The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, February 23, 1912, Page 8, Image 8

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Duy Toklo Dondg.
N -w York. Fob. 20. Kiilni , Loob & '
Co today announced the purchase of
Si'i. < Hio.iMiO of 5 per cent Clly of Toklo
bonds which are part of mi Issue of
$4finOH)00 ( ) by ( In- Imperial Japanese
government for Iho purpose of acquir
ing and extending electric tramway
and electric lighting undertakings In
tin- city of Toklo. Tlui remainder of
! ) IHHIIO IH to he plueed In Paris and
London liiHtllutioiiB.
Investigate Packers' Lawyers.
1 hicago. l''i'l > . " 0. A Hpeclal federal
vnnil jury WIIH empanelled and sworn
before United Stntos District .Indue
l.niidls. It was said the jury would
Investlgato wh ( > th ( > r counsel for the
meat packers | iow on trial before
.indgo Carpenter or any rum on their
behalf or In the Interest of the defend-
nntH had conducted "a Hchool for wit
nesses. "
William Perm Nixon.
Chicago. Fob. at ) . William I'onn
Nixon , journallHt , 79 yearH old , died at
his rcHldonco on the south Hide short-
Iv after midnight. Ho WIIH stricken
with a huait attack Saturday nlghl
< < nd was In a critical condition from
liit ; tlniO.
Army Aviator Injured.
Sugusta , Gn. . Poll. 20. Because IK
i ' < ! not lve the aeroplane ho WIIH drlv
! " - the proper lateral pitch In landlnp
the army aviation camp late yester
liiv afternoon , Ll > ut. Kennedy was
imliI under the machine when I
iiin d turtle and two of his ribs won
I'l-okon. ' II" was rundered temporarily
mi onsclous. lib Injuries are not ser
'HI ' * . The machine was badly dam
Expert Wants Stntc Laws Maklnc
Falsehoods In Print a Misdemeanor.
! .en von worth. Kan. . Feb. 20. A plei
! state laws which will "make lylnj
advertisements a misdemeanor , " wai
made by John Irving Homer , editor o
an advertising publication In New Vorl
i ity addressing the fourth annual con
x'litlon of the southwestern divlsloi
> f tlie Advertising Clubs of America
which began a two days' session hen
'oiln.V. '
"The greatest curse of advertisinf
tor years lu'.s ben superficially , " Mr
Koiner said. "Advertisements in man ;
i uses are written by persons win
know nothirg of the commodity the ;
vould advertise. Besides the enact
ment of state laws against dlshones
advertising , men In our business al
over the country should orgniilzi
grievance committees or vigilanci
ornmittoos to watch out for infrar
( ions of those laws. "
About .100 delegates , represent ! ) ! !
.Missouri , Kansas. Colorado , Nev
Mexico , Arkansas , Louisiana and Tex
ns were present when the conventloi
was called to order.
The delegates today visited the federal
oral penitentiary hero and wore serv
ed a regular "prison dinner. " Prlsoi
regulations governed the meal hour.
Flyer in Another Wreck.
Jlarrisburir , 1'a. , Feb. 20. The Penn
svlvnnia special. eastbound , th
eighteen-hour flyer between Chlcag
ind Now York on the Pennsylvani ;
ran into a draft of freight cars tha
liad been shifted to the passengo
tracks through an error , a short dit
tance west of Middlotown , nine mile
I'rom hero. The engine of the sped ;
and the switching engine handling th
freight cars wore demolished and Iw
firemen wore seriously injured thong
none of the passengers was hurt.
The accident was duo to a brak
man's throwing a wrong switch.
Telegraphic Announcement from E
itor in Speaker's Favor.
Sun Francisco , Cal. . Fob. 20.
Speaker Champ ( . 'lark will bo Riv <
the support of the William R. Hear
democratic faction in California ,
his candidacy for the nomination f
the presidency , according to con
spondence made public hero. In
telegram to Al. F. Tarpey , one of t
leading Hearst supporters , Speak
Clark asserted "that ho had stoadfasi
refused to permit campaigning in 1
behalf In states that had avowed "
vorlte son" candidates. For this r
son ho would not outer the lii
against Mr. Hearst in California. Tl
message was forwarded to Mr. IIea
and brought the reply that he coi .
not for one moment consider
Clark's ) retiring from California
aiy favor. "
"Mr. Clark is the logical candid
for president/ ' said Mr. Hearst's m
sago , "and should receive not only
support of the democratic voters
California , hut of every state in
.mlon. . ' "
Yuan May Go to Nanking.
