The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, March 22, 1912, Page 2, Image 2

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Henry Phigemand and son Fred ot
Stanton \voro hero visiting with W. L.
V V. Stockton returned from Oma
City Clerk Eel I farter returned last
night from Chicago.
Mlflfl Agnes Barnes of Battle Creek
VWH hero vlHllliiK with friends.
Mr. and Mrs. L. Bruso and HOII re-
ttiriu tl from an extended nojourn
through Texan.
F. n. Sloglor , who wan here visitIng -
Ing with the L. I' . Pasewalk family ,
h/in returned to lila homo at Mankuto ,
Earl Hnnsom Is Buffering from an
Attack Of tODHllltlR.
The republican caucuses to nomln-
atu candidates for council from each
ward and two members of the school
hoard will ho held In the city hall
thin evening.
Mrs. M. D. Tyler la nubstitutlng an
Latin toacner In the high school dur
ing the Illness of MHS ! Ring , who will
he confined to a Lincoln hospital for
about 0110 month.
A local Jewelry firm reported the
sale of a number of diamonds amount-
to several hundred dollars , by tele
graph yesterday. The money for the
stones catno by wire.
M. 13. Crosier , superintendent of the
Norfolk schools , wont to O'Neill Fri
day afternoon to Judge a debate be
tween O'Neill and Valentine. The
winners of this debate are scheduled
to go to the Lincoln contest.
The Madison basketball team was
not able to bo present for the sched
uled game Friday night. The Wayne
team took the Madison date and a
fast game with the Norfolk team In
the skating rink was expected.
Mrs. Keller , mother of Mrs. Carl
Wlldo of this city , and of V. J. Kel
ler of Fremont , died at her homo In
Spokane , Wash. , Friday morning , ac
cording to a telegram received by
Mr. Wlldo. Mrs. Keller was 76 years
of age. Mrs. Wilde will leave for
Spokane Saturday morning.
Elgin Review : Uov. F. P. Wigton ,
returned Thursday evening after
spending a , few days In Lincoln , lookIng -
Ing after work connected with the
Nebraska Church Federation. He al-
bo rented n house In the city into
which ho and Mrs. Wigton will move
after the first of April , when his res
ignation as pastor of the church here
takes effect.
Secretary Hawkins delivered his
address before the Nebraska Retail
Dealers convention at Omaha. In
commenting on Secretary Hawkins'
address The Dec says : A. W. Haw
kins , secretary of the Norfolk Com
mercial club , told of the agreement
among Norfolk merchants , by which
all of them refuse to give credit to
any man who has an overdue account
at any store.
The last dinner of the Y. M. C. A.
solicitors will bo held Saturday af
ternoon. Notwithstanding the ex
tremely unfavorable weather condi
tions the Y. M. C. A. workers are
putting their last efforts where they
will count the most. A new turn In
the affairs of the campaign for the
better was reported when several
business men conferred In an effort
to make some donations toward
the girls' room of the building.
Among the week transfers are : II ,
A. Hauchen from G. A. H. hall to
Schaeffer building , South Norfolk ;
Dr. Jessie Crane to Mncy building ;
L. C. Erskine , office to Cotton block ;
George Clements , 10S North Tenth
street to North Seventh street ; Prank
Dart , 406 Phillip avenue to 305 South
Fifth street ; ' J. B. Gnffney to Madf.
son avenue and Tenth street ; J. B ,
Leach , 719 South Second street tc
Clarks , Neb ; M. W. Case , 40r > Nor
folk avenue to 121 Norfolk avenue ;
J. R. Rusk , 202 South Ninth street
to 704 Madison avenue ; William Gra
ham to 202 South Ninth street ; A ,
T , . Kenney , 205 South Eleventh street
to HOG South Eighth street ; L. J. Dig.
nan , 1203 Madison avenue to Omaha ;
C. M. Sturdevant. to Poole , Neb. ; F
C. Taylor , 512 South Seventh street
to 203 South Eleventh.
Considerable Hair Pulling In Kansas
City Packing House Fight.
Kansas City , Mo. , March 15. A
general fight In which women em
ployes of the Fowler Packing com
pony were the participants occurred
on the James street bridge across
the Kaw river near the packing coin
pany's plant here today as a resull
of a strike of 100 women meat trim
mers. Although there was much hall
rulllng , no one was seriously injured
The strikers placed pickets on the
bridge to prevent strikebreakers fronr
going to work. There were sovera
preliminary encounters before the
final struggle when n party of twen
ty-fivo strikebreaking women rushec
the pickets and overwhelmed them
The strike was caused by a reductlor
in wages. The women were foreign
Expert Mexican Battle.
