The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, March 22, 1912, Image 1

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, . , , .
The BUI , Introduced , j. -I the Great
est Calamity Engla c'6 -r Knew
Must Still Run the Ga di 'f Com
mltteemen. f- t >
London , March 22. Pren. ; . s
qulllt In the hoiiuo of rommoi .
aflernoon refused te > accept the
tjrs' amendment to the minimum Wi
hill preivldlng a minimum of $1.25 an
50 cents as the day wage for men : uu
boys rospe'etlvoly.
Eneich Edwards , labor member o
parliament and provident of the Mil
ors' Federation of Great Britain , a
once acknowledged the premier's n
Jeetlem eif the miner's amendment an
cleised the door te > an Immediate se
tloment of the strike1.
The- bill which the government ii
troduced Into parliament to put a sto
to one of the greatest calamities tha
ever overtook this country and whlc
was read a seconel time In the lions
of connnoiiB last night , still has to ru
the gauntlet of the committee stagi
It was hero that the miners' represei
tutlves in parliament endeavored t
procure the acceptance of amcne
iiu'iits fixing minimum rates of wage !
Refusal Causes Sensation.
The house had just entered on th
commltteo stage of the mlnlmui
wage bill when the miners' aniem
ment was removed and Premier A
quith's pronouncement , the gravity e
which was immediately recognized b
cause It' Is practically certain t
bring about another deadlock , cause
a sensation among tlio members. 1
opposing the miners' amendment tli
premier said that he was inclined t
think the figures reasonable ones , hi
that it was most undesirable to i
sort lu the bill any specific wage e
te > establish the precedent of fixli
the rate of wages by act of parll
ment. It would , be pointed out , 1
peculiarly dangerous to the men thei
selves , because if parliament expres
ed its judgment that $1.25 .was..a fa
minimum wage that sum would I
treated as the maximum.
Enoch Edwards , the miners' leaele
declared the decision announced 1
the premier had shattered his hopi
that the final form of the bill won
commend itself to the getod sense
both sides.
The refusal of the amendmc !
meant the closure of the door whi <
yesterday appeared open te > a settl
Andrew Bonar Law , the offici
leader of the opposition sided with tl
government which , ho said , could n
have taken any other course.
Government May Take Hand.
If the miners refuse to work , tl
government must face the necessi
of taking those "other and dtffere
measures , " foreshadowed by the pi
mier yesterday and which are belie
el to mean adequate protection f
those men desiring to return to woi
Despite the decision of the unio
there already Is , particularly in Sc <
land , a steady trickling of the mine
back to the pits. Even with a gener
resumption , however , the mines w
not bo in working order again befo
Easter and some of the smaller on
which have been flooded will nev
bo reopened.
Some of the larger mine ownei
lee , declare It will be impossible
work their pits if the minimum ra
of wages are granteel.
Thousands Face Starvation.
In the meantime starvation fac
the industrial population of the coi ;
try. The funds of the trades unlo
are running low , and In some phic
this week's payment of ont-of-wo
benefit will bo the last.
At Burstem In Staffordshire 4.0
meals have been served by the vie
of the parish in the last eleven da ;
for which a small charge has be
made. Now the people of the dlstr
are unable to bear the burden of pi
ing even a penny for the meal , are
ro compelled to fall back on chart
Soup Kitchens Established.
In Wales and Scotland and in t
industrial districts of England , rel
Work has been started and soup 1 ;
obeiis established. There is "cam
a mining village in Scotland whe
the children are not being fed by t
public authorities. The work o'
Moving the distress Is gaining boyo
the means of the local charities a
demands are being made on the gi
eminent to take it up.
It Is estimated the miners thus ;
have lost In wages $20,408,850 besle
the depletion of the union funds.
Factories and work of all kinds
over the country continue to cle
down and all the railroads are red
Ing their services to the minimi
The food supplies from abroad i
also threatened.
The Whole World Affected.
The bacon factories and creamer
of Denmark , which depend entln
on England for their coal , will sc
have to discontinue their shipmei
to this country. News conies toe
that one of the South American g
rnrnents is commandeering i
stocks of coal on hand at its ports
naval purposes , which wJll profi
the shipment of ment to England ,
It is officially declared today t !
the Derbyshire pits will not be
Temperature for Twenty-four Hours ,
The Forecast.
