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About The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19?? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 15, 1911)
THE NORFOLK WEEKLY NEWS-JOURNAL , , , , . NORFOLK NEBRASKA FRIDAY DKCHM13KR 15 1911. PALE AND EMACIATED , WAL- DRON RETURNS HOME. BUT THE TRIAL WON'T GO ON BALANCE OF JURY DISMISSED BY JUDGE PORTERFIELD. BECAUSE WALDRON IS INSANE Weak From Hunger and Exposure , He Tells the Judge of His Four Days of Wandering Through the Country In Search of Fresh Air. Kansas City , Mo. , Dec. H. Palo and emaciated , weak from hunger and ex posure , Harry Waldron , the Juror whoso escape last Sunday night blocked the progress of the second trial of Dr. 15. Clark Hyde , charged with the murder of Col. Thomas H , Swope , returned to his home today. Ho was brought Into court and after a conference with him , Judge Porter- Held announced that lie would dis miss the entire jury on the ground of Waldron's mental Incompetency. His eyes shifting and every move ment betraying shattered nerves , Wai dron described to Judge Porterlield four days of wandering through the country In search of "fresh air and freedom from confining walls ami staring ayes. " Ho denied having discussed the Hyde trial with any person. His Story Affects the Judge. His narrative to the Judge , telling of the presence of his weeping wife , nil but brought tears to the eyes of his inquisitor. "I had been driven almost distract oil , Judge , before I got my feet on the ground and got to the country , " he said , "but I don't think I'm crazy. 1 couldn't stand being cooped up. 1 felt imprisoned. There seemed to b ( nothing but walls and eyes arouni me. I longed for fresh air. When would go into court I could hardl ; hold myself , the stares of the peopli worried mo so. So that night I decided cided to get away from It. The firs thing , when my foot lilt the groum after sliding down the fire escape , tin thought came to me that I had doin wrong. I was going to return. Thei I thought of u fine and possible othe punishment and I fled. "I got n street car to Argentine , am there I caught a freight train that wa going away from tfio city. I got of at Emporla , Kan. There I shaved ol my mustache , and that afternoon- it was Monday I read of my escap in the papers. That worried mo s that I couldn't eat. Read It In the Paper * . "It told of the possibility of m committing suicide. I thought of in poor wife and children thinking o such a thing , and decided to retun homo no matter what the cense quences. I got to Kansas City , Kan Tuesday night after wandering mile through the fields and going on i freight car part of the way. Then lost my nerve again. I went to Will lain Mooro's house In Kansas City Kan. , and slept two hours Tuesda ; night , the only real sleep I had sinci I left the jury hotel. "Wednesday I came to Kansas City Mo. I was afraid of being arrested but nobody seemed to know me , and was glad I had shaved off my IIIUE tache. 1 was thinking of Christina and how I might have to spend i away from the wife and chlldrei whether I was arrested or not. I made mo think the world was a craz place. I wondered If I was crazy inj self. self."I "I got a market basket and war dered about among the crowds aroun the city market. It was a relief to b among people after the court and jur room. Every thought came back t the jury and courts. I slept in a \ \ \ < ? ry stable last night , and this mornin I went to my home. I had read in th papers that the officers had qul watching It. Own Child Afraid of Him. "I saw one of my children In th barnyard , and gave him a note t take to his mother , but ho was afral of mo and ran. I felt weak enough t lie down In the cold , but I went Int the house , and when I saw my wife felt better than I ever had since the put mo on a Jury. I had $12 of jur salary which I held out from my wlf intending to buy a Chrlatmas preset for the children. I still have It. spent only a few cents on my wande ings. "I couldn't eat. " Questioned closely regarding ar communications ho might have lu concerning the trial , Waldron said t tor ho read in the papers of his ov escape ho osked a farmer what I thought of "that Hyde Juror runnli ' away ? " V "Ho said , 'that fellow was pret ellck , 111 bet he got away with I pockets full , ' " Waldron said. The city market neighborhood CONDITION OFTBE WEftlHQ Temperature for Twenty-four Hours Forecast for Nebraska , Maximum 17 Minimum 1M Average ! ! 