The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, February 09, 1912, Page 3, Image 4

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    Till. N KKnK | I' ! liltl .M.'Y
LoulHo Kchulz went to IIoiUlnB
tf vlMit with her HlMtor
A T Onrmnu IK at CartlwRo , Mo. ,
visiting with IIH | parontH
Goer o 1C Hehllloi of Central City IB
bcru vlHltlng with rolatlvoh
Urn. A. J WllkliiH of Lincoln IB huro
uniting with her daughter , Mrs. W. I !
Mluti Dnlllo Pfundor wont to Kaunas
City t Join her inothur , .Mrs. Fred
A. H. York of AtkiiiHun. tiHsnclntod
with hit ; brother In puhllHhlng the At-
klimoii Graphic , In In Norfolk.
AllRS Florence Kruinei of Columbus ,
nronto homo from Nollgh whore HII ! >
i.ul boon a bridesmaid tit MHS ! llulon
Miiyd's vvoddlng , wan hoto visiting with
Mr nml MrB.V r Hull
ChriB GllBBinun axpurta to go to Oin-
.ifin to live
Horn , to Mr nnd Mrs Hubert Temp-
m nt IIoakliiB , a daughter
The funornl of Mrs Ci H Mntn wife
' Rev Dr Main of the Methodist
burch , former pastor in Norfolk was
) t 'ld nt her old home In I own ycnter-
lay Mrs Main died Tuoidnv
George Binlth. who is circulating a
petition for the purpose of forming n
'I aft club. expects to flntHh his work
'iMlay "I export to have * fifty signers
"n the petition today , " said Mr Smith
A champlonahlp banketlm ! ! game in
' bo played between the Norfolk and
\Vost Point high school teams in the
.hating rlnK tonight The game will
lit n hotly contested one The teams
. t > about equally matched
The meinburs of the Y P S C E.
< f the Presbyterian church have ar
ranged an interesting prow ntn in com-
jininoration of the birthday of the
Oiristian Endon\or Rnetetv to take
place Sunday. Fob 4 , at 7 I0 ! p in All
nre cordially luvlted
Kerosene may go back to the old
price of lit cents poi gallon , according
i- one local dealer Coal oil during
i immry was totalling as low as G
i nts per gallon Monday it went up
TO 7 cents and now It is selling from
s to in cents a gallon
Scoutmaster A. O Hnzon has re
ceived Instructions from the Bcout
headquarters at New York Cltv sug
seating the formation of a local coun
< il in Norfolk Mr Hnzen expects to
interest a number of Norfolk business
man in the organization of this coun-
< l !
M C. Cantroll will hold n revival
mooting here nt the Park Avenue
Christian church , beginning Wednes
day. Feb. 7 The meeting will last
.bout two weeks after which Mr Can-
11 ell will probably locate here as the
permanent minister of the
< hureh.
Fred Filtoi of Creighton and Miss
Martha Rrummond. daughter of Mr and
Mrs H Urummond of Norfolk will be
married Sunday evening at 7 o'clock
at the Christ Lutheran church. Rev .1
P Mueller olllciating A wedding sup
! > or will bo served aftet the ceiemon.\
at the homo of the bride's paiuntb. fet
the immediate friends and relatives
Funeral scrviceb ovei the lomnlm
of Dr. Herman Karl Schemel tool
place nt the family home at Hoskiui
at 30 Thursday morning lleH
Wellhnusen of the St Johannes
hurch of this city had charge of tin
Cervices Members of the Woodmei
of life World were pallbearers to tin
tailrond station at Hoskins fron
which place twenty members of tin
Sons of Herman of Norfolk acted ni
an escort tc > Columbus where intei
ment was made
South Norfolk.
Mr. and Mrt > L L Williams of Bat
tie Crook came down last e\eniug fo
a visit nt the home of Mr William *
parents. Mr nnd Mrs D P Pippin
Miss Hilda Loss of Inmun was her
Msterdny on business
F. B. Castle and daughtei Fuitl
went to Long Pine yesterdn > on bus ;
Airs Caroline Clark left for Piorc <
\euterday to spend Sunday with eli
Little Mis * Cora Smythe returned t
her nome in Foster otter a visit at th <
'lark home
Mrs. Welsh , who has been seriousl ;
ill for some time is able to be nrouni
J. A Clark left for an ovei-Sundu ;
\isit with old friends at Pierce Mi
Clark foil in the Fremont rouudhous
n few weeks ngo nnd broke his Hint
He is still on crutches
Mrs. T G Wood who hah been il
lor the past tow days is able to b
Witness Tells How Dressed Beef i
Distributed Over Country.