San Antonio , Tex. , March 15. It
the belief that a decisive battle be
tween rebels and federals is llkel :
soon and that It will be fought a
Torreon , Mex. , 3,000 refugees , mostl :
women and children are enroute nortl
from that place. Most of them lof
on trains Wednesday. Two coachei
were crowded with Chinamen win
fear a massacre that marked the Ma
dero revolution.
Rear Admiral Bowyer Dead ,
Tampa , Fla. , March 15. Rear Ad
mlral John M. Bowyer , retired , formei
superintendent of the naval ncadem :
at Annapolis , died hero today.
One of Bandits Slain by Express Mea
senger , Well Known Crook.
St. Louis , Mo. , March 15. Local po
lice received positive confirmation to
day that one of the bandits killed by
Express Messenger 'David A. Troua-
dale near Sanderson , Tex. , Tuesday ,
wan Bon Kllpatrlck , known an "tho si
lent train robber" and "the Montana
robber. "
Kllpatrlck was convicted hero for
passing stolen bank notcu which It
was claimed was part of the loot ob
tained In the Great Northern train
robbery near Wagner , Mont. , In 1901.
Ho was recently released from the
federal pcni'cntlary ' and sent to Con-
cho count ) , Tex. , for trial on an old
murder charge.
To Abolish Commerce Court.
Washington , March IB. The house
committee on Interstate commerce
commission decided to report favor
ably the bill which would abolish the
court of commerce. The vote In com
mittee wan 11 to 8.
Prominent Illinois Man Dead.
Clinton , III. , March 15. L. U. Mur
phy , president of the State bank of
this city and prominent In democratic
politics in central Illinois , Is dead at
his homo here.
Blocked By Drifts.
Kansas City , Mo , , March IB. A spe
cial Union Pacific train with 200 pas
sengers was made up hero today and
will attempt to reach Denver by way
of Omaha. Between Topeka and
Omaha snow is drifted five feet deep.
Drifts twenty-five feet deep along the
Kansas-Colorado line are reported
Washington , March 15. Official ad >
vices received today by Supt. Ingalls
of the railway mail service Indicate
that the worst storm of the winter Is
now raging practically throughout the
central west. Many railway lines
have been obliged to abandon trains
and malls are greatly delayed.
Taft Sorry to Lose Him.
Washington , March 15. Dr. Harvej
W. Wiley , chief of the United States
bureau of chemistry , today handed
his resignation to Secretary of Ag
rlculturo Wilson and announced thai
ho would devote the rest of his life
to urging the creation of a national
health department entirely separate
from any other branch of the govern
ment service. The resignation be
came effective today.
"I am very sorry to lose Dr. Wllej
who had done u great work Initiating
and enforcing the operation of the
pure food law and I would be very
glad if he could remain In the ser
vice of the government , " said Presl
dent Taft In a statement Issued at
the white house today. "I feel thai
I shall have difficulty In finding s
man to fill his place. I am asking
the heads of twenty or more unlversl
ties and scientific institutions to rec
ommcnd to me men whom I car
choose as a successor. "
Dr. Wiley's resignation came as ?
dramatic climax to a long conference
he had with Secretary Wilson in the
latter's private office today. The sec
retary would make no statement ol
the case other than that Dr. Wiley
had handed in his resignation. Nc
reasons were given he said.
"Dr. Wiley has been a valuable
man , " said Secretary Wilson as nt
left the white house today. "He has
been in the department twenty-nine
years. lie has seen it grow up fron :
n bureau with fifteen or possiblj
twenty men to a department. In thai
time he has been increased from c
salary of $2,000 to double that. "
R. E. Johnson , Supreme Organizer M
W. of A. Will Address Camp.
Norfolk camp No. 492 , M. W. of A
wil hold a ratification meeting at i
p. tn. Friday , March 22 , at I. O. O. F
All adjoining camps are invited tc
attend or send representatives whc
will receive full and complete information
mation regarding the rate question
state laws , and present agaiatlon
All those who are interested In the
welfare of the society.