1 Hnrnnictpr t9.8 ! ! ChlcHRo. Doc. 14. Tliu bulletin Is sued by tlio Chicago Htatlon of the United States weather bureau gives tlio forecast for Nebraska as follows : Generally fair tonight and Friday , not much change In temperature. which Wahlron said ho wandered wit ! his market basket , Is within twe blocks of the courthouse and out block from the Oenteropolls hole from which the juror escaped. The Judge Has Worked Hard. To Judge Porterfleld belongs mud ; credit for the return of Wnldron. The judge IIIIH worked practically nigh ! and day since the juror disappeared in an effort lo locate him. After Wai dron had returned this morning Judgi I'orterfleld revealed some Incidents ol the last two days that had been knowi only to himself and Mrs. Waldron. "I had always fe ' < aid Judge I'or terfleld , "that Mr -n was mix lous to aid us IP -\v \ , -'bio. ' . ' learned yesterday , v0 v ' > ( been In Kansas City , K'/ ' ' , n , , itlve'thal he would soon nu. /s/ < . fort to return to his wife. It oce. . . to me that possibly he would attemp to communlcato with her througl friends In Kansas City , Kan. Las night In company with Mrs. Waldroi I went to the home of those friendi and waited until an early hour thh morning , hoping that Waldron wouh show up , but ho did not come , went to my home , and Mrs. Wnldroi returned to hers. About daylight this morning ho appeared at Ills home Mrs. Waldron immediately called b ; telephone at the courthouse for me. was not there , and they did not re celvo the call until about 10 o'clock Tlio message was for me to como a once. 1 was almost certain that Wai dron had returned. I supposed In would go to the homo of friends li Kansas City , Kan. , where his wife ha been. Obtaining a taxlcab I hurrici to Kansas City , Kan. , but he was no there. I then rushed back to Wai dron's home. He Hides from the Judge. "When Waldron saw mo coming h was badly frightened. He was no convinced that it was not my inter tion to inflict punishment upon bin and at the sight of mo he hid himsel in a small closet. It required nine coaxing to Induce- him to come out. NO MORE TO UNITED STATE ! DANGEROUS TO HEALTH , ITS PORTATION PROHIBITED AFTER JAN. 1. Washington , Dec. 14. Declaring a slntho dangerous to health , the pui food board of the department of agi culture today decided that its ii portatlon Into the United States shou bo prohibited after Jan. 1 , next , Tl order awaits the signature of the so rotary of agriculture before becomir effective. SHE SHIFTS JRIDEGROOMS Sioux City Girl Changes Her Mind ; Last Minute , Takes Other Man. Sioux City , la. , Dec. 14. Leavln her wealthy fiance waiting in a depi Miss Marlon Lake of Sioux City , tel graphed from Chicago to Lawton W ; ckoff , a former suitor , to come. Ii went , she met him , they eloped , an the two were wedded at Elgin , II Tuesday evening. GOV. VE8SEY NOT TO SOUTH DAKOTA EXECUTIVE Dl NIES REPORT OF INTENDING TO QUIT. "Harrisburg , Pa. , Dec. 14. Your te egram received. Have no Intention i resigning in January to re-enter tl business world , but expect to at tl close of my term. R. S. Vessey. " The foregoing telegram from tl governor of South Dakota was sent i reply to a message to the South D kota executive asking him if the r port that he was to resign in Jan ary was true. This report had bei given wide circulation in South D kota. J SHUSTER RETAINS JOB. I Persian Cabinet Cannot Dismiss Ame lean Treasurer-General. Teheran , Persia , Dec. 14. W. Me gan Shuster still retains his positli as treasurer-general of Persia. Tl cabinet cannot dismiss him witho the consent of the national coum which has not been given. Know Where Reyes Is. Washington , Dec. 14. The depa ment Justice knows , but will not ma public the whereabouts of Gen. B < nardo Reyes. Agents of the depa ment have him under survelllam Following his indictment at Larei Tex. , for alleged violation of the n < trallty laws , the Mexican was leased on $10,000 ball. MOTHER AND FAMILY HACKED TO DEATH BY HATCHET. BODIES BURIED IN A STABLE The Mutilated Bodies of n Woman , Her Two Daughters and a Son 28 Years Old , Are Found on Farm In New York State Employe Missing Albany , N. V. , Dec. 14. Some time between last Tuesday noon and night an Italian farmhand employed by the Morner family of Defreestvllle , n Rcnstiolacr county hamlet six miles from Albany , is believed by the police : to have slain Mrs. Conrad