The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, December 15, 1911, Page 4, Image 4

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The Norfolk Weekly Nows-Joun
HUT V KWW.Tfr t nTil FST , s
> i III.I.SIUM : VO.IH-A :
W. N. HUHIi I'ri'Hlclunt.
K. K. III'HK. ' Vl < > < . I'rcnlilcnt.
N. A. 1IUHH. Hcu
IQvrrj' I'rliluj. II ) innll , prr j'rnr , _ l
Knti-n-il at tlio iHiHlofflro _ iitNorf _ (
Ti'lniihniirM : 1-Mltorlnl Dupiirtin
NnliniHUii , IIM Hi'miiil-rliivH iriuUur.
Iti-ll I.1 : , Aulomiitlu 1
People who borrow trouble plan
mortgage < > " their future.
Jury bribing should cease , or
lawyers Will fill ) ! It ( HftlLMllt to lleqil
their usual liberal Hllce.
The groalo.Hl lilndrniico to proat
lly IB that too many men spoilt ! th
money liuforo they earn It , and no
Ket "forehanded. "
Joint I ) , , having retired from hel
head of Standard Oil , can spend
the tlino lie wishes losing , golf bii
In the long grass.
To make an effort to keep pleas !
cunscrvattnn going IH not only prael
Ing u line art ; It IH the mark of
genlnl ami considerate nature.
Mere reading of books has no p
tlculur virtue. One should read ; 1
one should also read with the delib
ntlen that aids mental digestion.
It must be embarrassing to work I
the Bub-divided Standard Oil Co , no
and have thirty-four different boss
standing over you giving different i
Some captious persons say t
seven governors now touring the ca
are over eating. Wo maintain tli
even a governor is entitled to a squa
The Los Angeles women vet
against socialism. They probably re
Ized that having the government <
everything would Increase the cost
The general masacrcs in China ini
cato that all parties have agreed
a grand co-operative effort to redu
the population of that over crowd )
Oriental cults arc multiplying
this country , with the promise that
the church does not christianize tl
orient , the orient will Hinduize tl
There are some workmen who w
feel in future that a $190,000 fui
would look much better in shoes ar
stockings for their children than In d
fending dynamiters.
The Commoner should bo issiu
every day during the congresslon
session , as the democratic congres
men now have to wait a full week b
fore knowing what to do.
Although John D. Rockefeller hi
quit work , it IB believed If ho Is pr
dent and does not go In for autom
biles too strong , that he has enoug
laid up for a rainy day.
If you go to Washington and sper
all your money , don't forget that yoi
congressman will be glad to lend yc
enough to get home on. That has b
come a part of his duties.
An elevator dropped eight stories I
a New York building the other da
The passengers in that hustling cil
were no doubt glad to make the tri
down more quickly than usual.
The New York police advise wome
to carry money lu their stocking
This is secure , bvit we fear it woul
arouse too keen curiosity among tli
men in methods of safe deposit.
A German aeronaut may be the ne :
to attempt to cross the Atlantic in
balloon. There is no present indlci
tion that he will be hurried in h
start by competition on either side.
A writer in the December Centur ;
declares that there is no substitut
for individual virtue. Isn't this rathe
a hard knock on the men who carr
their religion in their wives' name ?
The government says naval eft
ciency would bo promoted by sellin
three navy yards. The pollticans wl
say that this will Impair their eff
ciency in carrying the next caucusei
Mayor Brand Whitlock of Toled
has declined a. $500 ralso of salar :
and some people will feel in doul
whether he should bo nominated fc
the Hall of Fame or for the dime mi
The complaint Is made that Pros
dent Taft'a message was not properl
listened to. The congressmen ma
have been having their hair cut s
they could appear In Washington sc
In spite of the fact that the Oli
Fanners almanac Issues rellabl
weather predictions a year in advance
the government continues to spem
several millions a year on the weathe
"Tho homo is the bulwark of clvlll
zation. " Our best selves and the bes
we have to give should go Into tin
home. The home , to a largo degree
determines the character of the child
ren , and tends to make us all bettei
or worse. Thus the home becomes the
chief factor In determining the ch
actor of the community and the '
Whllo there may bo lots of troul
to get any ono to take Jim Sherma
place as vice president , It would
Inhuman to compel any man to
around doing nothing for more th
four years.
