T11K NORKni.K WKHKM * XK\VR .lOfKXAl , . FRIDAY ANY 23 , lf > li > The Norfolk Weekly News-Journal 1117 } M-JVXH i.HtiifiiixtMii 1881 _ Tmjel'ltNAI _ , r.HlHlillMirtl 1S/7 / TIII : in in i'i m.miiMi \V N lll'Hi : , I'riHldotit i : r in HI : \ic < - i X A IM'SU. S rristiiry. 10 rr } I'rliln ; . mull. | irrnr , > ! . . ' ( ) l m I ho nciHtoffU'u at Norfolk , Toliiphoma IMItcirlnl Department NcliriiMkii , IIH 111 ( ind-i IIIHH niiittur ToluiihoncM Hell L' : . Automatic 1122 That Itnllnti war HOOIIIH to have gene glimmering President Tall IIIIH a way a sitting on the lid of tiny foreign tiotiblo very effectively. The president of China will have .1 sweet oh ) time tijlng to Hhiilcc hands with -lit 1,000,000 people. Undo Sam doesn't propone to stand with his hack to a Mexican. He knows it iHii't safe for a iiionii'iit. A reformed cannibal IIIIH Infoimed n New VorK nowspapoi man that man very much like pork. Uncle Snm IB llkoly to lake the starch out of that $10,000,000 ! eollm tumt before It Ib fairly started. Some of the pit'Hldi'iitlal ' candidates nro alrundy acknowledging that this is the winter of their discontent. Lake Supeilor is frozen o\er , but if the Duluth youngsters try to bkato around the pond they'll be late to SChOOi. Wo met a man the other day who said ho had not been Indicted for any thing , and ho didn't look cheerful , either. China is peiple\ed over what to do with the baby emperor. Give him a rubber doll niul a rattle and he'll be all light. A Kansas slogan for good health would be wisely adapted everywhere. "An open window is better than an open giavc. " The Cummins and Heveridge booms hoeiii to be on an equal footing both at the foot of the ladder , and likely to stay there. If Geimany has ically dlsco\oied a new type of engine , our nuuil millinery - ory will be out ot style before the spiing openi'igs aio held. The Mexicans would be more popu lar with our at my if they did their lovolnting In winter , when people aie looking for a warm climate. Haggage tmasheis are more care ful about the tights of property since cat tying d > namite lound in suitcases and ti links became so popular. Theie is a lot of noise but it is to be remembeied that It is the still , small \oice of the people that will settle the piesidential contest. If the Lorimor committee me un able to make up their minds , they should snap up a cent rather than al low the thing to inn on so long. It now lemalns to bo seen whether Mr. Tail's Neuiotie club will attain the long and exclusive membership list gained by Mr. Roosevelt's Ananias club. Shustei nicy have been the goat but lie made It pretty expensive for the Russian bear before he was bodily re moved fiom his lule over Persian af fairs. Arizona has now become the forty eighth sister , and we are anxious tc learn how she survives the change from cowbo > leggings to the hobble skirt. liming cinmmed up wih n few ar tides on Dickens , modern literary culture turo adjoin ns reading any of nil books until the next centenaiy come : around. Opportunity knocks at each man's tloor but does II in too gentlemanly i way to suit some people. They evi lently expect her to knock the dee : < low n. The Order of the Garter has beei conferred on Sir Edward Grey , bu so far ns we can see he will ha\e ti hold his other stocking up with i safety pin. Ella Wheeler Wilcox Is named to bi the first woman to go on the suprem bench , but as Ella is a poet , we do no feel sure that she would have her ha on straight. < The house proposes to tax cosmel ics. While the women have neve bald much about taxes on necessities we see some one's finish if they pu a tax on beauty. There may be a difference of opir ion as to the best way to bring i about but there is a general agree rnent that there is urgent need c monetary reform New York has one very sagaciou man. Ho was quite wealthy and whe he died recently he left his propert to his lawyer. It saved a lot of boll er for the lawyer. Albert Reeves of England killed hi -eon to save him from the "raaelstror * L4 * JlLrfifc + " * < * * * * * * * * * * of modi rn industrial life. It looks as If It weiu nunlimt Albert's princi ples to HIIW wood. King George ban made his spot-eh Horn the throne , but he will have to make * ICHH stereotyped lotnmks If he expects the IIOVK In the uallciv to stop eating peanutH and listen. * Ex. ( lov. Ik'rihk lsto bo minister : > Prance. Ho should make It his uty to go mound to Maxim's at day- ghl , lead homo the Amcilcan tout- Hts , and put them to bed. It Is noted that none of the prosl- untlnl lanlldates claims to have ecu bom In a log cabin , but those lat ( iimo from poor