TIIK NOHKOLK WHKKI.Y N'KWS-Joni.VA ] , . I-'KIDAV KHHIU'ARY 2.'l 1012. Iniurnnco Men Finish Session , A business Huxnlun , liiclndlng the uicctlon of officers for the ensuing yenr , nppdhilmunl of legislative and program committees , delegates to the national convention , reports of vari ous committees , wore features of Thursday's tesHlon of the Nebraska Association of Mutual Insurance com panies , holding their two days' con vention huro. Lincoln was the city chosen for the next convontlon. After many resolu tions were adopted , Including the en dorsing of Fire Commissioner Ran dall's campaign against fire , and the vote of thanks to Norfolk , the Com mercial club , Ex-VU'O President Ev ans and the resolutions of respect to the late John Emmanuel who , before his death , wan for ten years presi dent of the association , thu conven tion adjourned at noon Thursday. The following officers were elected : President. A. C. Hull , Hastings ; vice president , M. C. 1)111 ) , Belvldere ; HOC- retary-troiisurer , Mrs. M. C. Hitchcock - cock , Lincoln. The secretary's salary was fixed at $ f > 0 per annum. Last year's legislative committee was reelected - elected and Frank Mills of Lincoln succeeded Herman Bnoltow on the program committee. W. J. Eyostono of Lincoln was selected on of the en tertainment committee for the Lin coln convention. ( ! . L. Carlson delivered an Interest ing address on "Co-Operation" during the morning session and M. C. Dill rend a valuable paper on provisions for Insuring automobiles. Acting Mayor Herman Winter , who delivered tin , address of welcome at ( .be opening of the covcntlnn , was given a vote of thanks for his co-opcr ntlon with local committees. The address of J. E. Curt ! of South Omaha on farm risks was one of the feature impels rend during the after noon session Wednesday. Chief Deputy Fire Commissioner C. A. Randall of Lincoln , who was sched uled to address the convention Wed nesday at'teinoon , was unable to bo present , but his paper was rend by Secretary Hitchcock. "During the pnst yonr there have been 1.IM8 fires reported to the fire commission department , " says the fire commissioner's paper. "The total value of buildings that have been damaged by fire was $8f > 87-lH. The value of contents In buildings dam aged was | SOC > 7.S17. There was In- Mirnncc on the buildings damaged amounting to $ r > ,70r > , ! )01. ) and the In surance on the contents was $5,289- M10. The total value of buildings and contents that have been damaged by fire is $ ir.,7ri5,2l ! , but the actual dam age has boon reduced to $1,778,1:58 : largely through the efforts of the paid and volunteer fire departments. "This army of figures ought to con vince the most skeptical that money Invested In adequate fire fighting faci lities , manned by loyal and courage ous men who constitute these various fire companies. Is money well expend ed. " The reports of the various compa nies and the round table questions took up the remainder of the after noon. rT A banquet was served In the Mer chants cafe during the evening , al which many toasts wore responded to. State Auditor Barton was unnbh to be present at the convontlon am ho telegraphed his regrets. Delegate .7. A. Moses of Aurorf wns taken suddenly 111 during the afternoon tornoon and Vice President Evam took him In charge. A physician wai called , but the delegate's attack wai not n serious one. Coal Rate Increase Held Up. Washington , Feb. 17. Increase \ freight rates proposed by the Chicago Burlington & Qnincy railroad on coa from mines in Wyoming to jnnetloi points in Montana and beyond wen suspended today by the Interstate commerce merco commission pending an invest satlon. FREMONT CASE TO THE JURY. Defendant Testifies He Shot Gorey I Self-Defense. Fremont , Nob. . Feb. 17. With com sol starting upon their final argt inents this morning It was expecte that the jury which has been hearln the trial of Al Prnyn for the mimic of Michnel Goroy will take charge c the case this afternoon. The defens late last night closed Its attempt t establish the contention that th shooting of Goroy In his own saloo by Prnyn on Christmas day was don in self-defense. The prisoner testified that he dl not fire until Gorcy was within si feet of him with a gun pointed at hi bead. Columbus School Has Class Striki Columbus , Neb. , Fob. 1G. The loci board of education is facing one the most peculiar and perploxln problems ever placed before then The entire high school has refused .iiUMiil their classes until either Prii olpnl Vance is asked to resign , < Miss Barrett , the mathematics teac' or. who was recently