Maximum 21 !
Minimum It
Average 8
Harometer 110.15
Dakota weather at 8 a. in. : Dead
wood , 2l ! above , clear ; Rapid City , 28
clear : I'rcsho , 18 , clear ; Chamberlain
5 , clear ; Winner , 10 , clear.
Chicago , March 22 ; The bulletin Is
sued by the Chicago station of tin
I'nltcd States weather bureau glvet
tlio forecast as follows :
Nebraska Unsettled weather wltli
HIIOW or rain tonight or Saturday ;
warmer tonight.
South Dakota Increasing clotidl
ness and warmer tonight ; Saturday
probably unsettled.
' .poned until the surfacemen's de
minds for increased wages have 'been
compiled with.
In political circles It is thought the
return of Mr. Unlfour to the leader
hip of the unionist party in the house
of commons Is more of a temporary
The Man Accused of Having Passei
a Knife * to Albert Prince for Killini
of Deputy Warden Davis , Impllcatei
Directly in Mutiny.
Lincoln , March 22. That ifartfon
Heed , accused of smuggling the knit'
to Albert Prince which was used b ;
him in the murder of Deputy Warelei
E. D. Davis on Feb. 11 , confessed ti
Lillle Owen of Omaha that he hai
also placed a gun and some nitroglj
cerino in the hands of "Shorty" Graj
was stated by the Owen woman a
Heed's preliminary hearing this aftei
Mrs. Owen had previously state
that Heed had confessed to her tha
he had been instrumental in passln
the knife used by Prince to the coi
Bullet in Leg of Dead Convict Reveal
His True Identity.
Lincoln , March 22. Charles Morlej
the one convict who lived through th
desperate battle near Omaha" last Mor
day , soon will be called upon to ar
swer for the part he took in the pen
tentiary tragedy. County Attorne
Strode has sworn out an informatio
in justice court charging Morley wit
murder , but has not indicated whe
he will ask a hearing. Morley Is nc
hopeful of the outcome of his cas
and Intimated ho expected the ej
tremo penalty.
The bodies of Taylor and Dowd ar
still in the mortuary room of the prii
on hospital. The positive identity c
Taylor , who has generally gone unde
the name of "Shorty" Gray , wa
learned. An autopsy on the remain
revealed a bullet imbedded in his le ;
received twenty-two years ago an
went to prove what has been suspec
ed , that Taylor's right name was Wi
liam Murphy. .
For a considerable period aboi
1890 Murphy was employed by Job
Fitzgerald , former president of th
Irish League of America. M
Fitzgerald was a railroad contracts
and Murphy was known as the "dym
mite boy , " his duty being to hand !
tlio explosives used in blasting worl
He became proficient in the use of e :
plosives. lie received the wound i
a quarrel with one of the Fltzgeral
employes. Ills bad temper and 1ml
its led to his discharge. His identit
was established by a man who acte
as sub-contractor in railroad work an
know him well.
Gov. Aldrich said he would recon
mend to the next legislature that a
appropriation be made for the famil
of young niunt , killed during tli
chase of the convicts Monday.
He Had Admitted Bringing DynamU
Into Federal Penitentiary.
Leavenworth , Kan. , March 22. WI
Ham Smith , alias Brown , a former fe
oral prisoner who admitted that 1
had placed dynamite and guns In tl
United States prison here a fe
months ago , escaped today from tl
state penitentiary at Lansing , net
11 here , where ho was .servliis a se
tenco for burglary.
The dynamite and guns were 1
tended for use in n mutiny , it Is h
Plan Judiciary Recall.
Phoenix , Ariz. , March 22. A ret
lutlon for the submission to the pc
pie at the next general election of
constitutional amendment provldli
for the recall of the judiciary pass
Its first reading In both houses of t
Arizona legislature. A resolution pi
vldlng for the ratification of the
come tax amendment to the fcdei
constitution passed its first readl
in both houses.