Ropsevelt Gives Out Letter Saying Hi
Did Not Promise to Stay Out.
Washington , March Ifi. Roosevel
headquarters gave out an open lette :
by Gifford Pinchot which quotes !
letter written by Gilson Gardner , !
newspaper man , to Walter L. Houser
Senator LaFollette's campaign man
nger , denying that Col. Roosevel
promised his support to the senator' :
candidacy with the assurances tha
he. himself , would not become a can
The letter was given out as an an
swer to Mr. Houser's statement a
Jamestown , N. D. , yesterday tha
Pinchot knew Roosevelt not only en
couraged but was favorable to Ln
Follette's candidacy , until It came ti
appear that It might succeed.
Gardiner's letter to Houser declare ;
untrue any statement that Col. Roosevelt
velt urged Senator LaFollette to be
? ome a candidate. 'It then goes 01
to say that Col. Roosevelt sent won
by Gardner that he did not believi
Senator LaFolletto could win nn <
that ho believed Taft's re-nomlnatioi
would be forced by money and patronage
ronago and therefore , Col. Roosevel
said , he did not feel like urging La
Folletto to go Into a losing fight.
Dies on Operating Table.
Basaett , Neb. , March 16. Specla
to The News : Robert II. McCaucc
living near Cams , was buried hen
Thursday. Ho has been sick for eve
a year , but was not thought to bo li
so serious a condition. But It wa
known that there was some intorna
trouble , and it was thought advlsabli
to take him to a hospital.
Arrangements wore made and hi
went to Tllden accompanied by hi
wife and one of his daughters. Upoi
the operating table It was dlscovorei
that ho was afflicted with cancer o
the kidney , and beyond hope of an ;
permanent help from the surgeon
But his physical condition was bad
and he never rallied from the opera
tlon. He was brought here Tuesdaj
night , and funeral services were held
In the M. E. church , conducted by Mr
Presler of the Church of God , It
which church he was a faithful mem
Mr. McCance was beloved by nl
who knew him , and he will be great
ly missed. He leaves a wife ant
largo family to mourn his loss.
Jury Awards William Paul of Elglr
Verdict for $410.
Nellgh , Neb. , March 16. Special te
The News : The spring term of jurj
cases of Antelope county ndjournei
yesterday afternoon until the Ma ;
term. The last case on this week oc
cupied the attention of the court foi
nearly three days. This wa3 a dam
age suit of William Paul agalns
Claude and Cecil Green. The plain
tiff seeking damage in the sum o
| 1,365 for injuries alleged to have BUS
tulned by backing a wagon into hii
team and causing the serious Injury t <
one of his horses , a high-priced ani
The parties interested reside In tlu
vicinity of Elgin , and It was in evl
deuce that n bad feeling has oxlstee
for several years between the plain
tiff and defendants. The jury brough
In a verdict in favor of Mr. Paul foi
the sum of $410. Attorney O. A. Wll
Hams represented the defendants am
Kelsey & Rico the plaintiff.
The claim of ex-Sheriff John Mlllei
for $170.85 as fees and were rejectee
by the board of supervisors was li
court before a Jury this week and tlu
full claim was allowed.
Textile Strike Spreads.
Fall River , Mass. , March 16. Tin
Fall River textile council , represent
ing 30,000 operatives , announced tc
day it has virtually rejected the
per cent wage increase offered by th >
manufacturers and has demanded i
flat Increase of 15 per cent.
E. O. Howe.
Neligh , Neb. , March 1C. Special ti
The News : The announcement wai
received by friends in this city yest
erday afternoon from Elgin statini
that E. O. Howe had died at 9 o'clocl
at his home at that place , followinj
a stroke of apoplexy the night previ
ous. The deceased was a resident o
Antelope county for more than twen
ty-five years. Ho was for severa
years a citizen of Neligh , and fo
sometime was janitor of the cit ;
schools. It is not known when tin
funeral will be held , but possibly Sun
day afternoon. Mr. Howe Is survive )
by a wife and five children. Om
child is buried in Laurel Hill cemtery
this city.
Women In Iowa A. O. U. W.
Des Molnes , la. , March 16. Tin
proposition to admit women to men
bership in the Ancient Order of Unll
ed Workmen of Iowa , was adoptei
at the special session of the gram
lodge which closed last night. Foui
teen other proposed changes in th
by-laws were adopted.
