EVEN AUOG SAVES _ VBN u dog ; \Yliy Don't You - saves. wi y 1"t y ° a Start & BANK ; f1 ; , liank account ? It is a natural instinct \vitli every living crcattii'o who does C..pytlKl.l9.bC.K.2inm.rm.nC..N.j . . ! , | llot I101'18'1 ' wilh " season In suve somethiiiK for u time of need. Saving is HIM' natural instinct whiHi every one should follow. Civili- /alion provides the bank , u better piano for saving than natiiro has ever pro\idcd. Why dmi't you start a bank account today ? A dollar is all . \ < > u in-oil lo start nix1. BMSMMATIOMPM . . ' JM-.QR.j-'OLtl . UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY Mince Meat and Fruit Cake Wo are ready to fill your Thanksgiving order for our fa mous Home Made Mince Meat and noueoniparahle Kruit Cake. Those who know don't have to be told , hut those who don't well , just try them. Phone us your order now. PARISH "Good Things to Eat. " A Complete Bakery , a Model Grocery \t Bell 69 PHONES : Auto 1159 Hand Painted China Wo imvo just received our first shipment of hand-painted china from Miss Cough , of Perry , Iowa. Coino In and see it. Make your Christmas selec tions earlq. Fleming's Pharmacy Pacific Hold Bell Phone Auto Black 164 1164 PHONE AUTO TAXI 400 1114 Day and night service. City ixnd country driving. Prompt service. Careful nd efficient drivers. Hack and transfer line in con nection. STAR BARN Q. M. Dudley , Prop. 111 No. 3rd. ANNOUNCEMENT To iny Friends and Patrons : I have reopened my dental offices in Room No. 12 , Bishop Block ; would be pleased to have you call. Or. R. A. Mlttlestadt , Dentltt. PlLGEIVS VINEYARD For Best Lunch and REFRESHMENTS [ Finest of Bakery Goods iRY PILGERS BREAD LATE FICTION "The Hollow Needle" 'The Phantom of the Opera" "Captivating Mary Car- tairs" and many others. CHRISTOPH Druggiit Norfolk , Neb i PERSONALS. L. Forgrave of Honesteel was her on business. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Hackler c Gregory were visitors in the clt : Mr. Hackler has been a. member c \ the grand jury at Sioux Falls and I returning home. He is being mention ed for the state troasurorshlp. Among the day's out-of-town visit ors in Norfolk were : Mabel Hanson , Verdel ; I. . Foreman , Fowler ; H. Frlcko , jr. , Madison ; Q. H. Scott , Fill- lortou ; W. L. Dowllng , ( iraco Mor- rail , Miullsoii ; I ) . A. Sinclair , Winner ; A. H. Orvls , Yankton ; H. V. Wilson , Hutto ; L. Kohl , Wayne ; .1. M. Strahn , Wayne ; H. Welch , Way no ; W. A. Haldwiu , Hethany ; L. .1. Doming , llutte ; II. H. Horning , Ilutte. Coughing at Night moans loss of sleep , which is bad for everyone. Foley's Honey and Tar Compound stops the cough at once , relieves the tickling and dryncss in the throat and heals the inflamed membranes. Prevents a cold devel oping into bronchitis or pneumonia. Keep always in the house. Refuse substitutes. For sale by all drug gists. Report Sixty Drowned. Vienna , Nov. 24. The Austrian steamer Romania , was wrecked todaj near Rovingo. It is reported thai sixty persons were drowned. A siroc co swept the coast of the Adriatic foi three days and caused much damage to shipping. Sometimes a raise of salary can b ( secured only by a change of positions So watch the help wanted ads ! A Household Medicine that stops coughs quickly and cure ; coldo Is Foley's Honey and Tar Com pound. Mrs. Anna Pelzer. 