THE NORFOLK WEEKLY NEWS-JOURNAL. . . . . , . NOUKOI.K. NKUIvASKA. I-'UIDAY. I-M-JHUHAKV 1) ) 1912. DEAD BODY O AR-OLD GOL- DIE WILLIArv OVERED. MURDERED BY MA . OF10 YEARS LITTLE BODY , BRUISED AND MU TILATED , IS HIDDEN. KILLED HER WITH A CLUB No Trace of the Man , Who Wns a Stranger in Grand Island , Has Been Found He Will Be Lynched If Poses - ! , es Now Hunting Can Find Him. lirand Island , Nob. , Fob. 8. The dead body of little Goldle WilllaniH. 10 vcarn old , was found at noon today in n utunnt house In the northeast part of town. It was covered with quick liiuo , a quantity of which was in the house , and ittrthor hidden by a door which bad boon thrown over It. Authorities do not expect to prevent lynching should the assailant be cap lured. Little Body Had Been Mutilated. The little girl disappeared Tuesday veiling about ! i o'clock In company with a man about -10 years old , who wus u stranger here. When her body wns found , it was horribly mutilated and had been ravished. Her captor had caused her death by blows from his fists , her face showing t ) < " marks of a horrible beating. The body was discovered by William Neil , one of the searchers. The house in which he Jound It was not searched yesterday because It was newly com- " ' 'I'd and L'o'ot ' < > thought ot the ill- lie girl being hidden there. The search was this noon transformed trcm one for the girl and her captor to one for the captor alone , but it li'M not abated in thoroughness or zeal. Lynch Him If He's Caught. Yesterday the town was canvassed from house to house. Today posses ; ! making a hunt through the stir- loundlng country , looking in every Mirm house and outbuilding. ,1 , All day and last night from the time the fire bell brought out the citi zens to join in the hunt hundreds of people have ben patrolling the vicin ity. It is believed certain that a lynch ing will follow if the murderer is < iiuglit. Mute Evidence of Death Struggle. The little girl's body was found at 1 o'clock this afternoon. A 2x1 club. ovored with blood and with some of th , > little girl's hair matted to it. told nnnoly of ti , , . desperate death strug gle made by the child against the ra- pi'-r. The little girl disappeared with the Mraiigor Tuesday afternoon. She was luivd away with him on promise of a pair of skates. They were last seen that night at S o'clock. The child1 ! ! parents are poor , but iip'tiing will bo loft undone to appro- lu-nd the murderer. A big reward Is being collected. The great excitement if yosterda1 ; is only intensified this .itt.-rnoon. GOVERNOR OFFERS A REWARD $2CO Authorized by Aldrich When In formed of Crime by The News. Yos. sir , 1 will offer a reward for Hie man who killed that little girl , " said Gov. Chester H. Aldrich in Nor folk Thursdr.y afternoon , when shown a telegram from Grand Island to The News. News.Yon Yon can say that I will offer a re- waicl of ? L'00 as provided by the sta- uit ' 8 of the state , and I will make it omcial when I get back to Lincoln. "The state of Nebraska will exhaust : very means to run this criminal down and nothing will bo left undone. " Arsenal Strike Collapses , navonporf , la. . Feb. 8. The threat -'lU'd strike of the employees of the Roi k Island arsenal collapsed today > n cards were offered to a few em i-loyees and were accepted. ENTOMBED MINERS RESCUED Greeted by Wives and Daughters As They Emerge From Shaft. Sutter Crook. Cal. . Feb. 8. The six iy-two miners entombed In the Hun ker Hill mine at 1 o'clock yesterdaj by a cave-In In the mouth of the shaft were rescued at 12 o'clock today afte a night of desperate work by mlnen from nearby mines. None of the met wore Injured. They were greeted b ; their wives and daughters as the ; i nine out of the shaft with their candles dlos still burning DEWITT HUNTINGTON DEAD. Former Head of Nebraska Wesleyan University , Expires. Lincoln. Feb. -Chancolor-IOmeri- - dm Dowltt ( linton Iliintlngton of Wesleyan - leyan unlveiHlty tiled hero this morn ing of disease peculiar to old ago. lie retired from active educational work five years ago. Chancellor Huntington - ton entered ( tie tencUIng profession In Vermont In iS'io. UNDER ARREST BY MONDAY. Preparations , Being Made to Try Forty or More Indicted Men. Indianapolis , Ind. . Feb. S. Tenta tive plans for the trials of UK * forty or more men Indicted for alleged con- pllclty in