The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, November 24, 1911, Page 3, Image 3

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roduc Quotation * On Chicago Ex
change Wall Street Conditions
Latest Grain and Live stock Wire
Report * from Chicago and Omaha.
South Oinaliu , Nov. 24. Cattle Ho-
colptH , 500. Market steady ; native
HtoerH , $ l.r.OCi7.50 ; cows and heifers ,
$ : i.OU < & 5.25 ; western steers , $ , ' ! .7fi5
( ! .7fi ; TOXUH HtoiTH , $ 'l.50 ( < / > r > .IO ; cows
and heifers , $3.00dj > 5.00 ; canners ,
$2.75(0:1.50 ( : ; stockers and feeders , $ : i.2i [
(7/15.75 ( / ; calves , $2.50 < i 7.50 ; bulls ,
Hlags , etc. , $ : ! .25 < fi > 1.00.
I logs Receipts , 0,000. Market
steady ; heavy , $ ( i.tOffl.40 ; ( ; mixed ,
$0.1 fif0.85 ! ' ; light , $000 030 ; pigs ,
$4.50if5.50 ; bulk of sales , $6.15Q ( >
Sheep Receipts , 4,500. Market
H toady ; yearlings , $3.05@ > 4.15 ; woth-
rs , $ U.15f ( < : i.50 ; ewes , $2.05(0 ( 3.25 ;
lamlm , $1.755T5.40.
Chicago , Nov. 21. Cattle Estimat
ed receipts , 2,000. Market steady ;
beovc's , $4.5009.00 ; Texas steers ,
$4.0005.70 ; western steers , $4.100
7.30 ; Htockera and feedorfl , $5.000
5.00 ; COWH and lieifers , $1.8005.80 ;
calves , $5.5008.25.
Hogs Estimated receipts , 24,000.
Market slow , u shade up ; light , $5.75
© 6.40 ; mixed , $6.0500.60 ; heavy ,
$6.1006.62 % ; rough , $6.0506.30 ; good
to choice heavy , $6.3006.62 % ; pigs ,
44.2505.65 ; bulk of sales , $6.2506.50.
Sheep Estimated receipts , 6,000.
Market lOc higher ; native , $2.25 ©
3.70 ; western , $2.4003.70 ; yearlings ,
$3.6504.50 ; lambs , native , $3.500
Car Lot Receipt * .
Wheat 17 cars , with 8 of contract
Corn 251 cars , with 107 of contract
Oats 129 cars.
Total receipts of wheat at Chicago ,
Minneapolis and Duluth today were
542 cars , compared with 679 cars last
Chicago , Nov. 21. Rain interfering
with harvest in the Argentine had a
tendency today to send the wheat
market higher. So did fresh reports
of black rust. Cable dispatches from
: i Chicago expert stated that In the
central part of Cordoba for a distance
of soventy-flvo miles every lot of
wheat examined showed more or less
Corn swung upward with wheat.
Oats showed flmness owing to buyIng -
Ing on the part of cash houses.
The fact that the hog run west was
less than last week had influence
with traders in provisions.
Wheat Open.
Dec 95V4- %
May 1.00- %
July 94 % . %
Wheat High. Low Close.
Dec 93 % .95 .95
May . . . .1.00 % 1.00- % 1.00- %
July 94-95 .94 % .94 } ' ,
Corn Open.
Dec 64-Vi
July , 64- %
Corn High. Low. Close.
Dec 64 % .63 % .G4-y
May 65 % .64 % .61 %
July 65 .64- % .64- %
Oats- Open.
Dec 47 %
May 49 %
July None.
Oats High. Low. Close.
Dec 47- % .47 % .47 %
May 50 .40 % .49 %
July . . . .46-Vt .45-46 .45-46
Chicago , Nov 24. Butter Market
.steady ; creameries , 25@33c ; dairies ,
4J3 < 0 > 29c.
Eggs Market firm ; receipts , 2.SG1
cases ; at mark , cases included , 22 ®
28c ; firsts , 2SQ30c.