Morner , n widow , her two daughters Edith , aged liO , and Blanche , aged 17 ; and her 28-year-old son Arthur. The bodies of the three women were discovered last night in a cow barn on the Mor nor place , where they had been sc hacked with a hatchet and battered with a balestlck that the murdcrei had been able to crush all three ol "in into a small manure pile on one . > of the stable. Arthur Morncr's ; i. .ly , with the throat cut , was found . ider another part of the barn floor Trace of the farmhand , who was known as Ed Dennis , is lacking. Bloody Hatchet Is Found. A bloodstained hatchet nnd a four foot balestick were found In the pll near the three bodies , and with these the police bellevo the murderer firsl felled and mutilated his victims. Mrs Morner had received a blow from tin hatchet on the right side of the heat : and her skull was fractured in severa laces. The body of the elder girl .idlth , also was badly cut and bruised ( er head was nearly aovcred by s low from the hatchet , and there was largo hole In her left temple. Tin ounger girl's body was the least mu ilated. Motive for the crime seems to b < it-king. What money there was it lie house before the murder wai ound intact. Indications , the author ! les say , point to the murderer as be ig Insane. HORSE FALLS UPON HIM ra Ellcnwood of Nellgh Sustain Broken Leg in Accident. Neligh , Neb. , Dec. 14. Special t The News : Ira Ellcnwood had th uisfortune to have his right leg frai ured yesterday afternoon between th iiiee and ankle , when the horse he wa riding stepped in a hole and fell upo iliu. He was in company with Pet eterson in the country purchasin cattle for n local firm in this cit when the accident happened. Report given out-by the attending physicia s that the patient is resting as we is could bo expected. SUMMINS WANTS A DECISIOT He Makes Speech Demanding Suprerr Court Opinion on Tobacco. Washington , Dec. 14. Senator Cuu mins of Iowa In a speech yesterda urged speedy action on his bill provli ; ng for a review by the supreme coui of the United States of the decree ( the United States circuit court for tu southern district of Now York appro ng the reorganization of the Amer can Tobacco company. Ho said tin 5 "tho welfare of the people , the stabi t ity of business and the wants of coi gress imperatively require that thi decree shall be reviewed by the si e preme court. 1 Mr. Cummins said that notwitl standing the supreme court's declslo dissolving the American Tobacco con pany had been based on the fact thr : ho tobacco business had been large ! controlled by ono company , the coi trol of the affairs of the company wa continued largely in three holdln companies the American compan ; the P. Lorlllard company and the Lii gett & Myers company , owning $213 000,000 of the entire $223,000,000 e the old American company. "The same men who owned tli American Tobacco company own thea three companies nnd own them in th same proportion that they owned tli old company , " he said , "so that the will control the business under tli D new arrangements as completely r 0 they controlled It under the old orde If it was unlawful for these men t :1 : concentrate the business so complete ! ns they did , It Is giving the people stone Instead of bread to permit tl : new order to continue. " Ho declared that the other clove companies were owned by the sair people who own the three , "so thi the only result achieved will be I make the administrations more inco venlent. " Expressing regret that the attornc r general had not appealed from the cl n cult court's decision , Mr. Cummins a 0 mltted that without legislation the s it premo court ot the United States wi 1 incapable of granting an appeal in tl absence of a motion by the attorn * general. Hence the necessity for legl latlon. The circuit court , he said , had d ! regarded and nullified the order of tl r- supreme court , but if no appeal practicable the decree of the low e. court must stand ns the result of tl o , litigation against the tobacco trui u He believed that the country had right to the higher court's oplnlc No action was taken on the bill. LIFE'S ' DISAPPOINTMENTS "Loo * . TWICE BEFORE you 1S11. ) 100 DYNAMITE CONSPIRACY AGAINST BUILDERS ON GIGANTIC SCALE. MCNAMARAS WERE NOT ALONE "he Federal Grand Jury at Indianapolis - lis Is Furnished With a List of Ex plosive Outrages Extending Over Seventeen States. Indianapolis , Ind. , Dec. 14. After iveeks