Theodore Roosevelt , Jr. , Pael
coast manager for a carpet firm , 1
had a salary raise. The fact that
neither writes for the papers i
taken photographs , probably count
In his favor.
There Is much opposition to ar
trillion on the ground of natloi
honor , It having be-on settled long a
that the way to settle a dispute lu
orably IH to create a new lot of wido' '
and orphans.
\Vo can't seem to believe they w
Jail the packers , but thlngH ha
changed since the period when
trimt magnate could be persuaded
pay any attention to a numinous a
appear In court.
The widow of a victim of the L
Angeles Times explosion has su
James MeNamara for $50,000. Jaim
however , has nothing loft but his bid
and no way Is apparent of gettli
that tanned as it should be.
They are working In New York
secure quiet zones about the school
so that the children won't be dl
turbed. Elsewhere the effort Is to E
euro quiet zones for the nolghbo
who live near school buildings.
The Infanta Eulalio has stirred i
all kinds of rumpus In Spain by wri
ing a book. Had she lived in this con
try , no ono would have known aboi
It except the postman that brougl
back the rejected manuscripts.
The complaint is made that yc
can't get a Jury to convict a good lee !
Ing * woman of any crime. If wo hn
women juries , perhaps then tli
trouble would bo that every goc
looking woman would bo found guilt ;
These people who persist In dyni
inking buildings merely because the
lisapprove of the political opinions e
Lho owners thereof , should bo require
to discuss economics only with an e
llcicnt Jailer from behind the bet
steel bars.
It used to be regarded good politic
for congress to pursue a do-nothln
policy. There is a growing feolln
: hat the congressmen were sent t
Washington to do something othc
: han furnish speeches to fill the Got
jresslonal Record.
The dollar a day pension bill is a
right , but somewhat too limited. W
favor extending it to heroes of peac
is well as war , Including police , fin
nen , newspaper workers , and any ma
.vho . is struggling to support a farail
inder the present cost of living.
Furthermore the man who on a $1.G
niting to the country feels his hear
hrllled by the jocund sunshine of th
lelds. with their tapestry of flower
n radiant points of color , gets Just a
nuch fun out of life as the man wh
ms to spend his thousands sprintin ;
ifter happiness all over the map o
2urope , and then not catching her.
A census of the telegraph and tele
mono poles has been taken , and it ha
> een discovered that there are 32,000
100 of these useful but very unslghtl ;
ibjects planted in the Usited States
That necessitated the slaughter of i
; reat forest of splendid trees , but i
las been the means of bringing tin
lountry into such easy communion
Ion that no one regrets the sacrifice
Mr. Carnegie's list of great mei
ihows that he places that man win
las invented something , who has ad
led more things to man's stock of pos
esslons , who has contributed to tin
uiul of economic wealth , as a greate
nan than the discoverer of truth , tin
oacher of beauty , the prophet of re
igion. This is to be expected of Mr
Carnegie. A man's definition of great
less defines himself.
By rushing to the defense of tin
IcNamaras , with thousands upoi
housands of laboring men's money
iciously denouncing everybody win
lalmed the McNamaras wore guilty
Ir. Gompers assumed something o
esponslblllty for the defendants. Nov
o and his fellow officials denounce
he McNamaras , and deny any con
ection with them whatsoever.
The Swiss peasant , who belongs te
race with whom good taste Is in
orn , can put up for $2,000 a chalet
: mt is lar moro beautiful , In Its slm
lo and flowing lines , with the home
ko suggestions of Its deep and shel
Jred roofs , than many a $200,000
Dagger palace at our Newports and
enoxes. Which goes to show that you
nn often save a fortune by acquiring
oed taste ;
Mr. Gonuers , and other officials of
10 federation , may not have known
tiything of the McNamaras guilt ,
omebody furnished the money with
htch the McNamaras acted. Arrests
' "higher ups" are promised. And for
lese reasons It behooves Mr. Com-
Jrs and allied labor officials to say
little at this time In denunciation
Dctoctlvo HurnH , and of the crlmli
"Individuals" who have Just confess
and been sentenced at Los Angeles
The Canadian parllment now in s
slon. Is tlndlng unprecedented sit
tlons confronting It , and the ea
promlsori of a lively session are be1 !
fully realized. The new premier
gaining the esteem of his people , a
whllo the conservatives and llberi
arc still contending over the recip
city question , both parties agree tl
the eliTilon was not won on the tra
Issue , but upon national sentiment
favor of a Una alleglenco to the lit
lab empire. The Canadians who we
opposed to reciprocity ought to bu
a monument to the memory of Chai
Clark who won their battle for the
"The consumer pays a dollar I
It. Who gets the rest ?