Cheese Market steady ; dalsles.t
1415c ; twins , 14V ® 15c ; young
Americas , 144@15c ; long horns , 14 %
( JflGc.
Potatoes Market easy ; choice to
fancy , 8800c ; fair to good , 85@8Sc.
Poultry Market firm ; turkeys ,
10c ; live , IGc ; chickens dressed , 0
@ 10c ; springs , live , Oc.
Veal Market steady ; 50 to 60-lb.
Omaha , Nov. 24. The Omaha grain
market closed today as follows :
Wheat No. 2 hard , 99c@$1.02 ;
No. 3 hard , 97c@$1.01 ; No. 4 hard.
Com No. 2. 62(5162c ( ; No. 4 , 59 %
( tTeo c ; low grade , 58 < 3'58c ' ; No. 2
yellow , 62ilf63c ; No. 2 white , 63 ®
Oats No. 3 white , 47 © 47 Vic.
Rye No. 2 , 9394c ; No. 3 , 9293c.
New York , Nov. 24. Close Prime
mercantile paper. 4 < Jf4 % per cent.
\ Sterling exchange Steady , with ac
tual business in bankers' bills at
4.S3.75 for sixty-day bills and at 4.86.50
for demand.
Cominorclnl bills-1.S3.
Unr silver fi.c
Mexican fldllnrs- ' .
IJomlH--thm-niiucnt , steady ; mil-
road , Im-Kuliir
.MoneyOn call , stonily at 2960 2 %
per cent ; ruling rate , 2 % per cent ;
closing bid 2 per cent ; offered at
2'j { pur cent
Tlmo loans - Stt > tul > ; sixty days , 3"i
' ( /ii'u per ( flit. nliii't > days , I ! % pel-
cent , nt\ months , : : < / < . ! ( ft i percent.
Whukt I > 9tc
Rye gee
( torn 66c
OaU 42c
( This market furnished by Farmers
Grain & Live Stock Co. )
Corn | .65
Ear corn 50
Wheat 05
Hogs G.GO
Hay 10.00
OaU 42
No. 3 shelled corn 58
Look at that advertised apartment.
It might bo what you want and It
mightn't. But you'll lose nothing , and
may profit by looking.
Cliff Williams Uses Revolver.
Clifford Williams , a local plumber
and a character whoso name has boon
on the police docket BO often that
Judge Elseley declares him a nuis
ance , Is back in jail with n serious
charge against him. Williams last
evening fired a bullet at Leslie Johns
at 715 South Fourth street because
Johns objected to Williams going out
with his wife's slater. As the 38-
callbor gun held by Williams was
fired , Johns dodged and the bullet
narrowly missed the man's head and
Imbedded itself in the sldo of the
Johns' home.
The shooting took place on the
porch of the home after Williams had
called Johns to the door and Informed
him that he was about to put him
"out of commission. "
Later in the evening Williams , fol
lowed by Constable Finkhouse , threw
off his coat and jumped Into a sewer
ditch. The officer secured the gun
from the coat pocket without Will-
lams' notice and then placed him un
der arrest. Williams reached into the
coat pocket and might have made
good his threat to "kill any officer
sent out by Johns to arrest him , " had
the constable left the gun in the
coat pocket.
Johns was employed by a farmer
on Wednesday to help butcher hogs.
In an accident on the farm a barrel
containing boiling water was spilled
over Johns' hands and he went home
to lime the Injuries looked after. He
was in the house only a moment when
Williams , who was standing on the
other side of the street , stepped on
the porch and called him out. Williams
then drew a revolver and aimed it
at Johns' head , declaring that he
would put him out of commission ,
lust as Williams pulled the trigger ,
Johns dodged and the bullet sped
tinrmlessly by Johns' head.
Williams then jumped from the
l > oreh and started to run from the
liouse. He returned later and told
Johns that the officer who came to
arrest him would be killed. Johns ,
badly frightened , ran to Justice Lam
bert's office. He found Constable
Finkhouse who followed Williams un
til he had an opportunity to arrest
Has a Bad Record.
