a bowling tour nament at Chicago. Saloon Issue at Oakdale. Oakdale , Neb. , March 18. Spccla to The News : At n Joint caucus Sat unlay evening ? the members of tin citizen's party and of the munlclpa reform party nominated the followini men to fill the vacancy on the towi hoard : G. E. Poets , Homer C. Me Donald and 11. 1. IngnlHbco. Those men pinked thcinsolvos to ho gov erned by the decision of the voters at the spring election , In regard to granting a saloon license for the coming year. Commission Plan Beaten. Grand Island , Nob. , March ! ! ( ) . The proposition to adopt the commission form of government In thin city wan badly defeated yesterday , the oppo l- tlon led and conducted by Councilman Hyde effectively using the argument that It would moan a curtailment of , or at ItMiBt endanger , personal liberty and that ulterior motives , with refer ence to real estate movements prompt ed UHI submission. The promotion of the plan was largely in the hands' of a committee of the Commercial club. The total WHH 325 for and 7-15 against , Given Farewell at Butte. Bntte , Nob. . March 19. Special to The News : The members of MasonIc - Ic Order No. 2113 and Bernlco Chap ter O. E. S. No. 120 tendered a fnre- well reception to Mr. and Mrs. E. (5. Van Every at tholr lodge rooms , Wed nesday evening. A banqunt wan spread for over forty people * . The > vonlng was spent In feasting , speech making and a general social time , R. V. Wilson acting as toastmaster. The ladles of the O. E. S. presented Mrs. Van Every with a Houvenir spoon of Itutlo as a small token of the ser vices filio has rendered that Chapter. Mr. and Mrs. Van Every and Grand ma Van Every loft Thursday morn ing * for Norfolk whore they expect to make their future homo. The best wishes of a host of friends go with them. Buy Stunrt Church. Newport , Nob. , March til. Special to The News : The biminosM men of Newport hnvn purchased the old Catholic church at Stuart and will have it moved hero as soon as possi ble. Germany Will Not Act. Berlin , Marcli 20. The German for eign office lias decided that there is no ground for Gorman action In Mexico ice , which has lie-on demanded by certain newspapers in consequence of a report cabled from Now York on March 18 that some followers of the insurgent leader , Emiliano Zapata. had murdered a Mormon woman. An investigation by the German authori ties lias proved the report was false. Big Fire in Sioux City. Sioux City , la. , March 20. Like so much tinder , the stock and building occupied by tlie Lindtiolm Furniture company at the southwest corner of Fifth and Douglas streets was totally destroyed by 'fire ' last evening. Only lie heroic and efficient work of the fire department saved the other build ing in tlie quarter block The Jour nal office and tlie building occupied by the W. C. Davenport company , cleaners and renovators of clothes and the Lorcli block , across the alloy to the west of the doomed structure. Flood at Sheridan , Wyom. Sheridan , Wyom. , Marcli 20.sii'l ' - den thaw in eastern Wyoming along , tlie watershed of the Chevenne river I caused that stream to flood its banks. Ice gorges rapidly formed , tearing away nuuinients protecting tlie Bur lington railroad ncrr Edgemont sta tion for several hundred feet making it Imperative to riprap track before 1 traffic couJd be resinned. A portion 1 of thn country is submerged witli wot- i er four feet. Residents bad been I warned and escaped to safe ground. ' i Taxicab Chauffeur Sentenced. ' ' 'i New York , March 20.- Gene Mon- tani , the chauffeur who drove the ' taxicab in which two hank messen gers were beaten and robbed of $20- 000 in cash , and who was recently found guilty of highway robbery , was sentenced today from ten years to eighteen years and two months in the state prison. WEDNESDAY WRINKLES Mr. Sailof Meadow Grove was hero transacting business. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Lemont , and T. O. Hight have gone to Kissimi , Fla. , for a few weeks. Order of Hearing on Original Probate of Will. In the County Court of Madison County , Nebraska. The State of Ne braska. Madison County : To all persons Interested in the estate - tate of Christoph Goiter , deceased : Whereas , there is on tile in tlie coun ty court of said Madison County , an instrument purporting to lie the last will and testament of Christoph Got- ter. late of said Madison County , de ceased , and Margarotlia Getter has filed her petition herein praying to have said instrument admitted to pro bate , and for the Issuing of letters testamentary , which will relates to both real and personal estates : I have therefore appointed Monday , 1'ith day of April , 1912 , at one ock In the atternoon , at the county court room in Madison , in said coun ty , as the time and place for hearing and proving said will , at which time and place you and all concerned may appear and contest the probate and allowing of the same. It IH further ordered that said peti tioner give notice to all persons Inter ested In said estate of the pendency of the said petition , and the time and place set for the hearing of the same , by causing a copy of this order to bo published in the Norfolk Weekly News-Journal , a newspaper printed , published and circulating In said coun ty , for three weeks successively pre vious to the day set for the hearing. In wltnesB whereof I have hereunto set my hand and official seal this 21st day of March , 1912. 1912.M. M. S. McDiiffee , ( Seal ) . County Judge ,