The foregoing very pertinent qu <
tlon Is asked by James Wilson in 1
annual report as secretary of ag
The hated middleman , that bog
of botli producer and consumer , i
doubt. And yet the middleman inn
render an Important service , or 1
would not have held his own so w (
in modern commerce.
The middleman makes a place f
himself because of a modern tendein
toward specialization. Ho Is a spceh
1st on distribution. The farmer won
get more for his potatoes by sellii
direct to the consumer. Hut heret
fore ho has felt that the time 1
saved by working through the mi
Jleman counted him more than the e
tra profit from the direct sale to tl
And In the same way , groups i
people anywhere can buy food pr
lucts cheaper by clubbing togethi
ind buying direct. But if they com
Jielr time worth much , it is chcapi
o buy through the middleman.
The coming light in congress ov <
he parcels post proposition was for
lasted a few days ago by John ;
jreen , secretary of the National Assi
ilation of Retail grocers. From obse
ration of English conditions , ho tel
ho senate committee on the post o
Ice that few small merchants coul
mrvivo the competition of the hi
: lty stores.
No ono wants to sees the small n
ailer wiped off the map. But has th
mall retailer stopped to look at th
lonefits the parcels post would brin
ilm ?
Take the case of a village groce
overing an outlying territory withi
. radius of half a dozen miles or mon
le probably now has to support tw
r three order and delivery teann
ind all the time he Is competing wit
ho metropolitan mail order stores
? ho cover the same territory by cat :
ague and express company.
The grocer can never compete wlti
he mail order house on catalogues
tut with the parcels post ho could ge
is wares delivered by the rural mai
arrier. Ho could canvass for his 01
ers by telephone , and the local news
aper , he could sell his delivery teams
nd keep his clerks working In tin
tore at a far less expense. Think i
ver , Mr. Merchant , before you ge
ao blue about what the parcels pos
rill do to you.
In spite of the difficulties of landini
ew industries , aggressive cities am
jwns arc making more and moro K (
art to get new manufacturing plants
. simple newspaper item that Smitl
i thinking of locating a new brand
f his manufacturing business , or tha
oung Jones is to start out for him
3lf , brings a perfect flood of inquiriei
om eagle eyed boards of trade.
Many of these propositions com <
om professional rounders , who sta ;
i ono place only as long as they ge
ix exemptions and free rent. Undei
nch conditions men with money an
low to invest their dollars.
At the same time , other cities an
etting substantial now enterprises
nd their population figures are Jump
ig ahead. As a man will never gel
mch beyond day wages unless he
ikes some chances , so a communltj
ill stand still If it refuses to invesl
loney except on certainties.
When a town does land a sizable
ew industry permanently , the increase
f population brings about a growtl
i retail trade and real estate values
mt will wipe out many previous
isses. The cities where this growtl !
is como have been these in whicli
10 entird business community has
irned Inj to help young men get ii
lothold. Failures and mistakes wore
ado , but a few worthless shares oi
ock look ; trilling when population
owth has doubled the value of your
al estate ) or business.
"Tho spectre at Washington" is said
bo responsible for the merry cut-
tig of rates by the cable companies ,
was timot
Practically but two classes of custo-
ers have been using the submarine
bios , the i larger newspapers and
jalthy merchants. Family and social
essages constituted not over 1 per-
nt of the buslncss.
Heart brehklng anxiety Is constantly
ffered because ordinary people cable
ly In emergency situations. And
iny a moderate sized business Is let-
ig Us foreign trade go Into dry rot
bccatiRo It takes two to three wci
to write to Kurope nnd get a rci
and the expense of cabling seems r
The thlrteoii cables from this co
try to Europe could take 300,000,1
words a year , but only M.OOO.OOO i
being sent. The majority of the
bles are simply allowed to lie Idle , 1
subject of curiosity to fishes , but
no other UBC in the universe.
In 1885 McKay and Itcnnott cut th
prices ono half , and at once buslm
Jumped 50 percent. In u short time
doubt It would have moro tb
doubled , but pressure persuaded tin
to return to the 1 ! , " ) cents a word ra
During 1002 the rate for cabll
from England to India was reduc
from ? l a word to 50 cents. The bu
ness so Increased from 1002 to It
that the revenue only foil from $ -1-1
: : i5 to $ .101-tts.