but honest par- nts stand a chance to get by. Tliteo must sleep In a 100111 at the emocratic convention , and the clerk niiHt look out not to put eonsorva- ives and Insurgents together , or the Illows may fly before morning. Senator La Folletto's bioakdown is luo to his not having had a rest for wolvo years. Running for vice presl- lent would lie better than any modi- Ine the doctor cnuld glvo him. > It Is piedicted that there will bo a lean Bvveep of the old political order if things at the next election in Call- ornln What else could be expected with so many women behind the new iroom ? Charles W. Morse has been freed rom the penitenlary but he paid a neavy penalty for his questionable iv ays of financing. He is In very poor health and his death cannot long be liostponed. Hishop Walden of Cincinnati has lireached 10,000 sermons , and the man , vho has heard them all , and will yet continue to put plugged coins into the contribution box , must have a reprobate - bate mind. Mr Carnegie enjoyed telling his own reminiscences before the Stanley nvost [ gating committee , but his repu lation for candor and sincerity was not increased in the mind of the- A HUM lean people. Senator La Follette is going abroad or two months. He is more likely tc be found ripping the upholstery off si ew of their thrones than going hiough the picture galleiies with his lose in a Hnedeker. Millions of people in China am ; lussia aie suffering starvation fion amlne. It is haid work for those of us living in America , where there is such an abundance of eveiy hing to eat , to comprehend this. The ofticial gazette of Pekin , pub Used by the goveinmcnt , will noi only publish the proceedings ant jellies of the government itself , bin he general news of the day. What i boom that would give the Congres sional record , if the same syslen should be adopted here ! That tatue of "La Fiance" to be made by Rodin , the greatest livinj French sculptor , and placed at th < base of the Champlain monument t < be dedicated at Lake Champlain nex summer , will attribute to both coun tries and is a permanent evidence o the friendship which exists betweei France and Ihe United States. NEW YORK'S REVOLVER LAW. New York has been experiencing i icign of lawlessness that is directl ; duo to the anti-revolver law passed ii that state by the last legislature. Oi Sept. 1 it became a misdemeanor ii Now York to have a revolver in one' home. It became a felony to carry : weapon. That meant a penitentiar ; sentence. The result has been that respectabl citizens havp been unable to offer sel defense aga-nst bandits. And th bandits have gone on caiiying guns as befoie. The bill was worked through th legislature at the instance of Tan many leaders. It was forecasted tha it would have just this result. It i said those originally behind the tneai ure had this effect in mind. THE DYNAMITE ARRESTS. Every good citizen of this republi will hope for a fair and speedy trir of the fifty-four men who have bee arrested for alleged conspiracy in th dynamite plots. If these men are innocent of thl charge , a grave injustice has bee done , not merely to them , but to th organization they represent If these men are guilty of thl bloody conspiracy , they are strikin at the very foundations of thia repul lie. Our government is a joint par ncrship. In a business concern , some of the partners refuse to abld by the rules of the company , an plunder and destroy the property c the other members , the end of th partnership is in sight , i Similarly i a partnership formed for the purpos of government. The fact that courts have often bee unjust and that capital has often brll ed officials , Is no excuse for resortln to dynamite. In the long nin , th ballot will be a more efficient weapo than violence. If the battle is to I fought with dynamite , the capltalli can buy more than any one else. N logslntuic | unit- * , inn can long stai d out iiKiilnst the voice o ( the people expressed b.v legal moth , ods , piovld d that \oloo Is In accoid- j anco with the ptluclplon of human jus- tlce. ! ' VHRDICTS The state < if Ohio 1 * holding a con stltutlonai cc'iivcntlon and many mink ed changes are uolng lei bo mnde In Its law'B as n losiilt. Ohio is going at this niattoi in a voiy deliberate and thoughtful manuoi. nnd Its nblo men who have watched the constitution making In the1 nowoi states lecentlv admitted to the- union me determined that when they get thiough with their piosent lob that theli state Hhall have the best coii'tlutlon than can be found among the preat commonwealths of [ ho nation Among the noticeable- changes pro posed which will