Bank Robbers at Beren , O. , Are Ap
parently Frightened Away Before
Arriving at the Big Sum of Money
Locked In Safe.
Cleveland , O. , March 22. Hobbers
broke into the Bank of Berea , a pri
vate Institution at Berea , O. , during
the night and looted 100 safety boxes ,
obtaining $8,000 in cash and jewlery.
They evidently were frightened away ,
as they left the Inner safe containing
$ y. ,000 In cash , only partly drilled.
Entrance was first made through
an office door. The robbers then
drilled through the office wall and the
wall of the bank directly into the
vault. It was necessary to penetrate
ilrty-flvo inches of brick and mor-
Demand That Clark Withdraw in No
w braska , Is Resented.
Washington , Marc.n . 22. Tha reso-
ution given out by Senator Gore in
Jos Moiues , claiming to voice the
lemand for some of the elemocruts In
CobniHkn that Speaker Clark with-
Iraw in favor of Woodrow Wilson in
hat state , that Gov. Judson Harmon
night be prevented from capturing
he Nebraska delegation to the nation
al convention , provoked criticism and
attack from the national managers of
both the Clark and Harmon headquar-
ers here.
"According to the resolution , " salt !
'ormer Hepresentatlve Hobert B. Gor <
don , manager of the Harma'i head
quarters , the Wilson men in Nebras
ca denounce a conspiracy in whlcli
Clark is alleged to be a party ane ]
hen seek to reform a conspiracy
against Harmon with Clark as u will
ng participant. "
Managers of tile Clark headquarters
icre declare that the resolution giver
out by Senator Gore did not represent
the desires of the "progressive" 01
'Bryan" democrats in Nebraska.
The Premier at Shanghai.
Shanghai , March 22. Premier Tang
Sliao Yi arrived here today from Pe
tin anel was met on the quay by v
; uard of honor of Chinese troops. He
.vas escorted to his hotel by detach
nents of French and British police
l be solved satisfactorily within the
Nanking tomorrow. No official an
louncement concerning the constltu
ion of tlie cabinet will be made prioi
o its submission for the approval ol
.he national assembly at Nanking
Tang Shao Yi is optimistic about the
situation in China. He says all qucs
ions concerning loans and the organ
zation of the republican government
tvill be solved satisfactorly within the
shortest possible time.
Says He is Wall Street's Candidate-
A Reply to Hitchcock.
Lincoln , Marcli 22. Declaring tha
Gov. Harmon is a reactionary am
the choice of Wall street , William .1
Bryan lias given out an editorial state
ment attacking the candidacy of the
Ohio governor. Mr. Bryan comment !
on the attitude taken by Senatoi
Hitchcock , favoring Gov. Harmon , ane
adds :
"Gov. Harmon cannot be nomlnatee
without the active aid of Wall stree
and Mr. Bryan has worked too hare
and too long for progressive demo
cratic principles to become instru
mental in surrendering the party int <
the control of the predatory interests
If Nebraska's democracy instructs fo
Harmon , Mr. Bryan will refuse t <
serve as a delegate ( in case be ii
electee ! ) but will Instead go to Baltl
more as an Individual , and do wha
he can for the nomination of a pro
gressive democrat.
Eleven Hurt In Street Car.
Peru , Ind. , March 22. Eleven per
sons were injured when a car on tin
Fort Wayne & Indiana northern trac
tion line , traveling at the rate of 31
miles an hour , struck a pile of cln
ders and plunged Into the Wnbash *
Erie canal about two miles from Pen
today. It is thought that no one win
injured seriously.
He Wouldn't Go to Baltimore Conveti
tion to Vote for Harmon.
Kearney , Neb. , March 22. In hi
speech at the democratic banquet her
last night , William J. Bryan said if th
preferential presidential vote at th
coming primary in Nebraska Is fo
Gov. Harmon and ho ( Bryan ) is elecl
ed one of the elelegates-at-large , h
will file his resignation nt once. H
said ho would not go to the nationn
convention at Baltimore to vote fo
Harmon , whom ho charged was bacl
ed by the Morgan and Hill interest !