Chicago , Fob 2 Details of th
methods of distribution in tiie dresso
beef business wore explained to th
jury hi 'he packerb' trial today b
John G. Wheeler superintendent c
branch houses for the National PacV
mq company.
Monthly reportb. he said , were mad
by each branch house manager show
ing the number ot pounds of dresse
beef handled together with the nmrgi
and average selling price. From thes
ligures n trial balance was prepare
each month showing the net profits r
each , branch ouse
Branch hoiibe managers weie pal
* jixed salary , but each house was a
lowed for expense no cents a hundre
pounds on all dressed beef sold , M
Wheeler said Thib commission is t
< -over every expense even bad debti
included in the operation of the housi
On cross-examination by Attorne
Ralph Crews. Wheeler said that at
fCQTe or more branch houses in tli
south and west no dressed beef is. soli
the huslncJSb being limited to mark <
provisions The witness said that
cost from $20.000 to$40.000 to build an
equip a branch notice of which thoi
are 170 extending from Boston to Dei
vtir. At many of the larger branc
houses , he said hams and bacon shi
ped from the packing plant in plcK
ware mnkud nnd uiiMge was iimmi-
fNcturpd Thane Mcttvlliw Mlbjoclitd
HIP branch hmiBc to dully itiHpwtlon
l-y fsovritinent alllclRlii
C.irncgie , Rockefellers and Others De
ny the Charges.
Trenton. N J Pel ; 2 With the ill-
Ing of the unsworn of the United
HtntoK Steel corporation. Ittt Biihttldlar-
leu and Individual defendants , named
In the government's willt to dlMrtolve
the big corporation because of alleged
violation * of the anti-trust lavvj , all
the defendant ! * concerned in the case
have been heard from The next move-
IB foi the government to Illo n replntlon.
after which the United States court
will appoint an examiner to take ovl-
Besides the steel corporation , its
subsidiaries nnd gome of Its directors ,
the following nlso filed their answer *
Andrew Carnegie , John 11 Rockefeller
sr. John 1) Rockefeller. Jr. , Edmund
C Converse nnd William P Palmer
All the answers , with the exception
of that of Mr Palmer , who IB president
of American Steel nnd Wire compnm
of New Jersev. wore made public lost
night and are ptibllKhed today They
nre a general denial of the allegations
May Throw Out Petition.
Lincoln Fen 2 The dlscoverv that
about ten of the names engrossed on
the presidential petition of Robert G
ROSH. of Lexington Neb. were those
of people who did not live in Bertrand
Neb , the town where the residence
I wan stated to be on the petition , has
led to an investigation on the part of
the Beeretnrv who may cause the peti
tlon to be thrown out Several of the
names show 'he same handwriting
ROSH filed his own petition , a manu
script repleti with errors of grammar
and spelling asking fet a place on the
democratic ticket
To Appeal to Taft.
Davenport , In Feb 2 President
Taft will be appealed to In an effort to
prevent the installation of the so-
called Taylor system of shop manage
ment nt the Rock Island. III. , arsenal
Announcement of this plan was made ,
together with the statement that the
men are prepared to strike the mo
ment working cards , which are a part
of the system , nre introduced in the
shops by Commandant George W
Battle Creek.
Ernest Cutkosky , who hat been
studying civil engineering about two
years at the stnte university nt Lin
coln , went to the normal college at
Wayne Friday to finish up n course foi
f teacher
The Baptist people are holding some
very attractive meetings every night
this week J. W. Patterson , formerly
a Battle Creek boy , nnd now the new
minister ot that congregation , is very
active nnd n Imrd worker for the cnuse
of that church.
Mrs Ringei of Wisner is here this
week visiting nt the home of bet
daughter Mrs G C Benniug
Rev J Hofmnn was visiting Monday
and Tuesday with Rev M P Scheips
and Rev A Hofius nt Pierce
Mr and Mrs Ben Mayhevv and baby
of Norfolk were visiting here Sundav
with her aunt , Mrs. Ida Hanson and
her brother. Ilnrry Reavib nnd othei
Mrs Ileuner Hint ? of Neligh was
here the fore pnrt of this week visit
ing her daughter , Mrs B. Wnrnke , and
other relatives
Miss Annie Neumerk ib visiting this
week nt the Julius Glandt home nt
Buffnlo Creek and at the home of her
cousin. Henry Stoltenberg , jr. , in An
telope county We learned that Mr
and Mn > Glnndt hnd their sixth son
christened nt the Lutheran church at
Buffalo Creek last Sunday by Rev. Mr.
Henry Just was here Tuesday from
Pierce visiting his parents , Mr. and
Mrs. John Just
E. F. Hans has built an oil room of
concrete blocks on the east side of
his main store building.