2526 Jeffer son St. , So. Omaha , Neb. , says : " can recommend Foley's Honey am Tar Compound as a sure cure lo coughs and colds. It cured my daugh ter of a bad cold and my neighbor Mrs. Benson , cured -herself- and he whole family with Foley's Honey am Tar Compound. Everyone in ou neighborhood speaks highly of it. ' For sale hy all druggists. WILLIAMS BOUND OVER Man Who Used Revolver On Leslie Johns Taken to Jail , Clifford U'lllliiiiiK , who was arrest- on chaws filed hy Leslie .lolum for trying to ) < lll Johns with a 'IS-callbor revolver , wan hound over to the dis trict court by .ludgo Kisoloy IiiHt eve ning. Williams donlfd having been at the Johns hotnu at the tlino of the ! shooting. Hotli Mr. and Mrs. Johns , appeared against him In court. Illn . bonds were fixed at $200 hut lie was I unable to produce thin amount and 1 was taken to the county Jail by Con stable FliikhoiiHo. Mrs. Johim declared both she and her sister weio In the front room when Williams came on the porch and asked Johns to step out. They both heard the shot Immediately af terward. ! Doforo leaving Norfolk for the county jail a woman ciimo to visit him. She brought him it change of clothing and took away an old suit of clothes Williams were when lie was arrested. Mrs. Johns' sister , with whom police say Williams was infatuated , did not appear in court. Bnck.iche , Headnche , Nervousness and rheumatism , both In mun and women , mean kidney trouble. Do not allow it to progress beyond the roach of medicine , but stop It promptly with Foley Kidney 1'llls. They regulate the action of the urinary organs. Tonle in action , quick in results , For sale by nil druggists. THURSDAY TIDINGS. John Hush of Omaha , national bank examiner , is bore on business. Louis Letlerer has gone to Kansas City to spend a week's vacation with friends. Edward Damn returned from Oma ha Wednesday , having made the trip in an automobile. J. Knoll , formerly a partner in the firm of Miskimmins & Knoll , has moved to Lincoln. T. J. Hunter of Ouster , S. D. , IK spending the winter with his diuigh tor , .Mrs. John Phinney. Miss Lillian Marquardt has gone t < St. Joseph , Mo. , to accept a position with the S. & II. Trading Stamj company. Uenjamin Hull has bought a part nership In the Gus Cades restauranl which has been opened In the reai of the Cades store on Third stree and Norfolk avenue. Mrs. F. Nachmacher , who was hen visiting with her mother , Mrs. Jullui Degner , has returned to her home a Ashapon , WIs. Mrs. Dognor's grand daughter , Miss Anna Schneider , als < of Ashapon , wjll remain in Norfoll to live with her grandmother. Mrs. W. R. Hoffman was called t < Omaha again Wednesday. Her fathe is reported very low. P. A. Seller has moved his famil ; to Norfolk Irom Verdel. Mr. Seilc will live at-310 Sonth Eleventh street There are eight members of tin Norfolk fire department that cai play fifes. At the regular practice I last night eight of the members show Absolutely MEW Pianos Low as 24 Hundreds of Excellent Rebuilt and Refinished Upright "I7serf" Pianos $ Low as Scores of Fine , Slightly used Organs $ to go at as low as , each . . . O Entire "overproduction" of 17 manufactur ers to be forced out during November and December. Freight prepaid One-fifth of price brings a piano to your home for trial satisfaction or your money back. Send for circular describing i ooo phenomenal "Cash" Piano Values. WRITE aT ONCE. I/SE THE COUPON PRINTED BELOW VWWW WWVWV W WWW VtW W * W W WWVV * The Bennett Co. , Omaha , Neb. Plcaso send mo your * Special Syndicate Sale cash price list of Pianos at once. Name Address. nnnnr-- YOUR REQUEST TO The Bennett Co. 1 Gth and Harney Sis. , O/tfAff/1 / , NEB. " oil their ability with flfo playing. Tin * fife and drum corps of the depart ment IK progressing ; \ery sntUfactoi lly to Its leaders. .Joseph Ijpllng. formerly malinger of ( he Cloorgo llaton hilllaid parlors , which were icceiitly purchased by ! { . M.Vadilell. . has accepted a similar position with J. 10. Montague , j The Pobblim homo on the corner of' ' Thirteenth street ami Park avenue , has been completed. Mr. Dobbins IN a piomtneiit ictlrod farmer of Wayne county and comes to Norfolk to retire from active farm work. Lieut , l.orln llruoggeiuan announces that the fourth annual halt of tin * Nor folk militia company will be held on Thanksgiving night , but that tin * dance will not be started until after the Ad club nhow has ended. Lieut. Hruoggemaii. himself , has a feature part. In the play. Several Union Pacific officials vis- ted Norfolk Wednesday and exam ined the progress on the constiuctlou of the now Union Pacific passenger lopot , which they pronounced satis factory. Among the officials wore : Supt. Schoiinerhorn. Supt. W. A. Con- kiln , of buildings and bildgof , and lloadnuiHtor Thomas Wade. In command of ( 'apt. .lay lllght. twenty-five Norfolk boy scouts will make ono of the longest "hikes" they have ever made Saturday by march ing to Pierce , returning from that city by train Saturday evening. The scouts have been ordered to assemble on the corner of Ninth street and Norfolk avenue at 0 o'clock Saturday morning with full uniforms and sup plies of food The railroad track will bo followed to Pierce , where the boys will either give an exhibition "bear hunt' or do some scout work for the benefit of the Pierce boys. TEN WORKMEN KILLED. Liverpool , Nov. ! ! ! . Ten workers were killed and fifty others injured as the result of an explosion at J Bllby & Sons oil cake mills here to day. WHAT BECAME OF HIM ? Telegraph Operator Who Was In Po lice Court Here , Has Disappeared. What has become of K. J. Hiordan the telegraph operator whom the po lice asked to leave the city ? Author ! ties at Freeport , 111. , where the oper ator's wife and babies are living have asked the Norfolk police to give them information of the man. Uior dan's wlfo wrote him while he was telegrapher at St. Charles S. D. , ilnr ing the Rosebud land rush , that she was in need of money and that the , babies needed shoes because of the cold weather. When the rush wa over Hiordan was paid off and givei a ticket to Froeport. He landed ii Norfolk fully intoxicated and wa taken in by the police. lie declared lie had plenty of mon ey before he became drunk. Th police found him lying unconscious i an obscurO part of tJho"clty. A da later he was again taken in and fiue ( in Judge Eiseley's court. Ho the was given a deed to some proper ! and a ticket to Freeport , 111. , whic were found on his person. He sai ( it was his first offense and that li was anxious to get back to his wit and children. Nothing has bee heard of him at Freeport since h left St. Charles. Bring in your ducks and geese b next Tuesday. Chickens wanted also C. .1. Vail , successor to F. L. Esta brook. On The TAGE FIRST RANK SHOW IS HERE TONIGHT BRADY'S PRODUCTION OF HILAR IOUS COMEDY , "BABY MINE , " AT AUDITORIUM. You will laugh till your bides ache at the Auditorium tonight when yoi see "Baby Mine , " the great Margare Mayo comedy that has attracted sucl widespread attention over the United States and Europe for the past year is presented in Norfolk for the firs time. It is the first visit of William A. Urady's company to the west am Norfolk is getting to see the show ahead of many of the big cities. Th troupe is Just returning from San Francisco where it opened the ne\ Cert theater. Many magazine and newspaper critics have pronounced "Uaby Mine" the funniest coined } ever written. The seat sale has been lively am pretty nearly all Norfolk will be a the Auditorium tonight that is , a ! of theatergoing Norfolk. The and enco will be a big one , as it ought t bo for this class of attraction. An. Brady show that comes along may b depended upon to rank as a top-note event. This Is Just the sort of a play t turn tears into laughter , and to giv life a rosy hue so sayeth one of Ent land's most famous critics , wher "Baby Mine" is now running at SI Charles Wyndham's Criterion thea ter. in London , and it should be born In mind that over in I.ondontown the hove heretofore held a strong prejm let * against plays of American mam facture. so this superlative praise i i favor of "Baby Mine" Is all the mor remarkable. | "Baby Mine , " unlike many a so-call eil fun play , gets hold of the funny bone of its audience at the very out set and proceeds to tickle it for twc and