Mr. Bryan praised La Folletto and cr
tlclsed Tnft and Hoosevelt. Speechc
were made by former Gov. Shnllenbei
ger , O. D. Sutherland of Nelson , \ \
E. Heed of Madison , J. H. Moorehea
of Falls City. I L. Albert of Columbui
C. W. Poole of Tecumseh , H. L. Me
calfo of Lincoln and E , F Munroe e
( CopyrlKM.i
Taylorville and Jacksonville , III. , Are
In the Grip of the Worst Storm in
Years Public Utilities Crippled ,
Wires are Down.
St. Louts , Mo. , March 22. Snow
and rain , which fell yesterday and last
night , have demoralized transporta
tion and wire communication in I1U-
nois and Missouri. A wind added
really to the damage.
Taylorville and Jacksonville , III. ,
are in the grasp of the worst storm in
years. Public utilities have been crip
pled and Taylorville is isolated.
The Missouri river at this point is
higher than it has been at any time
for two years and is rising at a rate
that causes alarm among farmers in
the bottoms. The gauge at Cairo , 111. ,
registered 44.1 this morning , a rise of
17 for the tsventy-four hours. The
water is within ten inches of the
danger mark.
The Mississippi rose 1.3 feet at St.
Louis during the last twenty-four
hours , the guago reading 20.7 feet at
an early hour this morning. The dan
ger mark hero is 30 feet.
Davenport , la. , March 22. The Mis
sissippi river rose another foot since
yesterday morning , making a total of
four feet in as many days.
These Will Account for the Entire 11C
Men Who Were in the Mine at the
Time of the Explosion All Citizens
Helping to Dig Graves.
McCurtain. Okla. , Marcli 22. Twen
ty-nine corpses found late last nigh !
were removed today from the mine
of the Sans Bols coal company am'
efforts were renewed to locale sevei
other miners. When the fate of the
seven is ascertained the entire IK
bwill have been accounted for. Twen
ty-flve were taken out alive and tin
bodies of eighty-four have been re
A small army of men this morn
ing began the work of digging grave !
for the blast victims. Among thosi
at work in the cemetery with picl
and shovel are men from all nalks o
life , for there was not enough com
mon laborers available to meet the de
mand. Wednesday's disaster has lef
sixty-five widows and 250 faMierlesi
Carr Case Not Up.
O'Neill , Neb. , March 22. Special te
The News ; John Carr of Stafford
Neb. , charged with dangerously shoot
Ing Joe Mciiugh last fall at Stafford
will probably not bo tried this tern
of court , as several witnesses who cai
give important testimony in the cnsi
cannot ho found at this time. Tlili
Is Judge Dlckson's first session li
O'Neill and ho is taking hold like ni
old-timer Ho Is determined to clca
the docket and dispose of every tin
portunt case as soon as possible.
Miss Mercy , Telling Jury in Her Slan
der Suit for $100,000 Against Dean
of Wdmen in Chicago University ,
Breaks Down.
Chicago , March 22. Miss Esther
Mercy collapsed on the stand today
while testifying in her slander suit
for $100,000 against Dean Marion Tal-
hot of the University of Chicago. Her
collapse came as she was telling of
her barring from classes at the uni
The young woman declared that she
sought Dean Vincent , then a member
of the Chicago faculty , and now presi
dent of the University of. Minnesota ,
and asked him to aid her.
"He told me thaf be had left the
entire affair in Miss Talbot's hands , "
said Miss Mercy. She pointed her
finger at President Vincent , who wa3
in the courtroom , and exclaimed in a
shaking voice :
"Dean Vincent knows it is the
truth and he can't look me in the
eye. "
Miss Mercy declared that Dean Tal-
hot had used words to her directly at
tacking her character.
"She told me that the sooner I left
the university the better it would be
for me. "
Sharp and heated answers were re
turned by Miss Mercy to many ques
tions put to her , touching upon her
relations with her fiance , Warren E.
Heynolds , whose present to the girl
of a hat worth $250 and the subse
quent theft from the headgear of
valuable aigrettes brought about the
difficulties from which the present
suit arose.