piobably bo carried Into effect is an amendment to the state constitution providing that the verdict of three-fourths of the jurors in any case will be decisive. This pro vision is ahcady found In the laws of a few of the western states and the Ohio lawmakers are convinced that it is the proper and right step to take. It is contended by those who heart ily favor it that it will materially aid in futtlioreiiee of justice , rather than its retardation. They agree that if the evidence is of such a nature as to convince nine men out of twelve It should be considered amply suffi cient upon which to base a verdict. It will put an end to the man who is more conspicuous for his natural contrariness than he is for his sterl ing common-sense from tying up the jury for long hours and defeating the very ends of justice by compelling a disagreement It will break up the tedious delays and unreasonable expense - pense of new trials and have a trem endous force In giving Impulse to the expedition of cases and a thorough overgoing of judicial procedure. It is these discouraging delays and this un warranted expense that such consei- vatlve but thoughtful lawyers , as President Taft , so earnestly decry and ot which they urge revision and change. LIVING IN CLOSE QUARTERS The inci easing cost of building houses , and congestion of population in cities , is constantly forcing a lar ger number of people to live in small quarters. To Mrs. Newlywed , accus tomed to ample space in her father's borne , the small space of HIP new nest of married life seems pinched and meager. She may find comfort in leading how living in close quarter' Oooks to a bright Euiopean woman Mine. Maeterlinck , the Belgian pilmn donna who has just sailed for home , The crowded condition of apart ment house life , as it is developing in large cities and towns , and the lack of the traditional room to swing a eal in of course a dally proceeding in every well regulated family has been often dwelt upon by our alert miiidee paragraphers. The social philosophei has always disliked to see apart ment house I life become cornmoi in any place before it is called for bj congestion of population. The three family house which is becoming sc common a tvpe , does not help a fain ily to acquire attachment to the soil When did a top story family ever cul tivate a garden ? But for many of us small quarter ; are Inevitable' . In our large Americar ways and love of space and freedon we have often failed to see how i small apartment of but few rooms car be made artistic , distinctive and hab liable. A stranger among us like Mme. Maeterlinck is captivated bj the many ingenious devices of Ameri can builders and home furnishers. "O , the dear little gas stove and tin dear little washtub were too sweet fo : words" was the way Mme. Maeter linck put it , desciibing her flat n Harlem. I Most people aggravate the appearance anco of congestion of the small apart ment by using wall paper with largi and staring figures. A plain pape with larger spaces of uniform cole and design lets the eye wander aionj the wall unrestricted , and relieves i of the cramped feeling. A similar effec of si/e is gained by papering contigt ous rooms that lie together with th same pattern of paper. People who are living in small qua ] ters need to be careful about buyin ; largo chairs and desks. Some famillc seem to think every chair in their 11\ ing room must be big enough to ac commodate President Taft with ease isIs A MARVELOUS MOVEMENT. We are living in a remarkable en The world is in a moment of unres Is and changes are being made that few years ago would have been ur believable. Great as is the progress being mad in our own country , and startling a some of the new ideas advanced ar to the most of us , the most Intcrestln ) f country in the world today Is Chini This is the rnoro striking inasmucl ns until the last few years , i was th most uninteresting. It has been n gardcd as more profoundly aslee than Philadelphia and a thousan b- jcnrs behind the march of clvlllzatio of the more western nations , like th 10 European countries , and the Unite States. But today it has had a relr carnation and almost at a moment1 notice leaped Into the arena as country whose people propose t their Indlftoieiue and lethmg > and hoop -top. heieafter , to the music of prontests and clemociacy. Yet , It must be lomembered that < ur Ideas of China me quite elude 'nnd that nut conclusions In legaid to | Its piust apl to bo untrue , In couse- j queneo The fm Is of history show conclusively thnt In Its younger days , thousands of years ago , China was In the veiy van of