dismissed 1 Supt. Campbell , is reinstated to hi former position. Miss Barrett , whose home Is In Has Ings , Neb. , was the victim of a figl made upon her by the principal , tl htudents declare. Ever since he can to Columbus Inst September , Vam has been continually at war with tl others on the faculty. It is alleg < by the students that he has rcpeate : ly told young ladles of both the stu ent body and the faculty to "shut ur "close your face , " and "go get a bo ( on etiquette. " Mr. Vance denies th absolutely. According to the story 1 tells the board , several members the faculty are Jealous of his pow and have combined with the studen to oust him from his office. The fight on the principal is boi > : led by Steve Kent , a member of t senior class , and Earl Munson , scion teacher and until this year a stude in I th - I nherslty of Nebraska. They have I secured the active support of I'M gar Howard. Judge Hecder , County Attorney McElfrosh and a large share of the countunity. Principal Vance Is being backed by the board , Snpl. Campbell and some of the parents. Every ono In the city has taken Hides upon the question , and there Is little talk being hoard about anything ex cept this controversy. Affairs reached a climax on Monday of last week , when barely n do/en pu plls out of an enrollment of 175 came came lo school In the morning. Classes weie dismissed for the day , and the boa id hold a special meeting In the evening. The entire student body , and ns many of the patrons as could crowd Into the assembly reemit it the high school , attended the meeting. The board refused to take iction upon the demand of the stud- 1'iiln that the principal bo expelled or that MIs.i Harrett bo reinstated. They postponed the matter until Thursday 'veiling , and In the monntlmo asked the pupils to go back to school. The pupils agreed , but refused to attend any of Vance's classes. At the Thursday night meeting Miss llarrott was present to refute the charges that she was not able to keep order In her classes. In her behalf. Judge Roodor asked that she be given the privilege of denying the charges In the presence of the students and others who had hoard the accusations made. The board , after refusing to allow the teacher this privilege , went Into executive session , but did not de cide upon anything definite. The matter Is still In the air. Mr. Vance Is still principal , hut he has no pupils , because they have stuck Ktoadfastly to their announcement that they would never again attend his classes. Vance was elected to his present position last Juno , following Principal C. 10. Collett's resignation In order that he might become superintendent of the school at Fairmont. The pres ent principal ciime hero from Wilbur whore he held a similar office last year. Paving Material Matter Settled. Bituminous concrete paving , the kind recommended by the property owners' committee who visited Oma ha recently , is the kind of material that property owners ask to be used - for the Norfolk avenue and North Ninth street paving , the new paving district , No. 2. The committee circu - lating the petition for bituminous con crete paving finished its work yester day afternoon , and filed' the petition with the city clerk. There were S.ODO , feet of frontage signed for on the pe tition. This gave the petition COO more feet than necessary. The advocates cates of a regular concrete paving were active in circulating a petition hut this petition has not been filed with the city clerk. FRIDAY FACTS. ais Hurt Mapes went to Omaha. isr James Dlgiian returned from Ponca r- S. M. Braden returned from Chi cago. Tat cago.Mrs. . George A. Brooks and Mrs. A Helm of Bnxille Mills were in tlu 'd lo Ed Hruggeman went to Sioux Git id on business J. Wulz of Pierce was here transact ' ing business. C. 1. Bernard went to Mondamin , In ' on business. Carl and Otto Zuelow have gone t as Houston , Tex. Mrs. E. A. Wnddell returned froii > Chlcngo am' ' Omaha. . Miss Leona Goucher returned fror ! St. Paul and Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Drebert of Oal dale were here- visiting with friends A. Zorba , merchant and land denlo ro m. of Herrlck , transacted business in th ! . city yesterday. W , B. Hninos went to Auburn wher ho was called to the bedside of hi father , who ! s ill. Miss Edith Voile went to Lincoln t in spend a few days with her sister. Mis x Voile , vho is attending the stat university. u- Miss Bertha Johnson of Verde ! ha i ued accepted a position in Norfolk. ng A meeting of Damascus Commnt lor dry No. 20ill be held for work thl of evening. iso The Norfolk Automobile