Fred Memecke returned Saturday
from n busisess trip to Verdigre He
is possessor of two line farms near
that place
i ML Thomson hnd his old store
y I building west of the Enterprise oflice
remodeled this week nnd the plnce
will be occupied by Joseph Severn &
Co. foi an nutomoblle gnrnge
Fred Kuhrts went to Neligh Tues
day on a business mission
Nic Christiansen and William Blank
of near Madison were here Tuesday
on business
John Catson and E C Hightower
wore nore Tuesday from Tilden
Albert Gardels and Joseph Dittrick
vent to Omnha Sunday on business.
NCXN President of Honduras.
San Salvador , Republic of Salvador ,
Feb : : Gen Manuella Bonilln as
sumed the presidencv of Honduras
Supreme Court Decides Against the
n Liquor Dealers
Miller S D Feb 2 A dispatcl
from Pierre staling that the Miller sa
loons had lost in the contest case ir
the supreme court created much dls
cusslon bore
County Commissioner Thomas Ed
wards Suicides in Kansas City.
Knnsas City. Mo. , Feb 2 The bed ]
of a well dressed man. believed fron
papers in his pockets to be Thomoi
Edwards. Yankton S D. . wab fount
on the Kersey Coates drive near th <
union depot here. Ho hnd been she
thronpi ) the head. It is believed hi
killed himself
Yankton. S D. . Feb 2 Thomas Ed
wards , who died in Kansas City , wai
a county commissioner of Ynnktoi
county and for many years a wel
known cltien He suddenly disar
on Hunda.v Jnn 21 , nnd was
for a week Lu t SundHy he
reappeared here mid then dlBsippuured
HRgin No ruHBtin for bin strange ac
tion * had been
Wisner Ice Harvest Ends.
Wlsnur , Neb Feb 2 - Special to
The News The Wisner ice harvest
ended with tons of Ice. IS inches
thick In storage
Rev L V Slocum , pastor of the M
E church , after dedicating the now
church , ban been granted a leave of
absence of two weeks , which lu > will
spend in South Dakota
Interesting Story Is Continued In Lor-
Imer Investigation.
Washington , Feb 2 The Btory of
how a private detective- and n phonograph
graph figured In the alleged "trap
ping" of Charles McGowan , a witness
in tinLorlmer senatorial investiga
tion , vv s continued todnj before the
special senate committee
A C Bailev , a detective who has al
leged that when McGownn "admitted"
to him that he had received money for
testlfIng as a Hlnes-Lorlmer witness ,
and that a phonographic record of the
alleged admission was made by n mu
ch In concenled under a tablecloth , con
tinued on the witness stand Attornev
Tnnecv for Senator Larimer , wns wait
ing to start liis cross-examination of
Bailev when the committee began its
dallv hearing
Is Burned to Death.
LeMnrs la Feb 2 f'rank Mernch
the 2-yeai-old son of Mr and Mrs Pet
er Mersch , wns burned to death The
hlld fell against a redliot stove while
his mothei had goiu to draw a pail of
water An elder brother 5 ycnrs of
nge , tried to save his little brother ,
preventing him from running out of
Philippine Assembly Resigns.
Manila. Feb 2 After n stormy all
night meeting the legislative assombb
Dole final adjournment at G o'clock this
moraine , thus closing the second ses
sion of the second legislature Because
of squabbles between the houses over
questions of privilege only about sov
entv bills have been passed bv the as
semblv , and manv important measures
are still outstanding GovGen Forbes
immedintelv called nn extra five days
session to settle outstanding measures
A repetition of last year's deadlock
over the appropriation bills seems
"Man Cruel to Wife and Children Has
No Place in Society. "
Kansas Citv , Mo . Feb 2 "You be
long to the bvgone davs you don't de
serve to have a wife. " declared Judge
Walter A Powell of the Jacknon coun
ty court at Independence , as he ad
dressed Lafavette Choate , a farmer
vvhohe vvfe had sued him for-divorce.
alleging he had tied her to a harrow
and beaten her because she could not
keep pace with the horses
"A man vv ho is cruel to his wife and
his familv has no plate in society ,
therefore I grant Mrs Choato a divorce
and award her SIa week nliiaony "
Choate admitted on the witness
stand that he had hitched his wife to
the harrow , but denied he had been
cruel to hit ) two small children.
W. W. Putney Very III.
Neligh Neb Feb 2 Special to
The New s W W Putney , one of the
oldest and most hir.hlv respected citi
zens of Antelope county , is dangerous
ly ill at bib home in this citv Owing
to his advanced age it is apparent that
his recovery is vei.v much in doubt
F L Putney , a bon , of Lincoln , has
been called to the bedside of bis fath
er , and is his constant attendant.
