The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, February 23, 1912, Page 7, Image 7

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Lajole , Plank and Sullivan , Men In
Question , Are Yet Rated With the
Greatest A Number of Those Who
Joined In 1002 Still Playing.
Of the 'JIM ) placet's who weie In the
American league in the season of IIHil ,
when the younger organization made
HH real hid for equal honors with the
National league , only three are llxtiires
for the next campaign. liacb one of
tbcHo players IK a bright and particular
Htnr In bin department and Is expected
to tdilnc as brilliantly this season as
heretofore. These three are Nap IM-
Jolo of Cleveland , ICddle Plank , the
Hotithpaw of the Philadelphia Athlet
ics , and Hilly Sullivan , the catcher of
thu Chicago White Sox. In 11)01 ) La-
Join was with the Athletics , but the
following spring joined the Naps , of
which team he has been a member ever
Hlnce. Plank has played steadily with
the Athletics , while Sullivan has been
thu mainstay of the White Sox behind
the plate and a manager one year.
If Norman Hlberfeld Is retained by
Washington he will make the fourth
member of the American league who
was with the organization at the be
ginning of Its existence , but Klherfeld
IH Blated for the minors. Several other
players now In fast company deserted
the National league for the American
league In 11102.
ThcHu Include Sam f'rawford of De
troit , Hobby Wallace and Powell of
the St. Louis Browns , Doc White of
the White Sox , Hill Donovan of the
Tigers , Tom Hughes of the Hrowns
mill Topsy Hartsel of the Athletics.
Cy Young came over In 11)02 ) , but Is
now In the National league. Jimmy
Callahan , Matty Mclntyre and Char
ley llemphlll all came near getting
Into the honor roll as well. Hemphill
and Hartsel have now become minor
league managers. Callahau , Melntyro
mid Hughes have not played continu
The National league can point to six
players who have served since 1001.
They are Wagner. Clarke and Loach
of the Pirates , Mathewson of the
( Slants , Kllng of the Hostou Hraven
and Chance of the Cubs. Mike Don-
lln and Hoger Hresnuhan are two oth
er National league veterans who start
ed playing In I'.IOI. ' but have shifted
their attentions from one league to the
other or dropped out for a seasou or
t wo.
Famous Old Time Player Catches on
In Northwest.
Oeorge Van Haltren , the old time
Htarouttielderof tde .New York Giants
nnd of recent years identilled with the
Pacific C'oast league as manager of
the Oakland club and later as umpire ,
will handle the indicator In the North-
webtern league next season.
\ Fans all over the northwest are ac
quainted with the veteran player , whu
appeared In Portland In the roles of
\ player , manager and umpire. A mem-
lier of the New York Giants years
iigo , with the reputation of being one
of the hardest hitters nnd best basu
runners in the circuit. Van stayed in
the big league for years , finally end
ing his big career in Plttsburg when
lie broke his leg sliding inlq second
Giants to Have Uniform "Like th (
Early Dawn. "
The haberdashery of the New Yorl
National league baseball players nexi
summer will be more elaborate thai
has ever been worn by any basebal
team heretofore. The homo uniform ii
to be of a soft velvety llannel of colonial
nial cream. The buttonholes will IH
worked in colored silk thread , and tin
monogram "N. Y. " will be also worket
in silk.
The road uniform Is lo be of strongei
material than lasi season's. The coloi
will be gray , "like the early dawn , " h
Metraw's ! description.
The home uniform will have a flni
feather stripe on colonial cream back
ground. The hosiery and caps will b <
novel and attractive.
Jack Donaldson a Speed Marvel.
Jack Donaldson , the "blue streak , '
so called , of Victoria , Is a marvelous
pprlnter , as shown again In his recem
contests with A. H. Pestle and C. B
Holway at the Jubilee oval , Adelaide
South Australia , when Donaldson vroi
three race . He was first In the 10 <
yard das-Ji by two feet In 07-10 seconds
ends , won the 110 yard dash by a fee
in 10 < j seconds and captured the 13 (
yard dash by three feet In 123-10 sec
Umpire Is Athletic Instructor.