club wl to hold a meeting In the Commercit ho club rooms tonight. on The (5-yenr-old ( son of Mr. and Mr no Albert Schelbe Is suffering with an a tack of pneumonia. lid C. E. Thew has gone to Mlnnesot six where It is reported that his fatlic Ills is not expected to live. N. A. Halnbolt , who accidentally fo and sustained severe injuries , spei ke. a restless night , but is reported nine cal improved today. of Charles Gray , the Dekalb , 111. , ba Ing bor who was arrested for vagraiu MIL Thursday and put on the street coi to ) misstoner's list to work out a $7.1 Inor fine , has escnpod. or M. PrentlsR , traveling nudltor of tl chby Nebraska Telephone company of Om by : ha , checked off the Norfolk office ye Her terday. Mr. Prentiss and M. .1. Sn ders went to Butte on business toda ist- S. K Hrown of Farnnm. Neb. , h Kht purchased the stock of the Peoples d the partment store from J. W. Ransoi .mo Mr. Brown has several stores In tl nco suite and expects to continue the Nc the folk business. ed Miss McClalrd of Minnesota will i cd- in Norfolk Sunday , Monday and Tm ud- day in the Interest of young people work , and will aim to visit all t ook bible schools in the city. She w ibis speak in the M. E. church Sunday a heof ernoon at 3:30 : p. m. and everybo of is cordially Invited to attend. ver , J. A. Montague is asking for bl nts for the construction of a one-stc brick building on his lot on Norfc ing avenue between Fourth and Fil the streets , Thn proposed building has inco ready been leased by R. E. Pepple a lent H. L. McCormick , who will install barber shop and cigar statm in the new building The crowd of young people bidding farewell to P newly wedded Norfolk couple with the aid of rice and old shoos Wednesday evening , surprised a m-wly married couple from Trlpp county , S. ! . , who wore on the same train enronto east. When tired of "pestering" the home couple , the new- lywedH from the northwest were given a shower. C. S. llayts returned from Chicago , where he declares his son , Clyde Hayes , Is "making good" ns "caller" In the now Northwestern passenger depot. "Every word he calls Is easily understood , notwithstanding the echo In the largo building , " says Mr. Hayes. "I believe Clyde would make a good finger and i am going to have his voice tried out. " Funeral services over the remains of Herman lanson were held at 11 o'clock Friday morning from the fam ily home on South Eleventh street. Rev. Mr.VllhaustMi of the St. Jo hannes church had charge of the serv ices. Interment was made In Prospect Hill cemetery. The pallbearers were : Fred llaase , Charles Bolorsdorf , Chris Kronch , John Herman , Fred Gall , Henry Munsterman. At the instance of County Commls slonor Bur- Taft the 10-year-old ( laughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Vans- colk was slit to the school for the blind at Nebraska City. The girl had been deprived of the sight of ono of her eyes when born. The other eye has been giving her much trouble and her case has Interested county auth orltlos who believed she would receive coive bettor attention at the school. Among the day's out-of-town visitors In Norfolk were : A. L. Zavitz , Mitch ell ; C . L. Do Grnsh , Elk Point ; P. L llagoman , Platte Center ; Mrs. .1. G Mark , Platte Center ; E. E. Adkins Wisner ; H. J. Snhr , Emerson ; H. O Lewis , llartlngton ; E. B. Brown Wansa ; O. C. Anderson , West Point ; F. B. Llndley. Gordon ; L. W. Vnuth , Wayne : T. C. Burns , Gregory : C. B Booth , Lynch ; A. Lorha , Herrlck ; W II. Kramer , Humphrey ; Or. C. C. John son , Creighton ; A. F. Dills , Scrilmer II. M. Kidder , Scrlbnor. U. P. Officials Here. Vice President and General Man ager W. B. Scott of the Union Pnclfi Railroad company paid Norfolk ai early morning visit today. Accomp ; nled by Assistant General Manage Ware , Division Supt. W. R. Cahlll and Assistant Engineer Scott , the now \ice president of the Union Pacific ar rived in Norfolk with Ills special train at ( ! : IO a. in. After inspecting the grounds and yards of the company and a short conference with C. W. - Landers , local agent , the railroad officials r- rn ficials went back to Columbus , from , which place they started on the main line inspection. The new aepot was locked nt the time of the officials' arrival and they were nimble to Inspect the building. Vice President Scott recently suc ceeded A. L. Mohler , who Is now a. president of the road. This wns Mr. Scott's first inspection of the road In his new capacity. A. lie Rush Beginning to New Lands. The second rush of settlers into the ty ; new lands of the Rosebud , to be open ed to