Neligh. Neb. Feb 2 Special to
The News The wedding of Miss Hel
en Ayres Boyd , daughter of Mr and
Mrs J F Boyd. to James Cnrlton
Harris was celebrated Wednesdav
evening ui the First Congregational
church in this city Rev. Samuel .1
Beach otik-iating using the ring cere
The church was decorated with
Southern smilax and narcissus Aftet
a solo , "For You Alone" rendered by
George A Sellery. little Margaret Sel-
lory and Elizabeth Beckwith stretched
the white ribbons closing the isle pro
ceeding the entrance of the bridal
The bridal pnrty entered the church
to the strains of Mendelssohn's wed
ding march played by Airs O A Wil
liams The ushers. Daniel A Nippell.
George O McLannhan of Te uinseh.
Howard R Farnsworth Wilbur S
Wlllt , and Arthur H Jensen were fol
lowed bv the bridesmaids Miss Grace
Jackson. Miss Irene Sellery , Miss Lou
ise Peters of Peoria , 111. , and Miss
Florence Kramer of Columbus. Neb ,
gowned alike in pink mnrquisette nnd
carrying bouquets of klllarney roses
Next came the matron of honor. Mrs
N. B Sweitzer gowned in white mar
quisette over pink mossnline. carrying
a sheaf of Killarney roses The bride
entered on the arm of her father , beau
tifully gowned in soft white satin
chnrmousbe made with a court train
The bodice wns of embroidered chiffon
and cluny lace The long veil of im
ported tulle wns held in place with
white chiffon rosebuds She carried u
shower boquet of brides roses and lil
ies of the valley and wore the groom's
gift a In valllere of pearls and dia
The bride gave her maids candle
sticks and the matron of honor cup
and saucer , daintily decorated with
pink roses
Mr Will Harris brother ot the
groom served as best man. The
groom gave his attendants silver
match boxes
Folowing the ceremony there wns a
reception nt the home of the bride's
parents The interior was effectively
* decorated with Southern smllax nnd
roe \g.l-tiiiR nt tin reception were
Me dHim > ti Wllllnm Wolfe nml J W
Spirk and MlwKe * Hltn Jackson. Louise
Palmer C'Rtherlne BoKHrdms mid Olive
The out-oMown gnentm vvtue Mr. and
Mr Randolph Hovel. Mr James Ho > d
and MISB Alice Boyd of Galvit , 111. . Mrs
R C Roper of David Clt > . Mrs II W
Young of Woodburn. Oregon , and Mr
Snm Ilnrrlj , of Shoridan. Neb.
Mr and Mrs. Harris departed yes-
tortlu.v morning for a trip to WnHhing-
ton. I ) C. . and New York after which
thuy will return to Nollgh and make
their future home
Von Seggern-Holzhausen.
WlBtiei Nob. . Feb. Special to
The News A ben ill home wed
ding occurred nt the home of the
bride's parents northenst of Wlsnor.
where Emil G Von Seggern nnd Miss
Martha Hol/hauson were married
They nre members of wealthv farmers'
Two Promoters on , Charged with
Using Malls to Defraud.
Kansas Citj , Mo. Feb 2 Delibera
tions townrd a verdict in the case of
lirnest I ) Martin and Frank C Aver > ,
charged with using the mails to de
fraud in connection with the sale of
stock in u "paper raliwa > . ' were re
sumed b > u jur.v in the federal court
here toduv Indictments were return
ed against the two men last March
bv a grand Jury investigation of the in
terstate railwu ) compan > which pro
posed to build nn electric line between
Kansas Citv nnd St Joseph. Mo
Avery wns nrrested bv postoffice inspectors
specters in Ran Francisco before the
indictmentb were returned The grand
jur > said hundreds of farmers in the
west hnd been defrauded bv the sale ,
through the mails of stock in a "paper
rallvvav " The case went to trial last
week before Judge Charles F Atnidon
of South Dakota sitting in the case in
the place of Judge A S Van Valken-
burg It was given to the jury late
v esterdny
if > ou have nnytmiis to sell , try a
News want ail.
Hoboes Still In Session.
Cincinnati O. Feb 2 More dele
gates having arrived during the night
the second day's session of Unskilled.
Migratory and Casual Workers' nsso
elation or "Hobo" convention wns larg
ei than yesterdaj The police nre
keeping a close watch on the meetings ,
but so far thev have been very order
ly Among the subjects on the pro
gram for discussion today were "New
Avenues of Employment" and "Trans
portation to the Job' Joseph Fels.
the single tax advocate wns expected
to talk on "Colonization "
Italy is Pleased With America's Neu
trality Message.