c-lvill/atlon. Research has i evented that many of the things which wo pildo 0111 Helves upon dis covering In these days woie , long be > - toic the model n nations came onto the stage of action. In common use and familial to this oilental nation. Hut their clvlll/atlon thiough the cjcle of centuiioH , became east in tig- Id moulds The nation had a closed mind to wlat the lost of the vvoild was doing and actually Inn i led Itself in Its oun dull , sluggish nairow life. Hut now It Is once more alive. The monarchy ol the tviant Manchus is being toin asundoi and dlsiogaided and the emerging of a meat and re juvenated people is being cleaily ills- ce'rned In the call for a lopublic. It doe's not mean that China will become a full-fledged and enlightened demo cracy at once It will lequlre years of struggle and much hlttoi experi ence befoie its people are ilpo and capable to cmr > on a successful gov- eminent of their own. If the rest of the world will keep hands off and glvo the Chinese a chanceto work out their own salvation they will do it. The leaven of liberty and freedom Is busy and thy world is making ready for that better and giandei eia when men shall be biotheis and the whole earth will ipjolce in a clvill/atlon that will be fraternal and the reign of the people shall usher In righteousness and justice It seems tilkllngly singular but It may yet be true that in the world's upheaval aim groping after truth , jus tice and liberty , the great republics of the United States In the eMreme west nnd of China in the ex'treme east muy together lend the way. DESERVE HIGH PRAISE. The army engineeis who have had charge of the digging of the Panama cnnnl during its construction and are still at It mo worthy of the maikcd ap preciation and admiration of their countrymen The pi evident of the United States has just issued a pioclamation in which lie foimally invites the differ ent nations of the earth to take pait in the Panama-Pacific exposition , to jo held at San Piancisco , in 191 . It hi ings home , moie foicibly than it could be done in any other way , thai the mrny engineeis have been loing splendid work at the isthmus. Without blme ot ti limpets or any vaudeville stunts of any kind to at tiact attention , they have faithfully and steadily toiled. They have done this to such puipose that the canal will actually be waiting for the for mal opening long months before the exposition at San Fiancisco arrives , It will b" doing business as a pioniO' ter and distributor of the woild's com merce a rioovl ways ahead of the press ing of the button which shall start the wheels in motion at the Golden Gate and declaie the world's greatest and most gloiiou- . fair actually realised The work of these army officers in the engijieeung department is a re flection and example of what \rnerl' cans can do when they aie once de lei mined to do it They have more than made Rood. Their progress has been more lapid than anyone anticl pated , and this not at the expense ol superior skill and faithful work. Theii estimates of cost have been made con Eervativoly and have not been overrur by their actual experience. Theii tremendous task has been kept well ii : hand , at all times. There have been and there are yet those who look thiough pessimistic spectacles , who are determined thai some unknown and unconjecturet calamity will yet overtake the cana before its completion. Such , people ex 1st and must be borne with. However Ihose who are best informed , in the engineering circles of Europe and this counlry , take no stock In these II forebodings. The finishing of this monumenta piece of engineering befoie the linn anticipated , its conduct in such a wa : as to conserve the health mid the for tune of the thousands who carried 01 the work , and its great significance tc Ihe frilure of this country and tin world , reflects credll upon all win have had lo do with it. Not only i re the engineers ahead o the game , mil Iho same splrll seemi lo pervade every departmenl of thi government in regard to it. The president ident has expressed a wish that ever ; member of his cabinet visit Panami at as early a date as possible , in orde s that they may have a personal knowl se edge of Its construction , Its needs anc its significance. History is likely to regard thi building of this great thoroughfan j which binds the nalions of Ihe eartl together more closely thai ever befon Ihe achievement thai reflects thi greatesl glory upon two admlnlstrn tions of Theodore Roosevelt and Wll Ham Howard Taft. / AROUND TOWN. When a man's 30 one of his pam mount thoughts is the wish that hi might always stay 30 years young. I thai a HIKII. along with 1:1 n\ halts and hit leaning laldnoss. that one's giow Ing old ? Speaking of baldness , wo sec1 by tnu pajiei that tin-- new piesldont of China has i lipped his queue mid has gained a loan of .1 millions. On the same condition , we'd likewise bo willing to bo shorn ed. They may be able to fight on the stieet In Norfolk foi fifteen minutes without Intelfeieiice. but let this be said In favor the Noifolk police , as compared with those clubs in little old New Yo.