Though Miss Talbot's attorney said
he did not purpose to show that Miss
Mercy was immoral , he questioned
I her repeatedly after she had admitted
[ she knew Heynolds was married when
she first became engaged to him and
, when he gave her the hat.
j Miss Mercy admitted she knew
Heynolds had two children and that
his wife was suing him for divorce ,
. and that Heynolds had been arrested
on charges of immorality with other
women ; hut she said she "didn't think
it was the university's business , " so
did not relate that fact , when , as she
tostifled , Miss Talhot attacked her
character in an Interview.
She said .Miss Talhot told her she
was immoral ; that she was- being
clothed by men ; that her relations
with Heynolds were not proper , anil
that she was "little better than cer
tain women of the streets. "
Athletic BUI Causes Row.
Albany. N. V. , March 22. Conten
tion aroi > n in the semite o\or tlio com
mitteo. reference of the Allen bll
abolishing the state athletic coinmis
slon. The bill was assigned to the
judiciary committee but this raised i
storm of protest and the reference
finally was changed to the codes com
mlttee. This action Is taken as ai
Indication that an attempt to repea
the Frawley law will not succeed a
the present session.
Coal Conference is On.
Cleveland. O. , March 22. Whethe
200.000 miners in the bituminous coa
fields would strike or merely wouli
suspend operations April 1 dopondei
largely on a conference today of i
sub-conimittee composed of two mlii
ors and two operators each fron
western Pennsylvania , Ohio , Indian
and Illinois.
Barton Was Killed On His Way Horn
by Falling Out of a Wagon Hi
Widow Contended the Saloon Con
pany Was Responsible.
Fairfax , S. D. , March 2 ? . Special t
The News : The Barton vs. People
& Co. damage case , arising at S
Charles over the death of a man nan
ed Barton , was settled out of coui
here this morning , Peoples & Ci
agreeing to pay Barton's wldo
Barton was killed in falling out c
a wagon. The contention of Ills wldo
was that he had been allowed to eve
indulge in liquor at the St. Charlc
saloon owned by Peoples.
Says She Told Dean Vincent Aboi
Persecution But Got No Help.
Chicago , March 22. Miss Esthe
Mercy , the former student at th
University of Chicago , who is suln
Miss Marlon Talbot , dean of women a
the university , for ? 100,000 damage
for alleged aspersion of her charade
resumed the witness stand today an
continued lier version of the event
which preceded her expulsion froi
the University.
The Defendant is a Young Man of Z
Real Goodwin of Ewing Was U
Victim of the Shooting Affray La ;
O'Neill , Nob. , .March 22.-Special I
The News : The trial of Norman Bn
i gfcss , a young man living at 1C win
Ne'li. , chargoel with the crime of shoe
ing with Intent to kill , was decided :
the elistrlct court yesterday. Burgei
was arrested last October on a wa
rant charging him with shooting He
Goodwin , also of Ewing. The trl
lasted three da.vs and the evidem
tended to show that Burgess was n
the aggressor In the trouble. He
a young man less than 20 years eland
and his reputation up to the time
the trouble last October was good.
H. Whelan , county attorney , hud tl
e'iiso for the state , and J. A. Donoln
for Burgess. Donohoo's argument
the jury was a masterpiece ot lofi
and eloquence , bringing tears to t !
eyes of several of the jury and son
of the spectators. The case was glen
on to the jury Wednesday ovenli
anel yesterday they rendered a verdl
of ordinary assault against tlio pr
oner. They also requested Judge Die
son to extend leniency to the youi
man. The verdict is popular here ai
In Kwlng. '
Gen. Noble Dead.
Si Louis. Me ) , . March 22. G
John W Noble.ho was secretn
of the interior in President Harrlso
cabinet , died hero this afternoon , '
had been sick a month.