Williams has a long chain of ro
mances credited to him by the police
and it is one of these romances which
has led to this serious predicament.
Last year his father , William Will
lams , died as the result of a bottle
of alcohol breaking in his pocket and
then catching fire. From that time
on Clifford Williams lived with the
widowed stepmother whom he treated
badly , often beating her so that the
police were called to her assistance.
A few months ago the stepmother re
married and Clifford has been taking
on affinities as fast as they appeared.
On two occasions he was taken In by
the police for being in company with
women whose husbands were away
from the city. A few weeks ago , ac
cording to the police , Williams played
the "gun man" and chased from Nor
folk a man with whose wife he had
become infatuated. While living with
this woman Williams was paying
attention to the slater of Mrs. Johns.
When searched at the police station
ho denied having carried a revolver.
"I have been here often and the po
lice have never found a concealed
weapon on my person , " he declared.
Constable Finkhouse then appeared
and displayed the revolver he had
taken from Williams' coat. Williams
did not deny ownership then. "I guess
I have a right to carry that with mete
to protect myself , haven't I ? " he ask
ed. He was informed that it was a
penitentiary offense and then Will-
lams declared that it would bo Im
possible for Johns to make any com
plaint against him.
Johns , himself , Is known to the po
lice. Neighbors recently called the
police , alleging that Johns had beaten
his wife.
The Sack Walked.
Farmers bringing live cats Into
town just to "get rid of them. " be
ware !
Constable A. W. Finkhouse declares
one joke is enough and that he will
not answer for his actions If another
sack of live cats ranging in ages from
a few months to several years Is de
posited in his front yard. The con
stable found a sack lying Innocently
in his yard and , when he was about
to pick it up , the sack started to walk
away. The sack was finally captured
and the constable found n local busi
ness man willing to take over the
cats , which are now chasing rats in
a cellar.
A few weeks ago the constable
found another sack filled with cats In
bin yard unl n aln found people who
would lake INIic ( if them.
"It's truelty to animal * . " ho sn.v > .
"Farmers gel tired of oats In the uln-
tor and bring them to town to got
rid of them "
Rolls Perfect Ten-Pin Game.
Sidney 1) . Robertson has the dlstlncj
lion ol howling the first perfect
ucoto e\or rolled In a game of tenpins -
pins In Norfolk.
Mr. Robertson scoied twelve
straight strikes In a game last night
at the Kauffmnn alloys. It was the
first tlmo any person over had ac
complished this font In Norfolk and
It has not boon done more than a
half do/.on times In the history of
Nebraska , accoidlng to local bowlers.
After ho had rolled cloven straight
strikes the ciowd of spectators became -
came Intensely excited and there was
a dramatic moment before the last
ball shot out down the alley to sweep
away the ton remaining pins that
stood between the player and a 300-
score. Mr. Robertson at this mo
ment was seized with a very natural
attack of ' buck fever , " and It requir
ed four starts before ho finally let
the big wooden sphere spin from his
fingers and thunder down the long
narrow track , marking a perfect path
as It headed straight for the leader
pin and sent down nl' ten crashing ,
conquered , to the mat.
There was a hilarious shout by the
crowd over the record that had been
made. Immediately after this Robert
son rolled two more games with
scores of 214 and 217. Previous to
this ho had held the local record of
the last three years with 270.
The tinder of an anlcln of value
should advertise his flnd. Perbaps the
loser's anxiety to recover his property
will lead him to advertise but , the
finder's anxiety to restore It should
lead him to ndvortlin.
A want ad campaign will sell that
automobile or that carriage or that
machinery , or those fixtures at small
cost of tlmo or money.
Stnte of Ohio , City of Toledo. 1
Lucas County. J sa.
Frank J. Cheney makes oath tlmt he
Is iienlor partner of the firm of F. J.
' " henoy & Co. , doing business In the
city of Toledo , county nnd stnte afore
said , and that unld firm will pay the
each anil every case of Catarrh that
cannot bo cured by the use of Hall a
Catarrh Cure. FHANK J. CHENEY.