With the enterprise of our buslm
men , who can doubt that a flat cut
50 percent to Europe would moro th
double the business ?
Many people have to deny the
selves the supreme pleasure of Eu
peau travel , because under present <
pensive communication they are fore
to sever themselves almost absolute
from business and family relations
The cable companies might as wi
make up their minds to one of n
things : Either cable rates will coi
down to figures that will make a fi
profit , or the governments will bill
some cables of their own , If they cat
buy existing lines.
A gathering of manufacturers ai
exporters was called by the Philadi
phla Commercial museum to meet De
12 , to discuss "Export trade bow-
get it and how to keep it. "
Some interesting papers could 1
written on "How not to get It. " F
Instance , our shoe exporters have
way of shipping to South America tl
particular styles that happen at tl
moment to be popular on Broadway i
La Sallo street.
The Foxy Grandpas of German
lowcver , know better. They long af
earned that the South American wil
lis swagger Latin blood , has alwa :
i love for the flaunting of dudish nttir
Hence high heels go on to the Braz
shoes , no matter what the New Yet
ar Chicago styles.
Every important store in Guatema ;
2ity has one or more young Germar
vorking as clerks. They usually g <
ibout 2 pesos (85 ( cents ) a week , an
joard. They take the low pay becaus
; hey expect later to become agenl
ivlth good salaries to represent th
jcrman syndicates for export trail
The personal and intimate knowledg
hey are acquiring of Central Amor
: an tastes and business habits wi
mable their principals to outwit an
: ompetitor who is not equally we
epresented on the ground.
American shippers have often ser
; oods to South America , packed i
icavy cases , when the final means c
ransportation to destination is donke
mck- . The goods remain In the stean
ihlp warehouse until the owner is wil
ng to sell them at a sacraflce , so tha
ho buyer can repack them In 12
lound cases , one to go to each side c
ho patient mountain climbing dot
: eys.
The American wastes no palaver o
he equatorial dagoes. Ho signs hi
otter "Truly yours. " This curtnes
; oes in our atmosphere of hustle
I'here unnecessary flourishes neve
; et beyond the firm's correspondenc
The astute European knows bette
low dear to the Latin heart are th
irnate flowers of business rhetoric. H
igns himself "Let me express to yoi :
ny dear sir , the complete assuranc <
f my most profound consideration am
stcem. "
Foreign trade Is a great game.
Speaking of b. c. , we've resolved ti
ever , never again make any resolu
Ions of any kind.
Speaking of cigars we never got
liere are those two boxes from tlit
layer when ho became grandfathe :
iiis summer.
We see ten ears at the corn shov
old for $27.50. We've got two that w <
ouldn't sell for forty times tha
It's an awful disappointment to sii
round all day Sunday waiting for the
unday papers , and then to discovei
mt they haven't anything in 'cm thai
asn't in The News the day before.
Is there a man in Norfolk whc
oesn't say to his wife : "Why , I dare
ly there isn't a man In town thai
.ays homo evenings as much as I do.1
Wo know a Norfolk woman who has
i-ery ono of 'em bought and wrapped
It's a grave question which can be
ore Hko a volcano b. c. at 7 a. m ,
Swiss cheese at 11 p. m.
It'll be a "grave" question all right ,
either ono of 'em is persisted In.
Authorities seem to differ as to
nether we're growing balder or not
} bald. Ono observer will declare that
e area of thin hair Is spreading ,
liilo another will declare , apparently
st as sincerely , that there Is really
> bald spot at all and that what bald
ot there IB , will bo re-covered. Per-
nally we believe that every time an
edition of The NOWB gout * to pr <
we're Just a little bit balder and
little bit greyer than wo were befo
One might logically conclude fn
that , that the only way to keep fr <
getting bald completely , would bo
stop the presses. Hut when we thl
of Hovoral million anxious rondo
going without their meals until the ]
per comes , we're willing to let t
pressman turn on the motor and grl
out our hair. Now that's what y
might call sacrifice.