settlement this spring , is now ct- on. Homesteaders with horses and household belongings , are passing n. , through Norfolk. to < NEW LINE FOR KEYA PAHA. m Lincoln , Feb. 1C. Articles of incor porntion were filed yesterday for ira HU proposed ne\v railroad which is pro jected to run from Springview in Keyu ik- Paha county to Spaldlng in Greeley is. county , passing through the counties lethe - of Greeley. Gnrfiold , Wheeler , Holt here Rock and Koya Paha. The capita stock of the company is fixed at $ " 00 re 0(10 ( , with authorization for n bonded ( lis debt of the same amount. The incor porators are Charles F. Lear , Join to F. Cnrr , C. A. Ripley , J. N. Cassady iss jr. , and C. E. Coon. The ncknowledge ite inont of the papers wns made In Omn ha. as Keya Paha county at present If without a railroad , the nearest lim being the Northwestern to the south Ills Numerous plans have been formulat ed in the past to got a line into the I county to connect it with the North ial western , but up to the present thej have mot with little encouragement rs. : The article. ? just filed provide for at- line operated either by steam or eloc ) trlcity. ita. : TO QUIZ STANDARD OIL MEN. ler Attorneys and Representatives roll Rockefeller Must Answer. 'lit St. Louis , Feb. Ifl. Attorneys am 1P" representatives of the Standard Oil Rockefeller interests , who attendei inr" the annual meeting of the stockhohl ers of the Waters-Pierce Oil com Jin- pany , have been served , It was an nounced today , with subpoenas to ai pear Monday and glvo depositions re the garding the methods employed by th ma- Rockefeller Interests In the Standar es- Oil company. The subpoenas wer inn- served on AI. M. Vanburen and Wn lay. ter Taylor of New York , R. W. Stew ! has : art of Chicago , nnd George N. Mayer c do Kansas Cty. It is believed that th om , taking of depositions will servo t the stay the mandamus proceedings be for- fore Circuit Judge Kinsoy tomorrov ) The mandamus proceedings are t belies force H. Clay Pierce and his assoc lies- ates , owners of the minority stock I le's the Waters-Pierce Oil company , to co : the tlfy the votes of the Rockefeller stocl will holders in the Missouri corporatio aft- Pierce contends that the votes shoul ody bo counted , and in a statement h lawyers charged that the Standard 01 bids company was attempting to porpctua tory a trust. folk 'ifth Brig , Gen. Whlpple Retires. al- Washington , Feb. 16. Brig. len and Charles II , Whlpplo , paymaster ge ; a'oral ' of the army , was retired on h own application yesterday , after more than thirty years' service Ho Is suet - t ceded by Brig. Gen. George R. Smith. Gen. Whlpplo had a strenuous career In the frontier days and In the Philip pines. Porto Rico and Cuba. A Dance at Long Pine. Long Pine , Neb. . Fob. Hi. Special to The News : The ladles of Long Pine gave n dancing party at the The- atorlnm Wednesday evening , which which was attended by more than 100 Invited couples. The hall was beautifully decorated , and the music wan furnished by the Peterson-England orchestra , who have made themselves famous In the vicinity of Long Pine by rendering such music as Is seldom hoard In small towns. A committee of five ladles was uni formed In bountiful white gowns , and a splendidly arranged program was carried out , which afforded great pleasure to all present. Twenty gallons of punch ( nearly plain ) were served by thrco young misses In uniform , and card tables on the stage were at the disposal of those who did not dance. From every point of view It was the most brilliant so cial event of the season. SAYS HE'S NOT HER SON. Mother of Kimmel Declares This Man is An Imposter. St. Louis , Mo. , Feb. 10. Mrs. Julia Estello Kimmel , the last witness for the plaintiff , took the stand this morn Ing when the United States district court reconvened for the continuation of the hearing of Klnum-l's case In which a defunct bank of Niles , Mich , is suing an insurance company ol New York for a payment of a pollcj on the life of George A. Kimmel. win disappeared from Arkansas City , Kan. in July , 1808. Mrs. Kimmel is the mother of the missing man. Counsel announced that after Mrs. Kimmel had completed her testimony and had bren cross-examined , the plaintiff would close Its case with the reading of it deposition by II. T. Kim mel , father of the missing man. PRUYN CLAIMS SELF-DEFENSE. Witnesses Introduced in Fremont Tell of Drawn Revolver. Fremont , Feb. lli. After introduc ing the evidence of seven witnesses of the killing of Mike Gorey by Al Pruyn last Christmas , the state rested Its cnse and the defense proceeded with