Leaves Washington Sunday Night fo
New England Journey.
Washington , March 1C. Final ai
rangements for President Taft's tri ]
to Boston and New Hampshire wer >
made at the white house. The presl
dent will leave Washington on Sur
day night , arriving in Boston early 01
Monday morning. Nine engagements
including breakfast with the mayo
and city officials , an address to th
Massachusetts legislature and a rid
in the St. Patrick's day parade wil
make the president's day in Boston
busy one.
Mr. Taft will spend the night i :
Boston and leave for New Hampshlr
on Tuesday morning. He will spea
In Manchester and Concord. Returr
ing to Boston on Tuesday night h
will stop long enough to drop In a
the banquet of the New Englan
Street Railway club. Leaving Bosto
on Tuesday night ho is due in Wasl
ington Wednesday morning.
Employers Liability Expert Criticise
Teddy's Attitude.
Washington , March 16. James I
Boyd , chairman of the employers Hi
bility commission of Ohio , before th
house jury 'yesterday criticised Thei
dore Roosevelt's position on the en
ployers liability act of New York.
"Mr. Roosevelt's position Is entin
ly wrong , " Mr. Boyd declared. "HI
criticism of the state supreme com
which declared the act unconstltutioi
al is an injury to the workmen. Th
supreme court was right in turnin
down that act , because under It th
employes were not better off tha
without it. Now the road is clear fc
a sound workmen's Insurance law. "
Twenty-four Republicans Join Demi
crats In the Vote.
Washington , Marcn 16. The den
ocratlc free sugar bill passed tli
house , 198 to 13. Its passage wo
helped by twenty-four republican
votes although this was offset by th
defection of seven democratic vote
against the bill. At the last momer
Representative Parlln , ono of th
Colorado members , blocked an a
tempt to fix plans for a consideratlo
ot the excise tax bill , which throug
taxation of Income Is expected t
make up the revenue lost by the frc
sugar measure.
Representative Mondell of Wyon
Ing ( republican ) sought to amen
the measure by making it become e
fectlvo only after receipt of a repoi
on the sugar Industry by the tarll
hoard. Representative Broussard e
. Louisiana submitted an amendmer
I leaving the duty as U Is fixed r
present but abrogating the Cuban pn
ferentlal. Representatives Good and
Prouty of Iowa , Lenroot of Wiscon
sin and Norrls of Nebraska , strove
to have Incorporated a clause pro
viding for a bounty on sugar , espec
ially that produced from beets. All
amendments failed.
Three Wolves Killed.
West Point , Neb. , March 16. Spe
cial to The Nowa : On Wednesday
last occurred aery successful wolf
unit on the south and cast sides of
West Point. Fully three hundred people
ple were at the roundup , which re
sulted in the destruction of three
Miss Ella Maher has returned from
Chicago to accept the position aa as <
slstant trimmer at the Barrett Mill !
A. B. Lang of Madison was here.
Francis O'Shea of Madison was n
visitor In the city.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. William B ,
Llnstadt , n daughter.
Councilman R. C. Eccles has not im
proved in health. His condition is
said to bo Bcrlous.
Miss Lena Chlttendcn of Tllden line
accepted a position as stenographer
In the Durland Trust company's of >
Leonard Gossard has resigned hie
position in the Dart barber shop and
left for Denver , Colo. G. O. Davw
succeeds Gossard.
Dr. Robert L. Smith of O'Neill is
hero taking an examination for the
United States civil service veterin
ary inspectorship.
B. T. Reid writes from Omaha that
the convention of the Nebraska He *
tall Dealers association Is both In
terestlng and instructive.
Walter A. Gaffney took examina
tions at the local postofflce for a po-
sitlon ns copyist topographic drafts-
mant In the civil service.
The condition of Mrs. S. G. Dean ,
who suffered a stroke of paralysis
Sunday , has not changed. No hopes
are entertained for her recovery.
Notwithstanding the fact that .1
blizzard was playing havoc , a local
business man was surprised by p
customer insisting on purchasing n
binder which was loaded up and sent
out of the pity ready for immediate
The leap year social which was tc
have been held this evening at the
home of Miss Sar on Park avenue has
been postponed until next Thursday.
Mrs. O. S. Hauptll celebrated hei
birthday anniversary. Her mother
Mrs. Mary Nenow , entertained at n
dinner in honor of the event , at hot
home on South Sixth street.