a half hours , not moderately , noi modestly , hut boisterously and stren ANNOUNCEMENT I have reopened a Jewelery Store with my optical department. I will carry a reliable line of Watches , Clocks , Jewelery , Silver Ware and Optical Goods. Having had 30 years experience in the Jew elery businsss in Norfolk before gives me an expert knowelege of goods in that line. Any article I sell is always guranteed to be as represented. I am now ready to show a new up-to-date line of desirable goods. Now is the best time to select Christmas presents , we will lay it away for you until wanted. Expert Watch and Jewelry Repairing , All Work Warranted First Class C. F. W. Marquardt 414 Norfolk Ave. . Norfolk , Nebr. Next Time You Need Flour Order BON-TON uously , until the audience fairly shouts with glee. A young married couple are quarreling at the very be ginning of the performance. In a towering rage , the young husband leaves the house and remains away for three months after which period the clever young wife makes up her mind that woman's ingenuity should be sufficient to formulate a scheme to bring back her wandering better- half. The wife consults a friend who opines that the wlfo wire the absent husband that he is the proud father of a lusty infant , and the friend vol unteers to hire a baby for the oc casion. A child is secured for the purpose , but the husband appears on the scnie sooner than expected , and even before the child is brought Into his house. In the meantime , the real mother of the baby is seized witli re morse , and demands her child back. Again the friend rushes off to get an other baby and it is In the subse quent complications incident to the arrival and rescue of this child that the complications take on an amaz ingly amusing respect. The fun once started , is kept up the very end of the comedy , with never a suggestion of a let-up. Throughout the entire three acts the fun of "Baby Mine" is of the clean , wholesome , cheerful sort with never the least bit of suggestiveness - ness to mar the enjoyment of the per formance. Manager Brady has sent to tills city most of the company that played "Ba by Mine" in New York all of last season. "It is a pleasure to tell you that Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is the best cough medicine I have ever used , " writes Mrs. Hugh Campbell , of Lavonia , Oa. "I have used it with all my children and the results have been highly satisfactory. " For sale by all dealers. South Norfolk. Andrew J. Caufield of Knox counfy. United at the home of M. Moollck last evening on Ills way homo from Omaha where he had been with a carload of cattle. H. Scharping , the hollermaker fore man , went to Clinton yesterday to move his family to Norfolk. Miss Mildred Murphy of Inman transacted business here yesterday. Mrs. Calla Scott Wlllard , state sec retary of the C. W. B. L. , of Bethany , Neb. , was in the city yesterday stop ping at yie home of Mrs. H. V. Kvans and leaves for Clearwater this eve ning. Only One "BROMO QUININE , " that Is " * * " " on Laxative box. Cures a Cold In One Day , Grfpin 2 Days A REST AND HEALTH TO MOTHER AND CHILD. v MRS. WINSLOWH SOOTIUNO SvHUp has beet nsed for over SIXTY YltAKSliy MIU.ION8 ot MOTIUJKS for their CHU.URKN WHIUt TUHTHINC , with 1'KRl'KCT 8UCCUSS. It BOOTHHS the CIIII.I ) , 8OITKN8 the GUMS , ALLAYS nil PAIN ; CUKI'.S WIND COLIC , and Is the best remedy ( or UIAKKI1CBA. It is ab solutely harmless , lie sure and aslc for "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup , " and Ute no kind. Twenty-five cent * B bottle. Our "Best Yet" Deal You run no risk , as we stand behind every can in this ( leal. 1 cans Corn 4 cans Tomatoes 2 cans I'cas 1 can Kraut 1 can String lieans 1 can Pumpkin 1 can Hominy 1 can .Apples 1. " ) onus for $1.4o. Yours for business , Paul Luebcke 221 Norfolk Ave. Bell Phone 353. Auto 1353. Free Delivery. Open till 10 P. M.