the introduction of testimony. The witnesses cnllcd were to substan tiate the theory of the defense that Pruyn shot in self-defense and that the saloonkeeper had drawn a revolver ver on him. ' Davis for Elector. Wayne , Neb. , Feb. 16. Attorney A. R. Dacis will bo a candidate for re publican presidential elector. . Brown May Win Case. Denver , Feb. 10. Raymond Brown cashier of the Central Lumber com . pany , whose removal to Nebraska Is sought by the Box Bntte county grand jury , charged with having removed Denver books containing evidence against the lumber trust , may succeed in liis fight against extradition. Aftei long argument today , Gov. Shaffrotl had the facts stated In the affidavit against Brown wore not sufficient constitute a crime. A continuance 01 ten days was granted. HAROLD GETS BEATING. ir- Denver's "Swell" Prisoner Is in Bee n from a Beating. o- Denver.Colo. . . , Feb. 10.Harolt Frank Hen wood , former globe trottei y and slayer of "Tony" Von Puhl am' George Copeland In n local hotel bar , room , is no more a special privilegei ! prisoner in the county jnil here. I low- ever , he is confined to his conch witl , his face and head badly disfigured n result of a fight today with Isnac M : Goldman , a guard , and said to be former prize fighter. Sheriff Arm [ strong ordered that Hen wood be treat _ ed as other prisoners in the jail. According to reports , Henwood im is bibed freely of wine while enjoying meal in his scrumptionsly furnisluM cell in the jail and sauntered fortl ' ' into the corridor. Goldman said hi ' " attempted to escort Henwood back t his cell when the latter tried to strlk ilm with a hammer , and to disarn he prisoner Goldman resorted to via ' ' ent physical methods. z C- Albion. Announcement was made this wee of the marriage of Arthur Baker t Miss May Miinslnger , the sister c of Mrs. Charles Schnller , on Wodnes lay , May 2.V This week witnesses several bus - less changes In Albion. The Quallt ' .rug store , operated by Clark & JCln - nerman in which L. S. Wood , forme - y of Petersburg , Neb. , was a slier - inrtner , has now passed In the po ip- session of Mrs. Clark , under the mai rc. agoment of Fred Hoffman. Mr. Won herd las not decided what he will tnko u rd George Worth has purchased tli grocery business of Clark & Son , M - Clark retiring to private life and h \V- son will represent a cream compan VOf on the road. Mr. Worth will move h he butcher business Into the Clark gr ; to eery and operate a combined grocei and meat market business. W The John Door Manufacturing coi to pany of Omaha has leased the bull ing vacated by Mr. Worth and w in cpen up a retail implement buslnes or The Albion Electric Light compai ck and the II. E. Hallstead Job prlnth plant will occupy the C. n. Mills bull uld ing , recently damaged by fire. his Barney Hnigman and Emma O. Be ler were married nt the St. MIchae , ate church nt 9 o'clock Wednesday moi ing. ing.At At a meeting of the Commerc club this week it was decided to cat out the policy in reference to llcei en 'Ing ' the saloons that prevailed U his year , viz : To recommend a numb f men for the uirlniip city offices and f no opposition prevails the caucus 8 done awny with. The club will give heir annual banquet April 10. Onkdalc. I' . S. Holmes was called to his old lomo in southern Illinois by a tele gram announcing that his mother wns lot expected to live. Will Llermnn of Pierce spent the alter part of last week In town visit- ng relatives Mrs. T. T. McDonald of Tllden was ho guest of her son , H. C. McDonald , ho latter part of last week. Mr. and Mrs. George Boyer of Til- Ion spent Sunday visiting relatives lore. lore.Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Berger left Mon- lay nfternoot. for Clenrwnter. C. H. Frady received n new slide [ rombono this week from the Conn lactory and A. D. Cllngmnn received i now baritone. Miss Dora Loren/on left Monday morning for Dos Molnos , la. , to bo gone several months. W. L. Stanton of Meadow Grove was n business visitor In town Tnes day. day.T. T. H. Bronton of Nollgh transacted business bore Monday. L. A. Fisher of Norfolk spent Tues day forenoon In town. Carl Benhler returned Wednesday afternoon from the state university nt Lincoln , where ho completed the short course In the agricultural de partment. W. II. Wyatt of Meadow Grove was a business visitor here Wednesday afternoon. Ray Bettendorf and Miss Phoebe Provo wore united In marriage nt the Catholic church here Wednesday aft trnoon. Jacob Kraft , living five miles sontl of town on the old Brooks farm , bin : liis team pull him out over the dash board