Baseball Umpire John E. Rudder
bam of Randolph , Mass. , is athletli
Instructor at the University of Illinois
He has full charge of athletics ant
will have entire supervision of td <
physical condition of the members o
the football , baseball , track and bus
hetball teams. Kudderbam last fal
trained the football squad , hut uov
Las an all the year round ponltlon.
Good advertising will mnXe ever
thing about your store Interesting t
the patrons of It will mak
news of what takes place wlthl
your store's walls will turn ever
price concession to good account ,
matter of real Importance to you
toreV friend *
H-ivi. | i > i > fntirui'e in Ignorant of a
. i CM i ntiinii r nf things , ( n order to
Hti'iil MH-r iiiniMli ) of being ignorant of
evcnti'ingSvdney Smith.
Jnp ; Tnke to Basketball.
Jat > : iiie-c n-id-nt nf S'.n : Pram Isce
IIPplaniig bti'Uetl.1'1 . '
In His Recent Battles Forest City
Scrapper Has Shown Skill , Speed
and Punch Attel Not Improving ,
Although Still Great.
Now tint .liibnny Kilbane. the cicie
land featherweight , Is to meet Abe
Attell for the < hamplonshlp In Los
Angeles I'eb. 22. the question pre
KcntH itself , What are his chances with
the holder of the title ?
There Is a big diversity of opinion
among the followers of the game
throughout the country. Johnny has
thousands of admirers who have abso
lute confidence In bis ability to beat
the wonderful little Hebrew tighter ,
and on the Pacific coast there arc a
good many who will support him In
his dispute with Attell.
Viewed from a strictly unbiased
point of view and with due respect to
Abe Attell and the wonderful ability
ho has displayed in the past. It now
looks as if Kilbane stands a peed
chaiice of winning the title that Abe
has defended so valiantly for RO many
years. There are several reasons for
this conclusion. In the llrst place ,
Kilbane has shown high class In every
department of the game. Ho has prov
ed to be an exceptionally brainy sort
of lighter , possessed of the necessary
speinl , hitting power and ability to
stand punishment. He has also shown
remarkable endurance , for he has fin
ished all of his battles in good condi
tion and has not been fatigued to any
Attell Is reaching an age at which
the average pugilNt begins to retro
grade , while Kilbane is just approach
ing his maturity as a lighter. The best
lighters ever known to this country
leached their best between the yearF
of twenty-one and twenty-four. Kll-
bane is now going on twenty-two , and
he Is still gaining in strength and hit
ting power.
Filipinos Are Rapidly Grasping Ameri
can Sport.
Cuba and Japan are not the only ls >
lands which baseball has captured.
Colonel Manuel tjnozon. one of the
two commissioners from the Philip
pne ! . said In the course of a recent
address in Hoston :
"Did you know that the Filipino boj
takes to your national game as a duck
takes to water ? In this nport tin
young men are encouraged by theii
elder * , and it Is a common thing tc
see from -l.OO'i ' to .1.00(1 ( persons wit
nessing an important game. The pub
lie a'ready ' understands the fine points
of the game , which is. In fact. becoiU'
ing the national game of the Islands
We have several leagues and teams
that can hold their own with the
teams from the wav < hp- ! .
"Nothing less than a miracle could
bring freedom to the Filipinos last
ing freedom. 1 mean , safe and sure
so quickly as a nieo of men trained
early on the athletic fields , with tht
game of baseball as the basic sport. "
Game Is Dead on Other Side , anc
America Beckons Ringsters.
Another InvaMon of the United State !
by IlritMi ring lights is on tap. A let
ter received from Bombardier Wells
the Hritlsh heavyweight champion
states that he will sail from Hnglanc
on March 2 ami George MacDonald
manager for Matt WelKrltes hell
start for America with the lightwelgh1
champion of Kngland the latter part o
February. With him \\lll come Sam
my Kellar and Harr.Mansfield. . .
"The boxing game is on the decliu <
here at pp-sent , " writes MacDonald
"and I Intend to put my string in ac
tlon In America. "
Capron Olympic Sprint Candidate.