Rome Fob . ' -The proclamation of
leutralit.v of the United St.i'es in the
wur between Italv and Turkey , signed
by President Taft on Oct 24. is re
printed in entirety today in the Tri
bunal The newspaper in commenting
on the proclamation evidently aims at
comparing the correctness of America
with the different attitude of other
countries It says
"President Tnft's message is worthy
of the great nation which from its own
force freely interprets its international
duties , accepted not only in theory but
also in practice thus forming a kind
o" nidgna charta of all mankind
Commissioner's Proceedings.
Madison , Neb Jan 30 1912 , 1pm
Board ol County Commissioners met
pursuant to adjournment Present ,
Commissioners Bun Taft , Henry Sun-
derman and Watson L. Puidy.
The minutes of the meeting of Jnn
10 and 11. 1 ! 12 were read nnd np-
proved as read
The report of the state auditor
showing F A Peterson , county treas
urer had niadr settlement in full with
the state , wns read nnd placed on flic.
Motion made and seconded to allow
Wm Bates former county Judge , to
retain excebs fees earned in his office
for the year 1811 to the full amount of
S2SO ( to making SSO.OO more than 1ms
been heretofore nllovved , upon roll cnll
Purdy voted yes Sundermnn voted
yes. Taft not voting motion declared
Oa motion the County TreaMirei
authorized to transfer from
School District No 1 to School Dis'
trict No 6 the sum of $ . " 7. on account
of erroi in assessment of Fritz Buett-
ner who was assessed in District No
l when he should have been assesed
in District No 6 also to pay to Fritz
Buetuier out of the funds of District
No 1 the sum of $12.5 ! > and $5.11 out
of an > bond tund of District No l. or
account of error as stated above
On motion the Clerk w-as Instructed
to correct the 1011 tnx list by coinput
ing tax on personal propertv of Gus !
Gerling in Shell Creek piocinct nt $0
04. nctunl valuation instead of S4.f > 4'
on account of error in assessment
On motion the Clerk was instructec
to correct tne 1011 tax list by comput
ing the tnx on the personal propertj
of A L McCnllum in Emcrick precinc
ut an actual valuation of $2,020 in
stead of $2,520 , on account of error it
On motion the Clerk was instructet
to correct the l ll tax list by comput
ing the personal tax of L L. Frye ol
an assessed valuation of $303 in Men
dow Grove village and an assessed vnl
untlon of $1.0SO in Meadow drove pre
cinct on account of error in afisesfi
On motion the following odlcla
bonds wore approved-
.1 H. Hunter , road overseer. R. D
No 3
J. M Smith , deputy sheriff.
On motion the following hills won
i : O Alyea work R D No 1S. $ 70 >
John Broah. dragging n uU C.
i ) NO a 10 sr.
John immh dragging ronilB C
D. No. S 11.40
Peter Kmlg , work C. D No. 3 BS Sf.
John FJynn , fees , cnse of Stttto
vs Robert Wilson ,1.90
Luotmn Lumbar Company , him-
bur for bridges . . . S.Cr >
Loonan Lumber Company , lum
ber for R D No IB . . . . 2.00
I ) W Halo , work R. D. No. 20 12.00
Madlsum County Agricultural
Society , aid for fair 447.45
R A Linn , work C D. No. 1 . 24.GO
Wm JackKon , R 1) . No. 3 . 4.00
W R Snyder. work R. D No
20 11.2
F A Long , medical Horvico
for pauper . . . . OS.EO
S M Dowling. court bailiff . 0.00
S M Dowling. work R. D No.
1C 7.70
National Olllce Supply Com- ,
pntiy. typewriter ribbons . . 10.00
Oliver Typewriter Co. . typewriter -
writer 7B.OO
P W Ruth , expenses attending
Assessors' meeting . . . . 12.30
Chas Lothoby , register of
births and deaths 11.00
C R Rynearson , register of
births and deaths 0.2r.
H Kllburr. . register of births
and deaths 3.75
B H Mills , register of births
nnd il oaths 8.50
M L Kochu. register of births
nnd deaths 12.75
W H Harding , register of
births and deaths . . . 1.25
L B Baker , lumber R D No. 0 21.41
Andrew Wallin , work R. D. No
12 . . 4.20
David Larson , work R. D No ' . 20.00
C A Gnbelman. work R. D
No r. 7.50
Lucinda Brady , rent for pauper 8.00
, lohn A Schinck. repairs . 20.45
DeWitt Lewis , wolf scalp . 2.00
Ed Harter , repairs on ballot
boxeb and coal for election 8.85
H H Tracy , surveying court
house grounds C.CO
F AuBtin work R D No. 12 . 2.10
Dr A B Tashjean , attending
pauper . 15.00
L J Young , expense Farmers'
Institute. Newman Grove . 41.0C
S R McFnrlnnd , snlnry nnd
posttige . . 150.25
J M Smith , snlnry nnd board
ing prisoners 129.00
Gus Kaul. salary 50.00
N A Honsel , salary and ex
penses 153.5S
Malm Burke & Co , supplies
for pnttpor 35.74
H A Pnsewalk , merchandise. 27.35
Chicago Lumber Co. . material
C D ISO 2 . . . 440
C S Smith , salary and mileage 205 00
James Nichols , insanity com
missioner 150.00
Gee Rees. dragging roads C.