In the east part of town the first of the week , and suffered a severe vore fracture of the bin. A convention was held hero yester day afternoon by several of the Moth odlst pastors of the district for th discussion u ml working out of plan to raise funds for the Wesleyan endowment dowment fund. Calls Him White Hope. Wlnside Tribune : The Norfolk News of a recent date gives the de- mils of n pugilistic encounter which : ook place on the principal thorough fare of that city. Johnson , u giant . negro , was thrashed by a "pale face" who was n much smaller man. The bout lasted fifteen minutes before it was stopped by the police and the nigger showed the "yaller" in him by begging for mercy. Wo believe that the "big smoke" that holds the title of heavyweight champion will be In . about the same condition ns his Nor folk namesake wns , when ho goes up against a real man. There wns neith er credit nor honor In laying an old man low on the burning sands at , , Reno. nis ELOPERS NABBED AT LINER. id toe Son of Jolm Cert , Theatrical Manager toMl Marched Home by Irate Father. Ml New York , Feb. 10. - A story of er spectacular elopement to Europe and th a marriage in Germany that wns unromantically It mantically halted by a vigilant parent te is being whispered along Broadway of where John Cert , manager of a chain of theaters , and his youthful son and heir , Harry Cert , are widely known The young woman whose romance was shattered , is Miss Mablo Towers d a beautiful golden-haired daughter ol the plains , who lives in Miles City Id Mont. Her father , James Towers , is er a wealthy land owner. id Towers and his daughter sailed last ir- Tuesday on the Prinz Frledrich Wil helm for Bremen. They were nt the - steamship early. A few friends were thus on hand to see them sail. The boat's usM. whistle had warned the visitors off ' M. and several seamen stood about ready to swing the gangplank. A shrieking motor car raced up to the pier , and idd from its tonneau jumped an excited ! shouting man of middle years. "Hold her ! Hold that boat ! Don't n' dare to lift that plank , " ho yelled Ql ( and ho leaped up the gangway and 'n wns lost among the passengers. 10 | Tlie officers of the ship were seer ° < scurrying about the decks in pursuit < 'of ' the frantic man , whose eyes litn , ' ned each passenger. Finally he nns ° 'seen on the lower deck holding nsa handsomely garbed young man by tlu nap of the neck. Occasionally ho boosted the young man by none oo ' gentle pressure of the knee. Just be hind was a weeping young woman ined who pleaded with the stern middlo-agei es- man. He ignored her and busied him self making observations to the cnii lsl' tlvo youth. Ity "Not yet , my son , " ho said. "Yoi in- can't fool your old dad yot. I'm sorr or- for the young lady , but there'll be n Mlt elopement in this way at least , lot os- : this time. " nii- And down the gangplank went fnthe ml son. Behind them were two poi up. ] ers carrying four valises , and stnm the ng by the rail wns Miss Towen > Mr. veeping hysterically , with her futht his endeavoring to sootbp my his To Jump from Airship. ro- St. Louis. Feb. 1C. Bert Berry , av ory ator , announced that he would make parachute jump from a speeding aer sin- ; > lane at IKnloch field Sunday nfte lid- noon. The fent has never been n iVlll tempted. He says that to be sure h 3SS.my parachute will open he must go i my about a mile before jumping. Tl Ing aeroplane will bo operated by Jannu lild Berry will occupy a scat beside Ja nus , and the parachute will hang : Jed- front of them on the footrest. Bofo el'B making his jump Berry must crawl h srn ward on the runners in front of tl machine , reach under the footrest ai clal catch Jiold of the parachute. He w xrry then swing himself free of the n ens chine while it Is going full speed , ' last preparation for the feat , Berry a iber Janirua have been conducting expo iiientsllb uolghts Hern says that if he sin ccssfnlly makes the parachute jump ho will make a dot Ice which avi ators can wear to check their fall and protect thorn In accidents SINGS HIMSELF TO FREEDOM. Poems of An Iowa Life Convict to Win His Parole. Dos Molncs , In. . Fob. Ifi. James Stell. a life convict at the Iowa peni tentiary at Fort Madison , Is to ho lib erated the coining spring by the state board of parole ami it may bo truth- lully said this young man has sung himself out of prison. Stoll is a poet , ono whose verso has attracted the attention of music lov ers throughout the state and the board lias been Importuned from many sides to open the cage door for the young singer. But Stoll will not go