Ihr- dynamite conspiracy , in ease pleas of not guilty are entered , wore dlst'ticsed by government offi cials today. It Is the purpose to delay the cases as little n.H possible. After the arraignment before Judge A. P. . Anderson bore on March 12 , the trials probably will be sot for hearing some time in May , with a view of disposing of them before the summer Is over. District Attorney Charles W. Miller , who has charge of al capiases and cer tified copies of indictments which are to be served on the defendants , was still rotlivnt today as to the exact day fixed for the arrests , although it was believed the plan was to have all the men In custody by next Monday. King Frederick Is Better. Copenhagen , Feb. S. The reassuring bulletin as to the condition of King Frederick was issued by the physicians in attendance today. It says : "The king had a quiet night. Tlie inflam mation of the lungs is diminishing. His majesty's general condition is sat isfactory. " Discount Rate Reduced. London , Feb. S. The rate of dis count of tlie Hank of England was re duced from -I to I'.1per cent today. SERIOUS QUESTION WHETHER HE CAN CARRY GOVERNMENT THROUGH CRISIS. Mexico Citj. Feb. S. "For no reason will I change any of my ministers. Tlie members of my cabinet are hon orable men. They are patriots. I ll not permit any of them to be slandered as you are slandering them. " In these words President Madero brought , to a termination an interview sought by a committee from the anti- reelectionist party which was at tempting to persuade him to dismiss from his cabinet the ministers of war and interior. The conference had proceeded calmly up to the moment when the spokesman of the committee , in re ply to a statement of the president that evil-miiided Mexicans wore aid ing the rebels , declared that this was true , and that moreover , the president knew these men , because they wore members of his own cabinet. The president then peremptorily ended the interview. In line with this incident Alfredo Robles Dominguex. one of Madero's stauncbest supporters during the revcv lution. publicly criticised the admini stration yesterday , stating that in hit opinion not the removal of the entire cabinet could save the administration The visit of the committee to Pros ! dent Madero was to interpret him in regarding the source of supplies is sued to regular troops and bartered by them for drink and food , and in turn bought up by the rebels. There are stories of haciendados having fur nished great quantities in return foi immunity trom the robbery , but the most serious report of all is that sup piles have been sent from the govern inent arsenal in the capital. Scores of the president's most ardent supporters ters of six months ago are speculat ing on his ability to carry the countr ; through the present crisis. The element which is giving the most trouble is that which followec Madero during the revolution. Tliii party charges him with not puttiiif into immediate effect reforms prom isetl. CONDITION OFJHE 1ATHEI Temperature for Twenty-four Hours The Forecast. Maximum 23 Minimum 0 Average 11 Barometer 30.0 Chicago , Feb. 8. The bulletin Is sued by the Chicago station of thi United States weather bureau give the forecast as follows : Nebraska Unsettled weather an probably snow flurries tonight an Friday ; wanner. South Dakota Fair tonight and Fr day , except probably snow flurries I west portion Friday ; rising temper ; lure. Wyoming Unsettled weather tc night and probably snow flurries t ( night and Friday. E RULE BILL FOR OLD IRELAND RELIGIOUS FREEDOM SECURED , NO UNJUST TAXATION. CONTROLS ITS OWN FINANCES Features of Home Rule Bill Are An nounced nt Belfast by Winston Spencer Churchill , First Lord of the Admiralty. llolfnst. Fob. S. Ri'llRloiiH troodoin will be hocr.rod , a representation tan- to all piirtie.In the Irish parliament will bo guaranteed , luxes unjust to any party will be guarded against and Ireland will control Its own finances , under the tcims of I ho home rule bill. These features were announced by Winston Spencer Churchill , the first lord of the admiralty , who outlined the proposed measure for Iliu first time horn today. Helfast , Feb. S. Winston Churchill , first lord of the admiralty , the chief figure in today's home rule demonstra tion , arrived this morning with Ills wife at I be central station , and was given n somewhat mixed reception. A number of orangemen who bad gather ed at the station greeted him with groans and boos , but they wore drowned In this hearty cheers of the large crowd of liberals and national ists. There was no disturbance , and the largo force of police on duty in the station had a very easy task to per form. In the course of the morning a crowd of unionists paraded the streets carrying an effigy of Mr. Churchill , to hich was attached a placard bearing 10 words : "Down with Churchill. " "No Home Rule. " They proceeded to the hotel where Ir. and Mrs. Churchill are staying , nd sang the national anthem , after hich they dispersed without disorder. There was no marked excitement mong the workers of the city today few small crowds , however , were cattored hero and there , anxious to eo the first lord of the admiralty and 0 watch the movements of the mill nry. Rain fell the whole morning lie football ground , where the meet ng is to be held , is a swamp , and the nttmttcd canvas iiiar'iuoo' ' li : whlcl. Ir. Churchill Is to speak has sagged breateningly several times. For preserving the peace detach- nents of police have been posted every - vhere , and the troops are held in eadiness in their quarters. Matters took an ugly form when ilr. and Mrs. Churchill started for the mice where the meeting is to bo held. V great crowd which had gathered iiitside the hotel appeared Inclined to 'iish ' Mr. Churchill's motor car , and riod to block its passage , but escort- ng cars packed with detectives sue- ceded in working a way through the ; roaning throng and got the Church- 11s safely away. Mr. Churchill and John PJ. Redmond , he nationalist leader , reached the nnrquoe safely. Their journey lirough the streets was marked by lothing more serious than outbursts of groans and hisses. To guard against any invasion by bo unionists only ticketholders were idmitted to the grounds. Inside the marquee were effigies icarlng the labels : 'Carson and Londonderry Turn coats and Traitors. " These swung from poles. Hodies of nfantry and dragoons were stationed 1 short distance from the marquee in eadiness for emergencies. The police challenged every one who tried to mss into the grounds. Occasional > ands of rowdy youths marched by ivlth banners bearing the words : "No Homo Rule. " "Down with Churchill. " Picture Film Burns. Neligh , Neb. . Feb. S. Special to The News : A film burned at the Palace theater last night , but an asbestos cage prevented a fire. 55 HOGS BRING $4,425 $ Clarence Wallace of Wisner Sells 55 at $80.45 Average. Wisner , Neb. , Feb. S. Special top The News : Clarence Wallace , a prom- p (1 inent Duroc hog breeder four and a half miles southwest of Wisner , owner of Rlverview herd , held a sale of thor- _ oughbred swine yesterday at which fifty-five head netted ? 4-l2n , an average - ago of $ S0.4"i. The top price was $350 , paid by William Moderow of IJeemor , Col. T. C. Callahan cried the sale , which was the biggest in point of aver age price paid , held In Nebraska this year. Hawalians Are Alarmed. San Francisco , Cal. , Feb. S. Kuhlc Kalanianaole , Hawaiian delegate In congress , who sailed from San Fran clsco for Honolulu , characterized the increase of Asiatic population In Ha wall as "alarming , " and said ho In tended to use every possible meant toward the enactment of oxcluslor legislation. "Asiatics will hold the balance of powers In the Islands In f few years unless they are checked,1 ho declared "The school census alone should give sufficient proof of this These children are native born am therefore citizens of the Unltet States. " AN EGG ! ! - - " - - ' > : tvr--x 1- - ? - - - ! - - r iir----v - J- - ; Uv. _ : : ' U. .W' ? ( Copyright. 