Sworn to before mo and subscribed
In my presence , this 6th day of Decem
ber. A. D. 1888. A. W. GLEASON.
( Seal ) Notary Public ,
Trail's ' Catarrh Cure Is taken Inter
nally , and acts directly on the blood
and mucous mirfacos of the system.
Send for testimonials free. , . , .
P. J. CHENEY & CO. , Toledo , O.
Sold by nil DrilRrclsts. 76c.
Take Hall's Family Pills for constl-
Chlcnico A Northwestern.
Going North. Arrive. Depart.
Winner Pasflonger. 7:10 : am
Winner PunsenK r. . 1:30 : pm
Going South Arrive. Depart.
Winner Passenger. 12:05 p m
Winner Passenger. 4:66 : pm
Going West. Arrlv * . Depart
Winner Passenger 7:00 : am
ClmcJron Passenger l:16pm :
Omaha Passenger. .12SO : p m
Winner Passenger. . 1:10 : pm
Omaha Local Pass. . 7:00 : pm
Long Pine Pass 7iepm :
Chicago and Omaha
Passenger 7:1 : * P m
Black Hills find
Lander Pass 8:06 : pm
Going East. Arrive. Depart.
Lander Passenger. . 6:16 : am
Omaha Passenger. . . ( : Iam
Winner Passenger..1Z:16 : p m
Black Hills and
Lander Pass lltlOpm
Omaha and Chicago
Passenger 13:6lpm
Winner Passenger. 6:06pm :
Omaha Passenger. . B:16pm : lS6pm :
Chicago , St. Paul , Mlnnenpoll * and
Going East Depart.
Sioux City and Omaha Pan. . 7:00 : am
Sioux City Passenger 1:16 : pm
Going West. Arrive.
Sioux City Passenger 11:06 am
Sioux City and Omaha Pan. . 7:43 : pm
UBOB Facile.
Going South. Depart.
Omaha. Denver and Pacific
Coast 11:10 : a m
Columbus Accommodation. . . 2:10 : pm
Going Worth. Arrive.
Omaha , Denver and Pacific
coast 9:25pm :
Columbus Accommodation. . . .11:68 : a m
Dully Tc nt Sunday
Fifteen vears' experience selling
live stock and farm sales. Would
like to take my coat off for you.
One cent a word per day. No .id taken
One Inch15 ( wordn ) , flrit ween $1 ftO !
for less than lOc a day Twenty-five WANTADSVANT
wordi or over , by the week , one-half WANT-ADS f/lCl' RUlSfllle t wrrl < Tf > r n nr
cent a word ner day. $3.00 a month per Inch
What Better Percent Than This ?
Business property of Battle Crook ,
Nob. , for Biilo nt $1,000.00 , routing at
$120.00 per month. Either cash or
good ronl estnto mortgages taken. A
snap that will not last long.
W. .1. Gow & Uro. , Norfolk , Nob.
'sno\v Tm3 spTiu T " OF TII R i FT
Wo opened the 101 aeries October ,
$1.00 per month per share. I'nr
value , $200.
Unlldlng and Loan Association Is n
good Investment.
T. B. ODIORNE , Secretary.
Phone Black 644.
WANTED Two or thrco good city
loans of about $1,000 each on Norfolk
residences. W. J. Gow & Bro. , Nor
DRESSMAKING Dressmaking and
plain sowing. Bell phone L 3CG , Auto
modern house , good location , 1307
Norfolk avenue. H. C. Saltier.
WANTED Union bricklayers at
Crofton , Neb. Two-story brick buildIng -
Ing , 50x90 , just started. All material
on ground. 70c per hour. Board and
room $5.00 per week. W. E. Reese ,
Crofton , Neb.
WANTED Men to prepare for au
tomobile business. Earn $25 or more
weekly. Learn In our largo shops.
Complete equipment. Largo touring
cars. Machinery , lathe , drill press ,
forgo. Write National Auto Training
Association , Omaha , Neb.
WANTED Good girl for general
housework. Phone Red 108.