-k There men't any automo bile bandits able to run loose for a week In tlilt , buig , accumulating thou sands of dollais' worth of booty , and leaving the police lento absolutely In the luich fo/ luck of a clow. A ti-voar-old boy mid a grown up man aio a good deal alike , after all. To wear an overcoat makes the boy feel like a mollycoddle nnd to wear rubbois makes a man fool the same way. It takes almost a spanking to get either one of "em to come across. A good many people make the mis take of thinking that cold air Is flesh air just because it's cold Is theie anything on earth harder to do than to get up In the morning unless It's to go to bed at night ? We vv ashed our hair last night and today wo simply can't do a t. w. I. Are all the robins asleep at the switch ? Wake up , little blidies , we'ie on the way. Here's hoping you won't have to wear that fur cap again till next De- ember. The o f. quilting bee has been dis covered It was hydlng In Norfolk. "Anothoi reason why many people beat It for the cabs and pass up the auto taxicabs at the depots , " a Nor folk woman sa > s , "is the fact that in coming passengeis believe the autos ire private cars and not public ve- ilcles. A friend cnrne to visit me and did this tiick When she went home she wont to the tiain in an auto. " Tlnee bandits might be able to jump into a New York taxicab. in the heart of the financial district , and get away with $2i",000 , but they couldn't do it in Norfolk. Emil Moeller has seen a pair of rob ins and a flock of clucks. Can any body beat that hand ? It'll take four of a kind to do it If the lobins and ducks are ically on the job to stay , the ground squir rels on the Country club greens want to get icacly to duck. Ever see a ground stiuirrel duck ? They're geese if they don't and it'll be a hoi so on them if they get hit with a golf ball , now that they've been warned. We warn 'em because we'd feel sheepish to make goats of 'em. fP S There's a hand that beats those two robins and three ducks. ) Stop the press while we laugh. The telegiaph operator , listening to A. P. leased wire clicks , just put the lighted end of a cigar in his mouth and getaway away with it without the slightest suggestion of profanity. Not the slightest suggestion. It's mean to laugh but we couldij't help it. Speaking of politics , we'd like to know whicn can bent at billiards Taft or T R. We know T. R plays tennis and Taft plays of ] but just at present we've great admiraton for a clever billiardi t So if they'll line up and play a string of 100 , it'll help wonderfully in settling this little presidential - idential matter. And heieV a tentative wager We'll venture that Leo Pasewalk can trim T. R. at tennis and that Uraden can take Taft's measure at golf and that Jack Larkin can make both of 'em take the count at billiaids. Those three might practice up on T. R. and Big Dill and we'll take on the three winners , provided we can be assured of $ f0,000 ! and half the moving picture profits. Anybody else want to get into thif First robin tournament ? At present West Point , Pierce and Norfolk are entered. We have the word of ji brother-in-law at West Point that one of the Dirdies was seen there weeks and weeks ago. We suppose it was n live one. A pair of 'em were spied in Edgevvatcr park , Norfolk , thougl : they weren't reported as nesting. Anc ! now comes Nelson of Pierce claiming to have seen one the day after Valen tine's day. That's four of 'em local ed to date in north Nebraska. De you believe in signs ? Flash : The Pennsylvania flyei made a trip from New York to Chicago cage today without being wrecked. We can't understand why the pee pie who neglected to remind us tc take our pipe cleaner home , don'l send it hack , Of course it's ' a sweet little thin * and we don't blame 'em if they do like to have it round. Still , as one reading between these lines might infer , we're badly in need of it Hello , here's Lent again. Whnt'li wo glvo up ? Wo have it. Why nol the pipe ? Yes , yes , the pipe. Nevei mind thnt cleaner for the time being ATCHISON GLOBE SIGHTS. iV _ Some loafers try to blame theii Inriness on