Acording to the report made by
Treasurer F. E. Davenport of the Y ,
M. C. A. executive committee , the re-
cepits of the tag day campaign were
$168.19. About 1,600 tags were sold.
Six cars of Immigrants' household
goods and fifty horses from north
west of Norfolk are to bo shipped tc
Canada by the Luse Land company
tomorrow. The fifty horses were
brought to the Norfolk yards yester
The Pribinow-IIefferkemp law sull
was postponed until March 23 for the
third time this month. The case came
up in Judge Eiseley's court three
months ago and has had a contln
nance each month since. Pribinow
sues Hefferkemp for a board bill. Hef
ferkemp is 111 and Dr. "Verges was
brought into court as a witness. He
declared the defendant could not be
out of the house for at least ten days
Judge Eiselcy declared the defendanl
has been out of doors during the
past two days. "Against my Instruc
tlons , " said the physician , "Ho can
not be out. "
Mrs. Anna Hitt.
Funeral services over the remain !
of Mrs. Anna Hitt , who died at Plain
view March 10 , took place from the
Weston homo on Phillip avenue a
2:30 : Wednesday afternoon. Inter
ment was made in Prospect Hill com
etery. Rev. J. W. Kirkpatrick of the
First Methodist church had charge o
the services. Mrs. Hitt was 38 yean
old. Besides the husband she leave !
to mourn her loss seven children
Heart failure was the cause of death
Margrete Camelia Thew.
The funeral of Margreto Camellf
Thew the 24-hour-old daughter of Mr
and Mrs. C. E. Thew , was held at tin
home yesterday afternoon at 4:30 :
Rev. Edwin Booth , jr. , had charge o
_ the service and burial was in Pros
pect Hill cemetery.
An Infant Daughter.
One of the Infant twin daughters o
Mr. and Mrs. William Degner of Had
ar died yesterday.
Taft Delegates Selected.
Guthrle , Okla. , March 14. Thlrteei
Taft delegations , numbering 86 dele
gates , were seated when the state re
publican convention met here today.
Mine Workers Declare They Will No
Compromise Matter.
New York , March 14. "The Unltee
Mine Workers of America will no
compromise a single demand the :
have made of the anthracite coal operators
orators , " declared John P. White
president of the mlno workers this af
"I look for a general suspension o
work In the anthracite field on Aprl
1 , " ho added. "Tho operators have
notified us that their reply Is final
When we meet them tomorrow , w <
will file merely a formal reply rolter
atlng our demands. It will bo ther
up to the operators. If they make
no concession , every union hard coa
miner in Pennsylvania will lay dowi
his tools. "
"It seems that the best wo can hop *
for now Is a mere suspension Insteae
of a strike. While the scale com
mltteo has authority to call a strlki
wo will probably postpone such action
at least until after the meeting of
the bituminous coal miners In Cleve
land on March 20. The whole situa
tion will come up for review before
the policy committee on March 25
and a strike of the bituminous min
ors is not unlikely. "
Firemen Want Public Park.
Norfolk firemen at their regular
meeting last night took possession of
a petition with twenty-two names al
ready attached to It asking the city
council to call a special election to
vote $10,000 for the purpose of pur
chasing ground for a public park.
The firemen are now behind the
movement and after Uioy have the
required fifty names signed to the
petition they will present It to the
city council for action. The firemen
declare that they can get BOO names
signed to such a movement.
Much enthusiasm was manifested
by the firemen when Hurt Mnpes ,
who has had the petition In his pos
session since 1907 , offered to turn
the document over to the firemen
who ho believed were entitled to cir
culate such a petition.
V. A. Nenow , A. W. Finkhouso and
M. R. Green were appointed a com
mittee to circulate the petition. Im
mediately after the firemen came
Into possession of the public park
petition , nt least ten firemen attach
ed their mimes to the paper ns free
Would Buy Twenty-Six Acres.
The petition asks the city council
to vote $10,000 bonds for the purpose
of purchasing twenty-six acres of
ground north of the city , Including
the race track and ball park. This
ground is to ba converted into a
public park , owned and supported by
the city. The firemen believe that
the time is opportune for immediate
action on the park proposition and
they expect to put energy Into the
proposition. Acompanylng the peti
tion now being circulated by the fire
men Is a plat showing the ground
proposed to be taken into the park
proposition. It is not necessary to
secure options for this land , as the
present statute makes provisions for
the city to use what ground it deems
fit for park purposes.