1312. ) MYSTERIOUS FIND MADE BY A STANTON COUNTY DIGGER. S NOT "THE LITTLE TAILOR" "he Mystery of the Sudden Disappear ance of that Early Settler Has Never Been Cleared Up Foul Play Was Suspected. Staulun , Neb. , Feb.UV. Special to' The News : Ed Page , Adrian Stein- iaugh , Victor Lemmll and Louis Mewis 'ere engaged In riprapping along tlie lkhorn river near tills town. In the 'icinity ' of the mouth of Union Creek : hey were engaged in digging a. hole : o place an anchor. The crowbar that Mewls was using to break the frost came in contact with a white object about eighteen inches below the suf- 'we of the ground , which the boys 'irst ' supposed wan a piece of white ook. At the second blow , however , it ivas broken and It was then dlscov- 3red that instead of a rock It wan a liumun skull. Further exploration din-1 closed ( lie fact that it was the remains of a white man , probably 5 feet G Inches in height. How he came to be buried hero or- what was his history none of the early inhabitants know. .Many of the old inhabitants at first oncluded that this was the remains of the long-lost "little tailor. " This man was a Gorman and 'bachelor and disap peared in the early seventies , and while ho was well known as the "little tailor , " his true name no one now ap pears to remember. lie was one of the early characters of the settlement , lie went from home to home and plied his trade and supplied the clothing for the early community. He was a man of < iuite thrifty habits , and suddenly disappeared , and it was generally un derstood he had met with foul play. The last definite information concern ing him was that ho had been working for Robert Keen , southwest of Stanton - ton ; that he had finished his work and started for the home of Hichard Oherg , whose residence was then about two miles south of Stanton. He had on his person about $600 in money. He had announced his intention of re turning to Germany , and had made ar rangements o meet a number of the old settlers in town the following week to settle up nis accounts with them. Mystery of "Little Tailor. " Richard Oberg , who was one of the first county commissioners of Stanton county , was a hard drinker and was at that time supposed to be hard up. Oberg claimed that the "little tailor" had arrived at his place the day he left Robert Keens' , but that he had continued on to the home of Christ Selle. Whatever the facts are , one thing Is true : that ho left the homo of Robert Keen with over $ ( JOO on his person , and he never arrived at Mr. Selle's and was never heard of there after. The following week his debtors came to town to meet him , but the "little tailor" was not there to meet them. One of the old settlers , who desires his name to be withheld , states that on the Oberg farm at that time were two wells , one a shallow one and one which was dug to considerable depth. The deep well contained the best water , and a neighbor calling at the Oberg farm shortly after the disap pearance of the "little tailor" found I that the deep well had been filled up i with manure and they were using the > poor water , and no explanations were offered because of this state of affairs , and thereafter Richard Oberg purchas ed a joke of oxen and team of horses and paid cash for the same. Ho had pro\iously been in straitened circum stances , but in due time- , due largely to bis habits of intemperance , Richard Oberg left Stanton county and went to the Hlnck Hills , where later he died of pneumonia. Dr. t'nderberg , who is one of the old settlers of the county , though very young at the time he first came here , examined the skull which was found on Union creek , and determined in the first place that the man was not a German , because the shape of the skull was typically Celtic , which is confirmed by the appearance of the teeth and other indications which were found , so that the conclusion follows that the remains are not. those of the "little tailor , " and that the mystery of the "little tailor" has not yet been solved. HOUSE DEMOCRATS TURN DOWN HENRY RESOLUTION , BRYAN SEES DEFEAT IN 1912 j ( I By Adopting a Resolution Naming Fi nance Committee to Investigate "Money Trust , " Bryan Says Demo crats Are Unfaithful to Public. Washington , Feb. S. An Investiga tion of the "money trust" was ordered by the democrats of the house in cau cus last night after the Henry plan for a special committee had been de- ! featcd , llii to titi. The caucus then instructed - [ structed the standing committees of the house on banking and currency , I judiciary and interstate commerce to ! proceed with the inquiry. I This action was taken after a spirited - ited debate , a feature of which was ( the reading of a telegram from Will iam J. Hryan to Representative Henry of Texas , who led the fight for investi gation by a special committee. The telegram was as follows : "I regard the caucus on the money trust Inquiry as a crisis. Its results will largely affect our chances in the coming