Hard Luck. Possibly a bird hnngs around all winter because It Is Im-y Instead of pntilotlc. It IB lather difficult to coiiipmmlHO with ti rebellious stomach. Theio Is never as much excitement as a uervoiH person Imagines. A fm nun boy's notion eif a sluecuie Is a job u he to theio me no chores Most of the things you mo afinld of won't hurt you If > ou leave them alone. A yellow newspaper Isn't the only one which cofois Its news to some ejx- tent. Theio mo exceptions to all lilies , but , geueially speaking , the man who whips his childen a good deal has a mean disposition. Ocoslanally theie Is a woman with such a Capacity for Woik that she can maintain a leputation as a model housekeeper mid a star church work er. An old hoise can swear a lot with 1 Its ears. A lot of nice people say "gimme. " Instead of "give me. " Aviation prl/es mo pretty laigo , they have to be. It isn't the last woids of famous men ( lint make them famous. Hiagging sometimes helps a little if the braggart knows when to quit. A shiftless woman Isn't abused foi her shiftlessness as much ns man IH A man acting a cheerfulness he doesn't feel , Is never a very good ac tor. Sometimes a barnymcl bird can whip a regiilai fighting cock , but not often. "When I was a hey , I used to fight a good deal , geneially getting whip peel. Hut 1 liually found a boy I could whip , and got oven. Don'l you know of older people who seek levengo In that way ? " Rufo Hoskins. No one else can attiact as much at lentlon by meanness as a preachei can. One has to be diunk to enjoy fight ing , and a drunken man can't fight much. It a man's ambition doesn't make Mm woik harder , it doesn't amount to much. When a man first stops at a big hotel he is consnleiablj' awed by the bell boys. Hon. .lanuaiy Thaw is almost as popular when he's working good , as his kin , Haiiy , used to be with the diottis ladies. A boy is so tend of cold he favois a national holiday oveiy time there is a snowstoini It a man doesn't make enough to support one family , he isn't apt to be lending a Double Lite. That piejudice against a third tein probably didn't originate with a mai holding nis second. 'Ihe meie fart that you don't get join woik done doesn't piove that jou have too muc.h to do. No man should elope with a gii young enough to endanger him to ai rest lor kidnapping. If a man is good at it , he cloesn' need an excuse for making a speech- a chance is all he asks. A handsome man doesn't leinnn us so mnch of a Gieek god as he does of a clothing advertisement. Let us be jojinl ; chances are yoi will live longer than the life insirr mice agent's conversation intimates. To satisfy us of his abiding wisdon and cultuie , a man must do some thing more than quote Shakespeare incorrectly. Veiy few burglars are found , coiisid 01 ing the number of people who ex pect to find them when they come home late at night. From the time a boy thinks his fa ther knows it all until he thinks he knows nothing , doesn't seem very long to the Old Man. Some women seem to spend most of their time convalescing , and care ful training teaches them to wear a kimono to advantage. Hy the time there are six or sever children in Ihe family a birthday Is no occasion for a birthday party. While one should not bo dlscour aged by failure , don't cheerfully take up thai line as your regular occupa lion. Slang frequenlly becomes a part o the English language before Noah Webster's heirs and assigns are will ing to admit it. Shallenberger at Nellgh. Neligh , Neb. , Feb. 21 Special to The News Hon. Ashton C. Shallen berger and other prornlnenl demo crats of the state will speak in Die Auditorium in Ibis city tomorrow afl ernoon at 3 o'clock. The occasion will be the celebrating of George Washington s birthday. In the eve nlng a democratic dollar dinner wil bo served in the banquet room of the Odd Fellows. Music la to bo furnish ed by the Nellgh concert band. SATURDAY NIGHT SERMONS BY REV.SAMDElW.PimVRDD THE CALL Of THL HEART , - xt. "Keep thv Imirt with nil ilili I HtncoTrov Iv 23. The Chlncce mij the sent of oru * t emotions Is in the stomach , the nn dent Hebrew snld in the hcmt llotli oak llgurntivcly Wo menu to ell * tlngulsh the nffcctlous and piiKsloiiN from intdlcct and will. The hitter wt > e-nll the henel. the former thn hcmt "HlH heart Is better than his bend And with this figure our vvholo Inn gunge is tilled In trouble wo npe nV ' of heartache , hcmt hicak , hcnrt Nick , j henrt sore. In joy , light hcnrt , glad ' hcnrt , in love , true heart , dear licnrt ! Of n girl who shows her directions , onslly we miy. "She wcnrs Inir lionrt on her Hlecvc. " We cull the