Quarterback Halph Capron of th <
University of Minnesota football lean
will enter the Olympic trials , wulcl
are to be held next May In Chicago
Capron , who has run the 100 yard dasl
In ten seconds , will compete In tin
100 meter dash.
Eastern Olympic Tryouts.
The eastern tryouts for the big Olym
pic meet In Sweden next summer \\ll
be held at the Harvard stadium. Cam
bridge Mass. . Juno S.
Try a News want ad.
tlT " ! M SF IB
Forward Pass Improved , Onslde Kick
Eliminated , Length of Gridiron
Shortened , Kickoff Changed , Num
ber of Downs Increased.
Surprising seems to be the word bout
fitted to describe the changes In the
football rules announced by the solons
after they finished their two day se- >
KOU | In New York recently.
Not enl > removing the game's verml
foim appendix by Hitting out thu on
mile Ul < K , ibe gridiron doctors made
HCM'tii ! other \\ceplnu changes In thu
rule * . With the abolition of the. onslde
Mi u went the elimination of the tv > eu
tj . .Minione A forw ; 'd pass now can
be made acioss the goal line provided
the puss Is completed \\llliln ten yards
be.M'iid ' ( ho gual lines. Hereafter the.
teams will be allotted four tries Instead
of three to make the necessary ten
janK The playing Held was shorten
ed Irom 11U yards to 100 yards and the
value of a touchdown was Increased
from the points to six. points.
These change.s , together with the
elimination of the Held judge from the
ollleials , the shortening of the Inter
missions between the llrst and second
( imirter.s and the third and fourth < iuar-
ters from two minutes to one minute ,
the limiting of men on the side lines to
one liibtead of three , the institution of
( he klekoff from the Ulcker's forty
yard line instead oC at mldlleld , as
hitherto , and the putting of the ball
Into play following a touchback from
the twenty yard line instead of from
the twenty-live yard line were the prin
cipal changes made at the meeting.
The rule regarding drop kicking was
made more specHe. ! No weird kick
like that which came from the toe of
De Witt iu the Princeton and Dart
mouth game last fall , the ball striking
the ground and bounding over the
crossbar , \\lll be allowed to count as a
tield goal hereafter , as the committee
has ruled against a bounding bull.
It Is the opinion of the committee
that the changes will make a better
balance between the offense and the
defense than was shown In the game
played under last year's rules ; will en
able the stronger team to show its su
periority over a weaker eleven and will
Improve the running play of the game
without weakening the kicking depart
ment and without reverting to the
pounding attack of the so called "old"
game. With the abolition of. the twen
ty yard -/.one football will bo made
more open than it was , but more stress
will be laid on the running game with
out weakening the kicking department.
The shortening of the playing Held
from 110 yards to 100 yards was made
necessary by the rule permitting a for
ward pass to be made across the goal
line , provided the pass is completed
within ten yards beyond the line. Some
football Hclds will not permit of ten
yuuls beyond the goal lines , so the
goal posts had to be brought in live
> -nrds at each end. making a distance
of 100 yaids Irom goal post to goal
post. The live yard rule behind the
line of scrimmage governing the for
ward pass was retained , as also were
tit her rules regarding the forward pass ,
with the except Ion of the one that did
not permit a pass to be made across
the goal line.
Provided a forward pass made across
the goal line is not completed within
ten yaids beyond the line the pass will
not count as a touchdown , hut will be
considered as a touchback. and , ac-
cordiug to the now rules , the ball must
then be put in play from the twenty
yard line Instead of from the twenty-
li\o yard line , as hitherto followed the
making of a touchbaek.