London , Feb. 20. Yuan Shi
may be induced to yield to the c
mand of the Nanking revolution
'bat ho proceed to that city , acc <
UK to n Tien Tsln dispatch recel
hero today. Yuan , it seems , has i
posed that a conference be held
Teln Tsln to arrange the prellmlna
for the future government of Ch
and if these negotiations are satis
wry ho is willing to proceed to J
&ing to take up the work of the
Hardwick Replies to Attack Made
the Attorney General ,
Washington , Feb. 20. A staten
attributed to Attorney General A\
crsham that "congress was slow
finding evidences of a sugar t
Haven months after the attorney
oral's department found It , " reaii
in an attack upon that official on
floor of the house yesterday by
resentatlvo Hardwick of Geoi
chairman of the sugar investlga
Mr. Hardwick charged Attoi
XleneraJ Wlckersham with neglec
luty In not enforcing criminal prose-
cutlons against all those guilty of violations
lations of the Sherman anlt-triiHt law.
Tint case now pending against offi
cials connected with the transaction
by which the American Sugar Refin
ing company acquired the Pennsyl
vania Sugar Refining company , "does
not discharge the government's duty , "
said Mr. Hardwick. "The attorney
general says he linn known for several
months that there was a sugar trust.
I ask why this alert and able law of
ficer of the government lias taken no
, stops to punish on the criminal side
| of the court tin1 men who maintain
and operate the trust in violation of
the law. "
Fin'd Missing Papers.
Washington , Feb. 22. The missing
liapers In tin- Inquiry being conducted
into churgr.s of political activity
against Maj. 11 , II. Ray. of the army
pay department by the bouse commit
tee on war department expenditures ,
were sent to the committee today by
Secretary ot War Stlmson. They
were discovered in the war depart
ment , hi- said , among some personal
papers of former Chief of Staff Doll ,
and refer In conditions under which
Maj. Ray was granted his many army
loaves of absence. As soon as the
committee has the opportunity to ox-
amlno the documents , the hearings in
the Ray case will be resumed.
Gov. Wilson in Topcka.
Kansas City , Mo. , Feb. US. Gov.
Woodrow Wilson of Now Jersey ,
for throe hours today was the
guest of tluv Wllson-for-Prosldenl club
of Kansas City. ( Jov. Wilson arrived
hero at T'M : , was met at the station by
a deleaatloii of club members , and os-
cortcd to the Hotel Haltlmoro for
breakfast and a conference. The New
Jersey ooxcntivo was on Ills way to
Topeka.Kan. . , whore he will address
the Kansas Democratic club's Wash'
Ington day celebration tonight , lie will
leave Topcka tomorrow morning foi
Frankfort , Ky. Ono hundred members' '
of the Wilsoii-for-Prestdent club ol
Kansas City , Kan. , departed for To
peka this morning to attend the Wash
Inirton day banquet.
Ask About Packer Deal.
Chicago , Fob. 22. The government
planned today to inquire into the pur
chase of the Now York Butchers
Dressed Hoof company by the Nation
al Packing company in April , 1007 b.\
calling as witnesses in the packers
trial Fredoiick and Moses M. Joseph
who are said to have acted as agents
of Stewart Tlldeii. one of the defend
ants in the negotiations.
Both Sides Claim They'll Win Out ir
Oklahoma Convention.
Oklahoma City , Okla. . Feb. 22.-
Supporters of Woodrow Wilson in tin
democratic slate convention proposei
to Chamn Clark workers this mornim
that Oklahoma democrats send a di
vlded delegation to the Baltimore
convention. No agreement was reach
While uninstructed delegates in to
day's convention bold the balance o
power , 1H2 delegates have been in
strucled for Clark and 170 for Wil
son. Wilson workers have clalmei
that all uninstructed delegates are , ii
r reality. Wilson men.
aClark campaigners deny this , hav
s ing declared that the convention wile
o only a formality inasmuch as sul
ficlent numbers of the uinstructe
o have declared for Clark to insure
b majority for him. The convention i
he final test of strength betweo
lark and Wilson in Oklahoma.
ireliminary votes , taken In precint
ml county conventions , both side
lalmod an advantage by varying ii
tructinns contained in the balloting
Painter Gives Bail.
Indianapolis , Ind. , Feb. 22. Frai
311 \ . Painter , former business agent i
st he iron workers' union at Oman
In Nob.lio has been in custody for
or most a week , after consulting wi
rea other defendants In the dynami
a conspiracy cases , lias prepared to gi' '
bond for h's ' appearance for arraig
mont March ] 2. Painter was appi
tiy headed at Prairie City , 111. , after gc
' eminent agents had traced hi
through various cities ,
sts Deadwood , S. IX , Feb. 22. Halm f '
ills a broken heart to the extent of $25,0
rs is asked by Anna Lucy Hallman ,
.ill ! sales girl in St. Louis , Mo. , in a brea
hiir of promise suit filed in the circi
ir court here against Floyd I ) . Headl
a bank clerk of Stonge , this county
at According to the complaint , Headl
les became engaged over two years ate
the to the girl , and broke it last Dece '
o her. Ho is the son of J. C. Headl
th president of the Stonge State bai
and Is 40 years old.