forth merely as a dreamer. Besides being equip ped with a trade in the workshops of the prison l.o has been taught to play the cornet by Warden Sanders , who Is a musician of ability , and Stell Is now a cornotlst of no mean ability. Kent to prison under a life sentence Stell did not surrender to remorse and become sullen. He fell the pathos of It and cried. I know the awful ehlll of stone , the con vie ! V tears ; How blood yes , life may not atone for sins of years. Full well 1 know , and would forget the price of sin. And oh , how sweet to know ( ho debt Is nearly in. But hold the debt is never paid ; ( In record stands ; The sins of lifo can never fade ns mankind plans , The hate , the tears , the walls nm blood can Time efface ? Can Hope IMU ! Love again rebuih where thrived disgrace ? But even this first Impression of hi disgrace sung in poetry was overcome and cheered by his own songs. He later reveals his reawakening of hope In poetry thnt has touched the hearts of board mer.ibers. He writes : The new morn's sun , across the way Had turned night's tears to gold , Had blazed n path for blushing day Across the do.w wet mold , When I , with prison bars between My earth , heaven nnd hell. Gnzed out upon the rise of green Thnt lies beyond my cell. - A fnlr-hnirod boy of tender years Romped o'er the velvet sod , And as I gazed , forbidden tears Welled in my eyes nnd. God ! The morn , the child , the slope of green , The sunlight's mellow glow , Recalled to me n memoried scene. And joys I used to know. The memoried scene wns of my youth My childhood and my play , When all my paths were paved with truth. When life was over gay ; When I , a child , unspoiled , unstained Dreamed life was but a song But now , ah , now by sin profaned , I know thu prlco of wrong , f steeled my heart ( the night I came Within the prison gate ) To pay my debt with voiceless shame ' To stifle love with hnte ; a To still my sobs , my hopes , my fears . But when I saw this child I welcomed back love , hopes and tenrs - I mourned , ami , mourning , smiled. And in between his hopes nnd tears , , Stell has written a volume of poetrj that uncovers the emotions of a sensitive siv tive heart. Philosophically he receiv ; . ed the final breaking of love tie.1 e without the prison and did not deigi , , to grieve for the lost. But to the faith less woman sent response : hII. , Your love is vain and ( lend ? Ah , well Go , dear , alcng your wny , Forgetful of the woven spell Which wns--for but n day. - I will not lie and say I weep For love of yours , the dead , May silence close around its sleep. -a Deserted be its bed. The quickened sense that droops am .I dies , > Be It of love or hate. But proves it wns n worthless prize- Why should I mourn its fate ? , For love or hate with death a-wing. Or dead for days or years , Wns , living , but n tortured thing : , And dend , not worth my tears. And now he is approaching the tinn when he can sing a song of freedon for It Is understood he Is to be turne again free into the' world where all hi n- love is dead free to "welcome bacl love , hopes and tears. " a Stell was sentenced for burglary. < THURSDAY TIDINGS. ( . M. C. Ha > .en returned from Poncr John Flynp. has been appointo trustee of the Abe Levine estnte ill- Charles Carstonsen hagoiu - ' IP- Winner , S. D. . to take charge of Mi Goldsworthy's bakery , on A number of Norfolk automobile ei ry tliuslasts n IP arranging to attend th : no automobile show in Oinahn next \\eel The Norfolk high school bnskotba team goes to Elgin for a game Fridn icr night. Saturday the team will phi or- Columbus. nd- William Dnwson. a linotype opor , tor on The News , was summoned ler Columbus Thursday afternoon b.tl . news thnt his father. William Daw o sr. , of that city , had died suddfi at Oconee , while on a visit ivl- Referee E. P. Weatherhy preside n over the bankruptcy hearing for tl jro- A. W. Fulton case of Plainvle ter- Among the attorneys present were at- G. Cole and Fred H. Free of Plal his view , and E. M. Corbett of Sioux Clt up County Attorney James Nichols ai Hie Sheriff C. S. Smith of Madison a 1US. hero transacting business. Wh Ianin here the county attorney called on t in Charles Sweet family in South N < tore folk. According to Sheriff Smi for- Sweet returned to Norfolk yosterdi the Mrs. Sweet , says the sheriff , declar and that she would sue the city for $22. ( will If her husband was not returned 1 ma- her. 