of Investigating by the govern ment's agents in many ) r-t - of the country where explosions have taken ilace , the federal grand jury was ready to begin here today its inquiry nto an alleged nation-wide conspiracy whereby more than 100 structures ivero blown up and in which dynamite , nitroglycerine and other explosives were carried Into at least seventeen states. \ list of 100 explosions in struc tures erected by firms employing non union workmen , as furnished to the government by the National Erectors' association , was prepared for the grand jury. The list , beginning with wrecking of structural works in Massachusetts and Connecticut In the summer of 1905 , cites the damage done up until Oct. 16 , 1911 , and points out , as indi cating participation by others than John J. , and James B. McNamara and Ortie McManigal , that crimes of this nature were perpetrated in seventeen states. The explosions began prior to the employment by the McNainaras of McManigal who , according to his con fession , blew his first building In De troit in June , 1907 , "with twenty sticks of dynamite , " and they extend Into the present year several months after the arrest of the McNamaras. There were two explosions in 1905 , eight in 1906 , six In 1907 , twenty-six In 1908 , twenty in 1909 , twenty-fivo in 1910 and thirteen in 1911. They oc curred in Ohio , Indiana , Illinois , Mich igan , Pennsylvania , New York , New Jersey , Massachusetts , Connecticut , Maryland , Wisconsin , Missouri , Iowa , Nebraska , Utah , Washington and Cal ifornia. Twenty In Ohio. Ohio , with twenty heads the list. Illinois , Pennsylvania , New York and Missouri come next. McNamara ex plosions took place at Mount Vernon , N. Y. , and at Cleveland. The last ate - e tempted explosion is recorded in the y list as having taken place on Oct. 16 , o this year , near Santa Uarbara , Cal. , at a bridge erected three years ago. Dy namite was found near the bridge just before the special train bearing Presi. dent Taft passed over It. After the ex plosions of the year just proceeding , the National Erectors association in May , 1906 was formed by contractors who , in pursuance of a plan to main tain an "open shop , " employed de tectlves to Investigate the Dynamiting o The announcement that W. E. Grif ifin , chief of police at Kansas City , Mo. would arrive hero late today prepared to testify concerning various explo slons In Kansas City , drew attention 1to the important part which the con fesslon of McManigal is to play In the probe. Details of the blowing up ol the Blx structures in Kansas City or Dec. 24 , 1908 , April 14 , 1908 , April 29 1909 , June 26 , 1909 , Aug. 23 , , 1910 , am Doc. 30 , 1910 which resulted in th ( partial wrecking of viaducts , buildings and derricks under construction b : firms employing non-union men , an in the hands of the government inves tigators. Hearing on these McManlga in Us confession quoted at least oni of the dates , saying : McNamara Paid Him. "On Aug. 23 , I pulled off the Me Cllntick-Mnrshall job at Kansas City. I did not see J. J. McNamnra although he was In town at the time. From Kan sas City I went to Peorla. J. J. McNa- mara returned to Indianapolis on Aug. ! 29 or 30 , 1910 , at which time ho paid for doing the Kansas City Job. I told him about the bad luck I had had on the Peoria and Kansas City jobs , and ho gave me h for not getting back the clocks that did not go off. " DECLARE RAILROAD RATES TO OMAHA ARE ROBBERY. EUROPE CAN EVEN BEAT THEM It Is Declared that the European Flockmaster Can Lay Down His Sheep in Boston for Less Money Than the Western Grower. Omaha , Dec. 14. The forty-eighth annual convention of the National Wool Growers' association opened at the auditorium here this morning with a large attendance of sheep men from nearly every state in the Union. More than usual interest is felt by wool growers in this year's convention on account of the proposed revision of the tariff to be undertaken by the pres ent congress. The feature of the open ing session of the convention was the annual address of the president , for mer Gov. P. R. Goading of Idaho. Mr. Goodlng expressed himself vig orously , and applause showed that he voiced the sentiments of the conven tion as a whole. Mr. Gooding reviewed briefly the work of the association in bringing to the attention of the inter state commerce commission the ques tion of freight rates on wool , charged by western