kind und ' merciful tender honrlt-d , grcnt henn eel "Ho is nil hcmt" Contrary , we * Miy bnd hearted , hnrd hearted "Ho has n stony heart. " Of milliner , " 11 - bus lost heart" or "With all his heart ' "Take mj child to jour heart , " Hay * the dying mother to n klnsmnn The Hlblc is full of hemt. Hinin docs not He-cm to be mentioned God SMH "Give me thj heart " Tact and Figure. "Keep thy hcmt with all dlllgcm c for out of It nre the IHSUOS of life sajs the tc-xt What Is the fnct mnl figure ? Oh that this little orgnn , blc ns your closed fist , weighing nboin ten ounces , contincts 10X ( ) ( lines nn hour , pulbntes . ' 10000.000 times n jenr pumping the eighteen pounds of blood In jour boclj , exerting a force that would lift Its own weight l.XOOO frx-t every hour , carrjlng life to every p.irt of the bod.v When It stops , lifts is done You wnlch xour boy tyingstiitiK tight about his HIIKCI It gets dark reel If he let It stay It would get purple , then die. gangrene sets In , am putatlon must follow , no blood , sup plj'e cut off Shut off the blood from jour finger , arm , leg , eje , anj part , that member will die That's the fnct The figure K that this henrt of whidi tbo Bible and all literature speaks is the center of our spiritual selves It comes from God When a man lies he shuts off part of his spiritual life from God When he steals , wrongs his neighbor , acts selfishlj , he's shut off that part of his wpiirtunl natures It becomes deadened , nnd if he persists the splritunl boeh will die "Heart failure. " writes the young phjsicinn in the elcnth ccrtlli cnte His older finter doctois smile- Inclulgentlj at the verdict As the hcmt alwnvs falls in dissolution , that term is ns good ns nnothcr. Hut here Is one of mj church members He * broken clown spiritually , no longci at communion , no longer supports the gospel , no Bible reading , no prayer He seems benumbed , pnraljzecl in his spiritual faculties. You appeal to him. but he seems to have slipped out of the innks of the living You art ) talking to the dead heart failure The Call of the Heart. The cultme of the heart counts .More people miss heaven from lack of hcmt than lack of bend. 1 know that brain wins more npplnuse and o.iins bigger rnouey. I know that the woild's premium is on head rnthei than heart But 1 am not living for the pie-sent threescore yems and tun cntiidj I'm after larger game The call of the heart is the call of etcrnitj Many a fellow with poor head , but good heart , has come down to hon oicd grave , while his neighbor , willi good head and bnd heart , closed his dnjs 111 dlsgnico The education ot the world Is the education of the he-ad We call the man with no head equipment a fool What shall we call the man with no henrt equipment' ' A machine ? It's sad to see the fool with the dead head , but it's tragedv to s-eu the tool with the dead heart After all. the need of the vvoild lodav N mote heart , and tt warm hcmt it that. It's the henrt i.Hirer than the lic-ad that canics all before it. 'Ire nitudous might of enthusiasm in unj cause is clue to the all concluding power of warm hearts Even those who have cool heads ordinarily me can led nvvaj before the Hood of warm hc-nrts The world calls the man with wrong bend a fool God sujs to the man with wrong heart. "Thou fool" 1 prefer to range myself on the side of the Almighty ! The Great Trust. "Out of it"-lt not out of your bank book , not business success , not politi cal influence nor professional glory , not even out of good family or favorable environments , but out of it are the issues of life Our henrts mnke our worlds for us. Our external clrcum stances nre the shadows cnst by our Inner erpcrience. Outer sounds nre echoes of Inner harmony or discord The picture's in the heart ns well as in the Inndsenpe. The heart's the trcn ury whole your gold is held , the foiin tnln of the stream of your conduct , i he- store from which you drnvv coin crsji tlon nnd deeds , the gnrden where grow flowers of beauty , the prison where nre locked jour dangerous passions , the fortress where your soul's gnrrison keeps watch , the castle In which you live , whose- turrets reach the portals of heaven. Its dungeons the gates of hell Your outward enemies nre many , but "he thnt rult-th his own henrt Is greater than he thnt tnketh a city" Your he-art. If repenting , believing , for Klvlup. Is your soul's cathedral , In which the e'hrlst comes HH the grent high priest nnd where > ou may men-f \vlth A want ad campaign will get you acquainted with a lot ot oaoplo who want to buy homes and ttre homo you want to aell would aurcijr suit some of Uii \