It's q-.ieer what Indications will I
press one's mind In connection wl
certain dates. We never can think
Dec. 12ltliout remembering th
twenty years ago It was Hobby Wl
man's birthday. Wo always felt si
loiisly handicapped by the fact that
was twelve days the older , and It ma
a profound impression that still sticl
Hut oven at that , In splto of 1
twelve ilay advantage In age , wo si
cocdod at the ageof 12 In beatli
him out of his girl If wo do say
ourself. Her birthday was still a fr
days later - Jan.I , to bo exact.
We got tils goat at a stilt-walkil
party one Saturday afternoon. Si I
voro a little rod coat that afternoo
We've always nail a sneaking nolle
that the fact that we owned a came
that could take good pictures , cut qui
a figure In the battle.
Wo tremble as Sunday niornli
draws near Sunday morning brea
fast , with the battle to bo fought 01
over the issue : "To eat buckwhc ;
cakes or not to eat 'em ; that is tl
question. To dream , perchance to d
-etc. "
We don't know as it's hardly fate
to tempt us by having 'em on tl
table at all , but we have grave fcai
they'll be there.
There's this to be said , of cours
ibout eating 'em : Having played go
nil week , the stomach in questic
might bo better able to take care <
em now than last week. Still , we'i
lot backsliding at all. We've r
? olved not to touch 'em again m
We rather live in Norfolk than i
California or Italy , from a climati
iewpoint , if this would only keep uj
When you see a man dragging hi
cet down town at S a. in. , his shou
lers drooping , his eyes sunken , hi
ace pale and his spirits gone , It's
ilgn that he MAY have been walkin
he floor with the baby all night , bu
ic PROBABLY has been trying fo
uilf an hour to crank his car an
las given up from exhaustion.
No , that didn't mean us. Owing t
hat November freeze we haven't ha
i chance to crank one for over ;
iionth. And we hate like the deuce t
uiss out on all this fine weather , tak
t from us.
We no sooner get out of one polit
cal campaign than wo get into an
ther. Hero they're already announe
ng themselves for governor , etc , ii
Nebraska , for the next orimary.
We still have a cigar coming fron
ne man in our neighborhood , on th' '
trenglh of the first daughter at nil
ouse several months ago.
Now that just shows how much , o
ow little , these darn resolution ;
mount to. Here we are , in spite everything
verything , back on the buckwhea
akes again. And with clenched fist :
, 0 vowed for a week that we'd never
ever , never touch 'em again.
It makes us feel sympathetic for tin
oor cuss who tries to stop drinkiiif
ml can't only we presume the wa
2r wagon Is even harder to ride , af
ur you've been used to falling off.
It shows , too , just what a man wile
o in the face of temptation. We have
; ss disregard for old man Adam thai
e had a week ago.
We could forgive him completely , ii
; had only been b. c. , instead of a Cal
'ornia apple that Adam fell for.
Here's "Yellow" Journalism.
It's on us ( or rather it was ) , but we
ave to tell it.
At 8 a. m. a linotype operator said :
You didn't have buckwheat cakes Mils
lornlng. You had soft boiled eggs. "
The New Depot.
Fremont Tribune : Norfolk has a
ow Northwestern depot that Is bet-
; r than Fremont's that is , South
orfolk has.
! Copyright 1911 ; Geo. Matthew Adams. )
The only exercise some people take
to wish for things not -honestly
iming to them.
People know the statements of a
Ig Talker must bo cut down ; but
ey can never tell how much.
Some tiresome men I know have
i\'er In their lives represented any-
Ing that was self-supporting ; they
ways have their hands out , and are
ways pained because you do not give
When a man begins saying the peo-
o want a change , ho has usually de-
Jed to run for office.
"What you need , " said the fussy doc-
r , "Is exercise. " "I have worked all
mnier In fhp , harvest fields , " feebly
piled the patient. "Well , then , " re-
rned the doctor , "what you need is
CBt. "
Ambition has a great deal to do In
iking a man restless , worried and
rho man who wants to sell Is al-
ways politer than the man who IH
llclted ( o buy.
When a man becomes bald lie IH <
no difference what his ago may lit
No man's dearest friend talks all
him behind liln back In a way that
entirely satisfactory.
Every woman thliikH her husbi
can whip any other man on earth ; 1
ho knows better.
If you don't know what u ma
weakness is , let him do the talk
and ho will mention it.
A man linn a right to think a
of things ho IIIIH no right to say.
I'm not as fair as 1 should bo ; I
you needn't , sneer : neither are you
Never say lo a man : "You lira f :
ting old. " It Is bettor to say : "We i
getting old , " and even then , ho wo
Mho It.