Prepare for Tournament.
During the meeting Chairman Am-
arine announced for the executive
committee of the state firemen's tour
nament that a meeting is to bo held
Friday night for the first prepara
tions for the big Norfolk tournament
next summer. The committee was
approved by the department during
the evening. Matt Schaeffer , jr. , was
elected to the committee in place of
Fireman Taylor , the latter being un
able to serve.
Votes of thanks were extended to
Herman.Buettow . of the Farmers Fire
Insurance company and to the Nor
folk business men who assisted in
making the trip of the firemen to the
state convention n pleasant one.
Burt Mapes as a visitor was called
upon to speak and ho related some
of his experiences as one of the first
members of the Norfolk fire depart
ment. Mr. Mapes in the early days
was one of the active members of
the hook and ladder company.
Vacuum Cleaner Receivers.
New York , March 14. Receivers
were appointed today for the Me-
Crump-Howell company , known as the
"vacuum cleaner trust" in the United
States district court by Judge San-
born. The application was filed by
A. E. Pfahler of Philadelphia , a stock
holder. The company , while It con
sented to the appointment , declared
the concern was not insolvent.
Two Firemen Killed.
Hamilton , O. , March 14. Two firemen -
men were killed , ouo was fatally hurt
and number of others are missing in
a fire which partially destroyed the
Butler county court house today. The
Rival Conventions.
Tulsa , Okla. , March 14. Taft and
Roosevelt adherents have rival con
ventions here tjoday , each claiming
to represent the third congressional
district republican convention of Ok
lahoma. Each contesting delegation
which the other refused to recognize.
"A peace" committee was appointed
from each convention to attempt a
Col. Roosevelt Is Excused by the
Court From Further Service.
Mineola , L. I. , March 14. Theodore
Roosevelt's jury duty Is over. Su ,
preme Court Justice Putman told him
today ho could be excused. Counsel
had confided In the court that Mr ,
Roosevelt's presence in the box
might distract his fellow jurors' mind
from any case and for that reason
they would chalengo him.
The colonel appeared at court as
usual this morning and when a court
officer touched him on the shoulder ,
ho stepped to the bar.
"I understand , " said the court ,
"that there Is little likelihood of your
services being required , Col. Roosevelt -
velt , and on acount of your other en
gagements I will gladly consider any
request you wish to make. "
"Your honor , " said the colonel , "ns
I have been hero- two weeks , I shall
make a request to be excused if that
Is a proper request. "
The court granted the request and
shook hands with the colonel when
he left for Oyster Bay to remain all
Mrs. Anton Suchanek was burled
here. The body was brought here
from Omaha where death resulted
from an operation. Mrs. Suchanek had
been suffering from a stomach trou
ble for some time. She leaves four
small children and a husband.
Leonard Whiting went to Harlan ,
la. , where ho goes to purchase a new
carpet weaving loom , preparatory to
again establishing himself In the car
pet weaving business.
Twelve inches of snow now lies on
the ground and more falling. Farm *
era believe the moisture a stimulant
to winter wheat when , spring comes.
The City Meat market conducted by
F. W. Krltton , who came hero from
Cornlca , has again gone ) back Into the
hands of the former owner , John
JumcH Halro will soon commence
the erection of a first-class motion
picture show. Ho will build entirely
to suit the demands of such a place
of amusements , Including Inclined
floor , opera Heats , electric fans and
other first-class conveniences. Mr.
Halro will Bell the restaurant busi
William Mcnsborn and Ida Unsold ,
both of Boouo county , were issued a
license ) to wed this week.
S. M. Holladay has written to Sec
retary Jones of the Commercial club
to the effect that ho will place ono
of hln best chnutnuquas at this placo.
The dates are Aug. 3 to 11. Ono of
the features will be a lecture by ex-
Gov. Folk of Missouri.
Albion and Tllden high schools
meet hero Thursday evening to do-
hate on a current question. Bessie
Cahlll , Neal Ersklne , Myrtle Snider
and Eva Smith will represent Tllden.
Supts. Campbell of Columbus , Newell
of Elgin , Mohrman of Neligh will act
as judges.
Revival services are being conduct
ed at thn Mothodlst church for the
next two weeks. Rev. Mlllard Is con
ducting the meetings unassisted.