The First of the Virginia Mountain
cers Implicated in Courthouse As
sassination' , Is Arrested Without
Offering Any Resistance.
lllllHVillo. Va. , March 2 : ' Sldmi
I'M wards , nephew of Sldiia Allen and
one of lht > Allen gang willed look to
tlio mountains after tlio cmmhouse
assassinations hero , was a rest oil to
day at Lainhshurg. Va. , without re
sistance , hy'a posse of dotoeti\on. Ed
wards is being brought hero Ills
capture loads to the belief that others
of the mountaineers soon \\ill ho in
Young Edward * was arrested b
Detectives Tom Kelts andV \ \
I'haiils , who .I'diind him \\andcrluK
about aimlessly and 'hungry. ' His
foot , bnrnod recently In a distillery
had troubled him greatly and II IK be
Moved he was unable to keep up witl >
the swift changes of base made by
the other HigltivoH.
Ho will probably bo put through
rigid examination when lie gels hero
but there Is little thought that he will
disclose the movements of his kins
Sidna is 22 years old and a splendid
did typo of the young mountaineer
He stands over ( ! feet In height ,
weighs between 180 and 100 pounds ,
has dark hair and blue eyes. At first
ii reward of only $ ; U0 ) was offered
for his capture , hut after investigation
as to his part in the shooting , Gov.
Mann increased the amount te > $1,000 ,
the same as offered for the rupture ,
dead or alive , of Sldna Allen , leader
of the clan.
It is probable Edwards will be tak
en to Hoanoke fejr safe keeping. L
HillBVilio Va. .Marcll . in
, . , . 22.--Out
the hills and mountains along the Vir
ginia and North Carolina border today
re all of the sheriffs , detectives and
losso men enlisted for the taking of
he Allen outlaws , apparently deter-
nined to stay in the field this time
intil they have run down something
lesides false clews. Just where the
milters are or what they are doing ,
10 one here knows. This commubity
awoke today in a state of excited ex-
) ectancy over Gov. Mann's announce-
nent yesterday that steps would be
aken which he believed would result
n the capture of the Aliens ( he lat
er part of this week or the first ot
icxt week. No inkling of the nature
f the proposed action Is given out , a
; rlm silence having taken the place
f the early confident talk by the of-
Icials. Fear , that Information as to
lie plans and movements of the
earchcrs will leak to the fugitives
las even resulted in an attempt to
: ensor press dispatches.
According to stories reaching here ,
Sldna Allen and his four nephowa , not
nly have been in this vicinity sine * *
hey shot up the Carroll court a week
igo yesterday , but Sldna , weakened
by wounds , actually ban slept tw.o
lights at Ills own home. It Is said
hat the mountaineers have constantly
vatched their pursuers through field
glasses and hr.vo used HiiceoHBtiilly a
iflo shot code system.
Floyd Allen , the man whose sentence *
o a year in jail for Interfering with
an officer precipitated the killing of
udge , sheriff , prosecutor , sheriff , a
uror and an innocent young girl , baa
iiven out an interview from the Uoan-
ke jail , carefully censored by his at
No reference to the tragedy itself
vas made by the prisoner. He gave
i sketch of his life and an account
of the events leading up to his indlct-
nent for Interfering with an officer ,
mil denied emphatically that he bad
ever made "moonshine" whiskey. His
son , Victor , also said be took no part
n tlio courthouse shooting , that he
vent to Hillsvllle unarmed to take a
witness for his father and after the
: ragedy made no effort to get away ,
localise he was innocent.
Battle in Paraguay.
Buoiws Ayres. Argentina , Murcli 22.
A fierce battle.between the revolu
tionaries and the government forces
In Paraguay has been going on for
some time and is still ringing , accordIng -
Ing to telegrams received here from
Ascuncion foduy.
Women Save a Town.
St. .Joe , Mo. . March 22. Credit for
saving Hopkins , Mo. , from total de
struction by fire Is given women of
the town who. when a blaze that con
sumed several stores early today ,
bre > ko out , went to the assistance of
the male inhabitants and formed a
bucket brigade , which continued in
action until the fire was under con
A Strike Clash.
Glasgow , Scotland , March 22 Many
heads were broken in a pitched bat
tle which ocurred at Klrkconnell In
Dumfriesshire between striking min
ors and tlio police. The police rout
ed the miners of whom ten wore ar
rested The miners , Incensed at non-
unionists on the resuming work had
attacked them and were beating them
severely when the police appeared
and charged , using their cluba freely.