With the abolition of the ouslde kick
and the wiping out of the twenty yard
zone the duties of a Held judge were
nuililied , and hence the committee de
cided that a Held judge no longer will
be needed Henceforth the linesman
will ha\e jurisdiction over otl'slde pla.i
and .ilso will Keep time. The dntiei
foin.cio plau-d nn a Held judge will be
dhideil among the linesmen , iiuip'ii1
ami icferee
11s ; c.ul of UK-king oil' from mldlleld
as iiil'.iiTlo the klrniiff will be made
from the KicKer's J'ortv yard line or .it
a point sxt ! > > : ds from opponents'
iron I posts Tli s rule , according to
the Intent of the < omniltteo. will lesson
the kicking strength and Im reasc
the naming stiength of a teirfli l\ !
allowing an eleven four downs instead
of thu-e to make the necessary ten
yard- , the committee is of the opinion
that a better balance between the at
tack and the defen-e will be instituted
without reverting back to the old mass
The only other change In the rules
not hitherto mentioned is the change
regarding the for goal or klekoff
The winner of the toss at the start of
the game , as usual , will have the priv
ilege of choosing for goal or klckoff.
hut the captain who lost the toss at
the start of the game will have the
choice for goal or klckoff nt the be-
pinning of the second half.
Taking all the changes into consid
eration , the rules committee should bo
congratulated on having Kolvrd the
question of equalizing the offense and
defense. Of course It remains to bo
Keen how the new rules will work out.
A want ad campaign will cure you o :
your pessimism concerning a man'i
chnncos , nowadays , to find profitablt
and suitable employment where thread <
road to promotion in not closed.
If you have anything to eell , try t
News want ad.
Dents Champions and In Turn Geti
Trimmed by Third Raters.
Though there Is not n light export
\vlio believes that tlicro la champion
ship class In "Knockout" Brown , the
Now York lightweight , yet that
worthy has a record which would
place him In the front rank. The fact
: hat he twice outpointed A < 1 .Wolgast.
iiiocked out Tommy Murphy and
scored over Abe Attell Neciim not to
tiuve chunked the general opinion thnt
Itrown N a second rater at his best.
llrown , as far as boilng skill Is con-
I'enied. should have been an easy
mark for any of tin ; lighters mention-
IMmto by I'ross Association.
ed. He has found Hert Keyes and
l.each I'ross. two third raters , tough
propositions and has received one se
vere drubbing from One Hound Ho-
uan , who in turn was outpointed by
.Murphy. The mystery Is , How has
Itrown prevailed over the leading box-
Packey McFarland Is the latest of
the lightweights ; to express a desire to
get on with Hrown. He offers to meet
him at 1315 pounds at U o'clock and ex
presses confidence that the awkward
style of the New YorUur will not baf-
tle him.
Schuyklll Regatta May 25.
The board of stewards of the Amer
ican Howling association has selected
Philadelphia , May IB next , for the next
annual regatta. It will be held over
the association course on the Schuyl-
klll , and The events will be the same
as last year.
Stanford Has New Shell.
Stanford university fjf California ,
which aim inlly rows against the I'ul-
verslty > ( ' "nllfornla crews , has receiv
ed a new el/rhr / n- -fl shell from l".i\v \
Va1RttMfi " ' 'I Sea * . 60,000.
ArcT'e-'u ,11 , . i- , ring plans Co-
fip | 'if"T i > f > . ; . -d im to be bul't ' bv
Yule iinivcis'ty ' IM . ' . 'ew Haven It .
fieat lU'fion : ; > iij will be ready In
tin : .
M. D. Tyler went to Wayne.
O. S. Spillman of Pierce was here.
C. W. Manke of Hosklns was here.
Henry Hnnso returned from Sioux
M. P. Hairlngton of O'Neill was in
the city.
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Uhllg returned
from Omaha.
August Deck of Hoskins , enroute to
Madison , wai ; here.
T. C. Hums , register of the land of
fice of Gregory , was in the city today.
Mrs. S. K. Kmld went to Denison ,
la. , for a few days' visit with rela
Gust Kelts returned from Hoskins ,
where he attended the wedding of a
Frank Chepelwa of Cleveland , O. ,
and Ernest Christie of Clinton , la. ,
spent Sunday here with .lames De-
G. P. Durland of Plainvlew and C. I.
Bernard of this city returned from a
business trip at Mondamin , la.
Mrs. Allen Kuhn started for Orange ,
Cal. , on account of the sickness of
her mother. She expects to be gone
for about two months.
Among the Norfolk people who ex
pect to attend the automobile show at
Omaha today and tomorrow are : C.