Uiwrenco Wood , a druggist , doing
business here and nt Petersburg for
some time , has purchased the drug
stock from Mrs. A. M. Work at Mon
roe , Neb. Mr. Wood Is in charge
now , and will soon move his family
Supt. E. S. Cowan has been appoint
ed an Instructor in the junior normal
which convenes at O'Neill this cum
Fritz and Clara Ynppen are here
from Ashton , In. , to receive Instruc
tion from Rev. Frozen. These young
people were acquainted with Mr.
Frozen In Iowa and became very
much attached to him.
Mrs. R. V. Williams , formerly of Al
bion , but now residing at Schuylor ,
visited with George Worth , and family
ily this week. '
Mr. ' and Mrs. A. Wilbur returned
to Albion from Excelsior Springs , Mo. ,
where they had gone seeking benefit
for her health , and expected to make
their home. Mr. Wil'uir will soon
commence the erection of n new
Thursday evening of last week
some of the members of the Booster
club met at Manvllle's office for the
discussion of a lecture course for the
coming winter , with a representative
of one of the leading lecture course
Bureaus , but decided for next year
to place the matter in the hands of
the Oakdale band , who will give a
series of entertainments , using most
ly home talent.
Mr. and Mrs. J , Kennedy , a blind
couple , gave their entertainment at
the Methodist church here last Fri
day evening to a fair sized audience.
They were here about two years ago.
O. B. Manville transacted business
in O'Neill and Orchard Friday and
H. M. Culbertson of Long Pine was
transacting business in town Satur
day forenoon.
W. II. Crosier was In Neligh be
tween trains Saturday of last week.
The young people of the United
Brethren church held their monthly
social at the parsonage , the guests of
Rev. Mr. Zimmerman last Friday
U. S. Holmes returned Friday even
ing from an extended trip to points
in Illinois.
Otto Berger of Long Pine was in
town between trains Friday.
Forest L. Putney of Lincoln , for
merly of Tilden was In town Friday
Miss Nina Minton went to Long
Pine Monday afternoon to assist Otto
Berger with his closing out sale at
that place. <
Geo. W. Park , cashier of the Oak-
dale Bank , was n Neligh visitor Mon
T. O. Ringer of Tllden was a busi
ness visitor in town Monday.
The Country Dancing club will give
a masquerade dance In the K. P. hall
here Friday evening.
Mrs. S. E. Hall was transacting
business in Omaha and Auburn from
Monday to Wednesday of this week.
C. E. Magness of Clearwater was a
business visitor In town Wednesday.
A. B. Jackson of St. Paul , Minnesota
seta , was looking after business In
terests here Thursday forenoon of
this week.
Following are the names of the
contestants to take part In the De
clamatory contest hero tomorrow
evening : Helen Bon , Eelyth BIck-
ford , Ethyl Blckford , Murl Beer , Hazel
Hopkins , Ella Moore , Opal Norwood ,
Helen Parker , Mildred Torpln and
Kntlo Ryan , and ono boy , Lee Hop
Mr. Frank Mnffley of Battle Creek
was transacting business in town
Thursday forenoon.
The two snow storms of the week
have covered the ground with about
n foot of snow on the level , and Is
still snowing. Whlla It Is a little
inconveniencing to travel it will put
the ground in the best possible shape
for next spring , and help to guaran
tee a good crop season.
A Butte Social Event.
Butte , Nob. , March 14. Special to
The News : The I. O. O. F. lodge
rooms were invaded Tuesday evening
by the Rebeckah ladles together with
the wives and daughters of the I. O.
O , F. boys , the ladles taking with
them all kinds of good things to eat.
Tables were spread In the banquet
hall of the lodge rooms and the
evening wan spent In feasting , speech
making , Hinging and a general good
Packers Let Case Go to Jury With No
Evidence From Them.
Chicago , March 14. The ten Chicago -
cage packers , charged with criminal
violation of the Sherman law , will
submit their case to the jury without
pre-nentlng any testimony. Thl an
nouncement was made today to Unit
ed States District Judge Carpenter by
counsel for the defendants In the
packers' trial. Court wau then ad
journed until Monday , when argu
ments to the Jury will bo begun.
Butte Market Sold.
Butte , Neb. , March 14. Special to
The News : The Butte mont market
owned by Borrall and Youll was pur
chased by Fred Toatz of Dalian , Mr.