campaign. Please say to any- I one who values my judgment that I am heartily with you In demand for a special committee. There are many objections to an investigation by reg ular committees , but it is enough to know that Wall street prefers regular committees. Wo cannot afford to al low accused parties to select the jury. Success to you. If our party Is afraid to offend the powerful financial inter ests that have fought us since IS'JO we cannot expect public confidence. "William J. Hryan. " The dfimocrats adopted the plan of fered by Representative Underwood , the majority leader , as a substitute for the special investigating committee asked for in the decision submitted by Representative Henry of Texas. Sharp criticism of William J. Hryan for his imputations that the banking aiid currency committee of the house leaned toward the financial interests , and the passage of a resolution ex pressing confidence in that committee characterized the debate. A roll call , enforced under a now rule , was made public after the cau cus. Among those who supported the Underwood resolution were Speaker Clark , Chairman Fitzgerald of the ap propriations coinmitteo < Clayton of judiciary committee , Adamson of the interstate commerce commission , Pujo of the banking and currency commit- tec and members of tbosn committees. The Henry resolution was supported by Representatives James of Kentucky Hurleston of Texas , chairman of the caucus ; Stanley of Kentucky , Moss of Indiana , Riley of Illinois and the Hryan democrats of the house. RIVER IS A RAGING TORRENT MANY PEOPLE DEAD. BODIES ARE CARRIED TO SEA An Estimate of the Number of Victims of the'Floods in Portugal is Impos' sible at This Time , But the Number Will be Large. Lisbon , Feb.8. The number of tie thus of the floods in Portugal is noi jot known but It will be largo. Larg numbers of injured are being care ( for in hospitals in the flooded dis trlcts. The river Tngus Is a raging torrent carrying seaway corpses and nierchaii dise of all kinds. Many barges wliicl were anchored In the navigable sec Uon of TnfJUs were tnmk at the firs onslaught of flood currents : wore swep seaward witli a great mass of debrii from the upper jmrt of tlie river. In eluding uprooted trees and the bodloi | of cattle and livestock. Crops llirougl the flooded district are ruined and al communication by wire Is severed The chamber today voted $ . " 00.000 ti aid the victims of the disaster. Madrid , Fob. S. Serious , floods an reported from all parts of Spain am Portugal. Many rivers and smnlle streams have overflowed their bank * Inundating entire villages. All com munlcation by rail , water or highwa is interrupted and this fyct is preventing venting the dispatch of In Ip to tin s-trickeii towns. S A NOTE TO UNITED STATES TAKES INITI/ TIVE FOR CONCERTED ACTION. Washington , Feb. S. Secrotar KIIOX'B note to Count von Hernstorof the Gorman ambassador , just mad public , is taken to be the preliminar. of an expected exchange of notes In tweon the United States. German ] Great Hritain. Franco , .lapan and Rus sia , which would be of immense in portance in placing all those power on record for concerted action an an understanding in the protection c the Integrity of China. While the note is addressed to th German ambassador , copies have bee sent to all the other powers named. "This unanimity of the subject c concrete expression is aimed at in til identical note presented by the repn sentatives of France , Great Hrltaii Germany , Russia and the Unite States , simultaneously to the peac commissioners at Shanghai on Dei 20. aii well as in the co-operative meai ures taken for the protection of thel common interests in China. The ai vices received by this governmen moreover , show that the other go1 ernments concerned have likewise ha btmllar exchanges of view and tlu official statements of policy to tli name effect have appeared In the pul lie press of various countries. "It Is therefore evident to this go eminent that all the powers have ute to the present , by common consen not only refrained from indopomlei action and from Intervening 1 China's internal affairs , but have aced od In full accord with their mutual a hurancos thut they would respect lu Integrity and sovereignty. If , ho\ e\er , contrary to all expectations , ar ( Continued on eighth page. ) JUDGE HOOK IS NOT TO BE AP