E. Hurnham , A. K. Leonard , II. A.
Pasewalk , George P. Christoph , .7. W.
Ransom , .7. C. Larkin , George Davis.
K. G. Daurn has purchased an auto
norn to Mr. and Mrs , A. E. Cham
bers , a son. i
Born to Mr and Mrs. William Retz.
loff , a daughter. .
A regular meeting of the city coun
cil will be held tonight.
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Uhllg have
rented the house nt 1220 Koenlgsteln
avenue , recently vacated by James
Two sleepers applied for n place to
sleep and after accompanying Patrol'
man Michael Kennedy from South
Norfolk , they found refuge In the city
The big meeting of the Ben Hui
lodge will take place tonight. A clast
of fifty candidates , Including several
Madison people , are to bo initiated
A banquet la to be held.
There will be two baptisms at the
Christian church this evening , follow
Ing the revival services , The tw (
persons who wll he baptized were con
verted at last night's meeting.
Applications for positions In th
government employ can bo had at the
posttfflee ( where , on April 11 , examin
ations for stenographers will be clos
ed These ) oslllons are open to both
men and women.
Hhetlff C S Smith came to Nor
folk and took charge of .loo Fulton ,
who was anested for taking a horse
from the Mass farm and selling It In
Norfolk. Fulton was taken to Madi
Automobile1 service between South
Norfolk and the main part of the city
Is demoralized because of the heavy
thaw of snow , ( loads leading to South
Norfolk are Inundated. At some points
the water Is hub-deep and the cabs
have been put Into service.
Norfolk will have a new Indus ) r >
added to Its list very soon. City En
gineer Tracy , assisted by C. L. Hunt-
Iv , an Oklahoma draftsman , are ar
ranging to form what will bo known
a u "Norfolk Mapping company. "
Maps of all kinds are to he made by
the firm.
A small tin tobacco can and a few
blotters , the latter damp , Is a device
which Cleo Lederer , secretary of the
farmers' Institute , uses successfully to
test seed corn. The corn Is placed
between two layers of the dampened
blotter , put in the can and the can
t losed and put in a warm room.
The extremely warm weather Sat
urday brought on the usual summer
public auctions more abundant than
i" ver Auctioneers kept up a polsy
racket on Norfolk avenue crying the
announcements of their sales. One
of the auctioneers Injected humor by
forgetting a street number and sub
stituting the cry for "Corner of U. 1' .
depot and Fifth street. "
\ meeting of the Mother's club will
be held at Washington school , Wed
nesday , Feb. 22 , at 20 : ! p. m. All per
sons Interested in the public school
very cordially Invited. Papers will be
lead by Mrs. John Xurbrlgan , , Mrs. 1C.
II. Holmes mid Mrs. K. Shambaugh on
"Washington as a Hey , " "Washington
as u Soldier and President , " and "The
Place of the Kindergarten In the Pub
lic School. "
First - Forward pass allowed over
line for distance of ten yards.
Second Length of KTldtron 100
yards instead of 110 yards.
Thiid. Touchdown counts six
points Instead of live
Fourth. Four downs permitted to
K.iln ton yards Instead of three
Fifth.-Onslrte kick eliminated.
Sixth. Hcstrlctlon of twenty yard
zone on forward pass eliminated.
Seventh. intermission batween
Drat nnd second nnd third nnd
fourth periods reduced to ona min
ute.KlKhln. . Klckoff from attacking
loam's forty yard down Instead of
Ninth. After touchbaok ball ROBS
In play on twenty yard line Instead
of twenty-live yard line.
Tenth Held Judge dropped from
list of officials.
Eleventh. One coach allowed on
Eldn llnc.s during fame.
Twelfth. Field goals which first
hit the ground and bound over cross
bars Illegal.
Cleveland , Wisconsin's Track Captain ,
Discovered by Exercising.
In Clarence Cleveland the University
of Wisconsin has one of. the greatest
distance runners in the niddle west
this year. Tills is Cleveland's third
year In Intercollegiate track work , and
his DJjrformances heretofore have uni
formly been of such high character as
to warrant the declaration of his ad
mirers that there is no two inller in
the middle west who can compare
with him.