D No 1 . . S.7o
C P Parrish , supplies for pau
per & 8.18
P H Suiter , attending pauper 2000
Chicago Lumber Co , lumber
for bridges 5.20
Helen Groom , attending pauper 20 00
Henry Sunderman , labor and
mileage . . 20 Id
Western Bridge & Construc
tion Co . on settlement 33G3.0C
Win Haight bridge lumber 30.0C
C F Eiseley , feeb state cases S r '
A W. Fmkhouse , fees state
caseb . . . . . 5 7t
W L. Purdy , labor and mile
age . . . . . 07 0 (
On motion County Treasurer Wm
M Darlington was authorized to em
ploy one deputy in hig oillce for th
year 1912 at a salary of $1,000 and tc
employ one clerk for not to exceed r
j months at S70.00 per month , said EU'
| ary to be paid out of the fees earned
in said olllc-e for said year
On motion W H. Field , Clerk of the
District Court was allowed to retain
! & 30u ( to out of the excess fees in hi-
| offl < e toi clerk lure during vear IfUl
being SloO.OO in addition to what hat
neen heretofore allowed.
On motion W H Field , Clerk of the
District Court , was authorized to it *
j tnin $300 00 of exc esb fees earned ii <
i bis otllce during voai 1912 to pay clerk
jire during said "ear
j On motion M S Mc-Duffee Countv
I Judge , was authorized to retain $30 < i 01
, out of any excess tees earned in hu
I oflice during the year 1912 to pav
j clerk hire for said year
On motion S R McFr.rluud County
Clerk wab authorized to employ out
deputy in his oflice for the year 1911
at a salary of $1,00000 pei year , sale
sularv to lie paid out of the fees earner
i in his oflice during said year.
On motion Chas Hancr was nu
pointed steward of the pool 'arm foi
one venr beginning March l-t , 1912
nt u sal-try of $4 * > 0.00 per year , payablt
On motion the Board fljonmed tc
meet February ith. 1912 , rt 1 p m.
S R McFurlund County Clerk
New Law Requiring Name of Babi
Immediately , Works Hardship.
"Thib new law ! rather an odd oin
.and is proving n hardship" says otv
I Norfolk pbvsii Ian who bt ought four
teen new citi/ens to Norfolk dnriii ]
the month of January The law M
ferred to is the new birth rortlflcut
statute which requires the physiciai
to give the name of the new born tin
mediately nfter the birth "I find i
very hard to get the names of the lit
tie oneb as quickl.v us the law dt
mauds " he
Firemen Declare the Present Fir
Alarm System is Not Good.
Norfolk'h lire alarm system was a
most condemned during n conferonc
hold by about twont > local volumes
firemen in the lire station yesterdn
morning immediately nfter the fin
fighters hnd returned from wil
goose chase for a fire which was tel
them was raging in the " 1200 bloc
South Fourth utreei ' The South Nor
folk nre fighter * were glvon miothar
Htldroen ami thin cnmpnn } won in the
vicinity of B01 South First uttoot Ht
the twtnu tlmo the uptown com puny
wn * Henrching for nmoko on Fourth
Hlreut. The lire wan tlnnll ) locnted
whun It broke out a isecnitil time in
the McComb reHldonci nt 1207 Plurce
The ilromon declare the question
will be taken up at the next department
mont mooting and that the city connell -
ell will be asked to solve the problem
The Ilromon declined that several
fnlBo alarms Imve boon turned in to-
contly and that n lite commisHlonor
should be nppointod bv the ett > coun
Born , to Mr and Mrs otto Gall , u
T A Meyer went to Stanlon to visit
with friends.
Born , to Mr , nnd Mrs John H MURK-
man. n daughter.