POINTED BY PRESIDENT. AN ELEVENTH HOUR DECISION A Concurrence In n "Jim Crow" Law Is Said to Have Been the Incident In Judge Hook's Career that Led to His Being Scratched Off. \\.isliiiiKlini , Feb. S.Dottpilo re. ports thai President Tall lutd delei mined to appoint Secretary Nagel tn I lie miproiiic court bench , friends of United stntPH Judge William C. Hook today conlliuied their efforts In lib bohalf. Representative Anthony of Kansas look to Hie while house today an ana l\nls of Judge llooK'H opinion In the Oklahoma "Jim Crow" ease. II was I lull di > ( isioii which was nilil ; to have eliminated .ftdge Hook from the presi dent's lint .of possible appointees Some Kansiins express the opinion in- day ilni' ' Jrdgo llook'H "Jim Crow" ease had been presented In Hie pros ! dent by Miose Irlondly to some oilier candidate. Mr. Anthony said his ana lysis uouli ! proRont to the president a \ i < ' \ \ ol ( no ease. Washington , Feb. S. The existing vacancy on Hie supreme court , bench , the fifth that has occurred in tlu * present iidmlnlHtration , probably will lie filled by Secretary of Commerce and Labor Charles Nagol of St. Louis President Taft is expected to HOIK ! the nominallou of Mr. Nngcl to the senate \\itliin n few days. United States Judge William CHeek Hook of Kansas , who until yesterday was most prominently mentioned for the vacancy , in said to have been elim inated from' further consideration at , an hour's session of the cabinet. All the lawyers in the cabinet ex cept Mr. Nagol were present , and after ward It was learned that the presi dent had made clear his intention of appointing his secretary of commerce and labor. Tills report was so generally cred ' ited that rumor was busy with a pos sible successor to Mr. Nagel. Louis Marshall of New York and Oscar Ro- Hcnwald of Chicago were among those wUp were mentioned. it This Beat Judge Hook. Judge Hook's iituiio waa scratched c d from the president's list almost at the K'luvcnth hour. This action was said to be due to bin cQiicurrciloo In a "Jim Crow law- " decision In an Oklahoma railroad case. Itoth the president and Attorney General Wickershjnu are unj .derstood to hold the opinion that Judge Hook "went too far" in tills case , and Secretary of State Kuox , Secretai'v ofVur StiniHon and Sccre- j. tary of the Interior Fisher and the other lawyers present at the cabinet f ) jj mooting evidently agreed. II Mr. Taft's only known objection to he appointment of Mr. Nagol is that 10 is ( ji ! years old , and although a law- , ' of wide lias had 'or practice no judi cial experience ; 10 DENVER WOMAN IN RESTAURANT PUTS WOULD-BE ROBBER TO FLIGHT. Denver , Colo. , Feb. S. A masked jaiulil came to grief early toda > when ieas bit h'quaroly In the face witli a hot custard pie while he uas loot ing the cash drawer in a downtown restaurant here. The robbery occurred about o'clock. Just an the robber entered the place , Miss ! na Mouat , in charge of the place at night , walked forward from the kitchen in the rear. ; In each hand she carried a steaming ! liot custard pie. "Hold up your hands , " demanded . the robber. "I won't drop pies for any vil y , lain like you , " she said. "Don't you move , " the holdup man said , as he turned toward the caab reg rs ister. idof The soft part of the hot plo struck of him squarely. The robber dashed through the kitchen into a back alley 10 and disappeared. Negress On a Jury. of Spokane , Wash. , Feb. S. Dorothy Coates , a negross summoned for jury duty In the superior court hero , is be lieved to be the first woman of her race In the United Stlitos to have the opportunity of serving on a jury. She owns considerable property here. DIGGING OUT 69 MEN. d- They Talk and Joke with Rescuers IV- Through Air Pipes. id Sutler Creek , Cai. , Feb. 8. Rapid at progress was made last night by the lie rescuers working to clear the abaft ib of the Hunker Hill mine near here , where alxty-iilno men were Imprisoned IV' ' yesterday by the cavo-in of the shaft. up The entombed men talked and joked it , through the air pipes with the rescu nt ers through the night. In The cave-In was caused by the breaking of the cable of the cage In is the main shaft , which caused the col iser lapse of the supporting shaft timbers erw and the tolcano of the first earth , that ny completely burled the entrance. None of the men was Injured.