If you are Industrious , toll the tru
and keep your record clean , you v
some day got paid for It. You may i
receive your reward tomorrow , or m
week , but some day , in some way
utlior , you will bo rewarded.
A now play is entitled : "Th
Shalt Not. " The Hoiitlmont Is i
usually expressed so elegantly. "Do
ilo that" is iv more common way
saying the same thing.
A man whistles for the same reas
that ho uses tobacco ; ho learned t
habit as a boy , and can't quit.
A shiftless man's favorite sayin
'O , well , we'll get along somehow.
You may easily play a joke on
man who likes to argue : agree wl
You can do moro for yourself tin
uiyono will do for you.
Having fun is dismal business aft
on pass 50.
There Is something new a gcntl
nan can do for a lady ; crank h
The real economical people a
hose who have no money , and who :
Tedit is not good.
Shake the hand of some mon , ai
rou shake a secret out of them.
The most depressing sight in tl
k'orld is an impudent child , with tl
larents standing by and smiling a
When you go back to your old hou
fter an absence of ten or Hftee
ears , don't expect people to bo gin
n see you ; after people haven't sec
man for ten or fifteen years , the
on't care much if they never see hii
A hero is a man who hasn't ha
uich bad luck.
When a man gets up In the worli
o's like a Hying machine ; nooneca
ill how long he will stay up.
Here of late , when a man is dowi
u many people offer to help him tha
e is better off than the average ma
ho is up.
Before marriage , a young woma
ill be polite to the men , but aftc
larriage , she will have an air indlcai
ig that she hates them all.
There never was a man so Inslgn
cant that he could not be annoying.
There is an auditor in every man'
fe to frequently check him up.
It is unfortunate that at one Urn
icro were orators who swayed tin
ultitudcs ; It is unfortunate becausi
, 'er since , little men have attemptei
, and bored the multitudes mightily
There is much comfort for every
) dy ; a big man can carry twice ai
uch , but a little man gets aroum
> 'ico as fast.
Put a fine dress , and lace , and pow
) r , and false hair , and jewelry , on i
an , and ho will look well , too. A
late minstral show , an impersonatoi
eked exactly Ilka a pretty girl of 10
id a great many said It could not pos
bly be a man. But it was a man. foi
i took off his wig , and asked In t
iss voice if anyone in the audleiut ;
mid oblige him with a chew of plup
A woman complains that every time
e Is with men , one of the number
ints to explain how a steam engine
You have no doubt blamed the pee <
3 of Johnstown for their failure to
ed the warning of a rotten dam. Is
ere no unheeded warning ringing
your ears at the present moment ?
It Is surprising how many people
id In the poor house. And every-
o of them fooled his money away ,
you do , and imagined that ho would
rich some day.
\ milliner says that every woman
10 tries on a hat in her store , says
way of preparation : "My hair isn't
ed right. "
a a country town , a man must be-
vo as well as In heaven , If ho hopes
avoid being talked about
[ "hero Is ono good thing about a
, n who tells all ho knows , whllo you
jp quiet : he can't tell all you know.
'What ' has become of your mans -
" old-fashioned asked
s ? - women
Ir children. And , by-tlie-way , what
i become of your manners ? Are you
Ite ? What Is said by these most
Imately associated with you ?
Text , "They bo many that Unlit MKIVMI f
inc. " 1'nalin Ivl , 2.
Doesn't Hceiii forty-eight years in
Gettysburg. Not many under sl\u
have an adequate romcmbranco of
You're nearly a half coutury old. .
comrade. And you , my hidy-well , I
HOOII your daguerreotype taken In i
sIxtloH. I don't wonder a con i
young ofllror narrowly escaped i m , i
martial for ever staying his furlou.
And he nearly missed ColtysliurK i
It , too. To have missed tbti girl .1 i
the battle would liiivo been a nilum i\ \
And that was a battle ! In all lhi > . .
turloM with ( heir Innumcnihlo. u >
there have boon few great iloi i v
battles. Creasy million only ilftoi-n i
twccn Marathon and Waterloo. . .
tynburg was fought since , hut HM .
greater or moro decisive before or MM
or. Tills Is hallowed ground. Kr .
been to Gettysburg ? I wish you conM
before you are a year older. To s ,
Ha ( > 00 monuments and tablets , vl-it
Cemetery bill , Round Top , Inu !