railroads. The evidence In } the case Is now all in the hands of the t commission , and the matter will bo j argued. I "Extortion and robbery are mild ( terms , " he declared , "for the rates that are charged west of Omaha. For the haul from Omaha to Boston , " ho said , "tho charge Is H5V { : cents per 100 pounds while for practically the same J distance west of Omaha the railroads charge $1.77 * , per 100 , five times as ' much. Indeed , the European flockmaS' ter can lay his product down in Boston two to four cents per pound cheaper , on a scoured basis , than the American range sheep grower. " The speaker gave a great part of his address to the proposed revision of "schedule K" of the tariff law. Must Have Protection. The duty , he said , should be laid ur on the scoured product instead of upon grease wool. Mr. Goodlng referred to the exper ience of llockmasters under the pro visions of the'Wilson bill to show thai the industry cannot exist In this coun try without protection. The highei wages and other expenses paid by the American wool grower , he declared made it impossible for him to com pete with those of foreign countries Bryan and Pinchot Grilled. The speaker quoted from some o Mr.Bryan's addresses to show that IK does not understand the Interest o the American people in the live stock Industry. The policy pursued b : former Chief Forester Pinchot was dc nounced in strong terms. Reports of the treasurer , E. Demlraci of Montana , and the secretary , S. W McClure of Idaho , folowed the presl dent's address. D'r. Eliot Recovering. Columbo Ceylon , Dec. 14. Goo < progress is reported by the physlcan in charge of Dr. Charles Eliot. KILLED BY ALFRED GRAHAM , HALF BREEC INDIAN , THE VICTIM. HE LIVES BUT A FEW HOURS It Was Claimed that Graham Was Try Ing to "Beat" His Way Severa Ribs and His Right Leg Broken , In ternally Injured. Neligli , Neb. , Dec. 14. Special ti The News : Alfred Graham , a lial breed Indian from near Cody , Neb , aged about 20 , who is claimed to havi been "beating" his way on wcHtboum passenger train No. 5 last night , wa fatally injured as the train was entei ing this city. He died here at 4 o'clocl this morning. Several ribs and the man's right lei were broken. Ho died , however , fron internal injuries. Indications from the dying man' conversation point to his having beei at the rear of the train. "What wouli have happened if I had been on th front end ? " he is said to have asked Coroner Conwell summoned th train crew to appear as witnesses 01 their return run at 11 o'clock thi morning. Ono witness said he wouli testify that Graham told him he wa walking on the track when the trail struck him. The coroner's jury met this morn ing and after hearing several wil nesses adjourned until 4 o'clock thi afternoon to hear the train crew. Twi witnesses said the Injured man toll them he was walking on the tracl when the train struck him. Ono o these said ho later declared he wa riding on the rear end of the train Ono witness said he saw Graham a the depot platform after the noon hou yesterday. "HOLY SMOKE/ / ' SAYS T. R. Former President Surprised by Crow of 5,000 Bostonians. Boston , Mass. , Dec. 14. "Hoi smoke , " Col. Theodore Roosevelt e > claimed as he looked down from State street building where he was a tending the regular monthly meetin of the board of overseers of Harvar college , upon a crowd of 5,000 eiitln slasts who had left their business t catch a glimpse of the former pros dent. A few minutes later , as the co onel was leaving the structure , ther was a discharge of cheers. The forme president entered an automobile an acknowledged the greetings , but n questa for a speech met with a decli Ivo negative. "I have absolutely nothing to sa of any sort whatever , " Col. Rooseve declared. Later after a conferenc with several progressive republican the colonel sanctioned the Issuance < a statement announcing ho had urge Gov. Robert P. Bass of New Hani ] shire to speak at a progressive repul llcnn meeting here next Saturday. NEW SIOUX CITY BANK. Ed. T. Kearney of Jackson , Neb. , WI Start a 1100,000 Concern There. Sioux City , la. , Dec. 11. Presoi activities in business circles indlcal that Sioux City soon will have anotlu bank. Ed. T. Kearney of Jackso ; Neb. , one of the leading bankers < that section of the state , is making a rangements to open a bank In Sioi City shortly after the first of the yea VIBIII B B W W V HOI 42JPJHB ALL SLAIN IN