Cleveland was discovered by chance
two years ago. Prior to that time he
had taken no part in track athletics ,
but by chance he took eomc exercise
by running with the track men one
evening , and the coach Insisted that a
man with the tremendous stride that
he had and his perfect physical trim
should try out for the college team.
This is Cleveland's last year in col
lege , and as captain of this year's
team he is determined to bring the
championship home to Wisconsin for
the first time In many years. The most
optimistic doubt this possibility , but
there are very few that doubt that
Cleveland \\ill register very creditably
when the great conference event la
pulled off.
Several New York Clubs Flood Clay
Courts to Enjoy Sport.
One ordinarily associates tennis wltli
warm spring and summer daye , green
sward or baked clay , flannel clad and
sunburned players. But now tennlfc
bids fair to become as much of a win *
ter pastime as it is a summer sport.
Several of the tennis clubs In New
York have flooded the courts where In
Rummer the players volley under o
glaring sun and marked out the regu
lar court lines on the frozen surface
The sport on the Ice has gained con
hiderable popularity. The ribts are
stretched across the center of the let
covered court , and the players ust
ekates to get over the Ice.
At first It took the players of th *
new game some time to get accustom
H ! to getting around on the gliders
They made many awkward moves and
many more awkward shots. In time
hoxvever. they became more adept ir
getting around the Ice clad courts
and once they became proficient thej
grew enthusiastic over the sport.
Continue Laramle Road.
Denver , Colo. , Feb. 17. Under nov
financing arrangements just complet
ed by the Laramlo & NorthwcBten
railroad company , construction worl
will ho resumed within a few days
and the line will be completed to Scott
Colo. , forty-four miles north of Grec
ley , the present terminus of the road
Charles Scott Johnson will remali
president and W. E. Green will con
Untie In ( ho office \lce-prcnlthMit. .
N. T. ( JueniHoy of Don MoliieH , la. , Is
made chairman of the board of di
rectors. F. A. Hrldge of Madison , Witt. ,
will become second vice-president , and
Otto lluber of Hock Island , 111 , will
become treasurer.
Ulnck Dnck to Face the Music.
Winner , S , 1) ) . , Feb. lit. Charles
lllack , who has been \\auted by ( ic :
authorities of Trlpp county for KOIUO
time on the charge of knifing Jacob
Dlckman at Jordan , returned ami IH
now In the custody of Sheriff Little.
It will he remembered that a few
weeks ago Charles lllack and Jacob
Dlckman , while drinking In the BU
loon at Jordan , quarreled and tlnallv
engaged In a fistic encounter In which
Hlack was worsted ; and \\hen lilt-It-
man finally got him down , lllack used
a knife with serious effect.
Immediately after the affrav Hlack
took to his horse and fled , and noth
ing had been heard of him till Thurs
day , when Sheriff Little received a
phone message from him , stating that
ho would bo in Winner on the evening
train to give himself up.
Sheriff Little was In Iowa ai the
time of the knifing affray , and ( rated
Hlauk northward until he found where
he had sold his horse and saddle , and
helleNing that ho WIIH then in Canada ,
he ga\e up the search. HB | surmise
proved to be correct , as Mr. lllack has
just returned from northwestern Can
ada and IH ready to Htand trial for
what ho lias done.
It WIIH thought at the time of the
knifing that Dlckman might die , but
with prompt and efficient medical
treatment he has come out of it as
good ( IB new with the exception of a
few bad sears.
Hlack will no doubt be bound over
to the district court and will bo tried
at the next term.
Born In Hawaii and Came Under Pro
visions of the Act of 1900.
Dr. Sun Vat Ren , llrst president of
the Chinese republic , Is a naturalized
The department of commerce and
labor so held In 1MI ! | on the ground
that Dr. Sen , who had been born In the
Hawaiian Islands , had been endowed
with American citizenship by the act
of I'.lOO , whleh prohied a government
for Hawaii and declared all citizens
of the territory to be eltlztiis of tli"
United States.
$1,000,000 For .1 Vacation Home.