Kal Tuos-d.iy. Feb. 20 , n postal savii
om- bank issued Into existence in
ists quaint , but little old town of Ewi
3rd- Wood cashier i
\ \ Ith Postmaster as
ved banker .ill Ip one. The deposits
proin far have been moderate.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Leahy
ries the proud possessors of a new b :
girl since last Thursday.
ac' Anton Drzwoickl was a busniess
san' I itor at O'Neill Monday.
Elmer Volk of the F. G. Volk
Sons. Norfolk brooders of high cl
Porcherons , was a most agreeable
Itor here during the latter days
( ast week. Air. Volk made a n
favorable impression whllo here.
nent Eldridge Skidmoro left for M
* lckcroft. . Wyo. , Sunday and from th
- in will go overland to Rocky Point , V
rust IJp nas secured a K ° od position at
iltcd Mesdames Conger and Anderson
the tertalned a most select crowd
Rep- Ewlng's elite set Saturday night ,
rgla , popular game of " 500" with I. N. 1
and Andrew Davis winners of the I
prize and Mra. Leo Wood and Mrs
rney W. McClure taking the second pi
t or Everybody bad a most enjoyable tl
P. M. Conger purchased two curs of
cattle from Herbert ( Jlassburn of Del-
vlt Saturda.x , and shipped them from
Cloarwnter Monday.
Miss Desak Houston , after a week's
vacation , fcllowed by a week's recupor
atlon from ranio. has resumed her po
sition again In the telephone office.
Dr. and Mrs. W. Ii. Hrlggs outer-
tallied In a most elaborate manner at
heir homo Wednesday evening. A
; oed I line was had.
Contractor Posson Is engaged in
building a two-story residence for Mr.
and Mrs. Harnoy Gunler on their farm
asl of town.
Mrs. W. R. Worthnor of Alnsworth
lias boon visiting her daughter , Mrs.
John May , and last Sunday they went
to Croighton to visit Mrs. W. L. Ham-
llton , n daughter of the latter. Mr.
May accompanied the party.
Mrs. Arthur Stott was an Oakdalo
visitor Sunday.
Robert Hanks of Atkinson , D. J.
Croiiin of O'Neill , William Olead ,
.lack Taggnrt and the Alderson broth
ers , Martin Wlntermote and William
Cooper of Chambers , with John How
ard and Jake Lagenslngcr of Orchard ,
who are the near and most popular
producers of pure bred cattle , were
some of the conspicuous figures al the
thoroughbred sale Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Charley Craig of
Clearwater visited friends hero o\oi
Henry Drayton and O. C. Redman
of Orchard \\ere In Ewlng Friday. The
latter , n real estate man. went to Nor
folk the same afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. John Can1 , popular
members of Stafford society , were in
Ewlng Saturday , shopping and visit
ing old friends.
Louis Helm , a brother of Nick Helm
is moving his household goods here
from Kansas
Smith & Larson , who sold the ! )
moat market last week to Hob Kra
chlo , havi purchased the Ploneei
moat market of Fred Gntx at O'Neill
and will take charge March 1. These
gentlemen , with their families wil
leave for the county seat Thursday.
Edgar Howard of the Columbus
Telegram , was one of the most con
splcious visitors here recently. Mi
Howard was looking after his land interests
torests near Little and while hero wai
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. R
The music department and higl
school students will give an enter
tain mont March 1. "Captain of Ply
month" will be presented.
Several Important Witnesses Arc Ye
to > Be Heard on Subject.
Washington. Feb. 22. Democratii
tariff revision was assigned for heat
ing before the- senate committee 01
senate finance as fast as they an
sent over from the house. The ndop
tion of this plan by the regular re
publican leaders is the only progres
the semite has made In arranging fo
the disposition ot' the big tariff plan
Several of the progressive republ
cans , including Senators Cummins
Brlstow and Bourne , have conferre
informally over tariff plans , but n
definite policy lias been formulate
by that balance-ot'-nower part of th
republican party in the senate. Th
democratic tenators are equally inni
live , awaiting action by the commi
tee.With the arrival of the chemic.
tariff revision bill , passed by th
house yesterday and scheduled fc
reference to the finance committee litho
the senate today , there were tw
measures listed for senate hearings.
There is t formidable list of wi
nesses yet to be heard on the stc
bill. Those to bo heard today incliu
James A. Campbell , of the Young
ik town Sheet and Tube company ; C. ' .
of Dyer of Piltrburg and other represe
ofa tatlves of s'-oel and steel pipe intc
iJ- esls. The finance committee expoc
th to close its hearings on sleel no
to week.
ve The chemical hearings probably w
begin about the first week in Marcl
Gold In Ducks' Crop.