WANTED Two experienced dining
room girls at once. Johnson Hotel ,
WANTED Girl for general house
work In family of three. No chil
dren. Good wages. Mrs. J. M. O'Con-
neil , Ponca , Neb.
FOR RENT Furnished rooms for
light housekeeping. Bell phone A 507.
FOR RENT Largo front room in
modern house next to Y. M. C. A. Gen
tlemen only. Phone Bell B 306. Auto
FOR RENT Furnished room three
blocks from postoffice. 418 South
TWO unfurnished rooms In mod
ern house for light housekeeping ;
with hot and cold water In rooms and
sink In connection ; privilege of bath.
Phone 151 ; 105 South Eighth street.
FOR RENT 4 unfurnished rooms ,
down stairs ; best location In town.
400 North Tenth. Cheap at $15 per
month. Call Auto 2030 or Auto 211C.
FOR RENT Barn back of my of
fice. T. E. Odiorne.
5-room house for rent , 405 North
Twelfth street , $10.00 a month. Phone
Black 580.
FOR RENT My residence , modern
7-room house , 308 South Ninth street.
Phone 428 or call on D. S. Estabrook.
F. L. Estabrook.
LOST Last night , a pocketbook
containing $50.00. Reward if return
ed to A. Campbell , 717 Pierce street. j
I will soil at public1 auction on the J. S. Craig farm , 1
mile south and 4 miles west of the Citizens Bank of Norfolk ,
Neb , on Wednesday. Nov. 29 ( sale begins at 10 o'clock sharp ) ,
the following described property , to-wit :
Eight head of horses , consisting of 1 gray mnre 7 years
old. weight 1,400 Ibs. , with foal ; 1 gray mare 12 years old ,
weight 1,400 Ibs. , with foal ; 1 bay mare 7 years old , weight
1,150 Ibs. ; 1 gray mare 7 years old , weight 1.150 Ibs. ; 1 gray
gelding 3 years old , weight 1,500 Ibs. ; 1 Perchcron horse colt
7 months old , 1 team of bay geldings 8 and 12 years old ,
weight 1,400 Ibs. each. i
Twenty head of cattle , consisting of 5 good milch cows , !
all will be fresh in December nnd January ; 7 yearling heifers ,
G spring calves , 1 thoroughbred Shorthorn bull.
Thirty-four head of hogs , consisting of 5 brood sows , aver i
age in weight 450 Ibs. ; 5 thoroughbred Duroc Jersey boars , i
average weight 200 Ibs. ; 12 gilts , average 200 Ibs. each ; 12 !
barrows , average 200 Ibs. each. These are spring pigs , all
thoroughbred Duroc Jerseys , also the brood sows.
Farm Implements Three lumber wagons all complete , 1
top buggy run one year , 2 riding cultivators , 1 riding plow
nearly new , 1 grass mower run two years , 1 three-section drag ,
3 sets of work harness all in good shape , 1 single buggy har
ness , 1 set of bobsled runners , about 22 tons of hay in stack , I
about 500 bushels of ear corn in crib. All my household goods , j
including 2 stoves , 1 bedroom suite and many other articles
too numerous to mention.
Terms of Sale. All sums under $1U.L)0 ) cash , all sums over
$10.00 a credit of nine months time will be given with bank
able note drawing 8 per cent , interest from date of sale.
W. H. SPEEOE , Owner.
Col. W. H. Smithers , Auctioneer. J. E. House , Clerk.
Ono of the best rolling farms In
Wnyno Co. , Neb ; black dirt top soil ,
clay sub-soil , 15 acres fine alfalfa , 10
of timber , 40 acres fenced hog tight ,
10 acres hay meadow , 12 acres timothy
and clover , good bluegrass pasture
with running water , good eight-room
house , big barn , nnd plenty of out
buildings ; corn , 40 bu. per acre ; oats ,
25 per acre ; not bad for an off year ;
four nnd one-half miles from Hosklns ,
Nob. $500 will linndlo this until March
1 ; $3,500 March 1 , balance flvo to ten
years at 5 % per cent. LOOK THIS
160 Imp. , 4 % miles southwest of Pll-
ger , Neb. , lays good , good grove , small
orchard , and a bargain for the money ;
all In cult. , but 15-acro pasture ; will
show you corn that will make 50 bu.
per acre. This land has clay subsoil
and IB productive. For quick sale
will take $60 per acre ; $500 will han
dle this until March 1 , or $300 If you
can't spare $500 , and will carry $6,400
ono to four and flvo years.