ONE BATTLE IN PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. NO KILLED AMONG AMERICANS Three Months Ago Disarmament of the Entire Population of Two Province ! Was Ordered Organized Drlgand- age Had Been Going on. Lnnao , Mindanao , P. I. , Dec. 14. Forty-two Moro outlaws were killed 'oduy In an engagement with a do- ai'hineni of American scoutH.TIicro were no fatalities on the American side. The battle occurred In connec- : Ion with the campaign for suppress ing organl/cd brigandage among the Moros. The disarmament of the entire Moro population of Mindanao and Jolo was ordered by the American military authorities three months ago , followIng - Ing a number of murderous attacks on Americans. Since that time the troops have boon engaged in carrying out the order. Most of the chiefs gave up their weap ons peaceably , but there have been a uorlcs of sharp engagements with ban dits. The casualties among the Ameri cans have been few. SHOT MRS. KAUFMAN. Ono of the Bandits In the Party ( Caught and Confesses. Chicago , Doc. 14. "Big Fred" Bone- ham , arrested yesterday at Oakland , 111. , confessed , the police say , that he was ono of the automobile bandits who killed Mrs. Hattie Kaufman on the north side on the night ot Dec. 2. "You've got mo , " Bonclnun Is said to have confessed to the detectives who brought him to Chicago. "I was with the party that did the killing , but I did not fire the shot. "Rabenau fired the bullet that killed Mrs. Kaufman , and I had nothing to do with the murder , except to take part In the holdup. Thcro was no in tention to kill anybody , but just rob bery , that was all. "The four of us Stacey , Rabonau , Channel ! and myself were in the au tomobile and we were out to rob some body. Rabonau saw the Kaufmans and said : There * Sees a couple , let's get them. ' Channel ! stayed In the machine , and wo held up the man and tlio woman. " "The towhead , that's what wo called Ravenau , was to hold the gun and scare them while we went through them. The woman screamed and I guess 'Towhead' got nervous and pressed the trigger too hard. Then we ran to the automobile and got awar from the neighborhood. Afterward th * gasoline gave out nnd we abandoned the car. " FOOT OF THE BEE. Strong Claws and Flexible Pads For Rough and Smooth Surfaces. The seeming miracle of Inswts walkIng - Ing nonchalantly on n celling Is ex plained by TIckner Edwardes , chair man of the British BpekeeperR1 asso ciation , in bis book on "The Lore of the Honeybee. " Insects owe such pow er , it appears , to an Ingenious device which Is well illustrated in the foot of the bee. She has n pair of short , strong dou bio claws , which will take her securely over nil but the smoothest and shiniest surfaces , and It Is with these clnwt * that bees form themselves into densu clusters and knots and cables within the hive , holding hand to hnnd. as It were. In all directions. But when there is nothing for the claw to hold by another part of the foot comes Into piny. This Is a soft , flexible pad. which Is always covered by a thick , oily exudation. In walking the bc puts her fuet down three nt a time , the pads adhering Instantly they come into contact with the smooth surface. At the nest step the other three pads come Into play , while the first three are stripped off. But each foot la capable of attaching and detaching it- elf Independently of Its fellows. In this case , we learn , "tho strip ping Is accomplished by downward pressure of the claws of the same foot. " Saxons. faxon is from "seax , " a sword , ami so the "Men of the Sword. " In the early days the Saxons took for them selves such names as "Bloody Ax , " "Skull Cleaver , " "Death's Head. " name * which In no way belled their original character. The "berserker ruge" of the old Vikings spread death 'Hid destruction all around the coasts which they haunted , nnd by the terror of their name they led the Christians to put lute their litany the prayer , 'Deliver us. O Lord , from the fury of the North men. " Very terrible were these old Saxons , and to this day the most dreadful of all the people on thu fnco of the earth , when they are thor- orouguly roused , are the descendant * of the same Men of the Sword. New York American. Not Full GrUf. "Gladys Is very strict In her Ideas about the appropriate touch in dress. " "Is shcr "So much so that when her half sister died she would not wear any but half mourning- Baltimore Ameri can