) V-
ill ! Iowa City , la. . Feb. 22. A gold ni
got , worth i$7 $ , found in the crop of
duck killed on a farm west of he
'or has caused considerable excitemc
00 in unlvorsily circles. Mlneralogii
at the university , who assayed t
ch nugget , said today that a pocket
nit gold may have been deposited on t
oe , sandy soil of the farm during some
the upheavals of past ages. The n
leo gost was brought to the univers
last Monday.
' As Evidence
ee , Packers' Telegrams
ak , Chicago , Feb. 22. Scores of t (
grams , rllesed to have been sent
Louis H. Ileyman , manager of
dressed beef department of Morris
company , urging eastern ropresei
the tlves to obtain higher prices , w
ng , road in the packers' trial. The obj
ind of the government in introducing
telegrams was to show the tesl c :
was the basis used by the packers i
are fixing the felling price.
; iby
After Sixteen Years In Diplom ;
& Service He "Resigns. "
lass Baltimore , O. , Feb. 22. John Rlc
vis- ly Carter of this city , who was for
visof of the dlplomi
of teen years a member
reported to have
lost service but was
signed last October after declining
appointment as minister to Argent !
lore In an Interview here declared ho '
, * yo. forced out of the service. Mr. Cai
the said :
"It has been given out in Wash
ton that I resigned. Nothing wa
enof greater surprise to mo than when I
The celvcd news that I was no longei
Kay the service. I was forced out , I
llrst not given a fair show. "
explained that ho
. H. Mr. Carter
forced to decline the Argentina i
: lze.
ime. because ho could not meet
ponses with the money allowed him by
the government.
Now for $7,000 More In the Fund.
Fifty men have subscribed $8,000 to
the Y. M. C A. fund and this amount
Inow In the treasury for a starter
on the $15,00(1 ( wind-up.
After a brief but Interesting address
by G. L. Carlson , thirty pledged soli
citors for more funds for the Y. M. C.
A. , settled down to the campaign ,
which commenced Wednesday. A lun
cheon was si'ivod by Miss C. I ) . Ocum-
paugh and enthusiasm prevailed
throughout the meeting.
It was in god that those solicitors
should finish their work within one
week and at the end of. that time $ " ,
nee more should bo added to the list ,
"It Is now up to the city and the
willingness to subscribe. " says a mem
ber of the committee. "This general
campaign , which was started with tin
meeting last night , Is for $7,000. a fig
nre which should be reached wlthoiii
trouble if all those favorable to the
enterprise will bo liberal In theli
subscriptions. "
More solicitors arc being added t (
the teams organized last night. Tin
solicitors , at noon each day , are entertained
tortainod at a luncheon In the Com
mercial club rooms.
Al. D. Tyler returned from Madison
John Phlnney rclurned from Aladi
son. - '
C. E. Thevv rclurned from Mimic
C. II. G meshed : returned fron
Tripp county.
F. A. Lapc wont to Seward to vlsl
with his parents.
Airs. Al. r. flaxen wont to Oinab
to spend a week witli friends.
Airs. E. Reynlck of Minneapolis , i
j in the city visiting her brother , W. \ \
r i Hoffman.
j Airs. George D. Buttcrfleld ha
I i been quite ill for several days.
' j The Presbyterian Aid society wi
moot with Airs. Groom Thursday af
H. C. Malrr.u is temporarily engage
as bookkeeper in the Nebraska Ni
tlonal bank.
The 3-year-old son of Air. and Air ;
Lee McCarrfgttn Is suffering from n
attack of pneumonia.
All banks will be closed in Norfol
Thursday. Washington day program
are arranged for in all schools.
Aliss Elizabeth Ryan , who will hav
charge of the A. L. Killian compan
millinery department this season , ha
returned from the eastern markers.
There will be regular meeting (
Boiilah ( bnpter Thursday night. A
members and visitors are cordially ii
vited to be present. Refreshment
will bo served.
According to re-ports received 1) )
Northwestern officials here , a scvei
Inch snow fell at Winner Sunda
night. This amount of snow foil i
the space of four hours. In Wyornin
there was a fall of ton Inches of sno
Sunday night.
r Vernon Gill was arrested by Chief <
Police Alarquardt , charged' with for ;
ing a check. Gill is alleged' to hav
signed the i-ame of G. R. Seller I
the check nnd passed it successful !
in a saloon. Cashier W. J. Staffoi
of the Citizens National bank refuse
payment on the chock immediately .1
tor he had looked at the signatur
The checked called for $10. Gill' w ;
t- al one time employed by Seifer.
Claim to Save Farmers Money.
Mitchell. S. D. , Fob. 22. That
saving of more than $2,200,000 h
been made to the farmers of Sou
Dakota by the Farmers Grain Deale
r.sFociatloii , is the claim by the of
itel cors of that , organization which beg ;
el its fifth annual convention here
le night. Delegates representing 2 :
. farmers' ek-vators are present.