Tout/ giving In exchange n farm a
few mile's north of Dallas. Consid
eration $9,000. Mr. Borrall hntt leas
ed the * maikel for u year and will con
duct the same.
Henry Thlede.
Winner , Nel > . , March 14. Special
to The Nenvs : Henry Thleelo died at
12:30 : at his homo in this city from
pneumonia , at the age of 70 yearn.
He had lived in Wlsnor for the past
forty years and was e > no of the eldest -
est residents of this community. He
leaves only his widowed wife. They
had no children. Ho was taken nick
last Friday evening. The funeral
will be held Friday at 2 p. m.
Battle Creek.
Tuesday morning at 4 o'clock Rob-
crt L. Uonham and Miss Grace L. Col-
ey won. married by Justice Henry
Neuwerk nt his residence In Highland
Park. The young couple have been
living in the southern part of Madison
county and are natives of Virginia.
They boarded the 6 o'clock passenger
that morning for the east , destination
not being known.
Fred Seheerge'r , sr. , proprietor of
the roller mills , who has been sick
several months with lung troubles ,
wont to Albuquerque , N. M. , to benefit
his health. He was accompanied by
his wife anil youngest son , Ernest.
He has rented the mill and dwelling
to John Vandeiiberg , who was em
ployed at the mill several years.
Thomas Sealer departed last week
for Cherry county , about twenty-five
miles north of Mullen , where he will
bo employed at Richard Osborn's
horse ranch.
W. A. Sutherland was visiting the
latter part of last week with friends
near Tilden.
Miss Annie Borchers went to Til
den Saturday for an extended visit
with relatives.
August Walsky arrived nero Satur
day from niOQinfield for a visit with
his father and other relatives.
Miss Letta Risk returned from u
two months' visit with relatives at
Miss Agnes Barnes , an employe of
the girls' Industrial school at Geneva ,
was visiting here several days at the
home of her mother , Mrs. Hannah
O. N. Stuckey , deputy revenue col
lector , was here from Norfolk Wed
nesday on official business.
William H. Pratt of Lincoln was
visiting here one week with his moth
er , Mrs. George Pratt , and other rela
Charles Niles was hero Tuesday on
business from Tilden.
Ed Briese , who traded his residence
property on Depot street to Emil
Mertz for a fruit farm in Arkansas ,
left with his family and household
goods Wednesday for his new place.
George Simmons , who has been vis
iting about six months with relatives
in North Dakota , returned Sunday to
the home of his parents , Mr. and
Mrs. Ralph Simmons.
Jack Bishop , who has been living
on William Wendt's place in Deer
Creek precinct , moved onto Mrs. Arm
strong's eighty in Valley precinct.
Frank Ulrich , accompanied by his
two children , came down from New
port Wednesday for a three elays' vis
it with his parents , Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Ulrich , and other relatives ,
Walter Garelels returned Monday
from a business mission at Spencer.
Ludwig Kerbel , formerly of Battle
Creek , was hero Wednesday on busi
ness from Omaha.
Oyster Bay. March 15. Col. Roosevelt
velt earnsel $37.80 as a juror , but
probably never will receive the mon
ey. After he had been excused from
further duty nt Mineola yesterday a
court officer advised him that he
could claim mileage at the rate of
eight cents a mlle for the distance
between Oyster Bay and the county
seat. By railroad the distance Is fif
teen miles , so that Col. Roosevelt
Is entitled to $1.20 for each of the
nine days of his service as juror. I
"I haven't any mileage , " ho said.
"I came by automobile. " j
He loft the court house without
putting In the claim or producing the
subpooena which qualifies Jurors to
receive $3 a day so that the $27 fees
and $10.80 mileage allowance which i
the colonel has earned probably will \
remain In the county treasury. ]
Col. Roosevelt did not conceal the
fact that ho was disappointed in not
having served in st least ono case.
Ho said ho always hnd held that men
who are prominent in business or
public life should do their share of
the public work , particularly In nerv
ing on juries , and It wus largely be
cause of his views on this subject
that ho did not avail himself of the
immunity ho might have enjoyed at
the outset.
When it became apparent that his
services probably would not bo ac
cepted , ho decided It was useless to
make any more trips to Hlncola and
gladly availed himself of the sugges
tion of Judge Putnam to bo excused.