Mrs. Caroline Neustadter. who died
recently at New York , left charitable
bequests of more than $2,000.IOO ( , chief
of willed is a trust fund of $ l.KK.OOn ( )
to establish a vacation home for the
poor and needy and for convalescents
or persons In delicate health.
Just Cheer Up.
Do not 30 through llfo a-
.ln t rhecr up.
Nothing Bnlni'd by your repining ,
So cheer up.
Life Is largely what you make It
There Is pluiisnre If yon take It
As for trouble why , Just hhako It
And cheer up.
Smiles arc cheaper than a froun.
So clic-cr up.
Don't let trouble throw you down.
.Just chcor up
Tress with niuniKu to thn foal.
net some sunshlno In your soul
Troubles then from you will roll.
So cheer up
J. Andruw Zioyd In National Magazine.
Cafes Serving 600 Meals Daily.
Six hundred is the approximate
number of meals dally dished out ir
nine Norfolk restaurants and tdrei
hotels. This does not include tin
boarding houses of the city and thf
South Norfolk railroad eating house
In another month , it is estimated bj
one restaurant man , the meals will bt
increased am- may reach 1,000.
It may be interesting to know thai
very few Norfolk people who davi
homes eat at restaurants or hotels. /
heavy snow or rainstorm will holt
these people in the city at noon foi
meals , but as a rule they stay vorj
close to home during meal hours.
At the present time the restaurants
are doing a very light business. Ir
fact It Is the dull season of the yeai
for restaurant men , according to OIH
proprietor. In thirty days , when al
the traveling men will have arrivet
and the homesteades will be passim
through to locate on their claims ii
the Hosebud , the restaurants expec
to do a rushing business. Very feu
transients l.tivo been arriving recent
ly and this welcome customer is be
Ing looked for by the man who make !
his bread and butter by feeding oth
" \Ve are experiencing dull times a
present , " says this restaurant man
"The traveling men are not yet al
here and the real business will begii
within the next thirty days when tin
homesteaders make the trip to Soutl
Dakota to locate on their claims
They will ho arriving in about thirt ;
days from every road leading Into thi
city and they usually stay In Norfoll
over night. When tills heavy buslnes
starts I expect to servo about 200 ti
250 meals each day. I serve eight ;
dinners now. "
Homesteaders to Boost Business.
U Is expected that a largo numbe
of the homesteaders will come Inti
Norfolk very soon. A banquet wa
held In an Omaha hotel recently b ;
winners of claims at the recent lam
drawing. About 200 of the winner
wore present at the banquet and resc
lutlonsoro passed that the cntln
gathering would travel together ti
settle down on their claims In Soutl
Dakota. Invitations have been extended
tended to these homesteaders by on *
restaurant man to stop off at Norfoll
and have dinner.
Norfolk's restaurants are gcttin
better every year. These now estal
llshed hero are receiving good patror
age , especially among the younger sei
The big business comes at noon whe
the local trade Is deavloat. Storms o
tiny kind ar-j welcomed by the- restaur
ant , wdlcd IH n daveii to the umn who
usually walks home for luncheon.
Theie are M-VOII restaurants In Norfolk -
folk and two In South Norfolk Three
of ( lit- hotels sem- meals ami manv
boardlng IIOIISCH havi- located In thit
ll.v only lecetilly. The business has
been on | | , inrvease each year , nay *
0110 leslaiirant owner.
The brick block occupied by tint
red Donaldson company at Yauktoii
Is to boeiidugetl and remodeled along ,
modem lluon.
Jmlgo James D Km , , , , ( , r , , , , |
Mills was the guest ( if honor al a hlir
banquet given by , | l ( , Mlm-dalm. , ,
< ounty liar association.
T. C. Murphy , a prominent business
man \Valeito\vn. . fell down an ele
vator shaft In his furnlluie
stem- and
sustained severe Injuries.
Fire at Cnpa destroyed a pool hall
hardware store and a drug stord
with heavy | , ms. The Midland fli.v .
department sent assistance by a hand
Plans Inn , , i , , . , , , , completed for Iho
organi/atlon of a You.ig . Women's
hrlstlan association at Aberdeen. A
M-cretary hmi been
engaged nnd a
membership campaign launched.