D. i
Sons of Veterans at Columbus.
Columbus. Nob. , Feb. 22. The tw <
Is ty-clghth annual encampment of t
xt Nebraska division , sons of Vetera :
concluded here after holding a t
ill days' session. The first day was ti
i. en up with bearing reports and'rout !
business of the order , and in the e
ning the delegates wore guests of I
ig- local camp at a theater party a
lunch at the Oxford cafe. Wednesc
"e' morning the encampment concluc
their work by electing division o
sis cors as follows : Division command
he H. W. Rogers , Fremont ; senior v
of commander , G. A. EDcrly , Stanti
he Junior vice commander , R. M. Tys
of Tobias ; division council , Hort J. (
ug- ley. Columbus , T. O. Siecke. Wisr
ity A. C. Boone , Columbus ; dtvis
chaplain , H. H. Rood , Columbus ;
vision patriotic instructor , R.
Strolher , Co'umbus. ' The division
gaining ground and is in a heal
by condition , gains having been m
the during the year just closed.
ita- West Point.
ore Marriage licenses have been gran
ect during the past seven days to the
the lowing -ispirants for matrimony : :
O8t or Topp and Miss Mela Heinema
In Frank C. Nellor and Miss Ha
Frahm ; William Mahnke and J
Barbara Raasch ; William Ilasonk ;
and Miss Anna Schlecht ; John
Helnemnnn and Miss Caroline E
mann ; Jacob Hlrky , jr. and Miss
ma IHtsche ; Clemens Buse and J
Igo- Mary Stalp ; Gustavo Zobel and J
Anna Prcdcehl and to William Fu
mann and Miss Marie Renncr.
Rev. Thomas Evans , the newly
lna pointed pastor of the Congregatii
% church at West Point , preached
Initial sermon here on Sunday.
Evans succeeds Rev. D. B. Wrl
who has left the ministry and rer
a are ed to Chicago where ho has gene
rein - business.
in The marriage of William Ha
was kamp and Miss Anna . Schlecht
curred at St. John's German Lutln
was church on Thursday , Rev. S. Mec
post paslor , performing the nuptial r
ex- The attendants were Herman Hi
kamp , Carl Schlecht , and the
.Mlimit' Kind and Anna Hrockmnn.
The couple belong to prominent and
wealthy families of Elkhorn township
and will reside therein on their own
News has reached the city of the
marriage at Hlalr of llarloy McDor-
molt and Miss Frances M. Knuiso ,
solemnized on Thursday by the coun
ty judge of Washington county. Mr.
McDermott Is the former proprietor
of the Saratoga pool hall at Wont
Point and the bride the daughter of
Mr. and Miv. William Kraiise. They
will reside al Grand Island , the for
mer home of the groom.
South Norfolk.
Mrs. J. M. Honduraiit returned from
Halt ! Crook a few days ago.
Ray Fani'an , storekeeper at the
roundhouse , dropped a largo spring on
his foot Saturday , and Is obliged ( <
navigate on crutches.
Ed Conlev of Snyder returned home
Monday noon after a few days' vlsli
with fricndn there.
Miss MadoMno Donton. formerly ol
South Norfolk , but now of Dallas , was
here over Haturdny and Sunday.
Miss Lillian llillo of Inmnii was
hen1 yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. Alt-Andrews loft yes
lerday for n few weeks' visit In Chi
cago. Miss Jean Waters loft for Emmet
last evening.
Aurl Ward returned from Omah ;
last evening.
Mr. and Airs. John Williams return
ed to their \ \ < me In llattlo Crook aflc
n brief visl1 at the homo of the foi
mer's pnronls , Mr. and Airs. n. I1
N. A. Rainbolt Dead from Fall.
N. A. Rainbolt , for more than ( won
ty-fivo yoarh ono of the most proinl
nent men In northern Nebruska , dlei
at his homo on Koenisstoin avomu
this city , at 12:0. : o'clock Wodnosda ,
afternoon as the result of an Interim
hemorrhage due to an accident las
week when ho slipped arid fell on a ;
Icy sidewalk.
( ' Death came suddenly and as a w
' vero shock to his family and friends
He had appeared to bo feeling SOUK
what better early in the day , but th
end came middy when an absces
that had formed in the region of th
gall bladder , was ruptured.
Mr. Rainbolt slipped on an icy slid
walk err No * folk avenue a week us
Monday morning. The sidewalk
were covered with ice and
thin film of snow bad covered t
ice , HO that walking was a dangorou
matter. Ho struck upon his fact
breaking an arch bone above the lof
efieek and crrttlng a severe gash i
the head. Ho was carried into 111
Suiter Coal and Grain office , unconsc
ons. and taken home in an antonic
bile * . It was some time before he re
gained"consciousness. . Later , tronbl
developed In the region of the ga
bladder , duo to the violent jar tea'n
tainerf in the fall , and alarm was fel
. ns to bis condition.