Round Top , Gulp's hill , cross
mile wide plain ever which from Sem
inary rldgo thundered Plckett'.s awful
charge. Walk through the devil's d.-n.
the peach orchard and the whrut-
field. If your heart doesn't swell al
most to bursting , If your nerves do not
thrill almost to exaltation , If you do
not Hay to your guide , "I must walk or
HUfTocato , " then I do not know the
youth of our generation.
Life a Warfaro.
I have recently been over the ground
"Just once more. " It Is changed where
shot and shell crashed through forest
then the birds are now building their
nests. The drumbeat Is hushed , the
bugle peal has died away , the hosts
that endured hunger , thirst , weary
inarcheH , charged up mountain sides ,
faced death in camp and field and
filled the world with their glory are
passing awny. The bluu and the gray
lie together in death. The green corn
of spring is now breaking through their .
commingled dust. The dew from heav
en falls upon their union In the grave. '
From the battlements of peace In the ,
clearer light of the spirit world they
surely say , "It Is well. " So shall we. '
But , brother , all life is a warfaro.
There Is the tumult of perpetual conflict -
flict ; every year Its campaign , ovt-ry
ilny Its battle. Enemies without , with
in. These without cannot harm u
much. No man who does his duty will
escape enemies. If you make 'them
through your meanness , selfishness.
unklndnesH , then feel ashamed anil
right the wrong. The battle without
Is. a fierce one-sickness , trouble , dN- ,
'race. Even the wolf has sniffed at |
four door. It has been a hard flKl't I
ivlth enemies without.
The Greatest Battlefield.
The greatest battlefield on which a
linn ever fought is within himself
t'ho greatest defeats are there and the '
iilghtieHt victories. Victory on the
lold of one's own heart means victory
ilsewhero. The greatest mastery is
it'lf mastery. Every true man , every
rue woman recognizes thla. Sin first
itolo our self mastery away. It must
) e charged nnd flunked und gripped.
lYhat the particular enemy la each In-
livldtial knows , bptmly or secretly.
iVhat Is It , O woman backbiting ,
; osslp , mischief making , sclfishiieaa ?
L'OU , O man , blasphemy , temper , up-
ictlte , passion ? Have you gone down
o defeat again and again ? Seen your
olors drag at the very tlma you
hould have been most easily the tri-
imphant victor ? That's good. Then
ou know the weak point on your lino.
'hat's where the hottest conflict Is to
> e fought. There's the key to the
i-holo situation. You'll have to masseur
our batteries there. Temptation to
Ishonesty ? Fight it. "Are these goods
11 wool ? " said a Denver woman to n
Ittle shopkeeper. "Thoy were , mad-
m , before the revival at our church.
'hey are not now. " Uneleanuww ,
owardlco and dincouragement are the
oldicr's weakest points. Find out
'int ' point nnd defend it with all your
Lrength. Victory consists In holding
n a moment longer.
How have your campaigns gene ?
'ery unsatisfactory ? Then you are
t a good place to listen. Now comes
10 crisis. The conflicts are coming
ilcker and faster. Now you must
ght the battle of your life. All be-
) re have been only skirmishes. Thl *
the crux of the whole warfare -you
111 now have to decide In this life's
arfare whether you will be a Chris-
nn in the fight or not. You will fight
iree enemies at one time the world ,
10 flesh , the devil. You have come
> your Gettysburg ! This Is the on-
igeinent that decides your war.
ou've had other battles before , you'll
ivo others again , but this determines
nether you will bo final victor or not.
hrlHt's Gettysburg was In the wilder-
! HH , Luther's at Worms , Wesley's at
xford. Daniel's In Babylon , yours is
; ro and now. The emphatic date In
imnn history Is today. Yesterday lame
mo forever. Tomorrow may never
me , nnd when It does It will be en-
iged with conflicts of Its own. Hap-
the man who seizes this strategic
oment. Attention ! Count off to the
'ht ! Roll the drum ! Sound the bu-
Jl Forward ! Now is the "bloody
glc. " Victory hero inenns forever.
xlny Is tlie Gettysburg of your life.
ill you or your soul's enemy sur-
nder at the Apnomnttor of death ?
A. want ad campaign will got you
qualnted with a lot of people who
; nt to buy homes nnd the homo you
ni to sell would Bureiy suit some of