'In Charles Gray of Dokalb , 111. , a I and bcr by trade , was arrested last nil erl- on n charge of vagrancy. Gray is n availing his turn at labor on Ilm streets , where ho Is expected to work out the $7.ir fine Imposed by Judge Klseloy. Gii-y offended the city ordi nance by bogging on the streets , llo had about Hi ) cents when he wn * hailed. This sum purchased htm a meal this morning. The Y. M. C. A. solicitors mootlUR and supper has been postponed until next Tuesday night. The executive cotnnilttee believe Unit by that dat < they can report $ S.OOO In the fund of the prollmliu'ry campaign. The moot Ing was postponed because the Com morclal clubs rooms , whore the moot Ing Is to be hold , bad been engaged previous to the application hy the Y M. C. A. committee. II. C. Matrau went to Lincoln to at tend the reunion of former members of the state legislature. Judge C. F Elsoley , who expected lo he present at the mooting , wns unable to leave the city. About KIM ) ohl-linio legisla tors were expected to ho seated al the Imnqiiol Judge Klsoloy was a member of the territorial legislature and ho exported to meet n number of his old ft lends al Lincoln tonight Herman J. Jansen. Herman J. Jansen , n pioneer rent dent of Norfolk , died yesterday at hi * home , HIU South Eleventh street. Fu neral services have not yet boon ar ranged , but they will bo held In Sac red Heart church by Father J. C Buckley. Besides the widow , Mr , lanson Is survived by four sons- Emll , Robert and Paul of this city and Herman of Portland , Ore. and ono daughter. Mis. llallle Spooror of Chicago cage , who Is expected to arrive today to attend the funeral services. Herman Jansen was born In Nen kork , Geldern. Germany , Juno 7 , ISI'.i' He came to Norfolk twenty-four years ago , settling on n farm ten miles south of the city , on which place his son Robert , now resides. Ten years ago he moved to the present family home on South Eleventh stroot. Notice to Creditors. Tlie State of Nebraska , Madison , county , ss : In the matter of ( ho estate of Ame lia Wegonor , deceased. Notice Is hereby ghon lo all per sons having claims nnd demands against Amelia Wegonor , late of said Madison county , deceased , that the time fixed for filing claims against said estate is six months from the 10th day of February , ! ) ! . All such persons are required to present their claims with the vouchers to the coun ty judge of said county at his office in the city of Madison , In said Madi son county , on or before the lOlh day of August , 11112 , nnd thnt all claims so filed will be hoard before said , judge on the 12th day of August 1912. at 1 o'clock p. m. Gustavo S. Wego- ner Is the administrator of the es tate. ll. , It is further ordered thai notice to all persons interested in said ostnte bo given hy publishing a copy of this order In The Norfolk Weekly News-Journal , n weekly newspaper 1C printed , published nnd clrculntlng in snld county , for four consecutive , weeks prior to said day of hearing. Witness my hand and seal this 10th s , day of February. A. D. 1012. s. M. S. McDuffeo. ( Seal. ) County Judge rs ry HELP WANTED. si- WANTED All parties Interested In v- ves the Gulf coast , Texas , country to writ * es us for information. Come to a coun try where two crops can be grown h- each year , where the soil is good , wa- t < sr sweet and pure , where the sun of II. summer Is tempered by the cool breeze from the gulf and where stock does not hnve to bo fed more than half the year. Get in touch wp.h the Tracy-Eiios Land Co. , Victoria , Texas. WANTED Success Magazine rid ' id . quires the services of a man in Nor folk to look after expiring subscrip tions and to secure new business by means of special methods usually ef fective ; position permanent ; prefer one with experience , but would con sider any applicant with good natural qunliflcntlons ; salary $1.50 per day. no ( with commission option. Address , in witii references , R. C. Peacock , Room < 102 , Success Magazine Bldg. , Nrw : York ck ed 0 REISTLfS PWE5 ARE fil { IT REI5TLE5RATE5ARERICIT ( he ENGRAVER AMD ELECTROTYPER Pr-OM 1114 1420-24 LtWRtHCt DINVCD COLO all lay ra- ; rate to I the on. uly Jed the 6O YEARS- ew EXPERIENCE ewA. A. util ity and are hile TRADE MARKS the DESIGNS S'or- COPYRIGHTS & .c Anyone lending a tketeh anil rirtrrlpllnn tn J ilth , qalcklr jucertaln mir opinion frvo wJiclhi'r > < 4 luTOntmn ll ptobnhlr FMentntilp. Conimiiiili > day. llimmtrlctlj confidential. HANDBOOK mi I'atn ired lent free , Oliloit nuoiicr for tnnirini ! | wirui raionu takn tlirouuh Mumi A Co. rot-i'0 i.OOO tfteial nolltt , wllhnut ch rce. In the to Scientific flmeric A hmdtomolr IllritrileJ w klr. IAITCII 'In bar- filiation nf any rlonlldo Journal. Tenm ' our t fnurruoruui , L BoUbjall ncwmlrn r\ iight now