The 1-your old daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Stanley Pallnck of Watorlown.
who was severely burned in a fire
which destroyed their home , Is dead
as a result of Its Injuries. The lire
was caused by the
spilling of a gasoline -
line can.
Sam Todoroff of Aberdeen has just
lot timed from an unpleasant visit to
his native cumlry. llulgarla. lie wont
back to vi-t : | his friends but was
thrown into prHOu | for leaving the
country without having performed his
military service. Ho was held several
months and heavily fined.
Quarter section Trlpp county ; s
miles good town ; rolling land ; 120
acres tillable ; all fenced ; 20 acres
broken ; small house ; mortgage $700 ,
years al ( i per cent. Will sell on
easy terms or might trade or clear
eastern Nebraska land. Address Lock , Wilton , S. D.
The government will erect a num
ber of substantial
dwelling houses on
the Itosebud Indian reservation next
summer. These will enable the red
men lo live In "whlto man fashion. "
Alexander Mitchell of Ilocla caught
his hand In a corn shredder and be
fore he could release it his arm \ \ astern
torn off.
The election for the organization ot
Mention county will lake place on
April ! t. lii Creek is Ihe only town in
the county , HO there will bo no county
seat war.
The newspapers west of the river
have taken an active interest in the
effort to establish a cross state road
from east to west.
President Dooliltle , of the Marshall
Vinegar company of MarHhalltown ,
la. , is endeavoring to arrange for the
construction of a branch factory al
Ft. Pierre.
The immigration department has
listed about ( HJOO names of those who
inquired about South Dakota at the-
Minneapolis and Chicago land shows.
The case of Slim Unite , demanding ;
a station , against the Milwaukee Hall-
road company before the state rail
way commission , is being bitlerly
f ought.
The govornmenl will soon distribute
( live stock or cash to the amount of
$ . " 00 each to the Indians on the Pine
Hidgo reservation.
Members of the Order of Owls at
fielle Fourche have been arrested on
the charge of providing liquor in violation
lation of the stale law.
Sioux Palls is suffering from con-
gesliou in her public school build-
, ings. The high school is filled lo Us
capacity , and the ward schools are
John Hush , Joe Norman and James
Asbaugh , all of Buffalo Gap , have been
bound over to the grand jury on a
charge of stealing cattle.
Mrs. Chuunccy Wood of Hapld City
was defeated in the litigation between
herself and her sons over the disposi
tion of tile Wood estate.
John Frako and Miss Lena Oster
of Kureka eloped and drove ffty mles
overland to Aberdeen to be married.
Miss Osier's parenls objecled lo tlio
The Commercial clubs of Mitchell
and Chamberlain have called a meet
ing to be held at Mitchell on March 7
to boost the cross-state highway to
the Hlack Hills.
ComniBsoner Cook of the stale
pure food department has issued a re
port on the pasl year's work. It shows
that 1,100 examinations were made by
the department
The suit over the insurance policy
of Charles Hose of Lead , who commit
ted suicide last summer , has been set-
tied out of court by his widow. She
gets $000 on a $2,000 policy.
The supreme court das decided
against Mayor C. A. Hay of Bridgewater -
water , wdo was elected by one vote ,
and against whom Jacob Schetler
sued , alleging several voles for him
were irregular.
The volunteer flro departments In
the Black Hills dlstrtcl are holding
prolest meetings against the move to
create a state "firo marshals' fund. "
i This would do away with certain funds
which now go lo the volunteer com
A meeting of all the farmers of
Beadle county will be held at Huron ,
Feb. 24 , to consider securing need
corn.Mr. . and Mrs. Adolph Flahol of Deadwood -
wood celebrated their twenty-ffth
wedding anniversary by being remar
ried. Sol Slar , who performed the
orgnal ceremony , was the mayor of
Deadwood at the time. The couple
wll take a second Kuropean honey
automobile In-
A course n practical
fatrucllon will bo offered by the state
college at Brooklngs. The new work
will begin on April 2.