Good 160 flvo mllcB southwest of
Mklnson , Neb. , nt $35.00 per aero for
residence , Inc. property or rndso.
160 good hay land near Emmctt ,
Neb. , nt $30 per aero. What have you
to offer ?
I have lands for mdso. and mdso.
for lands , and can match any kind of
deal or can fit you out for cash on
easy terms.
"The Land Merchant , "
Norfolk , Neb.
YOU have heard about the famous
Saskatchewan District of Canada and
Its wheat fields , go on ono If our
excursions to Cauda and sco this won
derful country. Fertile wheat lands
now selling for $18 to $25 per acre
are constantly advancing In price. A
good opportunity for bomcseeker and
Investor. Write for copy of free book ,
"A Guide to the Last West , " and next
excursion date. P. H. Davis , Dlst.
Mgr. Luso Land & Development Co. ,
Citizens Natl. Bank Bldg. , Norfolk.
$ 47TOO PROFlT OlTYOU Tn choice
section wheat land near Denver , $8.50
per acre , half cash. Worth $15 per
aero now. F. B. Hammond , Colorado
Bldg. , Denver , Colorado.
11. 320 acres four miles from
Pierce , Neb. ; good house , barn , cribs ,
hog house , chicken house , tool house ,
well , wind mill , fine grove , walnut ,
ash , box elder and cottonwood tim
ber. This is a nice level farm at $60
per acre. Owner Is forced to sell.
1C. 145 acres Improved farm ad
joining city limits of Norfolk , good
sot of improvements , all valley land.
Price $137.50 per acre. Good proposi
tion to sub-divido and will make an
excellent dairy or stock farm. Rea
sonable terms.
1C. 160 acres finely Improved farm
three miles from Elgin , Neb. , at $75
per acre.
17. $6,500 stock of general mer
chandise. This Is a nice , clean stock
and is now running. Will trade for a
quarter or half section of good farm
IS. $12,000 stock of hardware and
brick building $7,000 , In good Nebras-
ka town. Will trade for farm land of
about equal value.
Submit us your propositions.
, Yours for business ,
Room 6 , Bishop Block , Norfolk , Neb.
In the rich new Bennett Co. , South
Dakota country , recently opened for
settlement , Bennett is one of the
best watered counties In So. Dak. The
government report showed that Bennett -
nott contains the best laud of all the
Sioux reservations.
See Bennett County Now.
We have for sale deeded Indian
land , nearly every tract with running
water , rich virgin soil , ready for the
plow. Quality considered , this Is the
cheapest land In the west
Write for prices and descriptions.
If you want land for a home , or a
good Investment , look up Bennett
county. A rapid development of the
country , and rise of values Is certain.
Come to Merrlman , Neb. , the nearest
point from which to go nnd see the
Merrlman , Neb.
( On main line of C. & N. W. Ry.
between Omaha and the Black Hills. )
FOR SALE Single Comb Brown
Leghorn cockerels. Them1 are bred
from my best lu > lng IIOIIH. For quick
sale , price each. $ I.lift. Schuyler
Ransom , Pllgi < r , Neb.
FOR SALIC Yearling Dmoc-.Iernoy
male hog , eligible to recoid. Frank
Perry. Phone Cedar 2021.
HOUSEHOLD goods nnd other ar
ticles for sale , Including organ. Call
103 South Eleventh street.
Twenty pigs G weeks old , from $2.50
to $5.00 a head. One thoroughbred
Duroc-Jersey boar IS months old.
with papers. A. L. A. Walker. Phone
_ _ _
FOlT S VLT My house and 7ot nt
437 South Fourth street. W. F. Smith.
FOR SALE Lumber , coal nnd
grain business at Lynch , Neb. An
nual sales from $20,000 to $30,000.