Fred Terry returned from a week's
visit with rolntlves nt Tilden
Mrs. Fred Fulton wont to Omaha to
attend the funeral of her sister-in-law
Mrs. J. W. Ransom nnd Mrs. C L
Anderson went to Neola , In. , to visit
with relatives
C L Anderson went to Stanton to
attend the funeral of the mother of
Cnpt. Ivor Johnson i
George Bates vvu called suddenly to' '
New York where his brother-in-law is
said to be very 111
Mr and Mrs Louis Molchet of Btan-
ton were here visiting W L Lehman
and other friends
Mi. and Mrs Otto Zuelow leave to
day for Texas Mr Zuelow recently
sold his dairy business to E O
Albert Brueggeman manager of n' '
Denver , Colo. , perfume wholesale
house is here visiting with his par
ents Mr and Mrs H G Brueggeinnn
R B McKinney Is able to bo down
town nfter n week's illness.
Directors of the Commercial club
will hod a meeting Friday afternoon
The replevin case of Abe Levine ,
whose loan bank was closed several
days ago , wns continued until Mnrch
1 , in Justice Norvell s court.
N. A Rninbolt has purchased from
S. W. McClary a residence lot Just
west of the McClarj home Mr Rain-
bolt is thinking of building n home on
the site this spring
H A. Houchens the retired school
teacher who expects to conduct n box
ball nlley in the Odd Felows' building ,
In the room formerly occupied by the
G A R. . Is expected in the city today
A Nylnnd has bought the confec
tionery stoie owned by Carson Parker
nnd will continue to conduct the bus
iness in the Schorregge building. " Ir
Nylnnd will move his family into the
building and expects to take posses
sion next Tuesday.
Building oporatloiib for this veaf
nave started witli the excavation on
Norfolk avenue and Thirteenth street
' 01 the new Bruce R Ramei residence
t is anticipated that there will be as
much construction in Norfolk this vear
as there was in 1911.
Chief of Police Marquardt reports-
thai efforts to Hnd the thief who stole
a shotgun from the hardware store of
Mayor John Friday eatly Wednesday
morning have been futile "I was not
iotifled until after 9 o'clock nnd the
hipveb haU plentj o' time to leave
the ctiy on the morning trains , " says
the chief
Judge Graves of Pender , who hats
been holding an equity term of the
district court foi Judge A. A Welch at
Pierce was in Norfolk Wednesduv
light enroute to his home at Pendei
Judee Graves has been substituting
for Judge Welch because of the illness
of the latter'e son at Lincoln Judge
Graves will hold court at West Point
next Monday
Constable John Flynn declares that
the Norfolk polue will not allow him
to make any arrests. Wednesday ev en-
UK Constable Flynn took charge of
Fied Lehman a prominent tarniet
vv ho became so intoxicated that he
o be almost carried to the constable
office After one window of the con
stable's office hud been broken , Flvnn
gave his charge to the care of rel.i
Miss Yerna Coryell has been e < i-
> d as delegate to represent the Chi
Omega sorority at their national < on
ention in Niagara Falls next .inn--
Miss Corvell is n junior in the
university at Lincoln and bv h < " e\
ellent work as a student nnd bv h
pleasant manners , hns won foi In ! -
n.any friends who are glad with h-
that she has been given tin * in v
Order for Hearing of Final Account
In the matter of the Kutatf ot loin
! liftman. Deceased
In the County Court ot Mndisoi
Count v. Nebraska
Now on the : > lst day of lamum
1912. came Aletta B Hijjman Ber'h.
HlRmnn. Irvine W Allen and Orei I
Hipp the executors of suul cstati .nu
prav for leave to rendei an u < cnun' < n
such executors
It is therefore ordered that the inn-
teenth day of Februurv 112 ! ' ut on
o'clock p ui at my offie in the C our
House in Madison NebruxUa be IIM-I
us the time and pltue foi OMUIUI m
and allowing such account And tii
heirs of nuid deceased , and all person
interested in said estate are requn i
to appeal nt the time and plac < hi
designated and show cause if such ej
isu. why said account should not 1 >
It is fiirthoi oidored that said en * < v
tors give notice to all pornons intei
ested in said estate by causing a < op
of this order to bo published in th
Norfolk Weekly Nowp-Jnurnal
newspaper printed and In general < Mi
culntlon in said county for thre
weeks prior to the day set for sai
In testimony whereof 1 have herein
to sot my hand nnd nllixed my oflici ;
o l this Slat day of .tiimmrv I'M.
M 9 M'DUFl'nK
Cmmtv Judge
Lcnnl Notice.