Seemed Better Monday.
On ATondaj of tills week an Omah
physlcfan was called in consultatio
and bad given encouragement to th
irct family .expressing the belief that Al
ct Rainbofr would recover. His loot
. physician , however , had constant !
'felt ' apprehensive as to the outcome. Airs. W. TI. Utichols : and W. M. Rail
is Bolt of Onip.ha , the only survivoi
save Mrs. Rainbolt , wore hero AIo
day but their father seemed so we
at that time that they returned I
' their homes. They will roach Norfo
ilS _ , ,
this evening.
The funeral will bo field al
rg I
o'clock FrfiTay afternoon from tl
an . home on Koenlgscein avenue.
Mr. Rirfnbolt was ono of the hea
:20 fest property owners in the city. I
was a man of excellent judgment ,
man of fntogrity and honor and 01
field in Frfghpst esteem by the poor
of this city who had known him f
he so many years , flis sudden death h
nS ) boon a iirofound shock to the co
WO' niunlty.
ak- Mr. Rainbolt was ( if years of a
akne [ on Doc. II , last. Ho bad lived In Ni
ve- folk for twenty-six years. Ho w
the- planning to build a now home in t
inn" spring , having recently purchased
lay lot on Norfolk avenue betwc
iecT Twelfth and Thirteenth streets.
fft- Was Born In Indiana.
lor , Napoleon Alexander Rainbolt , If
Ice yer , banker , financier , was born
sn ; Lawrence county , Ind. , on Doc.
on , IS-12. His father , A. D. Rainbolt. v
Jal- a farmer ami stockgrower in comfr
icr , able circumstances , and his moth
ion Elizabeth Sadler , was a descendant
di- Sir Walter Sadler of England. I
diG. . more thnn half a century before I
i is revolution ancestors were of the s
thy stantinl yeomanry of the New E
ade land colonies.
N. A. Rainbolt began bis school
when he was S years old , having fl
boon taught reading , writing r
lied spoiling by bis parents at home ,
foi- the ago of S , ho attended a villi
Per subscription school for a year ,
tin , later he attended the public scho
ttie When ho was 15 years old ho en
iliSS ed the University of Indiana at Bloi
imp Ington , whore ho became a mem
impP. of the Phllomathoan society and
inc- fraternity of Sigma Chi.
Em- Quit College to Go to War.
, Iiss He never graduated because ,
iliSS April , 1861 , at Indianapolis , ho enl
cut- od ns a volunteer soldier , and as
In Sept. , 180 : ' , served as a private :
ap- later as a second lieutenant
anal At an early ago Mr. Rainbolt do
hiB mined to become a lawyer and as
Mr. grew to manhood ho took ad van t
ght , of every opportunity to further
nov- ambition. Ho would borrow bo
into and read them at home. He read
steadily for two years In a law of
sen- at Bloomlngton and Tcrro Haute , I
oc- and was admitted to the bar and
oran gan to practice soon after he was
tska , years old.
lies , At the ago of 14 Mr. Rainbolt e
isen- ed his first money as assistant tea <
'n a solc-ct or graded school , and after
hat Inen mod his own living by
oachlin ; wiillo going to school. In
IsiiS ho seitied In Story county , la. ,
ind lor slxtion yours bo was engaged
n the pursuit of his profession , Dnr-
ng the firs' ' ton yours of his profos-
lonnl career his clients were few and
Mr. Ralnboli was fond of relating to
friends the fights lie wont through In
the day * when ho was barely able to
make a scant living.
Ills confidence In himself and his
future was fully Justified when ho was
ployed by the officers of a newly con
structed railroad to defeat an action
brought to annul a tax voted to aid In
its construction. Ho became- local at
torney of the railroad and the stand
ing and prestige this employment
gave him , brought him clients.
President of Norfolk National.
In ISS'l ' Air. Rainbolt became presi
dent of the Norfolk National hank ,
and the duties of thai office compelled
him to largely abandon his law prac
tice. Since retiring from the banking
business. Air. Ralnhnlt had been deal
ing in land on a largo scale , some
times purchasing over 2,000 acres of
land at one time. Air. Ralnholt was
a member of Alathowson Post , G. A.
H. , of tills city. Ho was a member
of the First Congregational church.
Air. Rainholt was a member of the
W. II. Hucholz , now one of the most
prominent hnnkors of Omaha , learned
Iho banking business , began bis biisl
ness career and learned the bankltip
business mi'lor Air. Ralnboll's super
vision. Later Air. Bucliiilx. was mar
ried to Air. Ualnholt's only daughter
and at the ( line Air. Itainlioll rotlrci
I'loin active business some years ago
his son-in-law becamepresident of tin
Norfolk National bank.