For particulars Write S. W. Llghtner ,
St. jiMward , Neb.
FOlTSALE 10 acres "land half nifie
south of Junction depot. Price $1,000.
G. R. Seller , Room 0 , over Citizens
National Bunk bhlg.
FOR SALK Pure bred Poland
China fall boara. H. L. UcCormlck ,
B. j 310.
FOR SALE Pure bred Poland
China boars of January and March
farrow. Largo type , big-boned kind.
Ono litter by Black Dude , by Royal
Dude ; others by Stunton Hadloy , by
Hadley Chief , by niB Hadloy. Write
or call , John S. Johnson , Nowmun
Grove , Neb.
FOR SALE 160-acro farm of as
level land as any man wants , 5 %
miles northwest of Creighton , 4 %
southwest of Wlnnetoon ; good roads to
either railroad town ; well fenced and
cross fenced , good soli , good 7-room
house , rock cellar , all kinds of other
buildings ; two good wells nnd wind
mills , good water , plenty of it ; young
orchard , ash and other timber ; 130
acres under cultivation , balance pas
ture. For further particulars write
R. F. D. No. 3 , box 18 , Crolgliton , Neb.
For sale cheap. Perfect condition and
does splendid writing. Could ship on
approval and free trial. Write to
Charles N. Rlckart , Route 5 , Rosedale ,
FOR SALE My rooming bouse at
the Junction. Electric lights and fur
nace and every room is full. Good
place. Mrs. E. J. Ferguson , 1203
South First street.
No. P. 0 160 acres in the Elkhorn
Valley , 100 acres under cultivation.
Balance pasture and some timber.
Good buildings nnd everything in
good shape. Six miles from a good
town in Antelope county , Neb. This
is an ideal home , and anyone wanting
a good farm at the right price , and
will take the time to go and look this
farm over , will buy , ns this place ! b
priced $10 per acre less than it is
worth ; price $75.00 per acre. $ , " ,000
down , balance long time. Come see
it and be convinced. This place will
be off the market after Nov. 27 , so if
you want it you will have to hurry.
No. S. 11 Is a well improved 160-
acre farm. 100 acres under cultiva
tion , about one-half Is solid clay land ,
the balance black sand with clay sub
soil. Buildings consist of a new 7-
room house , new barn and granary
combined 32x50 , hen house 14x20 , new
cow shed 12x20 , cribs 8x16 and water
system for house and yards. Nice
young orchard of cherries , apples and
plums. Three and one-half miles from
Elgin , Neb , This is a very fine farm
and everyone that's a good Judge of
land will readily see that It Is a great
bargain. Price $65.00 per acre.
No. C. 20 320-acro farm , 125 acres
under cultivation ; 25 acres in timber ,
25 acres in alfalfa. Balance In pas
ture and hay. The pasture Is fenced
sheep-tight. Six-room house with cel
lar 20x48 , barn 30x48 , double corn
crib 10x18 , good granary , sheep barn
and many other smaller buildings.
Good well and windmill , nice orchard
with about fifty bearing fruit trees.
The greater part of this land Is clay ,
but some of It Is rough. Three and
one-half miles from good town In An
telope county , Neb. , and ib priced to
sell , as the party that owns It Is get
ting too old to look after It. Price
$55.00 per acre. Half cash , balance
on time.
_ Jenkins & Co. , Norfolk , Neb.
80 a. 3 % mile1Tout 6f Foster , good
lying SO. No buildings , the soil is a
sandy loam with a clay subsoil. Good
crop land , 1 mile from school , all
broke except about 15 or 20 n. And
this is cut for hay ; small grove Vs a.
in tame grapes , good improved places
all around this place. Price $4,000.
With a payment of $500 cash , and
$500 on March 1st. 1012 , and $3,00 to
run on or before five years from Mai.
1st. 1912 at 6 % , or if buyer will put
on $1,000 Improvements ho need not
pay any for five years.
160 a. 4 % miles out of Foster. Is
a fairly Improved place , with two
groves , large trees , and nicely located.