John Eblo , Kiimih Tw s I'red
TwlHU. lilt * Trutiinn and Henry C Trn
man. non-roBldetit defendants will
take notice that on the 10th day of
January. UM2 the plnlntlffH horolu
Jlloil n petition in the Plutrlct Court of
Madison County , Nebraska ngiiltmt
mild defendants et til. the object and
prayer of which aio to partition the
following described promiHos , HltunNi
in Madison Coitutv NobiiiMkn to wit
Lots two three and font (2 ( : i nnd 4 >
of Klug'fl Second Suli-dlv Inton to Nor
folk. In Madison Countv NebniMkn
nnd the followInp doKcrlbod ti.ict of
land Commoni IIIR at n point 2il : I
foot east of the Northwest i ornct of
the SoutInvent quarter of tin South
west qunrtoi of Section 2. ! Township
24 , North , Range 1 Wont of tin t'th
Prltmoipnl Meridian runnlnitinlire
Rust III ! ) foot , them r running south
to the North bnnk of the Ninth Pork
of the Elkhorn river from tln n < i tun
nliiR ulotifr the North ImnK m said
Rtroam In a westerly direction n n
point due Houtb of the place of l -i in
nlng theiu-e running Nortli i < > tin-
place of he-Binning lining n purl ot tin-
Southwest quarter of said neition J ,
township 24 North Range 1 \ \ -M of
the ( ith Principal Meridian alsu a
pnrt of tin Northwest quarter of the
Southwest quarter of Section 2 in
Township 24 North Range 1 \ \ est nt
the sixth Principal Meridtnn described
scribed as follows Roglnnini : in it
point where the nouth lint of l\lni-
avemio In Norfolk Nebraska mil i
sects with the rlRht-of-wav of tin- i'ln
capo. Saint Paul. Minneapolis and
Omaha Railway compnnv running
thence east 65 foot to the Northwest
corner of Lot one (1) ( ) . in Dlocl , inn
(1) ( ) , of King's addition to Norfolk N
hraskn running thence Smith L" s
feet running thence East 1.52 Oet
running thence North 214 foot to tin
right-of-way of said railway tompaiiv-
running thence In a Northoustotlv di
rection along the east lim o sn < i
right-of-way to the place of beginning
nlso the following described real ( s
tnte. to-wit Commencing at tin-
Northwest corner of Lot one 11 i in
Block one (1) ( ) . of Klug's addition to
Norfolk Nebraska running theme
East 2Hfi % feet running them South
3Gb feet running thcnt'u west f.T-lu
feet , running thence \orth 7" foot
running thence West 17 ! i > et run
ning thence North 298 feet to the
place of beginning being all ot said
I Lot 1. in Block 1 of Klug's addition
to Norfolk Nebraska except the
| South 70 feet of tin West IT1' ' tot t
I thereof '
j That the shares of the plaintiffs and
i the delenduntb. John Eble nii/nboth
I Twiss Idn Truman , Jonnnii 'I wtss
CharlOM F Eble Grace Must George
j I Eble , Joseph Eble Alice Bilk < IP-sic
| Kelly , Geneva Eblt and Olio Sunder
land , be confirmed , and that partition
be made a ordmglv
j You uie required to answet H.Uil pe
tition on or befor the 20th dnv of
| February 1012 -f
| Dated Norfolk Nebraska 1 iiiuary . 1"12
MAPEP A. HAXHV Attornovs
I _
j WANTED All parties interested In
i the Gulf const , Texas , country to write
us for Information Come to a coun
try where two crops can be grown
each year where the soil Is good wa-
t ? r sweet and pure , where the BUU or
summer is tempered by the cool
breeze from the gulf nnd when stock
does not have to be fed more than
half the yeni Get in touch wi'b th
Trncy-Enos Land Co. , Victoria Texas
WANTED Su'cesp Magazine ri
quires the services of a man in Nor
folk to look after expiring subscrip
tions and to secure new husiness by-
means of special methods usually ef
fective , position permnneir prefer
jne with expeneiK e but would con
idcr any applicant with good natural
qunlifu ntions salarv $150 per day.
h commission option Addreae.
with reference'- C Peat 01 lv Room
02 Sun ess Maga/me Bldg. New
l > -r > 1f .14 MJO 24LA OTICt DINVCD COLO
- - - - COPYRIGHTS & .c
Anyone rnttlng a f irb and < < mntion m
quickly a * < * * rtuit > fiu > oilnioi ) free wnetoer ti
liiTition l I'lChnMT pnirmiUii nuniuturft
tlonitinetlyror.njriiilat IIANDHOO * . oul'nimi *
irnt Iri-e. ( Ililctt acrttrr ftr rrurrc P Uinl
1'itrntt t 4 n ttiruuBb Jlnr : A to r c lt |
IT ialnoK , withour cq rie ID ilia
Scientific flmcricaw.
h nd nmflr Illnf
ulilini ) of * nr t"iriutnc louru&i Tcnni
i- f lUrmTiut ft bold bf all n w , lM TX
1UNN & Co.5" * * " ' .NewVjft
ncti UCIRC. ex r tft. VYubtortou ii o