Breaking of An Ice Gorge Causcj
Heavy Floes in the Missouri.
Kansas City. AIo. , Fob. 21. Break
Ing of an lee gorge here today cansei
n rush of heavy floes down the Alls
Mouri river , sinking the tug Onialii
and caving In the side of a largi
barge. Throe rlvormen narrowly e
raped death when the tug was sunk
Colder weather north of Kansa
City is believed to have lessoned th- -
danger of boats moored in the rivei
Spokane Shippers Want Railroads ti
Reimburse Them.
a Washington , Feb. 21. As a soqiif
to tfie interstate commerce commit
sion's decision in the famous "Spr
kane rnto" that freight charge
to nmf from Spokane were unreason
able and exorbitant , the shippers o
the easrorn Washington metropolis tc
day made a c'emand on various north
western and transcontinental lines fo
$2,000,000 reparation.
Miss Murphy May Yet Go to Prison.
Lincoln , Fob. 21. Harry Heath , serving
ing a life sentence in the penitentiar ;
for the murder of Charles Sellers , ;
ranchman , will be taken to Valentine1
Nob. , this' afternoon to toll the gram
jury in session there what ho know ;
about the crime. Heath , with his con
sin , Kenneth Murphy , and two rnoi
named Weed , rilonded guilty to liaiifj
Ing Seller : ? , and drew life terms ii
The public sentiment in Chcrr
county has > been inclined to connec
Eunice Murphy , Heath's cousin an
the girl whom Sellers loved , with tli
crime , and Heath's testimony is su |
posed to be wanted on this phase of th
. Tots Committeed to State Home.
Aladison , Neb. , Fob. 21. Special I
The News : Sheriff Smith returnc
from Norfolk with .Mr. and Airs , WI !
iamson and their two boys and tv\
girls , ranging from 2 to 12 years <
ago ; Airs. Alole and her little boy ur
1 °
girl , and Mr. and Mrs. Sheppard wii
their little boy and two little girl
These children arc suffering for tl
ul"common necessities of life , their p
rents being destiluto and without si
go flcient employment to provide the
tiras with proper food and clothing.
. as - The hearing was had before Coua
Judge M. S. AlcDutfeo for an ord
placing triem in the homo of the stu
en board of control at Lincoln. Coua
Attorney Nichols conducted the I
qulry and examined the witness *
tw who consisted of John Phiuney , Pr
in Fulton. Airs. W. H. Weeks , \\llliii
11 , Christian , Mrs. Stamm , AIrk Pow <
. 'as and County Commissioner Burr Ta
> rt- all of ITorfolk. The four Williams
er , children and the two Alole childr
of were committed to the home pern
or ncntly , and the three Sheppard cl
Lho dren were committed there tenipor ;
ub- ily. The Alole baby , 0 weeks old , vv
ng- bo provided for at some home in N
folk until it can be weaned , when
Ing will be permanently committed to theme t
irst home with the others.
At Eight of the children were taken
iigo Liacoln on the morning train. 1
uul Alole baby Is still with the motl
ols. temporarily and1 ono of the Slioppi
tor- children ! s now In the Campbell ho
Din- on Madison avenue , between Nil
ber and Tenth streets.
Adopt Commission Plan.
Madison , S , D. , Feb. 21. The c (
in mission form of government v
list- adopted at a special election. 1
lain vote was 3G5 for and 70 against ,
and will lake effect on May C.
Lead , S. D. Feb. 21. In an elect
tor- In which a light vote was cast , '
he three comm'ssloner ' form of govc
age ment In preference to the five ci
his mlssloner system was adopted h
oks yesterday.
law At Belle Pourcho the commlss
flee plan also was adopted , the three c (
nd. , mlsslonor system being chosen.
i 21 Menlnjjltlt In Nebraska ,
Lincoln , Fob. 21. Members of
am- state board of health were advised
: hcr an outbreak of corebro spinal mei
gills In soiilhoitHtcrn Nohrpthn. Tluw
far there have hood hut I wo fntnlllloa.
both In Richardson county , ctodtted to
the disease. The opinion among phy
sicians Is that It IH the same ailment
which prevailed In Texas and oilier
outliwostorii states. The stall" hoard
s preparing to Issue a bulletin ov-
ilalnlng how to guard against thu
: llsoaso.
Decision Complained of by Labor W.n
Rendered by His Father.
Alorrlstown , N. . ! . _ Fob. 21. Alahlou
D. Pltmiy , who was named for the su
remo court of the I'nltod HtaloH by
President Tni'l , took notice of the op
position of his confirmation by the
senate , that had come from a labor or
ganization in the west.
"I wish simply to deny , " he said In a
statement , "Hint I am an enemy of la
bor. As to the decision mentioned ,
and what over const ruction may bo T
placed on It , I have nothing to say ,
for the reason that It was not mine. It.
was delivered orally and on the spur
of the moment by my late father , Vlco
Chancellor I'itno.v. In lioi ! : , when I wan
junior member of the supreme court
bench of tills state. "
Congressmen Visit White Earth Reser
vntlon and Are Amazed.