School house one-half mile from the
corner of farm ; about 100 acres in
cultivation , and balance In pasture ;
land lies nice , the soil is a sandy
loam with a clay subsoil ; the best of
crop land. Priced at $55 per acre ;
$500 cash and $1.500 March 1st , 1912.
Balance on or before 5 years , from
March 1st , 1912 , at 6 % .
Now , these two places are real bar
gains , as they lay right among land
that Is selling from $75 to $100 per
acre. Party owns this land and lives
back east and Is getting old and wants
to sell nnd the price and the terms
are right.
Foster , Neb ,
320 a. In Stutsman Co. , North Dak. ,
IS miles from Jamestown and 8 mile *
from Windsor. Has 00 a. cultivated
and two small tiets of ImprovumuntH.
Soil Is good and can all bo cultivated.
Price. $8,000 ; has loan of $2,000 , 4
yi-H. , want $6,000 stock of merchandise-
or rental property. What have vou to
A. E. 8TUBBS ,
Tllden , Neb.
A modern residence on Norfolk av
enue , $3,000. This Is a bargain , and
must bo sold at once.
My driving horse , harness and bug
gy. Thla mare In well bred , kind anil
gentle , 5 years old ; prlco right.
Residence on South 5th , all modern ,
good barn , nicely located.
Residence on North 10th street , la
good repair. JOHN FLYNN ,
The Broker.
FOR SALE I have 160 acrea oC
land joining Gregory on the southwest
that I can sell nt a bargain. There
are forty acres In cultivation , and
some Improvements. You can break
every foot of this farm. Land Join
ing Gregory is worth $100 per acre. I
will sell this farm on terms at $65
per acre or will discount this price
$400 on a cash deal. Remcmbor ,
there Is not u better lying farm In
Gregory county , soil cannot bo boat
and location Ideal. J. A. Flynn , Greg
ory , S , D.
PRESIDENT TAFT , after passing
through Sutherlln Valley , Ore. , uald :
" 1 have traveled extensively , but never
have enjoyed natural scenery as to
day. You have a paradise on earth
a country which can well bo termed
a heaven. " Write mo about the fruit
lands In Sutherlln Valley. Go on one
of our excursions , $50 round trip from
Norfolk. Send for next excursion
date and complete Information. P. H.
Davis , Dist. Mgr. Luso Land & De
velopment Co. , Citizens National Bank
Building , Norfolk.
A Dainty Trimming For the Jaunty'
Little Felt Hat.
An uttiii'li\e ; nou-lty among Ulm >
mlngs for I ! o plain soft felt hat la
made of a few v , isps of white or gray
mnrlliou , from which the daintiest lit
titblu. . kblrd's cl.nv ; iolnti upright.
Wl'h her tulluiud suit Ibis winter
milady si-cms to prefer a jaunty Ilttlo
lint of soft felt or velours , a youthful
style , which sits rather rakluhly atop
the trc-wj. Thin is usually trimmed
with a breast , a wing or a smartly
tied knot of velvet Hint Inis an Infinite
amount of style and dash.
Alluring though the charm of fun
may be , It Is a mistake to say that
any kind of fur Is becoming to a wo
man. She who is wise chooses her
furs with as much care as she does
tlu > color of her frock. The smoky
tones of gray fox are becoming to pule
people. The woman whose hair In
clines to red may choose white with
splendid advantage , and dark brown
furs are also bor-omlng to her.
The simple throe ploco Hklrt Is a
pronounced favorite mill Is n Rplrnrtld
style to use when making ov r old
materials , for several of them may be
used In the same skirt.
This May Manton pattern Is cut In sizes
from 22 to 30 Inches waist measure. Send
10 rents to this office , ( riving number , 7171.
nnJ It will bo promptly forwarded to you
liy mall If In haste tend an additional
two cent stamp for letter postage , which
Insures moro prompt delivery. In ordcr-
Int use this coupon
No 8li6.
Nama . , . „
Addron . . . . . . . . _ . ,
NorfolV D Ur N w .