Petroli. Minn. . Fob. 21. "If Lincoln
could huvc taken the trip we did. It
would have made Ills kind heart
bleed. " said .1. Al. Graham , chairman
of the congressional cominltlco of the
land fraud in describing a two days'
trip across While Earth reservation
Air. Graham and Repi'osonlatlvn
Henry George returned from Iholr
trip , which was made to Investigate ?
statements that many of the Indians
were diseased and starving.
"It's an awful Indictment against
somebody , " said Mr. Graham , anil
Air. George * quoted the words of
Thomas Jei'fr-r.son. "I tremble for my
country when I reflect that ( hero Is a
just God. "
Nicaragua Wants Knox.
Managua , Nicaragua , Feb. 21. Great
Interest is shown in the proposed visit
of Secretary Knox. to Nicaragua. The
president has sent Air. Knox a cable
gram , asking him to be the guest of
the nation. Extraordinary prepara
tions arc being made at Managua for
the entertainment of the American
secretary of state.
New Sioux City Hotel.
Sioux City , la. , Fob. 21. Work on
| the $100,000 six-story hotel building to
bo erected by J. P. Martin and L. R.
.Martin , on the Alondamin hotel silc ,
Fourth and Pierce streets , will start
today. The building is to bo finished
by September.
The Third Round Must Be Played by
Friday , Night , Committee Says.
The second round in the Elks bit-
fiard tournament has boon completed ,
and the dravtiiigs made for the third
round , as follows :
Pasowalk vs. Kendall.
N. A. Iliiso vs. Lnrkiri.
Tyler vs. Mayor.
Davenport vs. J. Koonigstoin.
It is the desire of the committee to
Have these matches all played off before -
fore Friday night.
Following Ritualistic Work , Social
Evening Is Enjoyed.
Dancing was a feature of the eve
ning's pleasures at the Hen Hur ini
tiation after luncheon was served.
For this occasion the firemen's or
chestra uavo their services. The danc
ing continued until after midnight.
Among the candidates Initiated were :
at Robert E. Trnex , Annie O. Trnox , Wil
id liam Alexander Bockenhaner , Ethel
Lh Alao lleckonhaiier. .Max E. Schwort.
Is.le fe-gor , Gladys O. Schwortfeger. Alary
le- E. Scott , Rose M. Fix. Robert C.
ia- Smith. Mary P. Scott , Matilda R.
ifm Aloyer , Genevieve C ! . Doreg , Raj- R.C. .
m Ed wards. Afnroia P. Proud , Minnie P.
Jenks , Alando E. Barnts. Henry A.
ty Barnts. Ada E. .Martin , Aden Sheriff ,
er Estolla G. Sliorilf , William P. Alicklo.
tc Enoch A. Evatison , Nora T. Evanson ,
ty Frances L. Duffy , Bessie J. Duffy ,
- Clara Af Borowlack , Marc-la T. Alel-
-'S , kus. Myrtle E. Alobr , Clarence Horbl-
son , Gladys A ( . McClow. Cathyrn D.
111 !
Among thr social members wore :
ft , John Schelly , Efflo Monroe , E. E.
Trnolock , E. S. Monroe , Hattlo May-
wand , Josslo Mny Kline. Francis J.
AIcGhan , Marie Clement.
The reception and ontortalnmont
committee were : Edward Kline , Alice
Ogden , .Mrs. Suitor. .Mrs. C. Rasloy , W.
orit P. Davoy , .M. R. Green. R. Solomon.
Airs. II. A. Brashear. Airs. R. C. Simmons
mons , Airs E. A. Amarine , C. S.
Hayes. Ed Cioinent. William AlcCnno ,
to K. Hopporly , Airs. Cooper , Mrs. W. P.
'ho Davoy. Airs. O. List. Airs. Hackort.
Mrs. John McGrnln.
But He Woke Up.
A. II. Vielo recently had a dream
which lie believes would havenetted
him much money and would have
saved the lailroad companies thou
sands of dollars , but for the fact that
ho woke up just in time to lose the
mechanical secret. Mr. VIele was atone
It ono time a railroad engineer. Hl.s
dream carried him back to the days
ion of the throttle and he was brought to
the the tlrno when ho found II necessary
irn- to "smoko Into" the siding. His train
was approaching a switch , which had
) in-
ere to bo thrown. "As plain as if I was
on the road today , " ho says , "a device
Ion presented ItEelf In that dream where
by I could throw that switch from my
engine , without stopping and making
It necessary for the man to get down
and do the work. Just as I was startIng -
Iho Ing Into the switch I woke up and
1 of with my awakening the Invention was
Jin- lost. "